Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 15, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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i nnnnv city
Oregon City Enterprise.
( It; a4 Cjob) OfflrUI Paper.
Published Kvry Friday.
L L. PORTEK, rora.Toa.
1 01)
On year
Hii months
Trial subscription two month..
A discount ol V) cent on til subscriptions
for on ver. 25 rem lor six months, if
paid in advance.
Advertising rates given on application.
8u'.scriDr will find lh dt of iplrw
Hon stamped on their papers following
tbtr nam. If Ibli dsU i nol chai'ired
withla two wees after a pavment, kindly
otify ui end w will look after It.
Entered at tfc poetofrie In Vwii City.
Or., m second das matter.
lUaver Creek..
Ceo by
Union Mills...
kdow Brook
Ktw Era
Marqaam ,
Ksde Creek....
kfsrmot ,
....Dr. T. B. Thomas
..K. I. Kiss
A Metbsr
.' Oscar Wissuurer
O J. TrtilHKr
Che. Holman
.W. H. Sewherr
B. U. Holmes
" J.Q (ia.ee
. C. T. Hard
V . ...... R- M- roir
Annie Stub
...... J. f- Menjuam
B. Jenntn
' ... llenrv A. Bevder
.11. Wiihern
J. C. Klliou
F. Grtsrh
.Geo, J. Cnrrin
Adolfh Atcboff
Post. It U understood that Ihl Pol I
a offshoot uf Mede Post, liight her
it a wrong spin!. Tho Urnd Army I
loo good i J patriotic au oiganliallon to
permit (actional trifo. Oregon City li
loo oiftll tow a to support two Post.
Even io lb ciiy of Portland thera it t
movement on foot lo units Ilia several
Posit into Otis large body which would be
a ciedit to the city and t benefit to th
Grand Aruiy. Get ij;vther, geiitlemeu.
You tie old limn and liv mad an en
viable record. 1K nol poil it by acting
like children. Before moy )er have
parsed tay the Grand Amiy till It t
memory. Let it be a memory nol marred
by t split in your rank. You flood
houldcr to shoulder in 1S(1. Maud
thoulder to aliouIJor uow. No ti aternity
can tolerate t factional tlnl and ttill be
betltby. Leaat of til the Urtnd Army
of the Republic, with ita ft decretiing
roll. Tomorrow Ma le Poat nteett to
nominate olH.-ere for the eniuing term.
It would be t graceful aol to nuke over
larva to the Comrtdrt of Uibbon Poat.
Unity it t grand word. Ptifl the tplrit
ol rivalry, flow do-a Mftde-uibbon
IHilltical faith, are devoid of underttand
ing In .the ce in H)lul. Three men are
now employed In making tnape, which,
when coiuuloled, w ill be of unoiilnuble
benefit lo the county, tnd the talariea of
thooe men are chtrgid to the tueaaor't
I0L. Mil IKK VIMTS 1 1I K i ltX
114 Anplralletit I'er the l.rgl lalure
ia a Diuiomilc Mnjerlty.
(Sunday 'a Oregonlau.)
Culorifl K.'tx-rl A. Miller, who Wat
down from trreon City yeaierday, aayi
he doea nol ileapair of IVinocratlu mo
re in Oregon nckl Jane. He acknow
lelged thai free tilver w drtd. and
that npaixK.n had come to ty, but be
thought aome quetlion might be tpruug
on the people tht would "parlre the
liepuhlh an when the lime come." lie
aid be hope to it la the I.egUltura
yet, with a majority on hi id,aud thai
tiovernor Deer may be a meiubvr of the
' When Mr. Cirer had a majority at
hi back and there were only five or tis
of u Pemocr!." hetald, "he wa al
way Introducing a resolution reading,
'Where, the Democratic party It a
very bad eel,' eW , and our Utile minor
ity had to all there and lake It. Perhapa
1 may gel even on them yet. Al leant I
am carefully ving thoee old resolution
Cocsty Assessor Ell William ha di. ,0 nti, ipn h proper time come,
charged all of hi olfic deuutie excepl .iUtiluling lha word 'Kepuhlican for
,AllNl!lllN(i (IK
An Iiilerrslliiir KniilmlMfiiro of
rioiu'tr Piijh-
ok;ovs nunr l una: sT:.iru
Krwsptpr r Arreuul r lh ! '! and ef
Ike Truglr le.il'l wf ( p alu
liedi rlt k Slur..
