OREGON CITY KNTFJtHlISE. ' FRIDAY. SEITEMBER 20 ifloi. 7 IN IIBMOKY Solemn Crrr iiionlrn Held M (In Court IIouno VcKlndujr. aimuii:msi:m r I'Komiskt me fsirtlcr For Mafijre4 I'rnldrnt Al tendril II; l'roil Krt All I'arU of lb County. 10 thousand ople win Mod at (In -oiirl liuunt ymterday nfiornoort tool w.ivi id day set apart hy proclamation tm memorial tervlcoe as a Irlbiito lu ll ini'iiioijr of our martyred President. Tin ( licult court room mm crowded losiilto riliixi, mnl bundled of eople Oiled tlx pirend lined (ho street In front 01 dm lnillllii)f. After each eddree a delivered in llit court room the speaker (od on Ilia steps of court ligoea anil .,Ih'imhI Hie lliKiiitf Id tho open air Tim holldlUK wae heavily draped . iiiiximliiil, and III national rolora wen liiing with ctv. All ol Ilia atom ki closed during I La services, and tlx public vttU r and fchouU did no open. Klaus were buns; at half mam over Ilia l it uj Ml Wet tollod. Tim aervlcce onad with sacred wuali r Anion .din's orchestra and Jadgi- !yan, who presided, Inadn ilia 0liiuA al.lreta. II Sal ! I A mooriitut event la llila. mat lia droitiilil u Uyntlmr lo add our tribute l (In! mighty chorus of ellWtion, irlilcli. tins day, (ioiii td broad Atlantic In the etai lo pur own l'a ifle, from Ilia Oreai I tkra In tli north to Hi (lull uf Mralrc' In Ilia south, has found vinrwaelon from Ik lla and from I ha hearta uf over eev rnty million uf good, patriotic American rtti'ena, l Hi memory of a Moved aud martyred prnaldenl, "What a Irarfndjr A (mat and fml mail ; a cruel, cowardly humio ; a da terdly drd ; and a nU.n, n,ay. tlia whole uil. tuuu'ua. "Win, McKlnley, preddenl, guiding our Nation in lha pUi ol right, by hi kindly art gained Ida rpect ol ua all Win, Mi Klnlef, tleman, wbuee work iu oncuilng wiae and lluiely Utflilalioi LMiiicfltta-1 all and wi our eateeio : V McKlnley, subtler,. who la company will (bete bravo old Uign, hart aeattubled t bouur lis luemory, ou Ue UIJ ol baiil to bia country 'a can, performed acta o valor that etrlted our admiration: Win MeKllilcy. iltlfq and bnaband. abua lavutlun to Uulli ami trludbln, and l lug vara of ril baa mad til in luvad o( all : bo la g -nii, Wa raa hanlljr rratia thai ha, who Irta than two aliort gu, iu tlx embodiment of manly vigor tlia admlrr, liouof,! and rr.ocliii t rrnl lvut of Ui ruotl nllglitiiid oatloi of lha partb, la now gone aaalnate! by oua of Ita rltltna-and tablla It al miiii alrampi and lrwoujrlipiilblo, ln ua, In our liur of arrow and Iim, folloa tbo e miii'lc of our lllu'lriom dead, an in aiilmilMlun ay, "It a tba way of God . Ilia will, nut oura, lm dona. Jt u tlioroforfl now biiw tba hnai! and jln In prayer to II ttn who fulfill In all thing.." Kev. A. J. Montgomery offonvl prayer, nd tbo choir aang "Nnarar M(io.lTu Tbre." Judtta Ilyan rtd UiaMloalnK reaolutlona: ' "Klandlng la tba prnannc of greai national calamity, lb cltiina of Oregon' City and Clackamaa county hara ai- x'lnblivl ,ir tba itirH)ae of giving ex irviiiou lo aontliuouta cominun to all trioiio rlliaxiia wberaver tba Star a am rilrlwi float, and wbertver our natlona aiipremacy la rvcognliuHl. "Id the dualh ol I'realduiit McKlnley, not only our nation but the whole world. Mamie appalltHl. In tbla traiteJy, wblcl baa abaken tba world, we And etertlln ovldame of tbo fat't that, in our endeav ora to make our country the home of lib trty and tbo baveo ol refiiga for tba ou proined of every land, onr boapltallty and cuiifiilonca have bveu abuaod, and undoi tbo abetter of our glorlooa flag and our IUktuI law the auarcblat couaplratot aud political aanaln breeda aud flour lidina. "Now that the tragedy la consum mated, the broken law becoinoi a abiohl of the man who hna abuaod Ua privileges aud who preechca creed that hold" It In utter