Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, September 20, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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Legal Notice.
In the riTrnll Court for the State of Or,
gnn, for Clacktmas county.
Maggie Johnson, plaintiff)
J'ratik Johnson defendant!
To Frank Jobnon, the above named
In Ihe name of Ihe stats of Oregon, and
pursuant In an order made ami entered hy
(ha Hon Tbo K Kyan, judge of tlia
txmniy lonri of said county on the .hri day
if August 1"01 . dim-tin that litis auntnion
be published one a week fornix consecu
tive weeks, the first publication lherot lo
iwon the Pih tlay of August, Wl, you ara
hereby required to appearand anawerth
complaint filed against you In the above
entitled suit on or belore Ilia Slit day of
Heptember, l!JI. that being tha last day of
the time prescribed in Mid order of publica
Von, and if you fall lo answer or appear, for
want thereof the plalullft will apply to Ida
court for the relief demanded in tha com
tdsint to-wit: For decree dissolving tha
Londs ol matrlinony now emtio between
you and the plsietitl and for coat of ihia
Oregon Cilr, Oregon; August 8, l!kt.
Attorney (or tha plaintiff.
poller Car lwbllcatlos.
Timber Land Act June 3. 1ST.
United Hales Land Ollioe, Oregol Cily,
Oregon. July 6. l:Ol.
Notice ta hereby given that in compliance
with the provision of the act ol Cotigr
of June, 178, entitled "An art for the
ale of limber lands in tha State of Call
forn'a, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington
Terriuiry " as enrolled to all tha 1'ublic
Land Slates by act of Anguil . ISO,
of Portland, county of Multnomah, S'ate ol
Oregon, has this day filed In ibis odce his
worn statement No M.VI, tor the purchase
of tbe nej ol Section So. 30 in Township
No. 5 8, Kange No. 4 E. and will ofler proo!
lo shoar that the land sonitbl is more valu
able fur iU lirutx-r or alone than for agn
cntutural pur-oses, and to establish his
claim lo said Inn I before tha Register and
Itecetverof this office at Oregon City, Or
iron on Saturday, ibe 2Sth day of Septem
ber, 1:1.
lie names aa arittiewes:
tians I. Urseti, F. W. Merrill. A. R.
Mendenhall, J.C. Burke, all of Portland.
Any and all persons claiming adversely
tha above described lands are requested lo
file their claims in this office on or before
aid 2:h day of September, ps.il.
I.and Ofllry .Iwtlr.
Cnitad Staiea land Offlce, Oregon City,
Oregon, August Ji, I'AH.
To whom it niay concern:
Notice ia hereby given that the Oregon
nd California Railroad Company has filed
in this office a list of land situated in the
townships desciibed below, and baa applied
for patent for said lands; that the lists are
open to the publfc for inspection and a copy
thereof by descriptive subdivisions, has
been posted in a convenient place In this
office, for tbe inunction ol all persona in
terested and to tbe public generally, vn;
Oregon and t'alilonna Railroad lands,
Oregon City I -and District,
Supplemental List IA
South, East,
Township, -- Rarge,
6. S.
WSec S. WS8cl7. Lou 1.2. 3 4 4.
WofNfc4', t;olNv'H and ft. e'K.
Bee. I'J
Supplemental List 131.
South. East,
Township, Range,
6. 4
All Sees 11. 13. 1'.. 17. 19 21. 23. 25. 27. 23
Lota 2. 3 and 4. N'S" of NWtf. 8EK of
. tli of S l,i and or bee. 31
All bees. 33 t 35.
Within the next sixty days fallowing ibe
date of this notice, protests or contests
against the claim of the company lo any
tract or subdivision within any section or
part of section, dncribed in the list, on the
ground that tbe same is more valuable for
mineral than (or agricultural purposes, will
be received and noted for report lo the Gen
eral Lend Office at Washington, D C.
(.'has B. M.jkh, Register.
Wat Galloway, Receiver.
