Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, October 04, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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Our correspondents will please tend
In artU'lon before Wednedays of each
VM'k , otherwise it reaches us too Iste (or
ii tick
. Otis Howard
willi malarial
A. 0. Ilayward wat calling on oUl
friend tew dae laat wk.
Car rick Cased y and family moved
back Klnuit a week ago from Cliikatat.
S.Ii kiI it progressing nii-ely under the
niamigctuent uf Prof. U. W. Metier, of
tiro -I ant.
B. Katit received word last Thursday
from Salem that hit mother had dirt)
Thursday morning. gvd 59 years and
10 days.
Miw'es Kate and Sara Jones, Clara
Phoenlmrn, Maggie Lewis, Edna and
Iva Irih attended the I'ortland carnival
Mi-a Jewie Jickn. of Maple l ane,
ia Kiaying with her aunt, Mra. Spangler, Mr. and Mra. Frank Khodea mere viti
diving the absence of Mr. Spangler in ting Mia. 11. II. Anders, Sunday.
Fjulane. 1 Mra. Frank Irviu ia vitiiing ber par
Tht-re it quitean attraction in Cania enta, Mr. ai.d Mr. Iiich, of Kelao.
for a young man from Molalla. I won- Mi wet Lucretiaand lk!iie 1mun were
di-r w i.y he comet over to often on hit
wheel? Perhaps he ia just learning to
Mit) Henrie ta Kalbfliesh and Mr.
Ii.ui.rl Spaia. of KauoAi, were married
at ile home of the bride'a parents, Mr.
and Ma. John Kail flesh. fbey ex
je to leave for Kana toon, where
tl rv will reside in the future.
K-v. BolW wa appointed to Mar
qu in for ar.other year.
The Manmiui biir meets Fiiday and
Saturday ot thia week. A good exhibit
is pruuiieed.
i: v. Butler waa in llillsborolatt week
leading the M. E. Church Conference.
Mr. Butler aud daughter Vera aceuui
pa led biin as far aa Porllaud.
bUiiway? Why jet, we want one, of
rour.-. The ear y bird catches the
worm, so the 6rt electric road through
ill a tection will get a good fat worm.
M.i D Mev era met with a very paio
lul itcideui wbich nearly coat ber life,
a week ago Ui TueeJay. While fUUicx
Oi eome truit f-be biokea far, cutting
hrr w rist severely and severing tome of
tue email arteiiea. The Iom of blood
almoKt exhauateil ber before they could
leach the doctor.
More rain more rest.
6. C. Johnson and A. Hunter went to
Wasoittgiou l-t week on business.
Our ecbool it progressing nicely under
the management of Mtsa Stella Sumner.
Mr. Fet ker ia building a new house in
the city, where be expects to move toon.
Mr. and Mra. Welch epent Wednes
day and Thursday in Portland viriting
Eck Iluuier bas returned from East
eruO.egun, where he hat spent the
The people who have been wishing for
rain ought to be tttiened now. But
most o them want it to stop.
Mr. F. M. Sumner and part of the
family nave moved to California, where
they exoect to remain. Mr. Boaerman
baa rented bis faim and will occupy
their boue.
Ppud-digging it the order of the day.
Frank Yorheia bat moved to Glad
stone. Jake Grohong was busy building t
fence one day last week.
Mr. Slaughter and son-in-law left a
few days agi for the coast.
to water but you can't
make him drink.
You can't make him eat
either. You can stuff food in
to a thin man's stomach but
that doesn't make him use it
Scott's Emulsion can make
him use it. How? By mak
ing him hungry, of course.
Scott's Emulsion makes a thin
bodyhungryallover. Thought
a thin body was naturally hun
t gry didn't you ? Well it isn't.
A thin body is asleep not
working gone on a strike.
It doesn't try to use it's food.
Scott's Emulsion wakes it
up puts it to work again
making new flesh, That's the
way to get fat .
Send for free sample.
SCOTT & BOW N IE. Chemists. 409 Pearl St, K.T.
r 1 - .t i ll - - ill SaaaWMI aw I aaaW '" lBtB
Minn Ionian, of Springdale, Wash., I
visi'lng relative In this section,
IWt Wads waa vialtimr friend and
' r..l..liv.ta In Tnrtinr mi taut m-iiik.
