Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 08, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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nleas ae.n.1
Our correspondents till
In articles Iw-fore Wednedays of each
week, otherwise it reachee u loo late for
pilhli. atioh.
M ,i" Joeie Hubbard haa been
sick ( r a wk but i Wtter.
M. (Vila llindenon, ol Fllwood, was
V i i 1 ; I (riondl liei last aevk.
The show on Novemlvr PirM wa not
very largely attended on account of bil
Oliver I.alT.tty haa Wen home on a
short ic il but
hai returned again to
al .ington.
R. C. I'almer ia home fiom Waahing
(on i, a lay o if, hi health lieing some-
What deficient.
V,- Vealia Hubbard and (J rare
Oot'-tl wee rallin in the Rethel negh
borh" d lat Sundav.
Mr. J. Po'nn had the misfortune, to
have liia lellin and
all in content
bun e I last Thur.id y.
Mr Hnntvr waa taken to the dvtor
latFiday. He ha a very bad hand,
rat d from the arrairh of a salmon tooth
A Kolaer gave a farewell party, pre
paraVty to moving to California.
Tat. McAdaro. of Portland, who
(ornii'rl fanned here, waa out visiting.
fiot-r, cider, every where, and the
lamer it gets the harder the tippler it
y. A. Meinig haa let a contract for
land to Will Kiddcrbua at 11.25
p-r at-re.
IV rr Kalli had the mUfortun to fall
troin a load of lumber and f-etiou-ly hurt
hia lei.
J 'Sn Foiwter and w f, prominent
pf-'p'e i'f Ei;le Creek, were the guetn
of AaliVy' folk.
C. Cha-e, our fucct-asful d-n:it, ia
k. pt cmiitsntly on the pull to keep
p p e pamlra and tooiliWa.
Wil'te HoKhoIni went out in the world
t rk hia fortune. He l.aa pA a b ng
wav over the worlj and is Dow in Port
land. Mr. Spannial g ieed to mnch over
he U v irouMe tliat he ruptured a
b-ic t vessel, and wa taken to a Port
land h'iiial in a very aer oi ronlititn.
Th mail eontr!-t will e--oi b rlied
for tvie six d-tTcrent pjt fficea supplied
f'onSindybv thr mail loutes. All
vnt'actf are aul ptl to rural, delivery.
A i-uiiov.ty ia at t'ue aalmon river
Im-cIi. ryin the aht; of a two he"!eil
aal'Pon and on two-taiVd ilmor.
They are living and wi'l prsrtved in
Ifa'l.twe'en night ia tat. A few gate
took a furlough ; one of our prominent
F.i ini I men went to town with wheel
ever j'ed r-ar-wl. eel in front and front
whtfI i-ehind.
$Bfilp Ode
It is a sad thing to sec fine
fruit trees spoiled by the blight
You can always tell them from
the rest They never do well
afterwards but stay small and
It is worse to see a blig!
strike children. Good health
is the natural right of chUSren.
But some of them don'Wet
their rights. While the rest
grow big and strong one stays
small and weak.
bcotts Lmulsion can stop
tna: ount. mere is no
a 1 111. rrae.
reason why such a child should
stay small. Scott's Emulsion
is a medicine with lots of
strength in it the kind of
strength that makes things
Scott's Emulsion makes
children grow, makes them eat,
makes them sleep, makes them
play. Give the weak child a
chance. Scott's Emulsion will
make it catch
with the rest.
This picture represents
the Trade Maik of Scott's
Emulsion and U on the
(wrapper of every bottle.
Send for fret sample.
409 Tearl St, New York.
50c and f 1. all druggists.
?A1 V , . A '1
Kdward Koppor, our carpenter, and
several otheis are busy assisting with a
i sawmill crew potting up me houses,
, hunk house, and a mill holloing (or
StuuaA lnarti sawmill cump,
Caspar Jui.ker ha advertised lor a
boting match U turkey, gtve, chick
en an. I other ( la on Thanksgiving
day. Friie will be given to winners by
hooting, boaling and .'attling.
John McFntire, formerly of Salmon,
ia bark from Alaska looking hale ami
hearty, lit haa sample of Ketevhekan
I Alaska gold mines in which bo haa an
Interest, It ia good looking or anil it
ia hoped John haa atntrk il rich.