In tbe Circuit Court
County. Slate of Oregon.
Amelia Otio, Plaintiff i
for Clackamas
Adam Otto, defendant.)
To Adam Otto, the above named defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon you
re hereby required lo appear and answer
the complaiiil Died against you in the
above entitled suit in Ihe above named Court
on or before Friday September 2"tb, lfl,
the same being seven weeka from the brst
publication ol this summons; and you will
take notice that if you fail to so appear and
nser said complaint plaintiff will apply
to the Court for the relief demanded in said
complaint to wit: thai the bonds of matri
mony existing between you and plaiutitl be
This summons is published by tbe order
of the lion Thomas A. Rvan, County
Judge of the County of Clackamas and State
of Oregon, in the Oreiton City Enterprise,
a weekly newspaper printed and published
nd of general circulation, in Clackamas
County, Oregon, for seven successive week
commencing August inli, and continuinK 10
nd including rrnlay, H-ptember:i0tti. 1901.
OfcO U. DKUtv.NtLU
Attorney for Plaintiff.
IVotire? orAditiiiilMlraior k Hale of
Kent iaie
Notice is hereby given, that in pursuance
ol an order of sale made and entered by
the County Court of the county ol Polk,
late of Oregon, on the .ltd day of AtiKtist,
A. I). 1901, in tbe matter of the administra
tion ol the est' of Richard Ene, deceased,
the undersigned administrator of said es
tttte will sell, as directed in said order of
tale, "at private sale," tbe following de
scribed premises, to wit, An undivided one
ball Interest In IV) acres of land described
as Ihe South Went Q tarter of section eight
in Township 5 S of li One Kant ol tbe Will-
ami tie Meredian
State of Oregon.
in Clackamas County
The sale will he made on or aftc the 14th
rigy of September, A. I). 1901. and bids -will
be received at I he resilience of tbe under
signed BdminiHlrator, at Perrydale, Polk
County, Oregon. The terms of sale cash,
when sale is approved by the County. Court
of Polk County Oregon, or one half cash
nd the balance secured by note and mort
gage on the premises sold, and utile ap
proved by Court. U. L. Keyt,
Administrator of the estate of Richard
Enes, deceased.
lyon's French Periodical Drops
Strictly vegetable, perfectly harmleis, ure to accomplish
DESIRED RESULTS. Greatest known female remedy. ,
fTlllTinV Beware of ermntsrfelt and Imfutlons. Tbe gennlne Is pal up only in paste-board Car
vim I IV tt Uio with fac-slmlle slenatnre on aide of tha bottle, thus: J. ' - -asscU
fur Clroolar to WUUaM8 Utii. CO Bol Aot, Clef alaud. Oliio.
For sale by Charman
.laltcewf I'laal Hrttlriuvut,
Notice, ia licrt'dy given tlial tha under
signetl, administrator of the estate of Ola
IVderaon, decnvl. has II led in the
county court of Clackamas county, Slate
of Oregon, his llnl ccotinl aa such ad
mlnistialor of aail etle anJ Hist Mon
day, t)i 14th day of Ovtolr, A. D l'.KH
at the hour of 10 o'clock a. in. has twit
sol by the Honorable Jihlgn of aald court
at the time for hearing of ohjex-lione to
aid report anJ tha settlement thrieof,
Admlniatrator of Hie Kstala of Ole
riieraon, deccaaeO.
Satire- af Nirert Iwprsinarat
Notice la hereby given thai Fifth street
from tha easterly line of Water street to the
westerly Una of Main street will be Im
proved a lth cruahed rock and by laying
mrhs, comer blocks and sidewalks, to
gether with necessary drains and gradlnna.
By order of the CUT Council ol Oregon
City, Oregon.
Barci I', Craav,
September 4,
Calico at l laal Mrttlrcaeait.