J, II T f
Tbe expected hppened in lh eUten
bolJiug election last Toeeday. Repub
lican eictorie were assured in nearly all
instance, and the result met the antic
ptior of the moet sanguine. 0"io
el ted George K. Nh for governor, --
ovr Kilbourne, with t plurality of netrly , f, r
one. This i in line with lh declare
lions of the Republican platform and
how a disposition on lh.it official' part
to practice economy wherever possible.
Mr. William ha been sut'j-ct to a great
deal of criticism during the past few ,
'Democrat.' "
Mb. I Aalmry U1hlt
(The American Press.)
The Portland Morning Orrgooian In
anticipation of lh promised world' fair
which ia to be held lu lhat city In 1W3
in clebration of it one humlrvih annl
montl.ior reuimng inree uepuu wrMry hiJ aw pocket handbook of
his office, but the work of the aeeor . po-Hand and adjacent territory of more
thi year, at compared with former J than usual Inierrst.
jeirs. I not generally understood by AnJrew Carurgi giv li.uO.OtO for t
the public, tnd tome men, of tuothcr'pjly technical school at Pittsburg.
,r ijrwv w'' yy
Tbe removal of Hie remains uf t'aplalu
Frederick Mope from the riiUoo laud
U Milwaukle cemetery rei-alU a notable
Incident In the early lil.tory of Oregon,
the launching of the teamr "!ot ' hit
comh." "The 8i.ttor" of date of
January 2, Ittl give th Mlolng
aixouiil of the event and of the Irsglc
tleaib of Captain Morse. :
"The launching of a tesmboat, such
a the r!'ity of lb one lhat he I
this anlcle, wa oiniihln4 nrw In !
territory, We hv Itmn Informe l lhat
It was partirlpted In by a large numbur
of persons, resident and traiiger.
Chri.tui wss truly a proml day for
Mile silk ie. Weregrallo slate lhat the
di-atti of very estimable man nvure.!.
The "Star" aay. that of Captain Fred
trick Motse, of the schooner Merrhsnt
man, while la tbe art of lotuhlng fir lo
a cannon wa instantly killed by the
bursting of th piece, wliU h wa hlowu
into stoma, and fragment acatterrd
for some ditnce, InjuMng no one, how
ever, but Captain Morse. A fragment
of th gun struck him in the nm k l
low the jtw, carrying awty one hlf of
Content of the neck, breaking th vsr'.r
btieof the rieck and luef j. ne.
.T.T.T.'a jXhua ll ever I with ne mortal. Truly
r VVS A in th midst of IK we are In deaih.
4 i Captain Morse waa a man who bad ae
Ititll ltc $ k'tttiitu nut IVmvli vf
nt'M nivl ll'M iVntolm iv'lilrr
OiHiiin.Mof j'luKf ir Mjju-x.iI.
iLU, Urn
liln i i nmm
Apcifcd Hi-iui'd forron?llw
Hon. Sour Suiuwh.I)i.in"N,rt
Wuritw .I'oiwiNmitH iVnri-.h-nrat
nihl Lomh or hu.rp.
FacSuwW !iCrwlur of
Ml'.' UMV Jl"'
Torlnfanti nd ChtlJran
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Boars tho
m m a. a
( tnv In
For Over
Thirty Years
i firm inin
m m9 .... ei.
km w a
.. .Kn.1 and cave the other Tif lr T Fm C !HI V n TTTt 1 i
JKv M. UJ 11MJ Id All A MM MMMMMMf A I ,ul,ru n,,n' ""''.
