Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, October 11, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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. . . r l . 1 1 .. n,l II, .til
ii Hchhlon In Tills CM)'.
KlltlllH UIMUJiniOl I'KlNKXnil
ii'rn'li'K "rm ",,l,,a;i'i
Wlilrli Important Itin I ur U
lrniinrl J
lv. Mctllade, Y,,Hn M, McUtiit, j
'Jim iiio.lniNinr o( (ha rienbytiiry will
imeicralit tliii niiM.lliiK mi l Urn llv,
Win. .Travla will i ir.-r tin. Insulting
!( lu't'in .f (hitiktlo llm p.lr Mi'l
church f,r .lr klrxl entertainment
were paaaid, mii Dim I'rnahytery al
Jourtiml to inert October 2i, al7;li.
in. In Hit I'milaud Forbe chinch.
Tucaday evening ilm UH ititx-rn ot llm
I'wahylary l.-fl the i lly. moat of tticln
U'llng to Portland where they took Wad-
lieaday evening' I mln for lUker City to
attend tin. HvikhI. IhirlMK lliflr uliy In
tlilaelly they went rtiitrtaliii-i by llm
ladlca n( llm church at rtm realdi-rica of
Mr. A T. Minr.
Tim lull mewtlng "I Hn rMlnl Pre-
. i i . . i . i I, .
l,)ii'iy ml M'li'iay evenm- i ' i
I vl. imii tli'ircli, ami uirtM.ni wiiii a aer-
iiinii by l''" retiring moderator, ItuV, W.
...!. I 1... L I.I.
H V f t . HHWHH( mtm una ,R
, t limit I J ft IV i V: ' III tbla a Hi
,,i ill t.'l nianllcat ibal ll gave IHa
lot iii " Mr. Wililtt'a ariiiuu waa
an I.H'H'iil imip. He showed tlial Ida
uir ill iiliii"rinrriiiigllot clirt
i,.r ai contradictory, and aaid Dial Ilia
l, auie kliownleilgn W hV of (Jod
rmiipa II. rough the lfk 'l leveiiuiia.
At nim tin'" - l l"V; at ami'lier, ha
ig , jj.-r. Wa ran only Ih aured of hta
through la inaiillna'aiiiiii on ('!
Tin l'tr.l.y'aiy waa constituted with
. ti I. tl , 'I ..I ... I . -
h rreabylerlan l hutch, ol
elm ted u.odetaUir to rva
lug iiimiilrg, and lie. W.
of Calvary 'rvlivifiUu
iliurrli, f Portland, waaelete. Irnico
ury tl'-ra. Kv. Kdward M Khatp,
of tl.a Mount TaUif ('hurt It, waa
to.civr.1 aiiiiiiiit lamination on a Iriti-r
of ilimiiaxtt frutn Ilia I'fr.l.) (of y of lluf
Wo. Tim I'matiylary of I'oitlainl nirl tir.
uanl to aljuriiiiul ! V u'cUh k Tura
ami waa o(n.l wltli a lialf liuur
ilrfotlotial avrvli, M lijr M. i;laafi
M. hlari. Tl.a IhkIppm amion
nno-l ly Ur. M. I M.ClrU.n.l.
ol llm 1'iirtlainl Koiirll. rliurvh,
wly lwln linlrilur, A Irllrl
Pr. UiUiluli, lif (ha fan Anr1mu
Klial hvtuli.ary ail rval. IU
ji an atlaiiilanrw of 14 atinlmiia,
rM of tlmni In H lilor cU, ail'l una
.,1 llic Mf. V.. T. Allen, a tnwii.W
U Ida rordai.it Klml rluiicli, lioiin
i,r.uaUon ttvil A"il rlN ta to f to
rrla if tl.a war lailrar. M'. Kutrona
mi inoinlK-r of Ilia Hrtrliiirrli
it tlirin rml niulr.l aa doing ll
uk. Tla Ka. K.Uanl l. Mnai, U
Ha I'ronliylpry of ltulflo, ami Julian
lUtrti, ot Ida rrt.lyiry of Kearney,
vpiv w lmllln-l ly Ifttrr to tl.a roll of
Jrr.l.rU'rr. Mr. Mibiii la Hi" i.w
i-lor of Mt Ttir rlimcti ami Mr
latU la riilrl anJ llvrln Wa.lilnKfui
utility. Hav. Hiram 1 1 ill. ol Ilia Via-
( )tcry of Oklatiil, waa Invited li all at
rorrixiiiilnit nifnil!.