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed, the eieculor of the last will and
leotamenl of Bernhardt CJnanl, dereasnl,
hasfl'el In the county court o( Clackamas
county Oregon, his tinal account aa such
everuior. ami inai Momtay, iviooer ,
l!i, at the hour ol 10 o'clock a. tu. at Ihe
county court room of Clackamas county
Oregon, has been apointed aa Ihe lime
and place by said court for Ihe hearing and
determining any and all objections thereto,
rich a iu scorr.
Executor of the last mill and testament
of Bernhardt 0'iaut, deceased.
allre for l'ubllcatlon.
Department ol the Interior.
Land OtHca at Oregon Ciiv, Oregon,
August 19. I'.Wl.
Notice Is hereby given that tlie following
named settler has hied notice ol his Inten
tion lo make final proof in support of bis
claim, and that said pr.if all) be made be
fore the Register and Receiver at Oregon
City, Oreiton.on lctober lit i'.'l. vii:
If. E So. 11073 lor tbeaNi or NW,',
See 8,T 6S., K. 3 K.
He names the following wilnessea to
prove his continuous resi it nee upon and
cultivation of said land, vie
Harrison Wilon, F. W. McUran. J. L,
Krouse, Alvtn W)lad, all of Wilhmt. Ore.
Police far 1'nbllealUa.
IVpartmenl ol the Interior
Land Office at Oregon Cltv, Oregon,
August 17, Ilk1!.
Notice i hereby civen that Ihe following
named Settler baa hied notice of bia intair
lion to make final proof In support of his
claim, and thai said irool will te made De
lore the Register and and Receiver at Ore
gon Ci'y, t'regon. September 27, 1'AiL.
H. E. No 11371 for the SF.tf of NEtf. NS
of SK'i and N E: of S W sec 33, 1 2 b, K
7E W. M.
He names the following wilnessea to
prove l is continuous resilience upon and
cultivation of al.i land, vit:
Silas L. He.lces,Jolin Belcher, Pankralus
J, Marogg, John Murphy, ail of Salmon,
In the Circuit Court of the Slate of Ore
gon, within and for the County of Clack
Christian Traxtle and J.
Traxtle, plaintiffs
Martha Foster. Thomai
Pediiro, Elmer Peiigo
Pedimi Ped go
nd Pedigo, whose
tirsl names are on
known to plaintiffs
and Mary J. Sbarrock
Calhe Ine Foster Sev
ere, John fonter.Rob
ert Foster, Eli Foster,
Elira A. Crane. Lu
ciuda A. Pugh, John
Arthur, and Ca'.haniie
Foster, defendants.
To Martha Foster. Thomas Pediiro.
Elmer Ped'go, t'edign, Pedigo, and
Pedigo, hoe first names are unkuoaii
lo plainlltls, and Mary J . Sbarrock, lather
Ine Foster Severs, John Foster. Robert
Foster, Eli Foster, Eliza A. Crane, Luclnda
A. Pugh, John Arthur and Catharine, roe
ler, the above named defendants:
In the name of Ihe Stated Oregon, you
are hereby required lo appear and answer
the couulaini hied against you In the
above entitltd suit on or before ihe 27lh dsy
oi eepuniber, oemg ine lasi day pre
scriled in the order lor publication ol this
summons, to wit: on or belore the expira
lion of six weeks Ironi the dsy ol the first
publication of this summons, the first pub
iication thereof being on Friday, the lbth
day of August, l!il, and it you fail to
i.swer within said time fur want thereof
the plaintiff's will apply to Ihe court (or
the reliel demanded in tbe complaint, towit
That the plaiutitfs are the sole, only and
exclusive owners in fee simple of ilia fol
lowing described tract of land, and that the
above named defendants nor any of them
nave any ngru, line, estate or ownersnio in
or to said laud nor any part thereof, the
sain being a pari ol the John Foster and
fiancy hosier Donation I.and Claim No 41.
. ; r.. . t i.. ...
