Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 15, 1901, Page 11, Image 11

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M, Mlrharl, Hoi Altai.
Until the first of January we will aell our
wll known 'MON DKAND" Hhlrti, former!- $.2A( for 11.00;
in nofl and sllJi bosoms, large iHsortiim.it of latent stterris to select
from. KciiiciiiIht thla prloe In only a holiday cial.
JACKKTH and CAPES for ladim and thlMron. You cannot
le hut find what you are looking for in I'lUCKfi, (QUALITY and
HTYI.K, a we have the choinmt stock ahown in the city.
, I'lush CaK- at HALF MUCK.
i We have the tintllcst line of Infant' and children's CLOAKS
you tv T laid your ryca on. Come and look thorn over, hi nt thing
for a Christmas gift, prioce way down.
We are rrady to ahow you our line of I) It ESS GOODS, with
everything that ia NEW, in Overcoats, Urondclotli. Homespun,
Herges, fto. We will nave you money on Portland prices.
Trnnr. t'arf a-ljta 4. L Dim k IX.
KuMllvlalun ol a portion Oak
Jrfom. Nonrv II. ICatala l,uta I
o 4 Inclualve. IiIim k 7. l'nnmah
IllPIiti.ii, J K , Kalall4( , bliH
f, Canrmak
Irawr, John W.-U.la I lo I. In.
clualv. tilix k If. I'an'ltiall ......
Inui-r. Jnhn V,I.tiie a I, liulii-
blotk 1, 'aiifttieh .
trr. J"h VV.-l,t a. blotk II.
( aliomah
M.rah K.-l.ot I. bio. k II
) I .) lUrah rS.-l.oia I to 1 In.
tlu.Kr, blink t'inrmah
Ilaiio. W. ami J r.-t."U I. I.
plwk 8. lnttih
Mt-Mah'-n. ltirhar.J-l.otB I and 4.
pi. k fl. I'anemah
'ert lald-l.ol , Mock ft
XV, ('nrni.li
Ilfla.a tlarah K I lo I, In-
cmilt. b:. k 'anrmah
Tclf..f.l. Maiaril, lula t. K i, U k
It. (nmnh .,
r. X I In . Inrlu-
lil" k A, ('anrmah
Ulnrharl. Kllialxllv- U'la I. t . I.
a. frarUnnal bl'" k. baln
bl ka fl an.l tl. ( "anrmah
Jllfirharl. Kllabalh-Ila I, T. .
rra-llnal bl.M-k ln-ln bl.M-ka
tt an.l m- lil I. fractional block
balaaan blinka U tn J. Can-
rirat A4mm I '.
Oriul-Ul t, b!.k II.
flrat A"1'llll"l lo Canamah .....
lirair, Jho W.-Uil a. bl.n k I,
ri.al AJf.llk lo Cnama,h
Hn'n. Malhaw-Lol 1. llK-k
llni klanj
ta Villa.
Swaat lUal-nixka I to II. In-
flualra. Ina Villa ..........
lluirhina. V m-La I lo I. Im lu-
iv.. all blm k II I n llla.....
Ilul. hlna. Wm.-1iU I lo I Inclu-
a.., all blu. k It tN
Bwart k ira.- IHo.kj l lo II, Inrlu-
Iva, L'na VIII
O. I. A B. fm.'m rlral A4lll
llrtn.fl. T J -UiU IV . Il O.
I 4 N. Co. a nr.! A.ltlltlon lo
arr(u ,
Cardwall. II. l'.Ul I. blnrk iK t.
I H. Co.' Hral AiMillon lo
llmnrrr. JatiM-a II Uila I lo l r
clualv., all blrxk II. It. I. H.
i'o.'a KUal A.liMlon lu (lawrgo..
IloitirM. Jam.a 11- l.uta I lo t. In
rlu.lv.. blu. k t; O. I a. Co.
llral A'l'lltion to tnwro
B.hw.n, All"., Mr-I'i II lo 1.
Iiu-iuilv., blm k V. O I. M. IV'I
I'lial Aii'llllon. I'l (".
lUnlltaka, II. I'.-Iil lu. IniM-k .
0. I H. (.'o.'a rlr.t AOUHIon
In (law'lo
Kcluanhclmrr. A.- Ul 11. Ulm k .
U I. a M. C.'a AOditlon to C
WriTO "Wrann, H K -Una 1. I. blm k .