riia ritiaiinl roiiitnlttiHa rfixirlnl
In turn, lit" iimo ami ruM'tn .inp
ut rointnltti-Ka rlli-itu'l anln.at'il (lit-
t'laalnri. Tlia report "I tna rtiimiti
n Koralun Mloalon ilwnlt on llin ml
.nary work In C'liln anil uoon tha
y.T,-tii iiiratli.a tl.era. Tliroiiith tlftinn
ll lactatha worlJ liaa ban idown that
m tnlkiioiiarv waa Kullllnaa of tl
tliartfo that tlivr ' dMlurlieri of In
1. inatiiiiitt which rliarKo
k lei nitainat Ilium hy tlia e(friira ol
cnwraimloiia riivmlea of tlia kmmI.
Ilia reaixinalhlllty liaa Uen jilai wl
lliinilrt'dn From Ml vrr
tlio County at Marijuim.
Kiltllilti Wrre of the Klnc-t and tu
A(rlruliaral AarlaM'Ui la To
Ho C!,ntratuiat' d.
lirra It boloiina, at Ilia door or tra lora
Mieni'itlvaa jHitlilana.
reh) tvrlal Sunday School Ml-
1 1 inary, lUv. J. V. MilliK". iriwrHHi
veraIacl.M'lorKanueoana iimctiaoirii
ll dfitilutlon. In ona neighborhood
Villi rU nipllln tho dayai tool thero
iu with no prun-aong nriun hi mo
ilihorhood and no j.ri'ililng ly ny
tminlnallon. From April 1 ui OcloUtf
Um mailo 3:W vlalla, ioachod and mad
Iut addntia', to tho numher of 74, ao
i-rage of almoat three week. II
i'inl 12 Itiblew and UmtamenU in tha
nil of pa raoita who were without a
pv ol tha word of Uod. Di.lnimloJ
"7t page of traula and perlodioala and
ivi-lcd 2,013 milt-a. O'Kanuod "va
mlay athooli with !W ofllot-ra and
wi-hcra and 117 pupil", orgaiiUnd two
'ma Iiiipurlmaiita, alUuiil"d county
fivmiiion In Waitliliigton, Loluinlila
I Tillamook countlra. The mlnalonara
ruitiimtiiditd putting two more minla-
In Tillamook county. The bunday
"nil iniaHlonary la conaldered the
t work ol the IWiytory and Mr.
lllltuu wu highly comiuundud (or his
lily In the work.
p'lie riHlgnation ol Hnv. W. 0. Forhoe,
pRMor of the 1'ortland Foiboa church
rmwlvud, and the congregation waa
'1 to appoar at an adjournud nieutlng
Bi ruNbytnry to ahow roaaon wiiy lite
nation should not be accepted.
lie ('omiiilUuea appolnttid to lnalall
v. W. 0. Ixiube over the Uothany and
Kaglo Park churcbea, roorted that
f y Imd porlormod the aorylce.
Iiu mil ol tho Mt. Tabor church (or
pahloral nor vices ol lie v. F.dward M.
f i was put In his handa and accept'
Installation was arranged (or Tuea
P f evenlnur. October 18. Rev. Pr. Hill
I? l. . .. . .....
v yuMch iiio sermon, Hev. J . it. vvuson
r p'., to charge the pantor and ltv. Dr.
t to charge the people. Altornates
Arouml tlm f'uurt llor,
MUllani NiraliUiu hat fllml a milt
agalimt J11IU, hi wi(i, klng (or a do
rrm of illvofi-f, f'nml ml inhiiiimii
treatment nllegi.,1. They wrro mar
ried In Wahlii.'ton, April 10, iHii.land
hav tim e rliil.fn.