Chaa. Peahsll, our pnwporuua young
asaaver ha exhibits) some lead rmlleta
f oin Chenny I'rwl miiit-a that lie haa
by chemical operation accured the pun
, vtii hUh i of the highest itrade. He
haa alm eilver and gold. In fact Charlee
hat a smelter on a amall plan In opera
tion, by which ho prove that there la
gold and lead in the Chenny Creek
ininea, which undoubted will prove
valuable minea.
IV! i lira m the eastern states don't
sc-m lo concern many, only that they
hope that old party of pioii:y wilt re-
U1IQ ln In I'd community
moat every body in the 'ait few eara
have Jon exceedingly well ; moat young
men own a horse an.) buggy o bicycle;
farmer ride- around in carriages or top
bujgie. If this pioaie ity Lee, a u,'
aom old hayneed and yoirig a'so wi'l Im
(porting in automobile or flying machine.
Rev Wittrotk Is all right again.
Many of our burgher went (o the aalf
I in Clarke Saturday laat.
Our poatmaater, O. A. Shuhel, is suf
fering with aciatica and rhuematiMu.
Mrs. Jacob litomilier is viaiting her
aimer, Mra. Uub, of Portland, during
the week.
Miaa Carie Manker'i, of Portland.
a visiting her cousin. Mm InaGroe
oiil'er during the piat week.
The Miate Cample'l, of Dufur, and
El Hettman, ol the same place, viaited
the litter's parents daring the past week.
The directors have bought a new teach-'
er'a dettk, a ha" and bookcase for the
K-hoollioue. It the room a digni
fied apnea'Sie.
John Hettman and Ed Hettman a.e
buying rattle from innd here and in
tend leaving Monday morning to.- IHi.u',
Oregon, with the lot.
A very pleasant pmt wa given at the
home of Mia. He l.nan Wednesday even
ing. A large number of young people
were present and all had a pleasant t'tne.
Wesley Hill ma le a ;oxl tit le daring
the past week. Ileiiadel a cow that
coa' him 20 'or a Je ey and gave $. "o
boot," then sold Die cow injiuetTate!y
for f !0. Thal'a business.
A meeting waa held in oar sohoolhonse
Saturday nirht for the pnrpose of organ
it rig new voting precinct. I here waa
a fair attendance, and from what can be
beard about 60 voters are in favor of the
new precinct. The county court should
grant the petition as the new precinct
would be a central point for many voters.
Leona Moore Is now itaying with Mra.
Miaa Iouiaa Kornahack came borne
from Portland, on Saturday.
John Johnson, who is working at An
rora, apent Sunday w th us.
Mr. Herbert Johnson has again taken
hi daughter, Fd tb, to Portland for med
ical aid.
A number of our people attended tie
burial of Ivan Miller, of Hubbard, Mon
day, Nov. 4.
Cheater Hitter and bride have moved
to Marks Prairie and have commeoced
housekeeping in grand style.
Mine Coyle, whs has been one of us for
good many weeks, returned to her
Lome in Hubbard a few days ago.
The dance Saturday evening was well
attended and all seemed to enjoy them
selves, especially the boys "down stairs."
The smaller fry are fast learning to
read and understand under the able su
pcrviaion of Mr, Crittenden, principal of
our school.
li. W. Zimmerman, who Las moved
his bouse from this place to Mark's Prai
rie, is replastering and will soon be able
to move bis family into their new quar
ters. The good people ol this place are very
busy Just now, plowing, sowing fall crops
diggigg potatoes and general farm work ;
but as a rule are intelligent enough to
keep a papei and find time to read il.
Lizla Cietk.
Miss Grace Douglaes is still improving.
The weather ia very line since the rain.
The fall grain, that is sown and up,
looks fine.
(Several of the farmers are (till plow
ing and sowing grain.
C. H, Daucuy, of Parkplace, is repair
ing the lower Eagle Creek bridge.
Miss Sawtell returned from Oregon
City yesterday, where she has been
Several from near Eagle Creek at
tended the piotructed meeting at the
Zion church Sunday.
Mrs. Gordon, of IJood Kiver, and her
sons Tilman and Olia Young, are visiting
friends at Eagle Creek.
