Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 15, 1901, Page 14, Image 14

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Seml-Annual Report of the County Clerk
Of Ciarkeine County. 8tatot Oregon, showing th amount and mini ber of claim
allowed by lb (Vunty lort ol said county, For anal alloaed, aniounl of warrai.t
drawn, and amount of warrants oui
IU, lo th lli day of twpieniBer, iwi,
Koad ami Bride
4"ireull Court
J satire' I'oorte
tiourt House and Jail
flhnlT ,
Hfb.no! Superintend!.!
i'om nilaelonar
Kol Surratlng
Road Con I Ml in Cirrull IVmrt
fount 1'rtntlng
IN I Tai Rebate
Ricjrcl Tan
Kebabs of i'robaU Pat
roomy Phvaiaan
Koti and Itirla Aid Society
Indigent Soldiers
Tat Rehet
Beoorter Accoani
Jorye "
Bounty on Wild Animal
tereon t'tty A Southern Rilwa Co
lut ol Uraral lit
Total Aojoont claim
atalaiandinf unpaid county a arrant on Hit
Estimated liUreet errued thereon
Total amount of unpaid county
County of ClackamM,
I. E. H. Conrar, County Clark of lha County of CI ark a mat, Ftata ol Orairon, do
br cartifr thai ha foraauin la Uua and rwrract aUtawaM of tba numbar and
Mount of daimi allowed ba tba County Court of aaid County for tba an month a anlln
mm tl.m sub daT of Sat . l'VL on what account lha him a art alio a ad. and lha arooonl
rf aarranu drawn, and tba amount of warrant nutiUndinf and unpaid a tba aaaia ap
pr upon tbt raronii of ray offira and In my official cittiody.
Wttnaaa my band and tba teal of tnt County Court of aaid County Ifel
tih day of Octobar. A. I.
UtJ t ti. COOPER. County Oark.
By O 0 EBY. tVpniy.
Semi-Annual Statement of County Treasurer.
Of Clackaaa County. Oratron, foribaaix
of monay raxvlrad and paid out, from
what account paid out.
To amount on hand from laat raport
To aniounl rtoriTcd from all aourre
To a moon i on band from laat raport
To aniounl racaired atnoa laal rtport
To amoant raceiraJ tinea lat rtport ,
Ba amoonl paid out on County Warranu
By amount aaid out on wear claim
Bt amount paid on on Bchool (japariiitandtnl'i warranu
By baianca uanaral rund on hand
By balanot Hcbool Fund on band
By amount paid oat fcr Rood Warrant
r a aount pa1 to Urpgon City Koad UiiU "
By baianca eaab on band ocptauaar 3wh, 1001
County of Claekatnaa,
I, A. Luellin;. do harrby cartily that tba foraroln' I tma and rorraet autaniant of
tba aniounl rtortred, paid out and rtmainirg on band, in tba Oonty Traaaury of aaid
Co.nr.tjr for lb an moutb andinc on Ih 3btb day of rVptarobar, A. D. 1H"I.
WiUtca my band Uii lOtb day of October, A. D. 1"1
A. Ll'ELLINO. County Traatorcr.
Semi-Annual Statement of County Sheriff
Of th amount of money and warrant raralrad for lam, and monar paid lo th County
Traaaarrr by the Uheriff of Cickmat County, Oregon, for Hi ix month nding on
th 3Dtb day of Bcplember, A. D. I'Jbl.
In tVin and Curency ,
In County Warrant .
U17J07 oo
30 -m
Total rerrired
JI17ZJ7 li
To County Treaaurer .
V'Sri 9'
30 i
Total paid Treasurer.
County of Clackaroaa.
I.J.J. Cooke. 8urifT of aaid County, do hereby certify (hat tba foregoing ttatemant
U correct and trua.
Witneta my band thi lltli day of October. A. I)
1 J COOKK, etierlfTof Clackama County.
By J E JACK, Deputy.
Seml-Annual Summary Statement
Ufthc Financial Condition of the County of
30tb day of September, I'M.
ro warrant drawn on the Comity Treaaurer. and ootttatiding and unpaid
To estimated ai..ount of interest accrued thereon
Total Liabilitie
By fund In hand of County Treasurer
uoiintv warranu
By fnnd In band ol County 8berifl applicable to tlia payment of County
Bjeti mated unpaid current taxe applicable to the payment of County
By estimated uncollected tax lien of I!)
" " " " " IKKf
" M " 11 ltl
Total Resource ic!uslTe of County property , .