.'. ('. r.radley, A. Matl.nr and C. II.
Ildlfhy, have been aH4nted appralaer
of tha eltn ol Jine I, Italley, dv
K. W. Hud hln an I V. T. Iliii. htn
haya been )xi i-t-i adininUltalor ol
thaailalaol Tlioa. A lliltrhlna. Tha
admiiiUlraliU, K.ll A lluirhlna, dind
July 7, 1'WI, while on a vUlt to relative
III tha e4i. Thi'lr bond are Hied at
tl ,) with J. M.Traiy and M. A. Uleb-
hoff aurelle.
Wlllitm Hiown Co. hvn brought
nil glnl liiufil Haiti lo rerovar
ludgtiieal on a prouimiury noU lor
ll.'l'l 27, together with rU and Inlere)
IHti.li k l.aatliam ara Iha utalntiir
attornn, Tha ih lniilnl ha filed in
at.awer to Iha ie, allrg ng that the
note w ( aid in lull In (Member, iMit.
Marriage hceiiw weia granted tlila
Werk 10 llenrlella Moldeuhaner, 17 and
C. I'arrUh, both ol Highland;
Alh-al l Pungi-y. S), an I Auguil A.
Hrwdy, .17; Clara M. 1 1 ill. 1'J, and
Cofr J, li'l.aaiii ; lUrbara htelner and
J hn Kiggln, '.'I
Tla will of Koliert Koberla, who
died Krpteii.lirr 14. baa lieen ad
milled to I'robale, waa made Jan.
fl. PJ01 aiil wllne.e.I by H. V. M.uil
and l. Howard. Margaret Uohrrta I
i.amail a adiniuitratrii, without bond.
Tba ai'traiaer. Charle T. Tote,
Franklin I. Seeiy nd Wuol find
real eat te of Iha value of :KkH) ami tba
(raotial propeily, conaUting ol boraea,
farming imiilemenia, rlc .alltiKi. Tha
alaia la led by ilia will in iha following
manner; Mia, Mrgrt iViiea, daught
er In Caoad, j, Iiwla. Andrew and
Joacdi (na) l-'t eaih; Mr. le!l
I'irlrier,-(datighirr) .H; Mr. IJtilaa
Flnaer, (daughter) JU; Koa ltolwlt.
daughter) l-V; Klma Itohtrla,
(daughtar) f'.ll; Mort Koberta (aon)
Hi. Alter all ilrtii and funeral ei
ienra ara pild the wife tha'l have
OMi.pletn iHinlrol of thereat and peraonal
proiM-rly during her widow hood. In
ra of dea'h nirrjg, the peraonal
prierty ami real late In townahlpS
South, Itange 1 W i-t, containing about
'.'70 arm aha'.l be equally divided lx
tween Allfed Itoberta, Fiederirk Ro'-
aria, by giving Alfred 10 arrva of culti
vated land more than Frederick, Alfred
to have drat cboh-o of land. The
Itoberta family realda In Wllaonvlllo.
V, Staluarker ha filixl a suit for
ulvorre again! Mary Stalnacker on the
ground of ilererlion. They were mar
rlel In Wont Virginia In October, 1875.
T. Wcaaoii, tiholaonville, Va.,
diugglat, write: "Your One Minute
Cough Cure give perfect Satlfartlon.
My coalnniera y it is the lct remedy
for cough, cold, throat and lung troub
lea." (io. Harding.
Tha flftiMintli annual fair of the B'lUe
Creek JAgrlcultural Aaa lation opened
al Manpiam Friday morning and cloaed
Haturday night, alter tha lil't auccea
ful fair In tha hiatory ol the aawa Uilon.
HnudfeiU of pwople liotn the surrotmd-
ing loiiiitry wt-ra prnaeni and ever) body
bad gay time. Homer Davenport was
there and enjoyed blniaell Itilly a much
aa did tlia Hople who came to ae lilm.
