Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 08, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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Legal Notice.
In Ih Circuit Court of ths Plat ol Or.
Iron, for County of Clackamas.
Jimn Humphrey,
JCiecuior til tli K
tale ol Crn 11.
I'. Unt and
Mrf IiiL Mt w lie,
Mycanior Land Co.
aoororalluhaiid K.
C. liocvker m ad
n.ixittraior ol lb
JC(at of llOMII
Jaoobton, rti-crswil
lf ndinls
Htati or On mop, (
Coistv or Click awasi
oer, leere sou en rieeution, ouly issued
out ot ami untter the seal of Ihe above rn
tilled court. In Hi aboe iilllled cause, to
nu duly directed ana aaira in ftth uay ol
Auveu.ber, 1:JI n (-on a judgment rendered
nl entered In m court on Hi tlb day
Of Hoveniher. l'.t'l. In Urorol James Ham
rhrey at executor ot Hi Kstat ol t arn
I. Koa h. defeated, planuitl, and against
(eorye I . bent and Maiy M l-enl, hit if,
delendanU, fur the sum of SI. a ,.V attain
Wnl thereon at lb rat ol S per cent per
awni ir annum mini in l.u day ol .o-
ember, l:s.H. and lb further tutu ol f IA 2)
cu and ditbursemehis, and ib eol ol
and upon tint ant, commanding in to
mat ai of lb following itecnh.l ral
rfvlrty. titual In tbc county of Ciacka-
suaatliateol tirrgon. to-a it:
Commencing to rode aet of lb section
corner ol Sections l 1 4. 2J, ni l 24 In town
hip 2 tsiiitb of rang irelof toe YVlltaiu
eu meridian; thenc south lit) rods, lhnc
vmt CO rods to a stake, thenc iiortti to in
Clackamas river, thenc eal tkJ rods, thenc
oum mJro.it tolti oint of rx.rinMi.rt.
containing nv acre ot land, inor or less
together ai.b all an. I singular lb lene
mri.it, hereditament au.l aurieiiaiic
thereunto belonging or in any wis ap
penain ng
Now therefore, by rirlu of aaiJ execution
judgment order and dee ee, and In coiupli
ocwwtih lb commands of aaid aril, 1
Will, on
I Ui hour 6f J..W o'clock p. in. at lb
front d.ior ol tb Count Court Houa in
th city ul Oregon City, in aaid comity and
fcieie. at public auction, subject to re
demption, to lb highest bidder, for V 8.
fxld com cash In bai d. all tb rig lit, tit.
and tiilrie! which the within named de
fendant or either of Hum, bad on tb dal
of lb mortgage herein or ainc ba.l In or to
tb above described real properly or any
trt thereof, to aatwfy aaid el cutlon.
Judgment order, decree, interest, coat and
owl aoci oing cuu.
FherilTnf Clackamas County Oregon.
lated, Oregon City, U.egon, Sot. ti, I'.k'l.
NIIDKiFFM fl.4l,K.
In the Circait Court of th Mat of Oregon
or to county ol Uiaclaoias.
B. H Bo man, )
EilTey Stuart, J. A
lxgan, Helen L
8tratton, Adminis
tratrix of th Katai
ol at. A ttriun
daceawd, Helen L.
Sirattoii, Creed VV
tlratton, CarT"H E.
htratton. Milton
Baymond Stratton,
nd LoyJ L. Mrt.
8iTtor Okiuos, i
County oi C lactam a,
Orr. dvcrre and an execution, duly iasued
ul ol and under the teal ol tb aboe en.
titled murt, III th abore entitled caus. to
in duly directed and dakd Hi Wh day of
KOTemurr, i;Ji, u(-oii a ju.igmeiii renurre.t
Slid cntrred in taid Oourt on Ui ith dae of
MoeeHiber I!.'!, in lavor ol ti H Bowman
riaintin, and aKamat SHeey tiuart and J.
a . lA-fn Deiriidaiita, lor the aura of
tin.vw. itb interrat tberron at tb rateol
10 per tri.l ir annum lioni the 25.li day of
eoruary iivn. anu tne luriner tain ol 73.(rj
aus. ana ui luiti.cr turn ol tluu.O), a at
totue) ' fee, end tb co.ti of and upon ihn
arn , coniniaiidiiig ni to make tale of the
Ktuoamg described real property, attuat in
tne roomy ol Ciackatua, atat of Oregon,
Lou nnmbered Tbre (3) and Twenty
three in Clackauia fark. Clack.,..
(Xiuntr oreiron.
Auw, Ti.nriore, by Tirto of aaid exrtu
tion.juiigaieiit order and decree, and in
compliance aith tlie command of aaid
arm, i win, on smurdnr, th
at tbe hour of fo o'clock p. m , at the
Iront door ol the Coumy Court Hoiim In
tftetity ol Oregon Lity. in aaid CJunly and
Siate, tell at public auction, aubject to r-
urinuiiuii, to ine uigiied uuiiier, lor U o
gold com cash in liaml, all II. rigbt, title
auid liKfreft wbicb It. within named da
lendai.U or either of them, bad on the dal
the mortgage herein or nn' ha.l in or lo
lij above uM.-ribei real projiny or any
ln inereur, to aaut'y laid execution, Jildg
ment or.lrr. decree, n.terett, coata and all
ccnnig roats.
Bheritl of Clackamas County, Oregon.
Date.l, Uregon City, Or , Ni.y. 6 b, 1!1
IXttt'TtTI t(rBTM(T.
hi in, tvtohrr M, I!1.