Teaal Indebtednex of Connty
Total Resource
Ket Tn!rtrtnei.
(ni. ana unpaiu, mini in m usj ui a pro
now inclusive.
Aniount of
alWiaeU anil
.. .
.. ..
. .
allowed and draau
5 til day of September 1:I .
1 til
,vv to
K.'t 41
I 4 H
Tiw II
ao oi
ml ao
m w
t n
J4 11
14 AO
4i7 10
M 00
: w
HS 3.1
m 3u
3 TJ
110 .H
I.m to
1.S t
IK l
13 U)
7 iW
144 l IS
warrant, alth Interest
month andlna on lha 30 b day of Sept.. 191.
Wioto racalTrd and Iron what aourca, and on
. i
k3rr!Fund 8eod Fm d
eiis x
1.1WI IS
I W is0 K
Row! Fund
f S.0tn 03
U.W 4ft
ll.tM 06
$ n.zoi
8.KH7 M
Road Fond
so rtiw
1.977 771
I.1.M 91'
cinca lat raport
f 25.S3 70
Stay I Juna Juiy Aiiguat I Sapl,
m'flo -a.fXHrn v fit laix) vm &
IM 110 1H m 79, at f-' 13 i
41 ..WH 3 44 l.'l?-'4 ff) l.',2rr 79
May I Juna July I Annual I rVpl.
WUfS 7t t.W2 4M2H2KH r.VfC41fl 7H f.1tr7t fll
( Ml Ilri 1H
7Uj 34 fttj
13 au
.JH91W v.ifsr i;$.-ifr.m fnw:A n,m?:i w,vao 11
Clackamu, In the 8tat of Oregon, on lha
t 144 MI8 1.1
12 :m HI
$ W7.W) CKJ
applicable lo the payment of
f 6.MI 34
0.(m 00
4 H W
1,04 44
2.178 2S
1.509 W)
I 3.-5 .011 57
$ 1.17.120 00
m.fii it
151,10" 4
Kaaa, Joseph
r.. n. i r. , w
Reynolds. O. It. and A, Ut seres In
J. r. Vsan i. I. 0. a deacrlhed
In Wei l. id. Pe las. Sec
lion Townahip 2 South. Rang
I Kaal I TO
..sabert. oa, IK I- V.
Pateraon, A. T. and wife N
S. i of W. W of rutin. 1
i t Inn
1 Tuwnahln I South. Rang I
Uast. 40 seres 11
Teaahl S Saatfc, Haaaa II Kaisl.
IVterann. Hrlma It lnliraa In
HK. I, i.f HK. V and lota I. 1,
nation i, 1wnhtp I Hnuth,
Itanaa J tutat. rW ai'rva 4 10
William. M ll-V Intirrat In HK.
V n. I Iota I. I Hr'tln H Tiian.
ahli I (iouth. Ini 1 Kaal, M !
a. raa II N
IVtrraon. K. lnia-V. 4 arrra of NK.
S f Nlv . Hm-tlon U Toan-
ahlu t H.iuth. Hanaa f Kaat t!
lHa(KT, Annl M Una a, 4. Vr.
en a, loananip i nouin, ln
1 liat. Ill acraa I 4i
Tanatalp S lb, Haaaa f mt,
Halaaaa, a., I. I. f. mm, 4k (In.
May I J arra In
l. I. (V No . aa
crlhrd In Iwd ll.n-k 11 iwi KL
i-lkna 4 Tuwnahlu 1 tluuln.
Hana I Uai
Allnnt. Jan 0-W a-r In V,
llulmaa IV I. Nn 4.ja. aa d.
TltH.l In IVrd ;.
Hw-ttnn V TV w t4i I u 1 ttmilh.
Kana t Vlm 1
aara. kaaaaal, II. U V. 81.
BV-bmldt. Mary T. -t am In &
Vant-a IK I. O. Nu. 41. aa )
arrllwd In lrd lkHk U p.
rWtlon C Tuwnahlu 1 li.iiilh
Hn t Kaat 4 m
arr. laaar, II. U C, Mat. As.
London. C. VI r. - aoraa In laaae
r arr IV I. V. N il. aa tU:rild
in twd ikHiti n. i z. aw.
nn a. Tvwn.hlp 1 H..uth. liana
I Kat 1 4
Taaaaakla 4 Ik, Maaga t Kaal.
Bullard. rrd and llobart-VR. V
ft UK. airrpt aa drx-rtlrH In
lr.l It.- i, w, n n,-,u,
, Township I South Itnaa I
Kaal. a .-rM .
t 41
I nknown-NK. S. of K V, of SK.
