Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, October 11, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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Personal Mention
J. ( Hmhetlaiid, ol Hlmdd, wa In th
cliy Mmulay.
James Trennhk, ol Taenia, Wat In
William H. Krn, farmer of Liberal,
I'lill (1. Hlnii'J'tl Hnsvlew, Wb,,
III lb I'll Tlirdy.
John W. At returned Friday from
i iliorl Imalne lf!i lo Tb Pll.
Ifpnry Welnhard, Portlands million.
tli bia'i was I" yesterday.
W. II. Engl, road supervisor ( lb
MdUIU illiim t, was In town Tin-aday.
JUmn Hlminiiii, f Klorlton, Cel., U
Haying In Oregon City for a fuw days,
f'rnk Mi'k( i'l r"orat (irov, tiii
former rxclilonl of Oregon City, U vlll-
lug her.
Itri.iiiy County Cteik 0. It. Kby ml
Mr Kl y attended Id Portland Cernl
Til Hatunlay.
ri.taln Dan O'Nrll. inif pM-r of th
Jtailry (IbIsM, wee out to lilt country
hum lat Monday.
Ml Coiiilanc) llollsnd, of Hah-in.
In rily thl week, llm Kirt of
Hi, Klma Albright.
(iiHi (',n wa up from Portland
(luixUy and speul Ilia ily wllh bi
(unity at Willamette.
C. I. UUinirtU return! li Friday
from a Ihrr trip lo Mu ltlcn and
ii,riiufri( i:ixition.
W. K. ItiH wat in lb vicinity of
Candy IbU k shouting phreaanla,
ami will hum a S" beg.
Mm Mary Cam, ll.a writ kn;n run.
Irilto, relumed yealerday from a four
tin.nih"' at j'iurn In Alaska.
Mm F. K. Wawl.of (on City.
titlnpg her rnt, Mr, an. I Mra. J. K.
Sull.-McMlnovill llrportrr.
Mr.. William (Jslloway an.l Mia 7.d
(iilloaay am espwlrd bum from
tlir.r K.i'ern trip about Ortobei 15.
ttwl C, o Clarkauia, liaa ar
fi kT. lor a qlillc aala 1-1 In ro-ly
in J ill jo lo tli aoulhwrateiu alalia.
A'laiu Ciuiutilry, uf JWeui.rton, Wah.
U tlaiilng bla brother, Superintendent
Crmnbley, of Ilia Clai kamaa Hatchery.
I). V. Jamo. A lvar Crrk,
Im lien retired (loin artlr aervlre. in
Ilia Ptbytrlan Church ty lla own rt
Mr. aa.l Mr. Allen K. Frot l ad a
their Ul during Ui raloU of ill Pre-
kUiy iha aw moderator , Itav. M. I
NuMrintndrnl of County H hoola J.
CZln.orat.larLiu.-l Hry. W.C. Uul
od Wr, Caradlfjr, Ih r altnulli.g
ta I'rratiyiary.
kllaa Urara UaraUII, lio la ta lilng
Ilia Colliall Iiool, aa tlm giiMl ol
Judga and Mr. T. K. Kyaii aiurday
and Kuuday laal,
Hr. A. A. Kurd, of IVrtland, aa in
ittrndanc at Ilia I'urlland l'rli)try
ind lilla lo lb city aa lb guri if
Mr. Iry BiralgM.
Mr. and Mia. NeUn Uraliaiit ara
In iha city laal Friday and Saturday, T li
lting Cal. Uraliam and Mr. aad Mra.
William Andrnvn.
J. A. Holin, of Minnranolla, ai In
Wan Turiday. II ta looking for liuilicr
I. nd, and la accomaiilol by a patty o(
lliiu.rxjll jn opl.
Hv. J. H. MKiladu and Ktv. K. M.
Kliarp wrr fnlKriaiiiod al lb rtildenie
oi Mr. F. J Meyer aliUo tlm 1'uitland
I'reiibytary mi In ifwlon.
Krv Julian llatili, lio ba been In-fltt-d
to lake charD ol tba l'limbytorUu
Cliuith at Hprliignatcr, a th gul ol
Kov. A. J. Montgomery Uurli g tlin I'ort
land I'reibytury .
Ilunrr A. Parnill, of Cooinnpoli,
Willi., coutoatant in lb rae ol Darnall
. DaniKr, vtbiili lia U'ii ou tilal In
ll land i.IIUo lor veil iU pail, U lu
Hie city.
I'H Harding and Kbl Ullyi'U rdmnod
eti Saturduy evniing' train Innu I.lnn
""inly, altur a week of mn cciiul plu-aa-"U
rbootlng. They baggxd awt-ral
lliouxand bird.