In atvordanr ltb Hi provLiout of an
Art eiitiile.l 'An Act ti.binltili g lu Ih
elector of ll ttai of t)regon, at l lie gt.ii.
rl election to b held on lb Him .Monday
in J un, I'.k).', th - 1 1 tl 1 1 . k prMT. t'ontih
liilinnal Amendment, approved February
? 111. I, T. T, titer, Governor ol to Mat
ol t'regon, do hereby cant Ih follow In
proHed amenilnieiil, dealgnatet aa "Ini
tialiv and Rvterenduui Amendmeul ' lj
Ih CoiitlltU'lou ol Hie 8tale of OmrxMi.
rertltled lo by In tertary ol 8ti, lo bo
puuliklird lor nv conteciiliv weekiln b
Oregon Oly Kuierriae, pewfr pnU
hthrd In tli Filth Judicial IHtlrlci of tb
Mtat of Oregtm.
IVn al lb Cai.iol, at 8lm Oran.
tlilt lltO day of October, A. I , I'lU
i. I. ur.r.u, iKxernor.
H. w )
H v the (!ovrnori
F. L. IH'kaia, Secretary of Stale.
nut ti Joint aitoirrton do. 1.
(of in Tiitv tlrt liirni.lal Sexton. )
JllJI'imt M TH I t.TlTl'TIO of TMI
TTB of ONIil.-H.
Rewilvl by th Houa. lii fenatecon-
That lb rollowlngamei.menl lo lb t !.
iliiution ol lb ttat ol Oregon be, and in
am hereby la, proposed:
rvction I ol Article IV or trie l ontiltu-
lion of Ih Mat of t)rgoti atiall be, and
hereby la, amended 10 read at folKiat:
Pm-iiou I. Th legitlaliT authority Ol
lb Hat tball b Tetied tu a legitlaiive a
aembiy, coliaitling of a ben at and a Hoot
ol Hei'reteiilatlve, bul tb peopi rrv
to IbeiiiaelTe power lo proi-oa lawa and
amendiuenis to lb cotiailiuilon an I lo en
act or reject th aam al lb -ollt, In.le
dendenl of lb Irgttlatlv aiiibly, ami
aiao reaerv power at their own option to
approve or reject at Ih poll any a. lion ol
the legiaiativv aeiiibiT. Tn Mrtl poer
reerTel bv lb peopi la tb tnlilaliv. ami
Hot inor than eigi.l per rent, ol II. legal
Toler iha.l be reumred lo propot an
nieatur by inch -et Hon, and verv audi
petition il.ail include lb lull text of I tie
lueatur to proioed. Inltialh iwtltl.nia
tball b ft id wiui in Secretary of Mat hot
lta than lour month belor lb eleclloli at
abicli Ibey are lo be Toted upon. I be
arcon.l iaer It II. referendum. and It may
b onlered If xrept at lo lawa neevteary lor
tli litiundiai preterva Ion ol Ih public
ac. health or tat-n V. either by Ih U
lion algned by live per cent, ol tbe legal
Tnier or by Ih Initiative aaeenibly, a
other bllla ar rnacted. Keleremluin pi.
Iiont thall b tiled will, tb fecrrlary of
Stat not mor than ninety day after lb
adjournment ol tbcteuion ol llilrgiia
tit aembly wbich paMel lb bi.r om
wbk'h tb reierendniii is d'manded. Ttie
veto power of th U.ivert.or shall not ex
tend io measure rek-rred lo tb peoplw.
All elections on meaoires referred lo the
peopi of Hi slate sball be bad al l. bea
mat regular general Irctiom. ex.-ept when
th legitlativ asaeiubly shall order a i
ciai flection Any measur referrvnl 10 liitr
peopi thall lak eflecl and brcom lb law
whvnili approved by a niajoriiyuf n
Toira casi inereon. an.i not otberaii. n.e
ttylaol all bill snail be, " lie ii nactel by
lb oi4 of Ih Mat of Orriroii." Tin
section shall not b coi.strurd lo deprive
s-iy meniberof tb legilativ aemblv of
th right lo Introduce any measure. Tli
wbo number of Totes cast for Justice ol
lb buprem Court al Ihe regular election
last prrcediiif the filing of any iiiiuii lor
tbe initiative or for tbe referendum tha t bw
the basis on which tb number of legal
voter iiecary to such petition, shall bw
Counted, i'etiuoi.e and orders tor Ihe lol
tiatn and lor the referendum shall he rild
wnb i lcrelry of State, and In submit
ting tb aam to th peopi be and all other
otbeer tbail be guMlad be the general laws
and th act submitting this ameiHlnieni,
ontil leci ation snail be vsiwcially provided
Adopted by tb Huute January 27. 1WJ.
Speaker of tb Hume.
Concarred In by the Senate February 2
President of tbe benate.
Approved February 6, ltc0.
Approved January 31, l't'l.
Adopted by Ihe House January in, uri
Bi-eaker of the House. Tnnti Mr.i i
islstive Assembly.
Loiicorred In or the senate Jantiarr 1ft
V1. C. W. FI LTOX. '
Fresidenl of theBei.aie. Twemv Hr.t
laialive Assembly.
police, lor I'littllrnt Ion
lVparlnini of th Interior .
IaiiiI tltlif ai Oregon. City, Oregon.
tKtobvr .11. llkil.
Nolle is hereby given that (lie lollowti.g
named settler haa liird nolle ol Ids liilru.
Hon to make Dual priHil In support ol In
claim, and that said proof . be mad
belor the Register and Receiver at Oregon
City, Oiegon, oil IVrcemher Id, l:'l vu;
II. E. No. i.'iK'.l..r inri t, of n, n
ol and swi, oi sa i un t'J, I 4 , r 4 .
II names lii folio lug wlluetee lo
prove l.n continuous retihiii uptui and
ciillivaikoi ol said laud, Til :
lleoige I'uni.liigliaiil, Augutt (lenierow.
ski, W ii del ni Nirioan, Anion llabell, all ol
tprli.aaier, Otegmi.
