t OREGON CITY ENTEUPRISK, FRIDAY NOVKMUKR 1 , 1001 Legal Not. ecu. kinnom Ib lb Cirrull Court of th 8il ol Ore gon far lb County of Cafkamas. W Bialnaker, pit (I. I " t Jlnr StalnakerdefU To Mrr Sialnakrr, lb hor-r....ed dv fandanl: In toe nam cd M'ai of Oregon. You ar hereby re.) n I red to appear and ai'iavr tb romplaiM Mr J afaintt too In Ih above emitted cause on or before th J7ih tfai ol X.iimtr, 1 ' 1. which la an weeki her l Kin her , p'l, the ittia ordered for Ih drl publication of Ihl notic. and i Woo fail lo apar a d arawerlh plaintiff ill rpiy lor ilia relief prayd lor In bia Xnii la.ii! herein, lo-arit : Kr decre dissolving lb bon1t of matrimony iio exitt.i. it belaren plaintirt nd aeteinisni. an.l fur men other snd further relief a to th court eeemi meet aid i iL Trii" umrno. t inibl'tlied br irrierof Hon. This. F. Ryan, Judg ol Hi Coo nit Court Wad and entered ltt 'AS day of October IIUS.N.WAII, Alton ey for Plainlitl .tlre I Orslilwr. N'otic I l.eret-y (!tn that lh under signed baa heen dwy appointed by lb county court of tlx aiat of Oregon, for Clackamas county, executrix of u last ilia' J lo'tniei.t ol Robert Rot-erf. de eested AM irM havtrg claim acwinet Um elate of Mif Robert Roberta, deceased, r br rehy renired to present lb same to tn properly verified. a.t bjr law required, at my rrtnlrmw in I'ua-ai.l Hill precinct, la t'lsrkimii count j, O'egon, within ux roootM from the rfate hfm.f, MARiiAKfcT ROBERTS. Exeeutrxpf tb fciiat of Krt Rob ert, deceeard. tctober 4. 1 1. Ijtnil OBIrr .wtle. ri.itd S'atei I ar .1 0S.sr, Oregon C:ty, Orrfon. August in I. To lioui it u.a j concern : Notice li aefehy given t'lal tb Oregon Slid California Rai.r..d Couiiany baa B.d to tin tJit a I ix of lands utuaiVd in th townhi described below, and bs applied for a patent l.r aald land; tbat th lists ar Oin lo Us public fur intpection and acot y thereof It desciipth tubuituwona, bat been ol-J in cvt rrDirnt t!ac la ll.il e!ljcr, lur lb tiict:on ol all oon 1-rr-Ud ai.J to ih fiblic rnraJly. ti; tTun and C auiornu Ka:in4 lainia, Crjvn City lii.J lutrict, l"iroa. Buptlnntal Lit 1. uih. Kt, Tor.bip, Kacf. 6. X X 9. W t,' IT. Lot 1. 1. S 4 , "W ' S ol S IX. t.', of S 4 and ri t V,. ee. VJ 6opplnimlnl Lit 111. South. Eait. To'bip, Ki (r. 6. 4 AU 11. IX IS. IT. 19. 21. rx 3. r. 23 Lo2.Jai..l 4. SS ol .NVk. t!; of E.Si l and of 8c. 31 All txet M .t SS. Witbiti lh lint iity daya following tb dai of tbi nulicr, prou'ti or eoiitmia aint th claim of tl. c company to any tract or uttmkju within toy arctioa or part of aeclion, drrcnud in it. liaia, on tb groatu) that Ibr nm i more Taluabl for literal tlian for afKaiiural parpoMi. ill b rwriTKl and not-d for rrport to thGu rJ Land Ortjc at Washington, D C Cnt B Mooii,, K-jrtr. m Giu)t, Kccctvcr MATE OF OREI.'OX. ltt I'Titi par a ith taT. tKtotwr 14, l'l. In accordanc ith th rnriion of an Act iinll "An Act KibniilUi'g to lh ntorof tb !' of lrrin, at III ln ral ln-llin to b hld on th flitt Moodar In Jim. I'.L'. th pending ro.l font'h lulioial Anirnilnifiit. aiirird Ifbruar ? I, T. T. Urr, Uurnorol t Mai ol l)ion, do hrnr rai.M th rtllortiig pruiHKfd aniii(liiiiii, Uigiiail m "IkI Ualit and li irrnilum Anivniluifnl'' to th Coiittltu'ion ol lh 8ial ofOnin, a cvrtirl! to by tb rVrtry of Mai, to b iiiiniihrt lor nv Poncciuiv mrrl In o trpn City Knlnn, a er pub- lniiri in iii inn Ju-iii ial litrictol th flat of (irrgiin. ISin at tb ( apllol, at Plm. OrMtoa. tlili 1Kb day ollViotr. A. H , I l r. f. t.tr.K. liottmor. IL 8) t lh (lornor: K. L. It , STiarT of 