Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 15, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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Our corrHndenl fll plese send
In articles More Wednedsvs of each
week . othe rwls It res lies a loo lt for
, and Mrt.
Horn to Mr
8. F. Wliii. a
boy, Oct. 2il.
Mr I.. t I.oae'a new picket fetna
looks quite nohbv.
U. B. Pulley hat been running hi mill
very ateadily of late.
& h.ol commenced here October ?S,
wiili im New at teacher
Mr. J. N. Hramhsll la figuring on rut
tn k cord wood snd running it doan the
Siinly river toTroiildale.
II bert Culpio, a former resident of
Anne, a ho ha reailrd in I'lirtlmiJ for a
few years, it attain making bis home
litre, lie ran net leave l is mountain
In d At tbe ridcnce of ber son J.
W. Miller, of AiiiDS Not. 9, I'.tOl. Mrs.
Sunan Su'ton. She was born la Ken'
tacky kS years ago. rams to Oregon in
early 'lie, bred in Pallas, P.-lk County,
Org o. for fifty yeara. It is sa d that
alia a as known there as Aunt Susan
Sutl.-n It ia supposed that she departed
thir. life aily, having retired without
percept. ble ilineaa, and was found life
! in Hie morning. Tha bod will
probably I buried at the family lots in
I'ella. Mr. Miller and familr have tbe
rrnii-athy of all.
Die Mu'ino sawmill has been moved
to V ola.
L Hiker and wife have relume!
II k K:k.
Clyde Smith arnt to Portland one day
lat week.
Jo'io Confer, of Oregon City, was seen
in our burg Sum'ay.
CUrriice Mailett it working at Maple
I. lie.
WJmeeie it ill feed ng soil rattle
f..r Wf
Mf. B.J. IMvev wa tbe guest of
Mn. A. L. Jones Friday.
Juln I'aine a id family bare moved
) k to their old place.
A. L. Jones ma le a business trip to
0 .nliy Sa'nrdat.
John Helve has vone tin ber cruising
up in the Cascade in nntin.
M-ars At and Will J-we went to Ore-
co i City Tueadjy
Jim Euiert, of Maple Lane, pttaed by
E dor.tdo Monday.
The smiling face of Mi.-s Suaie Cow
man waa seen in our bur Tuesday.
O ir whool is progressing nicely under
the mai'Scenieiit of Miss Lillian Ganns,
of O rtr.
Several of the ywri folk' of this place
atu-oded the c'atice at Ma. k'uig Satur
day night
0 0 0
Babies and children need
proper food, rarely ever medi
cine. If they do not thrive
on their food something Is
wrong. They need a little
help to get their digestive
machinery working properly.
will generally correct this
If you will put from one
fourth to half a teaspoonful
in baby s bottle three or four
times a day you will soon see
a marked improvement For
larger children, from half to
a teaspoonful, according to
age, dissolved in their milk,
if you so desire, will very
soon show its great nourish
ing power. If the mother's
milk does not nourish the
baby, she needs the emul
sion. It will show an effect
at once both upon mother
and child.
Joe and i.oo, all drurffett.
SCOTT & BOWNE, Chcmituj Ntw rorki
Clyde Smith was the guest ol Miss
llertha Heron Saturday evening.
Mr, and Mrs. A. I.. Jonea, Miss Lillian
Gans and Clyde Smith were tha guesia
of Will Jones snd family Monday avm
Charles Hrlstow started this week (or
the hot spriius in Southern Oregon.
Thoe w ho have the scarlet fever are all
doing well. It la reported tha entire
School la exposed.
J. J. Sx, an onion grower near town,
fell Irvm a moving train, when returning
home fiotu Portland, Thursday, near Os
w ego, and as considerably bruised up.
II alleges that the conductor pushed
him otT tha platform while the train Was
in motiou.
McConnell and Halt, of tbe poatofllea
store, have recently repainted the inter
ior of their store building, and made
other improvements, which add greatly
to its general appearance.