Ca'di.UU on tbe Republican ticket even. n I bom a hort actjualnlan.e with had
!a 't-r pluralities. Tbe lgislatura will ' ..j.a.a.aa.a.a.a.a.a.alAia.-a... a a$ fj airnngiy pre p I u ia hi (tvor,
i 1 . ' nnt,l,r.n m.lortr ol n.iiy-flve i ami hi ur.iia.rly f,U ha casta g!...
on joinl ballot, inicring the reelection of
Snatjr Foraker. Iowa elected tbe en
tire State Republican ticket, headed by
Al!-rt B. Cunmiu for governor, by
bevy maj'jritie. Msch'jett gav
Governor Crane a plurality of seventy
t).outnd f jratinrd lenr., defeating Jo
aiali Quincy, the Democratic candidate,
fiOLi,;'! Doton.remnined in the Demo
ceatic column. Th legislature will show
a gain of two Republican tenatora and a
low of fifteen Republican representative,
lot will still be overwhelming Repub
lican. Rhode Island elected Republican
State officer and maintained the heavy
Republican majority in the legislature
Pennsylvania elected a Republican State
treasurer and supreme court jadge.
New Jersey elected a Republican gov
ernor and a Republican legislature.
Nebraska elected the Republican candi
date for supreme court judge and re
gents of the State university, defeating
the Fusion nominees. In Maryland, the
Democratic candidate for controllor of
the treatury and clerk of tbe court of ap
peal were elected, and the legislature
will show a Democratic majority of Bve
on joint ballot, thus making it possible
for Gorman to return to the Senate.
Virginia, Kentucky, and Mississippi re
main Democratic.
But tbe victory that It moet significant
aud far-reaching in its effects is that of
the reform element in Manhattan.
Tammany bat been overthrown and
crushed. 8etb Low i elected mayor of
GreatorNew York with a plurality of
nearly 30,000 over Edward M. Sbepard,
the Tammany candidate. Justice Je
rome is elected district attorney. Not a
tingle candidate on the New York
County Tammany ticket wai elected.
Tbe reign of Richard Croker, Police
Commissioner Murphy, and Chief of Po
lice Devery will be brought to an end
with tbe beginning of tbe year. It is et
timated, says tbe Argonaut, tbat the
change w ill take offices out of the hands
of Tammany men that receive yearly
forty million dollars in salaries. Anti
Tammany Democrats joined with Re
publicans in the battle against the great
organization that has long held ard
plundered New York City. The result
of its defeat will be felt in national poli
tics as well as in the metropolis and the
Empire State.
Porcine Aparaa and Khobaib.
C. I. ins, nrw Toac.
Echo, Athena, Wrton nd Milton, and
by smaller buyer.
(.'elnr El Af er UttW.
George Laxelle, ol Mount Pleasant, ex
pecit to s'art for the Esst In Jtnuary
with A. V.. Iliukle, of Roseburg, to pur-
Asparagus and rhubarb are forced
from old roots brought in from tbe gu
den and subjected to a gentle heat. The
crop is made from material stored up in - chasa a carload of Hd PylWd cattle,
the old roots, no new roots growing j Mr. Laelle in a Ann believer la 11 lel
through the furcii'tt period. The old ( stock and his exhibit ol Red Polled cattle
roots ae thrown awsy af'er being lorred 1 at the State Fair this year rptnrd all
and other brought in for the next crop, of the bin premium. He will secure
Both these crop may be grown In out of- mostly yearling slock au 1 will buy from
the-way place, nnder the benche. in : Converse, whoe t)ck farm is near Drt
corner of the potting shed, or in fact,
anywhere where heat and moisture may
be had. One method of forcing rhubarb
is to grow it entirely in the dark. This
produce a very lender stalk with very
little foliage.
There is a new Idea in the forcing of
asparagus and rhubarb which as yet bat
tiot been thoroughly tested. This Idea
it the use of permanent plant Instead of
the large five or aix-yer-o!d root that
are forced once and then thrown away.
It is quite possible to cover a large bed
of asparagus very cheaply by u.ens of
cloth placed over a frame work of Iron
pipe. In early spring th beat la turned
on and the plant are forced more grad
ually than In the common and wasteful
method. After the crop ha been taken
and spring I advanced the cloth roof
and side are removed and tne plant
are growing in tbe open air. Every
thing should then be dona to enable the
plants to store up a great supply of re
serve food fur tbe next season 'a forcing.
