OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY OCTOHKR 18, 1001. Legal Notices. la fht Circuit Court of Iht Hlalt of Ore- gon for the County ol Clack tnts. WRlalnskrr, fit ft. llarr Htalnskerdeft lu wnty roainaser, in anove-liameu tie- .ftrxlant In the mill nl II r flat of Ore (ton. You art hereby rtqulml to a'ear ml antarr ! rnmpltlM tiled spaina! you In the above entitled ra.ise on or before the 27ih ) ol Novenitwr, l''l. ahtrh ti ait seeks alter tMnher II, 1:M. ihe 1t ordered for lie, anil II yea fail lo appear and answer lh pialntlll win l'l"T iinri n.iri iui 111 ins earmi.iaini prrri.i , aar-.ii. rer a uecrre ois-oiaing to oomis m tnatiiniony now eilstit.g he I ten plaintiff hi dritii'iant. ami lor turn oihrr an.l inniirr itnri a 10 int rouri mini nim amiit ntrrt nd ) it. Thin mmn.cini It puhlithtd hv ctntrrof Hon. Tbot. K. Kyan, judm ot Uit IViumy Courl Nadt and enlrrd Ihir !)ih day of O-tobtr 1!U1. Ill AS WAIT, Atlori ry for Plalntifl. Nulio It l.rn-by girtn that tht undrr- airnrd ha hreu duiy apiHilnitil by Ida cuuniy court ol llt tiait ol tirrcou, for t'Jarkamat county, tiM-utril of Ilia laM will and trKianitni ol Kibrt Kohtrta, d erattd All roi liavn.(f daunt aainl tbtrtalt of Mil' Kotxrl Kubrrtt, dm-raatxl, rt b'rrtiy rriuirr. to prrtrut Iht taint lo na ptoftrly vrnrirxl, at by lav rtuirtd, t my miilrnct in l'liaai.i Hill precinct, JoCltrkinut rouMy, li'rron, ailliiii m monll.a Ironi Hit im hirf, M AlUi AKKT K(HERTS. Fifculru of the Kialt of Kobrrl Rob ert, dvrd. IMohrf i. .t . I.aal Otart Xtler. Unlitd Siaiet l and OBIc. Ortfon Cit. Urrgon. AUUM amiMl. lo liolli It II. IT Collorrn : None, it hrrvhv irivrn that tba Orrrnn fid California Kallroad tininy baa hltd in lb i olttr a I ix of lanili uuiird )n Hit loulii d-ciilr.l belli, and bat annliaxl lor natrnt tor aid land: that llitllaiaara own io Hit I'uonc lor lutfirciioiiaiid aca y x1 "J uwcnpma turxnriaiona, ba been iint in a Convenient ilar in thi inure, lor loe inspection ol all (roni lu lerestxi and to ibepublicrtiitrally.ru; Ottgon and Caluornia KaiMnad lanala, Urtgou Cuy lnd Uuiricl, Urearon. Buppltmental Lit South. Eait, Towniblp, Rang-, 6, 3. WK Sec 9. Wi Rec. IT. Lou 1. 2. 3 MSolNK), t,4olNH and I'l. tu tie. ia " 8nppler..it List 131- Pontb. tut, Toanthip, iUngt, 4 Ail iseca 11. 13, 1 17. 19. 21, H. 25. 27. 29 iii"i.jitit , id wy. gfci; ol t-'-i ol tV,x and EH of Sec 31 All !. Al A 35. M ithiu the next tixty dtyt following tbt dale of tbia notice, proirata or oonlrl attaint! tbt claim ol H.r company to any tract or tubdimion within any tectum or art of atrtiou, deMrribed in tht Iit. on tht It round that Ibe tame i niort valuable for ndneral than for aericnltural punoe. will " received and noted lor report to theGtn- aerai una umce at v aitiu.irton, 1) C. Cha B Mooi,, Krptter. VMl Gallowai. Keceircr. . .to(lc la Crcditara. olicei hereby eiren thai the nnder- lgne.1 baa been dulr apiointed by tht awuuiy court o. me tute ol Urtfton for biacaaniat county, executor or Iht last a III no testament ol A. J. Saatell, deceased All teroiia bavin- claiuia aicaiiitt the rroperly verified, a br laa reonlred at Hie J - - ....... ,1., nmf HI iiic office of Hie counlv reour ier, Tom P. Ran-1 can. in ureicon tily. Orrf -n, ailhiu an aioniiit iroiu the date hereof. ELIZA E. SAWTEI.L, Executrix oi the Estate of A. Bawiell, deceaaed. l)ied tjepiaj.iba-r 21, 15TiL Aallce lar I'tjbllraillaai. Timber Land, Aci Junt 3. 1878. United State I .and Offlca, Oregon City Orron, Aog. 3 19uL A utile is i.rrrtn nin-n that In compliance rith the proa isionsoi tne act of CotucreM CM Juiiej,lS.H, enlltl.d. -An act for the ajalai ttt tiaiirw-r lat.H ,. n. ... formal Oreon. Ni-raoa and W.ahii t,ii. I Territory, at extended lo all the Public Jand bialee by act ol AiiKUt4, 12. I ' ' ' I a, T?,"V.,r . i ti ... ai. l p ti.i.il ."a jAXIBUa OreKo!i, ha tbUdav filed iu tbia office her aorn stmrruenl No lor the i.uichaae , of the W. il. and aill offer proof lo wuow mat me tana toniriii is more va limb e lor lu limber or.ume thai, fur a.rHcallur.1 iurp..es, and lo e-tb:ili her claim t. said land before Hie ltri.ier and Receiver ol tuia offli-e at Oreffun rity. Orrit ui on Tbnr. oay, tne .'iui day of Uclober, 11 bhe names iine'es: J.