Mr. r'iahhruok, a farmer living near
town, was badly Injured last week by a
kick from a horse be was driving For
some nnknown cause the animal com
menced kicking, tha second blow landing
upon Mr. Fishhrook's rght leg below tha
kuee, fracturing both bouea of tha leg.
Gardner Bros., cigar manufacturer!, of
Portland, have opened their factory here
and are working a force of six men at
preaent anJ exiect to increase it in the
near luture.
Charity Assembly, United Artians, of
MidJIeton, gave a box social, Saturday
evening, realising a handsome sura for
tha becetU ot their general fund.
A surprise party waa given In Milwaa
kia to Mi Lucia Caff 11 Those present
were: Mr. I). 8. Manchester, Mi Eva
Sargent. Misa Rhoda Colen, Mr. LeKoy
Johnson, Mr. Ed Lange, Misa Delia Tay
lor, Mr. Michael Walsh, Miss Louise De
meatber, Mr. Everett Boyd, Misa Jennie
Huntley, Mr. C. L. Johnson and Mr.
Lynn Padrick. A delightful evening
was spent in which games of all kinds
were played. Supper was served at mid-
niatht and the little party adjourned.
A social dance waa given in Milwaukie
Saturday night for the benefit of tbe Sat
orday Night Club. Supper was served
free of charge. All had a nice time.
Jack Frost has been visiting onr quiet
little burg tbe peat week, but baa done
no serious damage.
Meeara. Graham and Tresnor were oat
from Poitland Sunday visiting B. Faust 'i
The choir Is practicing special moic
for tha exercicee on Christmas Eve to
he held in the Evangelical church
Come every body and bring your pres
ents to hang on tbe tree and eojoy
good program.
W. W. May and family were in town
Sunday. ,
Misa Bertha Kpangler spent Sunday
wiili the Misaea (Juyer.
Lee Eatnn'a smiling (ace was aeeo in
our town Wednesday.
Mr. Llndsley, oar sawmill man,
building a new fence, and painting bis
Mr. Jagitar ia building a new work
shop, and Mr. Brown a tine large barn
Mia Thomas spent Sunday with Misa
Nell Stevens.
Say! Carua baa a spelling school
Now we want you all to make us a visit
and help ns spell and when yon get one
we'll all turn in and help yoo. It meets
every Wednesday at 7:30 at tbe school
bouse, situated on Lanea and Molalla
Mrs. M. A. Faust, who baa been auf
fering with a severe cane of catarrab of
throat, is improving under Dr. Strick
land's care.
There was preaching la-t Wednesday
la the M. E. church. Some of the young
ladies and young gntlemen(T) who
attend the Evangelical prayer meetings
had better go a little slow.
Barlow. '
Mrs. A. Peterson has been on tha tick
for the past few days.
The Barlow Euchre club was enter
tained by Mr. and Mrs. li. E. Irwin Sat
urday evening. Those present bad
goxl time.
fhe new bridge serosa the Molalla will
soon be completed.
Delbnrt Irwin, of Portland, is visiting
his ancle, K. E. Irwin, and family.
Several of the Barlowitea attended the
dance at Macksburg Saturday evening.
They report a large crowd and a good
Edward Jady ia visiting bis mother,
Mrs. R. M. Doment.
Jacob Yost ia taking advantage of this
nice weather to get out bis spud crop.
Bay a can of baking powder at Free
man's and get a pretty dish and a chance
oa tbe rocking-cbair.
There is to be a Rummage aale held at
Barlow in the near future for the pur
pose of raising funds for making some
much needed repairs about the school
bouse and grounds.
Word was received Tuesday tbat Mrs.
Sim Evans, who ia visiting ber daughter
at Osweuo, is seriously ill. We hope to
bear of her speedy recovory.
Jacob Yost was transacting business
in Oregon City Friday.
" I hid terrible cold and could
hsrdly rrcsthe. 1 then tried Avrr't
Cherry Pectoral, and it gsv me Im
mediate relief."
