Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, October 04, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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    OltEGON CITY EKTllil'MSB, HtlPAY, T0I1ER i, 1901.
N'ooiliiH'ti Havi Altnndoiird Con
list For Inlnir l'lnno.
The ( i l Ki ruitilur lrlllnf and
HiriH lo Harrowed tiumu
la Titu Orgauliitlui.s.
'J im f'iiUl lot lb flW Irvlnic piano
jiiiiit let id the i'cihiiJ .mV
u U-m the ltl Mn MI in tlio If l
iili t'Ulli) ti liool not lr UiIiIikI
t J . 1 All II ft
T, mpxuiifn 01 ilia vurii iiavg
rn il ixil f lli rr ml the Y. M
('. A. have ain r'Miv strength nl ye!
,!,.. Tim vol ii to yaainriiay
l!rf iiihiii I ;
Improved Order of Ited Man f'UiH
WiNiiliiirU o(th WoM i'rfl
V. M.r. A
Millii iliur. li . .
Imm View cluifi.li,.,
t'miril An Iwii ,,,,
I'uhlir frlimil
Kcl Ciihmi
A. i. r. NV
K.O.T. M
I'lrehvterian Church,
... 7.W
... 110
... ?)
... ID
J-iimlrl ,,
M, r'rlhi
Vill rM tun ( Mil KSMINO
1'ulilir rVhoo'.a
V. of W
('uiiifrrgallonal Church
Y. M. C. A
... fxe
... H
Tim pill Ilu iM-liuul have tnny adhr
ett alio turn ll.elr I It kola over lo lb
houl tnl Id (earlier mark and vot
thriii. frMi voting for the arhoole
h'uiil mark h tallt "Oregon Ciljr
Public HthooU." r'ruin Hi school
tun Hi following voir a era cal;
Kaaiham-lrvliig. I2U7; ('bickering. IlOU;
iartay-lrltg, rn0; Cblckerlng, IjOO
titr da lis is miiov
JHrl VTidnradij Kvrulugaad Traart
t4 KIM lUrlMPM.
1 lie count II iiioi Wdnday evening
an. I granted a lot n llreneee to (1. lUmbn,
N. If. G'rfieti," n J A. Kuaop. TImj
mailrr of iinoroving Fifth street waa
ialil ovvr urillt tli lirxt iiiertitig.
Til nilliun of Otin Point rldni
for tli njn-nliig of Atwnif llijr til from
Mmi street to th liver anl the road
in frout ol block all anJ ven a oV
uled at tho thoroughfares ar open
(ar SS limy r liliratrd to tli cjljf.
Tli council irraoiit (lirlr wtiilun for
tli 0iiliiii of Front timet.
A motion to rmov an arc IIkIiI from
Main at trot loaom point on tli hill, to
tlm jilac lior the road turn to th
ciMiiittrrr from th Molalla roal at a
point by th Kljr acalni, laid on th
tahl until th nut mretliiK.
Tli mliiutna of Koconlor Curry Ute
that Ihachlrf of (Milic raa Inatructrd to
rrmov all nlrkol In lha tlol machine
within 24 hour. Mayor Dlmlck aayi
that Ihla It mlitak and that no order
aa mad. In any want It I not likely
ny mcli order will ba enforevd.
Hlnltteri Prom Six (eunllf U Irrt In
Oregon CHjr.
The Tortland Presbytery, embracing
the uouutlt'i of Mulinoaiah, Clackainaa;
Vanhlngton, Tillauiook, Clalaop and
Columbis, will commenc lie annual
"I'wiion In this city next Monday and re
main In staiiion until noon Wodmnly.
Monday evening the oiwnlnu meeting
will be devoted to the sermon of
the retiring moderator Iter. Mr.
W. 8. Wrll.t, of fiollwood. Tl
pruabytery will then be oonntlluted
with prayer and a new moderator and a
teiniorary clerk oluctud. Tuesday morn
lug's Hi'HHlon will begin at nine o'clock
and will be opened with half hour de
votional service, led by Rev. Kdwln M.