.uilrewrApllcllois Iwr iicrt.
rails wOlllwetuMr, 4r.
Nolle is bruy given, that to pvtlilou
puulithed here lib will be pmenie.1 to
the ttoard of County t'oiiimiuiouer lor
Clackamas County Ongou, al in Uiemlwr
l lenu ol taid lUru, aaklllg lol such ee-
I Ion by aaid lloarvl a 1 uery lo u.
coruaie said Mtlaaukle, In iovr.lti.ii
lln said petition
In tli Separate Board of County Com
miMioiifr'a lourt lor Clatkau.aacouniy,
lit lb matter of In Incorporation of lb
town ol Niiwausi, t, ia kamaa County,
To lb llonorabl, Ib Separate Hoard of
County CoiuiuiMioi.er, lor Clackaina
toning, aiaie ul Oregon,
Tn umiertigi.ed -tlllonrs would re
spvciluily tl.oa ;
t that iiiy ar iiualitled elector of tli
Cuu.ily ol V ai kalua. and Mat ol Uregon,
and leeld lo a pollK.il ol aaid owuuiy
alili'b ia williln lit lolloaltlg deev'lllirii
bUi.darrs: I'arl ul Ib lViualioii ln.l
C.aiius of lol M bitcuiub, Wiiintui Meek.
Orrici or th oxcairaax or Stt.(
I, r. I. Dunbar, secreiarr of ibe ttai of
Oregon ami custodian of tb seal ol laid
tale, do bereoi certify Ibat I hav coin-
pnred th preceding copy of House Joint
lu-soitilion ..i. i. ul the Legislative Ataeui-
blyof l!Wl. "Initially and R ferei.diini
Antendii'iil," with th orikii.al codt now
on tile lu this office, and that tb same is
correct transcript therefrom and lb a bole
thereof. .
In testimony whereof. I hav hereunto
set my hand and a 111 led hereto tbe seal of
the state of Oregon.
Done at the Can itol. at 8a em. Oreeon.
tbl fourteenth day ol jOctoher. A l l'.P)L
tu. B.) r. I. OL N BAR,
Kecreiary of mate.
.tollee of final 4lllriueai(.
Notice ori'Inal Netllemeait
ollce is berrly given that I have
Died n y nnal reK rt as administrator with
the am annexeil of the estate of Hiram A.
Straight, de-oca-!, aith tbe county court ul
Clackamas county and btate of Oregon and
mat me sain court Iih.jhI ftlomlay trie 21
oay oi Liecemier, iwi at tbe hour at 10
o ciock a. in. oi said day as the time of hear
ing said reKirl and objection thereto if any
. there be. at which lime all persona interest
ed are requested to be present.
Dated Oct. 2 1. l'KJl.
AiinilMMrator with the will annexed of
meemate oi niram A. Straight deceased,
.totire lor Publication.
Iiepartnient ol the Interior, Latin OiTice
l Uregon Uity, Oregon. Sept. 2X, 1111.
nonce ii- uereuy given that the billowing
nameu seiner iihh nieo notice 01 bis Inten
Hon to make hual proof in support of his
Claim, ami that raid proof will be made
twfere the Repster and Receiver at Oregon
City, Oregon, on November 11, 11, viz:
H. E. No. for the nej of aw J, n4
mil" Byt ui ltryt ai-K t, l I, r 0 I,
He names ihe following witness? to
prove his continuous residence npon and
cultivation ot said land viz:
Robert Miller, Asa R. Hawkins, Charles
C.Miller, Sherman Coop, all of Garfield,
In the County Court ol the Stale of Ore
gon for Clsckamas County,
Notice is l.erebr given that the tit de
signed, executor of the estate of Levi Dvl.
deceased, has tiled his final account t Mich
executor In the county court of the Utile of
Oregon lor Ciackatua coun' v. and the ssid
court ha api-olnted the 2d day of Decern-
oer, iooi, at in o clock a. ni. ol said dny for
hearing objection lo id account. All
persons are hereby not ill wt to tile an nh.
jecti..i,thev may have to said account on
or beloie said date
Executor of tbe estate ol Leei Davu dec.
Dated 'ovfiuber7, 1'JOI
Notice for lubliratlosi.
Department of Hi Inferior.
1-atid Oftice at Oregon City, Oregon.
Novenilier ''ml I 'fit
Notice is berel.y iriven that the folio inn
nimeo settler ris- nie.1 notice or his liiUn
tiott to make final proof in sunoort of his
claim, and that said proof will oe made bo
fore the Regi-ler and Receiver i' O egon
City, Oregon, on D cemir l'Jth. 1!01, viz:
H E. No. Um. for the ae' .f nt. u
of swU, and swii of swW c 12. t fl . r :.
He name the lollowing witiienses to prove
bis continuous rexhleiice unon and cnltiva.
tio'i of mid land, viz:
Hezekish E. Carr, Jrxhut Gorbelt, Pres.
ton Bouncy, Bert C. i'altner, all of Colion,
CHA8. B. M0ORE8.
Reg iter.
TLe Enterprise $1.50 per year.