8lt. t joiar tnon 1, (of Hi Tnl-flrt HiniiUl Sfion.) iMmst m tm r TiTt no or tmi (TtTI nr null.. . Rror br lh tlou, fi fnatcon Curilric That th following amnmrnl to III CVn- atiiation of It Si ol Orrirt b, and lh huh hvrrnr i, rruo): bcclion I o4 ArtK'i IV of lb CofMtilit- lloq of lb Mai ol Orttfon (ball b. and brrrby It, atnnild to rraJ at filot: ntion 1. Th li anirtorttr ol lb tli tball h Trtied in a l,-;Un a n,b.T. cuntittlng of a Stal and a Hau ol Ki rrinuvr, but lb (wop. rrr to Uitmtrivr orr to proitw lawt and ainiHlnitiii to lh contilintlon an I lo i !(! fr l'iibltrnilM. IVp,ilnint of tb InUrtor IaiiU inio at Orrgon Oiy, iWrm, tvtotwr si, I'.kU, otlo la brby glrn that Hi hlioli. named trlilrr hat llird nolu of bia Inun tlon to niak flnal prtml In aui port ol tut claim, and llial aald proof n b niail hloi ib Hrgitivr and Kvir al Urgon City. Orrgon, on IVcvmbrr 10, I'H'I via : rRANK IIABKLT. II. R. No. lJiM,t..r tn or nV. nt ol tV and tV, ol t K 2, t 4 a, r 4 . II nam tl. foliualng llnrtar lo pr hi ooiitiiiiioua iitiriic upon and cultlvailoii ol MtU land, m: lorg Cuiii.iniiara. Augutt (ltnwn. kt. Wihlin .Virman. Anton HatwIL all ul bprlhaaivr, liv CtlAS. . MtHiRKS. krgitltr. Soml-Annurtl Roport of tho County Clork Of riackaniM Touniy. H'al of Orrgon. tli.i.U.g lb anioi.nl and nnmUr of elalma t, llo.. t lb County Court oil. id r..u..-y, for hal allo.rd. annmi.t of ,, lif..r, t.iV'i..iiniola-ran "' "" 1 ' ii, lo in tlt day of hpiuibr, li'l. bom iiiclmi OX WHAT A CO l" NT At l-OWRD .llrr.ppllriUn fr lairraM rtitUa rnilwaablr, Or. .oikw i aro rn. Uiai th iiiium puiilUd briia ill b prid tu tt li.rd ol County Coinn.u.ioon iur Ciwkama Counlr Ongim, at in lrIUbM !'l trw ol Mid ItwaiM, aim lor utb ao IkHi by Mid Hoarvl at U n.ry lo q. corral aJd Huaaukt. Im xrMam uu id piiioa ritirio In lb rWpir. turd of Cwuuly Com tniMiotivr' Court tor Cia iauaa county, O'vgO In lb tuatlar of tn I "Corporation of tb town ol Muwauai. Ci kautaj Cvuniy. Uigjn. : To lb llonorab . tb .': Bord ut County Com m t, Kr CiA.a.aiua lb (wilt, lii.lv I Count;, tf'.: ol Orrion. luuoiir would rv- act ur tr)l lb aam at dodiit of t.'i kgitlaiix uuibiy, and I In unrigi.d a.to rrtrrT pwrr al ih'jr own oiion to . it iuir atww : aiirov or rjct al In poll any a'tion ol I llat ttiT ar ijutittrJ lcior ol In th lriiU anibly, Ti Drtt pow rr j CvUuly ol C .a. kana. and mm urrgun, rrd br lb lv. It tl liil'lati. and I trwu lu a poruw ol mkI cuuiiii not uior than Vit pr rrnt. of t'i lal abicb ia wnbiu tn lotioaiug Omciim rokn hai bw rvmrrd to proiua any j b Uinlarir: I'trt k! t! IVntUw l-nd niraaur by inch llli ni, and ry tucli j Ctaitui ut Lot M bitcoCib, V i .u klrtl. K.ad Kd and lrt.lg . fn'l' Cin-.iU C.inrt Juiliot'l Court fia'ioi'y Court llouM and Jatl t"iik S'irrifT ;rlr . !v n.M Jt.ip1nliili I Trr'irr AhtiwI Jill t'oio nilMloi r , !.irifr I VMIlf . ....... wi Sttrvtrtng Co'iitl in Cirrull Court . . . t'.M.ntf i'rintiug Iata . .. i In K'bata Hi.-r.-i Ttf K'MH n' rii'iw Tt . .......... County r iicin tv. 1 1 ail liiria Aid Kwlrty jn.l rn( K.lJir Ti Kni Kr rtf I AiNMUiil Jar Haj.ifl a H-'uniy on WiM Anlifa'e irk-ni t'tf . !Viiihru Uaiiaay Ci i t.rai! 1 it . Anmunl of Claim allon. and aarranla drawn I Warrant rt .talice I t'rtxllUra. Votic i b rrby givn tbat tb ondrr iiwl ba been duly appointed by U county court of tb 8ut of Orrgon kr t,lcinat eoun'T, (lecotoroftb last will ana iwunifni of A.J. !-iwtll, drceased. All vrrout baring claim again! lb caUte or (aid A. J. aU!ll, deceased, art hrrrto rrijuirrd Ui prevent lb Mm to me proprHy rrnfied. a by law required, al the olfioeo th cuunlr reoorler, Tom P. Ran dall, in Oregon City. Oreg n, w.ihin ix tuontiia fru.