Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 08, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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k HUMS Ul MLt'Jv
I l ; . - ; i !. ; . I . L
A,1VUIF Bllld I IMC Ht llUII Ul lilV
J government against Turkey by a decisive
, TO
Erlday, November 1.
I.tft ttage of the Fchley Investigation
begin. Many witness were heard In
trbuital, Chad irk coiitradUteJ one of
tlie Admiral' statement.
The demonstration of France again!
Turkey wu effective, the iuadton
put back to Toulun. What cau the
change of plan not divulired.
Four ease ot plague have been diacov
ml iu GUtgow. Tber were do further
deaths end no fresh case la Liverpool
Quarantine precaution were taken et
lUitan and French ort.
The total Government receipt for Oc-
toler were f I9,SS2.5i2 anJ the eipendi
tore 140,643,833, which leave a surplus
tot the month of HlSd,177,
The annual report of Comniiloner
Hermann, of the General land OilW,
amy that 15,52,7VG acre of public land
waa disposed of during the laat final
year, an lucrease of $2,108,008 orer the
previous year, which waa the banner year
of public land aalea. The net lurplus from
the entire land and toreet adtnlniitrailoo
ia $3,548,442.
Turkey may object to paying the ran
oa neceanary to secure the release of
Ilia btone, opon tbeae contention:
First, that Mis Stone, although warned o
the danger ol the road, pertieted in Ira'
liug; aecond, that he did not notify the
authorities ot her intention, In order to ob
tain an retort, w hich precaution even the
foreign I'onsul alway take in traveling
in aucb outlying, insecure distiict of tb
empire, and third, that the brlgard who
kidnapped Miaa Stone and her compan
ion were Bulgarian: that th coup waa
planned la Bu'garia and that aanctuary
waa fuund In Bulgarian territory.
Saturday, Sot. 2.
Wolff A Zwicker Iron Work I sold to
R C. O'Reilly for $42,000.
The public ttatement ahow a decrease
of over nine million for October.
The Duke and Ducheaa of York return
borne from their tour of the colonial poe
aeewlon. Mis Stone' aMuctor are itill hold
inc out for tb 25.000 ransom and the
case i becoming aerioo.
The naval board propone 40 more
Avericeo war vessels. The new craft
will range from monater battleship
down to tugboat.
Estimate of expenditure of the in
terior department during the fiscal year
beginning July next aggregate 1170.000,
000 of which 1142,161 700 ia lor pension.
Boer attack the Biitish near Bethel.
A hard fLjbt in a thick mist recall in
the English losing two guns, nine officer
killed ana 13 wounded, ana 04 men
killed and 1G0 wounded.
The Schley investigation ia drawing to
a close. The Admiral will make cor
rection in hi testimony. Argument of
counsel will begiu early next week and
then the court will begin ita delibera
tions. The cenrus report (how tb total
number of illiterate males, 21 year and
over in the United State, to be 2,326,
255. Of the 16.227,285 native born
male, 21 year and over, 1,708,283 are
illiterate, and of the 5,102,534 foreign
born 020,002 are illiterate.
The trial of John W. Consldine,
charged with th murder of Chief of
Polio Mot edit h at Seattle, June 25
commenced today. The court refuse a
petition for continuance and the defense
1 working for a delay, Several wit
nessea are missing. Case will go to the
jury in about throe week.
An unconfirmed rumor I afloat that
Minister Wo 1 to be recalled to China
Th purchaser of th Wolff A Zwicker
ron Work will dismantle the plant and
sell It piecemeal.
Schley court of Inquiry ha heard the
lat witness and haa reached the argil
ment itage, lfanna cponed the argit
ment for th government and the law
yer are likely to conclude Thuraday.
Dense fog envelope London, th like
of which ha not been teen for years
Ia the city, business waa thrown into
confusion, (hipping blockaded and rail
way deranged.
Wednesday, Nov. 6,
Eighty seven juror were examined
before a trial jury wat secured In the
Contldine case. State will begin the
offering of testimony today.
