Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, October 18, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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Oregon City Enterprise
Now To-Day.
mi lininviul (nil In IMacluiii Comity
for (mill two to tn Jfeara rxfayahln h
liiatalliiK'iita, fihalrl, Nocoiiiinlaalon.
Kor lull iartlrnlra ml ai'iillrailiiii
for imm m'Iv U MaiMts A Hi knki.i.,
Wnrifxli-r llliM k. I'ortlainl, OreKmi.
"To ll HAI.K IIOUKK AM) 1 1 U ( I ( Y
'Imii, or will trails (or (finnl row. Apoly
II ml iI'Mir from Kilt Itastaurant.
nKliilr'.M A (iUllriTH, (.iIH.mIii U.t
Wlllllfl lllllllllHl, ! Ill oliolt t
ly, aulmriian ml roiinlry iromrly for
malleal l'fWi,
tiory In loan el loat fair".
m ae.t al Mania' Ororory elore.
fli rrai Thomas F. Hyari, (luputy master
workman ; W. M. Hliank, foreman J. H,
llomilli'ii ovt-racnr: )', Hannifin, t
l mauler workman, AIkmiI 'l' oilmr hh-iii-I
him of tlm A. O, U, W, ml largw elf
I t at a i . i I I
nil oi irinmia ot me UHiemii kunnouu
lli fiimnal,
Ai'i'AMua C'iihk NsT Wans;. Tim
ronatriidlon of the filler plant for tli
clly la (ironrcaalng raililly. Tim foiinda-
tloii ami clear wair well have Im-wi
ooniihlei ami Ilia i!omtfnl la thoroiiKhlyJ
hanh'iieil. 1 tm hulliliiik la now Im-Ihk
ralaeil anil Ilia fratna la alreaily up, Tim
Intake ulna liat In-tin run half way or
Ixiul 000 fiM-t up tlm Ualii ami will not
ha ittiinle.i further until next aiiinmer,
wIihii timia la no liability of freithet ami
ilia water la low, A rireeiilatlve of
Ilia California Jawnll Kilter Company
I arrlva In about weak with tlm air
paratua, wl.ldi will la Install! without
IUimn At llanitalora, Imlla, Snpt. 12,
to Mr. ami Mr. Ami K.kairoiu, HaiiKh-
tr. Mr. Kkatrom waa Mlaa Florence
Marry, (UiiKliivr of Mr. I'. V. Morry,
rililnl ol Ida rorllauil (leiiciral Hec
trio Company,
Ilia Day Itaruss hi Wanniao The
Y. I. H. C. K. f tl.a I'mabyierlan
rhuri aHUIva a a-xlal tuitaiialnmtihl
on (Iim avenlrm ol r'rhlay. Oct. 2"th. In
Milvriy'a oire Iioum. "Tha Pay II
( tha Wmhliii;'' will U pr xluif-l by
amateur Ulm.t an1 eflr Ida program an
oyitrr ni.r will tx arrvH,
Kir-aar Casov Ma.isi. The Anna
I'arlor haa ot.ialnr.l tha aervieee of an
esi-crt nianufartiirer of ronfertlonery,
ami avrrv tiiiiht thla Sek ha haa drawn
lartfe rnwl to tha atore. Momlay ha
uave an rihlhllioo of 'limllin anger.
auJ Turaday night IlluairaUd Ilia art ol
pulling fl'tirra In randy.
TririoH Nor Kent'tan. The Haril of
rVhool Mrvctora mat Friday svnln
ml (lvhatol tha question of ra
during tha tuition of pupila from outalda
the illatrlct. Tha mount chargwl high
achoot pupila wa $'.'.60 r month ami
thla aum waa eonallrrrl asreaalve hut
oalugtutha rrwdt rondltlon of tha
Khoola tha IUrJ drt'ldml to let ttia
prracnt rata aland.
CiaNMAH Mtii..i.ir Coraac.
IU. K. J. Trag haa mn ra appolntiMl
tothai'iiau apd Clarkwi churvhea. l.y
tha North iVlflo (Jrinan Kplcol
C-jnlrrrnc1! which mat In Kpokane lat
weak. U. II. Y. Ung, ol Milwaukee,
waa aclntel p'aaldlng alder (of tha
natilng year. Uv. (I. HoanUr waa ap
iolnipl paatorolUia Milwaukla cburth.
Tlia neat annual ewalon ol tha eonUr
nee will ha held at the twond church
of I'ortland.
Maiom I'ukaRu I)ao Newa waa
receivod Fiiday evening of tha death of
Marion Tlikaid, at Wardner, Idaho.
