Oregon. City Enterprise. NO. I OKKdON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMIJKK Ifi, 1901. ESTABLISHED 1866 ifTltTTl lit n, 1 1 ' i , 31111 1 1 r lmnin nnmn B UN III till, II I III! a a. m.m a mm . it I AW. ,11. Mtt,kafM1lh state a'- (iSau. X 01 T OHEGON CITY l IIKI,,. . LTho Oi.W Firrt-Cl lIuU-I in town. am i day n4 usuier". J Mm UIIKL, rrprl.lf. KKl'UJtT OP THE OK AN I) JURY irroKKV AT LAW ...II !.. jsti"1 - ,1 niuoi nil, . ..J l.aaaaal Ll.Mial . tK i4WSv-.W jTTvUXKY AT I.AM" t.. Hl'W" I ;:ji:ck a katiiam i:;ornevsatLnw. 1 RED LINE DOUG KHurned One Troe IS 1 1 1 Four Not True Kill. and CURE DHUHIIOISTI Oft ICIll-H' B03DS rur CiU. ('.,. ", rt . HUli... Ilr.,,,!, '..t.Wr. Il'o h l . Hoarsen. Ilo.kl. 35c 50c OUATAITTTIIS It-Unir aid .ff Utile i, Red Li, t .!. t or I.,,,. Ue. lt.iy buttle, ami 0I ( I ...(UI .. urn i Ui U and .,tir uic,t,e will I- rUedail. i.nj. 7 Charman & Co. Cut Price Druggists Thon 13 Oreuon Cltv. Or. i We (lit nnrlerskpiej Grand Jurors o( (In Circuit Court lor Clackamas County, do hereby oisks tlili oor final report, to k wit: , We have txamlbed all thargee of crime hlth have been brought to our alien- Ml Mm of Ihrra Insufficient Is. Pern and la gome lain Hive Harrt m VTbe Are Dl'qaaliM. i Ion and within our notire and liava re turned one trua bill and lour not true h Ulli. kJ Realising that It la Impoeaibls in the Mumat ijii iui wiv viviitj mm turn j S j, r.r! Kut an.. 't jrjr&jrjrjrjrjrjr&jrjrjrurjrjrjrjrjrjrjrjrJl r reintin in action, to carefully examine in'irv at-i.aw. 0 1 (itv airf . m a at iHtm t'ii j . t fm. ! ANflTV -.il(w of lha I'rac. a.Hl mII raia LIGHT AND WHITE BREAD ('annul l ina)v u tilt an inferior grailu (luur. That in why Portland Flouring Wills Flour is almost utiivcroally utl when v r it in known. Anlc your gt( vr fr it. Mailo hy jiatent prtK-ona. Ik t ' ih 0. MmV.1V viMMILIILM 9 i i i iii'i.ii EF.N A A!t.ff)i al I-w. (ratft)tv Vltdt. i l in. ! J m-y ;iln Enlorprlao UullUlnU. COLD FEET Art madurirv to cM. wbUh drvclup into con uitiHioa. It U fui.lUb aad unnrrrMarjr to go about ith wrt frc tad imperii your braltb wbra wintrr but and rut.Urt rr chrap. Scr fcBitSSE VPOS. about It. Tbryartih Icadm aad thctr atock'ftf luur fwrtwear It Uo; enough and good rnough lu pirate llxr uirt fattidiuut. Main alrrrt, two douf north of xto(Tic. iba buoka and accouota ol tla varioua . County oflliara, wt liava not duna ao, jaicept genarally and aucli vrnpral Infix njaiiun aa wa haa la out aufficieot (or aa to certify either at to lha correctnrat or inix,rrcineH of Iba booaa, or accounta or rond'ict U toa varioui county oflk-aa. Wa Ulieva that the auret way to inaura tha county againat any financial loea from any A ita otliwra la to rvqultt them all togie good bunda, and tberefora wa baa taken palna to examlna the bonda ol Ilia varioua county ofllcera to aacertaiD tbrlr autHtlency. W'e find that there baa, probably through ovrraigbt and in inad j veilenra, been gieat laiity aa to tha (orm and utllcirncy ol tha bunda given by Iba virion oflli-er, aa to eome ol the qualifl cailona ol turetiea on iba bond, and then-fore c-H tha attention of the Honor ab a Circuit Jodge to aome ol the irrega laiitiee found. Tl. l.nl ..I tha RvniiLr la InaufHi'Ipnt Q n form ; the bond ol the Aeaaaeor la io.ul- Sficknt In lorro and coolaina tba name ol e lha iX'poty Aaeaor ai a euraty. While. 8 tha atatoie doea not ear exprealy that ;:U.7A MI1.I.KK moRSKV AT UW xtTltlenn.t I.nm1 OfTlce) Mltita n Hclrliy r. r. r. r r i ' r U y W.iBh.rd llblg 1 rt ltcwt, trrrguo Ctt. Oregon iTIKAVAItl) ' lr if CtSTATR AM) IS'SCK ASCII 'r. NOTAKV fl'M.!C lp r. Moore's Pharmacy f On Seventh Street. Mvi. MMV mtftmr M V MM MM VWMW MMMWM School Books, Tablets, School Supplies of all Kinds. fnat. Court I Wock 0r,oB City, Orrgott ! ri.'IT'l.'inS.'l.'ITt.'ll.l.Tl.TTl.TITI'Wl J J A r. r. r. r. r. r. 'A id 'J ISTt'AHT, M" t. ' In M an.HI ll'l Or'ai.nt'iy.Orrn l: to a m. lu 12 n. . I lu I I: l. i.il in a ,i, in. i , i r- i id ""M l.al.l lu Itl.aiin ailim ai'O Cl .,larr. 1y tf nlh'. 