- tJ Knrke yni, i oompton, u r. a. Jamison, of rorliand. ami Allien Ki a-o( M,.l.lla Any and all persons rUunine atlrerselr r ' rn,i,eie to u. -r. ,i 1,.. i i i " . . ' t file their claims in this nffl'-e on or before aid Zitn day ol Ut'"tr. 1!j1 CHAS. B. MOOKES, Jtegister. font tj TnaBnrem Soilee. I now have money lo pay county war- ranta endorsa'd prior to November 15th, 1808, and alno load warrant! endorsed prior lo February firm, 1901. Interest will tea en the warrants included in 1 ii call on the dale hereof. Oregon City, Oeio'oer 18th. 1901 A. LUEI.LING, TrejiBurer, Clackurnas County, Ore. ' pialoon I.tceune. Notice ia berebv triven that I will at- ply to the next refulur nieeling of the city council of Oregon City for a license to sell liquor at my place ot burliness on Ifain and Eighth street. Philip Roos. Oregon Cily, Oregon, Oct 8,1901. The Enterpriee fl 50 per year. lyon's French Periodical Drops Strictly vegetable, perfectly harmless, aure to accompliah DESIRED RESULTS. Greatest known female remedy. nilTlflM Beware of counterfeits and Imitations. Tne genuine Is put ap oulrln paste-board Car VAU I laShl ton with fac-almile sitfiialure on alda of tha h..ula ihm. - . v- Aeod for Circular to WILXJ AMS Mt'U. CO.. Bole Aleuts. For sale by Chaiman Aajittlalalrntrli. ,otlco mC Nule Nolle I herehy given that by virtu of an onier nf IhtOouniy cmiri of thetttaia of Oregon, for Mil luomah rotlnty, mail In Ihe estate of Arthur Nicker on, deeeast.1, authorising the am, I aill mi the 'h itay of Ocinner. l'"1!, at Hit hour ol lOo't lovk a. m. at tht front iloor of tht county court house, In Oregon Cliy, Clackamas county, Oregon, proceed lotrilat private tale, I r cast. In liainl, and aill continue said alt and eitort lo sell until soM, Hit fxllo ina I d-rlted oil lrotertv. slums In tht county ol Clackamas, stats of Oregon, to- it: lltglnnltigat a inlnl 14 chains north of lh mii lit taut corner ol section lit. lu lo nslilt 3 tooth of ranca 1 Hi, talil polul helng Hit center of tht county road, and Includ ing all tht latni situate on Hit wei ti.it ol I I ha mini I roa.l Ira.lina- frami (Jrahani'a Kerrv. and s,,. by WillTam eVMHpea. to I Jnhn II. .i.lr. nn Ann 1 lull artmil lh rr a. ret : ileeal d hioh s a.f rsjca.rd end rt nnn In ihlrh i l.tirhv m, M Alt HI V MCKKKStN A.lminl.emuii ..I ih. ..i.i. ..f Ani.nr L I Mcktron ilvwJ iiir.iiiFr'N nai.i:. In lha Circuit C.Mirt of tht 8 a(a of Or ton, lor tbt County ol I'maiilla. Tht Firtl National Hank of Walla Walla, a Corporation, rial nl i ft, Va, C. B Wa.la, at a lrulnUtraior of tbt Riatnl K liar HroiiKlilon, ilereaaeal, Jane A. Hrouhlon, Milfunl ). HraMud.tnn, Ka !roiihtoii. Carna Jrjrr, 8. J. Savage. A S I'rarxwi and Mary 1'rarton, leftudatila. gran or iuiu'.s, ( County of Clackamas. i Pr vHut of a Juilnient order, ilecrrt and eiecution, duly iiie.l out of an.l under the teal ol Iht ahaia-e emit led court. In Iht ahovt tnliile.1 ranae, lo p.e duly direrie.1 and datnl Iht (."lh darof September, l'l upon an onier ol a',inJ enlfeal In ai.l court on Iht fi day ol Auut. )'!, In lavor of the Fim Xillonal Kana nl M'll Walla a mr. poralHm. a i.laii.lilt. and aicaintt C. H I Wi.l a.lr,.l..l.lr.i.r l ll,. .ar.ia .,1 W.I I rar Rn.iitl.lnn ilmitf,! Jan A Hrmivti. Ion, Millord H. Brouhlon. Kat Hrouhlo'i, Carrie Sarac. . J. fT A. I. aron and Mar IV aranu. ftrlpiulanla. ftir Hia inni of Want I uh ln-ere.it ihere.ui 1 II, rata 1 of I lr rem. r ant um from tbt 4ih ita I ol slay, 1 ami tht furtbrr tuni of iAv. I a aliornet'a feet, and Ibe coaltof anal mvn Ihit ant, romniamlinir