I 4 8. l o. a Klral A'l'lltion to
Noma. 0. K-UH 7. . blmk M. I.
1. M. Co.'a Klral A.Mltlun to
Moormt, ( liarlra K - It t ! kt 41.
(. I H. A Co. r'ir.l Atlltln to
Koala Oavjo.
llayrt. J. Il-Iti 1. t block 17,
Houlh (tawrito.,
Hi'rn. Wm., hiiiI Krunk trla 1. .
blork I", Boulh twn
Hay.., J. H -Ua a. . blot k l.
Mouth Ortftrgo
Wllmn, Nanry - Ut 1. bloi k 1.
4)onlh Oawran
Ir., J. KKtalr-llla lnlTrl
block W, Hniiih trawmo
Corn.'ll, K. W.-Uila I, 1, blm k 9.
anulh (awio
Ci.bll I.. A.-trOla . I, blork .
Smith (wwrKo
In. J. D -l-ol. 10 to U. Incliwlva,
bloi k 3l, Houlh Oawi-KO
Ilckon. J. . - Ut 13, blork 3.
Houlh twi'Ko .IV
Wilton, Nanry l.nt 18, blork 3.
Boulh imwrgo
Cornwll, K. W.-'Lot to XX Inrlu-
ilf, block 4(1. Houlh Oawrk'O....
Irt-r, J. 1.-Inil I, blork 41, floulh
OawriM '"
Wlllon, Nanry -Lot 6. blork 4J,
flouth tiawrico
lt, J. I . I .otja to C InrhiHlve,
blork 42, Houlh Ohwiko
Corwll. K. W.-I.ola I lo 5. Inrlu-
alvr, blork 4IS, Houth Oawi'kto......
Curntill. K, V..lrina 14 lo IX, Inrlu-
alva, block 4f.. Houth OwwcifO....
Corn.-ll. K. W.-Irfla I to IH, Inrlu-
alVf, block 69, Houlh Onwrgo. . . .
CornMI. K. W.-l-ol 7, bjork ill, Houlh
Cornall, K. W.-LoK 10, 11, block J,
Cornell, K. w'-Lol 14, block H,
Houth tltiWfKn A..
.Mrycr, Kllin I'arenl of land, con
tnlntiiK &MJU in'ra frut, Boulh
H Doltnn.
riollon Land Co-Lola 1, I. 8;
block 10, Iiolion yvj
Holton Lund Co. Uit block IH,
Ilollnn Irnml Co.-Lot 4, block 1,
iMorkley, 'Mnrtln and SiiHiin Lot 5,
block 111. Holton v
Ilollnn Land Co.-Lt 6, blork 22,
ItnaniUHHi-n, E. M.-Lol 4, blcnk 80,
Holton Iand Co.-LoU 2, 3, block 32,
Beolt fiiiann J.-Inli 6, . block 1,
Allpn, II. C Irflta 5, S, block I,
10 M
1 M
I oj
1 1
7 U
13 CM
t r.
' "i
1 U
1 21
6 48
1 90
4 1
4 13
1 26
r Whrm you cnll at our place, and look
over tli humorous HAUOAINH wo have
irctartl for you.
W have redtiwd I'MCKH In neurly all
line In our Htoro, owing lo'tha late season
and our large OVKIt KTOCK.
Mlll.r. Wm. -Lola I. I, blwk 1,
Wlnrtawr 1 M
lloatra, II. M-Ila 7 lo I, Inrlu-
l, bio. k , Mtnta.r 147
llo... . .-L.( I, t. blwk 10.
W.iidw.f M
Bullivon. W. II. -Lot I, blmk II.
Wlndaor 17
I mx. lev, It. M., Truat.-Iut I, blo k
II, WllHlat.r tt
oit, Buaan-UH 1. blot k 14, Wlnd
aor 4
Hrott. Huaan J - l.la 1 to t, Inrlu-
aiv.. IiIim k li, Wlndaor I a
Hoffman, Ooaiava A lila I, 10,
Uotk 15. Wlti'taor M
Harry, JuMa-1-t.t 1, blot k t Wra
ly .n U
Wlllaaaaarlla Kalla.
I(u. Lulu -Lot I, blmk I. Wlllam-
rll. Kalla I
HaamuaMn, K M -lH I, blmk 11.