Dark Hair
" I have iucJ Aycr'a Hair Vigor
fcr a gret many years, and al
though I am pitt eighty yrart of
age, yd I hvs not gray bulr In
tuy head."
Ceo. Vcllott, Towson, MJ.
X'c mean ell thst rich,
dark color your hair used
to have. If it's pray now,
no matter; fcr Aycr's
Hair Vij;or always re
stores color to gray hair.
Sometimes it makes the
hair grow very heavy and
lone; and it stops falling
of the hair, too.
I! Ma axil. Ait Sraritata.
tf yur itrunwt cannot annpiy ton,
Cud ut en 4iUr and a ill tipi
y' a bottle. IW aur an.l ana lb iaai
ol yuwr awrt npmi on-. AllrM,
J. C. A lit I'll., Uwall, Maaa.
Mra. I'dell, who ha Iw-fit east of tl
mountains, haa rtturued home, but tl a
ia on the ick list. She la aome txt ! r
Kd Barnett la atill working the roada
be haa had a crew of handa graveling
for teveral daya, which ia a graat Im
provement to the roads.
WDI Jonri Is sowing cheat.
Al Jones Is making a new fence.
"Trait Bros, have ao'd out' their
Peine Vus. are fixing up their
Cora Ilelvey was Ken in our burg
Fnet Jooe went to Oladtiding
C. Smith haa rented part 0' bia farm
to Jonea'.
Mim Motrin viaited In' Portland
la?t week.
Henry Fanton waa a viaitor of Eroeit
Jonee Sunday.
Si!a Wright paed by, eneoute for
Oregon City, Tuelay.
John Molzans sm'liug fac waa awn
in our burg lt week,
Susie P.owm.n has gone up to Mr.
Per.y'a, of Molalla, to work.
Bayno A. Howard and Frurat Joj
went to John Cole Monday.
Clyde hmitb and . E. Jonee, wee at
W. A. Woodside'e Sunday. .. ,
Sebastian Bany arid Yeva Jowea anrqt
to Port'and Saturday, returning M unlay.
Jone and Bany intend to leave this
week lor San Franciaco. Uood. Irck be
with you boys.
D. O Fit eo-an dove to Maro am
Sunday. .
Mise Bessie Shepherd wtit lo Po
land T'leStlay.
M ss McCls'n, of PortUnJ, Is Uie ciesi
of Miaa Veva Tall.
A. Scogrfin, of Woodburn, was viai ing
relative at Barlow Thursday.
Mr. Naon, of Portland, wea IcU'ng
fier his properly in Barlow Tl.un ay
Miaa Beaie Armatrong came up from
OregDnCity Saturday snd veiled over
8'Jiday with ber parent.
Mrs. Henry Zeigler returned home
Tt-nrs'lay after via.ting aeveral weeks
with her parents at Portland.
The dance Saturday evening was
grand success, something over $14 being
cleared toward buying the school organ.
Doc. Palmaieer is some belter.
Koss Pinkley is still on the sick list
The protracted meeting closed Sunday
Kidney Trouble Makes Ton Miserable.
Almost everybody who reads the newv
papers Is sure to know of the wonderful
cures made by Dr.
Kilmer's Swamp-Root,
the rreat kidney, liver
and biadder remedy.
11 la inn trmt m.IL
r4j cal triumph of the nine
teenth century; dis
covered afier years of
wrirlii icaearcn oy
ftiPB Dr. Kilmer, the em-
rent money and blad
der specialist, and is
wonderfully successful In promptly curing
1 l 1.1 J L I . J J . ' . , ' . . .
wine wu, kiuiicy, uiauuer, uric acia trou
bles and Brlght's Disease, which Is the worst
form of kidney trouble.
Dr. Kilmer s Swamp-Root U not rec
ommended for everything but If you have kid
ney, liver or bladder trouble It will be found
Just the remedy you need. It has been tested
In so many ways. In hospital work, In private
practice, among the helpless too poor to pur
chase relief snd has proved so successful In
every case that a special arrangement has
been made by which all readers of this paper
who have not already tried It, may have a
sample bottle sent free by mall, also a book
telling more about Swamp-Root and how to
find out If you have kidney or bladder trouble.
