Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, October 11, 1901, Image 1

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    Oregon City Enterprise.
VOL. HO. NO. 18
liO.T. HOWAUl)
Al Kcd J'iki', Court 1 f ( Mock
Oi City, Orrgon
De lo Ori.a Clif Xuu ri rl i
mim itiiit oasooa nrv, oaaooa.
rum lid ami ran. ol Tint, Umm Mnr. rr
loss niss aim trau.ael OsuaraJ
Law Bualas.s.
In HTTinmnTn nnmm
itaern Met and leatele bight..
Mania In loon al In r.nli.
Oregon City, - Orrgon
Will rirlr In all rcitirla of
()t?i in ('uni.l i.uil'iii i.
j u.cAMrnri.u
0 !. ClM, Oaiao.
III .f wtlra la alt l ha eouru ef Iks iuk. 01
lr. la l-utll tu dim.
0. V. Knstliout 0. II. Dimlck.
Commercial, Ileal Estate and Pro-
tale Law, Fpceialtlra.
AUtracle of Till tuade, Money Loaned
Orrgon City, Oregon
Wo Hiij.jJy any lU,k tued in tl.n wIkkiIh of Clack
amas; County and allow iho HigViH IVice in
KXCIlAMih ami will snvo ymi money. To pur
chaser of Hchool l!,k wu give tablet"., pencil
ihi njicrp.
he Only Kirrt-ClaM
Hotel in town.
-Raise $1 day and opuiarda,
JAl Oil CAMKL, I'roprlolor.
FOU was
Because ll Vli (lit (;r He Ii lo a
IVrk ,f Trouble,
W jruu monriron prracrliitluni k
. i immi'ic, and lanill, rr,-,i,,n. . ' "J
i tontrai tor Muni Reside Con'lgaona U
Ihe Kuute and Give Krrrlce
I'lTtunal MnpuiTllon.
City Drug Store.
OreKon City, Ore.
II)M a raaiarllla ntskr rUh, rri
IiI'mmI 1 1 imi ala unlr n)r.
Offlceovsr MrKlitHrk'a Hl,c Biore,
lb Hank ol Oregon City.
Canto ClM, Okiooa.
Justice of tho Peace.
Will aliand lo cvllctluna and tall rvalesiaie.
tilth-eon Main Hirral,
A lbrtdl Mtat Marks!, Oregon flljf.
That ilcjx-niln on ymir knowledge of fl.mr and the rcnulta
ohtaintMi from the ua of good (lour. IIotiHckcfinrs who
havMiiw'dPortlnntl Flouring Mill Flour unhenitat
Ingly i-roiiounop It the lx-ht, U-cnuitc it In made by patent
proorca from old wluut. It make tho only good bread.
Sold !y all grorfii.
The Mdlartcu, wilt Dot down,
and the trouble which Vent a achool
Four V far ContraflH tO IlC Let I 'i 'n uproar at lteedville for
.. ( . ., ,, evoral yenn, ami which haa Ua he-
1-or tarrying the MallH. fore lb. C00(llr . m,ltmrin,..
office and Iha authoriliea at Halem two
or three time, will row take iU chancm
TH'tLVE ISOl'TLH 11 THIS COUSTI heforethe Circuit Court of WaahinKUio
county. It will be remembered that U.
8. McHargoe waa principal of Ihe il(J
vllle echool, and while teachinit waa
chargad with onprofeiional conduct,
one charge of which waa the kiaaing of
Kir! puplla. The matter waa taken be
Wre the fctata Iard of Flucation, and
that body found him guiliy. Mcflaruue
tecured a rehearing on the ground that
hit certificate had expired when the
flndingi were made. He wai then re
fuaed an examination for a teacher'a
certificate by Superintendent Ball of
Washington county, and Mcllargue then
went lo Multnomah, where he waa again
turned down. From there be went to
Clackamae county and received papera
to teach. He took bia certificate to
Waahington and demanded an indorae
ment Irom the tUDerintendent of achool I,
which wai refuaed. He req nested that
oOicial to atipulate to abide by the de
cision of the attorney-Keneral, which
waa agreed toby both. The attorney
general arTirmed the refneal of Superin-1
tendent Ball. j
Mcllargue then alleged that be waa
not treated fairly, ai he had bad no
chance to have counsel make an ariru-
ment before the aute oiricer. A motion
for a rehearing waa allowed, and again 1
the pedagogue waa turned down. Sep
tember 27 Mcllargue deposited a dollar
with the county clerk of Waliiniion
county, the uaual fee for endoraing
The poatrfuV department will receive
bida until 4 p. in. December 3, 1'JOl, for
the carrying of maile over the variona
routei of Clackaioaa county, and decia-
ioha will announced on or before Feb
ruary i, nnrj. tontracta will cover a
period of four year, from July 1,1902,
until June ,'tO, liKXJ, and muat be exe
cuted and filed in the department within
alxty day i after date of acceptance of
bidi. The law req:ilrea a bond, oath of
bidder, oath of auretiea, and certificate
of istmaaU-r with every proposal. No
bid aubinllM will be conaidered unleea
the bidder (hall aree In bia bid that, In
Ihe event of the aervice tteing awarded
U him, be will give bia pereona! auper-
ViMon lo the performance of the aame,
and will reaide on or conliguoua lo the
liiddera rnunt agree to deposit mail in
boxea put up near the road along their
route. Following la a liat of routea in
Clackamae county:
73,148. From Bullruo to Marmot, 7
Hoard of County ('ommlHNioiur
Make a Sweeping Cut.