Kdward Hcliwab Iiiih nNlgnid bin o
ition with the Ciown l'ar Co., and
''l Tueidny for Ina bonm In Portland.
Hi (If partnre la regretted by a Urge
'irele ol friimda.
Mr. and Mr. Q. Oilbnrt, tbe MIhio
'liiui and Mary Lambert and Tbcodorii
'hIh'Ih, of Portland, npnnt Bundity
' 'k'lit in Oregon City, bavlug miiNed tlin
it rr to l'ortlaiid.
A. I!. MurniiHNi will move in a few
fvickH with bla family toHoutbern Ore
V 'ii, where lie will rent a atock ranch,
f'lnnliiy, October 10,lm will dinjiono of
iHTHunl propoity at ptibliu tale.
Jolm AduniB, of the firm of Adnmn
!'.. nf 111 a flolilun Ttnln Huf.nr.
MU move here from Antoria in a lew
p' U with hia ftlfo and child. Mr. Ad-
"in IniH been connected with tho Morn
Jiik Antorian for aeyorul year.
W. N. Dlnpolo and Martin 8. Dlnpolo,
' Oak Point, WuhIi., Dan Htehman, P.
I. LlwiiHtodt, J. 8. Ualller, II. A. Ilogoy,
' . Oirt. Ktnery Dlckell and Lewis
!"'tH, of Aplury, Columbia county, Ore
"n, were in the city thia week. They
r witni'Msea in the conteat caHe of Dur-
lull v(. Danzor.
J. II. Itoldmon, n( Hacraiiifiilo, wi o
Mr. and Mr. It. J, M,r, of Molalla,
Wrln Hi tlly Tneiday,
W, II, Jlortiig, ol IUiiiiiciii, waa In
lb illy yailnrday on IniMlne,
Had Buprvlor Jamea Feglra, o
Marmot, was In town Wdudy,
HuparliilnndBm J. I). I-, of the Ftate
l'eiiiliiliary at halnui, wa in the rlly
)tv, A. J, Monlg'.uiery left Wa.lnei
dy avenlng for llaker City to attend tlm
I'rvabytHrian Hrnl
Mia Orara Marball, of Cainoiuh, re
lurnad Wvdiifaday from a tan day'
sojourn In Th Pal I...
II. I.. Klly I In wn Franrla- o atlmid
li'g lb KplMopal Convfiiiilon and la
lif ted liolna next rk.
A. J. (Irrgory, of (ill! Kdga, Monl.,
anlred Wrdi.vilay and left Tlmnday
morning for Mul.II I, vl, ,i n lativr.
Carl llaUrlach.of Oiegon Cliy, Lx.k
lb law Mamluatloii for admlulon to
tlia bar In for lb tiuprrina Cimrl at
Halain Tue lay,
Mr. and Mr. K. II. Co-r nter-tali.-dllrv
W. (). Forlna, of Portland
and IUv. A. H. Foir, of Knips, dur
ing III Preibylery.
Ilurar P. Ilillimn.i.l Ht. Paul. Minn.,
but mr rintly ol Soalttn ai.d Purl
laud, ha accepted lb lurfillloii of iti-nog
rapher with lb Cron Paper Co.
fieri Harrington, formerly ol Oregon
City and now In the P.andon Woolen
MIIU, In loan Ibli week. 111 at
tending tli K. if P. convention In Port
laud. IUv. and Mr Albert Koblnou and
rl.ild, whu atirnde I tlm w-uluii o( Ilia
Portland Pmbyiery, nl Tneiday
nlgM at lb il.eiit of Itav. and Mr.
A. J. Montgomery.
It.v.JM. Ki. bard., II. v. Mur.bvb
Kolfricui an I Mr, John lUater aetu In
lb city Monday and Tuiiday atiembng
lb I'reihylory and ere entrrtaliiad br
fnro I at tlm I bs lrlc llutel.
Hiram Murduik, a farmtr re.1 l:rg
laoutilee ouibl of Canby, will m-II
bla farm pruperly liKly. Mr. Mur bxk
lol hi wdd auma lima ago and aill go
lu Ntbraaa lib hi children ina lliurt
I(v. W, H. (illbrrt, of lb Calvary
Prr.byterlan rhun h of Portland and
Chaplain of lb Second Oregon Kvgl-
merit, aa lb guei of Her. and Mr. A.