me lo make rait ol tbt lolloa-inf deacrihed real pnrl, aim att In tbt county ol Clackauia. Halt of Urepon, loan: l-oti nnnibered ont 111. In block mini bertxt e even (11). of Suniel Cilv, aatrilli. to the plat 1'iertol. nn bit In Hi I'ttwe ol tht Recorder of CUcktmat county, vtait ol Ortiron. o. therefore, by virtu of aldit-cn- lion. iuil)tn.ent onier and decree, ami lu compliance a lib tbt command of atd ant. I aill, on SATURDAY. OCTOBER W. 11, at the hour of o'clock t. m.. at H.t f-ont door ol tht County Court Hou in ibt City of Orexon City, in ai1 County and bia'e ell at public auction, tubr clto redtmi lion, to the lilt-lien bidder, lor I'. S. ifol.l com. cash in hand, all the nhi. Itiie and tnitreti ablcb the ailhln l.amed ilrlemlantt or eitbtr of tlitiu n ad on Ibt date of ibt niort aaict herein or tinea had In or lo the abort described real irotrly or any part thereof. to aalltfy laid rxea-aiion, jinlmenl order, decree, intrre t, cotf and all accrninr roata. J. J COOKE, ShertfTof C1arkarrai county. Oreiron, Dated OrrKon City. Or.. Sept. 10, ljajl. .tailc for Publlralloai Department of ihe Interior. Land Office at OreifOii Cltr. Oreiron. Sent. 2S. 19'! Notice l hereby firm thai Ibe lolloatne nameil eetller hat bled notice ol hit Inten tion lo make Dual proof in tupt"rt of bit claim, and that aid prwf ill be made before Hie Keftl'trr and Reciver at Oreiron ROBERT J. ItAWLISS. H. E. No. UW. for Hie ner of iw'..'. nU ann ee oi ne-,, rti.n , r 4 e. Me iiatuea ibe folio ii. a- ailnenaee lo prove hi continuous re-i lnce uion and cui'ivation ol said land vj: Riihert Milier, Asa R. Haakina. Cdarlr. C. Miller, bliermati Coop, all of Garrtrid. Oregon, . CHA3 B. MOORED, Reg. tier, To I (aaari Ight Alarm inenigiit id; Drainer s baby a-a taken willi Croup," wriU- Mr. J. C Snider, of Oritti.iwln 10. It ma " " it Would strangle ba-'ore we could itfi a doctor. eO we etve it Dr. Kinir'a Xw rv i i . , ,, , Dimoverv. w i rh truvn nn rk rIUf ao,l . U ,n hoBM 10 P'e' t our clilldran from CroUD and Wlioouinir Cmiui. I. that no other remedy would relievo" TnflliU f,.. ri,. r-,.i.t- ti . j 7 " " unK irouoiea. ouc ana II UU. Trial bottle fiee at Geo. A. IUnlinir'l Lewia Ockrinan. nn.hn fnd . Ii. witf. I.ittla. F.,l. .... ' .......nit, urnuuic double like Other bill, but do their work thoroughly and make lead like a v Certain, thorough, gentle. Geo. Hard in((. IMHTIDI'AI.S' M0VKY To loan at C ter cent and 7 oer rent nn land, farm property or chattel. 2.Xyi 00. Two to 5 years. 1.500 00, Three years. 1 0 0 00, Fooryeam. H-'0 00, One or 3 veara. 750.00, One year'., 000 00. One or 2 years. 500 00 Two years. 274.00 One or 2 veara 150.00, Land or Chattels. 100.00, Chattels. Jons W. Lodkk, Atlorney at law, StevenB B'ld'g, Oregon City, Oregon. Mothers everywhere praise One Min ute Cough Core for the sulTerings It has relieved and the li ves of their little ones it has saved, btrikes at the root of the trouble and draws out the inflammation. The children's favorite Cough Cure. Clanlaiid. otilo. JKiSwtC & Co., Druggist. iTttF. OF ORF.bO. IXIIl'TIVl torAHIMlMT. KUIH, IH'loher II. U"'!. . . . . in eocontsnre ilh Hit provi. one ol Act ..miii,! -An Act ...bmit.l.n lo electors of the naif of Oregon, al ihe tral election to he held on Ilia llrnl Monday lu J nut, H) J, tht iiilMit promised I'onsii luilonal Amendment, i. roved Kthruaiy '.'V I'.K'I, I, T. I . Ueer, Governor ol Hit Malt ol tlitKon, do herehy a-aiiae Hit folloalng .rat-aisel amtmlmtiit, designate.! a "n tiatlve and lielrra-lldtim Auitiidiiieul to Iht fonslllulon O' Hie Sltlt of tlrvon, aa cerlilled lo by Hie Setrtlary ol Ntaia, to bt puiillalied loi nvt Cainsevulive aeekt III bt tlrra-iiii Cuy Kuttrprlat, a lepaer put. Imlo-d In Hit Hflli Judicial I'liltkl ot Ida Siai of llrtsMii. IKme ai ibt Capliol. al faltm, OrKn, tMt Uib day of tvmiier, A. I , VM r. r. tihr.lt, Uoitmor, IL 8.) By Hit ()otrnort