'UXUs rKREMAJC, -DKNTluT , olthi Nurihwnaiarn Unler i tVolal Schgpl.Cl.li agO. 'lranCullrgao lrnlal Mirgrrf, jj' -unnte II1.M k. O.rgon Cliy. it-LricKKsa, m t DENTIHT. THE FAIR STORE crpositE rest cmcE In pelllng ot closor figuroft than ever. Tlirw are a price few of our Ki.lc V umlx. Miir uir l llul. -lit l'r Ct.mli..." Aluminum Hair I'll". I'- i ..IOC ftr 7c .V Ac 1....IN iimm i Vrum.nl. ol Utnl.r..l.lrrtc... " Mrrlifl Wa'ut. Intel makc.ft.OO iilrl' hciiJf n""fu hl.r. I.l.lc liin-nc, i.i-.-k and rt.li.ml i.r.uiiiir ll.ir.' anil llnar, ""lr ll.ll "' I-"'!"-"' . r--.:-.;v-v'C-"v:- 1 " IT V;m kr.r. .t.r. I to IN 1 IIIIIIITM ,. 'KIM.!' 'Ki'in.hrinkahle Vein IIHC lira a to S.v ,.1C ,.lt:ic Holerale. All lrallma Uuaraiitnnd. f ' Building . . Om.on Clt r i Or. I 'O'OklOCW C'tTT. "i't BiUiEi Dod !i lie Clir. '.".'J "P fapllal. 140,000. ; , "Htts i.a(io. mvUl. ewaiaa a crietR . . a an. a. ai.iaa. i. ,' a. a cauriauu ' -"mini htii bin. . - ,u ",," nniaiqiteouniaa. . on iini. ,., "lhliu4.ol.t. 7 tu,I,ll,,,1,lr rr n the world N im ",nM I' n fortUud. eo ralJ..T,",,, "aw Tore v . --uq.a datn i...-. . . . . rfiu.7,. ' ,,D"i to enaoa. ""mi i ,so,l ..'rV pntlla. :1AL HANK MOHKOON CITT. . . 1100,000 "Ur. . . "Hi-aHiHa wnainaaa. .. I111" liicniiiim.l. Mkool ' "M y?1"1 atohaiiM on all rMiluW rir.?!""- 'irl au.1 llniig Kmif. I'l '""'Jeul to check. kj ii a. a. i aluirr fuArr I larve enooch and Kood enough I tha etatme doee not aay exprly K ' Pu ,U B,n,t fti'l'"-- 'ia ,rw,t' lw0 I 2 de,,U,jr M,rMor i,'U DOt ,i,ch S I ttitt'tii do.- north oT po-tofTice. I M aurety, we think that the aptnt of the p,'',0'' r I k , would render him disqualified; the k . . tTswiTJTJTJTjTirjrjrdTJrjrjrjb bond of the aaceaaor la not in the lortu ' .r.vi.i..t byataluie.andconlainaaiurety i In. la an allornev at law. who il bt law rnil'tll-lllll""11-1 Joe- 2 tification ol the auretiea on the coroner a bond ia aufllclently ambignoua aa to be r. aurpccilble ol a conatraciion that aame ie J i illegal ; the general bond ol the iheriff ia Inautlicieiil in Icrm ana coniaina me nami-aof two auretiea, one an attorney and the other a deputy aheriff. both ol which luretloi are by law dlKjoalifled ; the bond ol the aheriff aa Ua-col lector, while generally conditioned that the aheriff. aa tai-colleclor, will faithfully perform all Ilia obllgationi by law re quired of him, doea not aay ipeciflcally that he ahall pay over all moneyi that mav come to hit handa ai audi collector, whh h ia the form by law deaignated aa the proper loim for the bonda ol all oflie, I ra, and the aaid bond contama the namea ol two attorney who are by law disquali fied ee audi mretieaj the bond of the couniy treasurer ie not in the form by statute prescribed and containa the nauiea ol two attorneya who are by law disqualified as auretiea. We aay gener ally ol all the bondo, that the auretiea thereon should be carefully examined aa to their property qualification, and re coinuieud that all bond now. or hereaf ter given, be submitted to the District Attorney, or his deputy, before same are accepted or approved , and vce recom mend that the county officers, whose bunds are alx'VH mentioned aa irregular, and containlnu disqualified euretiea, be rt quired to give new bonite which ahall be In all re-peels aa by law required. We have examined the county and city juilr ami find them clean and well kept, but recommoml UiRt me entrance door ol the county JVil clnH placed In such condition as to prevent anv effort of prlsonera to escape. We viniteil the various county offices and find that they are sufficient for the comfort and convenience ol the officers, except that more vault room is needed in ttie office of the recorder. We viwlted the Institution known as the "Sifters of the Good Shepherd of the Magdalen Home," which ia also a found ling asylum and found therein 15 babies under three years ol age and six children between the ages ol five