V. C. Lavton, Sidalt, 111.
How wiM yo-ir co"h
he tonight? Voire, nrjb-
ably. For It's f.ist a cold,
then a cough, then br-n-1
chitis or pncuiT.cn.r, rnJ
at last consumption.
Coughs always find
downward. Stop this
downward tendency by
taking Aycr's Cherry Pec
toral. TVn sua t tfc.. Uc. II. AM anntats.
Oaatatl rr itiat. It k mm Uka It,
Ikaa a a. ha . U ka Ian. T a4
la aka It Ikaa S..a1 laka II Ha kaaaa.
Laa.a II eilk kln. '- ar llllaa
J. I'. STKH CO.. lll. Maaa.
"Laaaaw la a ! riae If
Kim lb ta a .
That hncknryt'd American maiden
who said Umdon was a nice place if
you knew the language wsa not a bit
ahaurd. We sinak Cngllsh. but w
ha vi- built up our forms of English ex
pnnslon ujHiu tbe English ot a few
shires of the old country as It was
sHken between two and three centu
rlea ago. while they have been Mending
and changing the spcrcn of all their
borne peoplea during tbe same period
i tie result is ttist an American ran
hardly utter a sentence In England
without calling attention to the differ
ence U-tw.fu bis speveb aud tbat ot
the people about til in.
Only yesterday, after IS months' resi
dence lu England. I ruahed up to a con
doctor In Charing Cruaa atatlon and
asked. -Which car for Uromlcyr II
stared at me. and I knew I had spoken
a foreign tongue to him, because street
vehicles like omnibuses and bora car
are called road cars and ffam car, and
there are no other cars In England.
If you ask a guest at your borne In
England whether be likes bis meat
rare, be asks whst you said because be
doea not understand you. II calls
meat underdone when It la not thor
oughly cooked. If you tell blin you
fear the asparagus Is canned, be la at
a loss a;aln. U-cauae be would bav
aald It was tinned. To ak blm to pa as
the powdered sugar will again set blm
to wondering, for be rails It Icing sugar
generally, though be knows tbat It la
so met lines called raster or sifted sugar.
And If you bav randy on tbe table
you may not call It so without betray
ing your foreign orlglu. for he calls
candy "aweeta." abbreviated, from
-sweetmeats," and used to designate
all prvaervea, puddings, plea, candles
and Jama.
To go further along tbe ercentrtcltlea
of Englhtb at the dining table most
persons know. I suppose, that the beet
la called beet root, cornstarch la corn
dour, corned beef (or a particular cut
of It) la called -sliver sides of beef" and
napkins are aervlettea.-Jullan Italph
In llarpera Magazine.
a Qaeer Verdlela.
What la "a reasonable state of Intoxl
cation apparently Just nil axil precise
definition by a coroner's Jury lu MumIs-
Ippl wblrb stated In Its verdict that
we, tbe Jury. And that deceased ramv
to bla death by a stroke of an eaat
bound train. No. Ot. on I. C Knllrnnd.
at Fentress, alias.. In Choctaw county,
be being In a reasonable state of Intox
A somewhat similar Indeflnlteneas of
legal conclusion mara a verdict of a
neighboring Georgia Jury to the effect
tbat "we. tbe Jury, flud the defendant
almost guilty."
Equally as uncertain and ambiguous
as these statements by laymen Is the
opinion In an early Maryland rne
which "acknowledges the corn" by say
ing that an occurrence referred to iok
place "at a former sitting wbeu the
court was full."
Women as Well as Men
Are Made Miserable by
Kidney Trouble.
Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, dis
courages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor
and cheerfulness soon
disappear when the kid
neys are out of order
or diseased.
Kidney trouble has
become so prevalent
that It Is not uncommon
for a child to be born
afflicted with weak kid
neys. If the child urin
ates too often. If the
urine scalds the flesh or If, when the child
reaches sn sge when It should be able to
control the passage, It Is yet afflicted with
Dea-wetting, aepena upon It. the cause of
the difficulty Is kidney trouble, and the first
step should be towards the treatment of
these Important organs. This unpleasant
trouble Is due to a diseased condition of tha
kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as
most people suppose.
women as well as men ara made mis-
erable with kidney and bladder trouble,
and both need the same ereat remedy.
