Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 15, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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r oxcart
Personal Mention
un M. M. MrlUn li"Uilj III.
. , .
It, P. A. Wetiere, ol HeJin. wt In
w, and Mra. reiniaieer, m Mar
..j srrin lown Hiuruy.
it...,l llunler, oUlweio, Wash , was
tailtKiiiy Hui-uy
u.' i Ka r. lariuer or aiuiaiia
.,,1,, i..wu Tu!Uy
. y (a 'rrjf, llit Mxlalle hotel man,
VY. Ji "1,lt"" inenhsiit,
U M III" I "7 ""-
W.H llursi, ul Ar-ia, wea In lio
fi.liiM.Uf t-n business.
w,m Mary Willey vlaiud her brother
ijoU.li In Portland rWUr
Mr and Mra. L. It Porter rvturttcxl
UtiilaV evening C"Vsllls.
! CuiiiiiiMluir t'uiiivliiii Pair, o(
Xlr, In the city fpvuuj.
n, MrArthur, Usding Urtur ol
fe Ere, m tl nly Tuesday.
Ui hank lUsUr, iU'i'ilad,?lsild
Inrmli In Oregon I'll Ibis week.
Mr. )l. A. iUh, ol Portland. U ll
u Mr ami M'a. II. I.. Ke.iy
B. I', l inn, the inlll protrrUriirr ol
Vavf l'ek, wealn lh tliy Tuesday
Ursula Tealer. l Mullun. visited
t !(..) in Oregou L'liy rtunday ami Mon
P. l Kop baa aal ait eisniine
ium U a t-ruill U leh the Wlll.uU
l,a K.Ha I'l'lnn.ol Portland, wee lit
fnwl J Hi Kil.steyo Albright Un
(Iiftir Kngle, o Mulalla. with Mt
it', mother anil daughter, In loan
J. (I Cummins, prominent lomlr
avanubuturer ot llarkrs, was In loan
K. I- lluoiwiigsrner U stpKted lo
Oro t'uv on a short visit etxml No-
ttr IS,
Vimlr4 Hill. I"fn'lr inIJnl ol
Qtf (Uy, lii.g fiieoJs hrrs
teat .
I. J II. Miller former' a dentist of
0"0 City tut ou oi Portland, In
loan Monday.
Ml Core Tlmniin baa rorotnrocJ
(U Ull ivrm ol at huul in Uktlikl No. (t'.,
ar Aoio'a.
Mi M. I.. Pufofil riiriJ hunt
Tstlr alir tUil 4 iral ilyt lil
liWe.lt In Calm
A. W. Ilin lrct tot liia Imiiia In
f aula Ion ifM, alur (urlnlnhl'a vill
Ilh bin l-arania
II. K. (iltoo. !! Kuitfla Crwkvmrr
chani, out ol Hi trial irvi lo II.
(niua row r.
Will It. Uu ha lakrn llln
lib Ilia MtiU'iain liran.l (ora llouaa
u aJrtrUalctf manager.
II. J. Dm kman. ol Wllholt tnrlic.
eila ol Urnnany, a nUrn vl(li'b
iblp bit ty lli roui.ty cl"k Mumlajr
MiM- A net la 'iUn an I (Vita Mil
lar, t Ililt citjr, rra Hi rl o Mim
VtiU llruilk'lilon, ol l'orllnl. umlajr
A. finl.Utiilili. lio ha !n rUlling
Lit lUiiKliti'ra in ll.Urliy Ilia tk at,
Miirtinl lo Ma hum In Kuitrno ThkI)'.
Mia. K. Rlliian.lUauMr,ol Hulliun,
r In ilin il-y l a ( !) Ul "-k,
Uillng Mra. Kiiiin'i couln, (iraul C.