Uanna concluded hi address in th
Schley investigation and Captain Paiker
begin hi argument for the admiral
II bad only reached the coaling ques
tion when court adjourned.
French troop land oo Mitylene Is
land and will aeiie the custom. Thi I
probablv a preliminary move to the oc
cupation of Smyrna. The three princi
pal port of the island have been occupied.
A plot to massacre the entire garrison
at Moncada, 1'iovinca of Terlac, Island
of Luajo, haa been revealed by the wife
ofooeot the conspirators. Arrest fol
lowed and many Incriminating paper
wer seized.
Sundy, Nov. 3.
The Buffalo Exposition close with
finaoaciul loss of about 13,000,000.
Football score: Multnomah, 5, U. of
O..0. Portland Academy, 12; Albany
College, 0.
Hon. H. W. Corbett head in the sub
erribtion lint of the Lewi and Clark
centennial with $30,000.
Lord PauDcefote will bring over a new
canal treaty which provide for the ab
rogation of toe Clayton-Bulwer conven
tion. Captive baloon, containing nine per
son, broke from its fastenings at San
Francisco and sailed away to Pescadeno,
t0 miles distant, where it landed. Ho
one was injured.
Monday, November 4.
The laht rail of the line connecting
Moscow with Vladivottock was laid to
day. Last month wai the warmest October
for 30 year. It was also a dry month,
though nut the dryest.
France demands satisfaction from Tur
key. The rumor that the French squad
ron had returned to Toulon was un
founded and it is expected to reach its
destination today.
The members of the New York Board
of Trade hav issued a call for a recipro
city conference to meet Nov. 7 and select
delegate to the National Reciprocity
Convention which meets in Washington
Nov. 19.
Comtiiiflsioner Hermann' report
hows there are 33,784 033 acre of un
appropriated and unreserved lands in
Oregon, of which 23.642,304 acres are
uosurveyed. The reserved area is 6,500
821, and the area appropriated, 21,t)!)2,
L&Q acres.
Thursday, Nov. 7.
Captain Carter i to have a rehearing
in a civil tribunal.
LA Hung thang, China greatest
(talesman die in Pekin.
There are 6740 pensioner In Oiegon
who received last year $749,310.
Ten persoo burned to death by a Or
in a Hurley, Wis., vaudeville theatre.
Oiegon National Guard receive 1500
new Khaki uuiforms. They will not be
issued before next Spring.
. French squadron ia still lying before
Mitylene aud troop have not been
landed. Ministers met at Constant!.
nople and examined the deinao.de.
The Cooaul-General at Constantinople
baa received a letter from Mia Stone
written October 29. tier captor were
lodged in care in Bulgarian territory
last week. Her release is expected.
Air. Kay nor, rxhiey consul, con
cluded hi argument which was very ef
fective. Schley was deeply moved.
One woman fainted and many wept.
Judge, spectator and opposing counsel
congratulated the Maryland lawyer.
Scbmitx, the Union Labor candidate
for Mayor of San Francitco ha woo.
Hi plurality it about 40u0. lie issues
a statement assuring merchant and
financier that they need have no fear
that his policy will be a radical one.
Tuesday, November 5.
French Mediterranean squadron has
arrived at Smyrna and seized the cus
toms and the control of Turkish reve
nues ia lost to the Sultan. House ot
What shall We Have Far Mexertl
This question arises in the family ev
ery day. Let us answer it to day. Try
Jell-O, a delicious and healthful dessert.
Prepared in two minutes. No boiling!
no baking ! simply add boiling water and
set to cool. Flavors: Lemon, Orange'
Raspberry and Strawberry. Get a pack
age at your grocers to-day. 10 cla.
J a raped on a Ten I'raoy .tall.
The little daughter of Mr. J. S. Powell
jumped on an inverted rake made of ten
peony nails, and thrust one nail entirely
through her foot and a second one half
way through. Chamberlain's Pain Balm
was promptly applied and five minute
later the pain had d sappesred and no
more suffering was experienced. In three
days the child was wearing her shoe as
usual and with absolutely no discomfort
Mr. Powell is a well known merchant of
Forkland, Ya. Pain Balm is an antisep
tic and heals such injuries without mat
uration and in one-third the time re
quited by the iinual treatment. For sale
by G. A. Harding, Druggist.