and fourteen, which children are such as the law au thorise the Institution to receive from the state, the sura of 50 for each child's support. There are also other inmates of such institution who are supported by the institution itself, which Inmatea con sist of women who are In the course of reformation, who are there voluntarily, and one minor girl who is kept there with the consent and at the request ot her guardian. All the childi m and other Inmates are well clothed and kept II 1 ' i WILLIAM McKINLEY HIS LIFE" AND WORK Bj II! Ktncrlal ro5!!sti!B. AsscclaTlon. . ...m.l thin work, which makes , p....!,,! ."" '"'J 1;iralod with HUH" 'I . rII iirinleu on 1110 ium uniii'H oi lirni ij I " , . - v,.rt.lntl lllCllirCBi jionriy Tr twimikl manner in a b,k ,.,, ..J Umn" 'V'" , will ..II tM. $1.25. a I,U,,ra.rloco,Wor.tl,ioni. e,. hauHtml. 1 i . . . . . . . . Enterprise and W. Oregoriiah $2 end the Institution ia well aptx.lnted. There Is laundry rnn In connection with the Institution, which la an ordi nary steam laundry, which Is clean, well kept and the employe of which are not overworked. TheOrand Jury waa treated courte ously by those In charge of the institu tion and we were ehowo all through ibe same. Having completed oar labor we beg to be discharged. Mathkw Athsv, Foreman, Jena lUrroa, W. P. Hc'hivelv, clerk, O. C. fiauig, Ch. DatoiiskTV, H. 8. MoiiLta, JaMSS Gl'TTBIIKIS. Saturday Sight's right Tha 20 round go between Eddie Mur phy, of t'ortland, and Hirnoo Morray, of Denver, in the armory Saturday evening was not an exciting content, but. on the contrary, a very tame one. The boys weighed a boot 118 poo oils and at the end ol 20 rounds l-oth were fresh and Keferee W. Hunter declared the light a draw, Murphr was the aggressor all throoirh but Murray was able to withstand bis rnahee and to give him aa good aa he sent. Msny ol the spertstoraconsidered the mill a Uke. but there la no way of proving it. Murphy is a very quick and clever lad and hi mtnsger.rboe. Camp bell, ol Portland, wants to match liira against any 118 pound mao on the coast for 2S0. The main event was prm-eeded by two prelluilnar.es. Young Chogren insky, of New York, and Kid Parker, of San Francieco, boxed aix rounds and O an liner Bowers, of Canemah, and "B.nljr" Barrett prrel four rounds. CANDIDATES AliE ACTIVE Iaferent Seem Cenitrti In the Fight for Major. DIKE 11 01T rOR RE-ELECT.!) Ce.trt lay Hinge ea the Uran'lts; ef Freight Pisarblae te the Pet l.adCltjA Ongai Ry. I-oui Rail, ol this city, who knocked out "Kid" tmitb. of Ashland, in four rounds a few weeks ago, baa been matched against Charlee Joat, cf Port and, lor a 20 round content, which will take place In the Armory about the last of November. Jot at thia time this fight ia the one topic of conversation among the sporting fra'cnity Rail has many warm admirer here and may be depended on to make things warm for his antagonist. Elrctioa Mot re. Notice is hereby given that there will be a general election held in Oregon City, Oregon, on Monday the 2d day of Decem ber, 1001. between the hours of nine o'clock a. m. and seven o'clock p. m., for which election there haa been designated the following polling places, to w it : Ward No. 1 The Cataract Engine house, corner ol Main and Third streets, In thia city. Ward No. 2 The Foootaio Hose Com pany'a Engine house on Main street be tween Seventh and Eitihlh street, in said city. Ward No. S The Engine House ol Hose Company, No 3, on John Q.Adams street between Seventh and Lliihlb streets In said city. At Said lime and place the following officers will be elected by the duly quali fied voter ol said Oregon City. A mayor fur the term of one) ear. A treasurer lor a term of one year. One councilman from Ward No. l.fora term ol three years. One councilman from Ward No. 2, for term ol three years. One councilman from Ward No. 3 for a term ol thre yer. There has been appointed by ths City Council of Oregon City the following pei aon to act aa