-u the date hereof. ELIZA E. SAWTEI.L, Eiecutrix of tb Etax of A. J. Sawleii, deceased. Deled September 21. lTl. wllre of final Hetlleaaeat Noiice la brrrly giyrn that I hare Sled n y final rept rt at administrator with the ah. am.exe.1 vi the n ale of Hiram A. Pfairhi. ilwt-e"!. a l-li the eoanty court ol C'Uckaina c onty anil S'ate of Oregon and (hat the aid court '.. t iloi.iiaj tr. 21 el ay of Le.eii.ber, JN'l at the hour at 10 clork a. m. ol laid -1st at the time of bear it'g Mid report a. d ot je:ionill.eie'o it a i there be. at ai.icri l:..,e al! rwi i irittrett ed ao ren-iee'H f r prevent. Dated Uct. 21 l'I. UENUV E. 8TEVEXS. Adni't i'trttor i:h ti e will annexed of tl erts! of Hiram A. Htraibt deceased. nie for I'ubllrallwB. T"partipi,t of tb Interior, Land Off ce at O.vpn. C.ty, Oreirnn. b-pL 2S, VJ)L Not re U tn-rr-tj givn that tbe tollowmg turoH ftter hat filed notice of hit inten tion to n.kr fiHai proof in lupiiort of hia claim. i. I tl.at laid pnjf will be n)!e kwlorv tt. Renter and Reoirer at Oreirun City, Orepon, on N'orember 11, li'l, rix: ROBERT J. RAWLINS. H. E. No. UVjr,. f, the nti ofaw, n' and e o: nr yt -c . t 4 r, r 5 . He Daniel rbe folloaing witnesv to prov I, is coi.ti:,i.o it reticence npon and Cii!;tva'i.n ol tjni lai.d v:: Rtrt Miller, Aia R. Hawkin. Charle C. M llr, fcheruian Owp, all ol Garfield, Oregon, CHAS R. MOOR Erf, , Rg iter. alKln I.!ciiir. No'ii is hfreSy given tlml I will ap ply to the n X'. meeting of the Oregon Citv coiitirii lir a lii i iife t) eell liquor at my plai e of bneini.a on Figlilh itreet, licence to dbte from N'cvfinbfr 8. 1'jOI. K. MATTiilEt. Oreiron City, Nov. 8, 1901. To the I'ublic. Allow me to eay a f?- words in praise of Cliamrlain'e C ub Rvmtdj. I Lad a Tery et vere tv tig'i and cold and feared Iou:()K t pniDi it i.i, but after taking tlie second d e of t'.la tutdicine I felt better, three lottlt K of it cured my cold and the pains in my chst disappeared entirely. I am most rfsjiertfully yours lot henlth, Kali'K j. Mkvfbh,64 Thirty aeventh 8t. Wheeling, W. Va. For sale bj G. A. Harding, Druvgitt. Ititi n trail ltlu. tl, full text of lh meatur to pmpuaed. initialli petition tba-i t & d wilu Ui Secretary of Ms not l tban I ur niontlii brioi tti election at riK-h tber are to be voted Onon. Tbe room! ver it tn rairnriiOutn.aod It may rw or'.trrd (ticept at lo !! netettarr lor lh Imnod.a: preert'ton ol t nt.te oe. tea ib or mMt k tliber by lb peti tion wned by fir per Cent, oi lb legal Tuer or tj tb trgit.atir aMeaibJr, as other biat a ei.a.'uu. Ut.eret.ducu u tiot stha: be bd with the Secretary o Sit l not nur tban niie'y dari after ib aJourDment ol th eewion ol 11. lt:.. tit attembly Itikk Mrl Ui bill on wt.kbth reierendiini it drniamled. Tl.e rtto por of to Gurertior aaad Mil tend to lueatur reterred to lh pei All eleivloi.i on tti'ujrn rrlerrt-l u Id peopi ol tii t'.ai i&sil be bad at tl b ra uiai regn'.ar geoeral iectMnt. except when the leeitiatir assem&iy tvail orlrrati c;al tlrction Any mearur referred to ttie peopi shall tak lfcl aiwl berven lb law when it I approved by a majority ol tb Tote cast thereon, an J not ottxra im, Th ttjrl ol a. I bill! Iha 1 be, -Be li nacted by the peopi of lh btate of Orgwi." This cction ihail not b cor.strol to drprii aiy member of lh legUlttir assembJr of th right to i&troduc any measure. Tl' abo'cnuniber of Tote cast for Justicw ol lh (upren Coort at th