Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, October 11, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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Legal Notice.
In Ih Circuit Court of Ih 8tl of Ore-
aeon for lb Ooanty ol Clackamas.
Btalnakar. pit ft. I
To t alnalrr, lit abor-iamed d-
In I (if nam ot th of Orfon. You
Sir hirhy rrq -.Ired to awr and answer
th yni laiM Med scalnat Ton !n h
Nit emitted cu on of btor Ih 27th
J1 ol Nornihr, l'i. hlrh It tu arrkt
Her K-ioNr tl, th dat orilrred tor
th firat public 1 1 on of tltis Ootic, ami II
yon fail lo arsr a-'d anaarerth plaintiff
ill apply lor U rriirf prtyd (or to hit
complaint hre,n. Wvait:
Fur dcrr dnwiiring lb bond of
matrimony ro w ni.tr-g ttn plaittUtT
ih! d'tetuta-il, and lor inch oiher an.l
fun hr relirl at 10 Hi court an,t meet
nd J ift. Thl fumn.o' it pohltth.! bT
pmr o( Hon. Tboa. F. liyan, JuJ ol Ih
IVmniy Onrt
lad and ntrd bi iih dar of 0,-tobrr
Alton r for Plaihltfl.
..tire t Creditor.
Notice it i.errrv givtn (bat the umtr-
ijrnrd bat fceen duly appoirtd by th
wunty court 01 ilia aiat ol lrecoti, for
t'lack.maa county, lrcuirix of lb lat
anil and ttamet,'t ol Rohrt Roberta, d
nN All iron hateg c,aimt aom.
UM tal of Mil" Kohert Kobrna, deceased
mrt bereft miiid to present lb aant lo
ae properly tenant, a by law rvquirnt.
t any rrai.w nc in llraant Hill precinct
in i iifiimu county, it-eiron, aubiu tu
noii I! f from the ut hrf.
Eicutru of tu fcUtatc of Robert Rob-
trtohr 4. I I.
.4nallafrtttrl. ."tattle if Naif
Nolic it hrrrby ftvan that by virtu of
nnMarof lh county court of ihttai of
(rrirn, or 10 I, ion. ah counts, inait In
Ih tatof Arthur . Sicker nn, t1oral,
authorial,, ti. ram. I n on In ,h day
ol ivtoher, I at Ih hour of I'lo'tkMk a.
m. al th front d.o of Ih county eonrt
hO'iae, In Orcn City. Oark.m.i couuty,
Orefron, proornl 1 1 tell It pmai !. f tf
rh In hin.l, n.J ail (vntii.u Mid aal
andr).irt lo Mil until ani l, Ih f.illoain(
d-ritt1 rrtl inuru. nui In th
C'UiMT ol Oiat kaiiiaa, Hal ol Urruon, lo
liiinllil a point I4.-Iiain noMb of Ih
fcMith ral cortirr ol .-luii Jit, in oi Mr
S uth ol ranr (, xiint tm
in pnir ol Id oouiilT roa.t. and Inrlud
In ail ih land tuoai on ! .t ti.t iti
Hi count n i l lra.lt' ( trtnt tiraiiaiu a
r rrr. and ol I bx William .-'ni to
John II. h.r. on April 4. IvM. aNut
tlirr acrrt; d. ol abirb i of rvoird and
rfric 10 ahlct ! l.rhr nia-l
A 1mlnliratni ! thiatol Arthur L
Nbkron, dard.
Srpt. r.mi.
Ii! Mm Cuuttnup To Head Ir-
Police l I'iaial hflilcaacBt.
N'olic it hrby piTrn tliat Ih tindr-aij.-r.Kt,
Ih tircutor of th laM will an.)
trtan nt of lrtiiardt y lanl. drrrad,
bat 6 1 in th otiniT ourt of C'.ackamaa
countT 0rton, bi tinal account at turh
irutor. and t! at Money, Octotwr II,
I'.tPl. at th tour ol lOo'r .ick a. nv. at tti
coun'y court room of Clackamat county
OnMron, ha brn a;.inied aa lb Urn
ltd i-Iac t-y aaid court for th haring and
deti rn.ii.ii j any ai.J a:l nhjcrvin thrrvto
Eiccntor ofth !t u and liaiitot
f Urn.l.ardl y.iant, dVfvaard.
d Office .Ur.
TJ?ii;J State Land tiffic. Oregon City,
Onoo, Au)tut i1", 1A L
To hon. it o.ay conorrn :
Koticr it bcivhy firm that lb Orrgnn
and Caiifornia la;!rad C.iupai.T baa KtrU
In Una t'ffii a tut of lamia auaai'nl in th
IOtlltUll4lmiltM tlrl.ia i.,H kn..,..Ul
lor a p!i t lor aid iandt; tnat u. luuarrl
on to th pubhc for inttction and acoi y
thro( by deaciiptiv aoWiTiaiona, bat
fcocn IwirJ in a eui.Tnwnt plac. lu thi
m, lor the intprctiui. ol aa troti in
t"W a-'id to : b pi.thc rtirlly, ;
Jrgufl and Cali'ortua Railroad laiKlt,
Oregou City iin lnstnct,
t'rusou. i
8up;lerrintal LUt
Siith, Eat,
Townthip, -- Rar r,
6, 1
WSeC-lT. Loul.tS.