judges and clerks of said election : First Ward H. C Stevens. E. D. Kelly, J. A. Stewart, judges; II. Trem bath, Weldon M. Shank, clerks. Second Ward-C. C. Babcock, S. Walker, C. N Greenman, judge ; J. E. Rhodes, Clus. Kelly, clerks. Third Ward-J. Harrington. D G. Frost, J. Gillette, judges George Klv, L. Stipp, cleiks. Published by order of the city council of Oregon Ci'y made at a regular meet ing held on Wednesday, Nov. 6,1901. Bbiti 0. Cvbky, Recorder. Dated at Oregon City, on Nov 11, 1901. OABVOniA. BeMI Ttta Kind Von Haw Always Bought As the time for eily election draws near candidates bave hegno to loom above the borison. Tbeir name ie legloo. Their virtues and records are being expounded by tbeir friends and supporters on the street corners. What they bave done that they rhon'd have left undone, aod the things they have not done as tbey should bave done ia large and varied qoeation. Any old matter ia toud for an argument and when the second day of December passes and the smoke of battle clears sway, some men will wonder "where they are at" and what tbey have to give thanks lor. Interest centers in the mayorality con teat. Th present mayor, G. B. Dim ick, ia an avowed candidate for re-election. One year aao he ran against George A. Harding and received a ma jority of 111 voles out of Uie total vote of 635. He beaded the independent ciii zena ticket and received 373 votes, al.ile Mr. Harding, who wss the non-partisan nominee, polled 202. The situation this year haa rot yet re solved itsell down to a fight between two men. Several citiiena bave been men tioned and it Ia whispered that cone of them would refuee a nomination if pressed. H. C. Stevens is prominency spoken of. He is a larve property owner snd would make a fiod mayor. So would J. E. Hedges, who, it is under stood, would not refuse the nomination. Mr. Hedges ia an attorney of high ability and liter La do doubt of hie htnee.- C. G. Huntley, who beat E. E. Charman for councilman a year ago, bas yet two years to serve in that body, and is also mentioned as a candidate for mat or. Charles O. Albright has a year yet to serve in the council and ia not seeking the nomination for mayor, bot probably would not refuse it if tendered to him It ia an honor that few men would de cline. The fight may not hinge on the oppo sition of many influential citisena to granting further privi'egee to the Port land City and Oregon Railway Com pany, nevertheless this is decidedly a not nnimportsnt matter. The mayor should and must be a man who will at all timea be aggressive in the fight for the interests of Oregon City and against granting excessive privileges to corpora tions. Such a man should be nomi nated and elected. Oregon City's mayor has a consider- .(tea eanvmi n t itraw t4 am.' at s few him lha IS.U.V v i' jrvi ti r V n,nii, a is sutai uirj right is vested by the charter to appoint a city attorney, city recorder street commissioners end police force. The present officers are satisfactory in every way. The mayor's appointments must be confirmed by the council. He also names the council committees. ., John Humphrys, of the Bank of Ore gon City, will probably be the next city treasurer. This office pays only $25 aquarter and there is no wild scramble (or the place. At the last election Linn E. Junes was elected without opposition. He left the city last spring and since then Mr. Humphrys has transacted the business of the ofhVe. H is well knewn and popular and his reputation in financial affitirs is unquestioned. F. J. Myers, csshier ol the Commercial Bank, is also mentioned for the place. Three councllmen retire in January and their successors will be chosen at the coming election. The members whose terms expire are Bruce Zomwalt, first ward; William Shehan, second ward ; E, D. Story, third ward. 15 Minnies sufficient to give you most delicious tea biscuit using Royal Baking Powder as di rected. A pure, true leavener. pOllm. Pra'atna. ? F.J. XI t. YKR Cathlar.