regu:ar tlevUun latt preceding lb riling of any pennon lor the iuitiate or for Um rclereoJum iha I be lh bat it on which tb number of legal rotra neceotry to men petilton, ihall b Counted. CetiiHin and olr for tb ink tiatit and lor U. referendum sbali be tiled lib p. Secreury of hi at, and In lubmiu ting tb um to lb peopl b and all other Otticert ibail be gmul by tne general lawi and the act lubuutling Hut amendment, ontil legis'atiou ihall be cially proeided therefor. Adopted by tb Uou January 27, 10. R. V. CARTER, Bpcater of lh Housa. Concurred In by ILe beoate Eebmarr 2. ISA T. C. TAYLOR, Prealdenl of tb Krnat. Approrad February 8, 1 . T. T. GEER. Gorri.r. Approred January 31, LI. T. T. OEER. liuvernne. Adopted by th llout January I't. l'j'l L. B. REEDfcR Breaker of th House. Twent tm le blaur AtMmbly. Concorred in oy tb Senate Jannary 14 W'l. . C. W. FL'LTuS. ' Freiident of the Sei.a'e, Terntjr llrii krg UlaUr Assembly. CM TED STATEH OF AHI BK l 6TATE OF OREfiON. ( Orrica or thi eaLasTiar or trTi I 1. F. I. Dnnbar. secretary of th tta of Oregon and custodian cf ibe seat ol said stale. d bcrehjr certify tbat I bar com pared lh preceding cp of Hons Joint Resolution S i, 1. ol the Legniaiive Aem h.y ol 1 til. "IiiitiatiT and It- ferendum Aniei.dn.eni," a lib the original copy now on file in this oRlre. and that lh Mine ta a corrrcl transcript therefrom and lb whole thereof. In testimony whereof. I bar hereunto et my haad and affixed hereto tb seal of th state of Oregon. Don at the Capitol, at 8!m, Oregon, thi'lourteenth day of I'icioUr, A I). 1JU1. (L.S.) F. I. DCS BAR. Secretary of Mat. AdinlaUtratrli' tle of Hale Nnt.ea is hereby giren that by ylrtue of anonlerof the county court of Ibe Stat of Orrgon, for M l ti.otnah county, mull In tl.e et'ate of Arthur L. Nirr-on, dereatcl, aphorizing the tame. I will on the .VJ-h day of October. l!)l. at the hour ol IOo'rlock a. m. at the Iront door of th countr court ho ise, iu Or-gon Ci'y, C:ckamaacoaate, Oregon, proceed Ut sell at priral ssle, f ir rii in hand, and will rontlnu tti'l tale and -Hurt to tell until sold, the following deKrioed real property, must in the e-amy of Clackamas, itatcof Oregon, to- it: Beginning at a iAul H chair. north of the Kin'.ti eat corner ol tectioti Hi, in Ujwnthlp 3 south of range 1 went, laid point leing th center of tti county road, and Includ ing all th land tituai on the wet t.i 0 the County rea l le1lr g from Graham' Ferry, and oM by William hchtilpeai to John H. Epler. on Annl4. l'Otl. armut three acrei; deed ol winch it of record and reference to which 1- l.erfhy made. MARTHA NICK.ER80S. Adndnititratrix nt the eatste of Am .llr I. Ni kereon, deceased, Sept. 27, 11, police lo Creditor. Notice ii hereby giren thai the iindemltTi- ed hat been duly appointed bv the countr court oftheKtateol Oregon for Cla'katnai county, executrix or the taut will and tests- nient ol Joseph Von. All persons baring clnima againat laid estate are hereby re quired tojreient the tame to me properly verilied, hs by law required, at my residence at Hlierwood, Oregon, within six montlii from the date hereof. Dated October 23, l'JCL JANE V0H8. Executrix of the estate of Joseph Von. deceased. lyoh's French Periodical Drops nnior t ro0.i, I'snnti iiaihaaay and JiMp Xv'UkCg. In kwsuip uut suuia. range oo a Ml i j est 1. boauUvd aid a tci u0 a loooa. Ui a ii; ttiuniiia at a po.nl In lb east boundary Ol tb Lot M In : com t) IVmisIkmi Ind C .. lks u IT .tuciiaina 1 ue. irosu l soouwm tor t.r ot Mia ao, im! t tti pwiQloi lowrwctlou id ti CaiiUr ln. ol u "aiiwauakt a .d I'jtor ki tm n,, aud east DoOmiarT tti ti. Lot bi.eoa, I D. L. C. F.'o.u s,4 tt .g tMvii r.B , uing N. J? deg i iwtn. M . ae g cwaier hu ol m-j rvwJ. axMit lu.;j casiba ta tb 1 1, u rCJon wl l-e aetterj .;-. prloj gd ui u e umj rowd wa.it. g iamw tr i t.ij to amtuiK, ti m. uitid a leio UMliiwieri) , Hani g m4 tnlsr y hli ul sud rwwd kt Ui OhWe in. or tbr, ol u u ot .e i. g t. .