II waa a native eon an.l la well known
throughout tha euniy, having lived in
Imogen lor aeveral yaare. Itecenlly, to
obtain employment, Mr. I'lckarJ went
ti Waidner, where l waa taken down
with jinrumoiil, which terminated fa
tally. Ilia relative! have wired for tha
return ol tha renialne to Logan.
Ia. KuoT'a Lamaa. Kev. T. I
I'.llot, D. P.. ol Portland, lectured in
Willamette Hall Haturday evening, on
"The Faith of a Unitarian." Ilia audi
nra waa not large) but wai deeply Inter
eatcd In hlaUlk. Pr. Kllot explained the
true creed and porpeao! UnltarlanUiu,
and endeavore.1 to correct the wrong lm
(reaaion ol hia religion which la conveyed
to and held by many. IU waa aaalated
by W. O. Kllol, Jr., aUteauperlntendtrnt
ol tha American Unitarian Aaaoclatlon.
Vi mkbal or Baut Ftt.aT. Tha
funeral ol Harney FaUwirl, ol Logan, who
died at the Uood Hamarilan lloaplUl, In
l'nrtUnd. alter a abort Ulneaa of typhoid
fever, took placa 8unday, tha Interment
tinir In tha Wan ci'iuelert ine aer
vli'tia wnra conducted by tha lv. Father
Iflllehrand, and the Anelent Order of
Uolted Workmen, with tha following o(,
Haitmt in Kaaaioa Tha Oregon
Itaptiat Miuiaterlal Coiiferem a conveuel
In I'ortland Monday evening and waa
called to order by j'reaidoiil J. II. Hea
ven, of thla city, who led a prale aorvica.
Thla waa followed by a aermon by
(leorgn Kotmrt ('airlia, wlio condiicteil
evaugt'llaiio uieetlnga In Oregon Cl y lor
twownnka. The Oregon liaptiat Klata
Convention met Timaday evening ami
the delrgatca Irom thla city ware Itev.
J, II. Heaven, Mra, K, H. I alourette,
Mlaa Anna Oantuuleiu ami Mr. J. H.
Hurgcaa. Yeatmday inuriilng Mra.
Latoureite read a paper on "Facte and
F gutea" lm fore the Womnii'a Haptlt
Foreign Miaalon Hoclety, Tha rx-aaioiia
of the Orrgon Haptlat Young 1'iple'a
Union commenced yeaterday and at 3
o'vloik p. ui. W. V. Urouki, tormeily ol
the KnUririM ami now uiaujglng editor
ol the I'acillc Haptiat, rnad an adlr-aa
i n "imit l!K)l. or Trn Year ol II. Y. P.
1 U. Work In Oregon. At 3 45 thla after
j noon the coininlile on foreign ialaaion
will rrMirt and Mra. h. H. Itoiiretie
wllljak on "Itevive! In Japan." A
armon tonlgtil hy Ueorge Kol-ert Cairna
will cloea the aeaaion.
ovor a bump tha weapon waa (Uncharged, !
tha lull charge ol No, fl Mrdahot pene
trating Jarkaon'a arm. The bonea wara
mangled in a terrible manner, a plma
of tha radlua two Inchea long Uing
blown clear out of tha fleah. Tlia
boy aufriirad tha mot Inteiiae pain with
great fortitmln. Ma waa brought to thla
city at half pant five o'chx k and waa
madeae comfortable ai poeelble by Pra.
Hlrkkland and Hoinmer until tha arlval
of tha Houtliern I'aciflo train at avan
o'chx k, when ha waa unit b tha (iixxl
Hauiaritaii hoapital In Portland under
the care of a phyaivian and hia arm
amputated ual below tha elbow.
A I'le.iaant ffa U Travel.
The moat dullghtful rout of travel to
the F,at la by way of Malt Lake CHj-
tha clly of tlia Saint ami tha Kio
(iramlt Wtalern Kallway, In conjunclion
with either the Penver A IClo Grande or
Colorado Midland Uallroeda. Thla route
not only carrloa tha paawngitr through
the heart ol tha Hwky mountain and
In view ol the moat magnificent acenery
on the continent, but it ala provide lor
turnover on railroad and Pullman lick
eta at nuaint nd plclure'utie nait Lake
City. Ghmwood Hprliiga, Manitou, len
ver, etc. Through I'ullir.an Palira and
Ordinary kv-t, Free IlecllnlngChalra
Cara and a Per(e:l pining Car Hervic
via thla route to Ienver, Omaha, Kanaaa
City, Ht. Iiil and Chicago. Peraonally
conducted weeklv touriat excuraiona.