liat'un ,
Mn. D. T. Tli'ini.acin, ol 1'urllanJ, he
fomiialiliMl li lirr mi MH'Iihi, a Vi
lilntf ).r kl.ir. Xlr. hrli M.Cn, in
II. in city TurriUy
W. K. UiUlm. ol Mii'W, Ualio, In
vl.udirf liia lnoilmr. IU wiil iti-l
K liool in rorllabd tl.U winlrr ami may
Uur rcinuv w Orfuon i'ny
Mr. an.1 Mra. Cliarlra Call, ol Port
Uml, r-Cfiii a lew wl,,,
Mr. ami Mra. J. 8. M.-Coul nl Mr. an.l
Mr. Win. MtCoid, of Mi. I'limaanU
Jacob Oiwlt ranm In Molalla
Mnnilay, aocompanlwl y lil lUiwht",
who tm conmimptlon. Him Mt Tim.ly
morning fur Kaali-rn Or'K'Hi, wlmw lm
Impel to Kulll Iii'hMi-
F. Iliiby, of Co"y. K" i lufl Mon
day night for lioum, nfu rn to wui-k'
Vinint with C. HthniM mul K')l'rt
Bnatlln ml tlmlr fmnlliM. 11" KiH'ihy
y of California, wlu ro hit will vUit
other rulailvca.
K. K. Taylor, tho gcnlul ami Hipiilr
duik In H. I: IIutnmii'H, him n-mgnml
hi podltlon nml Iim Iwkfii chnrgn ol l
0. Khttik'H clgr department. E. Mc
FarUnd, tho well-known .firHt banenmn
of Company A uino, iicecodu Mr. Taylor.
Judge T. V, Hymi Ivb ""xt W"'1
numluy for Tim Dlh' to Inatltuto n
Odd Fellow'i Encampment. Hu will
vUlt the lodgo Hi I'nlur on Thnrnduy.
Bittiinluv nvHiilnir Ju.lufi U.van goea to
Alhlna to dulivnr an aiMrejM to the
Muhoiis, who will be eldortaiued by the
l'.-vitorn 8tr.
Attorney I). W. Kmllh, of Oregon City,
waa in the lt Unt Saturday. While
hnre tbii guntleman Invented in real e
tute, buying a cholue lot from V. E.
rimlpe, our rent eetate dealer.' The
property U ultuiitml near the court bonne.
Mr. Smith evidently Be a bright fulure
'or tbti city. Vale Gatutte.
l'r p rfi at th V. M f, A.
Tim U.llrV (lymnaalum iUm ut
again T.ia..Ly evaiilng, ai, , ,.
I'.lg valiifi In
Mim UoliUuilth.
uatly Urga alinnilaiM for larP, and
Im,wI"1 to grow In hnmUr In th
Hl faw wark. All lrriit a ma utv..
Ihelr fliat U.,n In pl.ykral rnlinrt. plmrmary.
m waning lu j.,m thla) rlaM ar
urgl lo do to at once a lU flr.t claaa
nlgliHalll U given up to preparation
lur llm rgitar i laia work. Tim A.ao. .
alion will U p.awd ut widiome any
ladlne ,u ity ., to eome at ta
U.rt. Nait Ralurday morning a iUm will l.
oganl... f.,r y.,ui,g Uli-i Wiin the
agt of f.,nn.t.ii alil lwinty yeara,
Tlilt ilaaa will m.-t but oiue a wk and
It InUii.M f.ir Hum aho at-
Un.l . I..,, howKver, If thqrt ar any
olKaii al.o with toj iln, lliry may do a.
Tha AiHM'latinn give ia II rut fr
n'rlaliiiiiaiit of the Ut Katur-
day tvmilng Tim inwi.Ur' farl..rt
ra tl.ioan i hii to il. nifinUra nl
their la.y frirndt f.n a aixial liui".
Afinr a hort pn.giam of aoi.g by M'.
bulcr and Mim Warnrr, and Indian
club Mining by Mr. Wlln, lli'
priMM-m ra entertained In the g)iuna
alum. Tim evmlng rlana gave a abort aihl
billon of man-lung, dumb Ml drill and
bii.i Jumping from the ll.lcg Imard,
af t al.l. h i,a clana lli.r.l m. 1.
mall gme a.lh the m-.ll.lna ball. 1
llm tiilrriaininiii wound up Willi a
gam uf Indoor la ball briwrn Ida
evrnli.g and five oVImk claMr. Tim
fle o'rlorka were flrit at bal. They
turlnl off u win the gme In Hit rl
old fahl.med be ball aiy'e. Krlun a
U I Hial the evening rlaa i-onl.l not
overcome. After foor Innina of hard
playing rnroirard by friii.U in ihe
gallerjr, Ihe flveoVI'K k' erre dm lared
loner by a .rt 4 18 lo 12. At each
tram no a ba a gm to Ita credit.
en.,tlt game alll be placed to .bier-
mine tha alnttrr.