Sharp, of the Mount Tabor church, The
runt of tho morning will be devoted to
burliness. The afternoon session, from
2 to 6 o'clock will be occupied by the
routine work of the presbytery. Popular
services will be held Tuesday evening,
and on Wednesday morning at nine
o'clock devotional service will be led by
Itev. J. It. McGlado, of the Mispah
church, of Portland. Among the new
members to take part In the pretbytory
are Kev. W. 0. Loude, of Bolhany, and
Rov. E, M. Sharp, of Mount Tabor, An
early adjournment will bo taken to
enable tho members of the presbytery
to attond the Presbyterian Synod, which
meets at Hakor City, October 0, and em
brscos the four presbyteries of Oretion.
Lewis (Merman, Goshen, Ind. i "Pe
Witt's Little Karly Itinera never bend me
double like other pills, but do tholr work
thoroughly and make leel like a boy,"
Certain, thorough, gontle. Goo. Hard-tog.
Social Happenings.
i'iai.nri.fci( ii
I'snlel M.-Hpais and MUs lUnrlctla
KalhrlnliM h wurs united In iiiarrUit st
lb liuine 0f lh pride's parnnls at Cams,
"fe .oii the (wiling of Mept, T, 'M). Mr,
KpalsUa rofiMlonal fitrmnr, of JhI1
niuiily, KsiiaiM.aiid M1m KalhM-lai'h is
a blghly rei.ictMd young M,y f Csrua,
Oi, Imiiie.llately after lh w.rvlc.
conduiled by Ity. J, K. Klmer, of
I anhy, Uri guii, the hianliliilly ilucomted
parlor (HUd with rhiwrful rongrlu
lallons. Tlieii the ginla wer h-d Into
th illi.lng-r'Mini, hrr they partook ol
a suini'tooua siipp, r, The evrnlng was
pnt viy i,yably. Mr. and Mrs.
pala will m, a M..UIU their home.
Mr, Oeorg M. KUiIh, a traveling man
from lUkrr County, and MIm Al Pah
inr, ,f Portland, wei married st lh
('ongrrgatlorial chiin-h M'nd.iy by Hv.
K. H. Ili'llliiger. Tli gnui iBiiie to
Oregon City and wa ipileily iiurrivl to
avoid the iioiiiiTi iil i" in itiftit of ,1
brother Knlglil of lh Grip and want lo
Hraitle on Ute train Monday night.
The roupl Mill (eldn In Portland.
ftAaa rAHsa.
MIm Kilty Parks and Mr Chaitet Sa-a.
UHh of t'Urkamaa, jra married Wed
DevUv at lh Congrryatuiiial arsonaK
by Krv. I!. H. Ilillliignr. Tli n-wly
e-.-d pair will inak their home In
Clat'ksma, whrr Ihey ar well known
as th in and danghler of pruulnent
famlllea, Thy have I wen aripuinli'd
alnce Clilldhood.
stamina rsrr. '
Thirty five inruihrrs of M"d Poat,
(I. A. It , snd Meide Itellnf Corpa, were
lh" gueals of Mr. snd Mrs. (Jeorg A.
Harding laal r'rhlay awning at their rr
ldnc on Main and Tenth fctr-ct, th
otraalon being a surprin parly for Mr.
Harding, ho aa prnwnVd with a hand
oine chair by lh Pol ami Itellnf C,rp
Mulc and nmveiaallon wer lniulge In
and lh evening paaae I pleaaaully and
all too saiftly. ltrlrehmrnts wore
rved. Among thoa prraent were; Mr,
and Mrs. Georg A. Harding, Mr. and
Mra C. A. Williams, Mr. and Mrs. K. II.
IW h. Mr. and M' C. O. All.rigl.l, Mr.
and Mr. J. MIIU. Mr and Mr. T. W.
P,iita, Mr. and Mrs. I.retnu, Mr. snd
Mrs. K. llua. li, Mr. and Mrs. I.. A. la-
gram, Mr. and Mr. Moon. Mrs K. T.
Harlow, Mra Tin!, Mrs, ihadle, Mr.
M K Harlow, Miaa Convert, Mitt Imo
gen Hard.ng, Mr K. W. MidUm, Mr. I).
Kue, Itev. K. H. Ilolhng-r. Kev. P. K.