Hi liool liooka at Charman A Co.
Albright A Logue have piano ticketa.
IJorn To tha wla ol M. OleMoo.a
Horn To
tha wife of Charlei Ely, a
New hit arriving dally.
Mill Oold-
8hively'a oprra boua, OctoUr 25.
Y. P. H. C. K. enlertairunent.
Ihiy your Hchool liooka at Charman A
Co., the Cut Price DruggUte.
Don't forgwt the Thankagiylng Market J
to be given by the Haturday Club.
Velvet hat in all the new ahapoe and
price moderate. Mlaa Ootdainilli.
The Pay Hefore the Wedding la Fri
day, October 25, at fibively'a opera
Ten centa in merchandiae given with
very piano vote purchased at Moore'
Po you want to a your lolga win the
.V) piano? Albright A lgu laue
one vbUs with every 25 cent purchaao.
cpnOiU'ted weeair icuriai racuraiona.
For printed matter, rate, etc., Immlr, Chriatian Sclenca aervlcea are held In.
of J. P. Manafleld, Oeiieral Agent, 122 1 Willamette hall every Bunday mornlng(
A. Third St, Portland, or Geo. W. at eleven o'clock. Bubject for Sunday,
lluliitx. (inral lUaaemrer Agent. Ralt'Oct. I 20. "ProUlion After Peatb."i
- I
to buy t
Golden Rule Bazaar
Opposite Bank of Oregon City.
For Ladies
C,orx P.iack Stocking , pair Oc
Wool Faacinator, all colore.. 25c
O. N. T, Thread, 6 pool 25c
Good Heavy Mualin yd 6c
Cotton Halting 5c
Outing I'lannel Night Gown C'c
Fleeced lined Underwear 25c
Good Tom-o-Shanlera, all color... 5.c
fi.Soand $t-75 Wrappera, now.... $10)
The -Percy" Kid Glovea fl.W
Large Towela
Outing Ilannel yd 5c
Handkerchief!, colored border 3c
Saxony Yarn, all colors 5c
Wool Hata, black 45c
Good Cotton Socka ....pair 4c
Heavy Sweater, bright color 45c
Sott Botom GolfShina 5Sc
Odd and Enda in Underwear 25c
Fancy Halt Hote pair 10c
Heuutitched Handkerchief 6c
Flannel Night Shirta. 75c
Heary Fleeced Linen Underwear... 50c
William Shaving Soap 5c
Latest Silk Necktiea 19c
The "Standard" White Shirts 6IK
For Men
Uke City.
Ji at Lur. The regular ventre of u
rora lur tha Noember term ol tha Cir
cuit court waa drawn Tueadaf, and the
panel lollowa: John W. Muffatl, archl
led, Oregm City ; II. T- Ginaon, (armer
F.gle Creek ; H. T. Fiaher, (armer. Can
by; C. P. Story, blackatnlth, Oregon
City Ingtreet Vaughn, tanner, Mol
alia; Pleaaant IVSIilrlda, farmer, Clack
amaa; Jem Guihridge, (armer, Hprlng
water; J. W. Boat nan. bookkeeper, Or
egon City: William II. Tompkina, (ar
mer, Harding; Cherlee Pangherty, (ar
Ulial' laarl'are VrlhT
fometimea a fortune, but never, Hyou
have a allow complriion, a Jaundiced
look, moth-palchea and blotchee on tlie
kin all algna ol Liver Trouble. But
Pr. King' New Lite Pilla give Clear
Bkln. Koay Cheeka, Hich Compleilon.
Only 25 centa at Geo, A. Harding' Drug
Kunday Bchool at twelve o'clock. Wed
nesday evening meeting at eight o'clock.
! To theae aervlcea all are welcome.
A dime aocial will lie given by the
ladie ol the G. A. R. Wednesday even
ing, October 231, at Mra J. Stuart'a, on
JefTcraon etreot Wtween 3d and 4th. A
atiort programme will be rendered; also
games and a good time in general
Come and enjoy a pleaaant evening.
Large stock of Dry Goods Just received which are go
ing at removal sale prices.
Agvnta for Browa'a "fltar-rive-fttar" Rhawe.
Though Dead, Yrl He fpeaketh.
lioger Harding w ho, (or several years
pt, had been a tenor singer for the
Columbia Telephone Co., baa paaaed
awav. Mr. Harding' record a went to
Portland-Oregon City boat Str. Leona
leave foot of Kightb St. al 7 and 1 1 a. m.
and 3:00 p. m. Leaves Portland
at 0:00 a. m. and IKK) and 5:00 p. ra.