J. V. Ionian, ol Tomer, waa doing
liuliifi In tliia act lion one day last
K. F. Wyland, who lia bccen tn
K.astern Oregon the past Bummer, re
turned a few d vi ago.
Miaa Francis Uroahong, who hat been
working in Salom for the aat luinmer,
ia home visiting her parent.
II. A odor b it
Mm. II
boon on ttie
tick list.
Miis Agnes ii attending the Portland
Mra. II. II Anders ia expected home
from Kanlern Oreg in the latter fart of
this week.
Mr. Henry F.ppertoiiwaa teen lu Gar
field last week.
1 he fall term of the Uarfleld school
will open Monday, Oct. 7.
Frank Uill and F.mmeU Huffman rt
turned frum Portland last wek.
Mr. and Mra. I.ee Willi and aon are In
Ponland attending the Carnival.
the Kuesla of Miaa Ethel Jonea, Suuday,
Mrt. Emma Andert ha leen very
tick for the pas' three weeks, but it
slow ly improving.
Mia. Doc I'almateer met with quite a
severe accident last week. While mak-
tog preerve the hot juice waa accident
ally tpilt ou her hands, burning ber se
verely .
Metitrt Willie and Horace Davit and
Walter Lemon returned lat week from
the Hot Spring, wnere they have been
pending their leisure time hunting ana
At winter is fast approaching and the
young men are returning home from
ttieir work, the young ladies of Uarfied
ought to get op tometbing in the way of
amusement that will be of interest to the
boy a. Everything la dull here.
Chas. Schmidt opened up hit new sa
loon Tneaday.
Wiu. Barlow waa transacting business
in (Jrrgon City Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. 8. Toll made a trip
to Oregon City Mnoday.
Fred Snyder it visiting a few dayt wiib
hia mother, Mrt.' Chas. vjcbuiid.
II. T. Melvin returned Saturday from
a visit with frienJt at Woodburn.
Mrs. Huntley, of Oregon City, was
visiting friend at Barlow Tuesday.
Fred Covey and family, of G!adtone,
have moved to Barlow fur the winter.
The dance Saturday night waa not
very largely attended on account of bad
Dullie Kendall, of Slackshurg, viaited
WednesJay with her brother, W. C.
Kendall' and family.
Mrr. Mabel Anthony, of New Era, who
has ben visiting fir several days witb
Miss llattie Irvin, returned borne Toes
day. Mrs. Beckman, who hat been visiting
her brother, Frank May, aod family, re
turned to ber borne at Seattle Wednes
day. Mrt. Palmer and children, who have
been visiting for several monthi past
with her mither, Mra. Geo Newton, re
turned to their home in Canada Monday.
Fair at Milwaukie.
The Milwaukie Grange, Patrons of
Husbandry, will bold a fair today and
tomorrow at the Milwaukie Town Hall.
No admission fee will be charged, and
there will be good vocal and instrumen
tal music and other features of entertain
ment. This evening there will be a
hat-trimming contest. Gentlemen will
bay Lumbered bag containing each a
hat, trimming materials, a threaded
needle and thimble. Each gentleman
will hunt np the lady having the cor
responding number and at ber sugges
tion he will trim the bat and she mutt
wear it. Saturday the fair will close at
3 p. m., and in the evenirg there will be
a free social dance. Preparations bave
been made for a large attendance.
Agricultural exhibits will be in charge
of Richard Scott. E. W. Bunnell will
bave charge of decorations, Emit Batte
railler will look after flowers and plants.
Mrs. 8. A. Trayle will superintend the
ladies' department and T. R. A. Bell
wood will bave charge of the miscella
neous division. A cordial Invitation it
extended to the public.
Ask your grocer today to show yon a
package of GRAIN-O, the new food
drink that takes the place of coffee.
The children may drink it without in
jury as well as the adult. AH who try
it, like it. GRAIN-0 bas that rich seal
brown of Mocha or Java, but It Is made
from pure grains, and the most delicate
stomach receives it without distress.
the price of coffee. 15c. and 25 eta. per
package. Hold by all grocers.
Bsarttha A lnl m nj "Mn
n. ntf fTA '
Btantha Itll Kind IM Han Alwayt w&
A Cough
' I have mtdc a moat iharough
trial of Ayer't Qurrv Pectoral and
am prepare J to ti that for all Jn.
catctcf the lung it never Uliap.