Klaie f-Vimt'.r IWowncll made a aia-M.-li
Saturday morning, and In the afternoon
Mr. )venMrt lalkml of early ao(-ia
tloiia. Ha waa raiaed in the IminmllaUi
locality ol Mar via in and knowa nearly
everybody, ao Ida s pencil was received
with linn h Internet. The diplay ol rat
lie, aheen, goat and hog w une'pialled
by the KtaU Fair, and the horaea on tx
hibiiion excited tha adinlrallon ofi ilie
It la truly retnarkabla to coin Dare the
lair ol 15 year ago with tha exhibition
ol today. Mar'i'iain la In the bigheal
kibla atate of agricultural growth and
prosperity, and the lair waa ao event of
gmat aaliafactlon Xt tha offn er ol the
aot-iilun. Th i en hundnxl and twenty
five dollar were awarded in preiuluma
for Iha beat exhibit, and tha compeil
(Ion wa aharp. I'rodu'-Uof every con
relvabte cl were entered, Including
vegetable, fruit, poultry, bore, cattle,
heep, goU, flower, bread and canned
(ruit. The grain exhibit waa the Dt.eat
ever a-u at a iiutle Creek fair, and at-
tractnl inucb attention. A nolewortby
Ivature ol the eahibit w the needle and
(am y work, The Silvrrton Cornel Hand
(uruiahed eicelletit mualc for the (air.
The flr.t premium lor atallion was
awari led to John Njblett, of Molalla.
TaaavllotT Fal.
"No, thunka," anld the and fared man
when bo waa naked to Join a conrival
fiitrty. "The f.vt la, I don't lrlnk.
Found I couldn't nfTord It, ao I awre
off. A number of years ago 1 lived In
the wrat. I wu doing well, Olid I Imd
a batik iicciuiit (but I wn proud ot.
Si clnrr n chrmrc to double my money, I
decided to drow It out. The rtny wos t
iv nrm one, rind, Incoming thirsty, I
stopped to tnliu n cI.-ini of something
cool. I didn't wnic more than five
minute ii ml wo aoou lu line at the
piiylug teller wli.dow. The party
uheiid of ma received his money, and I
wu shoving my (Leek through the
window when t'.; teller pulled It down
and riniiotinced that th bank has aus-
petnliil piiyuient. I believe that the
receiver declared n dividend a year or
to Inter, but the u mount was ao small
Unit I never bothered to collect Hilne.
It wna a pretty cxpviialve drink for
lo I utideratiind, rah." aald A Ken-
tueLInn who waa preaeat, "that you
took that drink alone'"
"It waa tlic Jud'uj-iit of heaven.
uli," remiirUed the Kentucklan aol-euiiily-
Iii-tro!l Free Prcai.
Cough Honey.
Kidney k Backache
Blood and Liver
mmJi nefve Tonics
For CoughB, Colds, Grip, or
"Cold" la ANY PART of body.
" Col., Mli h.. S-)t. S7, IIKO.
For a whole year I roulil do no work anil
walkwl only t,)r liolillnii on to a rlmlr. I (1ia
tomi with four dlfli ri'iit pliyalrlan hnlre
relyel no mllef. The um of two Iwrtllea of
br. Fanner Xldnay and Backache Car
Xm me a oerfm t cure. J. l. l h taaar.
(iaaava, Craforl t o., fa., June K JUiO.
Thmeraar ai(i I had a aerere ailark of
F.rjralpelaa anil l.iooil iiolMin. Iireitklna out on
my beail and fwe. My hylrlan alUonliil
me for aeveral niontha without r-ult. I then
! S hott ea of Lr. Fenaar a Blood anil
Llvar Ramady and Krv Tonla ami arorex)
eouiiiiUicur. iMniiiAKiua.
Oraat Blood Claanilng Kamady for Spring
Uiadacua. ContlnaUuu,"Tlrd," Wrvou.
Mmnf.anoiio, Ky.. S-pl. 7, l!iO.