The mild and the Immediate effect ol
Swamp-Koot is soon realized. It la sold
by druggists, In fifty
cent snd ona dollar
!AI. Ynil mm hava a E C
sample bottle by mallB!!i
tree, a no pamphlet tell- Bona ot Swaae-Rom
Intf all ahniil It ln-1nttnM A L
thousands of testlmoniat letter reneivnl
fmm iittrr i in. r. Ira .
lu ii.m
I. w... ww.iiw. .yiwi ll, willing 11 . rviuuci
& Co., Blnghamton, N. Y., bo sure and
mention this paper. j
How III Utaiarlal Ttaal Ulvea III
Sklalaa, Melnllle S'lMlali la Mirror
anal rtelar (r'ramra I I'raxlaeeil.
t.uia Leaf ttlikoul .uM.
How many persons w ho ace th shin
ing gold In colored printing mid on
tnliror and plcturv frames know that
gold doea Uo enter ut all lulu the com.
poaitloll of I'.H'iltilT Hint pruduevs llieac
fcoldcu ctTcvta?
'I lie shining inctnlllo effect Is pro
duced by a t'nr pow h-r tunde from a
mixture of ir:tc mid ap. Iter. This
oftiT the ctii mih-bI mid Imi means of I
ghlllg the rich attir.tr demrtlldisl III!
n II pitxr. printing, lillinuriipliy, frra 1
roing and In a vnt range of nmiitifse.
lured articles of wimnI, puHr slid Iron, j
Tli liiula-rl.it ucd Is ao called I'utch
tint a I. nn alley of cuH-r and spelter. I
The relutlie piopottloli are varied to
pltiducv dlften HI cvlora. The hirger '
tlie iK-rcvntiU'e of x lli-r the lighter or
more yeltowiah Will If til tint of til I
The copper and sn ter ar smeltetl lu
grnphlte nuclide containing sUmt siki
pound of tnetiil. which, when coin
yhtely fliactl, la ruu otT Into mold a.
fol tiling half ro'.iud hunts two fe't
long by half un Inch lu IhU ktieaa. Aft
er OMdlug tln e an Uiutid Into hundlea
sod sent iii tlir titl!iiat mill, nhi re lliry
are pnaard ct'ld II lie tlluca llirutigh a
dniilde m of stivl roll iltidi-r ilmr
nuMia preaaiirv. This tlattctis iIipiii ntid
draws lucui mil Into !ilu rlbUma frmil
.V) to 1 s fii t li.ug and aoiiictltlng mote
tli.tu one Inch aide Cold rolling un
der such eWrrine pr,-ure mskea the
UH'tal brittle, ao It pitaa.- to tlir 0 0
ncalllig fUiUScr, whlth Is heutt-d ly
wimmI Are. as Hie iiilplnir In ci-nl ur
coke would be InJitrlutis to tlie rililtia.
Ilarlng U-rn softened and rtiiib-ri-d
ductile by annealing, they are ch-ana.-d
In an add batb. rut Into lengths ,.f
alMiut three fret and collected In bun
dies of 40 or uO strips each. They ar
laid betwet-n sheets of flue and paaat-d
Odder lis turners which beat the metnl
strlis to the tblnuesa of tlaaue parr.
This require six succraalr iH-stlnga,
and grvat skill musl eierclaed to
prtnluc a uniform and titibrokrn folL
After lb third beating tbe metal strips
are taken from between lb stieets of
sine, looseiird from each other and
clcanard by Immersion In a batb of
tartrate of polaaalum. Tb cleaning la
rvpeated after th last bratlng. and tt
sheets ar bung on lines lo dry. In the
U-giiiulog tu rolled strips ar a dull
gray metallic color, at the fourth beat
ing Ih yellowlsb color begins to show.
and after the sittb they ar clear and
bright as gold.