I(aruiiiyvl. Hov, A. J. Montgomery; Mr,
I. Putmsn, Mr. ChtrUs Horn, Mi. A.
Cheuey. '
Mit Mary Casj, ho nt to Alaoka
in June to giv a arirs of roncerls, at
prcis lo return to Oregon City etrly nest
week, and may go lo lloaton or New ' rk
for the winter, f he met with great sno
re wherever the appesred In Alaska
and the following from the Klondike
Naggel, ol Augoat 1, tells of her lUwton
coiu-erl ; "I he concert si the Savoy lat
night wat d'Strvliig of a much lager au
dience than thai preent, but llione who
were there were most delightfully enter-
lalnrxl by Mla Mary Ce, sited by
Meedsme Walker snd Torrey (lormerly
th Miaot I.arwn) and Mr. Arthur
Hoyle, aiuoinpanisl. MimCaeo, who Is
list from the lloaton Conservatory 'of
Mulc, KNuH'rie a most pleasing voice
over which her control Is simply wonder
ful. Her rendition of ''I.snd o' tho Lea"
and "Tho Holy City" was alone worth
many limes the admission charged for
the entertainment. The last number, in
liich she appeared as Liberty, holding
In her hainU th Amerlcsn and Dritish
ftags, and sang "Star Spangled Banner"
and "God Have the King" was aUo a
charming feature of the excellent pro
Miss Case endeared herself to all who
saw and heard her Ust night and now
that she has thus successfully been Intro
duced to the people here there Is no
doubt but thst should she decide to give
a future entertainment she will be grcoted
by a large audience."
Last Thursday evonlng Miss Clara Mil
ler, of this city, gave an "at home," in
honor of the Misses Helen and Aneita
Gleason, who resumed their duties as
teachers the first of the week. . Progres
sive whlet and music were the amuse
meats of the evonlng.
W. T. Wesson, Gholsouville, Va,,
druggist, writes: "Your One Minute
Cough Cure gives perfect satisfaction.
My customers say it is tho boBt remedy
for coughs, colds, throat and lung troub
les." Geo. Harding.
A I'leudlalt A I luck.
An attack w lately made oa 0. F.
Collier, of Cherokee, Iowa, that nearly
proved fatal. It came through his kid
neys. Ilia back got so lame he could not
stoop without great pain, nor ait in a
chair except propped by cushions. No
remody helped him until he tried Elec
tric Bittors, which effected euch a won
derful change that he writes he feels like
a new man. This marvelous medicine
cures backache and kidney trouble, puri
fies the blood and builds up your health
Only 60c at Goo, A. Harding's Drug Store,
I.U.M pail MA t l4 lA Wl j f0 1(
l. ii'l k., .,,.( II'. lut kaf mil '. r V!
llilr ain't l-'t't, rv - U.wol
Ot.i ihi ("I1 uicin b-r romnj ' yL
S-41 a1 a.hy, I almuM mf. '
Iwr Uli; II I J.M bar vtf. '.. ,
Tiln'l hrr m'iutk-hr iwtjih la wl'H
fu.il u rum fiom ll to Mla.
'n inf 'r dr.
Tiln'l Iwr uwuihj II I )nl hi waa,
hnm I rk''t ikthla srnt
Cuul.ln'l m mit M't Mrtlglitl '..!
tut, I ll I'm l,r i m; ;
'Taln'l M uai H i Jt Iwr ,
y ht Will, I ft' I ibl
l,t lir might fM and Uim
litt kr ltir ti lt dir.
lmnno hr; ll't Jm r mtf.
UluWlh SrlrMlf In CMtury.
$umm I'rapMlllan That It I t
Nat Aaalaat.
Tbi-re ar many things which at first
thought sppt-ar to Im easy enough of
accoiiiplliliiiieiit that It Is pretty safe
to bet a inn i) Lo cannot do. Most people
know that lh human hand are not
strong enough to hrr-ak a new In Id egg
If lh bonds are clasped and th egg
laid rndwla Ixtwwu tli palms. It Is
said that Hie preaaur required to break
an egg In tlila iiiaiim-r awiount to ton.