J Hi-!on I. Townahlp 4 ulh,
Hana i Kt. K arrra
Holman. W. C.-UHa L t kWii.
A Townahlp 4 Huutb, Hang I
-. UU arrva J jj
HMra-k. W. II, II. L. V. a. 4i..1H.
riln-lndlvt,Jrt U InlrrT
In M arr, V
t. WoihIi-uiK
. U 1 . .Na. M, a d-Mrtlwd
In lrd !.. 73, ;x w.
Ih.n i, V Tuanahlp .utt.
Kan I Kaat. 3 cfa
4 48
Rotha. Ilobt. C -UK. V, of VW !.
rWlion 4. Tuwnahip 4 ttuum.
lUna I jia. a arraa ......... I a
Evrra.)n. J.-NK of BW.I
Kvrllon M Towrwnlp 4 feViulh
Kanca Kaat. u , ra
Taoaahlf) !,. Haa a Kaat.
Charman. Tho -8W of NW V. "
Wn..n , Townahip I aV.gtti.
Kanga 1 Ka.t. a.-ra o
Wrlfht. A. C -M W of NW. V and
S S of NK 5 and NU S of
NW. . nation Jt T.n.hi
4 ftoutn. Ran. Eiat. U m, raa . I 4J
Tnilllnfrr. Jaair rra, aa d
a-rtl. In Ird 1lMk p(
tl. ftrctlun 17. Townahip 4 South.
Haraa I KUat
Hoalatin. Tha. XI. of 8K. V
S-tl"n 17, Townahip 4 Houth
Kan I Kaat. 40 acrw ti
Ttaalila T lk. Haaaa S Kaal.
PamuV-K. U of NW. V aixl
N U of N K
y K-iiun 1 Ti
hip 7 South. Kanga I
I 0
Tawaahlp 1 Haaaa Kaal.
An.Uraon. A. Vt.-SK. of NW. U.
rWilon . Townahip 1 gouin.
Kangr Kaat. a a. rra
DairdorlT. Toblaa 14m arrra, a da-
w-r:brd In liook Q pa(a
SK. Sretlon X Townahip I Bouih.
Kanga t fcaat
Hendrn kaon. A. V.-South a acre
of 8K. of NK. V. sWtlon .
Townahip 1 8,,uth. hanga I tat
Cbllcol. W. p. and WA.S-I.uia
1 eireptlng 10 arrra, a dracrlbad
In iMd lu,k 14, pag l) tir.
tlon O. Townahip I tkjutb. Hangs
I Kaat, ti acraa
McNaar. Geo. KflM arrr. aa d.-
-rlbd In Lrd Ilook 41, page M,
faction li. Township i aWth.
f k
1 M
t 11
Kanga I rial a )q
Tawaahlp 3 loath, Raaae S Kaal.
Unknown Ownrr-S. i of NE. 4 and
NK. V of K. W. bVctlon I. Town-
nip t South. Karige 1 Kaat, IX
acre ,
L"fgl. W. O , and MrAngal A.
N'. S of IW. and K acre off
of 8. end of W. 4 of N W. C oVc-ll-n
II, Townahip J Boulb. Kng
I Kaat, )'! rr-a
Ingraham, James H W. V of NW.
t. nVcllon U, Townahip 1 South.
Hang 1 Kaat, to ai-rea
Klngabury, Jea K. V of NK. W
of HE. 14. Section 17, Townahip I
South, Iung 1 Kaat t) arrra ....
Hawk, Jamra T.. and Sklrvln. W.
NE. of SK. " and W. H of
NK. V. and lot S, eirrpnng y
acres. Book 4 page IkJ. nVctlon
Hi, Townahip i Suulh, Kange I
Eit, U7 M acre Jj 7J
Foater, Aaabroaa I)., U. L. C. 43.
Scuttle J. and Rrlan-1 acre
In A. It. r oater 1). L. C. No. a,
a dearbfd In 14 llook fyi.
aim 1 If. H.tl..tia rr
Townahip 2 South, Kange I kaat
Gallager. Hoaa-l acre in A. D.