When writing mention reading this generous
otter In this paper and
send your address to
Dr. Kilmer 8c Co..Blne- ir 'uSiHi s'ri!?
hamton, N. Y. The -iiai!
regular fifty cent and Homaotswamp-Hoot.
ooiiar sizes are sola by ail good druggists.
41) V
Win. lull) apent a day vlaltlng friend
in ()i Held.
Win I'avl. jr. la at home from Fail
etu Oicgnii,
Mr. Moot la aooii to tetiirii hoin to
ILdlard, Wash.
Horn-To the wifaa of Win. Oatlleld,
daughter; alao to the aifo of John Fly,
a oit.
Khool i pri greaalng veiy nicely In
both district aim e the (cacliera got the
at holar lightly adjusted.
Smitlnv school at train lnd lioiiae I
proieaniug lilcnly will) over 11) In at
tendance, Mr. Holder and husband
srem to he the right one In the r ght
The pruua crop brought Into our
mlJsl eighteen hundrel doPara caali, as
much a any other kind ol crop, yet
pruneaaere In than half a crop Ihle
vi'r. '.iarfleld proiliicea fruit of tmt
alt kuidaeipMal to tha l"t and urpaaaed
by none, not even lloixl lliver, and l(
a mnch nlier place to live In. Pailiea
wishing home would do aell to come!
abd aee llii part brfote huying ele
aheie, a tbeie are a few place that
could be bought at pieient.
bub. I lllael Krport.
Following i the report of a hod di
trict No SO for the iiioulli ending Nov, 1 :
!) taught, 20.
Average daily attendance. 34.
lay atlen dance, t'.'.
Average No beloiiglni, 37.
Time lardy, 3.
Thoaewho were pe tber atent tiof
tardy dnrlng the month are A I Morn and
Flsie B'uhm, Lena, Itiie, Nellie, Nora, i
Irene, and Funa M hiik, I.ottin and
Bi'Ulah llornn huli. Mary and Herrlelta
Wiltrock, Ireua Hill and itaymnd
Oinllier Visitor prreent during the
month were Fmil tiuenther, Vlev
Hill, Itottfrlml Moehnke, dlir. ti.ra. Mis
r'.r.i.. M.nV-rl. ( Puritan, I Miaat ntial
(iroasmillrr, Frmldle Bohlen ler, Henry
Iteltnuii, of hhube', F. lwird Hettman.
of PuFur, Mi Z. 'ura, Nlla and Jete
Caiuidwll, of Pur'ur, and Margin Mas
a.nrr, of Milwaukie. We rert'lily
invl'e the pal.ona of the cbool, and ad
o.he a line ea'rd In edt'calioii, to visit
I'S '. vtii 1 1. re to Imiiv. aud not our
p. owe.
Itunirr Gisiiirs,
V e!a Srh4 Kcpi rL
Fullow:ng are namea of pupil who
have 1(X in deportment br the month
ending Noveiulier 1st: Jame Hamiltun,
Alvin Mormer, Ruth I.acroy, Imia, Oli
ver and Iva Oertwr, Fdward and Au
gust Ficken, May and Florence Stone,
Jennie Kcksen, Fva and It ibhie Mat
toon, Tommy and Clar-'nre Juhb, ,va
and S nilcy Lovrlace an I Maurice War,'.
Whole number of pupil enri.lled, 2'.'.
Average dally at'endance, ?). pupila
who were present every day durlmr th
mouth were: Ruth l.mv, Jam.' Ham
ilton, Albert and May Stone.
Visitors at the achool were: Christina
Hamilton, David Closnr, H. N. North.
Jesse Mayfleld, Jamea Imi-I.
Parent snd friend rorilially Invited
to visit the chixl and note our progress.
Maa. Tasxis Nontii, Teacher.
are injure.) by the uae of cullce. Ke rut
ly there baa been placed In all the gro
cery stores new preparation calh-d
UKA1N-0, made of pure grains, that
takes the place of cotCie. The uiot d.-l
icate atomach receive It without dis
tress, and but few can tell it from colbio.
It doea not col over t4' a much. Child
ren may drink It with great benefit
15 eta, and 2"i c:l. per package. Try it.
Ask for UKAIN-0.