Sheriff Cooke Fllea a I'etlllon With
Tae Hoard Aaklncr fr Additional
Help In HI Office.
milea and back, 0 time a week. Leave
! Bullrun daily, except Sunday, at 12 m. ; teacher'a certificate from other countiee,
arnveat Marmot by 2:30 p.m.: leave and Died mandamcu baoera aakinir the
W. I D'K.a 0. I.W.V.l
Attornrya at Ijw.
)cutriljrc .buohai.
Will )rafi( in all rmna, niaka eullecllolia
ana aatllanirnla nf Kaialea.
Kurn'ali aiMiraria of una, irnd you monay
and land your money on Oral inorgaKe.
Offlco In Entorprlso Dulldlng,
Oregon CHy, tlregon.
W carry the largrat atoik Caak-
cta, Cotlioiand I.lainga in Clack
amaa county.
We are the only nndrrlakrre In
Clackamaa county owning a
hrare and will furniih It for leaa
than can be bad tWwhere.
We are under email eipenae and
do not aik large fofita.
Calla promptly attended night or
I'hoaaa 476 anil SOB.
Lnnd Title nnd Ieirul Office
I llinliiCMi ll Hpcclulty
Will practice In all Cotirta of the State
Room S, Welnhard llldg.
opp. Court llouae, Orrgon City. Oregon
Qt A. 8TUAKT, M- D.
V(Hc In Vt ilianiflta Illilar.
Ore Ron Oily, Oregon
CITlialioura: 10 a ni. lo 13 m., 1 to 4 p. m.
ami 7 to N p. in. ,
Hdal aitrntlon paid lo Hliaunialiini ami
Kama! IMaraara.
Call anawared day or night.
Qraduale of the Nortl.weMern Unlve
aitv Dtmlal Hcluxd. Chicago.
Alao American Collegeof iH-ntal Surgery,
Willamette Mock, Oregon CHy.
J i (I Tu Doers SoBtl if Court Heme.
r i iini a 11
n. L Hill MAN SI
mmm mm m m m
Marmot daily except Sunday, at 8:30 a.
m. ; arrive at Bullrun by 11 a. m. Bond
rtiitilred with bid 1700. Freaent con
tract pay 13J0; aubcontract pay i250.
73,149. From Clarke, by Colton, El-
wood and bpringwater, to Dodge, 19.63
milea and back, twice a week. Leave
Clarke Wednesday and (Saturday at I p.
' m ; arrive at Dodge by 7:30 p. m. ; leave
Dodge Wedneadav tad Saturday at 5:30
a. m. : arrive at Clarke by 12 m. Bond
required wljb bid 000. Freaent con
tract pay $181.10; aubcontract pay
f 150.03.
' 73,150. From Cuiriniville to Garfield,
8 14 mile and back, six timee a week.
Leave Currrintville daily, except Son-
The Board of County Commlia;onera
met laai Friday and enforced obedience
of their order limiting the office force of
the aheriff and clerk to one deputy each
by Jefuaing to allow the bill for clerk
hire after October 1, the date that the
oroer went into effect. The deputie in
the aseeaeor'a office were turned off in
compliance with the order. The matter
haa excited conaiderable comment iu
courthouse circle. Sheriff Cooke takee
the ground that the law authorize him
to employ extra help when oeceeaary,
and the comruiiaioner do not oppoea
thi contention, but are emphatic in
their resolve that extra aeeintance muat
be by order of the Board. The aeior
now ha one deputy and three platmak-
era under him, and there la no denying
that the plat now in tbe process of
making will be of great benefit to the
county when completed, and wfll be
worth all that they will coet.
Tbe Board disallowed a bill of the
sheriff for 142.00 lor hi aervice a auc
tioneer in telling properly from the de
linquent tax roll, holding that the aheriif
did thi work hiinelf, and that a be
waa paid a reasonable salary, no extra,
expense should be incurred.