contempt. Aa central figure in this great tragedy there atanda, upoi one hand, the conaummate flower of American inauhood. Upon the other, there cringe the malignant apawn of, idima w holly foreign to the spirit of our. liiHtitutlona. "Wo stand utterly mute and power Ion In our attempts to properly oharac terlwi the deed, overwhelmed with tin thought that wo are In a aonae rcsiiODHi- blu for allowing tho liberty we advo. ;t 'or Ixdng so dobnuched, but doteriulnedB'st. that an end muat ba imt to that tolora-1 "on. 0. B. Moores said : "It ia a re tion which permits the teaching ol sedi Jproaoh to the American people that 200 tion. BNsatainatton and destruction Undorii"afohUtscau gather lcj;other In a little the kuIho of free apeucli and free press. "Under such circumstances tbedeathI"BHlnallon of the president and to charge. U was i ordered .that Elias Mil of Preaident McKlnley would h.veeSalt and drlak to th. health of tbej e; b. . Jg.'SJJ JSSS l-eeii recoguked as a calamity. TheBaaln. They should be buried under S"" ",l0 ,r,u AUU" mannor and tho;iocca8lon of his death! U 'crma of I,w burled so deep that! ln tho matter of tke petition of Se have InteoBlflod our ioobo ol loss. Injtlioy could not bo ressnrected in tlmo orlnora F. Mohr, lor cancellation ol delin- the canablii mir-iua i kl. ,.m..i.i ,i..ii ft , , , .i..."., vi nil miii.ihi UII1II, ! inpirKi u, ronnilmiia of tin world In his graat ability, and In hi. iiiaiilfiialKtloiia of a kindly spirit of con fllliMlloM I.. u..la...l l I a a '"ii;n iiaw uiiiinii in n 1 1 a m iti.iina ii.j. whole Amnrlian leopU. dt-ath, or "Hiring al the very tnultli of bia power and of hlsai liliivemnnls, empbaliKl the world s ioiivI, llt, of lilt worth, and ha drawn Into alill ctiHier relation of at.lty and of unity, 1 farllona, and all pnrtle and all aertlons. It haa rrklmlled lb. lialrlmlit aplrlt of our people. It has dU rmed the arllan II baa aiiiotlierad (hi 'Ires of paonliiii. It haa iileiiind Ibr devotion of every A inarlcau cltln lo the 'tag, ami to the Cormfltuilon, and to tin lawa. It haa awakened in every patrl 'itle heart,i hitherto lalehldetiiMiiliiatloii that every man who claim tba pnrlec Hon of our limtltiilion, thall lxw in de fereure to the suireina enJly of the law, "III the ih ith 0f our martyred I'real lent, we r"o,(ril(i the ila of one who, as nun, a cltlten, aa ruler, waa fallhfu' id the dux barge of every duly. A firm 'rlrnd, a generoua foe, a g exl soldier, a filial son, a davoted buahand, a patrloth iltlaen, he eiiilxxlled the blgbeat yie of Clirlailan manhood, while a i'realdeiit he diapleyed such nugiilflceiil (pialilie 'A leaderahipa lo plare blin In the com lanyofbe wlnmi m, grrateat atatei men ol all age, "Peplorlng hi lo, but Ixiwtng in aiihtulnelon to the de-reea of rrovldenre. wa accept the heritage ol hi greet naim and example as one of the rl' heat en downienla of Anierlranrltlxxnatilp, wbili ideilgli g onr renewed devotion to tin fundamental principle whhb ar Ibr i-ommon brritaeof patriotic Amertraii rltlsena of every parly name. Tho. K. Hv, t'luai ra II. MiMiBtk, Wai. Oaiujw!, J. C. ZiNars, (1. It. DlMK K, Cummil'e on lUeolullona,"' Chopin 'a "Kuueral March" waa ren I ere. I by (he orihealra, Itev. W. 8. (iritn delivered a abort addreea. II. aid : "The American puople, lb nation nd the whole world are In mourning lo lay for rreaident MrKinley. Not he re ua ho waa a man, Ihuigli man I Ood'e crowning thought In creation ; It If nut berauee be wa a ciliaen, though true fiiltmialiiu i the biitlieat conceiitioii M man's bfa: It waa tn u be waa the mhodlmeiit ol the llle uf lha nation. The blow waa not atrurk al blm aa a man, bot at lha principle of Utterly In rapreeented. 