Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 08, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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Oregon City Kntcrprisc
dm Hull (Viihiry a riurahl hook;
Holla on nI(IiI j Iriie'lnrilinry liuul cm,,.
Uiiaalull, Aildliiaa, Wnliliii((MI I'iiIi
IIkIiIhk IV, C'liamUr of I'uiiimvrr
iiiillliiK, T'oni, Wn,
NuUuii McKllllcan, who wa prcsnnled
with Id silver cup by ilia corps, In
' ir.il, i mil lllfc ...III'. II' "1
NnW Tfl-DilV ! K'Kii'lnioltii'r are tioth iin-m
IIUW lUUaj, Iw-Mof Hit orp In thin city. In 'know
h'Mgninrlil or the Kill the Kellef fJor
was k.d to rmmo the l)hy, The cere
mony wu mi Intm-pfttlnif onn, ml wmii
oxihIiii'IciI tiy I)ciiiitiiiciit Pral.int Mrs,
vt llllaiu Uallowsy. Mr, J. Ihiremu I
tli l)t.y' Krmi'l iin)thir.
mg wanted el tlii olllc lor cleaning
j.r .
on iinpmviM farm In t.'Ui kaina County
fur tfini to lo tun yra, repayahle ly
installment, II ii'lrd. N ' out mlxsioti.
tut loll particular siid application
forma apply t" Ma M ! km A Ht muix,
Vuntr IIIim k. I'uIIUihI, Oregon.
HKKi.K.1 . (.Ill KM fit, (.flic In Hi
Wrliil.af I ll'lll'IIHK.) Il III oliiilioul
-iy, iiliU'liail tl : Country property fur
small"! ilc.
lluiivr to l"n rate.
) II.i-im t (WirriTtt.
Ciiiin Diiii t Nw KA Th Infant
t Inl.l ol William Pratt iliftl t New Kr
Thursday of I mi tk. Tim chlld'i
mother illml bImiiiI ll molitha tpi. Tim
fuiiiwal timk IU Friday, tlm lntrmnl
Uiliiti In lii rviiidxiy.
Taut or Ji.i. I'oarroaao The
ri.fthe HUl of Orrifoti v. Hrt
J.rll ha Mn t fr Urn '.'Hilt ol April
iirK, Jwll was Involved In roiling
ifiav at Par place Ul irtii In which
Charle Hinilh w Injured.
hkvtkKi.T Hi mm. The Ryrar old
ilau.htcr of Joarph Tylr, who I've i
Miwmks, tir Hi-hliid. wi Ladly i
PliiilcU.cf IIiiMmrdj Fred Helver. of
Hmly, mnl Mall I!yikiiin. of Cl ke-
ma. Iiv riturnnl from a four ann onf
Imir month trio In Kaatern Or-on.
Tlmy li'll Ori'Kon City J onn 1! wot
hy tnmr from rurlland to The Dallf.
tlinm a through rrlimvllhi, IUI'y nl
LkvUr, hli:h tlmlr U of op
I'lUa ml orilona, Uolir th illrH1
Hon of Mr. Muhlrum, who I on of th
nrvi-yor gt'imr! of Oregon, tlmy uf- J
vailml tfin iinl oni-hll townhI In Jak
ml llarm-y eountl. Tlmy rUre! 1H
j riill-i o tin lhii limy fouml llmlr trt-
Ingiwliit. Willi Dm work wa laigi-iy
Hill Military Academy Went
Down !u Defeat Ilefore Tliein.
Twamry Km) no (Jo, Tomorrow evun-
lug, NnvKiiihnr 0, at Iho Arnmiy in (till
city. KtlIU Miirnhv. of I'ortUm). ml
Young Murray, i liMiniilon ffttlirwioght
of liiver, will hox '.'0 roiimU for th
ihiiiioiiiililp of th iVtflu Coaal.