Thea hll.lrra'a t'rlm.l.
You II have a cold this winter. Maybe
yon have one now. Your children wll
suffer loo. For Cough, Croup, Bronchi
tis, grip and other winter complaints
One Minute Cough Cure never fsils
Acts promptly, it is very pleasant to
the taate and perfectly harmless. C. II.
Ueorge, Winchester, Ky., wriU-s "Our
little girl was attacked willi croup late
one night and was so hoarse she could
hardly speak. We gave her a few dose
of One Minute Cough Cure, It relieved
ber immediately and she went to s!eep.
When she awoke next morning she had
no signs of hoaraeness or croup. Geo.
A Speelal Oreaaloa.
First TrouipVou orli-r aio Mill g
In over do fence wit' de bull after
Becond Tramp-Must tiavo j'cu wutb
lookln at.
First Tramp-Kayl It wui de only
time I ever seen him when be dldu't
look tired.-1'uck.
The total number of tlmbpr rnfts on
all the rivers of Ktiiopcnn Russia Is
said to be more tbnn HD.mt yearly,
with a total of some 'i'.ODO.oix) logn.
To the lul(llc.
Allow me to say a fow words In praise
of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. I hud
a very severe cough and cold and feared
I would get pnernonia, but after taking
the second dose of this medicine I full
better, three bottles of It cured my cold I
and the pains in my chest disappeared , A
entirely. I am most respectfully yours
for health, Balpii 8. Msvfhs,C4 Thirty- g
seventh 8t. Wheeling, W, Va. For sale CJ
Vi fl. A. ffariliiKT Tlnumiuf t1
Asthnmloiirt Ui ing hiatant
lt AH
iMoiinlaiii View
We t.K-k tln first i-rciiiiiiiu
lUrfcl I'lyinoutli K.nka.
Vo Iinvo tit sale yuiii)( ccVcrr! al .(aj to .' u).
NVe have a largo t.a k ami ilo lu.tcare M tarry Id. in lhr..iii;h
llio niul. r. If taken n.w you tan get a fine m-krre f..r Lalf
nllll it will Cost Vol! ill llm rill)!.
j. murrow a son,
Orouon City. Ore.
A $450
To be given away.
A Voting Conlost
For tha uioat ipulr rliU't-li, llg, ,
Cltty, ai h-.l or pnrs.ii id Dreg in Cit), by
whlrhaft'iO Irv na- piano w lil be given
away on January ".M, to t' e ieiy.
!ge, rhun h, a. h-i (r peraua aocuili a:
the glel..t nil ill tier of V, ilea, Coi.tcal
now o.n. Cl-xra January p. m.
All Vote Will b ciMiuted o.ue a e k,
and a full at com. I of the Vol aa the cm-
teat progreaaea will U publlahe t fieri
Friday In the Oregon City FnterprliM.
The final Count al thacloM of the eolite
ill U made by a coiumltteo ol llirea;
the two roiileatarila In the lead ill each
end a representative lo divi.U w ho (nta
ttia piano. The votes are slven one Vote
fre wi-.h every :.V raaii purchaae by tha
following meichant. Ion't let any but
vour own chunh, em-itty, tcbwl oi
friend carry ulf tlie liouura, and einnu.
Is-r that every Vutn C'.lliit. Piano is on
exhibition at Frank Iluwh' furi.ltnr
tor. Why not trade w here you can gel
ballot, a they cost Voil kliaolutrl
nothing? Fveryone ought to at Ica.i do
that much fof their eodety or ihur. h.
Mat of mii.hatii where mtet uii U
accured ;
Frank l!uch, luriiituro.
Wliai.n h Cooke, hardware.
C. (J. Huntley, dnus.
W. A. Huntley, U.,ks snd stationery.
M. Micha.il, dryg.KxIa, clothing, Ac.
Krausao Urol., aboea.
Fred C. (iadke, plumbing and tlnniri
Adam ISros., tioldnn Rule Ilaxaar
Mra. Htory's Cryatal Candy Kllclien,
7tll atrert, oiHiile Kuseiiaion Hrldge.
R. L. Ilolman, rlgar and tobacco.
Ileins h Co., groceriee.
Muir Iiroa.. groceriea, 7th and Center
Klm trlo Cash Grocery.