Among other safe bets Is a wsgi-r
that a man cauuot rla from a chair
without bending forward or puttiuz bis
fift under th rhalr or outald of It
Many a tnnn will bark himself to (Ir
aiiothi-r a start of Ui yard In a 3asb
of VK provided the man having the
start bops all lh way. Hut no runner,
however swift, csn give that amount of
start to an ordinary man. for the first
Or yards they go at practically the
aaiu pace. Therefore II- ninner, to go
03 yards while th "hpp-r" goes 45.
would hav to run more than twice as
fast, and It would be a weak moo w ho
could not Imp 43 yards at a pore equal
to '.'D M-romt for lot) yards, aud that
would mean that lh runner la ord r to
win would hav to best alt prerlous
If a man boaits that his penknife Is
particularly hsrp, sk him to cut wltb
on stroke of the blade one of those
yellow rlbhoiis, mostly of silk, which
com around buodh-a of cigars. In V.fJ
caw s out of l.(W the knife Is not sharp
euougu to do this. It will cut tbroiigu
all the ribbon but the last strand, and
that will pull out hing. and tbe more
be tries lo cut It th longer It will pull
Is safe lo Ut any one except a
blind man that be cannot stand with
out support of any kind for five min
ute at a siretru If be Is thoroughly
blindfolded without moving bis feet.
If h doe not move bis feet b la pretty
sure to topple over Id about a minute.
, Sealla aa WUw t"lear.
"An old colored w oman selling sualls,"
ay the Philadelphia Itecord, "occ
slunally makes her appearance In South
tm-t, and atiuie times sue may also b
found along Krout street or Second
street, up In tbe district that used to be
known as the Northern Liberties. 6u
carrle an old baaket in whk-b tbe snsljs
rpK.e ou frvahly sprlukled leaves.
These ar not sold as food, but for
rlesnlng lb oulslde of window anes
an old practice still In vogue la Ken
sington. The snail Is dampened aud
plncvd Upon th glass, where It at ouc
moves around and devours all Insects
aud foreign matter, leaving the pane as
bright and clear as crystal. There are
old established business plsce la Ken
sington where tho npperwlndows, when
cleaned at all, are always cleaned by
nails. There Is also a One market for
snails among the owner of aquariums,
as they keep the glass clean aud
For PaOTr.
The value of a recloe lie partly la Its
lielnir accurately set down and fol
lowed. Harper's Magaxlue has tho fol
lowing directions for making a break
fast delicacy called popovcrs, aa they
wer Imparted by the Chinese servant
to a lady visiting In the family.
"You take him one eeg, said tbe
master of the kitchen, "one lit cup
milk. You Oxce him one cup nou oa
sieve, take pinch aalt-you not put blui
In lump. You move blm egg lit' bit
slow; you put him milk In, all time
move. You makce blm Oou' go la, not
move fast, so Have no spots, aiaaee
but'led pan all same wa'm. not too hot.
Putleo blm In oven. Now vou mind
you business. No llkee woman ruu
look at blm all time. Him done all
same tlmo biscuit"
CWrlcal lor Throat Bspllad.
Deacon Scrlmo Iluuiphl Thlulc you
have got to have a vacation, cbT
Struirc lluir PaatorYeo. toe doctor
says I must go off nntll this cough Is
Deacon Scrimp WelL I'd Hko to
know why preachers are alwaya get
ting bad coughs.
Struggling Pastor-Well, you see, we
have to visit arouud a good deal, and
we are alwaya asked to bold a little
service before leaving, and I think our
throats become affected from breathing
the dust that flies from the family
Dlbles. New York Weekly.
"I can't help udmlrlug the Ingenuity
of the. landlady at our house."
"In what way 1"
','At breakfast time she burns a gralu
or two of coffee on the kitchen stove,
bo as to fill tho dlulug room with the
odor, and then gives us chicory to
"Oh, mamma," exclaimed four-year-old
Itessle, looking up at tbe starry
skies oue evening, "what a pretty plane
heaven muBt be when It Is ao beautiful
wrong sldo out!"
You rob yourself ofteucr than other
rob you.
It I 0brln, oa th Boalhw.al.ra
Coaat ut f arala.
Tho hottest wim on tho earth's sur-.
fiiee I on the southwestern coast of
1'erxlii, on Dim border of the Persian
gulf. For ii) consecutive days In lh
u.outU of July aud August the mer
cury bus been known to stand abovg
100 degrees In the shade night and day
and lo run up aa high as 130 degrees
In Hie middle of the afternoon.
