Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 08, 1901, Image 1

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Xi 0 Catty
1 l"
will ,fnir In all tlit Mint ef iht siata
tMti.tiur rriit rtmi imid.
oar htii UOrCll ri.r.fi a.
. . .1 itnllllVtll
C, P U.V. MIW.MI.,
f,,fUuh abstraolt ofTllia, l"aa Money, fur.
,Iom atniM and Uatnaet Oeueral
HO. 0. I1HOWM.I.I..
Oregon City. - l)"t"n
Will itriir In all ! ronrls of lh slate.
(ini(ln t'aun.id miii'iu i.
0. W. Kattham . H. Dimlck.
Commercial, Real KUl and Pro
l ate Law, rMx-cialltrii.
Abatra. taof Till made, Money leaned
Oregon City, Oregon
Ilsam Haet and laalvla bight.
mil no it in limn al I A raals.
Rata 91 day and optuarda.-
JAIOH CAtftfcl, 1'roprUlvr.
n mi an i
nn 1 n
We bij ft'ly any Honk tisi'd In the schooli of Cluck
in an County aim! allow the IiL'Ht Price in
KXCIIAMiK and will ave you money. To pur-(-limtcm
of School Hook we give tablet, pencil
mm ruiers.
City Drug Store. Oregon City, Ore.
John Hauirh In Certainly Map
quar.i' Mighty Hunter.
flavin; Panthen tad Coogari
Mioot Ha K1II d Cotni and
Ftlr .cat Galore.
II. ...!' a.ri.rtll. makra rli h. rr J I Wa av rim monryoa umrrluiloaa ft
Muud. tl .oo ualy Aoo. I and lamlly rrrrluls. J
fl. DKKMiKlt.
OfUraover MrKUlfl' i Ulioa mora, nnr
the lati 01 urffoin ny.
(mum City,
Justice of the iVace.
Will attend lo eollKlioi.a and ll faalaalaia.
Illtlra on Main HiraJ,
Our Jrki., Hlcjrrle Ml pp.opp. Ilunll'a
Urrfull C'U)
Cannot lx inado with an inferior grade flour.
That ia why Portland Flouring Mills Flour is almost
univvwally uh-1 when ver it is known. Ask your
gtocer for it. Made by patent proms.
v rj. 0. laataaal
Attornfya at I.w.
matt clll
and arillamriitKif Kaialaa.
) un.iih at-ua. ia vl Mia. land you n.oi.a o
...H I.. ..I T.mr niiinrr on Aral mofgafa. Q
Offico In Entorprlae Building, jk
..... Mia. flrfraMin. (W
lin-Tn) ! a w - aa
LontTHIeaMii I-nl Office
ltiailncnn Hinrclnlty
WllJ P,actlc In H Courta of the State
Knoni 3. WVlnharl WJg
opp. Court Houae, Orrgon City. Oregon
We tarrt Ine lariTat tok Caak-
W eta. Coffina and Uniogaio Clack-
amaa county.
lj We are the only undertaker In
Clackama county iiK
hearae and will furtiloh it for teaa
than can be had elclere.
Wc are under email eijciiae and
do not ak larve rrofila
Calla jromjtly ettended night or
.l . M . I Iff....
. ... i twb iinnpt snnii 01 i.nrn nnnip
rhonaa TO IBM uuvia i " ' ' W
Maiul-am. Nov. 9 John Hangh, Jim
Ifarquain and YA Albriglit retnrned aee
eral days ego from their trip in the
mountain, nhi-re they hive been drink
ini in the nre air and hunting for the
M tallod deer. They enjoyed them
aelvee very much and Johnnie ancceeded
in g-tilng one doer. It ie my intention
ti deacrilx) the hunt, bul before I do o
It 111 be nereaaary for ma to gi v a few
introductory remark.
Johnnie, Jiro and Ed are all eipert
markamm and excellent huniere. But
of the trio Johnnie ia perhap the moat
noted, if la father wa a mighty hunter
bf (ore him and be aeemi to have inher
ited hit lather' virtue in the hunting
line, a well at aoma of hi vic In ether
Ona time Old Johnnie Hangh, the
father of the Johnnie of tbit itoiy. ent
hunling near Marquam In an early day.