Blanched rhubarb, or that grown In
the dark, makes a beautiful product
which should sell on sight to the fancy
trade, and I recommend it to the consid
eration of all private gardeners who
have not tried it. The stems are very
delicate and attractive io color. They
are scarcely strong enough to stand long
shipment or exposure in a store for any
length ol time, but on the other hand
their flavor is much superior to rhubarb
grown in the light. 1 am inclined to
think that asparagua and rhubarb are
very promising winter crops for the future.
General John Gibbon Poet, Grand
Army of tbe Republic, whose charter
was revoked some time ago by Depsrt
ment Commander Bladen, bas had tbe
order rescinded and is now entitled to
participate in tbe deliberations of the en
campment and to transact business and
enjoy all the privileges of a G. A. R,
Umatilla Sell 1,000,000 Ruhl Wheat
Seven hundred and fifty thousand
bushels of wheat were sold in Umatilla
County Friday on a rise to 45 and 45Ji
cents for tbe club. The Umatilla Count
ranchers waited for 45 cent. It came
firmly yesterday and they let go in quan
tity. This brings the deals of Thursday,
Friday and Saturday to a total of 1,000,-
000 bushels. Of this, 700,000 were bought
by a Pendleton buyer on deals made in
Pendleton, though some of tbe grain waa
warehoused at other points. Yesterday
about 550,000 bushels changed hands In
Pendleton, the last deals not being made
until late, when the price rose to the top
notch, scattering quotations of 40 cents
for club being made. Some, of the big
deals of the last three days have been as
follows :
Northwestern Warehouse Co 200,000
Puget Sound Warehouse Co 100,0o0
Interior Warehouse Co 325,000
W. S. Byers Milling Co 50,000
Moine. Mr. Ilinkle will mak hi pur
chase from th Blackburn farm, eat of
Fort Dodge, Iowa.
I hrjmatbetnams.
All dead stems of the plant hould be
broken off before freezing weather et
in. and laid down over the root, with a
few leavea or other litter for protection
A choice variety, not hardy enough lo
winter through well, may have the top
broken off and stuck into damo sand and
kept in a light cellar until spring. This
when set out make the finest LIomoid
of all.-E. VL
Applet tre h'gh this fall, but tbe qial
ity in all case i not of the best. This
call for tbe greatest care and attention
In packing fruit for market. Because of
the short crop, higher prices must be re
alized if the orchard is to pay at all. The
chief point lo be observed are to avoid
bruiting while picking, transfer the ap
ples as soon as picked from orchard to
storehouse, tort carefully while repack
ing, grade the fruit, making at least three
grades, and mark each barrel canJully
with the shipper, name, brand, grade
and variety of fruit. Orange J add Far
mer has frequently called attention to
the necesity of careful packing and mar
keting of all farm products, but the im
portance nt ibis the present season I
more marked than aver. The farmer I
tempted to think that a long a the de
mand is ao great and prices high com
pared with an ordinary season, but little
attention need be given to the packing.
If ha will make a little calculation, how
ever, he will find that he must get a con
siderable advance over the ordinary year
if he is to come out even, to say nothing
of making a small profit. Consumer
w ill pay the high prices this year pro
vided they are aure that the quality ia
exactly what I represented. This applies
to potato a well as apple. It is an
Important matter and should be carefully
Practically all of the hops about Dallas
have been shipped. Prices were to
10 cents per pound. Prune are moving
freely at 3 to 4 cents per pound for 40 a
and 50 a.
In addition to the medals in the horti
cultural division at the Buffalo exposi
tion, Oregon waa awarded for walnuts,
chestnut and filberts one gold, two sil
ver and four bronze medals; for evapor
ated fruits, one gold, two silver and aix
bronze medals ; for fruit preserved in
liquid, three gold, four silver and tlx
bronze medals, and honorable mention
for eight exhibits; for fruits preserved
for table use, one silver medal ; for horti-
The remainder was bought by mills at ! cultural literature, one fold medal.
over our mind whhh w cannot raity
dUprl. lie leave a family, w under
stand, at Nhern, North Carolina.