J. Fr!v FinW y, Ironton, 0.
Aycr's Cherry Pectoral
wont cure rhcimatlsm;
wc never raid ft would.
It won't cure J rpepsia;
wc never clainud it. Hut
ft will cure coughs and
colds of all Kinds. Wc
first said this sixty years
ago; we've been saying it;
ever since.
Tkn site : Jk.. t' AM
Cm. nil your ,l.'iit. If h mjti Uk It,
than aa -. U h. tail. v i4
ItiMk II. ih.n 1' 1 l.ka II II kiw.
Laat II uk nim. Vt . xl'liiur
J.l iVMIio.. U...II. Mm.
A roan J the Tout 11 ue .
In the Circuit Court Tudy morning
Tbouiit Wik and wifo brought tult
a.-amst Arthur Orr, IU I e Orr lu lley, el
al, to recover a turn of money due on a
promissory note. Thia note, which in
for AW, waa date I March 6, lSt4. aud
aincw that li'na lutert on the n He h ta
bern paid amouuting to .'). On July 0,
IS.kj, V. II. Fries told, as gned, in'
dorted over and transferred to pUintlir
the aaid note and all interest, rights and
p Ivi'.ers to thoae who are now owners
of tSe note. That in order to tfcure the
payment of the nute, J W, Orr, after
the making and delivery of the note, on
the Oth d.yof March, 139 1, executed and
delivered to II. W. Fries a cvrtain Inden
ture of mortgage. For a valuihleomsid
eration Files, in July, IS'Ji, told and
trtnsferred to pUintura the oiorgage.
On January M, J. W. Orr died In Clack
amas County iuteatate, leaving aa hia
heirs, Wilson Orr, Belle Orr Dudley, Ar
thur Orr, Edwin Orr, Theresa Orr, Ar
ttill and Stella Wike, children, and M ry
Anderson, grandchild. The plaintiffs
pray (or the mual decree foreclosing the
mortgage, and for the tale ol aaid prem
ise by the therift that the proceeds ol
this tale be applied In payment to the
amount due to the plaintiffs. In theraae
Otto Iehnian vt. Fred Brackenbusch, it
is stipulated and agreed by the respective
attorneya that the demurrer heretofore
filed by the plaintiff to defendant's an
twer, may be withdrawn and the plain
tiff permitted to file a reply. '
Eiht hundred and fonr Ma In '-U
bl'M-kt of Mintborn addition to the city
of Portland were told by Sheiff Cooke
Monday for 1S02 delinquent laxet end
brought only $t". Tne land is ab;ut oue
mile eattof Milwaukie and was aaecasi-d
to the Oregon Land Company, which
waa organised by Salem business nien In
18.iS and went bankrupt in 1SU7. Tlx;
company purchad a large tract of land
at Scott' Mills not long before Itt failure
and owned property in Marion, Clacka
mas and Clatsop Counties Cliarlet
Scott, formerly ol Scott's Millt but nuw
of Woodburn it receiver of the company.
The will of James L. Itailey, drceaaml,
was filed for probate Wednesday niori
ing. Bailey died September 18, leaving
an estate in Clackamas county consisting
of real and perfonal property amountim
tot'JOO. The heirs of the eute are
Francis Bailey, Anna Imel, JuMphine
Currin, Lucinda Anderson, Mrs. V,
Clark, F. Walkley and Mm. II. Van
Curen. Francia Bailey has been ap
pointed executrix to serve without
C-ounty Clerk Cooper's collections, for
September amount to 1141 05, a alight
increase over A ngnst. During the year
ending June 30, 1801, $2,017 65 was col
lected, which it f531.55 over the previ
ous year, and greater than for any year
since 1890.
Fees collected by the recorder for Sep
tember total (195.80. Receipts for the
tame mouth tor three previous years
show a steady increase and are: 18V8,
128.80; 1899, 153G5; 1900, f 158.85.
The county clnrk collected $7751.25 of
the delinquent tax from the 1892, 1813,
1894 and 187 rolls since lait April.
Sheriff Cooke ended the public t tle Wed
nesday morning.
A marriage license wag granted this
week to Ada Palmer, 34. and Georgo M.