Foater V. L. C. No. il, aa d
stTlhed In brrd Hook , pugt- V2,
, Bertlori a, 22, fl, 2. Townahip
2 South, Kange I Kaat
27 W
Laaab, Kathaalel. II. U C
u. 51.
tt MJ - I l
. I, c. No. il. as ilcacrllM-d in
Imk Hook Li. pige 41, tlona
li. 14, Townahip 2 South, itanga
t Kaat IS J0
Crlanru, Jaeob, U. L. C,
Birt-II, C. B.-1.3J arrea In Jamb
(irlmm D. L. C, a dm rlhvd In
I-1 ikmlt U. page t. Section
f). Townahip 2 South, ltung 1
Kut (4
Bmllk, lleaj., II. L. C.
Helaer, Robt. C.-2t acre In Ili-nJ.
Smith I. L. C, a drarritx-d In
Deed hook 73. puge 4, S'''tlon
, 16, Townahip 2 South, Range
2 Kiat, la.Gi acre 7 SG
Township 3 Booth, Hana; Kaat.
Kimball, John I.-HW. 4 of NW.
Suction 4. Townahip 2 South,
Range 2 Kaat 4J acre 2 W
rv-rkey, W. M It Section 8,
Towmthlp 2 South, Range 2 Kaat,
20.64 acre 1
Warner, Kstella 2f acre off of K.
at SB. . Section , Townahip
2 South, Range 2 Kiiit 2 03
McKenzle, Wm.-Ixit 4. Section 12,
Townahip I South, Range 2 Kaat,
2.t3 acre J 40
Kellenhoover, Chas. Lot 1, Section
r. 'William Indlaa
eora llllad. illa(,
anil Iteklag flira. It
atMKrli tba tuoiora. sl
Uritri IU:hliif atonra,
actasa a poulii'', (
Inatant relief. Ir. Wil
UI.11ir.NT la Mf
SaraD only ror Fliea ana ivnin or th irirata part
.fary tHii la warrantad. br druagliu, or fanl
I17 mall on receipt or prio,aa a no a 1 .ovper not,
tflUUUD HTO Co., 1-rop a, CLVLAiU, O
F01 al by CliB iima A Co., Uruggut
Packet Store
Nico Jino Silk Velvet, KiMNiim,
Vfilingf, lKlif ami Sf Pil
lows. New lint- of lollies' Hack Conilm,
Sitlo (NhuIjh, roinjiatltiurd ami
Hair Urnanu'iitJi.
NinlloH, riim, Mourning l'inn,
liair l'iiiH am! had lVnciU at
lowcitt prices.
Cap, Cajii, Caj, Men' ami Hoys'
Winter Caps way below rout.
Wo carrj,' tlio l!nkay Kid (Moves,
warrantnl not to rip.
1 luloz. laiiics' line Ilantlkerrliiefs.
Umlirellas at reduced price.
Svj our lino of Turkish Towel.
Doll all hizoh, ali-o Poll Head and
tlio Minerva unbreakablo Heud.
Sowing Silk, Kni!roidery Silk,
Machine Silk and Huttonlmlo
Men'. Women' and Children'
fine Uiidi-rwiar at lowest prior.
11. Townahip 1 South, Range S
Kaat, 11 acrre
lpr. J. W -SK. V .n.iJIi.g I
a rra. S-tPn It. Town.hlp I
South, Range I Kaat. 11 acrrs . .
Hell, KlUnils 4. 4. Secll-.n T:
Townahip I South. Rang I Kaat.
S acrve
Cramer. J. H.-SW, ! of SW. i anl
K. S of SK " and Iota I l 1.
Section Tt. Townehlp I aViutlt,
Ring I Kaat, l4 7 arrea
Draper. J. W.-NW, V, and N S of
lW. V Sertlun . Town. hip I
South, Range 1 Kaat, lai irrtl ...
Draper. J. W -NK. and N S of
SK. . Section i. Townahip I
South. Rang 2 Kaat Jtu arrea .
Cramer. J. It.-K. a of K S of NK.
V Srrtlon 11. Townahip I South.
Rang 2 Kaal, ) acre
Cram.i. J. R-N'W. V of NW.
Srrtlon 21 Townahip I South.
Range I Kaat, u arrea
Davie. John. Ilrlra of- 2 'Jt a rra. a
deaarltied In I'red H'Xik ? Mga
419. Section ti. Townaiiip 1 South,
Hang 2 Kaal, 5 at rra
II o
2 22
Maltuaa. Abel. Il, I.. (. u. rVtl.