Iloth At a wull known hoxrra, and th
cuiiUml I am to lm an Inli'ii Hting onu,
Th irlni'lal ini't Imfur ainl th von
tt rculld III t draw. KrtH'inan, of
thl oily, who I wll known light
weight homr, ha omt txith th ninn.
In hi light wlih Mnrohy Urn contoat
wa dw Iml a draw, but In th on with
Murray th latter not tlm dmUlon. A
lilliiiiiiary, tlmr will U 10 round i claim in Tillamook county,
un 1.1 n Viumu (ihiiumiilakv. ol Saw lilr ar th Ptll In
York. nd Kid llarkr, o(Hn Krantlwo. ca.f. winch am now buing lmrJ in in
A larg iiuinl)rrof Hri will com Irom .Land Ollk. N.iian lmgf that th
I'oriUnd to wilnn tlm mill. ntrlM wlmn mail wer nol man id
jKXhI fallh for tlm nclunive ua and bun
11)1 of th entry min, whoconlrn with
loim t'lmid Thyr, Morl I h, nd
.rul II..IU an. I ntlmra tf (randulvnllf
city tlm .ait ihiM wei ka, Im ""-J !ouuln titl to aaid Unl nl to divide
Hi rm-eda of llm aale of the am "d
that taid rntry wm made In uruanre
j AFewDaysHore
rondim and Romiimiind atearly morning ' ajrIIP ( alifT, Ulourtt e and Tenklni
and contlniiud until 1U at night, ttmr (
wr many oliianant fi-ature to brxak (
tlm monotony. Th party workd eviy
day, Inulii'llng HnmUya and aw lot ot
gmiir. Home anUdope were killed. Tlm
country U i(Hdlngly dry ami water
waa earned from eight to twenty cille
1 1 A V (' CoHI'I.ICATKO O. O.
Nolan, of Tillamook county, hi filed
coiiti.t In tlm Land OIII atralnat 75
The con-
lh Hay
Wrr the Mar For lh Heme
Tmmi fleore, S fo 0.
Aiiiikkt Ki'Tiia to Oiio!i..
()fgoir A. V. Fluid, of the Ancient
Order ol Fortirtm, who ha been hi the
about '.") name for tlm charter llt ol
I'm now coin t ol Am lent rorter and
orgnlllon will be afT.wted imit Time-
day evening In A. O. U. W. Hall.
Feature of th order ars: To furnUh
ttmd'clne anil nervh e of phyairlan with
out coal; weekly rath Wtmfll during
U kiieaa; funeral allowance for im-mber,
wv and ixll and fraternal Inter-
roiira with over ir0,K) fellow memle.
buriifl lat Muiidav. Him w pt)liig Tlm Ancieiil Ordrr of Foreler I tlm
ImiiiI lii-ar a biunh lira wlier her father oldaul, lrrfet and Wra!lVct beimvolent
wa clearing Utnl and ventured too near.
Iirr clothe catching fire. !r. Htrn kland
wm called Vt allend th Illlla cullerer,
i,,m Uk wa aeterely bo mod. Mia
I oil th load to iwovery.
I.trraa Faow ltm.vi.T.-,ptin E.
II. Iligley, uf I'la-kaoiaa, who naumd
In MiUitl auii William McKliiley Ung
ley, ha received letter Irom Urn I'reai
driit, which ya: "l boe that your
young eon will l health and pror
oil and that I will hv a bright fu
ture." Captain IiiillleV pnie Ihe letter
highly. llltonnd lr. Ingley ar
gi-ltlng along l.lcely
Kaut Favaa at Mr. Pi..aT.
Mmliof th faiinlie of Mr. Andru
and Mr. loltyth. ol Mi. 1 1 a ant, are
.iwo with tailul lever. While th
chuoUhav not clowl, children who
bav Iwen In any way liable to contagion
re kept at home, No leth have re-
...l.-l r...in It. a illtMM. wincli eem to
bav obtained a hold In the county, fltt
appearing at I'ark place, oveni weed ago.