At Hfihreln, In the center of tbe most
torrid bell, as though It were nature's
Intuition lo iiiuke the place as unbear
able as possible, water from wells Is
something unknown. Great shafts hsve
been Nunk to a depth of 100, 200. 200
and even 500 feet, but always wltb the
same result no water. This serious
drawback notwithstanding, a compara
tively numerous population contrives
to live there, thanks to copious spilng
which burst forth from the bottom of
the gulf more than a tulle from tbe
The water from these springs Is ob
tained In a most curious and novel
manner, "Machadores" (divers), whose
sole occupation Is that of furnishing
the people of liahreln wltb tbe life giv
ing fluid, repair to that portion of the
gulf wla-r tbe springs are situated and
bring away with tbcai hundreds of
bact full of the water each day. The
water of the gulf where the springs
burnt forth Is nearly 200 feet deep, but
these machadores manage to fill their
gotitakln sacks by diving to the bottom
and holding the mouths of the bags
over Hie fountain Jets Ibis, too, with
out allowing tbe salt water of the gulf
to mis with It
The source of these submarine foun
tains Is thought to bo lu the bills of
Osmond 40 and 500 miles away. P.e
lug situated at the bottom of tbe gulf.
It I s mystery bow they were ever
discovered, but the fact remalna that
I hey have been known sloe th dawo
of history.
The army worm la essentially a
grsa eating Insect though It often
fed upon other plants, aud la said to
prefer oats to corn.
The mslaptecunis, a fish only eight
Inches long, can develop a shock of pjQ
volts of electricity In the two-thou-Siiudtb
part of a second.
Several pairs of pigeons wblcb a sol
eutlat has observed la Paris have rals
id their young In nests made entirely
of hairpins collected on tbe paths of
tbe Luxembourg.
- The largest neat la the world Is built
by the moand bird, a sort of Austra
lian fowL It makes mounds some
times 150 feet In circumference. In
v bleb It buries Its eggs five feet deep.
Tbe besvlest bird that files Is the
trrcat bustard. In size It exceeds the
Norwegian blackcock. Tbe old males
weigh about 33 pounds, but when food
I plentiful the young males may
'weigh 40 pound; Great bustard were
formerly as ' plentiful In wewtern
Kurop as partridges. Now they are
rarely found.
t. Chrlahr.
' Tbe belief was that any one who
looked at a rt-prvscutatloo of St Chris
topber was safe for that day from an
evil death. Tbe saint was always por
trayed of colossal site and Is so paint
ed at tbe entrance of most Snsnlsb ca
thedrals that all may see blm. None of
(be many, caned figures of this saint
approaches In six one which was re
moved from Notre Dame at Parla In
It was said that St Christopher's
original occupation waa to carry people
across a stream, and tbe legend la that
otice a child preseuted himself to be
conveyed over. At first bis weight was
what might be expected from bis In
fant years, but presently It began to
Increase aud so went on till tbe ferry-
mau was like to sink under bis burden.
Tbe child then said: "Wonder not. my
friend. I am Jesus, and you bave the
weight of tbe sins of tbe whole world
on your back." Uence St Christopher
Is represented carrying the Infant Sav
iour across a river with the globe In bis
St Christopher baa an . Interesting
place lu tbe history of typography lu
consequence of a wood engraving of
bla figure. suposed to be of date about
1423, being the earliest kuown example
of that art
Cakatwa Caaata.
One-third of the area of Canada ta
practically unknown. There are more
than 1,230,000 square miles of unex
plored lands In Canada. Tbe entire
area of the Dominion Is computed at
3.430.257 square mllea; . consequently
one-third of thla couutry baa yet been
uutraveled by tbe explorer. Exclusive
of tbe Inhospitable detached arctic por
tions, 054.000 square mllea are for all
practical purposes entirely unknown.
Most of this unknown area Is dis
tributed In the western half of the Do
minion la Impenetrated blocks of from
23,000 to 100,000 square mlles-that Is,
areas as Urge aa tbe states of Ohio,
Kansas or New Eugland are yet a
secret to white man. National Geo
graphic Uagaxlne.
A Doabl Raaanay,
"They bave a new coachman at the
"Wbafa the matter with the old
. "He lot the horses run away.'
"Did they run farf
"Qeor out Into the suburbs."
"Anybody with hlniT
"Yea, Mamie Rlppenbanger. She and
the coachman haven't got back yet"
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
In a Great Harry.