0r bia budy the na'lon will climb to greater freedom. The principle of freedom will Anally Iriuuipl ovei evd." Jiuige W'.UUiw Ualloway eai l: "Uur roartyretl prealdrnU were tba rera of Jeuetaon ana jarkaon. ncKintey war. hroad In auteamanahlp and In religion fber ia not a Calbolio altar In the laml nut what w dreod In mourning, iberu i nof a Catholir church in tin- ounliy but what wa anding up prayer to lleavau (or lb repoee ol bia Soul. II. aaaa lea.ler who twicw ueleaied the lemocratlc partv, but could thai part reetore him lo Ibe exerutive chair aud t the boaoin ol hi fuiully, it would will ingly nmrie any aacrifli-e. Ho deep I hi ruld l)jn the mankea ul the people thai hone who wore the gray are vying with hie comradue in war in Borrow over bb- lealb." Colonel Hubert A. Miller aald: "Wr ava come to mourn over the death of bo president of the United Bute. A nation I lotd in grief dispelling a lialiuctioua uf race or color, each ciiixep, oving bia country and ila lawa, will contrite he I pau'ra. from b'a daily avoratlon to lo homage lo the dead and to lurd'Ute upon tho reiponaibilies o, itisenahlp. "At sui'li a ciila aa tbia (ot!ety awak eni to newer u.ipouiioililies in J newer lul rs. It wr hoped tho political as aaaain Wloiiginl to old WOild CullJitione and not to tbla free land ol oura, but tin awakening, dire and awful In it con equemei, overlook the American peo Pe In the Uuib acd pleolitu'le of their lowe. "Iu huiuiiialioo wo eland corniced liefore the people of the earth thai we have harbored in our mldtit that most execrable of ail humanbeioge-the wmaMln and tho aoarch'aL In the olden lime) thuro was (ocod a'ong aide of the Savior of mankind the Judas Incariot. lo the early hin.o'y of our Kepublic wan found a Benedict Arnold. But In greater tiliaine and buinlllatiou we numt own to that theie was born and bred on tho freejThursday at 10 o'clock. Tho beautiful ol of the United States tbe aasastdn ofijuurial aervico of that church was carried our p'f iAv.nl. Tho centurlea cannot anillut in full and tho rector, Kev P. K will not o jet tho crime. "Ho woo consplrj against govern mailt, SaSinel law aod order, against i.::loiy and aalnat civlllxation should have no ics 'nn p'eca in a Republic." Fatoer HilloVnod said in eubetancc that thee a,e (Nys ol rejoicing and hys of mo n'rj and t!t tb's will bo a lav of mojio'or ,or the lulu e. The Hio,'e l)ouM.a: d csru.'u"y agulst the nxductlon of pei n'c'ous and new Idean and intuit bewwe ot the suciuliBt-anarch vlllngo In Wisconsin aud gloat over thei "birnlly. It la a reproach to the people'ipintit tmea on aa! of the Unltfd Htataa that 2'WO ol1lateJn" coining on bv enibled InOblcago and duliUratelyir!01"!' to'l"i ago and aaiioareiajy reaolvad that lha aHaaMlnailon waa a matter which did not concern them We are a law abiding people but thr ir tiuiea when wa ahould take the law into our own hiid. Tbo American leopla have neglected their duty in not "anting lawa nuUng It ItiipoMlblr 'inoer ilia motl severe oenaiues lor iieoii'a Ui give ulle suco lo such senti- nienl. It la lo) lale to reaidi lliein ' llioneseni iiieiM have Wen put inl execution, Thia orraalon la not entirely matler of aentimeiit. It rail for ami 'lung piacical on the part of the pwpl n lha way of le'alatlon. Emma Gold nun and bar d'aciples should never In 4l'oed to give Ui.I'iiki lo lbs l,ifaon b'e t ul ueril lo wtiich an have giVKiB' ost he la owner of part of Kicbardson I) o' do '.i the pail few days. Il la e reproac h to the Aiuciican pres that be 'liieraurea aboutd lo given space in heir columns," ' I'ev. J. II. Heaven taw In Me Kin ley a 'bkliaii prcnident and a Cb'li!an ii unhand If wa an ideal Christian In iila dally Itf.'