Tim Mllllia haa aent a challenge lo
l, AeHiat.on al.lili I bring fori
I Ir-red and l proaMv br.ngthelao
leaiue logi-iher In the near fiiinrt.
The allnnuiiii Hireling mil Kun.lay
ill m Ud by Iter. Mr. lirKii. Ad men
are urged lo attend ll.lt meeting, lie
initiator the Hib'e claa are deeired.
liig ti.llllm.ry tale. Mlim Uoldimiih.
Albright A I'giii have piano tlckeU,
Bchool bH;k exvhangitd at Moore't
ready to wear ball.
Great reduction In prlcm In all mlllln
try. Mlt Uoldimiih.
Clearanra tale of all millinery goodt at
llm Ked Front fitore,
H'ylieh data at the Ited Front Store at
greatly reduced prlcet.
Three tent per pound paid for clean
cotton ragt at The Enterprise olllce.
Umbfil'at tepalred and recovered,
elo built to order. Jolm-ou & Ijimb.
:'(MoIU()iolin on t-hatlel or per
final security. I:n.i. k k Kaethatn, igtt.
He.y lo wear hata at Tim Ked Front
Htore al reiluced prlcna duilng the clear
aura tale.
.A-aVjekjb AjMuo. .Jhu.jJa C)
Kemeniher thla We guarantee to meet
any cut price, club rale propotltlona oflVred
on magazbiet, hooka, blhlet and mall order
a. heme. We will uvi you the rink and
eipenae of tending money away.
Bring In (he liable. We will present to
very baby under one year old brought into
our tort, a Fine Gold King Free. Mearmre
will be taken and In about 10 dayt the ring
will be read r absolutely free.
BhrcwJ bureri have appreciated the apccial prkea that we have been making from
week to week in our advertiHemcnt. Thone tpcciala are exactlj what we ay they are. If
lt'i a broken line we wuh to c1ob out they oten go below coet; If it'a a rfgular line the
reduction U unually from 2U to 33 per cent, and when the week is up, they go back into
itock at regular price,.
Iluy your meat at Albright k Logon'
meat market and tecure vote lor the
f l0 piano.
Ton centa In merL-handlae given with
Very piano Vote purchased at Moore't
Genuine Valleiirleiinea Uce and Inser
Hon for dainty handkerchief at the
Kai kel Store.
Tlmb'tliilvliiff t'-eipaar Arqelret
KlimrlaM Itigul Ua ti.e Mifsm.
The Clskamaa lVrvelopment Com
pany tiled ertiilr-s of linxiriMjrallon lo
Hie roonty clera'a office Friday. The
lnorporalt are I. (!. U'lWlly, Ian J.
Mie, Kidney Hinyth, Harry lloaard
and John V. Ainaaorih, of I'ortland,
and Harvey K. Cross, of ,a city. The
caoital stock la phued ai 1100.1)00. The
ol.jnria of the rorniany are to bold the
eiclutlve right lo regulate, manage and
control the floating-, traa4tBllin and
booming of logs, Iuiiim r, timber and
oo In (ha Claikaiiua river from a
IM.inl where ll. e tin-am lesves the Ca
ede t reat reserve to Ita mouth, a d.a-
lant-e of 3d ml lea
This Incorporation hat been under way
for several montli. Mr. Cruna, the pro
moter, !ii sivurel the right for timber
on both side of the river and paid for it.
The pronerty of I He oll Gladstone taw
mill, oaned by Mr. Cross, goea into the
new corporation. About UK) yard
l,.ve the Soul hern 1'ai-lflo rallioad
bridge the chief Iniprovemeiit will Ih
m le. Tills will te a cement dam, 12
feel high and wi'.l he built aprons the
river at a ct of IU.0o). The dam w ill
he provided wHb aulllclent fishway to
conlorin with ibe requirement of the
Heh Commi'sion. and tdeee neceery
arrangi-meiiu nave aireaoy ncen nisoe
with Master Fish Warden Van Puneti.
n.e rapacity ol the water power will be
1 350 boisiepower.
The work of improving the Clackama
will le commenced Immediately, but It
cannot be completed tx-foro the lo
water next aeunon, when the dam acrost
the river will be room rooted.
Mla Lottie Iivrll left Monday for her
home in Itedding, I si , alter an et
tended vlflt w'lh her slater, Mr Charles
H.encer, of Csnemah.