Take the Leona if you want a good com-
f -.11. Tl.. ... n ,. ma.ta allhar
.. , , . luniNitnua. iu, n u.-w .......
all parte ol the woiiu, anu in every cuy 1 . . . fi(U5n u,DUleii
Mleppel lata I.lveOavU.
"When a child I burned my lootfright
fally," write W. II. F.arl, of Joneeville,
V'a., "which caued horrible leg sorea
(or thirty years, but Bockleo's Arnica
Salve wholly cared me after everything
else (ailed." Infallible (or Burns, Scalda,
Co', Bors, Bruiaea and piles. Sold by
Geo. A. Aarding- 25c
mar. Molatla; John Wright, farmer,
Canyon Creek T. H. A. Sellwood, far
mer. MllwaukUj II. F. Yeriren, farmer,
Union; B. H. Mohler, painter, Oregon
City; J. C. Frye, farmer, Harlow; Geo.
C. Armstrong, farmer, Viola, A. J.
Thompson, farmer, Oawego; Cherlee E.
Midlam. millwright, Canemah; G. H.
Webator, farmer, Clackemeej John C.
Mark, farmer, Harlow; John Kichey,
farmer, Boring; M. Alhey, farmer, Tual
atin; P. G. Froat, careuter. Oregon
City; Lorenio Tenny, (armer, Viola; J.
M. (iillall,car;enter .Oregon City ; Orion
Wrighl.(armer,Mackahurg; W. P. Khlrw
I. (armer Watt Hide; George C. Perdue,
fanner. Mniiaiuj John J. Hatton, (ar
mer, Harding; Hay Phelps, farmer,
Marrtum; Frank Bates, farmer, Damas
cus; It. D. wiimot, urmcr, uawero.
Poktlanu Bov Biiot. Thomas Jack
son, the 17 old son ol Cnarle Jack eon, a
Portland letter carrier, living In Alhina,
waa accldenlly ahot bunday morning,
reaoltin In the loaaol hia loft arm.
About one a. m. yonng Jackaon, with
two other boy left Portland In a buggy
on a bunllng trip. They drove until the
Clackamas river was reached, where
they took the horae from the shafts to
water him, then started toward Oregon
City. The three boys occupied one seat,
each having a gun by bis aide. Jackaon
was driving, holding the rein a in hia
right band with his left band over the
miuxle of the gun, the hammer of which
n.l t,.n uliarti tha irranbotMlOUe i
known bis ballade were familiar and
moat highly prlaed. Fortunately for talk-
machine uaera, Mr. Harding's song had
recently been rituaied in permanent
(or m to, notwllhaianding hia death, his
sympathetic voice can be reproduced on
countleae records and continue to be
beard (or all lime. Before Mr. Harding
became Identified with graphophone
work be waa a light opera inger oi die
Im llon. Hia voice was sweet and win
some and be sang with convincing spirit
and feeling. While the voices of the
world's favorite eingprs of pt timet are
inraver ailunt. the iff sohotilione makes
piealble the ermanent preservation of
tlia tonea ol our living singers, tlie tint
completion one ol whom to die and
leave his voice imperiahahly enabrined
was Roirer Harding. A waa written w
ttMpen uted by Thouiat Hlarr King, ao It
may now tie aald, In a little ditlerent
aenae, of the graphophone record made
by a alnger or player who hu paased on
wsrd :
"Tlila la the wand the dead musician
With tunlul magic in Its aheath still
DeWitt'e Little Early Risere never
disappoint. They are esie, prompt, gen
tle, eltective in removing all impurities
(rom the liver and bowel. Smatl and
eaaytoteke. Never gripe or diatrees.
Geo. Harding.
Ko,lol Dvsnenaia Cure Is not a mere
" 1 a
stimulant to tired nature. It affords the
rtoinacli complete and absolute rest by
itiireaiinii the (ood vou eat. You don't
have to diet but can enjoy ,all the good
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
Hound trip 25 centa.
flOO Urvrard flOO
Tha radera of thia palter will be
pleased to leain that there is at leant one
dreaded disease that science baa Deen
able to cure in all its stages and that is
catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the
only positive core now known to the
medical fraternity. Catarrh being a
constitutional disease, require a con
stitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh
Cure la taken Internally, acting directly
cpon the blood and mucus surfaces of
the tyatem, thereby destroying the loun
dallon of the disease, and giving the pa
tient strength by building up the con
stitution and assisting nature in doing
its work. The proprietors bsve to much
faith in Its curative powers, that they
offer $100 for any case that it (ailt to
cure. Send for list of testimonials.