. Mr, I'.eaven iA from eilglou slahdpolnt and a'loded to the leiiblied of Ibe president, who lo hi i4t houra Bought cotiaolaliou fioto tl.t rrior. Ulate Ben'or Hiownell expreaeed ent'orent aga'oat anarch and thee n't Bialiut the Itialltoilona of om ounlry; again! Ibe law, and again tor theo y of government. He took a trong ground In favor of tbo Oiriron iegietature paaaing Btringrut lawa giiit tbo advocjey ol prioc'plua or Idea lead 02 to aoirchy. The jVer paid a flowing tribute to I'reaidebt McKlnley. ho went to war when ou'y 18 yeitsoi ae, lo his coiyrea'oa; l laco.d, to h record aa preaident aod lo his genera 4iateamanhlp. Hea'aodiew a palun f the lnul c and Ibe wrung o! Ihr r'me, when wo think that hla whole I'fi waa gien toward luatering orinciplee i hat tended lo a broader liberty aol pilgber cliisenaUtp for al our (eofla. In tier addie were mid by Judjr t. K. Have. Kepreieolalive A. 8 Dreeaer and (J. L, Hedges, Rev. Thllli) K. Hammond, Attorney W. 8. U Ten Kev. A.J. Montgomery and C. A. Wil ieui. Tbo eervicea c'oaed with praye' 'iy Itev. K. K. iioltiojer and tbo aloglnn il "America" by thoaodieore. "- Meade I'oet, G. A. K.. aod Meadr Relief Co'pa, attended tbe eervfee lo 'mly. . , rollowlng are tbe committeeo wIiq ar rangel thaaervlceau ! Committee on arrangemenl J. C Ziner, Tbomaa P, ltandall aud K , U. Ooopar. . '- ... ; Cotnmlfleo on resolutions Tbomaa f Hyao, Mayor 0. B. Mmirk. p.fe Moore, George F, II or ton, and I'rwUf wr .inter. InvilaMona E. . II. Cooper, ,0. jb" Dimlck and Tbomaa P. Randall. Finance J. J. Cooke. George P. Ior ton. Programme and printing fl.' B. Dim irk, Hev. A.J. Montgomery and J. G Zinaer. .. ( 'Muelc Mia Imogen Harding, Mrs. f.. L. Torter ai.d loorge T. Howard. Dtcoratlons C. Nebren, Mfs Inp? Chaae and J. K. Hhodee. Mayor Dimick'a proclamation read; "To tbe ciliaens of Oreiron City: An irchy has aimed and struik a blow at the government which our forefather! fuunled In lb Interest of freedom for all the people of our land. Our beloved rreaident, William McKinley, aa th chief repreeenUtive of tho people, ban: fallen by the band of tbe aaaaaaio, anil tbe nation ia plunged into deepest giiefi Iby thia dreadful act, "Lvery true American citixen desire to respect the memory of one who haa la oored ao long and ao faithfully in aervlct for hia country and ha lived ao excellent a life. "Now, in accordance with tbe procla nation heretofore lasuoj by Hon. T. T. Ouer. Governor ol Oregon, notice i hereby given that memorial aervicea will lie bold at tho county courthouse on fboraday, September 10, A. D, 1901, at the hour ol 2 o'clock p. m. Let ua all meet there at the time above mentioned, and together pay our respects to our late President. U. B. Pimick, Mayor."' AT ST. rAVt'9 CllUKCU. In accordance with the proclamation I tba preaident a memorial aervico waa! held lo St. Tanl's Episcopal church Illammond, delivered a t a . 1 111. I M - iMoquoiu aermou on hid hid oi diib iui whom tno mation weeks, itie cnurcn was draped In mournimt, and tho floral ducoratlons were white asters. Tbe choir sang "Nearer My God to Thee," "Lead Kindly Light" and "America."! HOARD OF COMMISSIOyERS Regular September Term of thew Vounty lioartt. J.' R. Morton, John Lewellen and T. B. Killin, County Commissioners (Continued Irom last week.) In ti,e matter ol Mortimoro, a county leahook. Tills matter petition 'fllfd herein td that Kenrira V. Mohr waa amowMvl with and iraid the tax on two aTe In aec. 8, tp. 2 s, r 2 e, for the year Kfl that the name prop erly was aeaeaaed to I'eter Notigijr for the same year and la now delinquent. And the board being satisfied that aaid aawtrmiaiit Is a double aeieenment, It la ordered that the clerk camel from the alea book said BaaeMiiieut to i'eter No ilgr lor the year Wil. In the matter of the i,i,llitli.n of 'leorge W. Gordon for relrate of taxea of 12.18. This matter coming by apnlica Hon filed herein asking the board lor a rebate of laxea to lha amount of 2 18 and the