Ilrnor Campbll, Daniel llalbaway and
Jodl Killo.g. Ill lowustiip un suuin,
ranges on and two eal, buuodeu and d
sunud a lonoas, lo wii;
lifKii.iiing al a point In Ih el boundary
.. .. i . . . ...
ui in iai " uiiroino i.iiauon Land t-lanu
wi.itb U ct.ain I deg. ,, iruiu tn
soulheaak turner ol said Ciauu, and Is In
point ol lOMtraeWllou of th center tin ul
lb "Mtlaaukle and Foster Road' with in
aaid east boundary uf In Lut VYbncuuib
V. U C hiuiuaaid twgiuuug puim run
t.lng .. i, deg. U u.lu. V . aiung tb cenier
Un ul said ruad, about lU.OO chain lo Ihe
ti.trrtrciiou ul lb Wealeri) Un prolonged
ui in county loan iea.og imm Urram
City toMuwaukie. via M. Oallletd a lam,;
luetic suuliiaeeleN) , tracing taid Wetlsr V
line ul tato load lo IL crnter lln ur thread
ol ttream of "Kellogg t rvk ' lhnc (olio s
tug taid in. r Un or Ibrr I ol tlr,u ul
Keliog Cr and Mill fond Inere-
ou lo the auutbeati corner of a tract ul
laud conveyed lo Dora truant by deed,
aincii i letorueu in voi'iin a, l ag i), ol
tl. I Wl Record for lacka na cuunly;
tneiK- iraciug in suumi oouu.iary ul said
tract of land as lolluw: N.fdrg J u,n.
W. TaS 4 fret; theiic N t) deg M mm. Vi,
2t 8 teel, lo Ibe rlgbl bank ol lb WtMani
rtt river; thence wilb tb n.eaudera of said
rtghl bank down stream, lo II. wuiIiihI
comer of a tract of I. 'd convred to D II
llendeeby ileel. which t reeoMed In Tol
urn "O" Fag WOof tb Dl Record r
Cle.ka iee county ; ibuc tracing ih S E.
h-i.itMiary of said tract of land at folio:
N 4i-eg 30 n.ln. K, tt 31 chains; the ir N
1 deg 15 iiiln. V . TO chains; thence north
!U degrr, 15 miniiiM aai, C 40 cbalna lo a
lotntliilb west boundary of a I act ol
land cotifeyed to Rtrbard Smil by a del
hlch is rw-orded lis Volun. 57, page Su'of
th Deed Records for ('lackama Co.n.iy,
thence anuth H degree M minute el in
ihe southwest corner of said tract of land;
thenc tracing II. Bomli and east bound
arte of taid tract of la-d atfollowt: North
1 degree, ft.' minute eatt. Til 2 feel;
l.et.c north g drgree. S-S n.lntiie .
ZSi 45 feel ; thenc north M decree 11
minutes east 44 24 leet; thence honh
one degrre 15 minute eatt $Q leet
lo th northeast corner of aaid tract of
land, thertc aotitn Si degrees 34 minute
et W a feet, along tb north boundary o
aid tract ol land, lo an angular comer of a
tract ol land conveyed lo Richard Scott, bv
aeen. wnicn is recorded in folum "T
Ige3tl, of Ih deed records of Clarkamo
county ; thence berth 2 degree west Ami
chain, lo a re-entrant corner of said Iran
of land conveied lo Richard Scott at ile
cribed in aid deed reconle.1 la volume
"V' page 311; thenc nort HH degree 5
n-inute eal along tbe south b..un.iary of
aid tract of land to the wett line of !.r
rtglil of way of the Oregon and California
Railroad Company: theno- northerly along
aaid wett line of said right of way, to a
-li.t which bears south M drgiees i
minutes wett from the northwest crner ot
tract or laud conveyed to N. B. Harvey
by d-e-l which Is recorded in volume 47.
Page 'i50 of tb De.l Record of Clackaina.
County; thenc north M degrees .10 inlmile
east, croasing ssid right of way and tracing
in norm oounuarv oi said tract or and
conveyed to N. B Harvey aiout ll'-O fret
to the west line of tne foauly roj.l,
anown at me -'u:eon Koad." thence north.
erty along said west line of said road, about
(vS5 feel, lo a Kinl which beer west from
the south went corner of a tract of land coo
Teyed to Geo, A. Rockwood, by ded which
I recor.ie-1 in volume page 4l)of the
Oeed loords for C'ackamas count v:
hence el,crotii.g tall "Oir.n Rel",
and tracing the south hotiml-irr ol tniil
O-o A Rock worxl's land, 20 2s chains,
aoiitheMst corner thereof; thence north 1 IM
chain 10 a Miint in the t ortti lxumlar ol
Him Hector Caini.hell I) ,. f , thence
east along ssid north botii.da'y, 0 .'(I chains
to me uorttieatr corner of a tract of 'ami
conveyed to N. B. Harvey, by deed which
i recorded in Toiume Vi, at piga llofth
wm n-roroa lor l.lackau.ai cotintv:
Ihence wiuth along tbe east hounilary of
taid N. B Harvey't land, and of Jame H
Page' land, almtit )) !J chains to Ihe nmiii
line of fail us avenue, In Miiithnrn addition
to I'ortlaml ; thence eat along said north
line ni r .im avenue, shout l.y clmm. t0
the wrsl line of Cleveland street In said Mill
thorn addition ; thence southerly alornr the
rasi Ik. miliary of I. locks t il-m-d I i fij
41. 41 m, 7 and 73. to the south line of
Eucil l avfime; thei.( wet al ,ng laid .,uth
line of Euclid avenue, to the estt hnuinlarv
ot me ai i.iicoiiiu Ko iatlon .a,
CUlm; thence south 1 dgr-e east along
said east boundary, to the place of bi-irin.
That said portion of said Clackamas
coun'T coiiihins. as near:y as ruav be eri.
mated two hundred arid thirty-lour Inhabi
tants. The ssid iettioners therefore pray the
Slid, the H'lti. Biard of County Commie.
sioners, that II. e raid portion of the taid
Clacksmas county e incorioMted a a
municipal corimra'lon under fie provliions
of the General laws of the Btateot Ore-
Niir.ittr"" twti i:.
In the Clr.-. ul Court of Ih Hill of Oi-
goii, lor Ih Ci y of t la. lama
J. net lluinplirev at
FieciHor ol lb Ft
late id Carrie II.
