Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 08, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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Personal Mention
was In Kugeii thl
A. H.
I coiimi; llM M ,n
Will 1'ullock I III at Oswego with Mar
K. A. KUr, of Mackal.urg,
Laii yairday.
J.iiin Jloo, of" Clackamas, wu
Ln Wdueey.
Mr. I l'u,," l1'lnU
,tM.iiU In Corvelll.
(i,oiii Klllin, ul -:illutt I'ralrle, was
, 4irn Wednesday,
Mi. Ilrry Moody Is lillng rtle-
t in Walla Well.
Vllii"i Irvln, leading atiakman ol
Auinr. a I" VT Wedneeday,
Mm Mary (ileaton It vleitlng her
Uum, MIm Hume, of llockwood.
Attorney C'rl Heberlecli has liken
,f,ee will Colonel Iloberl A. Miller.
KlU Grimm and Io I Woodcock,
J .Vwdy, were In Ids city Wedneedey.
Alnti'lrr II. Moor, ut Oregon City,
,m l'n gtanted t iilii of H month.
V. A. lloblinon, of Milwaukle, was
Juibg buaiuea In Oregon City Tueaday.
Win. lUrlow, uf Harlow, ae In Oregon
fliy ilurlnK ra "ek attending Circuit
Uira hul Jon, ol Portland, was
utlui g lnnda lii Oregon City Wdne-
J. J.
J. 8. Yodor, of Needy, was In town
Tuly and paid tli Lulerpru a pleaa
ol rail.
Mr. M. C Miarp, of Vancouver, I
viiltli.g her eUtar, Mr. (I. C. Hat-on in
!ii ciljr.
M) Laura Conyare arrived Monday
!r m I'lat'ka'iln and lU lil the lu
Irf in Oregon City.
William V autfhn, ona ol tla o!d- plo
nrata in it o uuiy, wee In town Iroin
lolIU Wedlieeday.
M. A. !. Uurley, an Arllntf on al.of
Dejf alio formerly relded In lha clljr,
a liar llilt Week.
Mr. Jolm Gleaaon Jell Wdne.lejr ev
ening f ir Kaairrn Orevon, where I a ill
triff In wool huainet again.
Jowph M. fcbryver, who haa been
connected with Ilia Aatorlan for Hi pl
year, la tailing Irlrndi In llil Clljr.
Ju l-a Peter II. WarJ, ol 1'ortlan.l, la
In Oregon City. Ha It on of the ttof
neje lu the llajrt land contort rear.
Ir. It. Kleiner, of Lakevlew, wa
In loan Valnea.lajr and protrtl Uon
liia iln.Ur claim in ll Hileii cotiniry.
Mia. lavena, f healtle, Iim been In
the cl'Jf vtaitlnK lir eon. tielieral bin w
Mry Uavrna, ol tl Y. M. C. A., thla
Allori.ey C KliUeUI aenl to Turner
jreatenla to ivll aom 'rorty In the
raaaof Muran va. H.urrr and will re
turn today.
K. Carter and family, of Wilhoit,
tnove-l In to town Thureday, and will
.... i.i .. k t. i.l . .i
oorupy lu MliliiiKB uuutei i.h
Ja kan atnxila.
Mr. and Mra. K. II. Carlum and W, A.
l!oeiikrna, of Canby, were In the cliy
Tuesday the Kiieaia of Mr. and Mra. W.
M. Shank.
Mr. ami Mra. Maulton, ol Wim-onaln,
an vUitmic Frank WimhI, Mr. Moulton'a
krandaon. They will orolmldy locale In
Yauililll County.
Tha many lrinnd of Miaa Cornulla Mu
Cown will be tfaad to know that aim ia
very much Improved and hoea are en
tertained for her ultimate recovery.
C. B. Moore hm ri-aigiiwd hi oallion
aa collector for the TacUlc Mulnal Inaur
nee Coniiany In llila city. J Uilclirlat
will Imik alter the lutereaU of the com
pany In the I ii t(!r.
