OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY,. SEPTKMBEIt 27, 1901, 7 JIKMOKIAL 8BIIVKJK8 AmtTrllnitPol Itt'oprrl to Our Mnrtjrcd Pirhldent. urn ui- mimcii TiiKtnt'itciiKH .rrdiylnla-t, HaptM, ongrrifat'ooa ami Mi'lboJI-t ( liurrbr llll Hult ma Hot Ires. UtliiliMii rvlrt In iimuiory of Pr ,!,.ut MrKlnloy r I10M UstHuiidsy lit tl.t i'" Or'K"ti t-Ujr iliunliwi, In inoinliiil Kv. A. J. Montgomery, pa-tor 1 thn rmliyio'ln rlmrcli, pfs:lid nliil u'l the I'ttllmllu dulll ufllispr- ,ui, and t'Ktk fur hU l" I "Let Ms Din (I,b Ih-.tli of tlio I(IkIiihh n l lM Mr U-t Kiiil l' Uke Hk" Hpeolal mtida ri'inloiixl. AUlm t'o"Kfir"liiul ehnri'li Kunday niii- lUptlsl ami C'nnttuaUu kiln!! united an J Juinl rltulra rnlcitl (iri lli'iil music. Plrture of our mar (rtr I .rtl.nnii, Lincoln, (UrfleM and JnVKInlry, adorned lit atUr. Uo. J. II. irrn ilnlWr"l tha principal ad lr., Uklng lor lis stil-jorl "Tlie Chsr ,(pr ol lli Mn." Mia Mry Conyrrs sin "(ui I'ulo M," and Iter. K. H. pjilitir spoa on "Our cutillnuou I'uty." Tin anrvlco il lb Methodist church rr marked by Ilia pcaaaiw ol lao lb anuan ikrl, Hon. C. II. Moora and Mat hnistof (jo. 0. llfotio!l. Tit luUif ol Ilia lift' wa di-el In luuuiniiig, wllli 0 4K and tli priHilJrnt'i i tma. MU IW, No 2,Urnd Army ol Ilia Itapubllc, lid Mead Kellel Corp (iriiiM In a body, Tha acrvlr oiim4 ithtlie rendition of out of President Mi Klnley'e favvrlt hymn, "Nearer My (M.luTtiat." and titer Kv. W. t. 4 mi) ulinrvU prayer, 1'ia choir sang J-eed, Kindly Light." Mr. Claik Ua mug sang "I tav to Hear tti Nvlor' utr," hkh w a admirably suited to Ilia pathos of bar Voice. Hon. C. H Mjore contracted th aitl luJ of Ilia people Uiarda iba President m ba lay dnad In tba raml,ry In lb III' tie city of Cnt-.n. Ol.lo, with tba tti tuda ol a large proportion of Oit people but una brl year ago l tb beat of lrtiloutll caiulgn. Mr. Moorntld: 4,Tu.laT lln bo liar ban lb moat rortunnnl a bin aril political 0o renta for a (nrtlon trm paylii Irtb- tilra, and Irlbui tbat ar tlnrer, to lil urib H a man andaaaatateaiuan. Tbb tlrtiionatrate tbat are after all an ( ally on poopl and trial matter upon wlilcli to earnestly dllfer ar lamely noiiTwentUU. Tb bluer peraonaJ al U kt nvn our great! men from VVaalt ingl'in down wer a lertd to. All tbet In lb llbl of bUtory ftlto, not our In dig-nallou, but our derlnloti and conlvmpu Tb coart and brutal attack mado by J mrnaliaU and platform tpeaker opon our public mon, prufroaedly mad In tb intereit of lb a tiol people, waaanarrby In It Ihclplem-y, and lod aalray and templed many a poor (kjI to deed of lo- li-nc h would revolt at tbo Iim Innldi U4 vaclilii of huiiii (ioMilian or Joban Miit,c1ad In tha bablllmenta of anari by and oMnly di'fylnu law and or der. In lb nianntr and tba method of Mi Kliiley'i death thr waa a loiton for t lie whole p1. All tb nation! o( 111 world watt'boil at bit belNlde, brought lonetbrr by common bond of Inlereat and of tvmoalbr. From tbat Udlde went forth influence! that wera worth hundred ihiiunmid aurmun, Influemet volcud In enloiiii' from tho pre, th platform and tb pulpit tbat will leav their liiipreaa upon the natlout fortfruur atioiia yet to come." Tint rhnlr aanu an anthem. "Let not Your Heart Do Troubled," and Hon, ii-o. C. Hrownell mado an Impretalva addrM. touching on the pretldmil't roc rd