Wt III) F" CotXTV. Jme
IVterw-n, of lUrlou, ha filed a tllMin
wlthllm Uor I of County Coinmllon
r,f a.king for l.lHMmge. auBlalnod
while hauling lumber th Ulchl hill.
The road w In bad rendition, contain
ing many rut ami atumpa and I'eter
aeu'aaiikt caught iKilween th brake
and the wagon and a lump, bre.klng
Ma ankl and twl.tlng hi foot oul of
Imp, permanently disabling him.
I kiiit at Faoi.k CmtKK.-Kddle Mur
Vhy, of I'ortland, w given the decUlon
over Ellrk Irvln in tn llltb round Bat
urday night at Eagle Cieea, of what wa
to have been a ten-round Inning conteat.
From th Hart It wa een Itiat the Fa
(I Creek man wa no match lor the
roitland boy. and at the end of the llfth
round Referee Martin Ienny gave the
flirhl lo Murphy. Coimiderable money
changed hand on the coiiteat, the atKirta
..u'.ui'.h liavlnir had ureal faith
l i"H'" v'1' -
in Irvln.
Meauk ia tiik Paiit' Nax. Mt-ade
Corp, W. K. C et Monday allernoon
and ..nnfnrrrd the name of "Meade"
upon the Inlanl daughter of Mr. and Mr
'M ieiy In the world, tahlihed In l'to;
haa a iiieuilerhlp of with rah
a.acl over :.1KJ,0I.
allege lhal Charle E. IIya Im filed
ol sa'd coimpiracy. Th airiani fuither
again! aaid rntriei a-veral pretended
coiitei. That Bald conteU o filed by
aid Charle E. Hay ara collunlve and
oeculativ and il I alleged by thl con
teataul upon Information and belief that
aid contra I gre made In the luterent of
aaid enlrvnian and hi co-coimpiratore.
That aaid elitiie are fraudulent and void
and towel lie r with Ihe pretended conical
ofC'harleaE. Ilaya, opera'e lo deprive
make en-
tliia coiiltnt of hla rigkt to
(i.uCoraT.MATui.-l.leuten.nl!'rol .aid tract, and thl. th ..Id con-
I Golden Rule Bazaar
The Y. M. C. A . football tarn won In ' K
flrittgame HaturUy by defeating Mill
Military Academy by a acore ol 6 to 0.
Tim team left Haturday morning for
Portland with jit eleven men, three of
them having i.ever practiced with th
The gam wi won In the flmt mlnnt
of p'ay by a well directed kick-off by E.
CilllT. The Academy boy tried lo re
turn the ball by a punt but made a (urn
bla and buit tlm ball. Kiirhl-Uckle ltd
dick kw bla chance; be piick1y picked
up th ball and took il over the Una for
the only Wxicli-don. From that time to
th Bniah tlm Aociatioa boy contented
theinrelvea with hold! ig down the Acad
emy W!ll. "j
Captain Charlrt I'ayne wa a mighty: fj
man at lelt band and bandied Lie men r
admirably. He ha irv and rood
ludgment n4 lit) fierce roUm into
Acad-my'a line a!ay netted large
vain. K gM half bick CalllTihowed op '
The reuit of the game wat a great'
urnri-e to friend ol the aao:iatlm
t".m. The Ikivi had yery little
and are much encouraged. Moet of tl
are a little aore lot are practicing in
Colonel lUyilimid JuhlU. Third Itegi-
ment. f) S. O., accompanied by H.-r-irnnt-M
ir Arthur Johnaoii, cam op
from Portland Monday evening to preiido
over a court marllal of 19 memtiera o
Company A., who were tried upon the
charge of abaemti frm drill", lnec
tlona, practice and pard. All the mem
tier were duly notified In time, and the
non attendance, wa due to negligence on
their part. Colonel JnbHa fined the men
from M rente to H each, tbeae being the
loweat line alble. Each tnemlor
flne.1 ia uppowd to pay their fine lo the
Captain of ihe company within the nel
'JO day. If they re not paid by that
lime a warrant will be le.l by Mmriir
Cooke and t'my moil rve out their lime
In the County Jail at the rale ol a day.