Wl.lam. II. Kalla
urll. Tl.oa-t 4. blotk a, Wll-
lamrti. Kalla w
Ilamitiiinil A K l.t l it. arrra:
lot t. 4 arrra, Itnaramxl I S
llanm.fnil A K-I.nl II, 4 arrra;
lot It, tot arrra, lluaaarood t 01
I'laaaaaf Hill I'ark.
t'liknc.an a 4, .7 acta, I'traaanl
lllll I'atk 1W
Kaw K.ra.
I'h.lpa. Itlanrhard A llaurr Ix t,
k f K.m I,-..
t 17
navr, Jacob-IJt t. blmk i. Nf
I Caakr.
n 1 Walt. A. K -Lot . blork 11. Canbjr..
I'ui. Mary A - l.'a IQ lu 13, Hiclu-
alw, bl'Kk U. t'auby
Wait, A. K U'l I to II. Inclusive,
all blmk II. Carniir
Uarrtann, lla-lxiia I, t, block a,
t anliy
K.d.r.la. II. K..-I.4ta I. K block 14,
Albarl l.aa'a Adalfloa ta taaay
I Oraham. John A.-lxita I. t, blork t.
AHwrt l i Adtllilon to Canby..
Itmlirra, lroula-Atl block 13, 1 Tuna
land rn-mtty. Kannia M.-AII blmk ,
Orraory. Kannlo AI.-AII blmk 60,
rr.iii.lanU v
lUxlK-ra, liula All block U, ITune
land Harlow.
Hull, Anna-Iit 4. blmk I. Harlow..
Holt, Anna-Lot , blmk I. Uar.ow..
imifld. . W.-Ul . b.mk X, Htir-
N.Mttr.im. Sarah S,-Lot f, bloik ,
An.lr,.a, A!a-lllok II, 4 20 acrra,
llarlan'a Klrat Adilltloa to Harlow.
-i. ..... All tl ftLrlnar'a
lianna, in rn w" " ... .
l-lrt A'ldlll'in to Itnrlo
Snytlrr. Ilttiry A. -All of rtrnal.m
tl.ai rll.rd In Hook &7. Iiga 401.
lot 1, blot k IS. lUrlow'a Mrat Ad
dition to lliirlow ':;.
Caraou, John I Ut f. 4, block 15,
Harlow 1 'Mril AUtliilon 10 ii
Harlow. Wm.-7.kS arrra, all diock
I 21, Hnrlow a Flrat Addition to
I Harlow ....Vii'
70. Harlow. Vm.-4.M acr.-i, all blm k 3,
'liniUiw'i nrat AUdinon io ir-
low , j
Harlow. Wm All of rxtanalon, l.M
arri-i. block a. S arrra, ltnrlow a
1,'ir.i A.lilliliin to Harlow
llurlow, Wm. .75 arrr, block 24, Hr-
low r lrat auuiiiuii io nm iw..
Krlrnda' Orraoa tolonr.
Jarkann. II. O.-AM block BR. 3a
acrca, Frlcmla' Orrgon Colony....
4 95
Irvla'a I'lraaanl l.lttla Ilomra.
Caraon, John I -10 cra dt arrllrfd
7 40
In Hook M. fllgf liW, ail niot a t,
Irvln'a ricaaunt Ultlo 'lloniBa..
I, Ina (Mr.
romoroy. WHlicr-Lota 7. , 9, block
Wakrmnn? M. fl.-Lol'i 6, 6. biock 8.
Llt.n City
I'lraaanl Little lfomra,
o. 1.
Lov. W. 8 -Lnta 1, 1, Plcmnnt Llt
tlt Ilomra No, l....
Smith, T. II -Iot 6, Plcnitanl Uttle
dlonuw No. 1 . :".''
Jlmlnon, Chiillln lta It to Id, In
clunlvo, I'leiisunt Little Ilomra
Mo. 1
Ilniicr. MBKtarrt-'Lot 19, 20, Pleas
ant Little Homes No. 1
Cnrr, Wm,-It 22, 23, Pleasant Lit
tle Homes N. 1
Kverest, IMnrv K IrOts SB to 41, In
clusive, Pleasant Little ttlomei
No. 1 .
Nolmi, Vlnln-Lote 48, 49. 1'lenaant
1111, 1 mil, .