Early next week the Board will con
vene and make provision for all neces
sary ae-dstance to complete the copying
of the delinquent tax roll and other
work which tbe law provide must be
completed within a specified time. There
i no disposition on the part of the com
miesioner to refute all tbe clerical help
necessary for tbe work of the county of
fice. Sheriff Cooke filed tbe following
petition Tuesday :
To the Honorable Buard of Count
THAT XcHABGtE CASE. Commsiaioner for tbe County of Clack-
To ma EoiToa : Alluding to the above i mas, State of Oregon.
court to cause the superintendent to
appear aod tbow cause why the certifi
cate from Clackamaa should not be en
dorsed. It ia understood that Mcllargue
contend that the law reading that the
achool superintendent "may" indorse
tuch a certificate meana "shall." Tbe
attorney-general haa decided that it
doe not mean "thall." and that the
achool officer haa a much right to con-
aider tbe fitness of tbe applicant as
though auch applicant were appearing
for examination before tbe county board.
k Leave currr.n.vllie dally, except bun- m ncaton.! gosalp the Courier- Gentlemen: Where.., at a regular
day on arrival I of mall from I ortland but HeralJ( , ,u 0, pn. I of yoaf coQrt belJ ,n gJ
2?, . ' u f" ' 5 V I-, f atfl h1 'Superintendent Zineer didn't i 1901. your honorable body did make anj
2 firldln2bonr; leave Garfield daily, know tboot Mcllargue'. kissing record," ' have entered an order, restricting the.
Moore's Pharmacy
On Seventh Street,
School Books, Tablets,
School Supplies of all Kinds.
3 p.
J)R. L. L. riCKKNH,
Trlie Moderate. All Operation
Barclay Biilldinu Oreuon City, Or.
Oldest BaoilDi House U lis Cltr.
PaA opCl.tlst,,M),000.
Burplua, JU,MU.
'"inHT, caatLB) a, criatn.
VicaraiaiuiMT, eao. a. aaaniNa.
aiNiaa, a. e cauriau,
loiinrsllisnklni biialness traiiaaoled.
fopoalia rt'0lT0f lubluot to chert.
lproail lillli ami tmtea itlaooutilcil.
Ciniiil; and city warrants biihl.
Losm mda on available soourltj.
sxihsma boiiKhtaud sold.
jnllsutldni msiln iriiiitlr.
htiftaaiilil avsllanl lu any part nt the world
TnltKraplila eiolisniiea tnlJ on PortlsDd, Ban
frsncilauo .niilosgoaud Mew York.
oioroit paU on ifme depoalta.
I'apltal, ..... 1100,000
'" made. Hills dlseoiiutod. stakes nol
!! ., '"".' Hrsiidiiillaeshsiiieon all points
n '" United Htstet, Eiiropa aud Hon Kone.
''"Poslla reduced snbjeot to check. auk
I'euromila.a. to4r. a.
C. LATOURITTK, President.
F. 1. MHYKR Caskler.
opposite ust orricE
Munt have money and has to make a
tacrifieo sale. Everything reduced
from 15 to 40 cents on tho dollar.
Come and be Convinced,
By !be Mcmcrlal FDHllslilnjE Association.
Tmk Entkktkihe has secured this work, which makes
a good-sized octavo volume, OJxIOl inches, containing
nearly (00 jmges of matter, and finely illustrated with
nearly 200 oopporplato pictures, all printed on the best
book paper, and bound in a most substantial manner in a
finely illustrated embossed cover of cloth. Wo will sell this
book to subscribers only at the exceedingly low price of
Sood us your ordor at once, bofore the edition is exhausted.
except Sunday, at 8 a n ; arrive at Cur
rins vllle by 10:30 a. m. Bond required
with bid $0O0. freaent contract pay
$161.73; tubcontract pay $204.07.
73.151. From Eagle Creek, by George
to Biseell, 12.50 mile and back, twice a
week. I-eave Eagle Creek Tuesday and
Saturday Immediately after arrival of
mail from Portland, but not later than 4
in.; arrive in Bissell in 4 hour; leave
Biasell Tuesday and Saturday at 7:30 a.
m ; arrive at Eagle Creek at 11 :30 a. m.
Bond required with bid $500. Present
contract pay $90; subcontract pay $75
73,152. From Oregon City, by Ely,
Beaver Creek, Shuhel, Clarket, Meadow
brook and Union Mills to Mulino, 24
mile and back, three time a week
Leave Oregon City Tuesday, Thursday
and Saturday at 8. m. ; arrive at Mulino
at 5 :30 a. m. ; leave Mulino Monday,
Wednesday and Friday at 8 a. m.; arrive
at Oregon City by 5:40 p. m. Bond re
' quired with bid $1300. Fresent contract
pay $384.37; subcontract pay $313.