- ui.t t, t uu ! or ta i ui hii4 keiiocg CreeS at4 Mid rxt4 l,r uu to P. Soutiteast Crt r ol a tract ul land ewnttywd lo Dor y Jnt by drt. which ta iviwrdrd in M ii, 4.11, th Deed Reourt foe . si. at coviut; theirfw trw-t ig lb outo b,MiiU'y at i tract ol Und a Kilioat: . tn jj ) W. ri 4 let; 1 bene N nj U wu. W. 1 6 leet, to tb light bank of lb Wi Um tl nrr; li.vno with Ibe RieanOet ot s J right bakk down nmm. lo It souibet con r ot a trart or lai d conreted to 1 li 'lemle by deed, which ta um "U" Fag Oiol lb Dwed R-orda r4 Clttka nea county; thauca lacti.g lb S E. IWHindary of tatd tract of land at follows: S 4'J eg 3U mm. E. S 31 ebams; lti:ic M tgUiido. W . i 70 chains; thenc north "J drgt, 1 J nuniit st. 6 ) cbaina to a loint In th west boundary ol a t art ol land Conreje-I to Rubard rVtt by a drl which I ramrded In folom S7, pg 21 r' of th led Rscorda lor Ciackaina cooniy; Ihenr south S degree oii ailnnte eal lu th southwest corner ot laid tract ol land . tnetic tracing II. south and east boqod arte of Mid tract of la id at folio 1: North SI degree, vt minute vast. 2 fawt iheric norths degr. M ndnutr 13 H tmi; lhnc nrtb Kt drw i't minute at 44 24 leet; thenc norh on degre IS minute ra 2 U feel lo Ih northeast corner or Mid tract of land, thenc sooth St degree .W minqte wen IV n tret, along tb north boundary ol Mid tract ol land, lo an angular curnr of a tract or land oonreyad lo Richard tfcotl. br deed, which I rcordi In volum "", pagS!t, of th deet record! of t'larkanitt county ; thenc north 2 drw wt Um Ctisn.t. lo a re-eniranl corner of Mid tract of land coni. 10 Rv-baH Scott as d trnbwil in Mid deed recorded la roloms "'- g 44; Ibanew tiort. M ditrew 3) n lnuies est along tb south boundary ol sat.l tract of land to th west line of t1. rtghl of way of tl. Oregon and California naiiroad Company: thence northerly along Mia west im or Mid nght ol way, tu a loint which hear aoutti Hi ilri.es T) iiilimtei wett from the north welt corner of a tract of land courey! toN. B. lltrrey by d-wl which ta recorded lu rolom 4. Page 20 ol tb Deed Recordi ol Clsrkan.a. county ; thrtic north hi deg Z0 e. in tiles east, crossing Mid right ol way and trscii.g lh north boundary of Mid tract of Jaiui Conejed to N. B ilarrey about IIO fri 10 in wai im or in eoanty rosd known Mill '0:on Road." Ihence iorih eriy along Mid west line or Mid road, afxnil 00 leet, lo a dnt which liear wett from the soi 1 tb west corner of a tract of land con rryed UUi. A. Kockwnod. by drwl m,l:b it recorJed In roliiin .V. pag 4'K of the Oed Kecorri for I y kama minify; thenc t.Cro-ii e sel l "ltlin P. ...I" and tracing th south tmifiiisry . tsl'l tieo A. Rock wrvHl't land, Vf'i i-faaifta. o aoutbeatt comer thereof; thence n .rlh I 3s Chalni to a iiit in tti norm hotimlar, of ibe Mctor Campbell U U L : thence east along laid north botmda'y. !l '.'A chains to the norlheaat corr r of a trwi of 'snd conreyeil u N. R. Ilrrev, hy .Wvi which l rrconed in resume 11. at pi' 11 if ih Deed Rreonla lor Clarkatiiai county; thenct) soulti along the (a.t lioniulsiv of said . 