Ill dog toon began to bark and upon
going where be wa, Old Johnnie found
two couirara and ona panther treed op a
email anag. Ha quickly ihot the two
cougar, bat when be came to reload bia
gun, he found he had only a hall a bullet
left. Ha tint that in however and with
It killed the panther.
Havinn uch an example art him in
bi yoat h and often hearing of bia lather'
wonderful adventure with the rifle, It
waa nothing but natural that young
Johnnie ahoald emulate bia fther'a
proweaa, bat not having cougar and
panther to try bia kill on for they
bad all been killed belore his day be
I did the next belt thing, that la. be turned
bia attention to alavlng the large polecat
and aometimea ha killed a coon, being
helped by old Bob, a epolieJ bound,
who bad toil hia teeth In daya gone by
Well, theae hunter of great valor were
determlued lo take a trip to tbe mount
aim. narlii-ularlv Johnnie. fi.r he wa
2 j eager to engage in the purauit of larger
game than akunk, coon
around the mountain. Lnck wai with
John thlillme tor thoae nlna hollot bit
the deer and ahot bob leg off on the
left aide three Incline from the end,
thereby caoainc the deer to ron fter
oo one tide than tba other and thla again
caoeed the deer lo run In a circle, which
circle happened to be juat the ais of the
mountain on the left of the valley.
Johnuie, who we el war I good at aathe
malic, figured out, a eoon at be
taw theeffecta of bia boU, that tbi
would brinn the doer around down the
tame valley where he wat, and directly
paat blra. Bo he awatig bimeelf ap into
luiall wild cherry tree conveniently
near by and awaited .reeult. 1 hey aoon
came, In the form of the deer al the head
of the valley. Johnoie, feeling aafe from
bia tuperior position, waa ready for biin
and a he went by again, ahot at bim
with that rifle and o confuted bim and
to blinded him by the tmoke that be
Humbled, fell down and broke bia neck.
It waa breathing It laat breatb and
kickini ita laat kick, wbeu Johnnie.
thinking it wa going to get op and ran
off, thot it ia the ahoulder and killed It
again, then drawing bit butcher knife be
tubbed it until the laat tpark ot life it
bad ever bad wa extingaiabad, thua
killing it the third lime.
The deer dreaaed 50 pound. The next
day Jim Uarquam and Ed Albright
went to the aame valley and eat down
In the aame place waiting for a deer to
come and ran over them, bat they
weited In vain. They returned home
tired and hungry, but well aatiafied with
their bunt and aame. .
Thit ia a true and authenticated ttory
of their bant a told by ihemteive.
Waaar WaooLaa.
Judge MeHrlde I'onreneH (he
Regular November Term.
Talldltj ef P. C. k 0. B. Companr'i
rrelgkt Franchise Will Be Trtted
at Tblt Terra
T. M. C. A. Slf
The Yoaog Men' Christian Ateocia-
tion will give a free aoclal entertainment
n itt uarlort on Saturday evening, Nov.
0, beginning at 8 o'clock. All are invited
to attend. The program will contiet of
literary and mutical production, tome
light gymnaatica, including Physical Di-
indiao clnb twinging,
Jndge T. A. McBrlde convened the
November term of I'ne Circuit Court
Monday morning. The docket contain
atxjut 230 cae but a number of thuin
have been on for several yeart and an ef
fort will be made to diapose ot tbene. to
facilitate the work of the Conrt. ririct
Attorney Harriaon Al'n waa pre lnt
and S'enographei Bunyon, 7tW,F ute
andT. M. Miller weio .uiuj'l gural
bailifit and W. W. H. 8amwn grand ury
bailiff. Tbe following Jurore were pres
ent: II. T. Gil.eon, farmer, Eagle Creek;
8. T Either, farmer, Canby ; C. D. S'ory,
blacksmith, Oregon City; Longsireet
Vaughn, farmer, Clackama; Jauie
Guthridite, farmer, Hpringwater; J. W.