board being fully advlaed, It la ordered that aald application tie denied. In the mailer of petition of llermae Wirih l ,r reUia of Uxea and cancella 'Ion of double aHeament. This matter now coming by petition of Herman niri.ii, tllr d hereia,atiowlnc to the board j"; -'P s, r Je,40 aa; that In aid properly for tbe year 1W7. aaid w ,11,9 iurin,, nnrHRiiii.ii oil property waa aleo aneeiwed to John Mat 'eaon and a wrong dea:ription and that 'he preaent owner thereof, Herman Wlrih, paid (he taxes on aaid Illegal aa- "lament tiefore knowing It lo be erron- our, tali) taxea amounting to $4 80. Ai d the brard being aatitQed that aaid Mil) aiw aamaut ia a double aemenl ind erroneou, il la ordered thai Her fiian.W irtb have a rebate lo tbe uti of 10, and that ibe cltrk cancel tbe aa emenl of record, against tbe said jonn Maiieaon. . In the matter of a aheep Inspector. Il ordered that It. Scott be and la hereby appoint') a elieep iuiecter lor Clacka maa.ooiiiy and that bo bo allowed to oiled a provided by law, from iw nr of Mieep Inapected. In the matter of road warrants No. it). 11 and 1U:'I3. Tin matter coming a by siatement ol E. II. Cooper, county ' lerk, allowing to the board that through n error In the report of road supervisor i niauiet mi. 55, road warrant Ho. Will waa orroneoualy drawn and road arrant No. 10213 aa drawn for S33 when II boold have been I-fl. aod the 'roard being folly advised, it i ordered ihat aaid warranla be cancelled ana held fur nauht, and that tbe clerk laaue a warrant for 7J in lieu of road warrant no ie:u. la tba matter of the application of tbe rornanu U.ly a Uregoo Hallway Uom iauy for a light of way tbroogb Milwau kee. On application of tbo Portland CHyaOrrgun Railway Company, it i irderea that aaid company be aod it ia hereby permitted to change ita lineof ruad Ir-un Main atreet Id Miloaukie over o rront etreet in aame town of Milwau kie and said company ia hereby granted ha privilege aod right to build and inainteio ila track aod operal it rail 'od aod cara over aod along a line ear- reyed and aiaked on tho ground from 'he InU-rsectioD . ol Eirat aod Jeckaoo "treeta southerly aod along the westerly -ide ol aald Front atreet and tbe count road exiending from tbo southerly end t aaul r rout atreet to tbe intersection of said surveyed nd ataked lino with ha present track of said com Dan ? on Mock 1 of Milwaokie IIeighU,ald grant ijd2 upon, the aamo terma and condi liuoaoo wUli'b it bolda ila prevent Iran- .titarover' Main, street, aod provided (hat the company flies its acceptance ol thia order within SO days and removes ua i rata iron aata jiojo atreet aa soon as the new track ia built, aod to have Main atreet to good condition for public 'ravel.. lo making such chanire the 'company thall begin and prorecut ita ork from the aoutherly od of the lino. Th board adjourned to meet tomor row looming at 10 o clock. . TUlRkUAT, SXPTSrH. The board now cooveoed Dursuant to tdjouromeot, tho comminaionera and of- licers present as ol yeaterday. , - . In the matter of count warrant No. HIM, $114 and RG98, drawn io favor of Peter Crouae. It appearing tolh board hat aaid warrauta Noe. 8U4. 8414 and StiOS were drawn io favor ol Pciir i. rouse, a county charge, and that aaid eler C route la now deceased, it is or- tereti that satil warrants be cance lied and held lor naught. In toe matter of tho sale ol certain and owned by the,0reiou A California Railroad Company. Now cornea the Oregon A California Railroad Com pan v and respectfully ahowa that it ia ibe owner and baa paid tbe taxes for tbe year upon which sales have been made 'or delinquent taxea of the real ertate teecribed herein, that tbe sheriff of Clackamas county ia authorised to sell kn Saturday, September 14, 1901; the name thai petitioner doea not believe there are any law lui delinquent taxes '.igainet said property and that if any part of aaid property was ever delin quent it wsa through the honest raiauke of the petitioner and tbe former sheriff I said connty, that petitioner desires to submit a atatementof its receipt and voucheia allowing payments aa aforesaid o that the sheriff of taid county may determine what tracts, il any, are, or were delinquent, and to enable it to set tie any just claim lor unpaid taxes noon any ol ibe tallowing property: ! 