O. W. Grace, general atore.
Oregon City Enterprise, Job printing.
Vaughn's livery stable.
Albright k Logns, meat market,
Rrown Jt Welsh, 7ih Kl. Meat Market.
A. O. U. W. Building.
Mrs 11. T, 8ladn, mllliiiery, Main
Cheney A Rait, photographers,
Knowland, tailor.
Hliimk A; Ilitsull,
Hililge and I)pot.
7(li at, betweeu
j Tlnrrinero
- wi uiiHuiuapB
hiM Urea (loom and rnrnHMngi Nfw Mm nf Brf nnntls
fine DIsf nf Wlntnr nnrfprwp.ir
New Ilreud und Citlcen. Krciih Meats.
"Boss of tho Road" Ovoralls
THY OIIK F AM 1 1.7 M Knltl "hH 1 "
ralL.iIFi?.IV.MIT.VM:.ur,:' Sore Thr,,Htt ,,rui',' RlieumatlHin, Neu
ralgla, Headache, (Jumped H,,,,,ls. and All inflainutiona.
A. E5, ETTJUr-JC-, runt omco ..d
WILLAMETTE FALLS. ' I'uWIe Tt li'ihnne Ialln
i (al
Holicf mnl Poriimriont r
Ole,fll( Cur
ict aaauLUTCLT ruu o,
Thri a liollili.a A.il.......
lo.-a.o r,n.t.. 'I
It curia
Inn all tlMlmli
ll. f. K. Well
( T IU. or Vni. 11, 1
'Your !.! Ih.IU. t A.11.T... . ,
nm roK.liiu.n, I rai.M.I i.ii
a 1 I a . . .
ia', rlialnnl
ia. rlialoe.l auu p.,,, , " ' M
ins Inr leo vara 1 .1.. . ' i , J .
sa -a ISSH 1111,, I a .
eor.. .. a.lieriiw,,,,,,, . ' '
.li.l..lrr..r .,,,1 t..m..i.ii-.1 "' 'r,
ao.l ihoiiit ti ,(, o.n..k,.. , ""'"i,
liUI ilie.l l,lgl ' I " """'"lr
......I. II.. trial "l IUil.aM,,. a .V',''-
full alltbotlHt "" n.,
Wa esi, lo .I l. ....
t'linlill Ailiiiiali.e,i1il,M..ii". 1
lit am aiiltmr alio mil arll. f, .. ' " ',
I...UI N..r Milinl, iImh,, ,
lii, Imaitrr lial nnr ra. An......
llit an. I run. ,( U
iiu.r ala l art lo aml li. 1 1.. N
yu'if r
l rlis al i.iie, a l.l.i, i( Tiri.ii',
H.il.1 111 tl tlf -l.l.
' - ' -
PouKry Yard
at the Htato Fair
Tho Star of Stara
Haa Ut) dearing In turn tab!. Tana
Inrlrtotlie wind. IUU baaimg thraa
III whral, luauiing ligliic.t uiinin l (jiaj.
Itic. ni riacrv.ng gr.atr.t atuimot sf
iwrf ,ir pi nil 'ug l.aUanlir.l aftrf
(.aklnir. put t-V'thrr wltk (!tiai
, bulls. ifml,llial!nl, nn I -alt lan rarf
get Ut and lalilc. Weight rrgnUtar.
iwifr, r,Mililiit. No apnng tu(hft(
' Iriiiliin iaittierfvrliMn..ri,,tt..i..te
' and row wrakrr with ar. katira a!.
I wva nri baud
Tl"s thma art sank
Thm why not lay
money to yn
Mitchell, Lewis & StaverCo.
I tr.t and Taylor .St.., Portland, Otr
Swool Tliinirs.
We have t!i in in many fonm, U
suit evrryUr.lv. Always fr-eh.
ll'itni' lust'lo 'fadim. loq Cmm
inanufctun,l to onlcr. Hot
OolT.e an. I Lunch sTVr.I my
lime nf .lay or evening. Htreon
Sixth St. (fornierlj Mrs. Story').
2,000 milca ofliiDK
Unco ti'lrjihiitid wire ia
Oregon, Washington, Call
furniu and Malm now ia
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