Roach, divested
(ieorg I' Lent and
Mry M l ent
STr or iaii.g g
Col st or I'lutiiKl
drr, decree and an secoi..ti, duly lUe. '
out of and uoiirr the seal ol in aiv u. I
titled court, lu li a'ov vnillleil rant, In
n. a .I..I. illrrclikl and daifd the fltli dav ul .
NovenitK'r. l't'l. Uxn a judgment render. 1 1 tj(I f l-t.
ano eiitere.1 m i-i r-onri no in i.n oar oi
NoirniN-r. 'i. In lavor of Jame Humph
rey electl'or of tb etlal ol Carrl II.
Koarh, iecri, Piatntiii. ami agsmsi
lieorg I' l ent and Mtre M lnl, defend
antt. for Ih (11111 ol f l.7S.te wllb t.lrrtl
t.ereoo al Ih rat td N per cent per annum
Iruiu Ihe Ho la ol Noiemlier l't'l ami Ih
lurther tuio id flWl coii ...l dlthurt
mei'is and tn Mti ol and ui-on tlilt writ,
uimmaiiding in in make sale of Ih follow.
log decrlle-l real prpri y, titual lu th
moniy of Cla.kaii.at, Slat of Oi'g'.u,
lo an :
AH of lb South half of h N'orihwett
qilirier ol Sectlou .tl In loai.thlp J South uf
rang tl eatt ol Ih v iHamell iiieil.lian
Now, therefore, by virtu of said eiecu
Hon. Ji.lguinl i-r-lef and ilecre. and In
ctimpilai i Wllb It. Cominau.lt ol Said
writ, I will, on
S.m UPAY. DECEMBER 7. I'.kH. j
al II. hour of I o . l.h k p m, al lb
Inini door of ih Cuunly Court ll.n.w In Ih
Cllv ol Uregon City, In said County and
Slat, ted al public auction, subject lo r
deiiipll.10, to h hla-hrtl bidder, .r I'.'S
gold iiin rath In lia ut, al in r'g'il. lu1
a'ld l. lerr.l which Ih wUbln litmd d-
lendtmt or either of liietit, h-l on 11. e dte
I wlletJ leerlllard' lllatf.
Ili nvjr ltinr as hp vm. I'lcrre lnrll
1st til once met Ida nutleli v Inn lit ran
rp itk'Nliist is my I'l'tuiliil Jiinica IJ.
I.!ly, wtut liuroiltiivtl IkmiUihaV lutt lulu
this country, It smi iieuily 11 gncia
I, ei n.'d nh. I Mt Ji'ioiiii 1'iirk. Udly
m tiling m,:i I" I a'ilii"! "ii of
1.0,'U'iinra lurc In 11 Mil alnke cvi tit.
Mi., new vent in Mr. I..11UI1U1L sonic, I
tll lt!a roiit li on (lie i ltlMiotiac Inwu.
"I !! : I l:tl.n N lltllo of llm coilfi'll
fit of Hull suited n tr IrUliiimn," said
J.orlllnnl lo Wright Hnnfont, Ncvi.i.
MoiriH, Joint Hunter ami a few other
I'sron'itl splrli. They ainrlol for Hie
"I'll In x etti.Uki un my Imi.c at thai
Ptl.c. Kelly," sa Id Mr. Im.iIIIui.I In tile
prtipvly fit mIi Ion, rtcvtlin in se n Ki lty
m lit flint refute lo lake llm vi'tigcr.
'tVrtrthily, Mr. Iirillnr.1 " Tlirti
tn nil ni. to l.!a stint n titer. Keity anltl;
J'.'.-..u airnlii! ftit.iaai, iMcrr letirtl
lard." Oulekly lie turned lu the lo-
Inno iiiiigiiiitc vilili a iH.liiP "Mi
MU'iil lo )oii, Mr. lirllinrd; trry
if.tich nhriii. totiiil you or your
frl.inU rare to Im-( miotlir flti.tasi al
(tie ail me oddai Hhoul.l ! iKIIjf tttr
lo necoininiHtatu you."
Winn a inrvcr t. nil Mr. Uirll
Innt could any a Ii ftliticil nu til lire!
tint vialkiil away.
Jitiiiny Kelly won the tl. for Uir
tllnrd'a liore una tn at. ti, -Ni-iy York
of lb mortgage horrln or tp.c btd III or
lo lb athiv iletc-MhnI real -rorty or any
part thereof, o tailtty tl. eircutlo..
Judgment order, deer, lutrel, cimI and
all a.cruing rout.
Slierilt of Clai kamat C.mt.ii , lt-e..n.
Dated. Oregon Cny, Oregon. Nov M, l'.l.
Ml .Tin til M.
In th Circuit Court of Ih Mtateof Ore
gnu for lb County uf Ciackatua.
IV 8 amsker. pltrt. I
Mary Hllnakr drfl.l
fo Mary .Sialnaier, Ih Imv t.anied d
'en.tnt :
In ibe i.au.e ol t 'al of Oregon. You
are bereiiy ret.irel to api-ear and answer
me rompltiM filed agaiutt you In l
tla.ve enillied is iw on or before Hi .Till
dal id Y'ttiihr, I ' l. which I Ol aerkt
alter Octonr tl, I'SJl. the dale ordered for
in rtr.i p.iiiictlm uf 11.lt noitr. an. l
Ton fall to appear a d antwer Ih p su.litl
a III apply l..r the relief prayel for In bit
Ci.niplan.l herein, lo-l:
rr a decree diunlving lbs bundt of
l.alr In.ony 1.0 f eliillng betaeu pialnlttt
i.u dele. ..in I. and lur toeh o her and
further relief 10 ih courl ml
sod j Itt. TbKtumn.nn I puhl ihl by
r.terol 11 in. I bo, f. Ilysn, judg ol Ih
LaiuiiIv C"Ur
Mad and entered Iblt IKS day of 0. toher
l'l. CHAD N. WAIT.