F. L. I't saaa. Heortlarr ol Hlalt. Hotta juiar anoitTtoa no. I. (of ihe Tata.ly.ttral llivnnlal Seuion.) MSIM(RT aM TMt Ci'K'TITt'Tll'M Of THI stats or oaitio. Retadved by Ihe ttou. Hie btual Cam- Currltig: I hat the lolloalna' anitmueiil lo Hit Con. liiiiiiou ol Hie State ol OreaMii bt, and the am hereby la, proposed: Sea'tUm 1 ol Article IV of Hit t'onitllu lion i f Ihe State ol Orttfou shall bt, and hrrrby Is, anien.lt.1 li read a folio s: iei'iion I. Tht leKHial.r anlhorily ol Ibt latt ball be veaied lu a ltlaii a. aen.bly, Caiisilng of a Senalt and a llonae ol Kepreaamalltra, bill Ibt peaip reaervt lo IhtniMiret poaer lo proe law and amemliiitnii lo ibe Coiiiiiiilun and lo ii act or ra-Jea-l Ibt Saint al Hit polls, lode dtmleiil of the N-Kiilail awamhlr, and asa rvsrrve tmatr al Ibrlr o n option lo approve or rejea-t al the (oil any a. Hon of in ie;tiaiivt amtiiy. I n nrsl itr rmerveal bv Ibt people I the Indian, and not more than tlth pr cent, id Int lcl roU-r shad be required to proiose any mraaiirv by such i-eliliou, ami every such I -litli n shall Include Hi full let! ol Iht mra.nrt to pMvel. lultlalh peilllon ball bt filed Willi Hie Sta'reiary ol Mate m l leas than lour monlhs Prior Hi election al atiicii Ibey art to be voted Upon. Tbt teaMnd iMiaer It Iht rtlertiiduru.aud II may be ordered (ticept as lo laa newssary lor Iht Im to. al late prtaervaikm ol Hit pntiuo IM-acar, healili or tal-li V, either by lha iii Uon lk'ne.l hy Bv per cent, ol lb leg-al Voters or by Ibt Irgtslalivt aaaeninly, a other bill ara enacted. Ke'tremliim peti tions shall be file. I aitli lh Secretary of Stale nol more than ninety day after tb adjournment of the eion of the tea-lsla-live eaaembly alurh pauet the bin on ahlch Ibe rlrii.iini i dmamld. The velopoeer of lb U-veruor ball nol ex tend to measure relerred to Ihe peopl. All elections on measures rvlerrtd lo the people of the ttatt shall be bad at tht b en mal regular general election, except ahen the Initiative aatentbiy shall order a p Cial tlrction Any nia-asur referred to Hie peaple shall take elf eat and become Ibe laa when II la approved by a majority ot the Voles cast lliera.cn, and naM ntbvrai. The style ol all bill s'lad be, -t it enacted by the twople ol tl.e Btala of Ureun." This section shall not je eonsirurd to deprive S'ty member of ah Irl.lative aasemblvof tirnato intrikluce any meaaur. The hole number of volet cast for Justice ol me Supreme Court at Ihe regular election last prtravdiug the filing of any 11111011 lor Ihe lintta'lve or lor tb referendum hai ba Hie Usis on which Uta numbrr of Iral voters nrcesry lo suci trillion, shall be oounted. iViiilone and ordtrt lor Ibt Ini tiative and lr Hit referendum shall be riled lib tne Secretary of hiate, and In tnhmll. ting the same lo ihe people be ami a I otferr orMcart shall be g.udad by the general laas and the act submitting tin amendment, until legislation shall be wially pmrided tberefor. AJopted by the House January 27. ton, K. V. CARTER, Speaker of Ibe Home. Concurred In bv the Senate February 2 I. T. C TAYLOR. 'resident of tb benaie. Approved February G, IrrO. T. T. GEE It. Governor. Approved January 31, l'd. T. T. GEER. Governor. Adopted by the House Jaiuarv Id. P1 L. R. REEDr.lt 8taktr of the House. Taeniv Cr.i Im lalativ Assembly. vmiuiivu uj ana oarnaui January ill l''l. c. W. FCLTu.V. ' President of the Sena', Twenty fltii ,rg slallva Assembly. I.MIED KTATES OF AHF.RI A BTATg OF OREGON. I Orrirr. or tiii tJxcarTAar or Stts ( I, F. 1. Dunbar. Criarv of lbs ataia of Oreieou and ctistodlau of the seal ol yiid -..r, u. uirru) teriuj mai 1 nave Com pared Ihe 1 reowling Oupy of House Joint desolulion No. 1. of the legislative Awa-ni-tiiyail l:nl. "li.itiaiive and H- ferendiim Aiiieiidmenl." lib the original timtima on hie in this office, and thai the name Is a correct transcript therefrom and Ibe a hole thereof. In testimony whereof. I have hereunto el my hand and attlxed hereto Ibe seal ol the state of Oregon. IJone at the Can lot. at Hal-m Oraenn thi-fourteenth day of Ocioher. A D llnil. t-o r. I. I'L, II A K. , Secretary ol State. atoon License. Noth-e is hereby given that I will an. ply to the city council if Oregon C.ty lor a lii-ense to sell liquor al my s.iloon on Main street between Fourlh and Fifth streets. J. N. Mll.l.RR Oregon Citv, Oregon. O.t, 18. 