it a toldlor and of bit loya for thq (Irand Army of th Kepubllo. He ipoka of our form of government, howlr) n lutt ItcoNt to oittabllhli It, what tacrlfli-ut wur mail and tho bloml tbat w abed to mnke the country free. H tald that annrchy wat an emuny to all proven and thould be ttamped out. Mr. Brow mill inndu a forclblo proniinUtlon ot tho roiiulUof IWdent McKinloy'aadminit- trallon In tbu Philippine and In Cuba and wat glad that tho president had Uvea to tae our country united. Tha ijwaker aald that tha Ohrlstlan able ol the prual dunt'a cbarautor and Ida lov!n devotion to hi invalid wife wan an example to all luun. URAIJUoT UKAIN0J Ttemembor that name whon you want a dnlleioua, appetising, nourlahlng lood drink to take tha place ot colloo. Bold by all grocera and liked by all who have uhuiI It. Uraln-0 la made of pure grain, It aide dilation and strengthen the nuryee. It la not a atlmulont but a health builder and tbe children aa well as the adiilte can drink it with great benefit. Cow's about much as coireo. 15c and 25u pnr packago your grocor for Qraln O. Ask Tho Enterprise $1.50 per year. SIIOWKKS OF MANNA. JUST WHV AND HOW CUCH NOMl NA AflE f'OWIliU. CHV Tfcls Kni tif ! IVU . larael la Ulltlornoi U aa ICilll.le Mba Tliel I. Hi lit I'i.umJ la I'arls ul All and Africa. "It In iii.'iiinnl" iiihititM'd the pi-dplii of Uin.-I n n liny jjnl.rid the food HblrJi i'i'iiiii1 no iiilnn-iiluimly to ap pmr nl iliiir viry f t In aimwi-r lo Ihrlr r-ry fur imtniiiira, but though they ale and with rnitlaflfd, w ar told they "Mint not whut It wa." And during the ag Ihnt hnv prnta rd klnu lit Drat npH-nrniic oil Hint liiniiornMu ih wy nioriilng In Hid wll-(li-riiex of Klu iimmi have il'i lnred ngnln and aitaiii Hint tiny "wut not what It " tlmt llni r'd I lie Nrac'llli'l III Ihi'lr n id, tlioiich iiuiulH-rhni ronjec turt't bnve U'l n luiiilu and iIIikmimIoiii hrld on I In- innttor. Tb hlf opinion which hitd twny for a bdig llni wnt Ihnl iimniin wat the lip f the ImnnrUk. but now au lliorltlc. awtliitf In the light of wldwi lug flcnitflc know'lcitge, dcclnro rtmt Inniiiin wat without doubt a certain Ik In ii (Im miora lai'iili'iiini. Thl U iMirii out by tho flirt tint i ll authenticated rain of mniina, at uliiii ly lirlli ri'd by tho liihaliliatit lo e aliower f r-iti I-i-htcIi, hnv been r' Niiiii ai hunt alt Hunt during th pad century by rt'lltle Irnvvtm In llni mil, and Iho 1'tI:)!Iiii of th di'imalt kUtii In pnl4' t'lriM'iit day Ungunge h-nv no doubt upni the point. If pUe of urn mm I lainlucd under the inti ronci.pr, Ha) j onllnr com' pound atruiturv cnu Im tliarly aecn. Ther I a dclicnte m l w ork of Interlac ing fun en I thread glUtcnlug In th light, while luclowd In (heir mcahe ar a number of round, bright grrru nil; each a Huy algal phtnt. Tim fungu and alga II together In moat Intimate connection. It mar tx akei how freab manna llrbrnt nrtai', an liig Ihnt It I (HUlcult to linaglu a frroenl ndnrldnit mat ing of a panlciilar fuugu and a par tlrulnr grrcii plnuL Hut granted tb tnii-tlng lin 1111111 taken place, h rapid rejirtxluctloii 1 eay to undentaud. At crrlnln iiim-a In the )er a yellow Ul) dual piMr In llltl green cupt growing on Hie aurfa.