To (be Kant.
The gre test percentage of Pacific Coast
tnvel passes through Halt Lake City by
way of the Rio Grande Line. The fall
and winter climate in Utah and Colorado
is ideal ; the sun-lit day being as pro
verbial in winter a in summer. This
fact, together with the mifnificent scen
ery and the splendid train service lend
to make the Rio Grande Lines via Den
ver and Salt Lake, the most popular
route in the country. Three fast train
daily between all points in West and the
East. Close connection at Ogden with
trains of Southern Pacific and Oregon
Short Line. Pullman Palace and Ordin
ary Sleepers without change to Denver,
Omaha, Kantian City, St, Louis and Chi
cago. Perfect Dining Car service. Per
sonally conducted excursions. For time
tables, rates and descriptive matter in
quire of J. D. ManHfield, General Agent,
124 Third St., Portland; or. Geo. W.
Heinlz, Asst. General Passenger Agent,
Salt Lake City.
SOLA CIIUM.K, No. h!7. W. of V mots
the Hrtl and third Tuesdays of each nioinU
al 7:30 p. ri.. In Wlllamrti Hall Flora K.
Morrl, 11. N., Carrla N. Parker, ('lata.
Cataract Lodge No. 76, K. of P. meet
every Wednesday evening lo Red Men'
ball. Yiaitin knlghta Invited lo attend.
J. Peckover, K.of It. and H.
Order of Washington, Nonpar!! Union
No. 37, meet every Saturday evening.
at Willamette hall. Mr, little Foley, i
A. 0. U. W. meeta every Saturday
evening except the fifth in th A. O. J.
W. Temple. 11. J. Harding, recorder.
Rebekah Willamette itetwkah Lodg
No. S meeta aecond and fourth Friday of
each month at I. O.O. F. Temple.
Margaret William secretary.
Clackama Chapter No. S, R. A. M
meeta on the third Monday ot each
month in Masomo Hall. M. Bollack,
Court Kohin Hood No. 0, Forrater ot
America, meeta drat and third rrlday ta
the month in Red Men' Hall. W. li.
Stafford secretary; Frits Meyer, chlel
Willamette Fall Camp No 148, W. 0
W. meet 1st and 3rd Friday In th
Willamette 1111. C. C. 4. F. Scriptur
and clerk U. Old.
Order of Pernio nieeta every Monday
mailt at Kedmen's halt. Head CoiiiimIot,
tt. 8. Horltture; Mrs, klsy Taylor secretary
Oregon City Camp. No. 5uM Modern
Woodmen of A nierica meet every second
and fourth Tuextay in the month, al
Willamette Hall U. Urosaenbacher,
Catholic Knighta of America SI. John's
Bianch No. 647. meet every Tuesday of
tlie month.
Tualatin Tent, K. 0. T. M.. meet ia
Red Men' 1111, every Tt ursday even
ing. E. E. Taylor, record keeper.
Meade Poet No. 2, O. A. R., meet
drat Monday evening in each month al
7:30 and third Saturday in each month
at 1 o'clock p. m. in W'tlamett Hall.
1. Colbert, Commander.
Lawton Command No. I. of Orevon
Union Veteran Union meeta aecon l Sat
urday 1 p. m. in Redman' hall and 1
fourth Saturday at 7 p. m. In T. F. Cow-ing'sorlicw.
Pioneer Chapter No. 2. O. E. 8. meet
the second and fourth Tueedav in earl
month at Masonic Hall. MrU-M
Strange, secretary.
Oregon Lodge No. 3. 1. C. O. F.. meeti
every Thursday in Odd Fellow' Hall.-
T. F. Ryan, ecretry.
Fll Encampment No. 4. 1. O. O. F.
tnet first and third Tuesday In each
month. Judson Howell, secretary.