1893. part of sectioD. ne. sec S3, tn, 7 south, range 3 eaet, amount ol tax. 3.25, asaesael to Andrew. J. W. (not on tract land), voucher No. 8211. Sheriff receipt ao. 18)'7, part ol section, no ol no, sec. 25, tp, 6 a raogeS east, amount ol Ux, $1.59. assessed to Bagby.O. V., voucher .NO. IU7H. sheriQ receipt 6450. . 1892. part of section, nw of aw. aec. 23, tp. 4 south, range 4 east, amount of lax, , aiwessed to Plyatoo, II. L. (Paid touchiuir anda'X .o..''.voutuero.cvii,Buer. k V Cl C..la I. . - nAli 1 bmu rereint mi iaa . ' - 187, part of eectlon, se of sw. sec. 7. tp 6 south, range 2 eatt, amount of tax, $4.59, assessed to Covey, C. W., voucher ?o. 10746, sheriff receipt No. 6446. 1897, part of section, w) of se, sec. 0, i p. 5 south, range 1 east, amount of tax. tS 83, assessed to Danilnn. J. O.. (not contract land), voucher Noa. 10746 and itfiou, Buerltl receipt . 1892. part ot section, se of nw. should 1)0 se of sw, see. II, tp. 4 south, range 4 east, amount of tax, f 4 63, auntvUBsd to Lamas, Wm. (paid October 27, 1897), voucher No. 8007. sheriff receipt No. 5020 and 6583. 1897, part of section. eW olnw. sec. 21, tp. 4 sonth, range 4 east, amouut of Ux $6.89, assessed to Price. Hattie. voucher No. 10744. sheriff receipts No. 6443. 1897, part ol section, no of ne. sec. 15. tn. 4 south, ranges eaat, amount ol tax, $5.65, assessed to Shubert, E., vouchor No. 10744, sheriff receipt No. 6491. 1897-8, part ol section, sw of ne, sec. 1, tp. 6 south, range 1 east, amount of fai.tlOfft. anamuerl In Tt.nm.i T If voucher No. 10714. ahenff receipt ft4f)o! mvtr, imrtoi seciion, sw ol ne, sec. 1, P. 6 touth, range 1 eaat.amonnt of 'at. at 1 it M a . eoat m ' .un,Beaeo io inornas, L. il , vouch No. 10913, sheriff receipt No. 6274. erl89t, part of section, yt of e, and lot 3. aeu 9, tp. 3 south, range i eaat.amonnt of Ux, $22.fW, aeaaed to liuroey, W. T., voucher No, 8229, slier iff receipt, No. 4500. I8!4, part of aecr(m, w-half of ae, 4 aa and Iota 3, ee!. o, tp. 3 sonth, ranite 3 eatt, aaaeeiied to Borney, W. T. voucher No. 10744.aheriff receipt No. MIS. W)3 4, part of section, lita 2, 3. 6, 7 and 8, sec 15, tn. 3 a, range 3 eaat, amount of tax, $5.74. Burney, W. T.,not contract land, vouchera No. 8211 and 8478. IHM-i", part of aactlon, m4 of se, sec. 29, tp. 3 south, range 3 east, amount of lax, $8 80, Burney. W. T., not contract land, vouchers No. 8211 and 8178. 1893-4, oart ol aec lion, ae of 00 001 lot 1, 2 and 3, sec. 27,tn. 3 aouth, ram;o 3 east, assented to Burney, V. T., not contract land, voucher NoS. 8211 and 8478. 1H14-4, part of section, n't", assessed Ui Burney, W. T., not contract land. 1893-4, part of section, nw of sw and nw, sec. 35, tp. 3 sooth, range 8 eaat, amount of lax, $25 80, aasetaed to Bar ney, W. T., not contract land. 189T-4, part of section, nw of aw, and nw, aec. W.ip. 4 south, range 3 eaat, amount of lax, $18 15. asseasted to Bar- nev, w r., not contract laud. 1893-4, part of aection, ne of n a and neJ4, sec. 21, tp.6 sooth, range 3 east, amount of Ux, $13 14, ataeued to Bur ney, W. T., not contract laml. And the board being fully advised it ia ordered Ihat the aberiffof Clackamae county wiahdraw Irom aale as above all the said land detent1 herein until such timer as it has been definitely deermined