- of Hi plant. and rati of Hi grain of dimt la a minut bundle containing a few of lb whit Clnmetit and a few of the grrru cell wrapcd up together, o tbat wherever tUl duat may fall each grain can betotn a new nmuim lichen. Ther I, limreover. a ai-rond methot) of rprHhirtlnn In which th futigut alone lake pnn and -nd out Huy off tprlng to ink their rhanrw In the wide orld of finding a auliahU bii. aa their i.arut lm u..u. tiut in iiviau ar compllcateil am) at pnunt tuvolvrd lu torn obuurlty. Tbut. Hun. Ixcanora eacuh-ota nmnua-; In it very naiur on or iu limat rrmnrknble phenomena In th Vegetable world. It I fouud over great tracta of tonihweai Aila. near Couaiao I Inutile, In Hi Crimea, the deaerta of Aral-ln. In Hi Sahara and th Jimtu of Algeria. It I eny to pna It by unnoticed, for It I gruyUh yellow lu color and grow on gray lltm-Muiic rock and fragiueuta of rock In tne form of a wrinkled crunt which ni'iuK to the rnaitnl oterver pnrt of the tery rwk Itaelf, and nevdt car to iliKiiuuuUh it. Cut IhrotiRh. It I wbli Ilk corn wlthlu, diy mid powdery. It la. morw- ovrr, cxtrviucly light lu weight. It I obrhiu Hint there I not much nourish ment to he ohtr.lued from Ihe bar face of III llnn itioiie rock, hence all the au tcnuticv of the two planta inuat bo ob tained frutii the atmopher and th rain by the llitlo green plant, which muat thn work doubly bnrd to b abl to at oil ul!lclciit food for Ita part ner't living In addltlou to providing IU own. ty degreea, n It growl older. It b comc liHinencd or eveu detncluil from th rock, and then, when th tuddeii ttblrlwlud and violent utorin which affect mnny of thee region blow, th featherweight plecea of lichen crust nro torn up nnd blown Into tha air at tho mercy of the wind aud carried. It may be. for Immeiiae distance. Th ruin, too. that descend with tucb auddeii vehemence awi-ep It away Into water channels, where It I borno thing on the at renin aud deposited In hollow nnd left thero In ben pa when tho water sulmldca. At time, ton, a waterspout will Batbor- It up. enrry It along and ulti mately deposit It In a place where hltu. erto It had been practically unknown. Humlny Mnyir.lne. Impvrllaant. It la anld that Snrnh, duchesa of Marlborough, ono day remarked to her grandson, Jack Spencer: "Jnek. you must marry, uud I will give you a ni of , i.tt.. vou mny propose to. i.ycry wi-P, trnnnlo." he anld. and h prop0aod to tho flint on tlio imu ueu liu enmo Imck with his wife from their weddliiR tour, they went to pay their respects to tho old lady. "Well, now," sho aald, "I nin tho root, and you are only tho branchea, nnd therefore you must alwnya poy me n great deal of deference.". "Tlmt la oil very well," aald Jack Impertinently, "but I think the branchea would flourish a great deal better If the root was under ground." The Primary Planet. The primary plnueta nro thoBO which ere tho ceuter of aecondnry system, consisting of small globes revolving round them In tho snmo manner as they revolve round tho aun. These are called aecondnry planets, satellites or wooua. The primary plnueta which nra thus attended carry tho sntellltea or aecondnry planets with thorn In their orbits round the aun. THE BIRTH OF THE MOON. Wl,rn lha r.arlh Wii a Iphara of Lava, Moll a and riaHae4. Tho cnillj reviiln on It axlt once If 21 hour. Million of yenr ago the dity wii 2'.' hour; million of year be fore it waa 21 hour. A we look bnck- ward Into time we find the earth re volvlng faater