Multnomah Lodge No. 1, A. F. A. M.,
meeta first and third Satunlaya in each
month al Masonic Hall. T. F. Ryan,
Mead Relief Corp No IS, meet at
Willamette Hall the first Monday in
every month at 2 o'clock p. m. and the
third Monday in every month at 7:30
o'clock p. m.
Ancient Order of Rd Croaa Oregon fny
L1t, No. 1, maei aecond and fourth Frv
dart iu each month in Willamette ball.
United Artisans meet every Thoradav
evening of each month at the Willamette
Hall. The social meetinK of this ordr
l econd Tburaeav of each -month. F.
H. Cooper, eec., A. J. Goodfellow, M. A
Lone Pine Lodxe. No. M. A. F. A A
M., Lovan, Or., meet on the second
Saturday in each month from th 1st of
May to 1st of November at 2 d. m. and
from 1st of November to 1st of May al
10 a. m. Geo. C. Armrtrong. Sec.
Redmen Wacheno Tribe No. 13. Imn.
O. R. M., meeta Tue ay eveninii 7C.
at Ked Slen' Mall.. B. Dillmaa. C.
ot R. ; Harry Baxter, aachetn.
Junior Endeavor metis at 3:V)
Respectfully Call Your
Attention to the Followinc
(irc-on CoflVo, from ICo jhuiiuI
IWt Ilior, 11 poiinil for It CO
Arm it Ilaintiior SxU, Imlk, H Hm for. . .
Shoe) Prt-Ming;, r Uittlo
Hilling;, per Imttlo
Hilling. tr Ixix
Waaliing Powder, kt lb '
SWp, luix of 'JO 1'iira "0c?
Matches, o utKir for. .
Extracts, per o
HirJ FveJ, pnokneo
Hone Collar Hutton, jkt enn!
Money I urn', from
Outing Flannel, from ,
Hlmkcr KUniiel, from
oc jfi
oo v..
.50 tin
Knitting Nenllea, jht aet
Hair ptna, ixr paper
Cmrtrr Klastio. jt yd ,
Sotitnrho Hraiil, all color, rtunch.
Tatw, 2 rII a for
Skirt Hinding, p-r yd ffl
IUlr IliMton. tx'r yd
Darning Cotton. 2 roll for
Rick Hack Hraid. per hunch
White Metal Tea Sjhxh, t act
White Metal Tahlo Sjmkhi, jxt set
We carry tlie famous Ir. Warner' Rust
proof and the Coronet Corset. VrU'vn rang
ing from 0c lo ll..'0.
Hoy a' 112-1 and up
Men's 1 .V) and tip
Women' 2 'J5 and up
Sheet Wadding 2 sheet for
Cotton Hatting 1Vj
Ciingham and Saline Umbrella from. .-I'V' up
Silk Umbrellas, from II 25 up
Our Stock consists of Staple nnd Fnncy Dry Goods, Notions, Hntf
Caps, Shoe?, Furnishing Goods, Hardware, Tlnwaro, Groceries, Etc
Front Trading Co;
Court Houso Block, Oregon City.
Wo crtrry the celebrated Ollfx-rt Miilng.
Pocket Cutlory
Wo curry the, C. C. C. Pm-ket Cutlery. 'r(!, ,
fr in 2(o tip, mid gMMU warranted.
Cushion Covors
In Cushion Cover wo have prttty assorl
tneiit, and vellitig them at price lo suit y0ti.
Wo are agent for iho celebrated rnu al
lowing Standard Pattern. Fashion sheets fre
Boots and Shoos
Wo carry J. H. iwl Wear Reslsfers
and Uradley A Metcalf Shoe, which alway
give satisfaclion.
Hoys' I fa!, from ,vi0 u
Me'n'a Wool Hat U Too and II C
Men' Felt Hal, from II (m u
Hoy' Heavy Hleyclo Hoe. riblted, j-r pr '."