Atton.ry Coraln 8. fhaiik, ol Beaitle,
wai in town Saturday vinitlng hia
brother, W. M. Shank, lie Ji l en
viailnn hla paieiila at Citnby nd left lot
home Saturday afittruooii.
J. ll.'rillahury, ho haa been at home
for nmin lime alllictml with the urlp, re
turned to hla work In INirtUnd Monday.
Mr. rillabury la the carpenter for the
l'orlland Flonrlnn MillaOo.
Jatnea Jonea, of lUrulnn'a diun alore,
loHVtm Mondny lor Whalcoin to take
jKMltlon In the drug elore recent lr pur
cliaaed by hla hrotlier, Linn K. Jonnr.
He will be 'uococded at UindinK'B by
ltiwa Kftrr.
Mlia Hulda Holden Ins returned fiom
Corvullla nd has rcimmed her dutlea ni
il.ii 1'iirlfiiliii'e achool. While
atCorvalllH ahe took a imecUl InHtruo
In Alalia Hull ut the
Omuon Agricultural College.
Mr. t. Mrlniiald line) arrivoil from
Tacoina with her family nd will reaido
hnre. Mr. McDonald is expected next
week. He OHtltnates timber for the
Northern Pacific. They have two none
In the paper mills were formerly
employed in the Lowell nulls,
n. Will, nf Ibirlow. was in town Frl
dav. For the nant year he has twn
prospecting In Ikker county and dime
down about two weeks ago for a' "hort
visit with relatives and to attend to
some bunlneBH nmtterr. Mr. Will left
Friday night for Sumpter.
Oiifl Arc Taken From IllllUhldi
IVIIKJoTo C;rrrn I'olnt.
relict iVlll Arrei An Moloriinii Hun
In Car4 la-tor 1h.ui Herrn
Mllea An lluur. '
Oregon Clty'a Council u.el Vednealay
evening with all of ih umitiU'ra preMiil
inept Kiory.
It waa ordered that all dlliiiinm'a In
the eatra aewer aimeamerita have one
week In which to pay, and if not paid
within that lime the recuxh-r will pro
cM-d U) aell the property In accordance
with the provision of the charter.
The mayor a empowered to appoint
exral policemen aheoever he think It
The fluaiica committee waa lntriicled
to laaiie an Improvement bond for Keecr
Di.trlct No. 2. l!d will be axket for.
Kiigln hotiaea, No. 1, 2 and 3 were
deiinaled aa polling plac et for the city
The mailer of the Improvement of
Filth eln-et waa laid over until Hie next
The matter of repairing walka through
the park waa referred to the street com
mittee Ith power to act.
Frneal Matlhlea waa granted llilor
fle lucandearent rlis tric light on the
collier of Fourth attd Center atreet aill
be tiioved to the corner of S I'll and
It waa ordered tl.at one lltit be taken
Irom near ti. i'. Hutilley'a rl lmiie on
the bill toOreen i'olnt.
The committee on health 'and jxillre
an lnaructel to lnellie and abate
the d'liuplug o ruhlilah at the bead at
Filth Hi rrel and at the Congregational
Church corner.
The Culef of Police waa Inatructed
to arreit at y eruployra of the Portland
City kiid Oregon Itailway C-ompaiiy
runitlna: cart at a greater eerd than
aeven milea aa hour.
votk n riAM m.ucvri.
Ited Sea lath- Ual fr the Irtlug
and VTee lniea fr i hlrkrilor.
voti ton tub uvixo.
He.1 Men SI.774
I'nblic rkhmile 61. Wl
VomIiiiuii of Ih World.... , M
Y. M.C. A i W
M, l. Iepot 35
VUTS ruN Till CllltKKKlNO.
Woo.ln.en of the World VM.VA
Public Kclioola
Knlvhlaof lb Maccabeee 45.107
Wilhilnelle Fall School 0,413
Angeia lioats For Sale.
Inquire at LlmUley'a r.-tw mill.