Attorney lor I'lalnlitt.
.Ilre to rcilllwrw.
Notice it hereby given Ibat Ibe under-
signed ha been du'V apt'.lio-! by It.
.-o.inty court of Ih tat of Orgon, for
Claikama county, ierutrlg of th latt
ill and leatanieni ol H twn Ro'wrt. d
ceated AH i-rratin having claim erfali.H
ih e.lat uf tai.' Rohr Koberu, drreaae.1,
re hereby required lo prraeul Ibe tame lo
n.e pro-erly erilr.l, at by law riilre,
at my remlriir In tleai. Hill Practi.rl
111 Clackamas county, Oregon, within six
months Iruln Ih rial hereof,
r.xecuirii of th K.tat of Robert Rob
ert. drcel.
Oi lotier 4. 1 II.
Th lawdlakber llaeke wf takaeaw
"Tlie provitt'lnl f.ill.!n.-t of dileki
for wafer vt..til. I.n, I one to prru.
c t lint of bit t!ir Worl-I the nmat ids
I'lwto of ilih l would Im the hrtliar
il.-.-rt au.l flint If a itrny 'sprlngtnll
Impiftii-tl to drift Into t!mt rtgloii
Houl-t i-lthiT taiiiixMie or turn tip tita
t x wltli Lrl. fe.t d. lay. Well, not at
alt." sold a I rene! man w tin waa for
limrly rvldi nt i.f Tunl.
"There rc luttt of the iti-wrt wticre
limit rtUmtnl, flourltb and mulllply
with rvrry evlitctice t.f -rfii aalla
fa.iton. lt.e fowl la sligl.ily difTrrrtit
fftii any of t'.u ari. lU-a wc know In
thU country, ,u It I. at llm t.ime fat
Mil. ritcti.'ie t.rcatt and wib fcrl,
ttion ltig U nl It mi niif water t'lrd
tliotiiTti tioir It a- arei iy fjti ts rimtifiti In
drink and t.at txet.iur f.i prot l.l. til lo
wniD any i f tt.c prvcloti fluid lu al.lu
lion. I.Ik tiie other gout Mutatittuana
of the cotiniry. ttu-y talc ttn lr irrrr!l-
cd ttU III Vuo antid. Rml ttn lr Writ fcrt
come la Trry tiatidy a atiowalmr 10
walk lijH.n the iti-t-p yielding dint. II
I rtnl:!n-. I y nn riiilhrnt Frrtn Ii urtil
ihoit.gitt thot the Paharan lu. k are
the ri'innttis of a rnre of a-iuatic Mrd
Wbich frvejuctltril t(ioe eeaa when th
prior nt i!.-. tt waa a part of the Allan
tic oct ao."
.Ilce to Cretlltorw.
Notlr I hereby glren thai the undrrtlgn
e.i uaa oren itu-y appiiiieil bv If. rouble
court nl Ibd H.at id Orego.i ,.r Cla' ka.nat
County, eiecutrl I of Ihe latl will and letu
ment ol J.iM-ph (. All lrm baTlna
riaim again! taid ett ar l.rrrt.y r
i.lirn iu pretei.l h tain lo in pruperly
vended, a by law r-mird. at n y
realdenc al Mherwool, tlrrg.m, wlhtn til
on. 1. Hit frmii Ihe date hertof.
Dated U lotirr Zl, VJ 1.
Executrix of the estate uf Joiepli Vols.
For KjIc.
On iciofnt of leivina the slate I nfT-r
foi- aale on ty term the follim i'ljr
protxirly :
lloiina and lot on 1 Ith street, on In-
stallinenla Iltrfl
IIou.h and lot in block Oil
3 . TO acre In Oregon Citv cleared
and level
MKlacrei in Orriion City, nart
.H3 aorea in Oregon Cltv. all
2.10 acre in Oregon fji'y, part
Lot A blH:k 47(Vjiinlr add:
Ixit 0. Min k 4, Mounts. n View add
ljt in Darling addition
V) swell limber land, rich lull 4
miles out
luV) acres timber land
Itiver ... ...
17. Gl acrea near Wooilrtuck
io' in cgeinoknwa, Washington '3K)
Addresa J. A, Thaver. I
City, or call on me at 0. A, Clieiiev'a
Real KnUte olllre.
on Molalla
3: )
II. lea la Ctery Ikla;.
Yoti arr skeptical aU.ut ll.e aif ttrary
of till statement and ak why water
doca not leak friu bottle If there ar
lioli-a In everything? The answer I
simple rtioujli-the drop or gl..lml.-
of water ar biesT than ih holi-a.
Taklng class an lllustra'lon, w find
that air la about tli only autxtanc
Ibat ran get through tin tmlea.
A SM'li-ntUt proH.4s ihe following aa
an eii-rlmetit: I'Ucv a U ll lu a bottle
exhausted i,t air and Liruuticallr
no led. Ttio U II will not ring U-cauae
the tuctlluui for rouvryluK aUlid U hoi
H-t Ihe tmttle aldc for n few rtmnth.
then try the tall a en In. and It will ring-,
fnlntly, M-r!iaie. bul hevcrttirh- there
will m a a.. un. L Thai im-an that Ihe
air baa got lu. It ha made It way
through the hole lu the gluts.
The Iticnti.lesiint lump Is a bull of
glnss i-x Im titled of air so thru the a! -ib
r filaiiii'iit may clow when ihe rlco
trlcliy runs along it. air work
It way In gradually and the light b
cottiea ha brilliant In proportion.