Vj,o'E. tolSJ4 and n. t,
Sre. 19
6upplnnul )J,t 131
South, Eatt,
To m naii ip, Kai.p,
6. 4
All 8 a. 13. IS. IT. 19. SI. J5, ?7. 29
lxa. Sand 4. N ol NWU. ftU ol
'. oi SW ; and of S 31
AU Ski. it Jt 55.
Withiu th ticxt tixty day foiloving tbc
alate of tbi nolle, prointi or kwihu
Againat tliedaiin ol Hi company to any
naci vr uuuitijoii aiunil any auction or
Pct of arction, dff-cnrd in th Hu, on th
ground tbat tb am it more a!uabl lor
mineral than lor ain-uliura) parpo. will
nwura ana ouird lor report to th Ueu
cm ina uue al ahiiirT0ii, I) C
Vu Giuxiaar, Kcccirer
In th ("iftiiit Curt of th 8 at of Or
jon, lor th t'oonry ol Vn.anlia.
Tb Firat Naiionai Bank of Walla
ai a. a Corporatiuii, I' aitiiirt,
C. B. Wad, a a tnrnnlmtor of
tb Eiai ol K.trar Hrouliion,
rtroasl, Jan A. ttroutitnit,
Milford H Hrou'Mon, Kav
lirMif .lor.. Ctrri ?. 8 J.
aa. A. S i'raraou and Mary
1'raraon, lVri'da'ita.
Stiti or ! .
County o l larkamaa.1 "
Ry ri'tn of a J'iittfinnloMr. oi-crr and
xrutkn, duly uud out ol and un.l(r io
al Of th ttx) t,tlllrtl i.rt. In th lv I
ntttil rantr, to n iliny jirvr. .od
datt th l.'ih itatol Sptnhr. I'.'l ur"i
an onir of .and rnt-d In aant court on
Ih 2 i day ol AuKtlt, I'i'l. tr. lanor ol lit
ftri N.ti ma (tana ol V.i Wi a. a ro--l-atior,
at i laii.tirf, and an at C. H
ail, at a.imii i-trior ol It r'a i K.i
Car B'S'iitthton. drcrd. Jn A. It-ouh-
ton, Miih'rd H. rlixxik-hioii. Kai ltn.0ii.to-..
Carrie !-. S. J. J.T.fr A f. l'aron
and Ma-y IVincn, itrirndinl. for rum
of w, an b mirrri ttirrvuii at t. rai
f ! tr cn(. ir annom from lb "i dar
ol May, IKti, and tb lurtbrr mm of f I0 (O,
ti ifiMnrj'i lr. a"J tb cott of and uion
ihlt ait. conin ardinr n lo n.ak a of
lb K!loiiif dri-ritvd 1 proprt. titu
at tu lb count v oi Clatkamas. aiatt of
l)rfrn, loan:
lti ininihrl on Hi. in block nom
brfi Tn (II). of Jiiit.iwi Cut. aci-rdii.(
to U plat ti rrof. on hi in l.'i offl,- ol
th Kcurdr of Clackaniaa rounty, ttat
of Orwott.
o. thrfur. bT trirtu of ai.tcn
t'On. judtn.nt oMrr anl dcr, and in
compiianc aitb tb cunitnandtof aaid arnt.
til, on
tlMJBri artbf HrU Hat fr4
Tkrlr K la th ('Mot Ur
Ih Chlrkr-rlnf,
toTH Mat!ryloit.
W II IVyaK'. 31 un-huoJrxlilii ra
in A Siralihl I I. IM 8 r S f A-
. . ... ... I ..II . T L' I? b - ti
aiM al io i U'i M ' ;
TuaiaMn Acalmy n.l 1'ai-lflc I'nltfr
ily, loU:'7 lM iiio, l!k bi, Minili-xii.
A . I al :V 37 ami aol.l to .Mnkk-!i A
J..mti for (1 Ml
W J It. nil., M 5 an.l It, Mil 7, South
O p A.ca.'l at 1.1 :" an.l aol.l to J T
A r n for II N. I
I II H.ymonJ, l.m 5 lo 9 Inc. lh W.
Mm l horn Awo. at f.'V 71 anj "KI
t j C II JoliniKin lor l-V
thi 1'ioNnn oavs or the wist.
Aatr'a II Id Ma lb
I tilk.r.l A.bl,.al -
pt...rd In thla 'alrrraallra
ma Jim Mar'a llurd II I J.
Krtcv J (' liwsl,
von r thi ibmm)
hl Men
I'nblic Sihoola
Wmttinvn of lb WurlJ
Y. M.l A
M K Ihurrh
L'nitnl Artiaana
Hii Viw Oiurth
O V. W
kl Cro.
k. o. t y.
r orrattHt ,
frrthi Icrtan Churib ..
I. 0. U. F
. V.l77
. Bid
. ItCi
VoT roll Tilt CllirKtBIMO.