I .ml ica' llo, it'xxl quality, xilr C
I ndie' All-Wool Hose, pair yfl
Misea'an lUiya Kxtra Heavy I lose, 2 pr '.'3
Men'a SMk, ribbed top, pair f
Men' Kxtra Heavy Kck. 3 jntlr .... y
Men' Wool SH'ka, heavy, pair 'jj
We Invite yon to rail ami inrrt our No
Millinery and Pre Triinmifig brfure buyin
elsewhere. In Irrs TrimiuinK wo have a
assortmetit erpial to any in t'ortlaixl.
Capos and Jackots
Ladie Capea, from f 2' o
I.adie' Jacket, from 3 fit) u
MiiW an J Child' Jacket, from ... J U) u
Wo have a gxl asirtmeiit tf Women'
Collarette, Storm Collara.
P. Dl.
Sunday Services.
St. John's, Catholic Key. A. Ilillelirsnd,
pastor. On Sunday, ma at 8 and 10;. TO a.
in. Third tiunday In acli monlh, Onrtnan
sermon after 8 o'clock ruaaa; at all other
nn(, KiiKliort aruioiis. bun(tay cln
at 2:30 p. ni. Veer. apoloKcllcal subjacts
aud benediction al 7..V) p. m.
German Evsnrslical Luihvran Immart
tial Cornei KiK'nh and J. Q. Adams sia.;
Kev. Knimi J. W. Mack, pantor. bunday--hoo
at 10 a. m.; weekly services vry
Tburwlsy at 8 p. in. Urrman srhool rverv
Haturda) from 9 to 12. Kverbxly Invited.
Metuoditl Episcopal Church Kev. W. H.
Inrn. palor. Sloriilnjf sarvice at I0.-4.V
Huoitay Hcbool al 10:00. Claw mectln aftt
mnruluf Mrrlra. EtbdIiis ierrlca at 1M.
Kpworib Laru metiri( Huodar Ttulrif ai
, fra;r Mrctlni Thuridar raulm njjth
traiieri cordially lovlteil.
FTKHT PRrBBVTKRii rnt'hr-ir a
1. Montim-ry. faator. 8errict at 11 a m. and
7 SO r. m. riabbatb Hcbool at 10 a. u. Voun
Paoplc'i SoclctT of CbrUtlao EndeaTor meets
svary Sunday ranlnf at ( SO iimiadaj
sveulOf prayar mMliiis at7 JW. Beata fr.
Eirfhlh and Mailirou street, lUv. H. Coplay
lianor Hfrvlcrs every ealitiaih at 11 a. in
and 7:45; p. in. Sunday School 10 a. m
Prayer mretliiK 8 p. m. All are welcome
Rev. P. K. Hammond. Hector. Hi-rlc
every Sunday at 11 a. m, and 6:00 p. in.
Sunday school at 10 o'clock, Oilier nrvlce
at may be announced. All Mats free. Stran
ger cordially Invited.
comer of Main and Eleventh lreet Hry.
R. H. HollliiK'r, paator. Morn in if nerrice
10:.V; Sunday School 12; Junior Endeavor
6; V. P. 8. U. K. prayer meetii.j 0:30;
eveniriK service 7:30.
United Brethren Cor. EKlitb and Plerc
streets. Rev. Cocking, paaUir. Mervices
every Sunday at 11 a. ri. and 7; p. in.;
Sunday, school at 10 a.m.; youiiK people's
meeting st 0:30 p. in.; prayer meeting
every Wednesday evening.
H. Heaven, panior. Preaching services
every Sunday at 10 -30 ami 7:30 p. m. Hun
day school at 12 noon to 1 p. iu, juniors
meet in the afiernoon and the Senior Young
People's society and liihle study clans at
0:15 p. in. Thursday evening. reKular
prayer service at 7:.'J0 p. m. VVedrieiwlay
evoniriK, Bible study class st Y. M. C. A.
rooms (eel by the pastor.
German liapllHtr-8ervI(s the Brat Sun
day of each month at 8 o'clock p. m., con
ducted by Rev. Albert Grarier.