Boatman, bookkeeper, Oregon City ; Wil
liam H. Tom; kint, farmer, Harding;
Chariot Daughertv, farmer, Molalla; T.
R. A. Sellwooil. farmer. Milwaukie; 8.
8. Mohler. painter, Oregon City; J. U.
rye, farmer, Barlow; Geo. C. Arm
ttrong. farmer, Viola; A. J. Thompson,
farmer, Oawego; G.H. Webster, farmer,
Clackamas; M. Athry, farmer, Toalatin;
V. G. Frost, carpenter, Oregon City;
Lorenzo Tenny , farmer, Viola ; J. M. Uil
lett, carpenter, Oregon City; Orien
Wright, farmer, Macktbnrg; W. P.
fchively, farmer, Weel Side; George C.
rector nilKD I maian cino awing"1, Diuveij, larajcr, nm cmo , utit v
and cloning with a game of Indoor- bate Perdue, farmer, 5Urqiam ; John J. Hat
At Red Front, Court Houac Block
Oregon City, Oregon
Q A. 8TUAKT, M' D.
tUlli-aln Wll.amelt llldiT.
Or'in I'Hy. Oregon
omcehoura: 10 a m. to 12 n... I lo 4 p. m.
and 7 to H p.
Hi-ci.l iirnllim paid to K!.at.n.ail.m
Jr einale inaaaara.
' Call answered W or night.
Moore's Pharmacy
t On Seventh Street.
School Books, Tablets,
School Supplies of all Kinds.
Graduate of the, N;rl'1l;t,tr " (FnlVBr"
aitv Dimtal Kchool. Chicago.
AW American Collrgeof leiital MirgerT.
Wlllumntte Block, Oregon City.
Baruhty Building
Moderate. All Oieratlona
(Juaranteod. . .
. Oregon City, Or.
Oldest Bankim House Id tie Cltr.
Vice raaaibSHT
Paid up Capital. M).0Oa
urpiua. s.-; r ...,.
CHIi. '
. 00. A. Mil'll".
a, CAiiriai-i1
orrosiTE post oitice
la BolllnR at closer
figures than ever.
These arc
a few of our
Hllk Anlalied Cotton, all colura, 3 for
Hide I'nmlia. S pair fur
Celluloid lr Cinila...
AliiiKlnnm Hair I'lna, p. d
Toot li Hruiihra
lllnik Hllk Clmntllla l.a.-e, per yarn
.. 6e
.. 7c
.. 8c
.. Sc
frram ci.lor Hllk Luce, H Inchra wide, pee jrrd....33c
Torchon I-ace hlf cent per yard an.l op ru
Kemnanta of l!nitroldertca at remnant price.
Illnck l.lale Ulnatle, per yard 1'
llnlk and colored klertaVd Wal.t. lateat mke..$1.60
C.ciuiinc lloy.' and Cirla' henvy rtbotd lllcycle
Hone, only c
Jlnll-woul Ladlea' Kltilitd Nonahrinkalila
and rnntu SJ!
Cotton l.a.He.' Klll-d Vet...... r'
Cblldieu'a KHled I'nderwcar, ia J to 1H J
" .iic. 20 to S J'c
t.a.lle.' flne heni.tltched Handkerchief., 0 foe ..Hoc
Men'. Cotton Cnderwenr......... ...8 c and np
Mm1. Pntlne and Illnck Pnok ver-hlrtw. ........ c
Men'a Jerey, heavy weight Ovemhlrta.all eolora 40e
A ..n....l hanking btialueat Irautaowa. .
De'pn.11. reeel re.f V' b.n nte'd
Approved bills and notes dlsooimteo.
(J.mntj and city
Uans rnvle on rallallo souurlt.
Kxchanae bniigblaud aold.
Ilollnoilmis made P",n,,ui ... ni tha world
IV ill. sold avallanleln aur P'' ' "J 7
Ttilonrapliln ainliaimes sj.1.1 on Porliatia, nan
rraiiolsiio. Uhloago and New York.