1J tlarrey's la'id. and of Jnmei H I'age's land, ahoul Lti ..") chaina to ttie north line ol Palm avetine. lii Minthoru ml lition to Fort laud; Ihence rul along laid north line 01 r-nni avnne. snoiu ) :y chain, to trie west tine of Cleveland itreet in mid Mm. thorn addiilon; then )iiiheriy alone tne eatt honinlary of I. lock Mimlx-rc.) l.i, 41.41 l), 7i and 73. lo tn south line oi Euclid avenue: thence weat al ;n liidtoutb line of Kui'lid avenue, to ibe et.t iHiiindary of Ih m Whitcomb 1'o'iatioii li.d Claim; Ihence Kotit" 1 di-ree ent along raid cant boundary, to the place ol heirm. ni'.g That laid jKirlion of asl.l CU'kamaa coiin'r contain, a neary as mar he eti mated two hundred and tnl'y-lour inliahi tanu. The aaid r.eMiionert therefor pray the mid, th Hon. Bia'd of County Conimiii tlonen, that the la'd frf-iriionnf the taid Clackamas roontr h IncoriHirated ay a municipal corfto'aiiou under ti. provision of tie Geneial law of th Btaleol Ore- TotaJ Amount cls.nn :iow. and d'aau ulnd!n O' Tsid cunty warrants on th 1'i day of rWptemUsr l ' IU:i.i atd I . It rest evrued llroii Tual amount of an paid county war aid with Interest , . . , IV'7 im 1 1 , jt 11; ;t ui mj ,"j i;t 41 1 H.'l .11 I t " l.ata r li-l .si i.'AJ 01 I.U.? 01 tot ,v n Wh M nw ,.i.t 11.. .1 w ihm nr, beenln. . Id. r..nt wlirr. WtliiB,,iS rriiirna, " aupiH.1 , "..' jnr.l Hit as a i,,efw f,,.,,."1 1 H ton. I niligraltilat.. ; flrrt!,iJ. ' Hi f. llit Jou Uvt-aflnt ImT. . H III hall." """irha, "III.- mI.I Mr, Vth I'liinr In sit I ink iuiieiii, r.icus in r..r a iiii,ip, rrpllr.1. I'rrarlill ti rvt'urtud 1.1. Iirs.l Int.. Mr. ....., Wo "Ut in t otigrsitilai y,,u af,i- l.ar two flu l.;a tt n, Ll,,,lg' Mr. Frah t-h iH In illuultl rv.iH.n.l. I.ut U for. li, rullM ,u " tl.Hior wa got. again.. 1 w-.... txitilntiil In ih pew fa.l '0 til L. a. 1.. . raylug; "Hy Umrg. ,otl lit Bll U")l ai fiia lh ln m lit aa ilarllng ur, w I raali litirrlrd forward, trat.-.t . Ill III II, a tllUll.t. I- .. . St m ertrtl; noT: -H.y.,1.-. 117 10 71 ' -C'hli-atfti tlerahL wl ui .11 j To Ihs arrrsg rrsi Um f , 111 la' i-tif a a a . fci'lil on. Thh nf s i,.. Bra tf.Mwl i....l. ... .... 1 . "4 5 w f..J Ul III J MCI li t l I AI.S'I 3U I t ai I) IV7 I lo.O X sTATK tF ORKtl'iM. Coonty of (1a,-kamst. I. E. II. l't. Countr Clerk of tb County of O. kamat. Mst ol drr, m do .e rwrtifr that the l, rr...i la a tm and tuffs. 1 ..I n.. 1-. a n 1 I "I cisiuit a ;se-J Kt 'i C.Mintr t'o ifl ul ts!. Ci--r f..f the . n.,0.11.. .,..11, . ! u 3b J ol N, I , 1 !. on what .roiii. I iimi ... iiut. and It. amount jf wa" U l'an. a d lh auHxinl ul arrnis n.ustn.ng ,,, unpaid at Ih t 1. ai aar spoo lb re.-oett of ray oft.- and In my n.Tl. 11 cnttody Witn-s r. y l a. .1 and lh seal of .'. County CouM of Mi l tVunlr tatt J dsy ol i, t.--sr, Ji pin. E. II. l1H-EJt C.... y r k H; i) D nr. WHity. "i .1. ie rwrwiw tone an cfiho,ui, t . aud IrrrlMs ,retit. mai:., tZ s ..1, airmallou man any oil.er IaIt4tWi nam batur. In Um Ironic, howet .7 Hculsrly In I'rulral An.erl.. ( tlcrful Uw easily , fr,i,ral Com Bivuslotiieil u the, ,, which ln dot com, boweirr, (BJ without warning. Ton arw iHtlng on j,;iu C8 , aftrrtns.ti chatting with jour fn,t, brtt sud.o-tily It. aky s-rn-i d p., l aiy and lh crow it.,p rii,it la a general ruth. ami. ihougt, y, u tot know what I lh "'litre, j ri Hot lirlp frrllng ttfiraiy Th M Pailrr aay. Wr fAtti .at a littl ahak." ami iu u, Lous U-gtn lo hjclt. th ftimlilrri M t(T lh lal.le, yoti feel drsltly tk tl stum, b. au l t: thing Ii all ii llo aky clear, lh rrow .('g tuley at rrama, u, Ihltm try fl f'slil again. Semi-Annual Statement of County Treasurer. 