A each inmber wa fined be wa.
-rt.lv reprimanded, and if the oflenee I
repealed, the)' aill be Hoed the full Itml'.
LioKAHti Pill. I 'kail Leonard IHI-
ler, Kill of Mr. M.glcleim Diller ana
brother of Mr. M. M. Charman and
Mr. TIioiim Charman, of ibU city , died
Haluilay morning in Seattle of dropy.
allor an lllneaa of one yenr. Mr. Ihller
i well known to all old resident of Ore
goii CUy, having Ih-cii engage.! In the
general ineichandiee bu.inee here year
ago. When he left Oregon City he went
to Heat' I where Im ha been very u
rvaaful. He bu'.lt the Diller Hotel and
waathe proprietor at the time of hia
death. He wa. alao Councilman, but 111
health ram-ed him to realgn. He wa.
aoout HO yrnr of bko. Hi mother, who
I now 84. I an old realdent ol lhl city.
Thl. I the Becond death that ha oc
curred in tin. family during the pant
three month, Mr. Amelia Fieher, a i
ter, dying in Coryalli at the age of C4
year. Mr. Uiller I eurvived by a widow
....i r....r , tr..n. mo of them by hi
mi v" -
former wife. He wa burled in Peattle.
SfavtviNO Pahty Hrtihn. A aor
vevlng party compmed of !on Mehlnnn,
Charle. Myer., Malcom McCown and
John Howland. of Oregon City j Halph
yytn nightly and hop for more glory to
come. No same are acbedaled yet but
it ia iMiaaitile that a return irame may be
tcterit I rea.ly lo prove ai aucu tin e wiU ,B ,rumy uam. L
. . 1 . I I... I I.H I I.J. If It. I . . . 1
' later and HiM-eivcr for a bearing In tald i Urtlmtnt rrcrin., it u,e band of tbe!
I . . I .... I ... I MAnlm.1. ! av
caae; bihi mat inn r.ni.i ac-1cmy team, who are true .port.men. j
tiled by re! I Charle. E
Opposite Dank of Oregon City.
If you have not availed yourelf of the rare opportunity It ha. afforded
for economical .hopping you have not done justice to your purte. A dollar
pent at our tor tnia weea will aena a larger pacaage oi vaiu w jour j
home than any dollar you ever epent before. One lady told a. yeterdy I
that b bad .hopped In the largeat cltie of the country, but had never
een ao many "bargain" in one .tore we believe the lady. I
Yisiblo Value in Every Department
Suggested by tne rouowing:
Johnaoo Bro.' Semi-Porcelain Cup and Saucer, latest
fihp Ikrt Cool 4 le aet
Men'a sc Fancy Half Hot 15c pair
Iloy.' Heavy Fleeced Underwear, regular 40c good 2"e garment
Large toe Pencil Writing Tablet &e
"Perfection" Lead Pencil with rubber He doz.
Regular 35c Henrietta Cloth 23e yd.
The "Empre" Corset 43 pair
Men's Good Wool HaU. black 4-e
Brown's "Norwood" Men's Shoes fl.3. pair
Good Heavy Un'oleached Mualin tie yd.
Ladies' Rainy Day Skirts, oxford gray
The -Quail" Foutain Pen, with filler.
Pearl Top No. I Lamp Chimneys
. Men' Good Cotton Socks
Odds and Ends in Men's Underwear .......