1'JOI. A r op ml the Coirt II usc. The military lint of the JiMl an . ment roll has been coniplided and shows 23U7 names, an inert-ana over last year's list of about 190. The amount received by the sale of property, to which the county acquired ti le, from the delinquent tag roll for the years 1802, 18;3, 1894 and I8!7, was 4210 47, apportioned to the following years : 1897. .'J01.50 ; 1894, t450.8O lnKj. 1405.42; 1892, $337,75. The case of George A. Harding vs. Quataoe Bros., to reu ver fWO for daoi ages for the failure to make good their contract in the Irving piano deal, came up for hearing before County Judge Ryan Friday. Attorney J. (J. Campbell, for the defendants, filed a demurrer to the plaintiff's complaint, which wss over ruled, and he was given until Tuesday to file an answer to the plaintiff's amended complaint. This suit is for alleged breach of contract, the plaintiff contend ing that the defendants made a contract entitling him to participate In the Irving piano contest and afterwards refusing to fulfill their agreement. Mr. Hauling Is represented by U'Rhh & Rchuehel. Agnus J. Crookflhank has filed a com plaint in the Justice Court agn Brakebra'h and Ida IlrskebrUHh wife, for 70 and costs. The plaintiff 1 leges tUt Ilia deleiidiiiila owe ber ulna Ion ol hay ami taim titenslle, anaaer hat lon HIimI by the uMi'iutanU' an ,,, . . . . .. ,,., .i.,,,,i, tht '"",y. M'l-M Ks'thaiii.doii.l.g get" ' () allcgatlona In tha complaint ami al li-tilng thai tht) (ads In lha rate jtiatify diaiiileaal. C. II. I)t Is attorney plaintiff. I'rla llla Moor) has entered suit In Juiatice Court against A. O. Ilayward l.'.'i. Tht rouiplaliil allogrs that on lobar 7, l!Hl, the tlrlen-lanl broke Ihe plalnliira I.mi- a Heaver Crrek lor the for (K Into and carried aay all of Iht doaiit and win doaa brlonuinn to Id liotieC. lie alto Knew her household ihVa It Into lha count v rrnd. Plinltk A Kaalhain and John W. I.mlcr ait atiurnryt fur plain mr. On motion of film A Sihiiebvl, at torney lor It I., Itlugo, riecnlor In tht ea'atw of (ieorgt V, e, derrased, for an order and decrra tell ling and alloalng hit final arvoiinl, and for Ihe distribution of lha residua of tha ratata, It has leen nrderrxl that tha final aca-ollhl Iw etlled and allowed, and thai Hit executor pay lo hinieadf the sum of I mi, and turn over . . .... , 1 . lo Sarah M. I.re all the tn reonal and real Mrty of the ratale, In lha matter of the eatata of Charlea P. Sull van. deaeased. II baa . o lered that letters of administration ba lavaiiexl o Hrlen M Montow, lha Mi Hoi.er, upon her taking tha oath and rtlir. a l.n.l I., il,. J tbvi Ti- Pavllioner It eini.were, lo .l,a,M- of ihe real eatate and ra.,oal PMrty Wong ingtothe eatale in Clackatiias camiity. Sullivan left no will, and hi helraaiaa IllllaV. aailfl tint I I aft II ll si II if II I A..,;. ... nut 1 - n-,,,1. , yeatcrday by i. J. Kldinga against Henry and Jcnma Muldrum, for I-"), with 8 per cent intret from April 4, bv.) gavt lhir note to the plaiui.iT. alili h aaJ sea ureal by a mortgage on oO acrea of laud heal tht J. VV. N'eatoa t. L C. The damage suit if W, . Young for IMO damsgea against juliti litirle ended TursJay and Ji.lk'e McAnulty rnodereal a decision Thurwlav awatdii.g theplalntllT 'J and coat. Tbt rate will likely ba appealrd. .Mry t.. lea iy Ha en'tra-i t'H a,-a.ii.i i nariea nail.ol 1 anby lr f KM due on a noa given by lha da len lanl JoneW. i JHOtoT. W. Sarks ami