I.IiiIa tl.uniM iNn. 1 M
Smith, T. II.L.01 0(, j'leusaui wnw
liomea No, 1 ..".. 1
Campbell, lliiKh-Lot 5S, IMcasant
Little Homes No. 1 '
I'lraaant Little Ilomra Ko, 3.
Pleasant Little Homes No, 8..,. 23
IlovcrklKO. Win. T. l'ts 22 to 24. In
clusive, block 2, Pleasant Little
Homes No. 3 "V 67
Honeyman, Martha A.-Ixita .11, 32,
IiIiicK 2, 1 ifusuni iiiiio iiuiut.-.
SwaiiHon, Stimiie'l ii't 18, block 2,
Honeyman, Mary A.-Itl 1, 2,
block 3, Pleasant Uttlo Homes
W trm. John-Lots' ' 7 ' to ' H," ' inrVii
slve, blork 3, Flcasant Little
Homes No. t
Walrln, John-Lota 22 to 28, Inclu-
liariow p 'ri.rt ,.." w - - m tain I iir
low ,M,Thlin. Otto-Iit 1. block 4. Park
I5:st 'jualitlo of liriiiiK, silks, satins, velvets and dress trim
ming, in the latest PATTERNS and MIADKH.
Our French WAIST Flannela and FlaimelettfB are the talk of
the people, all the now shades can he had.
If you want a BILK WAIST at half the regular cost, come and
see ours.
lUiny dny and MIESS SKI UTS (JO Mmph-a at ! than
factory costs.
Holiday DKESSINO 8ACK8, Fascinators, Knitted Shawl,
Silk Mits, and Gloves. TOILET ARTICLES and Perfumery of
every description.
Ladies' and gentlcmen'a PURSES of the fluent kind.
Our HOSIERY department ia more complete than ever before,
at way down price.
Wonderful BARGAINS in men'a, hoye' and children' CIX)TII
ING, In all tho latent thadei and qualiti a. Hole agent for the Felix
Men'a and hoya' OVERCOATS, 15 per cent on" from regular price.
We have the sweliest line of IIATj and CAPS in the City.
A glance at our SHOE DEPARTMENT will convince you that
we carry the heel hranda that can be hod.
We are aole agents for "The Red Star" and the "Geo. E. Keith."
alva, blmk 4, flaaaant Uttlf
llolnra No. t
Chrlai.narn, Annt Iita 7 and I,
blmk ., I'lraaanl Ultla Homt-a
No I
Eatt-a. ) ll -U.u t. 10. blmk t,
I'lra.ant Ultla llnmra No. I,..,
Llatrr, T. K -lot 14. blot k i, I'lraa
anl IJtil. Ilomra No. I
Walrln. John-Ita 4. (. blmk 1
I'lraaanl LIU la ll.imra No. I ...
Walrln, John-Ula 10 to 12, Inrlu
alvt, bl'k , I'lraaanl Llltl
Ilomra No. 1
(larkaaaaa rarlt.
Johnaon, r. M. UlrnlnaT at SK.
rornrr of blm k 1. lhrn S. 7.W
1 (7
rnaina; tnrnra r.. if rnaina to
Ilia W. Una of Matlock l. L. CM
thrnra alntia claim Una to a
(mint I rhilna K of plncr of br-
lnnln; ihrmt W. lo bfalnnln.
arrra, Clackamaa I'ark
L-lmlrk. Murt K.-N. lot t block
1. Marahhrld
Talbrrt'a Addlllaa lo MarakBrld.
Mrlx.nald. Alt'l -Lot t, blm k 14.
Talbrrt a Addition to Marahdrld 1 M
Taylor, J. o -Uii . blmk to. Tal.
brrt a Addition lo Marahrteld.... tl
Mool'a Aadlllaa lo MaraharU.
Oarnrr. Wilbur! A.-Ixit 7, blmk 4.
Iloot'a Addition to Marahncld .. U
Hoofa (rroad Aadllloa I MarahBalaL
Ethrtdg. J. P.-Lflla 1. t blork IU
lt.x)t a Kacond Addition 10
Ethrl'lgr, J. P.-Itta I M t Inclu
alvr, blotk 12, Ronl'a Barond
Addition lo alarahDcId
a Uathaalta. C. IL-Lot It, block U.
t uiaaatnna
M Mc'nan. Cornrlla-Irota If. ZU. blotk
It, (lladatonr.