1 -swws..ssssitsassssswsssw Of Ceckamat Crtjntr. Osg n. f,,r h hi monll ndli g on Ih 3 h rftr ef Hp.. 1 1 ol n.ooer rwtlre-1 a .1 paid onl, Irom whom received and front bal sour., and on wSal account paid out. Strictly vegetable, perfectly harmless, aure to accomplish uuikcu KUULi. Greatest known female remedy. Beware or eonnterfel't and Imitation. The fr-nnlne It pnt up only in paitc-tioaM Car stood tor Circular to WlUJA.Ua llt u.Ca.Bul As-euu, Cierslsutl, Otilo. CiUTIOH gon Namei ffii'. h'ndler James Door H. Bander, J. I. Johnson O'oitlleb ISeetaclisn Krtd Ka'leti J. VV. Horigon dco Huntley liOre.t Fry m Ira J. r. Ke'.o John I'roai 0 K Kred R lger 0 J Rotorta 0 Wlwlnzsr H. II Mui'an A. J Walker I'. J . Jlennetnan 0. A. Wlllisms J A. Dowling 0 Rsinks A. J. Hennemsn Narnei Peter If nth Cliai. Md'ann I'eter Rnrk V. II. Itchier Noali Huhler James Oliver V J Anderson A W. I rand C A l.akln J E Wenler V A Robinson V'l Adam 1oK f trait lt')l)i II liird 0 K llal'rd Heniuel Hoeilv K 11 ISoite.nil'er 0. Keller A H Dowlmg J A Workman H A. llentiemsn J. I'billl.i AMOf.sra RECEIVED To amount on band from latt report To amounts rwird from all so.ir.vs To amount on band Iroui lal report . to amount received line last rrt To amount recelre-l lnc ltt report AMol XItl "AID OLT Hy amount paM out on County Warrants . , By anion n 1 paid out on other it. us B amount paid ou on ti.-l.nol tt.irii.lmtnl' aarranu ny oaiancw i.enerti fund on band By balaac tVhool fund on band Hf arnoont paid out for Roal Warrsni tlnr .. rporl Br a rounl (Htht to ttrrgon f.ty Road (Hit. By balaac cab on hsnd iWpHii wr nh. I 1 ( era! t ut d fch. fund y"t.vH"! fil.MJ ' I ! ' I I t'o u I j 3.V. T'i j 1 r..i V: 1 f x:af! ; Ro.i rund j I 7 I 1 ner si fund I f SI.W, to ll.'i4 U. 1 I M.nooi S'l 47, I a.wy: 3 f ti:.- ) ': I .i.w.i w IP.s-l rund j f J" T.I rr 3 'Ct 77 2 i.-.j ii; ----.r-ajr STATE OK ORK'iON. 1 . County of flackamai, ) t.it.i.. . i, m. i.ariiinr. no ntreny cert.tr that Iha r..r.e,,ln I. . 1.... ....1 . . th. .,...,.. . ..... . ""7" '"b""i ... , .... rvmal,. ,., T ... ... t,o-miy rr lh six nmnilisen lln-on lh ;n ,. i m.. .-.-.. t f. i ... 7 my hand this loth day of cl..t.r, A. D. l: A. l.l'KI.I ISO. C.uniy Trea.urr. W.ln, Seml-Annual Statement of County Sheriff Of the amount o money and wyranti rlred for taiet. ., . .;,. , ., . ,.,,., TO AMOUNT RKCK1VED lu Coin and ("iirimy ... In County Warrauta . . . A prti Dl'RINU TIIK MONTH OK Jon May TIT Aug 'ist Tb 4 fcaaee p.n,,, Tl rrtlre.l -.k" Shopkeeper rJ tplsthing 10 tit Intrrrttr.) UtT- Sitli of lh trjltrftew of l! tt tutlnesa. TTw chances f wlnnlr.g i Icy gsur." . asl l. "arw slu :ttir Tog Uk a tutiirl tatkH Sbd tit with imali whit laha. TIk ut on email Hack Uao Into lUta let snd il.ak lh lot up. Afieruai fo to aome k;rraj-r' itii!J:tt f one sta.ul ?) atorte b'gh, sad pist I fM-bny on th aUewatk ta frcetaft TbI don, shoulder our buVI 4 U-so aivl tak th elevator ta lUrwf of th liUlMlflf Ttiefl less rrr IM s.tg of lh rt ant altulr.g 11 e CrDl 00 Ih al.tewtlh Ulow. drMl th Uau In Ih lsket sll .. Then hurry down on tuw Irrsta'iaf rush out I th aid w sla. If f4 14 it at tb tUrk Uan Ui fallen r'C ttiDy. yon rlrt."-Nw Tori Ti ' Tb Silliest Bird. ro,i U th J 'on 0 gues Btgw f altnpleton, and It la giren to lhTw; bird that rer llrrO. Ttrr koalid years agi. when lb PortufO" W ttalln) th It la ml of ilioridct. found Urge bumtirr of itie b'f!t TVy were aUul th le of I UT Ssn. Idicklah gray In color ar4 Ue Ing only hunch, of feathers la pat cf tall ami Utile. us.1.m :.