Mra Moaet Yodnr tiaa gone to Idaho,
where ahe will viail her slater for a few
C. II. I.oinie. formerly of Albright A
lgii, has purchaaed a meat maikel on
Waidilnglon blreet In rortlaiid.
Ti.a ntl.iwlnif la ihe Hal of lettert re
maining in the poaiotfli-eal Oregon City,
Of., on Oct. iwi :
wumkn'i list.
Lute M A Mrs Ward l)o.k Mra
l-each Kdna Mrs , Williams Nina Miss
Clayton Chas Ore City Nuraery Co
Fellows Kit Shaw John W
Hatch Hcru'tLCpl .Stanton John
Kenyon C Bclunerdeker Mr A Mrs
Urson M A Thompaoii hllert
Meldentia U 0 (2) W od Ueorge
(l'kg I'hotoa) Chas Walker
UF.O. F. 110KTON, l M.
. Oregon I'ltT Market Itcport.
(Corrected to Friday. )
Wheat No. 1, 51c bushel.
Flour Portland, X 10 .'r bbl. 60 e
oer ek. Howard's Hst, 80o per suck;
3.I0wr bbl.
Oa'.s In sacks, white. 85 to 00 cents
per cental, gray, HO to 85.
' .. l I fl .11... ti..la til hnr Inn
nay nui iiiuu'")', t" ""
loone, ! to 50 Mr ton. Clover f
Out. 111. Mixed hay,
MlllulMlTallrnn 1 1(1 50 POr ton.
aborts, $17 60 per ton, chop, 10 per ton,
barley, rolled, fin uu tcr ion.
Potatoes new, "5o per bundled lbs.
Kgus Oregon, 25 to 27So per tlo?.en.
HuUer-Hanoh, .'17 to 45o per roll.
Apples, Kinu's, 40 c o 50 cents per
box. Other 'varieties, 35 o to 45 e per
'"'lVara, Fall Butter and Whiter Nollis,
50 to 75 c per box, .
Quinces, 60 to 00 c ner bx.
Iielaware grapes, In baBkots, 30 c; In
bulk 3 o per lb.
Concord Grapes, 2 to 3o er lb. In
bulk; Invket, 25o.
Onions, choice, lo to 1 o per lb.
Dressed chickens, 10 to 12.i 0 pojr lb.
Livestock and dressed meats; lieef,
live, f'1.00 to :l.50 jr hundred. Hogs,
live. 4icts; hogs, dressed, 6i to tlo;
Hheep. to S'ie; sheep, dressed, Oc;
veal, dreesed. 7,'i to 8; lambs, live,2.V;
lambs, dressed, (l'o.
n..- it,. lti8 Rmd ton Have Always Boiiiit
r-v-v r T tr-V
Local LVci).
New hati arriving dally,
Miat (lold-
W tell Fountain Pan for tl.00 on
guarantee to rtfund money if you don't
Hkt It afttr lOdayt trial.
rWdiool biok exuliaiitfud tt Moore't
tpeclaKy. Mist
Yon will tav money by buying yourj
iiiilllnery of Mlaa Uoldainlth.
Tin latent noveltiea In millinery and
price tht tMiat. MIm Goldsmith,
Velvet halt In all tlx new tliepea and
prices moderate. MIm Ooldamllh.
Uiiihifliaa lepaired and rscovered,
alwi built to order. Johnon A Ijimb.
t'-f) lo lOTf to loan on chattel or per
tonal aecurity. It'.mlrk k Katliain, tgtt.
lluy your meat at Albright k Logue'
meat market and tecur votet lor the
1 150 piano.
Ten cents in merthandia given with
every piano vol purchaaed at Moore't
Genuine Valleiicienne lac and inser
tion lor dainty handkercliiefe at Ih
Kacket fitore .
Tlioro are the dajg when the subscription agents are abroad in the land. They want
jrotir sulMcrijitionH to I'apr-n arid Mazines; the want to tell you Riblea andChristmns
l!(Kks, To Hooks and 1'V "that the hook store doesn't keep" all at fancv prices. No
agent can or does sell aa cheap as a legitimate store they don't do enough business.