Amoakeag Blankets, 10-4, white and colored
Boys' Heavy Sweaters, fancy color
CI Tumblers, plain and fancy
TVia nnlrlon Pnl a "RaTianr Ttrtll move to
O.'iail'ID 1 ftW W VVIV1 - smmm - " - .
practice' their new building, next to the Methodist C
otthamjjij church, about November 12th.
in ti . -m. --v
men I fj
rood M
4e pair
25c garment
75c pair
8c each
fe 1 1 : 1 kl
heard nor paed uKn until these con
teeta are aellled i and be therefore auk
to be allowed to prove aaid allegation to
the end that auld timlr entry may be
declared cancelled and forfeited to the
United .Stale, he the .aid conteataut
paying th eipen of aaid hearing.
Ilaya be not j-., . Saturday' game follow: :
..1 . 1 ....... iii
Poeition. Y. M. C A. fs
...K E Tonkin W
. KT Redduk!?!
...K O WilauDit
... C Jarvi;L
...L tl BoyUn .1
...I. T Korner
... L E Latoorette
Q W. Cahff
,...L tt Payne
R B E. Califf
rTt or Ohio. Citv or ToUDo.f m.
I.icA.CotJiTr. )
Frank J. Cheney makea an oath that
he I Ihe senior partner of Ihe firm of F.
jj. Cheney A Co., doing buainoo in the
City of Toledo, County and State afore
aaid, and that said firm will pay the .urn
of ONE HCNDKEH IhM.I.AUS for each
and every cae of Catarrh that cannot
be cured by the ue of Hall'a Catarrah
Hworn lo More me and MlcrilH-d In
my prem-nw, this Ulli day of December,
A. I). IK'.W.
j Kt. j NotaryPublic.
11 .Mi- 1 -I. r.M la I.L.n tntur-
n.lly end act. directly on tlm' blood and .County Physician Geo. W
mui-ou .iirlacc. of the ystein. eemi
for testimonials, free.
F. J . CHEN EY, A CO., Toledo, 0.
Bold by drug;'"1, 75c.
Hall'a Family Pilla are the best.
H. M. A.
Halm, L. ...
Miener ....
Hahn. It ...
Van llouten.
Are conducive to colds, which develop into con
sumption. It is foolish and unnecessary to go about
with vct feet and imperil your health when winter
shoes and rubbers are cheap. See K2ALSSE B20S.
about it. They are the leaders and their stock of
winter footwear ia large enough and good enough
to please the most fastidious. Main street, two
door north of postoffice.
F Peter
Iteliable uait .wlle.
"A plll'a a pill," ay th saw. But
there are p. He ant pill. You want a
pill which la certain, thorough and gen
tle. Mustn't gripe, DeWitt' Little
Early Riser fill Ihe bill. Purely vegeta
ble. Mi not force but asaist the bowela
to act. Strengthen and invigorate.
Small and eary to take. Ueo. Harding.
jf or
I-r WW l V I- i t
i Vn
A I'bralclow Teallfie.
"I have taken K0.I0I Dyspepsia Cure
and have never used anything in my life
that did me the good that did." aay.
BcroPge, of
Hall Countv. Oa. "Being a physician,
I have prescribed It and found it to give
the beet reeults," If the food you eat
rem. in. undigested in your stomach it
decay there and poison the system.
You caa prevent tin. by dieting but that
mean starvation. Kodol Dynpepaia Cure
digeet. what you eat. You need eufler
from neither dyspepsia nor atarvation.
The worst caea quickly cured. Never
fails. Geo Harding.
IXV8 ritEAM BAI.M I a ollrer.
Apply Inlo Hi noatrll. Il I qulraly abaortxxl. M
Cant at DramUw orbf mall : ample 10c. by tntli.
iLI UKOTHEWi, M Warww 8C, Htm Tot CUy.
Fresh Confectionery
Manufactured Daily.
Nuts, Fruits anJ Cigars.
Opposite Enterprise Office.