The defect I leave ar then thrown
out and tbe perfect one cot Into small
siji)sra.- wblrb ar laid together by
band In packets of several bundn-d
each and Inclosed within an envelope
of sheet brats. The packet! return to
tbe annealing furnace, where they ar
softened by besting and slow pooling.
and then go to th bestera. where they
ar reduced under flattening hammers
to tbe thinness of real gold leaf, ao thin
tbat It can b blown away by th
The manufacture of bronxe powder
conaUta la grading, clipping and pul
verliing the various bronre foils to an
even. Impalpable powder ami la an In
duatry of comparatively recent ilat.
!l began as a means of using up and
utilizing the Imperfect haves which
came as waste from tbe beaters ot
gold, sliver and bronxe. These were
rut by hand Into fine clippings and
then ground to powder In baud mllU of
simple construction. With th lapse of
time snd th spread of artistic Indus
tries the uses of bronxe powder In
crrasexj until tbe demand far outran
the aupply of waste, and th leaf metal
la now made on a large acale.
i tie beauog process flattens out a
pound of copper and sim-Iut alloy to an
area of shout boo aqtiar feet, and In
this condition th fuar aheets as they
001114 from the brass envelope are
sheared Into small fragments and rub
bed with olive oil through a steel sieve
having ten meshes to the Inch and then
passed to the stamping and grinding
macblnea. where they are pulverized by
steam or water power to th bronto
powder of commerce. Tbo grinding
occuplee from one to four boura, ac
cording to the grade or quality of the
powder to be produced, which la of
four grades, from coarse to superfine
Th superfluous oil la removed by heat
ing under pressure, and the powder
Is then carried Into centrlfugnl clarl
Sera, or grading macblnea, which, turn
Ing at a high speed, expel the powder
through One orifices In the form of
dust, which settles on Inclosed shelves,
according to weight and fineness, the
finer particles at the top, the coarser
below, and In this way the powder Is
divided Into IU various gradea. New
York Press.
Oewr Caatoaaa Vary,
Bbe In some ports of Australia
when a man marries each of the bride's
relatives strikes blm with a stick by
way of welcome Into tbe family.
HeYea, and In many porta of Amer
ica when a man marrlea each of the
bride's relatives strikes blm with a
loan by way of welcoming blm Into the
family. New York Times.
Traveling Eiparleaeea.
Mother Sir, I hope my Utile boy
doesn't worry you by bla fretting and
crying. He Isn't well, or be wouldn't
act so.
Mr. Man Ob, no. All children act
tbat way. I'm used to It-la fact, I
haven't seen a well child for 20 years.
Chicago Herald.
A man shonld not be blamed for the
tnlstAkps he mskea. fin ahnnM twt rn-A.
- ---
be proflu by them. Atchison
Anlhrnttlpno Hrlnys Inttnnl
In A:l
V YE An 2a
Thwlkllilreai'a I rlrw.l
You'll havsaeoldlhls.liit!. Ms)U
yon have oi now. Your children .11
an ire r too. For Coiight, Criup, Proiii hi
lls, grip and other winter ci'iii.lilhta
tn Mmiit Cmigh (.'ur vr fall
Arts promptlr. It Is very laaaiit lo
th laat and perfectly harmleaa. f. l.
Urg, Wiitihair, Ky i ante "Our
bill girl was attacked aliii croup lat
on olghl and so hoarae ah could
hsuliy srak. W gave her a f !
of (hi Mmut Cough Cur. li mllated
her luiiiirdlaUly and S .nl lo !ep
When ah aok lie t morning ah bad
110 a'gna ol lioaraeurat of croup, (leo
O.e Star Tllla.
Curlry-oii I hat frliuw loafing
over I hero T He u-d lo go lo lb a me
College thai I did I wnuhr If b rw
memlM ra inrf
Hurtelgli .k lilni for the loan of I
Curh y- lu forT
Hurlelgb If he n-iurmbrr yoo. yoq
wou'l get IL-Judgw.