WoMlron U th WoilJ V,X6
Public Sthoota I9.4i)7
Knight of th Maivabr
lnrvational Chorrh ...
Y. M. C. A
rni'tvl Artiaana
A.O. l V
I 0 O. F. a .....
C. A. 5ah
.11. KM
. 74
. 13
I'art'at IM f l..d I4 hr th t atj
Fr 1i97 Tax pa.
at tb hour of I o'clock i. ni., at It f-on
door of th County Court Houa in mCiT
of Oracon City, in aaid County au.l S'at.
teil at pnb icauc.ion.aahr-ct to r-Jau lion,
to th utfnm bidder, lor I'. S. iroid coin,
rab in hand, all U. r:ehl. ti'l and intrri
bicb th aitbin nan.d rtr l'nli,i. ut
ttber of tiim bad on to dat of tb tnort
aar hrmii or tine bad la or to th aborr
derenhrd ral proirty or at y part tbrrvof.
lo aatlafy aaid xcanon, juuamn ordr.
deerr mlrrrat, cova and all accruinc roata.
Sheriff of Carka-naa cour ty. Orrton.
Dated Orncon Cay. Or.. N-pu 1G, tvl.
.Xatire f ( rrdltara.
Aottce w hrrety (riTrn tha' the under-
augnel baa been uulv appointed by 16
oniii; co'iri o. me state ol Urcjton for
liarianai cunty, eiecutor of tb last ill
nd tettament ot A. J. fa artel I. deceased
AH lrvm Davit.,; cia;in( airainat Ui
estate of aaid A. J. Saatell. deceased, arc
tierehy mjuin-d to present the anw to nie
properly Trritieil. a. hy law reoiiired. a'. Ui
ftice of the counfr rrour :er, Tom P. Ran-
aja l. in Oregon Cit. On-g n, ar thiu ail
Biomtii from tbedai hrf.
Ejci.trix ot tue Eaiaia ol A. J
ain, dtteatd.
Deted September 21, K"'L
police for 1'nbllcatIoB.
Timber Land. Act June.3. lgTS.
t'l i'ed Pt.-ea .nt office, Oregou C
Oreran. Aoe 3 11.
fiouce la nerehy civen tbat n com.liatice
vim th prn itiona ol the act of Concre
of Jun 3, 17. etititd. An act lor tb
ale ot timoer land in ti.e State ol Call
forma. Or-goti. and Waahington
Ternio'y," aa iirmle.) to all th Public
Laiid Matrt by art ol AuptMl, 12,
of Portland, coui-ty of Multnomah, Mate ol
Urcjioii, baa thi" itay filed in tbit office l.er
worn Hainuei t .Nu Wvj !or llie purcba
oi tu , oi t. ani a ot aa , of aec'ion
Vo. 3i. in twn-hip So. 5 aontb, ra' fr No
3e, of th W. it. and il otter proof to
hoar thai U e laud aougM is more valuable
lor its limner or atone (nan f r aericnllural
purpo, and to tb'!!!li l.er claim to aid
land ltor th Rej.tr and Receiver ol
lb i a ortice at Oreir.jii t 'itv, Oiep .n on Tburt
flay, ibe 2tUi day of 0 tober. i'Jtl
Hh "an.. k aif.eea: J 0 Bark.
Lonia Thompaon, O P. M. Jamiton, of
fortiand, ab AitienK K r ol Moiaila
Any and ail irn..i claimiiiK avlerely
the above le-crilie. InndK are rnpiettel to
ie tb'ir claim iri tbn c.ffi on or before
aid L'Uli day ot Octoher. fl
CHAS. R. if'.iORES,
Saloon I.irrnae.
K ittceiH hereby Kiveo that I will ap
ply to the next reiiUr aiM'wn of the
city cntmcil of Orejtun City for a lieenr
to liquor at my place of btirine8 on
Main and Eighth street.
Philip Rooa.
Oregon City, Ore(o i, Oct 8,1901.
.ttiee r Publlrallati.
IVpartmnit of tb Interior. La'vd OtBce
at Oretron Citj, Orearon, SpL St, 1'Jil.
NotH-e ia berebT inn that lb Kiloin
named tetber baa n.rd notice ol bit Inten
tion lo make final proof in aupport of bit
claim, and that aaid trot aiiibe mat
hefare the KKtfr and Krc-irer at O'f.-on
Cuy, Oregon, on November It, 1:1, ti:
H. E. No. 111 for tb n4 of w. tSi
and e; o' e 4. t 4 t, r 3 .
H Damn if Mloii aritneaae io
prore hia eontinuu r.iil-nc opon and
cul'ira ion of taid lard vn:
R trt Miller. Aaa K. Haarkii n.arle.
C. Miller, blierman Coop, all ol GartJekl
Tot ."Isbl AlartM.
. . . . . .
ne nigni 017 Diotner 1 hahy cat
taken with Croup," write; Mrs. J C
SniJer of Crittemlen, Ky., it aemel
it woaM strangle be'ore we co'ild gt
doctor, ao we gtve it Dr. K'nt'n New
Lnacovery, which save qnick relief and
permanently cured it. We alwaja'keet
it in the hone to irte-t our chil.Iren
from Croop and Whooping Co-ih. Ii
enred me of a chronic bronchial trouble
that no other remedy would relieve."