Eberle, 34.
C. M. Phtlpa, Forestdale, Vt.,tays hit
child was completely cured of a bad case
of ecieraa by the use of Do Witt's Witch
Hazel Halve. Beware of all counteifuits.
It Instantly relieve! pilet. Geo. Harding.
Stricken With I'aralyxls.
Henderson Urimett, of this place, was
ajricken with partial paralysis and com
pletely loet the use of oue arm and side.
After being treated by -an eminent
phystcsan for quite a while without relief,
my wife recommended Chambcrlain'i
Pain Balm, and after utining two hot tit s
of it be is almost entirely cured. Goo.
R. McDonald, Man, Logan county, W.
V. Several other very remarkable cures
of partial paralysis have been effected
by the use of this liniment. It Is most
widely known, however, as a cure for
rheumatism, sprains and bruises. Sold
by G. A. Harding, Druggist.
ThoWookly InlorOcoan
J uteri en' Hist AV;m ! l'orr
Hilitoriitlhj AVn .
Consistently AYwrMcnn-. tin t.
NliWS fiom all pits of the woild-Wcll written
oliglnal stiillr Altsm to quclira on all sub-jcvW-ArtlcIra
on Health, the lliine. New Hooks,
and on Work Atotit the Farm ami Canlm.
The Inter Ocean Is a inriiit 1 of the Ak luted
l'rr and a!o Is the only Wcstrm newspaper rrcclv.
Inn the combined telegiaphlc and cable newt maltrr
of twill the New Yoik Sun and New Yolk Wmld
rrjectively lwldea diily tepuits front over
corrrspondrntt throiij;hout the vmuUry. No Jll call
tell more futty wilV it I the lilOT oil cllh.
Hr i til full of news from everywhere and a erfeel
Iraat of ei Ul matter,
. . .$1.00 A YEAR . . .
llaad MaaHh" Mvtr.
One of the pnradoiet t,f vc la that
the persona mt addicted I It are ut
men and finmn of liubpt'tidiiit tuenna
who ran aupinirt theum Ives In aplv of
their extravagant expenditure, but the
poorer claM B. There la hardly an able
bodied UtMirt-r who tnlk'ht not Ix-enina
fllinlielally llideM lidi Ut If ho would but
carefully hu.lon.l his n-nlpt and
guard ugalnst the llltte leaks of liei-d.
less nix inw. Hut unf.irtuuaiely this la
the one thing which the worklnginan
finds It the hardest to do. There are a
hundred latxinrs who are willing to
work hurt t erery half tb'teii who are
w illing properly to husband their earn
ings. Instead of hoarding a aumll (M-r-ci-ntnge
of their receipts o ns to pro
vide against sickness or want of em
ployment they eat and drink up their
earnings aa they go, aud thus In the
first financial cm ah, when mills and
factories "abut down" aud capitalists
lock up their cash Instead of using It
lu great enterprises, they are ruined.
Men who thus live "from hnud to
mouth," never keeping more than a
day't ninn b ahead of actual want, are
little better off than tlnvi-a.-Succve.
Why i liar W Bar.
A certain rfflcluua bead nurse In tho
accident ward of a local hospital re
ceived an unexpected "fall duwn" re
cently. An unfortunate young man of
the age of 10 had bci-u practicing with
a cartridge pistol several sizes too Inrgu
for hi in. and the result waa unpleasant.
The doctors and nurw-t bad cleansed
and ilress.sl the wouud, and he was
resting easily.
Then the nurse, who bad not bti-n
preiM-ut ami who btite to mUa a trick,
walkel over to tho little bos be.l,
around which the attendants were still
standing, and asked blui aollcltouhly:
"Are you sure that the bullet Isn't
sticking there Btllir-
"What tnakea you think soT
"It was a blank cartridge."
There was a sharp detllno tn that
nurao's atock of pride, and the laugh
ter failed of unanimity by otic dissent
ing voice. New York Commercial Ad
vertiser. Mare Laagfctrr, Leaa Solcldra,
The physiological bcuc fits of laughter
cannot bo ovrrcstliuoti'd. It shakes up
the diaphragm, acta the pulm-a tx-atlng
to ft lively measure, stlmulntit the
blood corpuscles, enlivens the brnln and
sometimes produces dtalorntlnn nf tho
Javr when Indulged In too heartily by
a man with a large mouth. Used with
discretion, laughter Is as Inspiring as a
tea brecxo, at refreshing us an August
shower. Its moral effect Is lieyond
computation. It has killed more ridicu
lous superstitions by Its rollicking ronrs
of unbelief than any other agency.