This being th day for launching thia
new and Ix-autilul new steamer, whUh
had been built her within lb taat few
months, naturally railed together a large
assemblage ol peopU from tli surround
ing country to witness the Isunch of a
steamer, lh product of the enterprise
and energy of one of our loosi worthy
citizens, which must t of Incalculable
twpelH lo lh interest of Oregon. Al
houl 3 o'clock p. m. everything being In
readine, and a goodly number on
board, she w as cut ioae from her fasten
log and slid from the storks li.to the
water like a meteor from the beavnua.
Everything being ro well arranged she
went off solely without any straining of
the boat or an' other damage or acci
dent. Great ...dill due to the con
structor, William L. llansctiin, for th
fin model and th workmanlike manner
in which she had Wo built, and alo
the nice arrangement perfucted for lha
safe and expeditloua lauch, which w
had the pleasure of ring."
Cpt. Morse wa of sturdy, adventur
ous. New England tock, hi ancestor
being among the first settlers on the
coast ol M tine, where he wa born, at
Camden, Lincoln county. Several near
relative of Captain Morse still live on
the Pacific coast. A half brother, Hon.
Georg W. Simonton, of lm Angnle,
Cal., and John G. Porter, of Oregon
City. The Misses Fannie (J, and Kate
L. Porter, prominent teachers In the
Portland public schools, are alo cousin
of the deceased.
JreU l.iirk Of Am Kdltar.
"For two year all effort to cure Ec
zema In Iba palm of my hand failed,"
write Editor H, N. Lester, of Syracuse,
Kan., "then I wa wholly cured by
Bncklen'a Arnica Salve." It' the world'
beet for Eruption, Sores, and all akin
diseases. Only 25c at Geo. A, Harding's.
A Minister's Mistake.
A citr minister wa recently handed a
notice to !e read from hi pulpit. Accom
panying it was a clipping from a newspa
per bearing upon the matter, lua
clergyman started to read the extract
and found that it began "Take Kemp's
Balaam, the best Cough Cure."
This was hardly what ha had expected
and, after a moment's hesitation, he tur
ned it over, and found on the other aide
tbe matter intended for the reading.
Nasal Catarrh quickly yinld to tut
meut by Ely' Crwim lialm, which Is agree
ably aromatic' It Is recoived through li.s
noHtrils, cleanse and hnuls the whola sur
face over which it difTuso lUulf. bmnfAim
mil the COo. size Tnll sl.a by mail, lu
cent. Test it and you aro sure lo continue
the treatment.
To aocon.iiKxlftto thoHO who are partial
to the use of atomizer in applying liquid
into th Basal plumage for ttiUirrhal trou.
LUi, th proprietors prepar Cream Hal in lu
liquid form, which will be known a Ely"
Liquid Cream l!lm. Trie including th
prnyinfi tube i 75 cents. Druggist or by
mail. Th liquid form embodies the med
icinal properties of the solid proparalioa.
Prices 5 io 150
Lmtoat NEW PROCESS Rocords
I23 Geary Street, SIN FRANCISCO, CAl.
- A.
Itr.il. l A rE TKiHKHH.
Furnished iry Mk by lb Hark
Ma AWrari A Tral I awp ),
II Hanerman It A I) tiarlev. l.l I.
bik IH.Canemah I 8.10 iy complata ! of aUtracls lalls
(1 A Hurley toC It HurriMifh. w of ! County. cn fomUti Information I
sw of section 3. Hsrle 140 l,tl ,4 ln1 "" on eppuratw"
P II Mrl.y lo F Olsrn, lot 2 to 8, j lon, lnvelmenla,rel sstats. alrwrti
blk IS Mllvaukla 1 1 'c, I Iffi.- over Hank of llrvifoO CUJ.
U H 10 J..nr, t' of am) :4. I I S
' Tilth T CO. ra the owner of the elf
I right lo ih Thorn )stom of l4tr(
Imlsies, for Clackamas iwiunlV, and bt
L Octant lo F C pwatrgrl, lot 3 A 0
blk 30, Milwauki MO
U H to A Carmlcbael, w ; of tw, A
',' of of 4, 1 4 r I a. . . . Ilmsld
E E Cbsrman lo H A Mcilllleo, prt
blk Id, Clark am a Height
Uamhriiiu Brewing Co. lo C Pow
ell, lot 3 A 4 and 1:1) ft adj in P
T Co' lot, near Caiiemah
J Jarl to C A rietterberg, n of se of
Scl5,t2tr4 ...