Benhom-Wby did that woman keep
you standing at the door for half an
Mrs. Denham She said she hadn't
time to come hi. Brooklyn Life.
Family LVIodlclnoo.
Cough Honey.
Kidney Backache
Blood and Liver
Bee and Jeye TOOfo
Ortt Blood Cluaniln Kamadv for Sdt1b
Haadacbe., ConitlpaUon,"Tlxd," Wervoua.l
Dyspepsia Cure
Golden Relie
St, Vitus' Dance
Afkyotir dmrrlit for Almanac for 1901
Mituum vt um luuik inuuuou
For Sale by C. G. HUNTLEY,
Uolngop, 8:00 A. M.'Jologduwn 2 .30? m
or ths
Str. LEON A.
Lrav P0STU(D
Poot Eighth 8t.
7 00 A.M.
. 11 fO
Foot Tsrior fit,
9 00 A. M.
l no p, M.
5 00
3 00 P. M.
Or(on City Tranaportalloa Co.
When you buy goods at
our store, for our guaran
tee goes with every pur
chase, whether it costs
little or much.
Complete stock of Gro
ceries, fresh Bread, Buns,
Cakes, etc., always in
You leave your order;
we do tho rest.
Now is the time to buy your w all paper
and MURROW, the paper hanger, will
sell it to you cheaper than you can buy
it in Portland Drop a card In the post-
office and have a sample book brought
to your house, or telephone Ely Bros.
J. MURROW, Oregon City.
Many physicians are now prescribing
Kodol DyBpepsia Cure regularly, having
found that it la the beat prescription
they can write because it is the one prep
aration which contains the elements nec
essary to digest not only Bome kinds of
food but all kinds and it therefore cures
indigestion and dyspepsia no matter
what ita cause. Geo. Harding.
Kindly Visitor Mrs. A what do
you suppose makes you suer sot
Mrs. A. I don t know, i am sure,
end I believe nothing but a post mor
tem will ever show.
Kindly Visitor You poor thlngt You
are so weak that you can never stand
that Tit-Bits.
Caata No Blam oa HI Aaeeatora,
Mrs. Goodsale To what do you at
tribute your appctlto for strong drink T
Is It hereditary?
Wragson Tatters No, lady; lfs
thirst Philadelphia Tress.
An Irishman In speaking of an ac
quaintance said he was condemned to
be banged, but saved his life by dying
the day before be was executed.
A hopeless man Is deserted by him
self, and he who deserts himself la
toon deserted by his friends.
For Coughs, Colds, Grip, or
"Cold" in ANY PART of body.
t'OI.HAX. Mich.. Sept. 77. MO.
K'rrswli'iln year lrni do no work ami
walked imf bjr Im.IiIIiik ihi to a chair. 1 loe
loml with fo.:r (llfT. r.'iit phvulclan Ixil rw
cll no relief. Tlia u of two notllr of
Dr. ftnnar i Ktdntr sad Btcksch Cur
Save ma a perfect cum. J. M. Jli k lunar.
Ciaaava. Crawford Co.. pa.. June IK, I'0.
Thmeynarm airo I liaila aein.ra attack of
FrrlxT and lil'iod nolwin, brraklns out ma
my head and lace. 11 phynlclao tlnlrc
ma for ncvftrnl inotjtln without reontt. I tlxo
t'k B Ur ila of Dr. fenner't Blood sad
LlTtr Rmadf sod Merv Tonlo and aecurett
acoiiplelocure. f Mx 1MHKN4S.
MlMH.KaoRO, Ky.. fc-pt. 7. IMA
MfWlfahna Buffered Jon wild dynpMl.
I trud all of the pfutln prepurtilloti and aJI
ut tnf own prnw-rlittlon without avail. I
Hoallf prraerllM-d Vt. Fnnr'a Dytpepala,
Car and tha umiiA It efferted a euro. Many
other almllar caaea that bava cimi under my
olairnratloo bar burn cured by bl lya
prpla l'nri. tr. V. J. t.rmaoooo.
My llrar Itr. F-nner. Frrdonfa. N. V.
I have uaed Dr. roar's Ooldea Ktllaf fow
many run for th diwaju-a and accident
for which It la adrrrtlawi and hav found la
fully tiul to all you claim for It.
i. botd itrr.