Dyspepsia Cure
Aa raw-nab Coealry Rank.
Iturul ciihtoinera attach great Im
portance to the bank a outward ap
Iearnncc. A thrifty tmd'umnn having
oiened o riepimlt neeount with a bank
illattilit aome miles from bis booje,
the cunhler l.ud'the curlof.lty to oak
w hy he traveled ao far w heu there was
u In um h of the anniu lutk almoat at
hi door. The d..p-.:tor r.:..:h d kuov
Ingly and replied. "I lnS'-d opjolte
here all the time whil" till beak waa
being built, ao I know Ifa safe." Ilal
nuce aliceta to the ruKt'.c nre a mean
lugle and arbitrary arrangement of
figure. Iron bar he underatand.
In a northern city there la a bank
w ldrly know n for tho artlatlc merit of
It doora. Iiealgueil by ao eminent
sculptor, they are executed la relief
In copper or bronze and appear to rep
resent tableaux from Mp'a Fablet"
and Greek history. About a week aft
er they were unveiled an old man who
had been a dcpoaltor for many years
withdrew his balance and took It to a
rival bank almost oppoalte. Question
ed as to hi reason for changing, be
replied: "I don't hold wT thera doors of
theirs. Punched tin ain't bualneasUke,
and It ain't safe." Longman's.
Golden Relief
I tried all of tha (M'AHn preparation and all
of my own prearrlntloria without avail. I
finally prearrllied Dr. Fanner's Cypenta
Cur and Iha uaaof It f (Titu iI a cure. Many
(.ther almllar rwit that hata romo un'liT my
nlwratloa tia bern rnnd by hla Iya
pi'pala l ure. Ir. V. J. I.tBAaooou.
M; Iar Ir. Fenner. Fredonla, N. Y.
I have uaed Dr. Fanner Oolrten Rallef for
many year for thn iliM-aiwa and areloenu
for wlil' h It i advertlM-d and have found It
fully equal to all fou claim for It.
I Prldlna- Elder H. E. Cuorcn.
Uied for Cut, Brolae, Burn. Old Bore.
Ipralna, Cold, Orlp. Bora Throat, Collo.
bytaaury, Bowal Tronblas, It la nnialllag.
St. Vitus' Dance
Akroa, Oklu, Ju I, I a.
trM M rKarR,fra4aala.a. T.
-I. ! w,i4 main tuM ef yoor at. Vll.t" Imm
ai-iar .mi rr tm lM twn rurp.l br It. It bur.,4
a l.i-.ih, l,f At I 1 1 1 I. M'K I I I o " .
I.awdi'nntn DrlaVIa.
It Is aurprlMng what one's constitu
tion rsn he ninde to atand lu the way
of nnrcoilca. From email lieglnnlnga It
Is poaalhle to go on Increnalng tho
doaea until a quantity con tie taken
which would kill two or three pcraons
unaccustomed to anything of the sort.
In tho ciuirac of n eoroiier's Investiga
tion at Sheffield. Kngland. It was shown
thnt a mnn Imd been a constant lauda
num drinker for ten years. Commenc
ing with a pciinywortu at a tune, uo
had gone on until ho bad taken fully
an ounce a day.
Ask your dm nirl at for Almanac for 1901 containing deicrlptlona of the Kemedlea aad,
Cartilu.au of t&a moil ramaxkabla curaa avar acciavad by madlcla.
For Sale by C. G. HUNTLEY, Druggist, Oregon City, Or.
Going up, 8:00 A. x. Uolng down 2 JO r u
or THE
Str. LEON A.
Foot Taylor 8t,
0 00 A. M.
1 00 V, M.
A 00
- 1
character and gieej reputaiioi. In each atatw
(una In thl contily reiiirrd) to repreaent
and advertiac old ettahlKhrd wealthy boat
tieaa hooof (olid flnanclal itandlng. Hal
ary $18 HO weekly wim exine adilulonal,
all .ayabie In caab each Wednesday direct
from head ofHce. Horn and carriage for-
nUbed when i.aceaearr. Kefrrencc. bo-
elo aelf ddrect tta'iiped envelop
Manager, Sl'i Canton Building, Chicago.