and faster. There waa lime, age ago, long before geology begliia, when the earth wn rotating lu n day of Or or all hour In li-ugib. In the remotest past the earth revolved In a day of about five boor. It could re volv no faater limn thl and remain a tingle unbroken mas. It wat at thlt tlino that the moon wat born aeparatcd, broken off from tb parent mas of the earth. The earth wa then a molten, flattened plier of lava. Ita whole body wnt fluid. The ttdet, which now are email, ruperflctnl and, ao to any, loenl. were Iheii unlveranl and liimeoae. Tliey oc curred at abort Interval. The whole turface of our glol wn affected. And the corresponding lunar tldea In the fluid, molten moon wer liideflnllo- ly greater atlll. Our dny It now 21 hours; the distance of the moon I now 2 10.WW tulle. When our day waa about Ova hour long, the moon wat In contact wlin the rarth'a surface. It bad Just broken away from It parent man. A th length of tho terrestrial day Increased, ao did Ihe distance of the moon. The two (juaotltlet are connected by In itorabl equation. If one varies, ao must th other. Whenever the rotation time of a planet I shorter than the p-rlod of revolution of It aatclllte, tb effect of their mutual action I to ac releral the motion of the talelllt and to force It to move In a larger orbit to Increase Ita dlstam-o, therefore. Tb day of th earth la now ahorter thau Ihe month-the period of revolu Hon of the moon. The moon I there for slowly receding from u. and ! bn been receding for thousand of ceo turlca. I',ut the day of the earth la. at we have awn. slowly growing loiiger, The finger of the tldea la alway pre- lug un tb rim of our huge nywueti and slowly but surely Unwulug the giM-cd of It rotation. Bo long aa the terrestrial day la aboru-r than tu lunar month, lb moon will continue to iwed from u. rrofeof B. 8 H den In Harper' alagaaln. SIMPLE REMEDIES. Diluted ammonia la good for Inaect bite and sting. A raw egg awallowed at once upon getting a flsbboue In the throat beyond the reach of lb Auger. It I aald. will dislodge It and carry It down. A simple remedy for Indigestion 1 the white of an egg bca.ten to a atlff froth aud atlrred Into a wtneguissful of cold water. Thl abould be taken after each ncaL For bum aud scald, when no other remedy I at band, try tbe effect of a phve of rag steeped lo vinegar and Uiund round th acar. Tula I espe rinlir nrtful when cooking, fur tho vinegar 1 geuerally at band. To cure a severe caae of colic take a uaapoouful of salt In a plul of water; drink aud go to bed. Thl I one of the stM-edlcst remedies kuown. It will also urove etlleaclou In reviving a poron who teema almost dead from a heavy falL rrPlfltY tOf aft f O Qy Jerome K. Jerome recalled, with reverence, a habit of bis methotlleal uncle who, before packing for a Jour rey. alway "mado a list." Thla waa Ihe system which be followed, gather ed from bis uncle'a own Up: Take a plcoc of paper aud put down on It everything fou can possibly re quire. Then go over It and tee that It contains nothing you can possibly do without. Imagine yourself In bed. What have you got on? Very well; put It down, together with a change. Yoo get up What do you do. Wash yourself. What do you wash yourelf with! Soup, rut dow n toap. Go on till you Pave finished. Then take your clothe. Hegln at your feet