Remember that we guarantee to save you money from 10 to W) per cent, on every proposi
tion of this kind. At leajt give us a chance to quote you prices before you send away
money or pay it to a traveling agent.
IV. rn, to tbu wife ol Fred Uanteobein,
an eitfhl-pouiid boy. Mother and child
a doing aell.
Frank I.andla died at Clack iron Thurs
day of typhoid fever. II wat a yom g
man of aterlmg ipialltlHi and waa un
married. The Itinera! took place Friday
at Clackaiiiaa.
Miaa Mary Cae, of Iloeton Kchool ol
Voice Culture, will lak a limited num
ber of pupils for th winter iiionlht.
IK you a ant to aeeyour lode win the
1 150 piano? Albright A lgm iaaue
one vole with every 25 cent purchaa.
The Acme, opoalta Kuterpria olliie,
manuiacltl'eS Ireah candy daily. Fruit,
c'gaa and tobacco. Soda fountain. Nw,
Amtniinltion ol every description
Sheila loaded to order. New thol gun,
Old guns repalitd. New stock of air
nfli), fr iOihota. Sewing uiacl Inet and
bh yi ka repaired. Th place to get it
fixed. Johnaon & Lamb. All work
Wiuler clothing It what you warn.
Cold weather it coming on and it fovtt
no rnoi to be comfortable. Jo Know
land, tht "Hi street tailor, baa hundred
of eauiplct of elegant good to select
from. Know land's clothea Ot.
Willamette Falls Camp, W. O. W.,
has aucceeded In organising a very cred
it. bl musical oriranlsttlon. About th
lat ol Auguat, 25 ol the members lormed
band, and practice lias been regular
and thorough under the direction ol C
A . Naah. Th band bat breo engaged
to luruiali mualo for th C atholic Fair,
A l Yi'eniau.
Manager Shively saya he bat secured
one nixhi (roiu th management of "A
Wie Woman." Tli date will be an
nounced Uter on. It will be a month cr
ao at leant. A Utile energy of I hit kind,
if puraued, will bring to our town a
higher atandard of companies.
llie Lsdlrt.
Kvery woman is devout. No hand
aom woman ever looks into a mirror
without a keen appreciation of the wis
dom uf the Creator in bealowing beauty
on to deserving an object.
The woman whoisstsred at feels In
aul'ed. The woman who ia not stared at
(eela neglected.
Women think It is wicked to bet ex
cept on a sure thing.
Many a woman find out to her sorrow
that thuieisa heap of difference between
gelling married and being married.
Women like lo see a tlrsl-claas theatri
cal company, eapecially if it Is a delicious
comedy, so why not hav them tee A
( lock 8 iped Wheu Old Man's Sm Hied
and Iti haved Strangely Tuo-day.
Russell DeLaahmutl, 82 yeaig old, was
atrickon with paralysis Tuesday at Os
wego and hia time on this earth is lim
ited to a few days at m jet. Mr. DeLanh
mull is a widower and haa one daughter
and three sons lu the Eiist. He is cared
lor tiv Mrs. Ilellen. who lives across the
ttrect. Pr. Strickland is bis medical at
tendant and they tell the following story,
which is vutichod for by Mrs. Ilellen :
In 1854 Mr. DeLashmuit bought a
clock in Oregon City which he placed
upon his mantel. The clock kept ttood
time for years until one day in the year
1876 it stopped short. Some time after
wards news was received that Mr. De
l.uHbmiiit's vounucst son had died on the
day the clock stopped. The ancient time
piece wilhatood all toorts to mane it go
and Mrs. Ilellen gave Mr. DeLashmutt a
smaller clock. On the day that Mr. De
Lashmutt received the paralytic stroke,
thla clock also stopped and the old clock,
which had not run since 1870, gathered
itself together, emitted a ghastly sound,
and gave six solemn ttrokes, and then
stopped again. The number of strokes
is understood to have meant that Mr.