73,153 From Oregon City, by Ely,
Cams, Mulino and Liberal, to Molalla,
j 15 25 miles and back, six timet a week
Leave Oregon City daily, except Sunday,
at 12 m.; arrive at Molalla by 7 p.m.;
lave Molalla daily, except Sunday, at 5
a. m. ; arrive in Oregon Jity by 12 m.
Bond required with bid $2000. fresent
contract pay $420.37; aubcontract pay
73.154. From Oregon City, by Will
lamette, Stafford and ilsonville, to
Graeme, 10.25 mile and back, 6 timet a
week. Leave Oregon City daily, except
Sunday, at 12 m.; arrive at Graeme by
5 :30 p. in. ; leave Graeme daily, except
Sunday, at 5:30 a. in.; arrive at Oregon
City by 11 a. m. Bond required with
bid flGOO., Tresent contract pay $400 on
13 miles and back of 6 times a week ser
vice ; Bubeou tract pay $350.
73,156. From Oregon City, by Stone
and Logan, to Viola, returning by Red
land to Oregon City, 29 37 milet, equal to
14.68 miles and back, 6 times a week.
(Carrier will be required to travel "main
road" instead of "river road" between
Logan and Viola.) Leave Oregon City
daily, except Sunday, at 7 :40 a. m. ; ar
rive at Viola by 1 :10 p. m. ; leave Viola
daily, except Sunday, at 1 :40 p. m. ; ar
rive in Oregon City by 5 :40 p. m. Bond
required with bid $1500. Present con
tract pay $612.96.
73,156. From Sandy, by Firwood to
Salmon, 13.75 miles and back, 3 timet a
week. Leave Sandy Tuesday, Thura
(Continued on page 7)
etc., since he was granted a certificate in theriff of Clackamaa county to the em-
Clackamat connty. It may, therefore, j ployment of but one deputy, and at yonr
be at well to state the facts in the case.
When U. S. Mcllargue, along with
sixty others, presented himself at the
April examination, bis name at once
suggested an identity with the person of
newspaper notoriety, a fact which be
readily admitted when a;ked by the su
perintendent. On request he gave a
statement of hi aide of the controversy,
and thi led to the conviction, that at tbe
bottom of tbe whole matter wat one of
those disagreeable neighborhood squab-
blet, which are the bane ot so many
communities, but which in this case did
not concern Clackamas county ; (or if the
State Board bad taken any notice of the
matter, no official notification ot auch
action baa reached thia office. Nor was
any notice whatever received from the
superintendent of Washington county,
ia utual in tuch cases. There wat,
therefore, no legal ground on which to
base a refusal to admit the applicant to
our examination.
The matter was referred to the Countv
Board oi Examiner, waa fully discuoted.
and the unanimous opinion prevailed
that be should be allowed to go on with
tbe examination. He wat asked, bow
ever, to furnish acceptable testimonials,
which he did, one from Supt. Littlffield,
ot Yamhill couuty, the other from I. G.
Davidson, of Davidson. Ward & Co..
Chamber of Commerce, Portland, and
which are on nie in my othce.
A subsequent request to revoke said
certificate I felt obliged to decline for
the same- reasons, suggesting, however,
to Supt. Ball the simple remedy of re
futing to recognise the Clackamascounty
certificate, an opinion which waa after
ward confirmed by the attorney-geneal.
J. U. Iinskr.
regular October term, disallowed any
clerical assistance whatever for the work
in aaid theriffa office.
Now, therefore, I, John J. Cooke
sheriff of said Clackamas county, would
respectfully represent to your honorabld
body, that there la, at thia time, an im
mediate necessity for more deputies an J
more clerical aid to transact the business
of this office aod meet the requirement
of the laws of the state, and I would
therefore request you to make such order
aa may be necessary, to allow me to ap
point at many deputies and clerks aa in
my judgment I may actually require to
conduct the business of the office in con
formity with the requirements of the law,
tuch deputies and clerk to receive no
pay except for the time that they axe
actually in my emplov and on bill O.
K. by me. And I further protest against
tbe allowance of bills charged to the
sheriff's account without allowing me
tbe privilege of Inspecting the tame.
Most respectfully submitted,
J. J. Cookk, sheriff.
are injured by the use of coffee. Recent
ly there has been placed fn all the gro
cery stores a new preparation called
GRAIX-O. made of pure grains, that
takes the place of coffee. The most del
icate stomach receives it without dis
tress, and but few can tell it from coffee.
It does not cost over as much. Child
ren may drink it with great benefit.
15 cts, and 25 ctu. per package. Try it.
Ak for GRAIN O.
When using baking
powder it is always econ
omy to buy the Royal.
Royal makes the finest,
most wholesome and de
licious food.