What do you wear on your feet. Noota. aboea, eocke. Tut them down. Work up till you get to your bead. What do you want beldea clothcal rut down everything. Thl la the plan tho old gentleman al waya pursued. The list made, be would go over It carefully to aee that be bad forgotten nothing. Then he would go over It agnlu nud strike out everything It waa possible to dltmeuae with. Then he would lose the list Th Uaekallder, '.'Many yeara ago," auya tbe Provi dence Journal, "In a village not 20 mliea from Providence a revival waa In a I.. 11. progress. A young mnn, one 01 muis tlngulshable twin brothers woo nna provlotiHly been observed, aa was sup posed, In an attentive attitude at tbe moetli'ir. rose for Drayers, walked to tho anxious seat, and thero walled and moaned to auch good purpose that the deacons were sure, ho waa on the high load to salvation. Tho next day bo was overheard In tho back yard at home chopping wood aud swearing painfully at a refractory leg. When remonstrated w ith for his sudden backsliding, ho merely anld, "Oh, brother Jim couldn't go to tbe meeting last night, so I went and hol lered for him." Meant What It Bald. "No," said the Impecunious one, "you can't believe nil that you see In the newspapers." "Are you prepared to specify F the other man asked. "I nm. I saw a statement in the financial columns that money was easy, but when I tried to negotiate a loan I fouud that the reverse wua true," "You misunderstood the paragraph. It didn't say the pepl were easy."-Judge, PARTRIDGE EGG3. aid lo lie Mora Nalrllloas Thaa k lllrda 'rbamaalve. ' "1'ew person are aware of the fact," said a well known physician, "but It I true, nevertheless, that the egg of th partridge I one of the most nutrition things In the world. They are not used for eating purpose eicept In very rare ense. nnd I hn It generally happeut In remote rural district. I bare known negro fiimlllet lii the state of Louisiana during the laying season to live on th gg of pnrlrldgi'. And they would flourish hiiiidsounly nnd grow fat on account of Hie rich propcrtlc of th eggs. These egg, of course, never find their way Into Hie market because they are never taken from Ibelr m-st eicept y such persons a I hnv mentioned, and Huy rob Hie m-stt, I suppose, be- auM their principal food supply comet from this sou.i-c. Quail unlit come pretty high In Ihe market at all time, and the average man will And It mor roflioble to spare the egg and wait for the bird when the banting eaon roll around. Tln-se men would past 100 m-Kts lu one day without disturbing en n'i- The sport or hunting tne oirai I nn additional Incentive. The aveiage negro doe not care o much about Il ls aspect of Ihe case. II figure Hint the while man. having the lH-st gun I Hie b-'sl dug. will beat hi in to Ihe hlrd. Ko be grim after tb gg. One purtrUlge will Iny anywhere from I'i to 20 eggs, and a neM Is n good find. I know of tunny families lu rural sections who fcuil oil ihesvegs In Ihe laying mason. 1 have tried Ihe egg nsjsi lf n nn npcrlment.. I found It peculiarly rich. It In a good flavor. I very platable and In fact I altogether very flue thing lo eat lleally I be lieve that the cg ha more nutrition In It than the fully developed bird, bat of course, as our of tbe men fond of Ihe game In tbe field. 