Ward. Helen J , Mr -i& arrea In
Ahel Walloon l. U C No. b.
aa deacrllwd In lie.) lo..k ti.
page A. Sei tlona 24. 7C.. Tk. Town
ahip 2 South, Range I Kuat
f'hel(a. Iulln-1 fra In Abel
Mattoon li. U C. No. V). a d"
acrilied In leed Iheik H. page
It. Her ton a 3i Ji. W. Town.hlp
2 South. Range I Knat
I'helpa, O J Co arrra In Abel Mat
toon I). U C Nu. Ui. aa ilrarrlla d
In Ieed Hook 4S pitge Tt. SVrllon
24. tt. J. Townahip I South,
Rang 2 Kat
f Q
u a
talilaar, lald. It. U f. . B.
Cramer J. It. 17 acres off weat end
of D. Cutting l. U C. No. 6.
Sections I. 17, i 21, Townahip
2 South, Rang I Kat
Chsrmnn. Tho.-f arrea In I).
Cutting D. I-. C. No. M, aa d
arrltied In Ird llook H page al
Hertlona 1!. 17. 21. Town.hlp I
South, Hinge 2 Kast
4 li
Itlrhardaoa, sfalthew, I). 1.. f'. a. BT
Rlrhardaon, K. M.-im acres In M.
Hlchsrilaon It. I C. No. 17. as
dracrlbrd In Ieed Hook 2. pg
441. Hertlona , , l 17. Townahip
1 South, Riinge 2 Knat
IMrhardeon. Mutthrw Kitul of
ZU.ki acrea, all of Rlrhardaon II.
I C. No. 11. ecepllng as de
arrived In l-ed llook 41, page
32: excepting as described In
I wed Hook '. puge eirept
lng ss described In leed llook
ft, I" 2'-7: e''-illng aa de
scribed In iH-ed Itrnik 2V pege 411;
escepUng us deacrlbeil In Ieeij
l!(Ok J, p"K" 4';:i, H.' donn , .
14. 17, Townahip I South, Range 2
Kusl, 224. U acres
24 20
44 K
Welrb, Griiria, I). I C.
Delkrr, Oeo, T.-3 acre In O.
Welch D. Li, C, as deacrlbed In
Deed Hook 73, pnK 1 , rWtlon
2.1, 34, Townahip I South, Range 2
Kaat; Sections 2, 4. Townahip 4
South, Range 2 Knat
Townahip 4 Month, Range It Kaat.
Unknown Owner Fractional N.
of NK. . Section 1, Townahip
4 South, Rnpge I Kaat, Mi 17 acres
Bodle, John F., F.xtste of W. of
NW, nd NK. ',4 of UW.
Section 2, Townahip 4 South,
Runge 2 Kuat, J acres
K. of L, 1 acre, as deacrlbed In
2 M
Deed IlooK 2X, piige iii. Mi-ctlon
10. Township 4 South, Range 2
Ksst I il
Moody, Oillle, Heirs of-BW. 'A. fU-e.
tlon 14, Township 4 South, Range
2 Kaat, 110 acres .28
Caples, Anna R-SW. of NK. ,
Hectlon lfl, Townahip 4 Bouth,
Range 2 Kat. 40 acres J 90
Rltter, Joeph-K. Vk of SW. Sec
tion 14, Townahip 4 South, Range
2 Kast, HO nrre I Kl
Marshall, Klliaheth-N W. of NK.
and NK. of NW. 4, Section
lit, Townahip 4 Bouth, Rang 2
Kaal, 80 acres 12 61
Great Bargains
AT tiik
Street, txtvccii Otli it 7H1.
Oretson City, Or.
Oreerr. Annie-VW. 4 of K .
awrtlun 14 Township 4 aViuth,
Range I Ke at a-r.a ... 10
WrigM. r. M -W. s o w v awe.
lion Q. Townahip 4 aVoulh, Range
I Kaat. M arrea 4 44
Raeaa. Arlhur-KK S of SW. V
rWlU.n M. Tuanahlp I Soulk.
Rara I Ktat 4u arre IC
Hefty. J A -l l of SK V aWtlon
s. Townahip 4 Sooth, Range I
Kaat. aa arrea I (a
Twaaaahl) S alb. Haaaa Kaal.
June, n W. A"lrtilnl.trloe-SW. I
of NW. Herllon I, Townahip
t South, liana I Kaat. u arrea . I 12
Seiton. J II., and ltr, rrl-SW.
Va of SW. W Hevtlon I. TuwnaJilu
1 South. Italiae I Kaal, ) arrea ..
ee., Kill bat h - SK of SW. .