Blorest pal J ou llin doposltt.
(tap.,.1, - ' 100'0OH
Loans nlado. Hills discounted.
IcntK.ns. Iluvs and sulls esehange on all n ts
In the United Htates, Enron and Until a''''!!'
Deposits reoled subjeot to check, nana
open from t a.m. to r. at. ,
D. 0.UTOUBTTl. Prasldaat.
By tie Kcmlat PnlillsMii! Association.
Tiik KNTKitrmsK has Pocnred this work, which' makes
a Eood-Pizod octavo volume, OJxlOl inclioa, containing
penrly f-no pnges of matter, and finely illustrated with
nearly 200 conncrjilato pictures, all printed on tho best
book pnper, and bound in a most substantial manner in a
finely illuHtratml embossed cover of cloth. Wo will sell this
book to nubflcribers only at tho exceedingly low price of
Pepd us your order at once, before tho edition is exhausted.
aod China
uheasauia. Accordinily tbey made
great preparations for the coming bunt.
Each one was armed with a rifle of true
and tried ruetal and a butcher knife
whose temtwr had been proven in many
a bog killing season.
Every thing went along all Hunt and
they were aoon camped in a lovely little
valley toward tbe head ot Butte Creek,
where they expected to find all kinda of
of deer, but In some way or another tbey
were not to be taken to eanily a Johnnie
had fondly honed (or. Several daya bad
passed by and yet no game bad fallen lo
the crack of the rifle, and their enthusi
asm for hunting bad considerably abated,
but the next morning, Johnnie who ia
long winded and long legged and alto
poeaeseed of much patience, got up with
renewed courage determined to get a
deer if there were any in the Cascade
mountains. Now when Johnnie thinks
like that something ia going lo happen.
After breakfunt he Be i red bia butcher
knile. grabbed op hit rifle that shoots
nine times without stopping and away
! be went over the mountains like a sea-
broi xe, and coming to a narrow valley
between two steep mountains, be aat
himself down in the midst of that small
gulch or valley to reel his . weary long
Now it happened, that a thing, which
might have been a woll or something
else, at this very time bad started a deer
down the same gulch where Johnnie
waa giacefully repotting, hidden by the
ierns. Ilia thoughts were far, far away,
! down at Marquam with bis little wife
who was sad and lonely, being thus tie-
: bui ted for a time
lie was suddenly and rudely awakened
I from this lad mood by the craeh of a
I Bwiftly moving body as it came through
I the fern directly toward him. He
iunmed to his feet as Quickly as his
length would permit, but it was too late,
l the deer was upon him. W ith the tie
epair of a drowning man who clutches at
straws, he quickly spread bis legs apart
for it to pass nnder him but he was not
Quick enough, for one horn of the deer
cancht hltn by the pantt leg and remay
lug his proper means of support, precipi
tated him upon hia head among the
rocks and fern roots. The deer, of courte,
went on. John'e patience, ho
ever, gave out at being thus treated so
ungentlemanly, and arieing in grext
haste he swore a terrible oath and said :
"I will be revenged upon that deer."
Thereupon he Immediately dischatged tl e
sun. that shoots nine times all at once,
at that deer as it was disappearing
ball between the business men t "gym
class and tbe evening clasa. A very in
teresting time it promised to all who can
avail Ihemaelvet of tbe opportunity of
being present.
A ladle' gymnaaiam clasa la being or
ganised; a meeting wa held Tuesday
nigbt and another w ill meet next Tuesday
eveninf at 7 0. All ladiet interested Jn
hit kind of work are urged to make the
fart known to the General Secretary. A
large enthusiastic claaa ia looked for.
The religions meeting next Sunday af
ternoon at 3:30 will be led by Rev. Mr.