Mist Ad.lie Clark, principal of the Bar
clay school, lin recovered Irom tier re
nt nine and lorn reniinied her amies.
During her enforced retirement at home,
her grade wet in charge of Mint Kettle
Woods, of Portland,,
Cliilord W. Btipp was In town tint
work visiting hi brother, Attorney Llvy
SiIpp. He hat lust recovered from a
wvere attack of typhoid lever, and wa
two motitht In a hospital at The Daltet.
Whim be arrived here last week bo could
hardly walk. Mr. Stipp will vbut rela
tive in the county until December and
then go toSicventon, Waeh.
Ibiina' and ltuiuiii iiro "ale.
Tho ladle of the MothoditJt church
will hold a biunar and rummage sale In
Hluink H KitHcU't eatablirdiiiH'nt, ad-
. in
Joining the church, ltie baar win
open Tuesday, December to aim cou-
tltmo during the week.
The lUil Cheney l'hotograph gallery
! Iw.ng moved to the proHiny recently
punhasiHl by Mr. Kail.
C Kd Line Cougli Cure, 25 and 60c.
Gusranteed. Chartnan k Co., Druggist.
Tiikeit with every bottle.
All halt, i-apa, tsinneU and trimming
msrki-d down beb.w coat, during the
sale at the Ked Front Store.
Stationery Special
To close out broken tinea of box ttationerjr
wt ofTttr (hit week about 150 hoiea of writing
par taken from our regular 15, 20 and 25c
11 net t 10c each. Each box containa 24
thoett with envelope lo maicn. There are
fancy tint ; plain cream and whites; and no
boi of Ism than 15; value. Bee tbetn lo our
window your choice IOC.
Book Special
Thla week it'a a line of standard work em
bracing Fiction, Ea-ay, Hcience and History.
Printed from large type on superior laid paper
and bound in Bedford ribtred ailk eloth. Pub
lisher's price 60r. Our regular price 40c
Tbit week'l tpecial price 30C.
In the lot we also include abont 50 copyright
hooka-ellghtly shop worn. Kegular retail
price $100 to $1.75.
Huntley's Book Store, Oregon City.
In Fraternal Circles.
In order lo reduce our stock we l.ave
made a (in at redenloa la Price on all
uiillii.ery good. Misa Goldsmith.
A n got a (oaU For fialo.
Inquire at Llndiiley't saw mill.
Kttg Wanted.
CiihIi paid for clean cotlon r.ig at The bl0llabt toihor.
Enterpriae oillce. '
IKi you want to we) our Uxlue win the
fl'eO piano? Albright k Logut ltue
onevoie with every 25 cent purchase.
Tim Acme, opposite Koterpriee olhce,
manulacturrt Iresh randy daily. Fruit,
clgai t and toliacco. Soda fountain. New,
The Clack amaa Hatchery contain 10,
Ol,0t0 Quinat salmon eggt and will not
receive more at the hatchery it now over
crowded Tim handsome aula pillow, made by
Misa Aliinght and rallied (or tlm benetil
of the Congregational church, ea won
by Misa Kdith Adair, and the lucky
number aa 170.
Winter clothing le what you wan'.
Cold weather it coming on and it costs
no more to be comfor table. Joe Know
land, the 7th street tailor, baa hundred
of Sample of elegant good to Select
Iroiu. Know land' clothe fit.
Ammunition ol every description
Hhell loaded to order. New shot guot,
Old gun repaired. New stork of sir
rifle, f00 shot. Hewing inectinee and
hh yclc repaired. The place lo get It
died. Johnson k Lamb. All work
Owing to an error of the compositor
the advertisement of Huntley's Book
Store was made lo quo'e a cut price on
new nVtloii of 1.2-'. It should have
been 11.20. The Hook Store give 20
per cent discount on all new hook not
puhliahed at net price
The Oregon City Woolen Mills are d
vertiaing the sale of a lot ol fine cacci
mere remnanta at the rout of manufac
ture. ThU ia the 0rt time that such an
opportunity ia iffered by them and we
would advise buvera to go early and
have the entire lot to select from.
ChriHtian Hcience service are held In
Willamette hall every Sunday morning
at eleven o'clock. Subject for Sunday,
Nov. 17th, "Soul and JVody." Sun
day School at twelve o'clock. Wed
nesday evening meeting at eight o'clock.