1(1 Krlly. II. U, Truatrr Lnta I lo 12,
I Inrlualv.. block la. Uladatona...
17 , Wlllamrtta Vallry Chautauoua Aa-
aorlallun-lxit li, blork SU, Qlad-
Ilalllngtr, K.irlla O. Lot 17, blork
11 Uladatona
Jo,CrtH,m. J. K. Loll 1 and 2, blork
tx, niadatona
Wvlla. K. M.-Lot IL blmk M, Olad
atona M.-UlnnlvllU ,..ll.l a hl.u.h
t m, Uladatona
. . CToaa. Oriiha lxt I to , Inclu
M( alva, block W, Oladatona
4ftj lifa AdJalBUaT (iladataaa I'ark.
W llrath. R M Northwratrrly i of
nit iw, ,au a era, iota ailjoining
(lladatonr I'ark
Kkluml Alfrr.l M -L.it r I ffl
1 N
;4i arrra, lot adjoining Oladatona
ii fark
Wrat Gladatoae.
7 Moor. Annl H.-Loti 11 to 12. In
i clualv. blork 2, Writ Glad
1 fa attinr
tiriinmy, iv b iMit r, iu, diock (,
vPat (.lladntona
1 r rtiat, j. i . in u, diock u, vni
' Clitdatonr
llrndrraon. Ivll FX-IrOt 12, block
12, Wrat Uladilone
I'ark IMare.
Krlly. Richmond-Lot 11. block 1.
Park flat
Hac 147
l...,r. II M Ij.I hliwk T Pur If
iTaft. Hiirah K.-Lota S, (, blork 8,
I I'ark I'Ibcb
M, Whale. A.-Lot 11, block . I'ark
,, Simmon. Znchnrla Lot 19, block 9,
11 . Purk Pluce
1 90
19 , SobdlvUlon of lllork . br J. A.
t hur, I'ark Place.
Webber, O. A.-W. of block K,
Subdivision of HI.H k "V," by J.
A. Chuse, Park Place
IWorley, John J. Lot 9. block ,
' KtlKWnnd ,
Johnson. M. E Mn.-Lot 17, block
' 6, Kdgewood
tinokamaa Krnttlaada. .
M Oom, H. E.-All block A. 1 acre.
Olnrknmis Krultlnnds
36 Cro. II. R-All blork B, .88 acre,
I Cluckiimas Frultlnnda
CroHs, 11. K. All of extension.
Hook 67, ixige 420. block C, 1 .
ttrre. Cliickamaa Krult lands
82 Smith. W. H. All block D, S acres,
Cluckiimas Krultlands
Clnrkaniaa llrlarhta.
"1 Clnrk, Sirnh-S. H of blork 69, 1.25
1 acres, Clackamaa Heights
1 84
1 90
llli.llvlali.n of lllocks lit, SS, 31, 80,
JIM and ilt, llarkaniaa llrlahta.
rutlknmer, F. W. Iots 1 to 4, In
rhiHlve. hlork SS nhit It. Clack
amaa Height 1 53
1 niii.ia ii?-ihiii. .. . ......
n,ilt,,n A n l.nt ft hlnrk M nlnt
1 . ntunL.mu. Ullrl,la
V ..IV (to ,(( .n I,llin
TrampleHsure, A. O. Ixt 2, block
1 30. plat E. Clarkamw Heights..
J" floiliir1l..r n Tit 12 lilnrk Sft nlnt
H, Clackamaa Heights
Gladstone Real Estate Association
Lots 1. 2, block 8, Hawarden 1 K
Charman, Thos. Lot 3, block 3, Ha
warden i"
Gladstone Retl Estate Association
Lots 1 to 7, Inclusive, all block
4, Hawnrden 3 98
Gladstone Retl Estate Association
Lot A, block 6, Hawarden 1 71
Moaa Addition to Orraoa Cltjr.
La riff. Isadore Lota S 33, Moss Ad-
dltlon to Ores on City I 4
Lana, lrador-rari1brd In llook
2. pace HI, Hrrtlon . Townahlp
1 Houlh. Hanx S Kaat. U a err,
Moaa Addition to Orrgon City... 1 W
Ihata'a Klral A4dlHoa a Orraaa
Drarh Krank R.-Ixiti 1, I all bltK-k
I, Shaw'a Klrat Addition to Ore
ton City I 14
liaaiarrh. John lt I, blork 7.