-v lor aiutil.) aud foolish birds rol tot I Itnagitinl. They ran at:o rut ins: a silly, hitting not Uk a r. rtul th sailors easily knocked tb cr with H eir jMi.l.llr. TTicy cwi'tl ty. they ctiuhlo'i swlrn. they fOflU'l run at any great swrU. amL as fighting, they rrw Ih gTealrat tv ants In th worliL Tbcy rs too alupl.l o l.lll I. J oral, tod W Ibrf t1ropw-i an egg ami went off lo M tiMcti as U-a it coull A fall I Salle. Tiurtng on of Ad.lioa rattTt It Total r-lred Il7jrr7 iii v;ru ;t?tii 4-. milC, ' j " onrs In lh fnltctl Kiai-a. th folk .'..'. y! l,r,,l'"ilhary notUt was nuUii! .,H7Z!7 N,$T.lei t J5'.H ' -Ul 41 f .'l.'.'t Ui I.-.XW 79 BY AMOUNT PAID DI'RISO TIIK MoNlll Or To County Treaturer . Total paid Treamirer. I Ai.r.l I U.. . I... .1 7 I I "' Ang.lil fwpl. Il'fi-.'V rr. tnvri 7h f,T)irr2 f, - f..f' 7- IHC1 fll .101 WMJ II, I- mv. UKi ni II ,fi:tlHJ IIit.h 4i:nr-.is tnfHo 41 :-i?jt nU 'nt, HTATK OK 0RK00N, County ol Clackamat. ,VreVl,.tru;8,,'rl'r0f "M CUn,jr' he"''r CrUf' ,hlii ,h" f,"K"' -l-l-m. 1 Correct rtlitiei my Hand this Iltli day of October. A J. J d. rM. COOKK. MI.erltr of fMnrkamas County. ByJ K JACK, Deputy, Seml-Annual Summary Statement or lh Financial Condition of the Cjunly ol Ci kamai Qtft. A mm ,.f U. i 1... i.yki ie-ii uasj vi ncj'inirvr1 i Wll, In th Hiat of Oregon, on Uu MAKIUTIES lo warrant drawn on th County Treasurer, snd otitiiandinir am) um.al.l To ilimate.l aiiiount of luteretl accrued thereon .. ' Total Liabilities RK80URCE3 t...J. In l.n.l. ..i ' t- 1 ..... ... o...... u. vaiuiu, jreasurer app.icanie to the payment of Hy fnndi fi. liamli ol County Bberlfl apj.iicablV to tii jia'y tniit of Coii'iity By ettimaied unpaid current taxes applicable to' ii.'' 'payineii't of County Ey ettitnated uncollected tax liens of 'Unit " " IKJ ' ' M II hH il II H Hf) ii i. ii o ltfyt Totsl Resources exclnilrs of County pro-rty Total Tndebtedneis of County Totsl Resources Net Indehtedneis AMoCNf n in tf i western eOltor: slum. Paul Nkollnl. th Tocaliat ami farwwelllst, will com us for Hialtlrely th Isat tints fftl J-i ar. Alt llios who rIvt to d! for th )iar afnr net will do ' tu lii-ar ttw Luinau olfc'htlii.' 00 trip, for I'attl mrer says 11 twlc In the antiif yt-ar. ami W without litnrtfiif hrr sirlks !)'' ;P two llioimnnd dollnr nnie Is to sell lii-n nfii r In wm ful Ignontncs t W litji'lii to wlilcb a woman with I" lutics, a ess ilo In Wal. a anJ wtios-l un a otio klml of Bnap can soar a' slis trli-a." s Mtt Salltfrlag. Tboy we. spcnking tf lh tltllo aim's lutuftcrnt.il nvifi.loiis. "UiKin what nn-at tlot-s tM- Cn-anr find Hint lis lifts erowO frwtir fXflnlu.fil Monliiiiut hllifrlr. "Mlufa im-at, ualllr ol'" Mcltrarwra, trylnjt to l clu-aplj ol. it.. .... ... i ., .. ,i.. . erflCt 01 ..... j ri iirw'iiiiijt low - , a man of Hie world.-lW"11 Pn-sa. Frrt I 141 Ml In li.Ml Ul f lufiuio 0,'too in) i.ltH lit 2.HM 41 '.i7i 1..VHI Ml tbloat Taetr!. Mrs V.rY,,t ... !.. I, n don't TOU It's atx.ut i line- for us to coll oa our now ticlicliltorsT . . IIiiHl,nn.l-Vhy. they only moved i tliia iiiiinilni, ,i Mrs, Noscpokf-Oli. I know, tut i tlu lr atufT will la downatnlra and I aw It bftti-r.-Olilo Sinie JuuroaL "He thoupht the Rtm wasn't ion" "Hul It n-nlly was lnntlt'ir' "A fur In found It out It wfl"nt' riillutli'liilitn rrt-st. I l.'.7, rju on' Z.1.W1 67 The Orst book prlnti'd In uluu,if wna a Illlilo. It was nrluted ln J .... , i - - - . MalllW nuuiu 13 years btroio tiiu ,,u'201 49 a nowsimpi r la St. I'auL For sale by Cliarman & Co., Druggist.