What can be more derisive than ft
laugh? The man who taught never
kills blmself. This Is the reason so few
Irishmen commit sulcldc-Lltcrary
Qatar C'm of Eeolotton.
The general law of evolution Is from
the useful and practical Into the Ideal
and beautiful. This scemt to be re
versed In the enso of the Illy and the
banana. The banana Is really a devel-.
oped tropical lily from which the seeds
bave been eliminated and tho fruit
greatly expanded. This Is very nnirh
as If an angel should evolve Into a fut,
comfortable stockbroker. Exchange.
Ontario, with an aron of 220,000
square miles, Is larger than all the fol
lowing states of the Union: New York,
49,170 square miles; MarnmchuHctta,
8,315; Connecticut, 4.090; Ni-w Jersey,
7,815; Maine, 33,040; Pennsylvania, 45,.
215; Maryland, 12,210; Iudluna, 30,350;
Vormout, 0,503, omklog a totul of 200,.
C70 square miles.
How About Dishwashing
A writer, one professing to know,
states that the progress of modern In
dustrlal art has done away with much
of the household drudgery to which
women were formerly subjected and
that the result baa been lu too many
casus, for want of sufficient occupation
for needed bodily exerclso, Ills and
1I1 Si
Orison City Kn.erpriso
Till! publl.heia of the !'.KTKriiK are now (,lt.
piepared to furnish the juh'.lc alt Unrqiur,
neas service In the way of a splendid tluM.Uj.
niter. Th I'ntmm r a laa con talus tomplrte iif,f
I'lat kaiuaa count y and the Slate of (irrgmi ami, H
conilectli)il with the Chlisgo Weekly Inli r tKrn
livlug as it dors the beat newt of Ih mimLI wi
provide reader with a vciy desirable scrvlte.
The substtiptloii pike of the I'.MTKaratst U i y
a year aud the Inter IKraii, li.oit. lu.th 0
for one sulrlptioii prltt when ld In sdvanee,
The Enterprise
A lah thai C.Ues I'alai.
The well Liiou blown pigment
c;;i :.: ih'i.! "vu t"
an.ied tx topti f juu I principally lu the
Me.itenau nu ci I i.icio rspwlally l
the head of the A biatlc sea. where It
ta caught by tl.e Mtlve for food.
'I he ep:a Is rou's tiol Itt a t ag and
ta really the b'.a k P.uld vt wb'vti
lme all rnl rs telni dlschargi-J by
the creature t cover It i ap'. K'iii
nnturalMs r.ny t!..lt t! fui I la brown
lull, which mtoh-ci more credible when
we know tbat tils la the source of
'I ho pigment U r c!!y a powder widen
d:olut lu writer; Its strength may I"
estimated by the fact t! at It wttl Cv.i..r
l,( times Its own bulk. When the
octopus bat ln klll'l, the sack or
Ms la removed and drteil to prevent
putr faction. The aepta la treated w lilt
ammonia or caustic soda, washed ami
ilrhil It la one of the imst durable of
.aill(. except when fully exposed to
tho Here rayt t.f the sun. and an even
rurfun? can te obialtied with It liir
en!ly than with iimst palnta. Hepta
has ln-ett olitalncd from a folt cuttlo
r,U thousands .f years ol 1 and found
to b tpjlto c'xhI for palut.
The Tawar ( alltlea. ,
"1 wlah 1 wasn't aii rst.tlous,' saM
a well known young limn. "I'd bate It
taken off."
"Have what taken sjITT
"Why. 'this great big timle on my
"What ere you afraid cf about It
bleeding todeathT
"No, 110; It's Just bad luck to bave a
irvile liken off. It's worse than having
a blai k cat r.croa your path or even
to have a hooting owl light 011 tho
"1 don't know w by It la bad luck, but
my bl k mammy used to say, 'Chile,
doii't yo' ii' hl.er let 'em try to lake dat
mole ofTn your nose."
'"What'll happen. Aunt fcarab. If I
duT I used to ask her.