Important Notice
While employed in the department of
chemistry in Guys Hospital and Medical
College. England, I secured the formula
for a remedy, which under my personal
observation, had done almost marvelous
work in restoring tub hair incases
where persons bad become almost bald,
also CURING many cases of CHRONIC
Since coming to Oregon I have recom
mended it to some of my personal friends,
and at the solicitation of many others
have at different times made up some of
the remedy for their use. I can truly
say that I do not know of a case where
it has failed to prove beneficial.
T hiM rnnrluiint to manufacture the
same for general sale and feel sure a trial
1 1 . I U.....I n ( 1 1 .
will convince iuc --ui w.
Ask your druggist for PRlER'ft
HAIR FOOD. Price 60c a package.
Also for sale by Richard Prier. Caufield
Building, Oregon City, Or.
For Infants Hid Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Thl I the eaoB for hlrt waltt. and
erery woman ought to know what are
the lateat trlf and good for thi moat
neoraaarjr article. We will aend KKKB to
anr woman who will send n her name
anil aCdreaa and a 2c stamp to pay poat
aire, a sample copy of "L'ART r l-A
MOPK," the (lneat fnahlon tnRKaiine tn
the world, which irive hnndred of differ,
ent draiirn. many colored plate, and full
Information about drea.
Stnicle coplr 33c each or $3. 50 per year,
at aU newsdealer.
3 Kat lth Miml. - New York.
W. W. CHRISM. D. 0. C D. 10V. D. O,
Qtoptl Phyllan
Q raduates of A nierican School of Osteopathy
Successfully treat all chronic disease
bv mechanical manipulation. Nodruirs
given, Diseases of women a specialty.
Examination and consultation free.
Office hours: 8 to 12 a. m. and 1 lo 4 p. m.
Except Sundays.
Office, Buoms 8 and 4. Stvrni BW..opp. Bank
OriuosCity, - - 0rook.
The Enterprise $1.50 per year.
Hospital and Private Experience.
Offer bis profesxioiial services to the ro
plol Oregon City and vicinity. Special
attention paid to Catarrh and
Chronic diseases. Best of refer,
ences given. Otflc In Willamette
Building. Otnce hours: lUtoll'a. in.,
4 to 6 p. m.
aaaaa aM
'- ' rr 1 1 i
Cliean Alarm Clock" arn niado cheap
and from cheap material.
Extra Quality Alarm Clocks are made
K(kx1 and from tho very boBt material.
Cheap Alarm Clocks last from two weeks
to about six month.
Extra Quality Alarm Clocks last about
ton years.
Cheap Alarm Clocks are not warranted
and when they stop you buy another.
We euaranteo our Extra Quality Alarm
Clock for one year and if it does not
give satisfaction we will make it good
free of chargo.
We sell our extra quality Alarm Clocks
for $1.00.
Why not buy one of our extra qualtity7
The first and moet important part of our business is selling Watches.
We have sold and repaired watches for many years and we know tho goods we sell can be
relied upon, both for quality and style.
Our Btock of Watches this Fall surpasses anything we have yet carried. It consists of Solid
Gold Gold Filled, Silver and Nickel Cases, fitted with Waltham and Elgin Movements,
and in the cheaper grades we sell the New England Watch, a reliable American made
time pieco.
As far as price we can assure you that we sell watches aj reasonable as any house in Tort
land and we do even bettor. We sell them on the installment plan. You make a
payment when you purchaso the watch and pay tho balance in weekly or monthly
Solid Gold Spectacles and Eyeglasses
fitted with first quality lenses from
14.00 to $6.00.
Gold Filled Spectacles and Eyeglasses
fitted with first quality lenses from
1100 to $3.00.
Steel Frames, Nickel Plated, in all grades
from 25 cents to $2.00.
Our Special $1.00 Spectacle
is a eteel nickel plated frame well
made and finished and fitted with a
first quality lense.
We test the eyes free of charge with
Johnston's Eyemeter which is con
sidered one of the finest instruments
And a full line of Photosrnplilc Supplies.