P II Marlay to C A Dolph, 34J 20
acre in McNary CI
II E Pleven to J Kingman, lota 3 A
4 in blk IB, Caneu.sh
M E Itica lo 0 Baldwin, lot 234 24
in blk 00. Miuthoru
Will. Fall Co lo E J Maple, lot 7
blk 13, Will, Fall
P U E Co lo J W Moffatt, tract la
Burnt CI
P P Welch to J W Hon, w of sw
of tw and sw of nw of see 6, 1 2
8 E Wise to J Wise. 7.78 acres In
Eagon CI, 1 2 a r 2 a
J Wise to H E Wise, 11MK) aura In
Garrett Claim
B Kandall to II Cochrane, 10 acre
in n corner sec 7, 1 6 a r 1 a. . , . ,
(JC1 ielus to K Peterson, lots 0 A 7
etc 24, 1 2 a r 3 a
G B Wise to L E Wise, 10.U0 acres
io Garrett 01, 1 2 t r 2 a
Bellwood L & I Co to A Tyler, lots
18, 10 A 20 blk 01, Oak Grove....
Bellwood LA I Co to M Kelly,
lots 1,2 A 3, blk 01, Oak Grove..
J O Brown to 8 A Olson, 07.03 acrra
in Brown A McCord CIm, and lota
lA2lnsec2ot3ar3e 1000
L E Jones to J Huher, ow of na of
ecll,t3ar2e 800
G P P Ltnt to Sycamore Heal estate
Co, nw4' of sec 30, 1 2 a r 0 a. . . . Vono
0 I A 8 Co to Wm Dale, tract 10 of
' Jamea Moore CI 12;0
K Collin to M Adams, nel 0f see
M Adams to W B Couklln, ne of sea
24, 1 6 1 r 3 e
D Van Hoten to E F Kiley, wi of
ne of see 18, 1 2 s r 4 a
U 8 to A Halhert, lie of so 20, 1 4 s
r, Hmstd
Call and Itivestlgsiw. Address 11 JT.
Thai 'I krbtlaar e4aebe.
Would qch kly lv you If o
Dr. King' Nw l.lf Pill. ThouwaJ
of sufferer hV proved lliflr mtchls
mll for Sirk nd Nrvou Herrh.
They mak pur blood and build Uproar
health. Only 25 rants. Money hek K
nol cured, hold by Geo. A. HardisC,
Hitter Ik im lur.
T who hv not heard Ihe recordi
th Columbia Phonograph Cornpmr
now supplying have no conception uf lb
change, and Improvements thai hfr'
ceutly been made. The Graphoptiuns,
In lh meantime, ha len correspefl
Ingly Improved. Machine and rtcorJl
which were thoiiiiht to I almosl perK
a few year ago ara far out dona la ins
time of unfaltering progress.
Hand Jl with your order to Clumw
Phonograph Co., No. 125 Geary Hi., 6
Francisco, slid good will be shipped C
0. 1), for the blnre.
ItrlUble ! Uantle.
"A Pill's a mil." asyt th saw.
there ara pills and plllr. You wan' 1
pill which la certain, thorough and p
lie. Mustn't grl,e. DWUt'i WW
Early Riser fill the bill. Turelr veg1"
hie. Io not force but assist th bo1'
lo act. Htrengthen and lnvig'111'
Hmall and easy to take. Geo. HardM-
A IMiiwIrlan TrUI'
"I have Uken Kodol Pyspoi! CjjJ
and have never used anything i ",v
lhat did me th. good that did." aJJ
County Physician Geo. W, Bcwm
1111 County, da. "Helng a pliyelcian,
I have prescribed It and found it to g
the best results." If the food you
rinnlna imdljiotlnd In VOIir SU)tcI
decays there afid poisons the J"11"'
You can prevent this by dieting- bulW
means starvation. Kodol Dy-wt''
digests what you eat. You need iub
from neither dyspepsia nor urV'H J
The worst cases quickly cured. N
fails. Geo, Harding.
The Enterprise fl. 50 per year.