Hhaa'a Klrat Addition to Orrgon I
nr U
Bant.Vr. Knlthaa-Iit 1, blork I. j
Hhaw'a Klrat Addition to Orrgon 1
'lty u
Shaw. Jam. W.-I.t t blmk I.
Hhaw'a Klrat Addition to Orrgon
"lty u
Bhiw. Jamra W. lyit S, block .
Hhaar'a Klrat Addition lo Ortgon
City U
O. at C. R. H. . I jib a I aar t'oa.
Iran Marrb I, 1IMM.
Elllng, P.-NW. M of NR. Brrtlon
loananip i Boulo, Kange
Kaat, 40 acrra
1 c
i a
l u
La. J. D., EataterndlvMrd t-l of
blmk 10, fniwrgo Hrlahla
Cornrll, K. W.-AH bl.x k 12, f .S
arrra, Oawrgo Mrlghta
Pirrl.h. Co. Lr-All blmk 14. 4.11
arrra, Oawrgo Hrlghta
Lrr, J. D. hiatc Cndivldrd t-1
of block U. Oawrgo Mrlghta
Tonaakla H laitk, Raagr 1 Wat.
Ilrr. David W.S arrra, aa drarrlbrd
In Lrd Honk "V," Paga 411. rc
tlon 4, Towoahlp I Boulh, Ranga
1 Wnt 4 K
Warrrn. Chaa. E -lot L Paction J,
Tnwnahlp t South, Ranga 1 Writ,
' 17.12 arrra 1 tO
Terarn. Oro. W. It 4, 8rtlon 27.
townahlp I Bouth, Kanga 1 Weal.
It a arrra I
Kramlen. Wm. A. and Ouatave W.
1 70 II arrra of lot 1. Section 21.
I . Tomnablp t South. Rang 1 Writ t 28
I at I
Ballry, Tbaaaaa, D. L. C. Xe. 40.
aiuiMig. Martin i acra in Tnomaa
Hallry I. L. C. No. S. aa de-a-rlbrd
In Herd Book t4, para
ISA Brctlon 22. Townahlo t South.
Kangt 1 Weal If
Tatraaala 5 oah, Hant 1 Wrat.
ICaathaaa, W. D. U V fim t!3.
Petaraon, gorrtn I acrra In NE cor
nrr of claim No. tl, Srrtlon 2S,
Townahlp t South, Kanga 1
Wrat 1 n
Chaae, Taoa. D. L. C. So. 40.
Stanton. B. F. and Lottl 40 acrra
of T. J. Chai D. L. C. No. .
aa dracrlbrd In rd Book 6S,
paaa 240. Srctlon 23. TowmhlD
Boulh, Kanga 1 Writ 17 94
Townahlp 2 Soath, Ran 1 Ffeat.
Wbltroaab, Lot . 3fi-tl.
Matthlnien. John 1 acra In lot
Whltcomb D. U C. No. SMI. aa
di-acrlhtd In Drrd Book tl. page
m 265. Brctlon X. TownahlD 1
I Bouth, Kimge 1 Eat 1 41
14 Banuburn, II. U 4 arrra In lot
nitcomo u. u. mo. tvii. ia
J7 drarrlbrd In Deed Book "H,"
imaa i srciiona l anu 2. lown-
57 v ihlp 2 Bouth. Range 1 Eixt IK
aquirri. joariinin i arre in toe
Whltcomb b. L. C. No. SS-41. aa
di-arrlbrd In Drrd Hook "2, page
233, Section M, Township 1 Soulh,
96' Rang 1 Kant I
tkeiioag, u. n .iho acrra in uoi ,
. Whltcomb U. L. C. No. Jfi-41, aa
dracrlbrd In Prrd Book "J." poge
94. Srctlona 1 an 2, Townahlp 2
South, Kange 1 East 18
Wills, Geo D. L. C. Ha. 42-S8.
w 1 Hardy, Jnmea R. I acres In Oro.