Jawa4wTrM I'rwwy .1.11
Th littl datik-Mrr of Mr. J. N I'n.all
jumped on an inverted rak mad I ten .
penny nails, and tbrual on rad eiiiirrl !
through tier foot aed a a--n I on half !
way ihro-gh. Cha-nlwrleln's Tain Halm j
waa proiupilv applie-l and flv minute1
later the pain h'd d apiarel and eo'
mor uffrlng aaan.rini.J. In thrr '
ii... 11...1.11 .I.., . .i I
... .-ii. i m a taring liar ei' a
uaual and with sbaulutrly Do dlacumforl.
Mr. PoII I a well known itieicbaiit of
Korkland, Va. l ain Halm I an an'larp
lic and heals such i.urU without n.al
oration and In one-third Ih tlma r
ipilivd by ih usual lrtnienl, Kor '
by (I. A. Harding. Drugglal.
Ilafi Marhel Tta.
I)oe It ever occur to thna Who fol
low Jourtiatlatlr lip on Ih stork mar
ket that they are written by men wba
filial ll trurlll llo-lr l.lL In r.. II. mn
arduous and molcrati ly remuiieratiil
profeaalon and that therefore the tli-t.-r
ohvloualy csnuot truat to bl tip
for a livelihood?
Is It roiicelvable that any on whim
Judgment of the uiovement of securi
ties was sum. Ii ntly trimtworthy to
make even the majority of hi shot
btlllaeyrs Would waste his time ,y
romplllug paragraphs for newapapt-rsT
Would he uot rather spend half an
hour or so lu the morning at the end
of a telephone Inatrtlctlua hi broker
to buy and sell and devote the rest of
bla day to the graceful t'oiiiuuiptloti of
the houmlica fortune that hi knowl
edge ami acumen would, ri hypothesl.
luerltiihly provider
Ami tips from stockbrokers mint tin
der the same sunplclou, fur It Is not
rcriaoiialilo to iipx Hint one who
n-iilly hud tips worth following In hi
poacaalon would Utilize them as baits
for client who reword bis efforts with
n beggarly bnlf crow n per cctit.-Corn-bill.
Slprrwd 1.1 be IVIIdllre.
When things are "the best" they lie-
Come "the best selling" Abraham
Hare, a leading druggist, of lUllnvill,
()., writes: "Klecirlo Hitter srn the Ut
Ding bitters I have bandied In 20
years." iou know why? Most dlseanea
begin in disorders of stomach, liver, kid
neys, bo-vela, blonl ami nerves, Kh-t-trie
Iii iters tones up the slomsch, regii-
alas liver, kidneys and bowels, purifies
the blood, strengthen tha nerves, hence
cures multitudes of maladies. It builds
op tha entire system. I'ut new III and
vliror Into any wesk, sickly, run-down
man or woman. Trice 50 cents. Hold
by Geo. A. Harding, druggist.
i TintjuQPe, Cronlteuiore
UM Dm; flnniH anil rnrnlstitnirs
Fine TllKnTaF nf Wlnfnr TTnflRrwt?ar
Now Iiread and Cuke. Krcsih Meatis.
"Boss of the Road" Overalls
MKNTHOLATUM Cures Sore Thront, Tirulnrs, Rheumstlsin, Neu
ralgia, Headache, Chapped Hands, and All Inflnmatlons.
A.S HI71VT, Post Ofllr-e and
WILLAMETTE FALLS. PublloTiIophoiie Station
Itolief mitl Poriiuinerit Cur0
Tt.rrs Is nothing Ilk Aalliiml,,,, . .
Inalaiil an In ll.. ....... ' "
ll eiiraa alien all ila UlU
llav, V, f. Walla, f Villa It 1.1. i .