Fool Eighth Sl.
7 fi A. M.
11 11
3 00 P. M.
Oregon City Tranaportatlaw Co.
Pnra Bnajar.
A Ban Francisco chemist says tncro
Is only one refinery in the world thnt
makes absolutely pure sugar, inn
manufactory Is In Germany, ami u
supplies cheinlHts and druggists with
sugar for solutions which must bo un
clouded. This chemically pure article
would not And much sulo for table use,
r it la a dirty grayish white lu ap
ncarancc. When dissolved, It gives a
clear solution, there being no artificial
colorlug mutter In suspension.
Accounting; For It.
"It may he merely fancy," remarked
Mrs. Beildoin llolnie. "but since my
husband began drinking the water
from that Irou spring he has seemed to
ha tea times as obstinate as he used
to be."
"Perhaps." suggested Mrs. Nexdoro,
"tho water Is tinctured with pig Iron."
-Chicago Tribune.
The Penally.
Jlnka How much do you think a
minister ought to get for marrying a
Fllkltm-Well, If wholly unacquaint
ed with them perhnps ho might be let
off with six rufnths.-Eichango.
froeraa ( Their Blaaalaaiara wl
Jeaa. Iw Ceraaaay. ,
A moat Intervatltig account Is given 1
In Tno Idler of the woudcrrul atate
alib-d Induatry at Jena w here glass and
IrtiM-e are made for acientlata. The In
duatry haa la-n built up by I'rofcaaor
A llc and Dr. Sehott. and haa through
out btt-ii conducted by acleutlats whose
rtTorta hare made. Jena fnmoua among
acletitlflc nit-n the world over. One of
the mot plcturcanue feature of the
Jena glaaaworka la the grcot corridor
where the thermometer tubca are
blow n and drawn. saye a corrcytondent.
We eaw till glnaa In proccaa of man
ufacture. A Iwy workman canght a
bit of molten glaa from the funinco on
the end of a blowpipe. It waa hardly
larger than a walnut, but by twirling
and blowing and molding It grew- to the
alzc of an orange, with the shape of an
orange. More glaaa waa then added,
and there waa more rolling and blow
ing, and when the proper stage was
renched the blowpipe waa paaaed
quickly to the brawny uiaater work
lie, In hla turn, added glass, blowing
from time to tlmo with cneeka out-
puffed until It seemed as though they
must burst, and then roiling uie great
ball of glass on his Iron kneading board
uutll It looked like a huge yellow gourd.
Faster aud faster be worked, keeping
the ball always symmetrical ana yei
whlto hot At length he lifted the
glowing mass quickly lu the air. aud a
second workuiau attached the blowpipe
at the bottom. Then tho two men ran
lu opposite directions, twirling tUe
pipes and blowing lustily from time to
time. From a thick, partly yeuow
globe the glass thinned out quickly as
the men ran apart, uutll It became a
dull rod tube not Inrcer than a man a
llttlo finger aud uenrly 300 feet long.
Sometlmea In drawing theae tubca one
of tho blowiica would uot ouly run tho
length of the corridor, but far outside
on tho hill.
A Dlrkrn teller.
George Manville 1'euu la the poa
csaor of a sheet of old faabloned blue
wire woven note paper, which had Its
habitation for years upon the bill Cle
of the tradcaman to whom It waa sent
It tells Its own talc:
"Mr. Charle Dickens Is much obliged
to Mr. Clarldge for the offer of Lord
By rou's flute. Put. as Mr. Dickens
cannot play that Instrument himself
and has nobody In hla bouae who can,
.he bcgi lo decline the purchase, with
thank. Devomihlra -Terrace, twen
tieth. June.
. There la no visible mark of a smile
upon the paper, aaya Mr. Fenn, but
there seems to be one playing among
the words, aud one caunot help think
lug that when Dickens wrota that ho
could not play the flute be must have
,r-cnlled a certain flute sereuode played
at "Mrs. TodvnT Commercial Board
ing HoUHe." written by him In 1S44.