J. Montgomery during lb aetwlou of Ilia
W. II. IVa.ll, of Hi. Helena, deputy
dl.trb t attorney of ('oluiubla county, I
In lb rlty Ibl eek. II is attorney in
a Conirwl at tlm land t.lHc. Mr. Puwdl
t lornierly a teacher In lb Oregun
City ai-boola,
Mrs. K. Hadie Whit, alio cam to
Oregon City fioiu Sumptvr acveral
moniba ago to manag bei rnoiber'a
a i ore wlnlrt lal'er waa In the Fi,
left WedneiJiy for liuma. Mra. Whit
own a etor In Humpter.
Mr. K. Martm returned Monday Inm
Iowa whar ah ha been vlniiing for
Kver.l week pant, Ut tunke tho final ar
rangemenl for lb dipoaal of her alotk,
and tell W'eduetday for lb Kaat. Mis.
Martin baa Wn veiy tice.ful in
bunineaa here ami wiaheato thank the
laillo ol tl iai i lly and county tor their
hU-ral patronige.
Mr. and Mr. George Lot-kerby, ol
(iarfleld, were In the city thla aeek.
They realde at the head of navigation,
ami their place I a f.voilt reaorl for
nhfruien I Ait Sunday's Oregonlan
cootaiuod aoma One plrtnri'S ol Mr.
Itiitkeihy's farm. Somo of tbe largeit
dub ever caught In Oregon were obtained
there. The. record Iolly Vardtm li 2it
Im bei In length, and not long 'ago a
IHirUmau hooked a iHilly Vardeu uiea.
urii'g ?H Inrlu i and aelgblng pound.
A Kainbow trout weighing 2'.' poundi ba
been caught there.
Local Evei;ls$.
i . At- ,
Cbarmnn A Co. Fulling Hchool
Hchool liook eichangMil at Moor'
Hiby Itormeta a apm laity. Mlns
m III.. I, hey fllllag ami lurk work
Juliii.iin I. mull,
Low priced goods are not always bargains. An article may be too
cheap to bo servlcable; then It UJexpensIve at any price. Trash never
come3 Ir.to this store. Quality Is Irj every article quality that we stand
back of, with our guarantee of money back If goods are not exactly
as rt presontod.
Velvet, ri.k and all tlm laid novel
tie. Mi (iold.millt.
The latent novelties In millinery and
price tlie ueai. Mine Goldamith,
Social Happenings.
MIhs Paiay Lyle Laurence and Mr.
Loin Ivlnger were married Tueedrty
night In Portland. The cureinony a
purlormwl by KabUl Stephen 8. Wise
in the preaencn of the rulnMvea and
mot intimate friend. Mina Laur
en co is well known In Oregon City,
having lived here for many yearn, and
Mr. Levimier ut one time conducted a
drug store, in thin city. He U now a rea
dout of linker City, 'The couple loft for
that plnce on the 0. H. A N. train Tuue
ilny night.
Tbe marriage of Mr. August A.J. Urady
and MIhs Alice Ma Pungey waa solem
nized at the re bide nee of tho bride's par
ent Wednesday evening by Kev. W. S.
Grim, of tho M. E, Church. About
twenty-five gnoHts were present. The
groom Is an employe of tho Willamette
Pulp A Paper Co.
C. M. Pht-lps, ForeBtdale, Vt.,Bys his
child was completely cured of a bad cane
of ecKenia by the tine of De Witt's Witch
Ilar.ol Salve. Beware of all counterfeits,
ItltiHtantly reliovea plies. Geo. Harding.
You will rva money by buying your
millinery of MIm )oldmltb.
Pencil, Tablet and Jtulers, with
School Hi". i, at Ciiannan A Co,
l-'U to I0) to loan on chattel or per
aonal aecunty. I'lmick A Faitbairt, agt.
I' in It re 1 1 a. rp tlr.il anil f-.inr.i,
al.u IihIII l iird.r. Jihiwi A l.ainb.
liny your meat at Albright A Igu'
meat nuiki't and aecur vote lor tbe
I'iO piano.
Oregon City Aiaetnhly, United Artl
4in, g tte a HI14.J0W Kocial la their hall
lt rvening.
Wuk on tli i.r- aarehotia of th
WilUimlleaiilCrown Paper Mill ha
Tli H.turday Club will hold a Market
in lb ba'ini nt of th Congregational
church, N'.,v. 77'h.
I'.niig your old achmd book to M lira's
I'htrtnnry, Oregon City. Will ticheng
any IhmiI rii plie (or them.
Tlie Acme, oppoall Kuterprli odlce,
111.1.11I11 tun lrili candy daily, rruil,
cigi and tobarro. Soda fountain. New,
Tbe IV'.rd ol &.I100I Oirei tor meet
louigtit and an effort will Ut uid to
reduie tbo tuition of out of town pupil.