il tbe proposed tax sale be just. In the matter ol the d linquent Uxee of ll'5 96. It ia ordered that the prop erty agtint widt h taid delinquent taxes new stand be re advertised and Sild ac cording to law. In lha matter of bill No. 1, 18, 19, 24, 28. It appearing that said bills are for work on suspension bridge at Oregon City. It is ordered that tho clerk charge tbe same to Oregon City. In tbo matter of tho report of J. R. f haver, P L.tSchmxle and L. II. Earnea, Wjle road. In the msMer ol the report of J. R. Shaver, P. L. Kchmale and L. II Barnes, viewers appointed at the laat term of this board to view and lo cate a county road situate in Clackamas county, Oregon, and described in full on page 170 of this journal. Paid viewers Bled their report abowis; that tbey bad met on tbe 2d day of Peptetnher, 1901. a day named in the notice served upon tbem aud were duly sworn by subscrib ing to a written oath of office adm.ois lered by John W. Meldrum, deputy county surveyor, he being appointed by the board to survey aaid road, after which they proceeded to the designated place and did view and cause to be sur veyed by said deputy coonty surveyor tho above described road. They also filed tbe field notes and plat of survey, aaid viewers report favorably to the es tablishing of aaid road as viewed and surveyed by reason that it is a good practical route aud of poblic ntilit Raid report waa read on this dav on i first reading and laid over for a second reading tomorrow. In tbe matter ol report of viewers 00 Change in O. b. Murry road. In the matter of report of W. II. Boring, Ed feirer and John Kichev, viewers sp pointed st the last term of this board lo view and locate a county road situated io Clackamas county, Oregoo, and de scribed in full on page 102 of this jour nal, cam viewers nteo tneir report mowing mai rnev mei on ttie tith dae of August, 1901, a day named in the no tice eerved upon tbem and were dulv sworn by describing to a w ritten oath of office administered by John W.Meldrum, aepuiy county surveyor, be being sp pointed by the board to survev aaid road, after which thev uroceeded tn the designated place and did view and caane to be surveyed by said deputv countv surveyor the above described road. Thev alto filed the field notes and plat ol sur vey, said viewers report lavorably to me B.iBDiieinuK 01 saiu road as viewed sod surveyed, for the reasons that it is a good practical route and of Dublic util ity. aid report was read on ibis dav on IU first reading and laid over until tomorrow lor a secoad reading. In the matter of the report ot viewers on emvey of H. K. Baker road. In tbe matter of the report of W. D. Mathews, Geo. Schneller and Benj. F. Webster, view-era appointed at the last term of the board to view and locate a countv toad situated in Clackamas county, Ore goo, anu uescnoeu in lull on page 1GS 01 tbia journal. Said viewers riled their report showing that they bad met on tho 30th day of August, 1901, a day named in the notice served upon them and were duly sworn by subscribing to a written oath of ottics administered by John W. Meldrum, deputy county sur veyor, ne Deing sppunted ly tho board to survey said road, after which they proceeded to the designated place and did view and cause to be surveyed by said deputy countv surveyor the above described road. They also filed tbe field notes and plat of tbe survey; said view ers report favorably lor the reasons that it is a good practical route and of public utility. Said report waa read on thia day on iU first reading and laid over lor a second reading tomorrow. The board now adjourned to meet to morrow at 10 0 clock. FRIDAY, SKIT. 6tU. Tho board now convened pursuant to adjourntnent,commi38ionera and officers present as of yesterday. Tn the matter of the petition