Evangelical Lutheran, Zlon Congregation
Cor. Eighth and Jefl'eraon streets. Key.
Meyers, iisntor. Sunday-school at 0:30 .
ru.; services at I0:.'J0 a. in. and 7:30 p. m.
BEAVER CREEK At the Welsh Con
greeutioiial church, Sunday nervines will lie
as follows: Preaching at 10:. A. M. by
Kev. J. Mnrlais Richards, B. O. paetor;
Sabbath school at 2 P. M.: weekly prayer
meeting Wdneday at 7:00 P. M.: ceiehra
tion of the Lord's supper, aecond Sunday of
each month.
The Weekly Inter Ocean
America's Heat UepnlJienn Taptr
Editorially FearUtt
Consistently lie publican Mways
TJEWS from all part of the world Well written
original ttorlca Answer to (jurriet on all sub
ject Articles on Health, the Home, New Hooka,
and on Work About the I'arm and Garden.
The Inter Ocean Is a member of the Associated
Prcaa and aloo ia the only Western ncwipaocr receiv
ing the combined telegraphic and cable arws matter
of both the New York Hun and New York World
respectively bcnidc daily report from oye
correapondent throughout the country. Wo pen can
tell more fully why It is the rkst on earth.
Kriin full of news from everywhere and a perfect
leant of ccia matter.
. . . $1.00 A YEAR . . .
Oregon City Knlerprlr
TtHI publisher of the KxTiaraisK are now p .
prepared to furniah th public an unequal!. I
new servic in the way of a splendid tluhbt .:
offer. Th ENTRBraisi contain complete arw f
Clackamas eouiety and th Stat of Orrgoo and, it
connection with th Chicago Weekly Inter (fcran
giving a it doe the beat new of the world -I
provide reader with a very deairabl service.
The subimripiion prhe of the I'.MTRaraisM is f I ;
a year and th Inter (Xcan, i.oo. JUnh will be t
for one suW-riplion prle when paid in advance.
The Enterprise
TIN UttrOcc
- 1
Free Metliodhit-Rer. J. W. Kldndtr. pe
tor. Preaching llrt,! and third 'I uemlsyn st
11 a. in,; prover meatlng every Thursday
evenlhg, Services held In the Congrega
tional church at Klyville.
M. K. South Rev. T. P. Hay ties, pantor.
Third Sunday at t'nileil Brethren church,
I'.alabllalied 11(15.
i Ul Kind Yon Hart '
i.''M'ViiV7'l f a afra vt
l'l Ml
.k 'Jl.iit
i lWa that's rl and brU.
U(nl&',Unt- No odor. (2Jj'i i
Man, ,trl. Bold K '
Oil, o.
and Exjn1
Fruight aud jiarcola 'delivered
to uil partu of the city.
For Younir Men uud Toung yfoinen.
Tliern U nothing that will aroiiNa the
ire of a young uwtn or woman so quick a
to have interior laundry work put oil on
thorn. Thev may drt-HS ever no wnll,
but it their shirt front or shirt waist I
tniiHsy their neat appearance 1 ipoiled.
The Troy laundry make a specialty of
ladle' and gentlemen' One work.
There can be no hotter work than is
done at the Troy. Leave your order at
Johnson' barbpr shop.
"I be? ton 14 at a tlms
asvaaat mt (ha ewwal. no ' '
mora mam iM.t tor aalii bt tr i
Clironle eoiKtlpatlnn fur aavon yeara I ' '
his urrlbla oouilltlimi urlus that II i I
err itilni t beard of but nerer found anf '
iiidiiih until I heaan uilt t-'AK '
Bow bars rron one to t hraa pauaact ' '
vat rlob I would give lluUUV for each u
U sub a rallef. avwtsa L. I '
1IU0 ftutMll Ht., V
lS1(yaA0 mas asoimsio
Plaatanl, Talatable, I'otant, Taats
floud, never blokaii, Weaken, or Urlpe, lua, so,
ItarUas BtM CaByaar, CkMasa, BMlnai, It "
The F.nlorpriee 1 50 per year.