Infallible for Concha. Col.la, Throat and
Lun(f Trouble. 50c and $100, Trial
bottle free at Geo. A. Hardifiir'i.
Lew a 0 kerman, Goshen, Inl. : "De-
Witfi Little Early Ki-era never be-nd me
double like other pill", but do their work
thoroughly and make !eel like a boy,"
Certain, thorough, gentle. Geo. Hard-
ixiuriniAis' 3ior.r
To loan at 0 Per cent and 7 0. r pnt r.n
land, farm property or chattels.
$2,001 OO.-Two lo 6 year.
1.500 00,-Thre) jeari.
1.00 00, Four year.
Oft.-One or 3 1 ears.
750 W,-0ne year!
fiOtllJO. One or 2 yean.
50 ) fJ. Tan years.
2T4.(i One or 2 year
l.Vi.tM. Land or Ohattel.
liAi.fl, Chattels
Joll.X W. LODKH,
Attorney-at law.
Stevens B'ld'g, Oregon C ty, Oreg-n.
Motheis everya here praine One Min
ute Couk-h Cure for the sufjVrintrr it has
relieved and the live of their little ones
it nas saved hUikes at the root of the j U'Ren for $13.
trounie ana araws out the 11 fUromation.
The children's favorite Cough Cure.
Folloain ia a partial lit ol tb prop
erty fcold at th m-ent aal from th J.
hoqoeot roll of IS.i:', lsw aod lsy7,
to h ch tb county acquired till by
bidding In the property at a former aal.
The oaiu of the pervoa to w boat the
land wa aeJ. th amount oi the
tax againat th property, th nam of
th purvbaver, and tb amount sold for
it aiven :
William UrKenii, lt' of till;, awe
I.t3. r4. Aaed at JS SO and
old to Wia Mrken! lor $31.
Wm M Kerxie, lot 0, e 13 t 3. r I .
A-aeJ at $12.07 and old to Wm Mc
kei xi for $11.
Richard McMahon, lots 3 and 4, blk 23,
( anem.h. Aaacd at $:'t 79 and sold to
P II Marl.y for $13.
Roth Nelaon, 3 acre In A P fmUh D
L C. t 3 , r 2 . Asead at $1 S3 and
o d to II lmgcuy (or $.'.&0
Sarah E Nottatrnm, tut 8 blk 6, Barlow
Aeaaed at $13 0 ao i soid to W p Ha
ley for $10.
Viol Nolan, Iota 44 and 13, Pieaaant '
Little Home j . Aaawd at $cU3
and sold lo P U Marlay for 50 cents.
H A 0!ean, aei c 3H, t 4 , r 8 .
Aaeed at $7 and aolJ to W P tlaa
ley lor $10.
TEOi.n1los3o8lne, blk IV and
Icr-a 5. 0, 7 and 8. blk 14, Milwaukie. A
-ael at $19 89 and Sold to P II Marl.v
for $10.
T A McRride, hlk 34, countv add to 0
C. Aaaeaeed at $liW.39 and told to T F
Kyn I r $M.
Johnaon McCortnark. lot 3. 3 and 4.
b!k 179, 0 C. AimibI at $28 W and
old to P H Marlay tor H.W
I B McCullr and A BCrjaaman, it4'
ol nm-i and u. of a and ae,'4' of aa '4'
of sec 29, t 0 s r 3 . Aaaeaaed at t" 74
and rjid tu F J L"Ken for $10 5".
C V UcCown, ni of t of ne'.' kvd
s ot ne'4 and lot 1 of ae 23, t 5 s.
r 1 e. Aed at $2J.32 and aoid to W
P Haalry for $23.
Malcolm 8 JU-Coan, loU 6. 7, 8, JO and
11, blk 9, Gladstone. Asaeaaed at $14 "9
and aold to T F Uyan for $11.50.
Maxatie McDonald, n,'-.' of bik 50.
CI' karoa Heik-ht. AMeawd at I I P.I
and cold to P 11 Marlay for $2.50
Keliy McFarland i acres in I Cran
field D L C, I 2. r 2e. Ajod at $5.04
and aold 10 P 11 Marlay f -r $7.
Edward McU, n of aec 34, t 5 a,
r3. Aieed at $14.51 and aoid 11 V
II Marlay for $21.
Monice Paquette. nwt4' of ..' of aec
Zi. except 31 73 acres. t5s r 1 e. A
sesed al $2.83 and aold to A Knapp for $1.
Mra is fc Psquet'e, si; lot 4 blk 49. 0
C. .Wea-ed at $27.22 and aold m Ann.
M rrarerfor$l.
Mielmel Pendleton r.e.'4' ofne,1, and eW
I ' .IT.. .. . .
;4. rev .o, tor, roe. Aa-etwed at
$20.40 and .old to T F Ryan for fCJ.
Jarriea. f Parker, ti of sw H and lots
3 and 4 3 c H.lUrC c Ati.eae,d at
f".13 at,d aold to ii Jai-ques for $7.
0 A PetterM-n, n!4' of aec 9. t 2 I. r
7 e. Anned at $23.30 and s'Id to P II
Mariey for $52.
Ren ton Phillip, 5 aires in sec 32, t 1
r 2 e. Awswl at 17 and aold in If J
w' of ae mrc S. t 2 S r 5 . laaeaaed
at $17 m and sold to P II M !' ' " I-1
Arthur 15ia, ar1 of '4 acv 3rt, t t S
r 3 a. Ataar. at $t 75 and aold lo P II
Mariey for $S.
Vivian and Slvealer II Ice, 3 actca In
McM ib n n I. C. 1 1 e r 3 n, A.e.
al $.1 4'.' and aol.l to A Knapp (or $2.
rred K'K-licl. '4 0 2. I 3 S f !)
Aaaeaacl at $7 30 and ld to P II Marlry
lor $10.
C K K xieil, lot 3 and 4, On hard
I lift. Aaacard at $'1.5(1 and 'd to L K
William for $..' 50.
Rulten Root a, part of Maraliflnld As
ae.w.l at tl (M au.l aold to P II Mailer
for 50 renta.
John Kotiritt h and II kauhUn, lie'4
of r4 and a .4 of 0 '4 and lot 4, av 0, t
4 r (1 e. Aaacaanl al $5i 0.' atid sid lu
L tierllnger for $ J
Eatat of Wm Kjan, , of -'4 of aw
10, 14sr3. Afc-d at l.'lxO and
aoid to A Kuapp lor $lo 5.
Haiti Salmon, lot 7 of 10, t 3 , r
3 e. Arae. at i-'i.U.) and aold lo F J
L"Ken tor $17.
IWrth ."autler, lot 1 blk 8, Sbaa's Firat
avl I toO ('. A-e-e. at $'.'. I an I a-.l I
to P II Marlay for Menu.
Luii N.liuudt. lot 14, blk 0. O C A
rtex. Aaaael at $2.51 and a..;. I to A
Knapp for $1-50.
S S. linelir, n,' of rav 30, t 2 . r 7
A,! at $70.37 aud M to J II IkdU-
m.Iler f r .l.5).
Michael Srhairota, 10 acre In C 3, t
3 . r 3 . Amh at $J W and 4 I to
A Knapp for $'i.
Ivt Mrauaa A Co, 19.S5 v ra in L I
Cra PLC, a-c IUii It. A-a at
$13.SJ and aold to P II Marlay l.-r ) l.'aj
Erank S'row bridar. n'4 of a'4 of aec
23. t 2 r S e. Aard at $7.M aud suid
to W P lla:y UK
ii .Vhruidler, lot 12, blk ?J, Clarkatuaa
lleigbtt. Aaed at $11M aiid Void to
Pil Marlay U&Ocroa.
Clara J -kinorr, lota 10. U and 12, blk
29, Cavrohridf. Aamavl at $5 and aold
to M Wilcox for 10.
JopU Mutua. 34X21 acre In v 17,
IH, 19 and 20, being a part of Jau Mc
NaryDLC.tS f 2 e. A! at
$175.10 and r.lJ lo P II Mariey tor $75.
W II fcillera, lot 9 blk 9, Man hbank.
Aa. od at $8 IS and aold to L E Wil
liams tor $1.50.
WPrimittt, lot 40 blk 70. M.nthorn.
Aaaeaakr.) at $ 15 and aul I lo A iam
Crocnblpy (or $1
T II Bmiih, lota 17, 18 and 35, 52 In 57
loc, 59 to 68 Inc. Pieaaant Lit I H me
No 1 Aaartwi al $7 90 and aoid lo
Ad us Crombley (or $1.V).
Ileirt of Wm Htrirklio, n'4 ol n4,
ec IS, t 4 a, r 4 and te4' ot w and
Si of 4' aec 7, t 4 s r 4 . Aa-i
al $iS C9 and sold to P II Marlay (or $5
Georina Svarvtrnd and Jenm
Fraxivr, loU 13. 13, 14 and 16, h.k 9,
Mart'hbankt. Aea-e, at $7 to and oid
to J Z -ek I a $5.
They overcome Weak
ness, irregularity and
omissions, increase viar-
or and banish "nain.
of menstruation." Ther are "F.IPr! rai"piS".? .'?f
womanhood, aiding development of organs and body. No
known remedy for women equals them. Cannot do harm-life
becomes a pleasure. $l.O0 PER HOX II Y MAIL. Sold
by drurcUU. DR. MOTT'3 CHEMICAL CO., Cleveland, Oh!?
For sale by Charman 4 Co., Draggigt. i
E Phillip., ptrt of b!ks J5 and 42, Min
thorn. ABfu-ned at $27 53 and sold lo
AlarifHret L Roberta for $.').
Herman and Nancy Pr.re, yt A nwj4'
of nee 1 1, t 3 s r 5 e. Aasesned at $22.63
and so d to J t Bolterniller for $23.
E A Platts, of si-c 30 t 2 a r 7 e.
Arwesed nt $77.71 and uhU t II JacnueB
for $2.
Leonard V Plummer, blk 44, Shannon's
WlUlaaj ta Obtla.
The young man ji from town and
wa spending a Pmiday In the auhurJ,.
Tie knew far more ntatit horaea and
carriages than the local livery sales
man, and ao his Intmlrw w ith the lat
ter w hen he aotight to hire a "r'g" for
the afternoon was tlngil with a gentle
:r of patrotiace on hi part. "Oh, Lave
you a trap you caryti t me havcT
"One that will holdtwoT
"Yea. or 20." from the obliging coun
try tun n.
"Oh. really! Have you a stylUb road
agiD r
"Perhaps ycu Lave a rpldtr or
I Krt water hucgy, or on vy,nd thought
i i.ii.-iii jinier b rubier t:mi tianjru.
You an acroinmodate me?"
"Yea: all kind cheerfully furnished."
"Can you give me a laah whlpT
"Y.n; Mith a fancy tsaa."
"Oh, well, w Lnt kind i f a borae can
you turn otit-a short tilled orieT
"I think ao." came gently from the
wearied proprietor; t!ien In stentorian
h nea to his man: "JaLe, can you give
this gentleman a short tailed horse? If
not. cut one at once."-riiort Stories.
11. e km! rat phy.li.il ti I r v r IHctil
t u r n...i, liklu-.l In ti l i wintry was
!i ri le of I'. X. An' u-y from the
l.il.l of riimta v, N. M. to th Pule
I a.innrv lit liidiqwinlrure. Mo., dl
time of luiirty N' nilh. through
of '.' ami lountry lnti.liii.-l by Mnilikr Indiana,
a larr p.irt of wbli h tin then a san
dy laert. It wna aUmt th yr
1V. tbat Atllitrj g.i hi uoinhlful
of litlttiflll eli.liil.ni r, l-forw whU't)
nil ntlii-r n t tti ft " 'f 1 1'" kind pal
t.ilo Inalgtiirii am r. II m I short,
na t y act man, 3s jmn of ss lu th
prime of i muliood ami tfrviL'th. Ill
.iiini-a for lrn year at a Uinta F
Innlcr had inad tiltn l-rrfrvtlj fa
ulliar wltU Hie trail and all th atop-
pllitf t'l.ir. II i perl ml horao
limn. and. allliotifc-ti thev wrr great
1 1. 1ra hi tin day. Ton of them
mrnl to Uiapot tb liu with Att-
i- !
Dti a wagi-r or $l.r) l.e uudrrlook
to rldr alone from hints to nd
paiidrtji-v lii.l.le of alt itaja. It was
wltbotit a thoiiifl.t if frar that b Ut.
tteitook ti c lilrll-lo frot. It was to b
the supreme effort of Li :fo, and It
a.-nt half iloreti of the awtftrat borar
ahead, td l atatlotiixl al ddrrvut
Hillit for Ua lu Ih rid. II left
.Hants I lit replug gallop, and
that was the ( kept tip during t.r-ar-1
rtrry htoir of the time until l fell
falnltiig from LI f.nm rinrml bora
tu the s juar si Imh peu h-iu. No
llinh rtull krvp up ttllU llie rnlrf, and
lis would hi' killed etrry bora In
the Meat ratlor than hi ire failed In tb
iiiidertaklKg It lo k Liiu Juai ft days
aud 'J lioura lo perform tb feat, and
It coat tho llrra tt artrral of h! brl
After belpg carricj into a row Its th
old hotel at lbdr-nditic Auhrry lay
for 4 hours In a ad ti;r trfor be
cam to Lis rti.ri would nrvrr
tiSI recovrrrd from th abmk b. II
not t-cn f..r bla wonderful ronatllo
Hon. Th feat wti unanlmnualy r
garl-tt t.y Wetem Ineti at thr gresteat
vthitiitlon of strength and cii.luranr
rtrr known on lb plain
Th ride tf Jim JI'mr, noted fron
llrratuan ol Ibr pk.turr data, la alao
worthy of mention JI..r waa a nian
of sltno.t J rfeet pb;a!'iu In fsrt. ty
military atandirda he aa a nexlr
It We!ghrl I'll un1a. a'l.-l 5 fret 10
Itirbra. straight a an arrow, wltb f d
tiiik well art on hit sliouldrra. smstl
wslat. but gtad lulua, ami had th Unit
of boron etibrvd. No Bncr bxiklna?
man phyal. ally ever r1e a iironcbo
than Jim MM.tr. II rou'.d ran l:k aa
Indian, wsa as acth at a pjutbrr, U-
trt haturrd man lu the worll but a
courageous as a lion.
In th early alttlr. M.,,rv nil p.ny
r press rider, ills rout aaa from
Midway ststlon, half way briwrra
Port Krjmey and t'otionw.! Hprlnga,
to Julrahurg. a di.taiu of li t mile.
Moor r.Je the round trip of 2n mile
ouc week. Th station nrr from
10 to uilli-s apart, ami a fre.b bo raw
of uUb blood was ot.taln., al rarb
atntlon. Thrrv waa little ih lay In lb
change cf horara, aa Ide r'.di-r giv tb
"roo!i. yir half a n.He awsy. and.
day or tilght. ihe station men had tb
po:iy ready, so that the rider had only
lo dismount from on bora and mount
to otiiir. ami with a d'g i f it spur
to wa on a run asalu. Thlt rid of
140 tulle uatially waa made In 12 hour.
On each rout there mere wo rlprraa
rider, one going each wy. A. eaay aa
t may ar-m to aotne f,,r a man to t-
itrld frrali horae after horae for If)
U Ilea, there Wer few men ahl lo
aiand up to It
Ipon tb occatlou of which I atu to
!-ak Moon-s route pnnner had Um
alllig. anJ Moor waa antlrljting and
Irtad'.ng that h might hav to double
ti.e route. In thi antlripntlon h real
lil thai there Is a time llm! to endur
ance, and therefore he gav lb broo
tho a little more of the sbil than
ttal and inn !e the trip to Julrahurg
In 11 Lours. Arriving ot Jtileal.urg. b
had his fears continued. Ilia partner
waa In N-t. IJe bad boiH-d tbat I..
Th Ilnmaa Pa.
The human ear U nn ornn the tnie
Inwardness of which the rbytilriana
have never Im-c rj aide to jret at They
ran examine the Interior of the eye
with rase by throwing Into lu dark
chamber a ray of i:?!.t rejected from
a little mirror, and they found It pos
sible even to see the pray matter of the
brain by looting thnmj'h the little
canal by which the opllc nerve enters.
The cavity behind the nose they n.
sjKt-t with the nld of a light placed fnr
back in the mouth.
They Lave no dih'irulty la neelmr Into
the stomach by nu electric appuratus;
the Intnttinea KLowifce ere readily
enough Investigated, and the bladder
nltio. P.ut the enr as to Its Internal
arrangements Is unapproachable It Is
I ItniKjHslblc to d!soct It satisfactorily
after death, for tlm reason that the
parta collapse at once when the vital
u'kih unif B r,.w ,ours for rest, but
brfor he Lad tlm to !l. mount and
stretch bis cramped and tir.it muach a
tu coyote yill" cf tb iaat toinit rid
rr was heard.
He drank some cold coffee, filled his
pocket with cold Hunt nnd was tn tli
dd!e again for another H) mil ride.
in order to b able to live the rout inn
be sent them for nil there wn In them.
Willi tiie result tbat ,e arrived at Mid-
nay, after having ridden 2s min.. in
22 hours from the time he had left
there. IVu llolllday gave blm a gold
watch and a certificate of hi remark
able performance. Mntir of the old
frontiersmen now living knew Moore
knew of his 2H mile ride In L-J i.-m,..
and have mu the watch and ccrtlfl.
lute.-Kplrit of the Tlinea.
Oa If ai4r4 Unu4 Mar
Tli manufacturer ami nl0 ,j'
wir having a quiet imu ;o.
middle ngvd limn sauntered .
genially to both feiitlenuii sin
ioc. who wns thatr
-Why, that aa Jamr llrowr, i.e-
"I io ymi know," t,o li.m1r,rlhI
ssld by vrny f reply, "t r
scores i.f thi in, Juat Ilk that vrt d4,
elnwn nanu s I rau't recall T"
V.'lth Ju.t H shad of super!, i((,.
$.. d.M tor n-pli.d, HW, I
ail th turn and wotnni I 'll w r i,
tmt all by naiin a J(
I tell you It'a irl. k of tho prof, a.i!
'That may t d.-but I ilui,i i,
.. MBM ...Km ,1..... I.. Jl ,
.... -... . ii 1 1 i (uiny,
(t nnii.ia of pmplo you know t,.
Ills' doctor Jtlftlad tO Lis fert nj
Mid, scorufully. "Jltifiws! ru"
"All right. Ml U t Ihii of cigars o
Th d,M-t,r, in m il t) band,
bnnl at work. Timer Tl inauufM.
lun-r'a watch snsppid shut, snd t,
looke.1 over that lloi'tor'a Shoul lef
CoiintnJ 113.
Thry fltil.hcd t'letr clgara In silenc.
Mil inn itrll tnoitilng I bo ltirnifafl
era frirmU rburkliil atiddly Uvr th
d.a-tor'a profraah Hal ktlon,- of p.
plli-d paychoh.gy.-MiUaukr f tittut
Tf at tirltlaa.
To orrlad Ih ktomai b wlib fwj ,
Dot cs unhrslthy thau to lii.loljf a;
with Uvrragr. Tb loor btitritlmaj
th f,. th tiioro barardotia ar iu
col.Uelier W hctl rti ra It habliaat,
tf all th slna of nutrltloti. th
rral ua of meat I certainly tolJ
grlrvoua. It gltra to Ih body , ,
f'tttl that la fatorahl fur eaiy a a.
aimllatlon th alhtimru Hat is
lutcty be cary to llf. and tmr i,
ear I leal effect of It rleraatv ua tamf
b to sureharg tl. tly wlta atr)
cot a
Tl, chief point brr U tb critical
.mliiatlo f what I railed fcuufef.