"Yoor trial U..II ..I A t . M..I..T. V
f.MHl cm. Inn. it. rtniiitt tall , J'')'
i.. ' "i
M.S lor tan y.ara. ,,.,.p( ,
r.irad. I .a y,.Ur s.rruaa.ri, , , '
t.ril.liilrra Wol and lorinri.lli.a.li
BM.I tlMM.uhl ..) o.aiHikan riHira.
n.ant. lt trial a- lad Ilka a rltarm.
run an boiii
a aaiii i,i mihi o ar
'f iMllaraf a
Iraalinant ol Aahniilana, tlml
rlireil Mr Wall
a II aanit li I,. ,.,, "
1'AIH. All-Oil
lo ni SMlta'ar
.7...V MtKK or riUk,,K
ho .Ml. r.i. f..r . ,l"
' iiBl ton ara d,.,
" i, cuiu.i ( a.--
In, hoatoar ha-l )....r rste. A l,M,ai.fl. ....
fna.a an. I ,-i.ra Tt. & ...
- iiiir
Hior glad ai lu sanil . (Ki not ,...'
Wrlia al ni,r. a-ldn.ln. l( T KT Mltna .
M KIHi'l.K .... ni K.i in,, Ht, ,H. y S
Moid l' all Proggitu.
Tho Star of Stars $
kiss lll liranngi In turn UM. Turat
filv to th wind, lull Uanng thruat
in wlirft, insuring lightr.t running iU.
Illrs. snd rrarrvlng grrstrat sniiwyt
xer for pumping tiaUanlinl after
suaking. I'ut logrtbrr with gaUanlud
bulla, double nultrd, UO part tan ru.t or
grooesnI talllr. W right rrvulatur
r fret regulation. No apruig tuvlian(t
trn.lon . it b rvrry rhanga ol leinpriatur
and grow .rakrr with age. krpalrs al.
wavs un ban I Thra tliliw trv .ottH
titionrv o yoa. Thrn ahy txit Uiy a
.1 1 1 . '
Witchjil, Lewis & Stiver Co.
Flrt and Taylor St., i'ortland, Orrgua
Sweol Thinirs.
We have them in inany form , to
ami evrrvUalv. Always fresh.
Home itia'le 'lallic. Ice Cream
manufactur'-d t o'ler. Hot
('olfeff aitil I.unch aerve. any
time o(ilr orevrning. Sloreon
Siith M. (furnirrljf Mrs. ritorj').
I IIS lMbli.
Allow m lo say a few word In praias
of ChaniUrlaln's Coil a h Krmrdy. I haul
a Very sever rough and cold and fard
I wo-ilil get pnrmoola, but sifter taking
lb aah-ond i.a uf thl medlclti I felt
baltrr, Ihrr bvttlm of It rurd niV cold
I ", ''ns in my tl.eai duapprarad
nlirely. I am miM fraictfulty yoir
for health, Kami H. Msvras.OI Thirty
aevenlti Hi W,rlng, W, Va. For sal I
by li. A. Harding. Pnug t.
tmr iang Men and 1aar ifanifa.
There Is nothing that will arot, HiS
ir. of a roong man or woman so (ilck ss
to hsve interior laundry work put oil nn
them. Thev may drva ever X well,
bul il their shirt Iron! or shirt aaist Is
muasy their riei aiearanc I spoilrel.
Tha Troy laundry mskea a specialty of
ladles' and gentlemen's Una work.
Ther t-au be no better work than Is
done at Hi Trov. Iave your order at
Jolinaon's barber shop.
If t.a aai.n l a ielar, Saalilr moa,.al ef IS
kia.l. ..rf -i ( III ur "HI k. "' ""
aov.l span, ami ba wall.
ba wn. wtr. in .ni-.
hI., 1. 4n-li".. th. awooia.
..rr.i ar al BMia Ika twa.u
l Ml taia
lain pbtM.ur l-MI
i.r and alaaa la
rUa.anl. I'al.l.tila, l"ol.nl Taata llooit. n;"";!
S.f.r SISn, hm. ar Orlp., li, . an.l ""
ft w,li. f, l,m aawpia, and auuklal "!
a.. nil. auuraa. -
t" ai:r roarisv, CHiriua ar
and Kitchen Utensils
I,, ,1 1
id '
Id .
id :
ia :
id !
New T.lne of Dry flowls
vJW"4 8TAR