To these service all are welcome.
A case of diphtheria la reported by Dr.
Sommer In theTullifson family at Park
place, a daughter of Mr. Tullifeon having
the disease. She contracted it while
uniting In Portland. There are no school
children in the Tullifaon family and the
Park place school 1 in session, having
returned last Monday.
The Kandn a-irveylng party, who left
1 mt spring for Northern Idaho, where
they had a surveying contract, were
compelled to abandon their work by the
heavy fall of snow. Hal and hrnetl
Kands are visiting their brother Clarence
In Palouse. Wash., and George Swaflbrd,
Will-ed White and Lewis Feaeter have
already returned.
Tha enmnanv which will present "A
Wine Woman," the latest musical farce
at the Bhlvely opera house in the near
future has a leally wonderful array ol
well-known people enlisted in the ranks
of tho organ i a it ion. The management
do not bi'lieve in the too common system
ol "one or two giving the whole show,"
but huve organlxed what it undoubtedly
one of the strongest farce comedy casts
Willamette falls Camp, Woodmen of
the World, is actively makiDg prepara
tions for the dedication of its new hall la
the new hterco A Hoaell building The
eiact date has not yet been set but it
will be aomt time oest month. The
camp is holding off and the (lav will not
lie known until the committee in charge
of the dedication ran communicate with
Head Consul Falkenhurg, who will
come to Portland In December. If it is
poaaihle bia presence will bo secured lo
urate and add luster lo the occasion.
Tim coinmilte of tlm Woodmen i I. D.
Taylor, S. 8. Walker and W. J. Wilson
and that of tola Circle, Women of Wood
craft, Mrs. Frsnk T. Barlow, Mrs. A. F.
Parker and Mra. fe. S. Walker. The
dedication will be in tlm nature of a pro
gram, followed by a btnq-iet and only
rnembets of the csmp and cinls and
their families will be Invited. There is
a hot rush from several organisations for
the privilege of meeting lo the new ball
which the Woodmen bsve leased. They
have reserved Friday and the Circle
Tuesday nights. Among the applicants
are the Knights of Pythiss, K nights of
the Maccabees, Kolgbts and Ladies of
Security and possibly tlm Independent
Older of Lions.
Episcopal Kzar.
The dale of the Baar to be held by
the ladies of the Episcopal cl.uicli has
been changed to December 3.
McLaughlin Cabin No. 4, Native Sons
of Oregon, elected the following officers
Monday evening; E. G. Caufleld,
president ; T. Leonard Cha-roen, first
vice president; Gordon E. Hayes, second
vice-president ; Forbes B. Pratt, third
Vice-president ;G. B. Dimirk, recording
secretary ; Ed ward E. Brodie. financial
secretary; Charles II. Caufleld, treas
urer; R. C. Ganong, trustee; John W.
Kelly, marshal ; K. II. Gabbert. histor
Deputy High Chief Ranger A. W.
Field, assisted by Chlel Ranger Gil
christ, of Portland, organised Mount
Hood Court, Aucient Order ol foresteit
in ibis city Tuesday night. The new
court begins life with a charter list ol
twenty seven members and its next
meeting it it expected that a doien
more applicants will enter. The A. O.
U. W. hall has been secured and meet
ings will be held every Wednesday.
The following ollk-er were elected and
Installed: Past: Chief Ranger, Andrew
Robertson; Chief Ranger, Grant Olds;
Sub ChieJ Ranger, Matthias Justin;
Treasurer, Georue Calill; Recording
Secretary, George Califf, Jr., Financial
Secretary, Chester Muir; Senioi Wood
ward, O. A.Thomas; Junior Woodward,,
William Twist; Senior Beadle, M. E.
Bailey; Junior Beadle, J. Owenaby;
Trustees, G. B. Dimick, Frank Busch,
C. G. Huntley; physician, Dr. C. S.
Red Men In the Lead for the Irving
and Woodmi a f r Cnlckerlng.
Red Men ....07.010
Public Schools. 64,01(1
Woodmeu ol the World "04
Y. M.C. A W2
8. P. Depot
Woodmen of the World 144,496
Publlo Schools 25.321
Knights ol the Maccabees 75.38S
Willamette Falls School 6,423
A Wise Woman.