aaeigneai 10 piaintm lletns A Co have bramg'it suit against tid.l Scimeer to recover ri.b Their. Clear, and thai ICahlil Mrphen S, caae will ba heard t-efore Judge Itian al 1 Via, of I ifllanj, aool l addreae them 10 o'cloa k tomorrow. KaleL Neatoo, of Oregon Cily, baa bean granted an ollgmal aidow pensioti of W par tnonlh. A ltlar.i.rf. Ilrens- .a. II... wevk Ui I u Tat r, 31, and Chat. Mrs. Mary (.Ink. of CUrks, ha a l- tertited bar fsrni propeity for sale at public auction, lo ta held Nov. 3. Her husband die, I about a year ago. Mrs. Giitk will rent her place and move with her eon, Hjlomon liliik to Mead iahrok lo live a 11U ber sister. C. M. I'litlpt, ForestdaV, Vl., says bis child W.a completely Cdied of a bad case Of e. una by the il of DeVa'itt'a Wlu I. H.xelrialve. I'.eware of all counterfeits. .a. natautty reuevespi.es. tied. Mar ling. CHINESE PROVERBS. Pig well before you are thirsty. ine riiN ti rruu win out rail Info yournioiiin - ... . . .. a.nai vaamitl, m.-ana u.-tlny. MkI sWrillM taVaaalltta !...(.... " """" """ Tk. . ..r . 1 .1 1.-.. .....I ..r au.r ,11 ii.niii! la IH nl. w... n .... ,. m -I'll UUk Water dos s not n-mnlii on the 11101111 lalu uor vengtnin .- In a great tnlixl. To uoiirtah III- h.-art t!,. rv Is nothing lie Hi.- lUln-a few. Udti-r than to mrilie When life coin.. It cwiind Ih do clln.d. Wfien It goa-a. It ca:ino le uitnlinil Onod ROVenimi'lita gr the H-r)pe'a Wi-ultb. While g'RHl llialnictlolia get their hcartrt. Thow who labor with their nilinU pova-rn oibeis. Tho. who InU.r vain, Ibelr slr.-iiKlh are frovertieil ) othi-rx A Klllllll bflg cntinot he lllllcle to a-fitl .um wuiii in mrge. a short roin- riin not l. uacd 10 draw wnier fro.,, a ,. . . I let vri.rv n.sn au-..r. it... a. I ,..r ... ,w,v ... . 1 uou noi nuHy inni st ir about the frost of h!s m-lghlMir's tiles. Wnnderfol Confrnal. lirevlty inny be the ";)ul of wit." but trie Inugtinble. cITcct Is sometimes the very thing the speaker doesn't menn. In the following case a word or two n.ore would have tr.ndo a clearer de sfrlptlon, but It would not have boa-n half so funny. . The bend master of nn English girl's high school la describing to the class the beauty of the Alps, which he has visited during his vacation, and ends b.s lecture In these words: And there, with one foot I stood on the Ice of the ghielcr. While with the other I was plucking the most beautiful flowers." The Enterprise f 1.50 per year. lav. 'Williams' rnrllaa flleOlls iMtftr will eur Hllad, lllradn, and Itcbln l-llra. 1 aiMorn tli tumor, al lar tli lU'hliiealonoM, act a a tHmlllre, glrn Instant rnllaf. Jr. VII llama I VIII AN I'H.U sain 1 asr.n r la pre NB IllSt Frpd ' rsrMonirrorrnnssno jtmiinorili.rlvatparts. Iiotmes, mr. . II Va nr Mr u 1 nini r rcu v.... u.i ii a.m..iiL S..IH b, nl - . .' ' "'va.ior, mr. and .. ',. 7 : . r . ' . -a- .. ' " rw-J- 1 ii.n a . Ida '7 nianunraw!eM'fr price, .ar. ann si .anrpar ntu aaiaii.nir, nilll .nra llr...,t,.M " : WII.I.IAMM u k-u l-xt.. e,.,.,'a. lil.KVti.Iioi i .' 1 I'reiner. . . . r -. . --. - .. 1 r... ... 1, , For tale by Channao & Co.,DrugghU. ' "u"1"' alft' Mraight, Ma An Social Happenings. TrrTs-iMNKaromi. Mies titalya Almira Tuf's ami Mr. I'hne, lUniiaford were married Wediiaa 1l.1v. Oi'IiiIht 17. Itt'l. at llm hi'iostif lha brl.hi's parent 'a nnar Oawrgo, ltr A, J. Montgomery erfiirind lha cert' timiiy In the pieaadua id lelalivrt and few Inviled iiiieeia Mr, and Mr. Han nafoid aill lealde nn a farm 111 nr Ibille Vllle. run f jiAvinsaiM M as Tl.ro.lora PavliUm and Waller L I'hllp atra iiiarrinl yealeiday afler noon by Judge- It ei The bride la from California and M'. I'loli' It an attorney reatmily from lha Fast. Th rouple will letlda ill r.irllal d. Hi Hit. IHHMM. The marrlngai of Mt. II. Illulon and I )irge lto.'era was aoli'tiinlitol Tue ly I ,y ( nr I:(l,.r,Ur Jtnu e C, Curry. I , " mu 1 1 1 11 si tsraii T''- M"' iU' Congregaliooal "I I"' '' 11.11r.11 '" "rdnrlay evening. Hit u,,l, "rr I llliilly d. crated hy lha ll. lire of lha aliurih aim tciwj 'the "'- The event aaa the flr.l td! sarie of monthly ailppefa lo la given H"'"' ' u-ter. and We.lne alay wa ' a1''- Tha pr.giani ottiad "1,h ,' ",u,i' ' "'''. "Nw' My "'"1 ,a T,"" l7 ."'