of E. Shubert for a cancellation ot double as- aeaament. This matter now cominir on by petition of E. Shubert showing to the poard that he was assessed for the year 1897 on the ne 1-4 of ne 1-4 of sec tion 25, tow nahip 4 south, range 3 east; that said fractional of land for the same year was also assessed as railroad con tract land which assessment was paid. And tbe board being fully satisfied that the said assessment to E. Shubert was erroneous and a double assessment, it is ordered that the clerk cancel said double assessment of record; that it be de clared null and void aod foreyer held for naught. (Continued next week.) . OABTOnXA. Baanth - lln Kind Ycm Haw Always BougH Blfaataia r DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY SAIE.YI AND INDEPENDENCE TO STEAMERS ALTONAAND POMONA I.HAVS ORKOOH CITV Going up, 8.00 a. x. Going down 2. 30 rat DAILY RIVKR EXCURSIONS or raa . Str. LEONA. Wssa Dat. Uave POBTUJfD Foot Taylor St, 9 00 A.M. 1 00 p, M. 6 0o Lear 0KE00.V CITT Fool Eighth St. 7 00 A. M. 11 00 3 00 P. M. Bracuc Hi' dat Tairt Leae P0BTU5D bears OB EM) CITY 9 00 A. M. II 00 1 00 P. Jrf. 5 00 6 'JO 9 00 A. M. II 00 1 00 P. M. i 00 8 00 Round Trip 25 Cent. Oregon City Transportation Co. Tims Caed P. C. A 0. R. It. PORTLAND OREGON CITY (Couch St.) 7:00 a. at. 7:05 A. U. 7-45 7:50 8:y 8:33 0:15 9 10:00 10:05 lo:4S 10:50 11:30 11:35 11:15 . ia:ao p. U l-ao i5 . MS 1:50 , ry a:35 3'5 3 40 4:05 4-45 ,4:50 5:y 535 6:15 6:20 7:00 7:05 743 . 7:50 8:30 only to . 8:30 only tn . MUwankle MUwaukie 9S 9:i5 lo:3cr 10:30 llofonlyto 11.40 only to MUwaukie Milwankio 12:504 Sat only Except Saturday, then only to MU waukie - tExcept Ssturdar. then to Oregon City, i Except Saturday. .To Milwaukee only. FOR CLATSKAN1E Steamer G.V. Shaver, , . LEAVES . . Portland foot of Washington street Tues day and Thursday a at 5 p. m., for Clate kanio and way landings. Sun lays to Oak point. Returning, leaves ClaUkanie Wednes day and Thursdays at 4 p. m., tide per mitting. . This is the nearest and most direct route to tbe great Xehalem valley. Shaver Transportation Co Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. DAILY TRAINS. O ly ex. Sat. D'ly Eilectire July fi, D'ly Dly r.M P.M. AM 2 SH 6 551 8 )! A.M. Lv Portland .AH r.it. 9 40 8 3!i 8 20 8 00 7 54 7 it 7 33 7 23 7 17 7 03 6 a 6 Si 6 20 6 IO It 101 S 8 Oft 9 uft 8 20 9 H 8 9 35j 8 44 9 40 8 50 9 50 8 W 10 M ...Gobi . ., llainier ., .Pyramid.. . Mayger .. ..Quniry ., latskanie. Mamhland .Weatport . ..Clifton... . Knappa .. . Bveiijen . .John Day . 10 0ft 3 4 4 0. 9 52 9 35 4 07 9 M 9 2lH t 9 12 9 021 8 52 4 32 4 9 08 10 U V 9 l'J.IO 21 5T 17 9 37 10 a, 8 37 8 17 8 07 10 00 II M 5 as 5 3S 10 OS 11 10' 10 20 11 22 ... 10 lll SiliAr 7 55 5 SOI . . Aatorla. .Lv! 7 4ft SEASIDE DIVISION 11 30 a. m .. 11 35 p. m. . ... 7 40 a. m ....4 00p.ru ...10 35 a. nt ... 5 50 p. nt ...12 30p.ru .. 7 20 p. m ... 1 S0p.n ... 9 30a. m ASTORIA 0 ao a. m.. 8 15 a, m.. 6 15a. m.. 2 30p.m .. 5 00 p. m . 9 45 a. m.. SEASIDE COS SECTIONS. All trains make dote connection al Gobla with all Korthern Pacifio train to or from the East or Sound Points. At Portland with all train leaving Union Depot. At Astoria with I. It. N. Co.'a boats and rail line, and 8teamer T. J. Potter, to and from Ilwaco ami North Beach Points. Ticket otlice, 2.VS Morrison st.. and Union depot. J.C. MAYO.Uen. Paw.Agt. Astoria, Or) Mai Line. PORTLAND TO THE DALLES By tho fast and com modious steamer Rp.milatnr w a aeftyvo Learos Portland daily eiceut Sunday at 7 a. m. This is the Great Scenio Rout. All tourist admit that the scenery on the Middle Columbia is not ex celled for beauty and grandeur in the United States. Full infonna tion by addressing or calling on J. H. UOOTII. Aeent Tel. 914. Portland. Or- Office and wharf, foot of Oak St.