Hwleellki bmi Iaa4erettk
"Oh. Mr. Ktibcllk." aam , d,'
lllly til llm great Tlolll.Ul ft,r '
of hla iH rforintii.iva, ''yuii are i,,,i
ceiilits! Whim vir I bear you ami ,i
I'lideicviskl j.luy I ..,., ihiIm,,,,',,,'
llm i r. rl lip .11 1111. la an fnsclt,,,,,,,,.,
'1 W',,u rv,'r ,"'"r,, l'"',,r,'wl,l,, ""''
"Oniv, ina.laine; only Mu. , .
replied Kuhrlik. "llm," and tin. ,.,!
ririnly, "I ahull rrrlaluly ni,.r 1'
1.1... -...1.. "'ar
11. i.i nanii,
"Why llutr askr.1 ,n aslh.MMl
fun iiiy.
"I will tell ymi.M anawrred KuM,,k
"I am poiisi loiis thai I e.....( a M.r
tain Hiwer, a n rtalu originality. .vw
I iniiimt afford lu ..ae tl,i( cousci,,,,,!
Iicaa, for Um.ii enllrely i.-n-,i,u
ainiTsa. I heard I'ad. rewakl ot, ,
then I Mt my 'prgud PiMiaeliiiiaiiea
"H'. my faHh III mysiir alljiping.
I'll dcrew ski' lliflllelicw oyer hie Hi
only time I ycr heard hltu play M
to Hiwerfiil that I Ml. for th ,lf
my own nrlglimllly. If M,,
("ili. M. KuUIlk Tallin.! ,r,k.d ll'
Uaitiyl that It would be safer and wl.
rr lu bat blin tu hi owu Joy and gen.
Itia. No. inidmiic, I her la hut one v
ilerewakl; Ihcm are nutuy KuUllks,1"
M.Mlcrti hm leiy.
llwallwsf Ik kititr,
When brought 10 bay, Ih. kangsria,
JiunMi Ilk a flash for ih hunier'a
rluti and trice lu rruab ll lu with 1,1
fore M l. To ptrtrhl this ra. , tnaa
.rs acroea bl brvast a two or I lire
Imh thick itiaillng. Artind Willi a
sar, wlih a rluh attacliti.etii at tie
other end. thry rid uioii awifi h..rra
Into a to rd.
With Ihe agility ami eu1pot of rtr-
r fl.br ihi-jr aland rr- umu iuir
Imrtea attd u their a.rar and rltil .
The kangaroo la able to jump cUr
orr a liore. Aa the gain I baggnl
It I ekthtird. and Hi akin I atn-h hn
oil the gr.ittud and C2e down to pre
vent shrinkage. Th fjti furuUhr
meat for the ramp.
l a.li man pla.-cs Lla prltst mart
tip-ill his IxM'ly, ami When Ihry i.,
In aplrc Ihry return back tu clilKu-
ti.'ti There are '. varletlra of kane-
rte.. Btliolij llirlii the blue, fed Wall.
by. blnrk. gray and fomtrr, the latter
fUMiUhllig Ihe Ust bather, a It live
tualiily lu wo!r i t Ions.
II a Aeewta4al4.
A conjuror waa -rformltig brf.ir a
roiiifti and ready audience In on of the
pr. li'.t.ltlon state of America, accord,
lug lo an English lMprr- "1 w bow
about to umli-riak a feat." aaid br, "In
which I shall tired ihe u of a ltil
flask of whitky." There was a dr4
allriice. "Will aoine getitlnnan In the
audience favor tne with a pint of wbuv
ky T There Waa bo rr.ise, and tb
conjuror Ugan lo look blank, "tbirv
r." ! cotiiUioe.J. In aouttirittrra
rnhlhltloti town I Might nut 10 hav to
ask a second time for anrb a thing I
civ my word I will return It luurt.
la there no"-
Htmugrr." aatd tall, fsunt mta
aa be r slowly from a front art,
"woul ln'l a 'iuart flask do ai wrllT
"Why. rmitliilyj I mrrely"-
Hul brfure he could flulsb th frr.
rroua, o-ti haudnl audience had rtscq
like one man and were ou their way to
Ihe platform In a body.
Kate aa Fwrxl.
Nut contain a large amount of nour
ishment, and owing to their oily nature
dlk-mt cosily. Kntcij wlih salt ihry are
palatable. Either as a dcsaori cmirae
or anltctl and tlset aa a relish their
Talue I the an rmt. They arv not rg
pensive, for from the iM-nnul llirotigli
the liiiMrtfi! varieties they . ran be
bought In bulk at amall coat.
The ientiut ha many good (junlltle
10 rei-oiiiiiieiid It. and from Ita lowistale
la coining to the froul aa an ImiMirtatit
Hem In ttleteili-a. It la aupiMiM d lu cure
insomnia If enten lust U-fure reilrluir
Halted, they are iniicli theuMT than al-
inomla. Tim sinnll hickory nut, at
fevr centa iiunrt. cnu be tisi-d on the
most iToiioinlenl table. The Eligllsb
walnut make a very icihmI salad
bhilirhcd nil I tided with c lerv. I'll
ofkin i..... -1 "
uvne, aimoiKia aim urazii nut are
inoni cxMiiNive, but aa only a few are
neiihil of n llnie the toil U tint great
U'ouuiii'a Home Coiupmiion.
31 KK) '
Boari tb The Kind Yoo Han Hum Boojfil j
Bifoatar v . yy.
They orercoma Weak
newi, irregularity and
omisglonH, increawe via'.
or and banish "naina
of menstruation." They are "LIFE SAVIIItS" to irirlfl at
.....uuuwu, u.u8 uoveiopmeni 01 organa and body. No
known remedy for women equals them. Cannot do harmlife
becomea apkuure. $1.00 I'EIC liOX IJX MAIL. Sold
by druffflits. DH. MOTT'8 CHEMICAL CO., Cleveland, OhioT
Per sale by Cha man 4 Co., Druggist.