. I of Mis C. II. Coiflel.l. Miea h",,l VY-M'". Mr. Knapp and TmI. Wdcait ; and a el tl n .y ma'r i urirl, ronsistlng of I'l.f. Wllioi, t'ba. Itltihm, lr. Knapp ant I l Tavhr, which aeit ren ! rn! In g.o stale and eokJ nearly a plans. Flratiori ol i.fh ert for the tli ailing ytal fesullr i In lha re elra-lioit id I'rrei- lenl It. A. Ml lrr; U-v-prraidabt, K. 8 llolllnger, Ireaaurtr, I. I. Taylor: I. Adaiii w elca tcl ercrelary. I'leaidenl Miller then lniroluH lha pesker of the tvening, lion, fhos, II, r.itwue, ivl gree-mn of the First dis. trict of Orrg.,n wlMgave a foraeful aad mtrreeiing a I lrs on IMnoil.m and li,J CUiien.hip.M a hi. has li.t.txl to with marked ailenilon and the apeaker aM g.reted with gehr.oos applause. rrauidenl Mllla' announ.ed II. al lha I speaker Ut Novtmlwr would 1 toV, T. I in January, Theaa attalops Uia Men's Club are brnrflt Id the cd.iaha of Oirgon '! 'J "''ifb l h educational ''" Among tlnate present were: Hon. and Mrs. C. II. Mo-ree, Ju U and Mis. I F. Hian.Col. and Mr, R. A. Miller, fudge and Mis. 0. F-. Il-ra, Vt. and Mrs. M C. Hlri. kl.n l, Mr. and Mra. C. if. Caudeld. Mr. and Mis. W. . . ley, Mr. and lire. C. . .a. Mr. and Irt. A. W. Chene), Mr. and Mra. Cbas. 1 1) Albright. Mr, and Mrs K. II. lx-ior. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fosbipg. Mr. and Vlrs. lUtlJ Caufleld. Mr. and Mra. 1 J Coaike. Mr. and Mra. 1 li T.vl. M. and Mrs. C. I). 1-alonrelta Mr and Mrs. John W. M. ITall. M, an.l Ms. n W. Kaslham. Mr. and Mr. U l..b fr. and Mrs A. Iuellimf Mr. and Mr. U.K. Croaa, Mr, and Mr. K. K. ("bar 'n. Mr. and Mrs tiro. A. Harding I'r. an.l Mr, t. A. Nluarl. Mr. an.l Mra fj, W. Iir.a, Rv. and Mra. K. Hollipgrr. Mr. ami Mrs. F. K. While Mr, u M . ,,. MtiBS tra II U 1 . u . . I - Mr-. .. llutler Mr. I) A a -r-.i.- I " VflM to.- ,a,un. iimM I'll-l.l M " ., 11. VI... U..I- a at.. l.fl f ... - ... . . n v'nyera. .maa ina t haee, ,Mla lat Mark, Mis Walden, Mis Kale Mark 'rf A. . Vrr, Mr M'1'"" "Hklnson, M;. I- Adama, Mr, Iward h. Itrixlle, l'rof. 11. I). Wilcog Mr K. II (iahbert. Mr. CI.m. liluhm M'. T. J. (larv. Mr. lilshoo. Tir st iifcuriiick t it-rt. Tl.e rvrthick Musi, al and l.lierary club mat attherenldem-eof Judge and Mrs. 1 K. Hayes Monday evening wheu tht following program ns rendered : rjisay ".h of IU. I," Mrs. T. K Itvan "Two I'art Invention No. 8''' """" .amo nrsiwr. ..... . I " r1 eoio-'-AveMiui.,". Mrs.O. K. Hsyss. Uavo le In K MJ," Mrs. I I, 1'i.rter. Vocul rloltr "All liotha" Mr, Kd, Hheahsn. 'Caprice on Iiepartnre of a Friend". Mis Maitln DrsiH-r. Analysis Mrs. J. E. Hedges. The 11. xl meeting will l o l,o!d at tl.e resi.ionce of Judge and Mrs, T. F. Uy grj. KKCKITION At 1'AkKPI.Acg. Mr. Kdward Nwchatid and bride were " rfained last Huttirda evHi.l..u 1.. MmwI Mrs. F. Urnnler. of Park la- who gave a reception at their residence in nonor of Mr. and M rs. Nnidnanrt rerns anil flower were the rsror d..u rations. Dancing was liidiihwd In . i.e.. ceeded by several muslenl nn.nl..,. The hosle's served a dainty collation to the gi.e,ta, who were: Mr. nd Mrs. H K, Nachand, Mrs. 0, Hamilton, Mrs. Apperson, Mr. .ml Mr. If. HennlLsen. Mr Hnd Mrs. Traegiir, Mr. and Mrs. W. Mrs Misso lliu Tor- 1 lesson, John (Irlnder, VUra TvllUsoii, at. a v. . 1 1 . . 1 , 1 ... . ' nir, 11, nai naiui ami .air, iinurge 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ti r. Mrs. J, V, inter iiitrtaliisd a fn Mends at tea Monday, In honor id Mrs, leiitoii, Idller ,al. The ioIIo lug Is the a of letter rt itialnliig in lha .tnfm tl On g ui I'll Uit) , uit (HI. I7ili, lutll 1 " Wi MSN's 1. 