Montgomery. That day will be the be
beginnipg of tbe week of prayer and a
large attendance it'desired. Special ter
lri far each tveninit of the week are
ton. farmer. Harding: F.ar Phelps, fir
mer, Marquam; Frank Batea, farmer,
Damaacoa ; R. D. Wilruot, farmer, Oa
These were excused : John W. MufTitt,
architect, Oregon City; John Wright,
farmer, Canyon- Creek; H. F. Yerger,
farmer, Union ; Charlea E, Mtdiam, mill
wright, Canemah; John C. Mark, far
mer, Barlow; John Richly, farmer, Bor
Tbe grand jury w. named : M. Athey,
foreman, Geo. C. Perdue, W. P. Suively,
John J. llatlon, 8. S. Mohler, Charles
Daagberty, James Guttridge.
Following is a summsry of the pro
D. F. Smith vs. Patrick Byrne. De-
being arranged for. A Personal Work-1 murrer argued and submitted
ers' Bible data waa organised Tuesday
evening and recruit are earneatly solic
ited. Tbe Maccabees have asrnred tbe Y.
M. C. A. that theChickering Piano shall
be given to it in care their Lodge provet
to be the fortunate organization. In con
sequence ot thia offer the Association ia
verv anxious that the K. O. T. M. be
supported as much as possible by tbe
friends of tins institution. A vote for
the Maccabees Is a vote for the Yonng
Men'a Christian Association.
Aatoawdlns; lMacovery.
From Coopersville, Mich., comes word
of a wonderful discovery of a pleasant
tasting liquid that when used before re
tiring by any one troubled with a bad
cough always ensures a good night s rest.
'It will soon cure the couh too," writes
Mrs. S. Himelburger, "for three genera
lions of our family have used Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption and
never found its equal for Coughs and
Colds." It's an unrivaled Pie-saver
when used for Jesperate lung diseases.
Guaranteed bottles 50c and $1.00 at Geo.
A. Harding's. Trial bottles free.
''Last winter an Infant child of mine
had croup in a violent form," says Elder
John V. Rogers, a Christian Evaugelist,
of Filley, Mo. "I gave her a few doses
of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and in
a short time all danger wan pt and the
child recovered." This remedy not only
euros croup, but when given as soon as
the first symptoms appear, will prevent
the attack. It contains no opium or other
harmful Bnbstance and may be given as
confidently to a baby b to an adult. For
Bale by G. A. Harding, Druggist.
CI M e t Tt T A
Bean tfca Jf 1,18 YoijHatflAlOTVS B0Lf4
State vs. Bert Jewel). Set for trial
April 28. 1902.
Otto Lehman vs. Fred Crockenbuscb.
Set for trial on Nov. 11.
Brown A Co. vs. Hinei. Pet for trial
on Nov 13.
Jamt t Humphrey vs. extcutor of the
estate of Carrie H. Roach, deceased, v.
Geo. P. Lent and Mary F. Lent, fore
closure. Judgment for pltf. by default.
Jarel Karstetter vs. Elmer Hardesty.
Judgment for pltf by delault.
Bertie CanketS- Conrad Cankel.
Divorce. Decree forpejl
Wm. H. II. Bianey, Ur. Decree
for pltf.
Mamie A. Simmons vs. C. WiSim
mona. Divorce. Decree for pltf.
Geortte Webber vs Helena B. Rinear
son. Dismissed.
DiraiayA Eaethara vs. Helen Rob n-
ton, ymerly Helen laiwoou;. Dis-mUa
SV vs. Bert Jewell ; set for trial at
April term.
Hattie Clark vh. Geo. Clark. Divoice,
Decree forphf.
Samuel Roake, adm. vs S. T. Co.
P. J. Ridings vs. lit nry Meldrum.
Knapp Burrell & Co. vs. Henry Na
charid, et al. Dismissed.
William Tinnerstek vs. David Ander
son. Dismissed.
P. T. Davis vs. Frank Newell. Dis
missed. J. S. Kerchem vs. O. T. Phelps, et al.
Margaret Barrett vs. William Knight.
Trenton Pendleton vs. Bauraan. Dis
missed. James II. Bogess vs. William Wade.
Demurrer dismissed.
(Continued on page 7.)
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome