Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, October 11, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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I Jfir ItArnriVn I West. We Stilt foreign trade much
C ity and CiiumIj Qiriclrtl Paper.
any section of the country, but we do
not wish to obtain it at the tarriftVe of
productive Industrie of tint Wont. i
r ,sk v v y v s- w-wr 'o' w
PubtiMlied Kvery Frlclwy.
1. U POKTKK, raora.iroa.
Tiikhk ha been ii liul coutwvertT
Mrouiitl the court Ii me. the pAl week at'
to who was running the county 't affalri. I
If .1 :.. i. l. i. - i . - . i ft Sl'W
ii v iiiini ii una itiiiti mors) cieari
tlu'. the Hoard It the managing agr-nt
of the count v and the fact that the Hoard
give notice tliat ter (toter lit the
j Farms and Farming.
t ' ik k.l A A A.A A It) Aj i . Oi . A AS lOl
X j., A A A A A lA k C i A A A rt
lied lliiml hoil,;ht hack a pail uf
ni Ksr mm.!. ia:uiM.i.
Aurora Ko l. r M 111 To to ('on
struetod In the Ppilng.
Onver ! 0(1
8n nuinihi 1 U
Trim subscription lro months "
A d.omnt n Scents on U ur.cnpt(u. clerical holi) must be reduced and
fnr iktii vr iLS rem fur sis niiiiith. If I
p.ilnis.lvance. - .. . n,,m.ieu mai nonce i-v musing i ,!, ,,u (mm ll.e r.llrmJ (rack to
A Ivertlsing rales given on application. ,...,,.,.,,.. ,.,.,.. in I- ..'. .1-...... . .......
1 - '-. iu.i .i -v ""i' ni. 11 saicr ur iraiu. 11 n loo tany
tione.l hv the voter and taxpayer of yet to give any correct I lo o the new
Fred 1'. Itnr-t lie decided to rebuild
the A r or Uollei M II U In the spring, It
1 Ii the Intention t ut ilia. the old ait,.,
, though the approach will probably he on
8ulicriler will find the dtl of expira
tion ulsmped on tbrir (n (oIIumuik
tlieir nin. If tlili date it not cliniril
'.Hi'-i lo flr pavmrnt, kuutlT
noHlj us ami we mil look ailr it.
liiiUrevi al
the pixtnRic in OrrKon Ctly,
as nrvviM cU tuatirr.
the I'ounty.
Tiu rolumhu nun the yacht race Id
traight hfat, hut it ar rloee race.
No man ever rotitflcJ for the cup that
uiure of a true e(ortman or h the
mill, hut the (act alone that It Mill 1 1
built nnt iircillr next pln4 i highly
rlllylnk', liiyi the Aunir4 IWe!N.
Nothing lut beu lariivl ai to Hie ori
gin of the (Ire. It ie runiortsl Hint on the
nm lit "4 A" atraner nine to a
livery r table at Otnhy an. I eniiMl a
Bv,t Treek..
Clar lamas
Union M1II1...
Mealo Brook.
New K-a
Van 1 1
Anrora ,
Facie Creek....
.lr.T. B. Thoma
K. I. ia
A Maihrr
,..lcar ninr
...O J.Trii:i:irr
. .. Cha-i. Holnian
..W. N. Ntirrry
U. O. Holme
.... 0. T. Hoar.t
R. M. liHicer
Annie ftiihe
..J. ('. Mariiaiii
B. Jennirr
. Uenrr A. S'lvdi r
H. Wiibrrn
..J. C. KlIMt
With a air at Marguani ami aaother
at .Milaiukie, hat in the tnattcr with
C!i kama county liohling a fair of her
oau? She flu-nhl do it anJ ilo it with
cot futttier delay.
HatilT F ().Hrtl
C jrrituville Geo. J. Cnrrin
Marmot Adolnh Asrbolf
The ie man knova bis faults an. I trie
To keep tbem from the ken of others,
T efor it hi rn that the
It mi.e tren among tiis brothers,
Tbe fool res babhilnc with his fault.
Au.i ukvs no ecial care 10 Mi Vm;
Thu fools and wise men often bar
No oiber markings to divide them.
irool will of the American people lo the "addle) iMwee whkh hrotMiit h k
k ... I a I . l a
extent that I.lnton ha. n,M J 0 l KH 1 m """ A
on on noreia'i non. e l itmn out
of Aurora at great epevd just a the alarm
sat aoundeil.
The eafe b been rmoverod and the
interior wa in itnl osmlitlon. Tlwxiwh
badly warjwil il wa eaeily vnel and
there wa nohn to stHw that it had
btn-n oiened by burg'a r, a wat auitv
ted by eome. Ttie lki were in geol
liaiH though Utile drrwclivU on i e
tide by the waret.
lue wheat wae taken one a aoon r
eoeaible and tar!. I'art n it wa la!
teller condition than could U espei-te I.
It la harl to say which give KnglierV
wen the aeverer palw, the Boer in v anion
of Kitchen.-r'a i-auipo or the American
Invasion of London. Tbe Bo ton Journal.
Tint pickpocket," Ilk the detruogtje,
trie to keep in touch with the people,
o rua'.tt-r which way they are peng.
At no point in i! development will
rre-ident Roucevelt'a intention to carry
0 Jt the policies of hi predecessor vt
nure closely watched than where it
torn hes the qnertion of the tariff. A
policy in wbirh rreeident McKioley took
e'peiial interest wat tbe expansion of
fore:n commerce bo'h eat and weet.
Men closest to President Rooeevelt are
couviuced Hat the tame idea will be
do nirjtnt note in the policies of t lie pres
ent adminietration, but when that it taid
it leaves much more to conjecture. There
may be more than one method of encour
ains the expansion of foreign Uade, and
the course to l pursued by the execu
t ve depends almost wholly 00 bit inter
pretation of tbe policy and h;topinion of
the best means to advance it. More than
oue plan is already discussed. One con
tern plates the adoption of reciprocity
treaties, of which we have none at pre
er.t, nd Lave Lad none sime that with
iliaii aaa extinuibed by aiinexatiou,
bit of which several bare be n negotia
ted and now await Senate action. The
other plan favors encooragement of trade
by concessions in the tariff law, applied.
to ettablited Industries which no longer
need concession. In ei'her ,ae the pii
tjc'.ive principle must be retained.
Cci.re'sman Hopkins, of Illinois,
vho-e position In the Iloaee and Jons
tariff experience stand for much, believes
that Congress, as a law-makirj body,
ehould be charged with framing the tariff
laws, and that it is a practical violation
of the cooBtitution to leave them to tbe
execn'ive and tbe Renate, as would be
done nnder the proposed system of recip
rocity treaties. Mr, Hopkins proposes a
flexible tariQ, fixing maximum and mini
mum rates, between which points the
I're&ident migut be left free to negotiate
treaties with other countries, reducing
the tariff on certain products as needed
for the purposes of trade, but always
keeping within the minimum.
Such a plan was advocated when the
Dingey bill was under consideration.
Tbe difficulty of deciding is complicated
by the fact that every part of the country
does not see tbe quention from the same
point of view. The manufacturers of the
Eastern States are single-eyed to the
opening of foreign markets to their wares,
aud to them wholesale reciprocity treat
ies are grateful, no matter what other in
terests are sacrificed, To the West, tbe
region of producers, sentiment favors the
attainment of the same end by such tar
iff discrimination as will leave protected
the industries which still need protection,
and they will prefer, therefore, to see tbe
whole matter left with Congress.
We have said that in all probability
the reciprocity treaties will be urged this
winter, partly because they bad their in
ception under tbe last administration, j
and partly because there is a decided
heuitancy to commence any tariff tinker
ing at this session. When presented
Ci'U ik rciue to us soap or rikange
bis luieu. Evidently he ia deteraained
to be an aemrcbiat to the- lat.
"Ikdiviw L opinion" W io niot me
tnervly another name foi personal prejudice.
the wheat which be ( now elllug.
1'Ihmv was little dipMlntiiint among
(he farmei who cuiie t loir because
the mI dil not turn out i t!v wa lin y
had eiptvled, but they h'alil'd that .Mr.
Hunt wa not to blame, and ever) thing
canto out all right.
Pouliry ite.
Yiwing fowl need rrtihe. bone In
soul)) form to ih'Veloo wo-xl Mhi., Imlie
and f.-allitr
If y jo ran got It rhnp up coin ir other
greeua Into half lm h lengUi and imx
wilh the tnaili.
A gill Ituaeed wl l i .. I with ground
grain If given to ail Ihmi Is lh and
rliei't liwllcliie fiw bowel dle.
lm key imml have a H""l ri"g. to he
..... . . . 1
tolllai'U. lliey are gM luiagci ami
in.. ! I deiroyei, but ol have plraty
of room.
If turkeys are lel rrgalarly on. e aiKy
ear the hoiie,they will frin a htil f
roiiilng h line at that hour, however lar,-
Itwlr r4iik-e.
Keep the hell allli a reaemahty sharp
pf'lt' and tl.ey JI lay mre etg.
Iiirh will hatch letter and produce. I
itrmger rhirkeu.
Tle man who epect tuke to mak
their an living, ina rxei I tNerri I ) tl ml
fbeir ewn rniating place ami give I lot
r 1 1 "i r 1 r 1 v. 1 1
1 7n s VAvsv
ll I trnoM to rontfi'l t!Wm.
wa tolJ at auilion TuexUy and wa 1 Very young chlka ru'ct
while aonie was ! worth sacking
Ca'iicii iin.nuior
bought by a grain dealer fruu lirtUn l enough ft to t't bwg. btt re ti.y
fue 40 cents per .v-k He sold II to far- rhould b f -d often. Alter the) are ten
nr and other fs 6i and '.ft rent per : alwv o4d the young cVi k almn! I l e fed
tark, and thippel good deal to 1'ort- j irt leaal four lime a ay.
t.v sucet socirrr.
IMf! of Independent OrJeT f I.fawa
to De Org alxed. 5ext Tkanday.
The IodepenuVnt Oriler ct LtoM will
institute a lodge here next Tkartday in
A. 0. U. W. 1111. with a charter list of
30 merube t. The tutireme- 11.er ot
Xb' order are men of experience wlo
have held poitiune of trust ia the north j
west for many years. Each rrtiftcate-iii
the Lion entitle a full rate member to
flOper week in rae ol kkna) or arrt
den. f r 10 week in any one year, aaxl
'JO per yer at Veng at you lie in f -"
peraiaaent diiabiluy. Where you reh
the age of 70 years, you recetwe 1-30 per
month ; and in tike event of your death
yoir beneficiary wi.'l be paid! 13) a mcasart
or in all $2100.. This order recwaimn
wemtn a man equal and xvlmita r
into our pensioa departmene on eejoavl
trm. The scheme ofTn-er of Hone
ILe. ai-coni)iii-'d by the trize cWill
teiiin, will lu Di from I'ortlata to iavti
tate the lodge.
ftnl, at St Ignatin lloopitaJ, Colfax.
W.eh Sept. 27. M l. at 5: a. m.,
Clrfo L tliird ton of K. T. and Kj A.
Ikereaaed wat oro at Wl, Neb.,
Oct. 10. 1S7S. and with hi rarewttram
toOevgon In Wl, and In 1HS7 to lnia- '' W
cua, C larkama fnniHv, which bastlnce, l"liK
bee Kit home. From .March, Mt, on
til f.-tor, 1S90, be n In Whitman
county, nwh., where be ms mny
Jd 13, 1000, tfibling farewell to
inrjniKr sw tm cms.
'I'onrl'iifed frmu page 1 "
V. X. C. A. Soles.
The formal. epening of the Iducibonal
rlaees in the V. M C. A, w a held Moo
day evening mm! now the tegular work
has Ix-gun. Cka.es are in teasioai four
evenings of each week. The scftelnle
has been arnanged with tlndeMrt) ac
commodate the greatest nam Wr of ttu
dertg. but if it is not entirety tatiafactory
to any one who would likt to enter soma
of the clavee it may be peibla to make
special arr&agemnau wittk tucb persja
or persons. The It are very smU al
within tUe reach of all who are anxious
to avail themselves ol the opportunity
Mr. Wilson, of I'ortland, Las bees ob
tained as Physical Director and will de
vote Lis entire time lo the work lie ia
thorooghlv competent and those, taking
instruction onder bit guidance will be
greatly benefitted by it.
Sunday after aoon at 3:35 there will be
the regular religions meeting in the par
lor. All men are invited to the service!
and to visit the rooms and inspect the
The rooms are open each day from 8
o'clock in tbe morning uutil 10 in the
evening. During this time, any one In
terested in the work in any way It sure
to receive welcome and all desired infor
mation by calling at Association quarters.
djy and Saturday at 7 a In. ; a.nie at
Saituonby 17 m.; leavrSalmoti Tw.Uy,
Tl.nday and Saturday at tp-ai ; ar-
riv at tUady by 6 p. a. Un. t.tj 1 re I
fTtV. I'reil cMiirasi ixy
751,57. Irom fcandy to Ikjv, (1 SO
in-lew and bk, twiia a work. Iave
rany TiM-lay and htut.ly at 4 ?,) p.
m.arive at Iover at 3) p. m. ; l-ave
lovr Toeaday and Sa4tirduy at 1 p.
11. I'-UllJ
I'ri'M'iit coiitta
TI10 KImiI You Ilavo AImiijs Iloii(tlit( nul vhldi lm tw
In ten fur ovt )rrtrs, loro (lio f'c itli,ro
- niil lint bent iiimln ntif.4 Mn t
. w mi IHIIV
oMf tin cmo I imIcccIvo ol n II.U
All ('oiind'rfrltt, Iiultntlona nml ,Jtit-na-irM((l, (,r j,,
l'.tMrliii'iit tlmt trlllo ulth inl nuliinurr tlnv ieul, 0f
Infant 1 itinl ( lillilrin-i;xicrlcMnn iifiilnst lUncrlmcul,
Cforlu U liitrinlc-aa autfitlfiitn for t'uafor Oil, I'm-.
;orl', Kroji aiitt Koi.thlnif Htriii It U ri-ai,t.
contain ncltlirr OjiIiimi Miirplilnr) lior otlicr NitrcoUo
nilmtniM'f. It nifo I It guiiriuitm. It lrtroy Worm.
Itml iilhi) IVvrrUliiir, It nirra Ilurrliut uml Wind
t'ollo. It rrllovca Tr-a-thlnu; Trouble, inn Omatlpatloa
nml I'Lttuloiicy. It naalinlhitc tlin Imm, r iriihu. th
Mdiiiih Ii uikI I lot ! irUlntf lit-altby anil imtnrul alerp,
Tito I'hllilrt'it'M riuiucra-llin .Mollirr'a lrlciil.
Bears tbo SIgnaturo of
TI10 Kind You Have Always Bought
In Uso For Over 30 Years.
at . taM r.
Young Men's Christian Association
Educational Class Schedule
October 7-iMarch 31.
II 4ker.i.g , ,
f iiMiiiefeiat I.
j N g'.t
i.i.iity ai.ii f liu'
Tea. !.
A Typical South African Store.
Q. Ii. Larson, of Bay Villa, Sundays
liiver. Cape Colony, conducts a store
typical of South Africa, at which can be
purchased anything from tbe proverbial are a few of the attractions at tbe Carni
"needle to an anchor." This store is val this vear.
homar.l friend, alone he started out I "' ! r'idy at 3U p
intrwrrh of a bornvMead. goln first to
Lakeview, (hegon. Ihsappointtnl here,
be went to Idaho, spending the winter
in Oangeville and vicinity in the em
ploy ef the; Siw'kane Telephone Com
pany. Marrh 15, I'jOt, while on-Li wty
to Sonth Paliimn, be was cruelly beaten
' and sobbed of hit wintn't earning,near
Tolo. He wa kinJly cared foe by the
family of a .Mr. Ilewley. In July be
went to Whitman rottnty, Vatx, where
heworkmlin the barrest field till early
rn fVeptefober, when he became ill with
typhoid fever. Hopl for a edy re
otery ft wat taken Meptetnber Vt to the
hcepital, but in a ftrw dayt weunionla
l in aad q'lickly IhI it week. The
b1y was retnrne-l V I)m.riis. Ore
geo, S-ptember where le f ineral
ervie) were condiwt.il by tl Uov. J.
If. Woo.1, ol Powell Valley. ku tiied to
totnfort the sorrow jo friemU, taking for
kit scripture lesson Psalms SO and part
of 1st Cor. 15, w ith, xt from John 14:21,
al) ating the sk's "Jesun Lover of
My fioiil,' and "Nearer My Ood to
Clyde was a uhd young man, and
beiag of noble and getiaigii diitposl
lio was loved by all wlo knew him.
His death was ia grc-at shoek to his heart
broken father and mother, brother and
sisters, who were fondly looking forward
to hit return la the near future.
He gave hit heart to UmI rouie yeart
go, and having the as.nrsnce from
those who were with hint shortly before
hit death, that he held fast the profes
tion ol lna luiib witbout wavering, we
believe be sleeps "in Jesus, blessed
sleep, from which none ever wake to
weep." A. M
re.jiara.1 jnh bid ) V(
pay 3 7.
7.'t,l'.f. Frun fan.ry, bv Paflrtin to
Aiina, 7.1? biile anal b. k. lime a
weeL Iwve handy-daily, turpi Sun
day, at 7 a. m ; arriw at Alt: by .St
. ni. ; leava Aim oaiy. escepi hunday,
at 30 a.m.; arrlv at ."an.lv by 1 p.
m. lonl required with bid W. I'r
enttontract pay li'J'tS); siitK-oiiirart pay
1213 JXi
73,27. From Aarora. by Needy to
Mksbnf. 11 M inaJr and ta. k, li tin.r
a waeek. (Carrier t travel tie "lion
tliack rol" and Ute regularly I a vied
roaJ tk ut Iter way twtwera Needy and
Matkaburg.) LeTt Aurora lUily. ex
cept Sunday, at U! m. ; arrive at Mark
burg by 3:30 p. m.; leave Marksl.iir
daily, except Suday, at 7 . as. ; ar
rive at Aurora by 11 a. in. I'.md re
o,.ure. with bhL M). Pri a-nt tnlracl
paij 7tf.
I'ii'-io. il..e rhnrlav
Oraoimarai .l('vaimiliiiMa4lr "1 Tliuf...
, ... . ' .
k AriiiM.iciio r '-."i'y
- Ad I owl
rnrtiaiiiii ...
l:e.lH.S S'.d Hlal'lng .
xii.irihi.. . , I j ,
rrpewtnng .. . I I
.. M
Tua4r n. friil'
ii u i.
r m
a w -u
lA I'f.f
'f l'arli. g
1,"0 .
t."0 .
Gymnasium Class Schedule
l'y J II..UI.
l'i Men Mon. lay, Wliitay ai Ul li l)' .. h ' f ) P
U.i...l ( i. - j I J. .i,i'
Jurr .
M. ,
Portland Carnival and Exposition.
The great Carnival, which opens at
I'ortland on Bepternber 20 and continues
until October 10, ltXil, will be well worth
a visit to the metropolis.
Exhibits of agricultural and horticul
tural products, mining and manufactur
ing industries, athletic exercises, a horse
show at which feats of horsemanship and
the variout forms of fancy riding will be
teen, and a magnificent military tourna
ment, participated in by picked compa
nies from the Oregon National Guard,
situated in a valley nine miles from the
nesrest railway station and about 25
miles from the nearest town. Mr. Lar
eon says: "I am favored with tbe
custom of farmers within a radius of
thirty miles, to many of whoml bave
supplied Chamberlain's remedies. All
testify to their value io a household
where doctor's advice is almost out of
the question. Within one mile of my
store tbe population ia perhaps sixty,
Of these, within the past twelve months
no less than fourteen bave beon absolu
tely cured by Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy. This must surely be a
The Southern Pacific Co. will tell tick
et! at low ratet for this occasion, and will
also run a special excursion from Ash
land to Portland and return, stopping at
all intermediate stations, the date and
rates for which will be announced hereafter.
The Pultrment tl Our.
The rush at the drug store still c
tiaue and diuly scores of p.pl tall tur
bottle of Kvuip's llaJnam for the Thruul
and Lungs fur tbo TUoat him I.uni? fr
the cure ol Coughs, Colika, Asthma,
lin.iichitia and Consumption. Kemp's
Balsam, tks ttamlad family r'liuxly, is
sold on a guaranteo and tvver fails to
give entire satisfaction. 1'rn.c Zc and
record." For sale by G. A. Hardinir.
tbey will be jealously scrutinized in the J DrugglBt.
What Shall We Have For Dessert?
This question arises in the family ev
ery day. Let us answer it lo-day. Try
Jell-0, a delicious and healthful dessert.
Prepared in two minutes. No boiling!
no baking t simply add boiling water and
set to cool. Flavort: Lemon, Orange'
Raspberry and Strawberry. Get a pack
age at your grocers to-day. 10 cts.
Only Orse Way ? I).i It.
tiet from I'ortland to (. hiragi in 7:
hours-just three day. Tim "Chicago.
Portland Rcial." leaving Portland
daily at 9 a. tn. via. O. It. V. N'.. arrive
at Chicago at 0:30 tbe third day. New
York and Ronton ais reached the fourth
day, ruie tram, acknowledged to be
the fastest bet weon the Northwest am!
trie Met, is solidly veatlbnled and its
equipment is unsurpassed. Pullman
draw ing room sleeping cars, up-to-date
tourist sleeping csrs, libmry-mnoklng
cart, free reclining chair cars, snd on
excelled dining cart, the meals on which
are equal to those served at the very
best hotels. Rouiember this train run
solid Portland to Chicago; there Is no
change of cars, and the good of It Is, it
costs no more to ride on It than on other
We bave other trains "Pacific Ex
press" leaves Portland daily at 0 p. tn
via Huntington, and the "Spokane
t Iyer" leaves at 0 p. m. daily via Spo
kane lor St. Paul and the East.
For rates, sleeping car reservations.
call or write to
A. L. Cbaio,
General Passenger Agent,
O. R. 4 N. Co., Portland, Oregon.
The excitement Incident to trayeling
and change of food and water often
brings on diarrhoea, and for this reas
on one should leave home without a
bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy. For sale by
O. A. Harding, Druggist.
Prices s5 io s150
Utost KEY PROCESS Rocortli
I25 Geary Street, SAN TrUVCISCO, CAL.
(J, r
lokUAMi, oki;;o
A. V. Armlr.,ng, U.. It., Principal
A prank ,, ,,r,r .hooJ( con.I)lrU(lu
for thorough ,k, with hundrr.1 nl .
1.1 1 tH-itlon. .. lkkeejH-,, .., .0O(t,h,rt
Alrrsdy p,u, ot , ,,, h .,, .
known. .tr.(tr Km, htHr. , . . ,
0n all lh. ye.r. Bludmi. admitted any tl,.
frlrate or t, Inalructlon. I, .u., .....
1 w lr.th. and what It cota. Caulu. fr-
Hnard of lllratlor
0.t. Huntley' VtugSm
Ureal itriUlnnnri America.
Iryliitjr nronarntloiiM ain.i.u
i ! cnlurr" I lM7 urv "P u retious,
which adhere to (Ii rnniubnine find dcorn.
po, cnusing n fur nioro Kurious t rouble than
til ordinary fnr:.i of ent:rrh. A v. .1.1 .11 .1..
Ing iiilmlanu, fumes, smokns nml ttiufTs
and ute thut whloh cleans., soothe an(
LialH. Lly's Crnnru Pulm fx n u.'. a r,..,...i
and will ou e cuturrh or cold lu the bend
easily r.nd i.lcMnntly. A fi..l r.!::n ill b.i
mailed for 1) rents. All (1riicM..ti ll n
COo.aiz... F.lyJirotlieM, Ml Warri.n fit., N.Y.
J'he Halm eiirnt without puin, dos tiot
Irriuto or cause tiioftinu. It snreiula lt.,.if
over an Irritated mid aiiKry surfnoo, rnliav-
B ... ..iie.iinioiy iiiBpaiurul infloninmtlon.
Witn Lly's Cream liulm rill itraT. k..,l
gainst NaaulCatarrlj aud Uuyi'evor. -
Dr. J. Arch Stewart
Eyo, Ear, Noso and Throa
317 Dekutn Huildinl
Thin, urn iHid nic
Cured without operation or detrt'j
from huslncs
tu? n v, WATK
Room 14 McKay HI''- V j
Hourt a to 4 and J to 8 P. . -
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry j
All kinds of repairing newj
D.w? wsrranteu.
Ioaf.oai!ai llldit. e""' "