1 would like to discourage the robbery of the neU." New Urleaua Tl nice-Democrat. HUSTLING FOR BUSINESS. Mora ar Laaa of It Daaa la lew Tark Lawyers' OOlees. "Oct a move ont That's tbe great modern motto," said a New York law yer who baa been practicing In the local court for the last 22 years. 'Wheu 1 wa admitted to the bar,1 be w ent on, "there wa a great Idea of tbe dignity of tbe profession. A la yer would about aa aoon bar paraded Droadway carrying a aandwicn aign calling attenUou to bla legal ability as be would bave thought of bustling in any other way for business. The thing to do waa to rent an office and alt In It until aouiebody came and dug you out of the dust and aplder webs and asked you to take a case. Tbe march of progreaa has changed all tbat Every law Orm In thla city hruulca for ' business. -1 don't mean that the big men of the' Ann chase around after clleou. Of course. they don't. ; Dut tbe firm does a lot of shrewd planning ahead. It scheme In a particular fashion of Ita own to widen lu sphere of usefulneaa to Itself. " "Of late yeara one of tbe expedient adopted baa been the taking Into the Ann of young college graduates who caa give a reaaouahle guarantee that they will bring busiuea. College men know of thla custom, and many of them shape tbelr life at the university accordingly. Tney are after frlenda. They want to be popular. They want to be able to 'awing' as much or tne future legal business of their fellow graduate a they can. "A chap who can bring busineaa oi tbat sort la taken in on a good salary even when he la tbe veriest tyro at law. lie expected, of course, to do what real work he can and to study hard. Rut the salary la for the pull he can exert over bla fellowa." New York Bun. Aaltaal latelllseaee, In a circus In Paris a lion was given some meat shut up In a box with a lid to It, and the spectator watched to see whether the lion would open the lid or crack the box. He did the former, much to the gratification of the com pany. In tho London "Zoo" a large African elephant restores to his would be enter talnera all tba biscuit, whole or broken, which strike the bars aud fall alike out of bla reach and theirs In tha space between the barrier and bla cage. Ho points bis truuk straight at tbe biscuits and blows them bard along the floor to the feet of the persona who bave thrown them. He clearly knows what be la doing, because If the bis cuit does not travel well be give It a harder blow. Irosi Iw th BUIeeath Ceatury. Tha cost of tha railings around St raul's cathedral (claimed by several Sussex parishes, but really made at Lamberhurst. a parish partly In Kent) la recorded In the account books ot tba manufactory aa having been 11,202 0a. Od. The total weight was 200 tons. The nmount of employment given may be conjectured from the atatement of Richard Woodman, one of the Marian martyrs burned at Lewea In 1557, that ho hnd set a hundred persons to work for the year together. London Specta tor. Sober feeoad Thoacht. "I thought I was riding Into office on a wave of popular enthusiasm!" "YesF "Hut after I'd paid the tills I felt as lf I'd footed It In, so to speak."