"K d" rimitb.ofAibtand and P.ennia
Hall, of Oregon City, will box 20 round
In 1I111 riiy halurday evening, Octolr
A public .!u ut property will be held
at 1. p. m Tiitinday. (Mobr, 17, at lb
larm ol It. V.. Nicholaon, 2,',' miles tail
ol Caiiby.
There a ill be no preaching tiunday in
the Pre.hytrrian church, but Sunday
a hool and Chrlilian Eoiieavor meeting
will I held a uiual.
J. H. N. KelUix-l, a pioneer ol 1S5A,
died Saturday night in Portland, lie
taught at hool in Clackatnaa County for
unnyyeara. II wa born la 1M1.
Fall t ilting ar coming In and tbe
man alio want an up-to-dst suit in
color, cloth and aiyl should goto J.
K'loaUnd, the leading tailor, located
Seventh atreet, near depot. Sample
chevrlully ahown. Prli-ea reaaonable.
MlUiukle' itltlon for incorporation
ha H namee subscribed to It, aud will
probably lw prvaented at Hi next regu
lar term ot the Board of County Coin in i-iuliei.
Io you sufTor from pile? If so do not
turn toiurgery for relief. DeWitl's WiU h
11 mo I Salve will act more quickly, surely
aiul aafvlv, aaviug you the expense and
danger ol an operation. Geo. Harding.
Ammunition of rjr deierlplloa.
Shell luaileil to order, Nw ibnl gum.
IMil tjuni rrlrd. flaw ilork or air
rltlrl, BOO ihul. S.wlnt luarhlnel anil
bleyrlei reilrad. Th pl lo gel It
flieil. Juhn.oa J) Lamb. All work
Ninth and Tenth grade are lo be
added to the Went Oregon City school.
The eight grade was formerly the high
est in the Bvliool, and with the addi
tional two the older pupils will be
greatly boliefited.
KuNiell A Co, have entered suit
agidost Mary A. Cox, J, C. Cox and
Sitmuid K. Cox, of Candy, lor $1708 2-1
ai h interest at 10 per rent from Oct.
l'.Wl and $175 attorney's fee. II. K.
Cross is attorney for plaintiff.
The electric railway will inaugurate a
new et'hedule Monday, Cars will leave
Oiegon City and Portland at half hour
interval and the trip will be made In
one hour. The laat car will leave Port-
laud for Oregon City at 11 :30 p. m. daily.
Company A, Third regiment, 0. N.
0., turned out 50 strong at drill Monday
nlht. Tbe Company is haul at woik
nn t made a good showing at the tourna
iiieLt in Pottland, taking into considera
tion the fact that it was nearly dark when
their turn rauie to ehoot.
Closing Out
Bicycle Sundries
our large itotk of Bicycle Sundries,
i, I'ump, Saddle, Handle Bars,
Tire. Impi,
Cyclometer, l'cdaie, Toe Clip. Bell,
Chain Bruihe-everything now In stock
we offer while it laita at to of regular
prices. Theae few ilenia will give you an
idea of the cut:
Tire ... . fl.JS Toe Clip lie
Inner Tubes.... 60c Tire Tape ... a for 5c
1-aiiipi 60c Belli 10c
Foot Pump.... jC Handle Bars.... 73c
Chain Bruihes ... 35c
Silkdown Photo Cloth
Blue Print made on Silkdown Photo
Cloth may be w allied and ironed, and never
fade; can be toued to other color month
after they hav been printed. It makes
beautiful sofa pillows, table and mantle
a arf, banner, book marks, etc. Silkdown
i put up in sealed tubes, yd. cloth and
I package toning solution, all for 50c.
bun pie to ui- a blue print.
See sample pillow in our window.
Our regular factory ahiptnentof umbrella has arrived.
It's twice as Urge aa laat year's. Last year's ehiptnent
was nearly twice that of tbe year before. That's tlie
way our umbrella buiineirr has been increasing each
year. Highest quality goods only, better prices and an
boneit guarantee is doing the business. Buying of the
factory, we get new, fresh goods only, latest stylet only;
we get j per cent Utter prices and we get tbe factory
guarantee back of us. We never sell an umbrella that
we can't guarantee, whatever the price; and our guar
antee means a new umbrella or money back.
We cfler a strong, serviceable lady's or gentleman's
umbrella, paragon frame, ateel rod, natural wood haudles
la took and crooks, cover guaranteed not to fade or
crack for J 1.00. Our $i y umbrella 1 the equal of
many sold for fay. It bat brought u an immense
business and we want you to see it.