The eneauement of this company at
the Shlvely opera bouse gives promise
of being the most important musical
comedy event of the season. The play,
which Is In three acts, Is so constructed
as to give scope for the Introduction of
specialties, and from the reviews seen of
the production these features are said to
be ol a very auoenor order.
Thank Isa.
(Forest Grove Times.)
A newtpsper clipping bureau st Chi
cago issues a little book annually known
as "The Newspaper Bios Book" in which
it makes a record of a few of the best pa
pers lo each state for busy men's oae.
For Oregon it gives only eighteen week
lies, and tha Forest Grove Times is ote
of them. When we sre placed with the
Ashland Tidings, Baker City Republi.
can, Oregon City Enterprise. McMinn
ville Reporter, Roaeburg Review and
others of that class, ws have a right lo
feel complimented.
Many physicians are now prescribing
Kodol Dyipepela Cure regularly, having
found that it Is the beet "prescription
they can write because it Is the one prep
aration which contains the elements nec
essary t digest nf knly some kinds o!
food but all kimis aryl it therefore enrea
indigealion and dyspepsia no matter
what it cause. Geo. Harding.
Letter LIsU
The .ollowing is the list of letters re
maining in the puetofficeat Oregon City,
Ore., on Oct. 31t, 1901 :
womsx'b LIST.
AmmelDena CastoJSMis
Bristol H M Mrs Hayes M Mrs
Collins Clara F Miss Kemp S G Mrs
Froet D E Mrs Koerner Mira Miss
Hickman John Mrs Wright Edwin Mra
nan's LIST.
Arnold E
Fortland-OrrKoo City boat Str. Leon a
leave foot of Eighth St. at 7 and 11 a. m.
and 3:00 p. m Leaves Portland
at 9 :00 a. m. and 1:00 and 6:00 p. m.
Take the Leona if yoo want a good com
fortable ride. The run is made either
wsy in one ho-.r and fifteen mii.u-.rr.
Round trip 25 cents.
An exceptional bargain, nesr Oregon
City 22 miles from Portland, good roa.I
400 acies, creek and spring water, 75
acres in good cultivation, rich bottom
land. Price only f 12 60 per acre.
C. O. T. Williams.,
R.iom 0, Barclay building,
Oregon City, Oregon.
j las toi Haw wm
Blanche rd Jaa
Friaeill Earl
llelliott Geo
Jamea Clyde
Miller Geo
Pennell E S
Robinson John
Salow John
Saoiord W B
Traxtel Mr
Woodworth Geo
Wright W E
Robertson Louis
P. M.
Oregon City Market Report.
(Corrected to Friday.)
Wheat No. 1, 51c bushel.
Flour Portland, 3.1o per bhl. 8'J e
per sk. Howard's Btst, 80c per sock,
13.10 per bbl.
Oats in sacks, white, 85 to 90 centa
per cents!, gray, 80 lo 85.
Hay old Timohr, bales, til per ton ;
loose, 9 to D 50 per ton. Clover pi
Oats. 9. Mixed hay, f.
Millstuffs Bran, 1 16.50 per ton.
shorts, $17 50 per ton, chop, $16 per ton,
barley, rolled, $19 00 per ton.
Potatoes new, 75c to 85c per hundred
Eggs Oregon, 27eo 30.! per da n.
Butter Ranch, 37f to4ocper roil.
Apples, King's, 40 c lo 50 cents per
box. Other varieties, 35 c to 45 c per
Peers, Fall Butter and Winter Ne'.lis,
50 to 75 c per box.
Quinces. 50 to ttJ c per bx.
Delaware grapes, in baskets, 30 c; in
bulk 3 c per lb.
Concord Grsnes, 2j to 3c per lb. In
bulk ; basket, 25c
Unions, choice, lc to lc per lb.
Dressed chickens. 10 io 1-M, c per lb.
Livestock and dressed meats; bett
live, $.3.00 to $3.50 per hundred. Hokx,
live. 4jrts: hogs, drvs-ed, 5,'a to 6c;
sheep. 24 to S'e; sheep, dressed, 6V;
veal, dresned. 7 io 8; lamb', live,2,'ii:;
lambs, dressed, 6'c.
iy itlniJ I mil
Oregon City Woolen Mills
May be troubling you. Glasses scientifically
fitted by the
Wisconsin Jewelers g Opticians.
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry
Main St., bet. 6th and 7th ,
Next to New Stevens Bldg. Oregon City, Or.