Wills D. L. C. No, 42-5S, aa de
scribed In Deed Boook 68. pate
319, Section ia. Township 1 South,
Kange 1 Hast
Logos, I'his., Kstnte 40 acres In
Ceo. Wills D. L. C. No. 42-M, aa
described In Deed Book 6, page
Sl'l. Section 3D. Township 1 souin,
Kange 2 Kast
Atchison. Sam and Aglllah 5 arrea
In Oro. Wills D. U O. No. 42-58,
as described In Deed Hook 19,
' pnge Section t Township 1
South, Range 1 East
Willi. W. B. and L. A.-t arres In
Oeo. Willi D. U C. No. 42-68, ta
descrlb.K In Deed Book "R,"
puge 45t, Section 25, Township 1
South, Range 1 Kast
Lavngetta, C 6.40 acres In Geo.
Wills D. U C. No. 42-5S. as de
scrltied In Deed Hook 29, page 4S1,
Section SO, Townahlp 1 South,
Rung I East
39 85
4 33
T 85
Lenellea, 11., D. L. C. No. Tl.
The Waverly Association IS acres
In H. Iwellen D. U C. No. 71.
as described In Deed Book 72,
pane zx Section . Township 1
South, Ranae! East 17 .5
ranipbell, Hector, D. L, C. No, Kl)4t.
Page, J. H. 24 arres In Hector
Campbell D. L. C. Nos RMl, aa
described In Deed Book 37, paae
879. Section 25, Townahlp 1 South,
Range 1 Eust 62 66
Thompson, C 6 acres, also N. 4 of
N E. hi of lot 3, Nos. 69-41, aa de
it scribed In Deed Book 42, pages
lot, 1U2, Section SO, Township 1
South, Range I East, 15 acres....
Dowlen, Edward J. 6 acres In Hec
tor Campbell D. L. C. Nos. 6!M1.
aa described In Deed Book 40,
mge 100, Section 25, Township 1
South, Range 1 East; Section 30,
Township 1 South, Range 2 East
Logus, Chaa., Estate 104. 50 arres in
Hector Campbell D. L. C. Nos
RSM1, aa described In Deed Rook
20 76
7 45
33, page 75 : 37. page 422; Section
Township 1 South, Range 3
96 63
Township a Soath, Itnnae 1 Kaat.
Marlay, P. H.-NK U of NE. U of
Sec. E, Township I South, Range
1 East, 40 acres 26 61
Try our $2J0 "FOOTFORM"
for men and ladiea, in vie! calf,
velvor calf, and vici kid, plain or
extension aolca and the very lat
ent toe.
Don't overlook our holiday
8WEATERS in newest design.
Wet weather goodi in every
description for men, ladiea and children at CUT PRICES,
hut the best brand.
Our REPUTATION is well known that we mean what we Bay,
and we ask those that are not aware to give us a TRIAL.
Always willing and ready to show you around. Our place is
small but it will surprise you when you see the STOCK and
QUALITIES there is in it.
The New Idea 10c PAPER PATTERNS always on hand.
Remember it ia the same reliable FARMERS & MECHANICS
Main Street, between 5th and 6th.
Mountain View
We took the first premium at the State Fair in J'.'OI on
Barred Pljtnouth Rocks
Ve have for sale young cockerels at 11.00 to $5.00.
W't have a large stock and do not care to carry them through
the winter. If taken now you can get a fine ccckerel for half
what it will cost you in the spring.
Oregon City, Ore.
Wo art prepared to execute firtt-class Printing; promptly at the
lowtit prices confident with skillful and intelligent execution.
Your Work Solicited.
The Backaaaa Trie 4 ktaar Plaava, la
Laal a Faaar Oaa.
1 l'.ke pHTvvermce In a man. ereo
Id a barkman." U rsd Pcteraon. "and
there la oue particular Jebrj doing busl
Drsa In Washington who posaeaara that
quality In the auTlatlve dojrr.
-Wben I Tlsit.nl the CapltalCItj.I bad
mjr mind fullr made up to bare noth
ing to do with the hack men. ao when
1 atepped off the train and a crowd of
these gentry bozan aborning at m I
Imply ghook my brail and passed on.
One of tlicru. however, waa not to
be thus easily disposed of. Dancing
round In from of uie ao aa to block
my progrea. be vociferated:
"'Hack, mutter? Take yoo to the
Washington muniscipnt or the capltolT.
Only half a dollarr
"Again I hbutik my bead.
"Snilihstiiniiii Institution or treasury
building? Take you to both of 'em for
73 cents."
"Still I ghook my brad.