DeLashmutt had but six days to live,
and Dr. Strickland says this will proba
bly prove to be the cane.
4 Jh i
I, 4e tk fc 4t jRk
You will find hsrt th latait noveitles In
'ancv stationery up to l 60 par box at
well at tttpl goodt it low at 10c per box.
New Books at
Cut Price $1.25
Trlatram of Blent ...
The Ariatocrats
The Octopua ..
Tempting of I'r. Anthony.
D'rl & I
Right of Way
The Cavalier....
Craoatark .... .....
The fjulberon Touch
Sylvia ,
The Criiia
Anthony IJope
Weir Mitchell
..Gwendoline Overton
Ceo. Morton
.. Bacheller
.. Gilbert l'arker
, .... George Cable
Evalyn F.mrraun
Atk for our Llat of Lateat Bookt It's Iree
twice a month, to per cent, diacount on all
new books not marked NET.
Photograph and
Picture Frames Specials
W have left 75 bandaome 8xic picture
frame in gilt, tilver, white and other color
with wide matt to harmonize. They are par
ticularly deairable for photographi (have an
eaael back or can be hung) or for any plctnrea
op to 5x7 In tire.
See them in our window.
Tney are sold reglarly at 35c to 50c. This
ttock while it lasts will be sold a 19C
vwwwWWwwWwwiiwwwwWwVwUwwWww w www www w
: " rrit
I'reab ahipments of ITioto Mounta and Kodak Albuma. ew gooas ana lower pneet. uur aiocc 01 1 iair,
I'ilma and I'aper la always freah. ao per cent, diacount on all Kodak. We have a tew ahop-worn and
tecond hand Camera that we offer at to regular price and they are guaranteed juat a good at new.
Huntley's Book Store, Oregon City.
Albright & Lognt hav piano ticket.
The usnal servicea w II be held at the
Congregational Church nest Kunday. In
the evening th pan' or will apeak on th
"Hope of Immortality" in the light of
th preaent view point.
Children'! bait and boonett. Mtt
I'ortland-Oreiron City boat 6tr. Leon a
leaves foot of Eighth 6t. at 7 and 1 1 a. m.
and 3:W p. ni Leavea Portland
at 9:00 a. m. and I. -00 and 5:00 p. m.
Take the Leooa if yon want a good com
fortable rideC The run it made either
ay in on hour and fifteen minute.
Uoond trip 25 cent.
liaiaar and Rumm.ige ale.
Tb ladiea of the Metboditt chnrcb
will bold a bastar and rammag aal in
Shank it BimM-ll't eatabliehment, ad
Joining the cbnrrb. Tie baiaar will
open Tuesday, Ieceniber 10 and con
tinue durlDg Ui week.
Velvet, tilks tnd all tb lateat novel
ties. Miss Goldxmitti
Christian S ienc service are held In
Willamette ball every Sunday morning
at eleven o'clock Subject for Sunday,
Nov. 3rd. "Adam and Fallen Man."
Sunday Sihool at tweWe o'clock. Wed
nesdsy evening meeting at eight o'clock.
To the services all are welcome.
An exceptional bargain, near Oregon
City 22 mile from Portland, good road
400 acres, creek and spring water, 5
acres in good cultivation, ricb boiiou
land. Price only $12 50 per acre.
C. O. T. Williams,
Room 9, Barclay building,
Oregon City, Oregon.
Many phyticiant are now prescribing
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure regularly, having
fouud that it ia the best preecripiion
they can write because it is the one prep
aration which contains the element! nec
eatary ti digest not only some kinds ot
food but all kinds and it therefore cures
indigestion and dyspepsia no matter
what Its cans. Geo. Harding.
Read tlio Message.
We have the things which will make you thank
your lucky stars. We want you, though, to go
a step farther, and come in without fail. We
have goods to offer that will interest you.
"""- - . ,-. - : .-J.,.m.'.1
We sell Air Tight Heaters, measuring
18 inches in the clear, cast top, bottom
draft, no foot rails, for $3.75.
FRANK BUSCH, The Housefurnisher.