Prtildlng Elder si. E. Chared.
Cd for Cat, Bralt, Burs, Old Bor,
Bpraln, Cold, Grip, Bor Throat, Colic.
Pynnury, Bowtl Troabla. It 1 nafalllng.
- Akroa, Ohio, Jaa 1,1 Wt
"V iM maaf d wnl of Jrur Rk Vllni Ttear
Sparine u4 r Mlulm rurrd by It. Il
a MIt. Al I IKl HI I'I'I I CO.
containing dcr1ptlons of th Eemedle
curt vr mcaimytn oj mtoidna.
Druggist, Oregon City, Or.
character and jro-vl rritittn In each atat
(on In Ihi county riiiird) lo represent
and silvern ol'l Uiiii.M wealthy boat
nea houa of Solid financial ln'iln. HU
ary f 18 00 weekly aim exnentet l.iitlonal.
all i yU in cah eacb WeOnMjy ulrecs.
from head offlre. Hon nd carriage fnr-
iilaned wherr necewarv. tUrVreiieee. Kra-
eloa rlf ddree'l atanued envelopau
Manairer, 310 Canton Building, Chicago.
Tiaa Cabd P. C. AO.E.R.
(Couch St)
7:00 A. M. 7:05 A. II.
ps 7:50
8:30 8:35
10:00 10:05
to-AS ' 10:50
11:30 11:33
u:ij P. at. ij:jo p. u
V-oo i5
MS 1:50
t:3o i.is
4o . 4:0s
45 450
5:3o 535
6:15 6: jo
T-o 75 :
73 7:50
8:30 only to 8:20 only to
Uilwaukie . MUwank!
95 9:tS
10:30 10:30
ilofonlyto n4oionlyto
Mil a akie Milwankl
13:504 Sat only
Except Saturdays, then only to Mil
waukie fBxccpt Saturday, then to
Oregon City. JEqeept Saturdays. JTo
Milwaukie only.
Astoria & Columbia
River Railroad Co.
ex. D'ly Eflective D'ly D"ly
8at. July 6, I'M
P.M. A.M. A.M. r.M.
6 M 8 CO Lv. Portland .Ar tt 10 9 40
8 Oft 9 06 Ooble 10 X H 3.5
8 20; 9 l ... Rainier .... 9 5.' 8 &
8 38 9 35 .. .Pyramid.... 9 35 8 HO
8 44 9 it) .... Myeer .... 9 30 7 64
8 90 9 50).... Qumcy .... 9 It) 7 40
8 58 10 00 ... latskanie .. 9 12 7 38
9 OH IO 10 ...Marshland .. 9 0.' 7 2
9 19 10 21 .... Wei.tort ... 8 51' 7 17
9 37 10 l Clifton 8 37 7 02
10 00 11 02 .... Knappa.... 8 17 6 42
10 0 U I0i.... Bvenien .... 8 07 8 32
10 20;il 22i....JoiiuDjy ... 7 55 6 20
U) 3l)ll 3Ar.. Anion. ,l.v 7 45 8 10
U 30 a. m.,
11 35 p. m..
5 50 a. m.,
8 15 a. m . .
6 15. m..
2 30 p 111 ..
5 00p. ni .
9 45 a. m.
.. 7 40 a. ra
...4 OOp.na
..10 35 a. in
.. 5 50 p. ra
.12 30p.n
.. 7 20 p. ns
.. 1 30 p. ra
.. 9 30 s. ra
All trains make close connections at Gobi
with all Northern Pacitic trains to or from
the Kast or Bound Points.
At Portland with all train leaving Union
At Astoria with I. R N. Co.' boats and
rail line, and 8teamer T. J. Potter, to and
trout llwaco and North Beach Points.
Ticket otUce, 255 Morrison st., and Union
depot J. C. M.Y0,Gen. Pass. Agt.
Astoria, Ora
Mir Li.
67 the fast
and com
m odious
Leaves Portland daily except
Sunday at 7 a. m.
This is the Great Scenic Route.
All tourist admit that the scenery
on the Middle Columbia is not ex
celled for beauty and grandeur in
the United States. Full informa
tion by addressing or calling on
J. S. BOOTH, Agent,
Tel. 914. Portland, Or.,
Office and wharf, foot of Oak St.