-De trolt Journal One Kansas law says the personnl property of a dead man, when not claimed by relatives, shall be sold at auction. Trudence la common aense well trained In tho art of manner, of dis crimination and of address. iiLiao Lf & y W Is ua Family Modlclnoo. Cough Honey. IS rlnnn a Donlfqnho' ixiuiicf U"J uaunauiiQi CURE. Blood and Liver Remedy anifjgfVB TOPIC Orat Blood Clsansln Semadf for Iprtng Ha4schi, CeasllptToa,"Tur4," Ksrvou. - Dyspepsia Cure,! Golden Relief: St. Vitus' Dance Dr -W Spn-IS' s bl Ask yenr dnntlHst for AliEiaae for l0i eonulnlng descriptions of tb Remedies sad CaniluAM of tb most rtnuukabl cursa vr aciavl by madlcia. For Sale by C. G. HUNTLEY, Druggist, Oregon City, Or. DAILY EXCEIT SUNDAY BAtEM AND INDEPENDENCE STEAMERS TO ALTONAAND POMONA LKAVi 0KOO Cm Ooingttp, 8 .00 a. H.Golndown8 J0m!lllibt)1 ben nacesary. Etfferencet. En- DAILY RIVER EXCURSION'S or TBB Str. LEON A. P1ILT SCBSUCL. Leave PORTLAND- Foot Tsylor fit, 9 00 A.M. 1 00 P. M. 5 00 It OREGO CUT Foot Eighth 8U 7 no A. M. 11 t) 3 00 P. M. Oregua City Traaaportatloa Co. YOUR pOIBILM ENDS AND OURS BEGINS When "you buy goods at our store, for our guaran tee goes with every pur chase, whether it costs , little or much. -1 ; ' Complete stock of Gro ceries, fresh Bread, Buns, Cakes, etc., always in stock.' Ycu leave your order; we do the rest. HEINZ & CO. WALL PAPER 5 Now Is the time to buy your wall pap?r and MTJRR0W, the paper banger, will sell it to you cheaper than you can buy it in Portland. Drop a card in the post office and have a sample book brought to your house, or telephone Ely Bros, store. J. MURROW, Oregon City. Palled Llneola'a Flair. While Mr. Lincoln was living In Springfield a Judge of the city, who was ono of tho leading and most In fluential cltlzeus of the place, bad oc casion to call upon him. Mr. Lincoln was not overparticular In his matter of dress and was also careless In bis man ners. The Judge waa ushered Into the parlor, where he found Mr. Lincoln sprawled out across a couple of chairs, reclining at his ease. The Judge waa asked to be seated and, without chung lug his position in tho leost, Mr. Lin coln entered Into conversation wltn his visitor. While the two men were talking Mrs. Lincoln entered tho room. She waa of course greatly embarrassed at Mr, Lincoln's offhand manner of entertain ing his caller, aud, stepping op behind her husband, she grasped him by the hair and twitched bis head about, at the same time looking at him reproV' incly. Mr. Lincoln apparently did not notice the rebuke. lie simply looked up at nis wife, then across to the Judge and. without rlslnar. said: "Little Mary, allow mo to Introduce you to my friend, Judge So-aud-ao. It will be remembered that Mrs. Lin coin's maiden name was Mary Todd and that she was very ahort In stature. -Leslie's Mnthly. For Coughs, Colds, Crip, or Cold" in ANY PA&T of body. l:mm Mlrli . Rnnt. 71. IWO. Foraaholn inr I coil lil (lo in. work and alked mil hr boldlntua toa rhr.lr. I doe- Ur wllb four Olirervnt plivulcluns mitra-c-lrrd no rwllef. Tim awi of two IkiIUc) of Dr. rnar Kldnsr and Backach Car ) ni a perfM'l curw. J. M. jlcMsssr. (iimri, Crsafori) Co- I'a.. June I. I'O. Three raara aso I hsd iM.,ire sttsck of F.rynlpeliui anl UUkmI rx-w.n. hrenklnsoutnij my hal and face. My phr'lclun attendi-il tin for "ernral months wilhout result. I then K5ff Dr. renosr a Biooa tin MrvTonlo snilsw-ured) KitAss Iuhksas. Minrif.siwiHo. Ky., Sept. 7. l!"o. Mrwlfebu sulTerwl Urn with dyniP-inl. I tried all of tlie ix twin prepratloi ami all