Sertlon 4, Townahip I South,
Range I Kaat J arm ... 12
Uorleit, J.-NK L Sertlon Town
ship 4 S'luth. Jiang 2 Kaat, l
arre 10 17
Wright, rrmk It N H of NW. t,.
rWrilon I Townah:p 4 South,
Rang I Kaat, J arrea , I 4
Canfleur, C and Slmieon. V
SW. W of SW l. Sertlon 14,
Town. Kip ( South, Rang I Kaal,
4 arrra 1 M
Lander. John-SW. U of NK
rw tlon IV Townahip I South,
Rang I Kaat. a) arrra ,. t 74
Sorreneon, Sorren J -ll 1. Sertlon
i. Townahlp l South. Range I
Kaat, ) arre SJ
I'aaold. Alliert-HK. V of Sertlon 11.
Toanahlp 4 South, Rang I Kaat,
I acre 7 V
Onljr lpa Mar IcIlolL
(Jet from 1'orilaml to Cliicif) In 72
houre-Just Hire" lsy. Tl) "Chlcaso
I'ortlaiiil Hprxlal," leaving I'uitlaml
daily at 0 a. in. via. 0, It. Jk N. arrl'e
at Clncsifo ai 0:-T0 Hie tliinl day. New
York and Iloatoii aa rnsrlieJ tlm lourth
day. Tliis train, ai liiiowle.lgn.l to b
ilia fsatesl bet,-en the NoHi wel anil
ilia, Fast, ia solidly vlituld ami I la
plilitneiit 1 nnsurpasaeil, I'lilltnan
drawing-room le.pliif car, Up to-dsl
tourist sleeping cats, library-smoking
cra, frea redlining t hair curt, and un
excelled dining cars, the meals on wlilch
ars cxtil lo tliosn served at lha very
beat hotels, Kctiieinher llil train rung
aolid l'crt'and to Chicago; there It no
chanifn ol cars, and ttiet good of ll la, It
coals no more, to rl.le on It than on other
Wehava olhtr trains "psclflo Kx
press" leave I'ortlsnd dally at Op. in.
via Huntlnuton, and tlia "Hiwiksne
97 ! Flyer" loHVf at 0 p.m. daily vis 8h
kana lor Ht. 1'anl and the Kast.
For rates, aluepuig car reservations,
call or write to
A. I.. Ciaio,
General I'assenger Agent,
0. It. A N. Co., Portland, Oregon.
For Infant and Children,
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Signature of jfMtM
KM fitting Corset, 21 different
Kino lino of Hanolelto WrajijK'rn
at all price, u)o lVrralcs and
Calico WrapjKr.
Finest lino of Valeiioonno Iaoea
and KiLoon to lo had in
Oregon City.
Wo rnako a pjH'cialty of Ijidii-i'
aniK'hiMren'e Huso Supirten.
We carry tho CJoMex Kleeeo Saxtiim
known to bo the U-nt tho worM
ever neen, also (lennanU)wn
Yarn and Zephyr.
A lino lino of ladie' Ire Skirt,
Untler Skirt and Khimd Waint.
A new lin.Mif Flanehtto Night
UhIkh, also Miiflin Night Die
se, Corset Cover and Haby
Ireing Sack, Kirnona ami Ka
oinator all style and price
Full line of ladies' and children'
1! 00.
iiMtM mine i ail ui
soars aaH-so.
B 73 a.m. (Alhao;
0:10 p. Ot.
aornt ofSP.
9 Tt a. ui.
4 6.1 p. m (AlUo; IxraJ)
9. Up. m.
isAra oaaoo im
(Join op, fl 00 a. M.iiolngdowa SOr
or raa
Str. LEON A.
nallT X Htft't a.
Le roUTUSO la 0Be0 CITT
tool Tarlor Si, foot E Mlt H
0 00 A.M. 7 A. at.
1 on l M. U m . u
SW) j ooP. at.
Ors City Traaarartatlaa Ca.
Steamer O.W. Shaver,
Portland loot ol Washington itreei Tue
day and Thursday at 6 p. n.,f C
kanle and way landing. 8 .T' W
Oak point.
Itettirnlng, luayri Cltknle Wdnf
day and Thnradayi at 4 p. rn., '! P,r
Thla li the nearwt and moat dirf
rotiU to the great Nehalem valley.
Shaver Transportation Co
. Is
.alary for an Intelligent man or wom
ch town. I'erinanaiil poltln. '
i.r hour for apara lima. Mai.uf.c"'"
Ituz 1102, Chicago.
Rupturo and WJ
Cured without operallon or
from bualneaa
1)11. 0. U WATTS
Room 14, McKar Dldg. ,ur
Houra a to 4 and 7 to 8 P. .