"'I duiino, chile. Home folks say at
the place won't neblxr get welt, and
some aay at two nio'll come back.
I ion' t iiehber (Mater what the Iird has
gin yo', or be moiight make It wo'ae.'
"The oil negro woman's doctrine
was too deeply embedded In my early
education for me to outgrow It, even
after 20 yrarW-Mcmpbls Bclmltar.
Behoolbor Drftallleas.
Q. "Who discovered the law of grav.
Ity from the fall of an apple?" A.
Q. "WbatlsaBarcaamr A. "A sore
oti your body."
An "antliiiarlan" Is "a place for
animals," "hnrleulnndo" "a kind of
drink." "a dilemma" "a medicine,"
"cltndid" "a sort of chief policeman,"
"neutral" "a kind of reptile." and
"eulogy" "a chap who feels bumps ou
our head."
"Juggernaut, 0 mountain In Switzer
land;" "glacier" Is "a mender of win
dows." "prig" Is "a little boat," and
the ostrich Is "distinct."
"Hnpphlra was a high priest."
"Chumols oro a kind of big fleas."
'The milky way" Is "the thick
creamy stuff on tho top of tlm milk."
'Tableaux vlvants" means "hotel
"Khipemotil" Is "tho opposite to allo
pnl by." Collection Made by a Iindon
School Principal.
live inHtallcd a now Jino of
Umbrellat. Winter Clothing. School Suppllet. I'amlly Medlcinet.
1'resh Ilread and Caket in our Uakery. I'resh Meats always on hand.
S HXJ1VT, . post Offlro nnil
WILLAMETTE FALLS. Tubllo Telephone Slatlon
i lia v.u
The Inter Ocean
Tho 8tar of Stars
Has In1) Iwatlngs In turn table. Tares
frtetv to the wind. H4II tearing llnvtat
tn wiirvl, litauilng lihlr.t running ijital
(ties, and tracrvlua; grratrat amouut
oer lot puuiplug. tilsnlr. aftrf
Waking, Put t"grlhrr w Ith ;Uantr4
holla, ilout.lr iiullr.l, no palt tan IUt of
lrt ihmc and tattle. Weight r'KuUtur
lfet reguUtloll. So Spring lochacjt
tni.loii Miili rvrry change of truija-rsturt
and ri wrakrr wittl age, kriri al
ways on band Ttira thiugs are eottk
nionrf to yu. Then why not bay a
Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co.
I'ir.t and Taylor Sis., Portland, Ottp
1 ,. si ikii.
A taai. lltW
04 .Vft !). y
wv 4 1
KLTa. Chi
Urrioa tltr Market Itrpori.
(Corrtn tm! to Friday J
Wheat No. 1 , 4'J'i bushel.
Hour-Portland. 11.10 r bM. M
per sk. Howard's llat, HOc wr sack,
II I0er bbl.
(lata In aackt, white. H5 to V) cntl
M-r cental, gray, hO lo H..
Hay old Tlnioiliy, haliM, l trtoa;
loM, 'J Ui U l0 er ton. Clover M
Oats. U. MixtNlbay, H.
MillsiiUTa llran, I7W per wa.
aborts, flu 60 er Ion, chop, I7 er toflt
barley, rolled, fit) 60 per ton.
Potatoes new, I cent iwr lb.
Ka-ga ()rgin. TiS to 'O ,,0,n'
Itutter Kaiicb. 7S' to 41 e per roll.
Applet, King's, 40 o to Meruit per
box. Other varieties, 35 0 lo43e pr
I'ears, Fall Ilutler and Winter N'ollli,
80 10 73 e r box.
Onions, choice, lu to I.I4C per lb.
Oreen eas, 2u p'r lb.
Dressed chickens, 10 0 12,' e ef lb.
I.lvealiK'k and dressed meats; beet,
live, 11.00 to 3 60 per hundred. Ilofi
live, 6 cts ; bogs dressed, 7c; sheep,
J,4' to 3'4'cj sheep, dressed, Ofli
veal.dressn.l, VA to 8; lambs, live, 3Uel
lambs, dressed, fl,ca
Saantlia lrft Kind You Hav Alwart BouiT4
U.4s.r IWW
S.dsH0H Ii
Company Jf 4V