Win. rihindler
James H(Kir
H. Hinder,
J. L Johnson
Gottlieb Beetschen
Kred Karlen
J. W Horizon
Geo Huntler
I. oren Kryndr
J . It Kelso
John Grou
C Krr
Kred Koir
O J Robert
O WisHlner
H. M. Miiilan
A. J Walker
V J . ileiineman
0. A. Williams
J A. Dowhnjr
9 Keinke
A. J. Henaenr.an
IVter Kolh
flhas. McOann
I'eter Hurk
K. II. Uchler
Noah Hubler
James Oliver
C J Anderson
A W. Ivrand
C A bakin
J K Weizler
W A Kohl 11 son
al Adams
I-ols kliralt
Kobt It Bovd
C. K Dallnrd
finmuel Hoci.lv
K H Kotteruliler
0 Kelier
A H Powhaif
J A Workman
H A. Henneman
J. Phillips
Dyspepsia Cure
KltKlirll rinnerpot.
Kjfcshella limy bo used to iidvautiiKP
In Htiirtli.K ilelUittc pliinii for trana
plantliiK'. The luilf ahella lire lllled
with enrlh nnd set In a Inn 11U0 coil
titlnlliK tlulupeiied fiirtli. A hole la
Hindu lo the point of the sliell to allow
ilnilmip.. a Hindis. seed Is then plum
fl In citch ahc'l, which In enally broken
when tntiiHiilfiniliiif la ilom- wllhout the
IIkIiIohi illHitirlmuee of roots, Thla
uho of i''hIh IIs la the discovery of n
1'reiifh 1: u rd. ner, who cliilins that they
me vilely nupei-ior to the little puis
M-ni'iniiy 11s.1i ror Hie imi'iioHv by Uor
Ilia t wleekr fr.
t'vrfl the lmt tiK-rstlllou are often
struck by the rilsfortutir which at
tend some i-ci-hiiie un certain ilstr. A
binre (Inn In ihe rlty ha lu Ita rumloy
llvltiK Instance of the ftti. On June
! employe lost hi left ann by
cottilns In motor! with niachlncry.
The accident illsnl.lrtl hltu for Ids then
tiiployturtit, and be was thru t,nt of
a lueaaeiiitrr. Oil another June 13 he
waa run ever In the Mtratid while 00
nu errand -rcatili. a broken he. The
belt Occident w a a fall on Ihe stair
In Ihe Ann's buildings, again June 12;
the right arm broken this lime. The
fourth mishap on another anniversary
broke three rib. The firm took the
rase Intu consideration and Issued
order that In future the employee wis
to take a holiday 011 that date, an order
with which he baa now compiled for
seversl years. l-omloo Chronicle.
Vikr She Healed fa Kaave.
"I this llaxcl street r naked a ymmc
woman In one of the hack scat of sa
Ilust Tenth street car who was carry
tng a diminutive poodle dog under her
"No, iiindam.M aaid the conductor. "I
vi 111 tell you when we mine to Ib"
IJlter nil she n'alei I ho qtieatlnn.
and the conductor answered with oni
show of Impntleticv. FIiiaIIt when
llnzel atreet waa reachiil. be rntig. nnd
Ihe car came to a atop. "This la lintel
street," said the conductor.
"lilt. I don't wntil to Si t oT nt t
ntrect. I only wanted to know where
ll was. I go to the cud of Ihe lino"
Then ns the enr started again sh
look ci down nt the puff nud nclil
tones of I'lireme nflwtlou, "Tli'
Jearle, theie's where your iiiudd
llves."-lmlliitiniolla News.
Digests what you eat.
This preparation contains all of the
digestantfi and digests all kinds of
food. It gives lnstint relief and never
falls to cure. It allows yon to cat all
the food vou want. Tim intrnf. ncnltlvA
I stomachs can take It. I'.y lln una many cut ,0 flt' ""' fUwr Isn't fit to mt."
inounanoH or uyHrK:pncs nave been . 11 ll"'" "ii't nrooks bluzetl awny
fured after everytblnif clue failed. It 111 him. I'leli . Mo-Hp.
ji unequaneu tor an mouiucn iroubleu.
Iloiv lb Pa, a Started.
"Thnt blind me down suit you're
wenliiK," remnrked lllvera. "reiiiliula
uie of an unripe watermelon."
"Why?" usked llrooks.
"Hcciiiiso lt' so dlfft
Noblesse Obllce,
"What are you staring at. NelllcT
"Oh. plense. ina'aiii. with your lmr
like that nud your diamonds )uii do
look so like I,ndy rinninjfi'iii't I'li'lf'
hniii thnt I was own mold to! Are ya
any relntlon, iiia'nin'i"
"No-nt lenat no in-nr relation. R"j
yon tan hnve flint pink ililt shirt w'
of mine, Nellie, "-Life.
It can't help
Ilnmlln'a Solllin,nr.
Il.lllilltl Im.i.i.iIIi.o l...r. ....
a " "i.e un llluoocd
bUt dO you fJOOd I lhi dime iiiiiHiMiiii)-II..nvorH
! Prepared only br E. 0. IlrcWrrr & fa, i.ideaga
The 1. botllu contulnsZH times IbufXlc iU
sko how thnt f-
w iniiHt stifTer If he ever
Eds the Jliiijiiiiisl-Kiniirl Hut,
Colostle mm Klnadoma.
Queen KIIsuiIh-Hi wns couitnuiity npo
ken of as itieen of Vlrglnln. Vli'tfliil
ninl Cnrolltin were kliifdoiii umler tl"
Hltmi is. MuSHtii'litiNells wus rccogul"
ns a "sister klnirdom" by Croiiiw1'"
p.'irlliiinelil.-rl.omloll Cxpri'NM.
rrobiibly every child cherlnlics 11
iWilnst his pnienta thnt they ofiew l''v
li) 111 a oulf. uud ki-pl the inoue when
lla-y sold It-Atchlson Globe.