"'Arlington and Fort MyerT Drive
you over and lock for t2T
"Aa before I responded with a ahake
of the bead.
"'Nary yard or Soldiers' borne?
Either place for a dollar.'
"Another shake of the bead.
" 'Want to go to the White House and
ee tlte presideutT Drive you right
there for 5() centsT
"More head shaking.
"Tateni otlii-e or state department!
Same price an the White nouae."
"Another nbake. Mind you. all this
time I hadn"! opened my mouth or ut
tered a word, and from the pnzzled
look on the hackman'a face I thought
I bad blm about discouraged. Hut as
I shoved past blm. thinking to make
my escape, hla countenance auddenly
brightened up and I heard blm mutter:
"By George. I've bit It now! HI
try him Just once more? And then.
running In front of me again, be spell-
ea out on his nngers in the dear and
aumo Bipuaoet, n un wbtcn I chanced
to be familiar, 'Deaf and Dumb asy
lum? Take you right to the door for
a quarterr" Woman's Home Com
panion. ..
If coffee Is spilled on linen, the status
lctn be removed by soaking the part
. . . ' ,.,
for 12 hours In clear cold water to
which a little borax has been added.
After you hare washed and Ironed
your ribbons draw them swiftly under
the flatlron. holding It on one edge. Do
this two or three times and your ribbon
will not be still, but soft and pliable.
To wash very yellow or grimy thlugs
make an emulsion of kerosene, clear
llmewater and turpentine In equal
parts. Shake them together until
creamy, then add a cupful to a boiler
ful of clothea and boll for half an hour.
Acetic acid (concentrated vinegar!
will restore colors that have been In
jured by the alkali In soap or by soda,
ammonia or substances of a similar na
ture. Conversely stalna made with
acids, which are hostile to some dark
colors, may be removed with dissolved
Poultry Yard
It la aUkrcta, as the taataweetera
Coaat at Pcrala.
The hottest region on the earth's sur
face Is on the southwestern coast of
Persia, on the border of the Persian
gulf. For 40 consecutive daya In the
months of July and August the mer
cury has been known to stand above
100 degrees In the shade night and day
and to run up as high aa 130 degrees
In the middle of the afternoon.
At Bahrein. In the center of the moat
torrid belt, as though It were nature's
intention to make the place aa unbear
able as possible, water from wells 1
something unknown. Great shafts bare
been suuk to a depth of 100, 200. 300
and even 500 feet, but always with the
same result no water. This serious
drawback notwithstanding, a compara
tively numerous population contrives
to live there, thanks to copious springs
which burst forth from the bottom of
the gulf more than a mile from the
The water from these springs Is ob
tained In a most curious and novel
manner. "Macbadores" (divers), wbosa
sole occupatlou la that of furnishing
the people of Bahrein with the life giv
ing fluid, repair to that portion of the
gulf where the springs are situated and
bring away with them hundreds of
bags full of the water each day. The
water of the gulf where the springs
burst forth Is nearly 200 feet deep, but
these macbadores manage to fill their
goatskin sacks by diving to the bottom
aud holding the mouths of the bags
over the fountain Jets this. too. with
out allowing the salt water of the gulf
to mix with it
The source of these submarine foun
tains Is thought to be in the hills of
Osmond 400 and 500 miles away. Bo
, hag eltuated at the bottom of the gulf,
j. g a mystery how tbey were ever
discovered, but the fact remains that
they have been known since the dawa
; 0f history.
The army worm Is essentially a
grass eating insect, though It ofteu
feeds upon other plants, and Is said to
prefer oats to corn
' The malaptecurus, a Sah only eight
Inches long, cau develop a shock of 200
volts of electricity in the two-thousandth
part of a second.
Several pairs of pigeons which a sci
entist has observed In Paris have rais
ed their youug In nests made entirely
of hairpins collected on the paths of
the Luxembourg.
The largest nest In the world Is built
by the mound bird, a sort of Austra
lian fowl. It makes mounds some
times 150 feet In circumference, In
which tt buries Its eggs five feet deep.
The heaviest bird that flies Is the
great bustard. In size It exceeds the
Norwegian blackcock. The old males
weigh about 33 pounds, but when food
Is plentiful the young males may
weigh 40 pounds. Great bustards were
formerly as pleutlful la western
Europe as partridges. Now they are
rarely found.