New York Trlbuue.
When Ulchnrd Wagner waa conduct
or of the Iloyal Opera lu Dresden, the
orchestra of that Institution, though
one of the best lu Germany, was far
from being as good aa It Is now, and
Wncuer had a good deal of troubio in
making It follow his Intentions. Some
years later, whou be was living aa an
exllo lu Zurich, ho undertook to train
the local orchestra. After a few at
tempts he exclaimed, "Gentlemen, you
have Just given me a grent pleasure;
you have played exactly aa badly as
the Dresden orchestra
The Zurich players laughed, and the
Idea thnt they might play better than
tho royal musicians In Dresden so fired
their seal that they actually succeeded
lu doing It.
rollahed Fornllur.
When a polished table Is stained by a
hot dish, one restoring process Is to use
first wood alcohol and then linseed or
olive oil. This treatment Is excellent
for keeptng any polished furniture In
order and la one of the few things for
which wood alcohol may be used. The
latter Is cheaper than the pure and for
certain domestic uses la quite as good. ;
rerfemra Were Popular.
The rnge for perfumes reucbed Its
height during the reign of Louis XV.
Throughout the contlneut hla court was
known as the "scented court." It was
then the custom when giving a large
entertainment for the hostess to inform
her guests what particular odor she
would use for perfuming her rooms,
and each guest would use that odor In
making her toilet At court a ulffereut
perfume was used for each day of the
week. Much more attention waa paid
to the use of tho perfume than to eoap
and water, and cleanliness was not
numbered amoug the virtues of that
new Pewrla Ar Sorted.
The average diver thluks It a fair
dny'a work to secure 100 pearl oysters
lu 60 feet of water. After being taken
ashore the mollusks are allowed to die.
when their shells open of their own ac
cord. The pearls are classified by pass
lug them through a aerlea of sieves,
which asaort them Into different aires.
Those which are very small or de
fective are sold to make a preparation
for sore eyes aud nervous complaints
thnt Is very popular In the east Pear
Superstition Aboat BneealnaT.
Xenophou, rromotheus. Themlstocles
and Cicero regarded a snccte as a IS'
Torahlu omen. Among the Hindoos and
rerslnna, however, snecslng and yawn
lug were ascribed to demoniacal pos
session. Tho Hindoo snaps his thumb
and finger and repeats the name of oue
of his gods. Tho Moslems believe that
tho devil may lean Into a gaping mouth.
aud heuce when he yawns ho draws
tho back of his hand over his mouth
and mutters this prayer, "I seek refuge
with Allah from aatau, tho accursed.'
Tha Moat Expenelra Hat.
The most expensive hat lu the world
U undoubtedly tho ono which waa pre
sented to General Grant while he waa
In Mexico. in 1883. It cost U00 and Is
now to be aeeq Ju the National museum
at Washington and la the finest sped
men of a Mexican sombrero ever made.
SHU Draamlnsr.
"I feel now quite satisfied that there
Is no life ao happy as a married one.
"And how long have you been mar
ried r
"Sine last Wednesday."
When you buy goods at
our store, for our guaran
tee goes with every pur
chase, whether it costs
little or much.
Complete stock of Gro
ceries, fresh Bread, Buns,
Cakes, etc., always in
Ycu leave your order;
we do the rest.
Now Is the time to buy your w all paper
and MUR.ROW, the paper hanger, will
sell it to you cheaper than you can buy
it in Portland Drop a card in the post-
office and have a aample book brought
to your house, or telephone Ely Bros
J. MURROW. Oregon City.
Tins Caso P. C. & O. K. K.
(Coach St.)
7:00 a- u. 7:05 a. U.