1ST, Orren Ma Miss Khull M K Mrt Miller Maria Williams Cllt.or Mi iK.iiald A Mi Walker M I. Mra aissJisr, Haiti! A M l antaell Win King Jay 1.4'Wt CO Moaier II I'allereoii 0 I'ellll i! A I'lircell llclman () rtinlih Hoaard I'evla ra Paata.nj W (luenllier W 0 F tlmvar Carl Jen.en It ,N Kelll J.din Kmp Win Thrasher riatik tJF.O. F. HiUTN, I'. M. RIAl. KilAfK TKAHI lllfn. raralsktd Fiery Meek b; Iks lark. kwas A.slrarl Tr. U up ia). J WUnn.han lo I' I' tUbney, si; of bt , a w of te, ssr 30, 1 S s, 0 II T Wslef lo W J r llin aurlre, ) A S lulareal In a I, Sasai So, I 4 s, r 5 t I. K Meant lai T lt an, Iota t,, . ... ...... ... a in nn no irregon 1 iiy 0. UK II Co la T F Ityan. sa ol n A bd I A :. mi II, 1 j. f 2 , I Itobblna lo I. W Uobl.lna. s.' tra.l 4 A nl, traa l ft A I'd I Ira. i I Molalta , 1. Carman lo I W Mntie. a spring on Iht ba corner of my land in lie v a of are ft, 1 t, r I II A llathhun lo J W htone, IS. a. s In ease ft, I 3 s, r 1 II lUndalt lo M O'eaM.t, ra. In 7. Ifts, r I a F. A 1 lo C F Keeierton, ei of ow of sec 1;, 1 3 s, r a t I' II Mirier 10 A Fyiuan, sw of sa of e , I 3 s. r 1 1 II K Nuhle lo A Fytnan, tame land It-man Cath Atrht.p lo J f Rail, pari lots 3 A n blk TJ Oega.o City I7u) J Carroll lo K R.rf. 317ft f In I'arrdl 1 lalitl l lOOt) 400 X) 5i loo fti K Rirf to (I Hr-.an. 12 a.a in Carroll rlaitu I K Murd k lo O Andrrsasn, Vds I, 3 A 3 In blk UCehby C K Wd lama la J (iltn, ', of tt of soc 0, 1 4 t, r 3 O A Rl.l.bg to t R Ridings, 1 1 are In tee 11. 1 ft t, r I J C Wsrnaa k lu U A Riding., 40 art In ax II, 1 ft s, r I a din Kobier la J W W.l'.t road, j atf ia na A a1, of ba 1 f Base J,,, I4t,f Jobs Kohter to J W Willlsoard, a' of tw A n' of bw uf 1, I 4 t, r It J Weltttian.lrl lo J WitlUrdl, 4 act lu ss II, I 4 t, r I Of AM Colo J Wanker, 31 f art In tec ?1, 1 3 e, r t a Oregon City to C II K Co, 44x1 0 frejl In Mill Krva K V. Cbarman lo II FAO W 8aoa, sva In C'wa kama C".nly Oregon Ci'y lo Catholic rl.ur. h, bd 1 A part ol a in blk 71. Oirgon City F. Hi on lo B Hone, bar of bt of traj 25, 1 1 s, r 4 1 ; sa of ne A nt of sw of arc Ti, X 3 I. r 4 t A i of ; of n of sec 31, 1 1 s, r 4 a....... J Clowser lo II Muetalg, w S of nw of sa A e' of yi sw of s I, I 4 I I230 I HO I I a, r I O I A H Co lo J O'llfien, lta 14 A 15 In blk 3 fteaego D Atbey 10 ! A llorlsnd, nw of aw A to 3 see Ti. t 3 1. r I tl Atbey to K A Norland, t4 sw of sac 9), I 3 , r I 8 C 7. mmerman to J II Coll, 3!,' x-t In 7.1, 151 a. a In Tuttle rlalo. A tie of tie A lot I sec 32, A 475 -a in J Foater 1 lalin t 2 s, r 4 t 2U00 500 K I' Cappal lq K I. Ilaldorf, lots 8 A 0 In blk 13. W Hid Add L I) Uoiiard lo J N MrKalllran, lot In blk 14, Falla View I35 THE CI.ACKAM AM ARMTRAfT ft ritUHT CO. are the owners of tba copy right to tha Thorn system of abstract indeiet, for Clackamas county, and hate the only complete set of abstracts In tbt County, can furnish Information as to title to land at once, on application Loane, Investments, real estate, alMtracti to. Office over Rank of Oregon City. Call and Investigate. Address box 37. A I'ienalUh Allaork. An altaak was lately made on 0, F. Collier, of Cherokee, Iowa, that nearly proved fatal. It came through his kid neys. Ilia hack got lo lame lie could no sloop without great pain, nor all In chair except roped by cushions. No remedy helped him until ba tried Klec tric Hitters, which effected audi won lurful change that bo writes be d els likv a new man, Tbia marvelous medicine euros backache and kidney trouble, purl- flea the blood and builds up your health Only 50c at Geo. A. Harding's Drug rJlore. W. T. Wesson, Uholsonville, Va., Iiugglst, wrllea: "Your Ono Minute Cough Cure gives purfuct aatlsfactlon. My customers say ll is the best remedy for coughs, colds, throat and lung troub les." Oeo, Harding. OABl'OniA. Bssntlt 114 Kind Toil Hart AlwJrt Boipi Blgnstart Jf , SVfM- t lot 7W) ft4( 74 I luu lao I I