From these prices we can give you your choice of
various fabrics and fancy bandies up to $ 10.00.
You are doing your purie an injustice if you don't
compare our stock and prices before buying an umbrella.
Rememctnber here is where quality counts.
Huntley's Book Store, Oregon City.
Ilu uf Oregon City Lock.
Tlie nuirWly reMirt of the Portland
General Kit trio Compiny of lranporta.
lion through the Oreg in Cl'y loi-ka dur
ing lb Ibree month ended September
30 sboas Iha folio 11 :
Number of trip . 42S
NuinWof pa.M.ngi-r ll.KiU
ILreand cattle :'12
Htieep ami bow "7i I
Feetol lumtM-r ;.5
I eel of Iok 37.I0
Tons of freight 8.153 j
Children's bats and bonnets Mis
Portland-Oreieon Cl'y tmat Str. Leon a
leaves foot of Kighth Si. at 7 and 11 a m.
and 3:0) p. lu Leave Portland
at 9 .00 a. ut. and 1 :00 and 5 :00 p. m.
Take the Leone if you w.nt a good co.u
fortable rid. The run it made either
way in one bo..r and fifteen inlbute.
Hound trip 25 cents.
Card f Tbsnks.
To the people of Park Place and Ore
goo City and auburba, ahoao kindly and
freely lent their asaiUnce and sympa
thy at the death and burial of our be
loved babe, e witi to re' urn our heart
felt thank. We were stranger in your
midst, and your reaard shall come from
Him, wboeaid, 'I was a stranger, and
ye took me in" ; for "inasmuch aa ye have
done it lo the least of tbee my little
one, ye have done ft nnto me."
A nap SO acrwa. mi lea from Ore
gon City, 30 in cultivation, buildings and
aud orchard Price, 15 per acre
C. O T. Williams,
Office, rarcly boildmg
Money to loan on good terms, at six
per cent interest.
. C- O. T. Williams,
Office, Barclay building.
Sotlce te Taxrajert and Prope.ty
Notice is hereby given tint tbe Board
of Equalization of the County of CWka
maa, State of Oregon, will for the week
beginning Monday, October 14, 1001, I
io attendance at the office of the county
cferk.insaid county snd state, for the
purpose of publicly examining tlie as
esxment rolls of said county for the year
1!01, and correcting of all errors in valu
ation, description or qualities ol lamie,
lota or other property. It ia tbe duty i.f
all persons interested to appear at the
time and place herein mentioned, and
call the attention of said board to any
errors in aerneiil, or property not a
seseed, so that the same may be cor
rected in the manner provided by Lw.
Please call early in the week.
Eli Williams,
Assessor of Clackmaa Countv.
A letter was received at tho land office j
Wednesday from the secretary of the'
interior, which was heavily bordered Inj
black as wa also the envelope which j
enclimi'd tho letter. All correspondence !
from members of the cabinet has this
mark, out of respect to the memory of
President McKlnley.
Many physicians are now prescribing
Kudol Dyspepsia Cure regularly, having
found that it is the bust prescription
they can write because it is the one prep
aration which contains, the elements nec
essary to digest not only some kinds of
food but all kinds and it therefore cures
indigestion and dyspepsia no matter
what its cause, Geo. Harding.
lWi th 1h! m Bouft',ll
FRANK BUSCH, The Housefurnisher.
Demands on Your Pocket Book.
You have plenty of need for your cash, and you ought to make it go as far
aa it will. We help you to get full value from what you have to spend.
Never a dollar is placed with us hut that you get full value in return.
Ask for a rebate check for every purchase you make
Very Real.
We have bright paper de
signed by some of the first art
ists, and the flowers and foliage
look very real.
These are most beautiful spec
imen of the paper decorator'a
art and skill, and we advise an
early look at them.
Look at the Carpet
stock in this wonderful carpet
store and you vlU not have auy
inclination to look elsewhere.
You can do best in buying here
best in quality, coloring, in
pattern, and price for instance.
Ilig'tcst grade Wilton Velvet
per vard $1.25 down to 25c per
yard Ingrain.
On the Rusr
aubject we are away ahead
ahead in variety and quality,
and everything but price. The
p ice Li where you will be ahead.
This rug show of onrs is a
regular art exhibition; won't
you inspect it ?
We sell the
Wheeler-Wilson drop
head machine and
give prices' on
a t- -v
We invite you to inspect our full
stock of Cook Stoves, Ranges
and Heaters.
" x
a 1' -