Address, F. J. CufsvACo.,ToIedo
O. Sold by DrugglU, 75c.
Hall's Family rill are the beat.
"I had lonff anffered (rom lndiireation." 1
writes G. A. LeDeU, Cedar Citv, Mo.,
Like others I tried man preparations
but never found anything that did me
good until I took Kodol Pyipepaia Cure.
One hoitle cored me. A friend who had
suffered timiUrty I put on the use of Ko
dol Dyspepsia Cure. He ia gaining fast
and will soon be able to work. Before .
be used Kodol Dyipepaia Core indiges- j
lion had made him a total wreck." Geo
felwke Inte loar Sbee.
Allen's Foot Ease a powder. ' It cures
painful, smarting, nervous leet and in
erowing nails, and instantly Ukes tbe
atinff out ot corns and bunion. It'l tbe
greatest comfort discovery of the age.
Allen' Foot-Ease makes tight or new
shoes feel ess7. It it a certain cure for
wealing, callous and bot, tired, aching
fu.t Tr It tolar. Sold bv all drug-
giata and thoe stores. By mail 25 eta.
in stamp. Trial package free. Ad
drees Alien 8. Olmstesd. LeBoy, N. Y.
Fresh Confectionery
Manufactured Daily.
Nuts, Fruits and Cigars.
Opposite Enterprise Office.
food vou want.
Instantly relieves that distressed feeling
riop o.i Iiiit ulvlni vou new ilia ana
caught In the spring seat and In going vigor. Geo. Harding
ftrat alM Hoi Ym k.4 alsiri Bou
Ely's Cream Balm
W. W. CHSlSalK. D. O. C. D. tova, 9. o.
Oateopatta Phyaletana
Graduate of American bebool of Osteopathy
Successfully treat all chmri; diseases
by mecbanical manipulation. Njdrnu
given, Diataaes of woman a iialty.
Examination and consultation free.
Office hours : A to 12 a. in. and 1 to 4 p. ra.
- - Except cUindays.
0Oee,HuomsSaail I, 8uTaasB!dg-spp.Baak
of Ortgoa City.
Usiuos Citt, - - Oacnos.
Hospital and Private Experience.
Offer hi profemlonal service to the peo
file ol Oregon City and vicinity. B pedal
ttenuon pai.l to Catarrb. and
Chronic disease. Best of refer
ences giren. Offlcs in Willsmette
Building. Ottice hours: 10 to 1:' a. m.,
4 to 6 p. m.
k... a inn rrw rnw
Inaomna, with wblcb I have been affilcted lor
oar twenty year, and I can ear that CaacaratS
hare fives me mora ra lief than any other rem.
61 1 bava aver tried. I shall certainly rscom.
mend tham to my friends as being all tber ara
tsDraaeoted." Taoa. Giixsao, Ella, 111
Caay and plaaaaot to
Bxs, Contain do In
Jurlooa inn.
It ia quickly ahaorW.
r:ivM kjill.f at onc.
It ilrna and Cluanai
tha Naaal aa.ayv.
Allan iiiumiiMin'i. . ,
IImIi and I 'im toe ui tha Membrane. Restore Ui
Henaa ol Tut and Smell Urga Sim, W cent s
Wniirctsu or l.r mall ; Trial Sua, 10 cauU by mall.
KLV BltOfaUti,M WarranSUaet, Ja Vor-
1 SV. canov
X vjuot Maa aaaerraainsr
Plate Developed. Views for Sale
Lessons Given to Beginners.
Up Stalrt.
The Enterprise $1.50 per year.
Pleasant. PalauN. Potent, Taste Good. Po
(too. iaar Blekao. Waaken. or Grlp,K)s,!tt,tDa.
Siiian mt tniw cann, anwni. a tm. w
If ft TO RIP 80,4 a04 ICiantnteed by all Srnf
ssaj- a w-vnw aisia w tL
Vat Infants and Children.
Tha Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears tbe
Signature of
You cannot afford to get
along without one. We
Boll tho best Alarm Clock
made for $1.00 and guar
antee it to give satis-,
Woltham and Elgin Watches
ve"""yvy m" 'v o'
Of the latest designs, both in large arid small sizes, in solid gold,
gold filled, siK-er and nickel cases, 4 "' . j w'&
We sell them on the installment plan. Come and see us about it.
And a full line of Photographic Supplies.
We have a complete stock
of Eyeglasses and Spec
tacles in gold, gold filled
and nickel frames.
"We test tbe eyes free o
charge. ai