Many ira..oa brllev tbat any and .'
ery maat!ou of bungr mut b aati.
rtnl Immnllalety, but It 1 Is a real
mtatsk. Ao equally trral If m
Wora mlatak la th tp!nl..n that oc
muat rat until a acnao of tut. sriaea.
i:irelv nutrition Injure th uti
iaj'.u,,in aii, wi io parrn-uur coa
SJOencr of lrrall BUtrtlU, Swfe
a by jw lioo.lrta (lb iry bam f
W bh b rrfen th riradrr lo lb rrgiut) of
t! at-lomrn) and Ih foot. It I Lard,
ly brcraasr; to Sk-P.Ia!taf Far
Da taaak.
Til booarhold Llraard Wlta boti
daugbfrr ought to U a Li;;y tt.
Ru.kln aay that ttxt parmtt forget,
boavvrr. to lmbo them wlta a tut f
batnrw whlrb la ao Invlgnrstieg ui
t;!r them." aay U. tH wlj sU
trachttigs, but hold trarber, s4 ft
them ih br!; wj.d b aloo la aoj.
Ilmr d ,n rnorw than all other te!
ctinr-tb help of wild and f!f a.
tor. Yoq cannot l-aptti tbeta ffMlf
lit Inch deep rtiurcb fonts tinleas MI
Uptla them alao In h swert Iters
hlrb I!m grrst 1-aw Glvrf lUilit)
forth frm in rtnk of yr titlr
Isnd. Too cannot lead tbetn fslthfaT!;
lo iboa nsrrow. at brn rLcnti attarw
while lb aiur altars la bratrs he
main, for yon, w tthout Inacriptloo; i
tars built net to, but ty, aa unkatua
Th Jsa riant.
Th bxjuat. or Japan plum, sots-
time rrrtmeooaly called "meitUr." b
lotif to that family riaanr. ti Uts
leal ram Is trloUitrjs lajtonlt. Ta
Cyiii jirdu tf American Il.,rtlcult3'
sya of It: "Tb toqnat I bl ' I
("hlna and Japan, but I rocn pUstrd
In th gitf ststrw and weatasnl It
blooms frorn Augu.t tiutil th twnc
of winter and rllms Its cluatrml fmit
In very early prlna It la a rfvr
x-arrr In congenial climate. Il
grown fnnu art d. The fruit Is of'
i-n lu northern markets."
Tta nrr Ileal tb WrlA
lo a small two story bullditii
bateiiioiit cn th liowrry ar IX as
piring iM-ri ;iatits. although tb n
occupied by each Is not nana bT'
than health rrqnlns. Over th
tranc to the tr la ihl aign:
"Cheapest bard war atore oO rartft.
Ov,-r th rntranr lo Ih baaefaeo'
this sign: "Cheai-st hcrbcr tbp l
th worhL" Over Ih rtitrsnc bwiHr-C
lo th second story Is this: Che!
restaurant on the plauitNw
. f herrfal Indarrnienla.
The following advertl.emeiit recfittl
apfMsred lu the l-omlon Morning I'm-t:
- roi K Uilllt. cn-lieliited cimll.. I,i,f.
fet.il by the Atlantic surge, at ,me r
the nioat romantic and dreaded iw.im.
of our Iron bound roa.t. In fu view of
iue inatn atone; shipwrecks freouent.
corpses common: thn-e reception and
aevi ii bedrooms; very mmlem conveu.
enee; ju guineas a week. Addn-aa"
Aa Al ri D4.
An "artd Mo bed" la cne In wW
the sheets are so foldcl that a K
cannot get bla leg down, the foot rw
of the sheet belug brought up M tw
bead end of the lel. Thlf
foot" arranifemenl brln Implied, w
erprrsslon may bav spning front
corruption of cap a pled, or capa P
as It la frequently written.
Cuarf l.aal.
fjiwyer-My client, your lioor, h
rmifrssi-d that Le committed tb
glnry. You will admit tula an eloquent
proof of my clh-nfa lov of truth
f hi uptight conscience, and. yo
honor, a man with audi d. lln' f
science should not be accused of ha'1
broken Into bouso to ateaL Ncvvf'
New York Time.
add io O C. Assessed af$18.49 and aold ' spark leaves the body.
Mia Pavorlf Dlah.
What Is your favorite diuhf i
V'"ren r. I -rori'tiew of ibe Rev
I.onsfnre. ,i. ,.w )BMor
are It was thicken, but It proved nn
contribution plate."v an
liev lniL'fari. nii.eiifi
; Ghlo State Journal
"Er- the
c-ervd tho
A Dajpar.
Tull me." Lo sighed-"!! me. h8
teou maiden, w hat Is lu your heart
Miss Henrietta IU-nn of Vom
Mm a look of Icy disdain and tu
Tottchafed tho monosyllable rep'T:
"I'.leiid.,,Hnltluiore American-
Hot Knllrelf Mat. .
ITo-What I feel for you. M"Te
can never tell you In words. True w
la silent n
Muiicl-Oh, no, I assure yo
speaks to papa.
"in 1 1
'in i
era i
I Til
t In
Ht w
liu r
h roei
d to
lie ec
fy liaii
lit) na
I I'Uhtc
"l wi
t to ,