7-45 7 5
8:30 8.35
9:15 9.J0
10:00 10.05
10:45 10:50
11:30 n:35
u:i5 r. at. 1 j.jo p. u
1:00 ixs
MS 1:50
30 35
yis y.20
4o 4:0$
4:45 4:50
5-30 5:35
6:1s 6:20
7:00 7:05
745 7:50
8:30 only to 8:30 only to
Milwaukie Milwaukl
10:3c 10:30 ,
l Mot only to 11:40 only to
Milwaukie Milwankie
11:504 Sat only
'Except Saturdays, then only to Mil
waukie tBscept Saturday, then to
Oregon City. Eqccpt Saturdays. 4T0
Milwaukie only.
Astoria & Columbia
River Railroad Co.
ex. D'ly
P.M. A.M.
6 .v a on;
Efl ective
July C, l'K'l
8 ofl 9 Oft..
8 20; 9 lt . .
8 38, 9 .V.,
8 U 9 40 ..
8 SO; 9 50i.,
8 58 10 00 .
9 08 10 10 .
9 19 10 21 .
9 37 10 (
10 00 11 021
'. Portland
....Ooble ....
Rainier ...
.. Marger ...
...Quincy ...
. laiskauie .
.Mainland .
..West port . .
.. Clillon. ...
Knapca ...
Arilt 10
10 08 U 10!.... Bvetifen
10 20 11 22,.. ..John Da.
10 3IU 30i Ar.. Astoria .Lv
10 0ft
9 S2
9 3.1
ft 30l
9 2ti
9 K
9 O:
8 52'
8 3'
8 1
8 07
7 4.M
9 40
8 20
8 00
7 54
7 40
7 3d
7 2S
7 17
7 02
6 42
6 S3
6 20
6 10
Many a man has found, after mixing
politics with his business, that he has
no business to mix with his politics.
Chicago News.
Two Act of Dying.
The popular Idea that tho act of dying
Is a painful process often causes a fear
of death. Hut death from even tne
most painful mortal diseases Is usually
preceded by a period of cessation from
suffering and partial or complete insen
sibility resembling falling asleep or the
pleasant gradual unconsciousness caus
ed by nn antcsthetlc.
The common phrase "death agony" Is
not warranted by what occurs In natu
ral death, which Is a complete relief
from all pain. When death Is owing to
heart failure or syncope, It Is sudden
and painless perhaps pleasant Death
by banging, there Is reason to believe.
Is attended by a voluptuous spasm.
Death by decapitation or electricity Is
onlT a momentary shock, hardly reit.
Death by poisoning varies In painfull
ness according to the poison empioyea
Opium and other narcotics probably
ctve a painless, perhaps a pleasant.
dreamful death. Hemlock, as we know
from the account of the death of So
crates, causes gradual Insensibility
from below upward. On the other
hand, arsenic, strychnine, carbolic and
mineral acids, corrosive sublimate, tar
tar emetic and other metallic poisons
Inflict slow and torturing death. Trus
slc acid and cyanide of potassium cause
quick and painful death. Humanita
rian, ,
11 30 a. ta... ... 7 40 a. n
8 15 a.m... j ... 5 60 p. iu
6 15a.m.. .1 f.. 12 30p.ro
2 30 p.m ... I cp.oiDF i 7 20 p. n
5 n0p.ru... f SEASIDE i 1S0p.ro
9 45a.ru... J I.... 9S0a.iu
All trains make close connection at Ooble
with all Northern Pacitio trains to or from
the East or Sound Points.
At Portland with all trains leaving Union
At Astoria witn 1. K A a. uo. Boats ana
rail line, and 8ieamerT. J. Potter, to and
front llwacoaml North Ueach t'oiuls.
Ticket office. 2A5 Morrison St., and Union
depot. J.C. MAYO, Gen. Pass. Agt.
ASioria, ura
f!iil;iliii' Lie.
By the fast
and com
modious steamer
Leaves Portland daily except
Sunday at 7 a. m.
This ia the Great Scenio Route.
All tourist admit that the scenery
on the Middle Columbia is not ex
celled for beauty and grandeur in
the United States. Full informa
tion by addressing or calling on
J. S. BOOTH, Agent,
Tel. 914. Portland, Or.,
Office and wharf, foot of Oak St.