of mf own prk-rlplt"ri without snll. I Ilr DrracriU'd Dr. Fenn-r Dvspcpilav Car and the umi ol It effected a cure. Many other linllnr rases that bar coma under my TTatloo bara boen cured ojr his iya- wis urw. Pr. r. J. l.aaaaoooD. My iH-sr If. Penner. Frertunls. r. Y. I bar used Dr. Tenner i Oolden Relief for many yr for the ulwmie and acelilenta for which It la advrrtiM-d ami bare found It fully aqua! to ail you claim for It. Si 1 V M , Presiding Elder M. E. Cboxcn, Used for Cuts. BruUMS, Burns. Old tor. Drains. Colds. Giio. Ror Throat, Collo. bysaaury, Bowel Troubles, It is unfailing. ikroa, Ohio, J Mi I, IMO. ' m rrsm. ri4-i. t. kaa WH4 muir M, ot frmt St. Vllo1 tnr and tt tmmh lw rW If IL ll rui - ln hr-V tl1T VK M" O CO. WASTED fcEVEU.tL PEHSOS8 Oe character and Ko-xl refutation in acli state ton in tbi county re'iuiird) to represent and slvrrtlre old rUt.liitirii atalthy b'lnf tirss hoas of solid flnsnrisl standing. H al ary 18 00 weekly aln rzivnara aililulonal, all payable In ca-b rscb Weduel.y direct l. t aAIhu If . .ru aw.i4 "i at a. at fllvW clo aelf addresel siafiied enTelop. Mnfr,31ij Canton Boiidn.K, Ciilcago. Tins Cabo ?. C. 4 O. R. R. UAve PORTLAND (Conch SL) LIAVE OREGON CITY 7-.00 A. St. 75 830 915 10.00 11:30 13:15 r. at. 1:00 MS :y 3S 4o 445 . 5:y 6:15 7:00 8:30 only to 7:05 A. kt. 7:5 8:35 9:ao 10:05 10:50 11:35 11:20 r. m is 1.50 a-35 3:20 4:05 4:50 535 6:20 7:05 7:50 8:20 only In MilwaukI 915 10:30 il;4o only to Milwankie 12:50$ Sat only . . Milwaukle lo:3o 1 Mot only to Mil waul ie Except Saturdays, then only to Mil wankie tExcept Suturday, then to Oregon City. JEucept Saturday. JTo Milwankie only. Astoria & Columbia .River Railroad Co DAILY TIUIN9. D iv ex. D'ly Sat. .M. A.M. D'ly D'ly i uiy 0, I'M r.M A.M r.M. 9 40 8 3S 8 20 8 HO 7 5 7 4tt 7 38 7 28 7 17 7 02 6 43 ass 6 20 A 10 2 M 6 65 8 00! Lv . Portiai.d .Ar! 11 101 3 .V' 8 (tt 9 0ft ...Oohle.. Rainier . .Pyramid. . May iter . ..(iuim-y . lat-kanle Marsliland . Westport . Clilton.. . Knspi a. . Svensen : 10 05 3 47 8 20! 9 Ml 8 38 9 .V! 9 52 4 02 9 35l 4 07 8 441 9 9 30 9 M 151 8 50, 9 50, 4 8 5X 10 00 9 r: 9 v. 9 0S 10 IW.. 9 19 10 -'1 8 52 57 9 S710 H. 8 37 17 10 00 11 oa. 8 17 8 07 Si! 10 OS tl 10! 5 S.S:10 20'n 22t.. Jotin Day 7 65 7 45 5 60' 10 3"lll 30iAr.. A-loria..Lv 8KASIOK mVlSlOX 11 30a. m...) .. 7 40 a. m ...4 OOu.u , . .10 5.5 a. iu ... 5 60p. ro , .12 30 p. ro . . 7 20 p. m ... 1 30p.ru ... 9 30 a. m 11 wp.ni... 1 ASTORIA a eta- a 8 15 a. 111... 6 15 a. m... S 30 p.m ... 5 00 p. ni. ,. 15 a. ru... SEASIDE COSXECTI0S3. AU trains mate close connections at Goble with all Northern Pai'itlc trains to or from tlie East or Sound Points. At Portland with all trains leaving Union Depot. At Astoria with I. R. N. Co,' boats and rail line, and 8teamerT. J. Potter, to and from llwaooand ivrtn tseacn roinu. Ticket otlice, 25i Morrison sU, nd Union depot. J.C. M.vYO, Gen. Pass. Agt. A-vuria, iriv PORTJjAND to THE DALLES By tho fast and com modious eteamer Regulator Leaves Portland daily except Sunday at 7 a. m. This is the Great Scenic Route All tourist admit that the scenery on the Middle Columbia is not ex celled for beauty and grandeur ia the United States. Full informa tion by addressing or calling on J. S. BOOTH, Agent, Tel. 914. ' Portland, Or Office and wharf, foot of Oak St. Heplator m. 1