.loiincaiion .o. imi, in sections o. V), 'l,
2 and In T 2 S , R. 3 K W. M. in the
county ol Clackamas and Stale of Oregon,
beginning at stake at the B. K. comer ol a
tract of laud conveved to 8. R. Toon, bv
deed recorded in book P at page 291 of Ihe
records ol deeds ol said Clackamas county,
Oregon ;thence N lOdeg. ISniin. E,7chaini
lo ihe Llackamaw river; thence up said
river lo the N. W. corner of a tract of land
conveyed by W . W. Myera to Casper Moore
by deed recorded on page 278 in book 29 of
the record or deeds of said county and state,
thence on said Moore s W. line H. II dec
50 niin. W &i chains to the X. boundary of
a iraci oi land conveyer) lo jacon Ijerber
by deed recorded on page .r95 of book P ol
the records of deeds of said county and
Biate. thence N SUdeg. W. 11 10 chains fo
Ihe place of beginning, containing 89 1't
acres, more or lens, and that plttintill's
title be forever quieted to said premises and
laud, by appropriate decree ol this court,
and tor such other and further relief as may
be just and equitable, and for their cost
ami dinbumemeiits in this suit.
Publication of this summons is made hv
order ol the Hon Thos. F. Ryan. Judge ol
the county court of the Slate of Oregon for
the county of Clackamas, which order wai
duly made and entered on the 14tb day of
August, 19Ul.
L'Krii 4 Bciierwa,
Attorneys lor Pluintifl
A Co., Druggist.
riii:itii i "m mi.i:o.i i .
i ton .
In the Circuit Court of tha Slats of Oregon
for ihe County ol Multnomah,
Portland Trust Company of
Oregon, plaintiff,
i C llavely ami Anna
Hsvely, di'leudanla.
Statb or OamioN, I
County ol Clackamas ( M
By virtue of t iidgmenl order, decree
and an execution, duly Isntied out of and
under the seal ol Ihe above entitled court.
In Ihe above entitled cause, lo me duly di
rected and dated the '.VI h day of June, (tail,
upon a judgment rendered and entered In
said court an Ihe Ifih dav of June, llku
hi favor of Portland Trust Company, of Ore
gon, plalnlitl and against J 0 llavely and
Anna Haveiy, defendants, and li, W.'ltoaa,
surely, lor Ihe sum of A,.ui 30, with Inter
est thereon at ihe raleuf 10 per rem per an
num from IheiMth day of July. I s0del1c.
enry which )inlcment was enrolled ami dork
sled In the rlerk a office ul said court in said
coumy on Ihe Ath day of January, l'H and
whereas, notice of contribution and repay
nieul was filed by l.ucluds Ross, adiulula
Iratrtx and Minnie U Foster and l-iora
Ritas, by her guarldlan, l.uclnda Rosa, Nov.
i, !', commanding me out of the raoual
.roprty of sail defendant and II. W,
Ross, surety, and if suflicenl could hot be
found, then out of Ihe real property be
longing lo said defendanta and surety lo
satisly the sum ol III." K3 now due on said
jiulgmeni with Inlereal thereon at ihe rate
of ten per cen i r annum from tha a in
day of IVcember, l:0aio ctxis Uioii this
Now, therefore, by virtue of aald execu
tion, jtiilgment order and decree, ami In
Compliance with the commands of ealt
writ, bring unable lo find any personal
properly ol said defendants or surety's I
did on ihe l.'th day of July, Itsil duly levy
upon Ihe following described real properly
of said defenitants and surety situate and
being In Ihe county of Clackamas, state of
Oregon, to- w II :
An undivided four-ninths Inlereal In and
to all of the following described real
property lo-wit.
Lots three (.1) and four (4) In block (2) In
Ihe town of Caoemah, Clackamas county
Oregon, as shown by the plats and surveys
of said town of Caoemah now on file In the
county clerk' ottloe of Clackamas county,
The north one-half ( S)of lot No. one (It
nd Ihe nortn one-half ( ),) of lot numbered
eiRhi(!)tn block numbered twenty-seven 27
according to ibe map and plat of Ihe town
ofO'eg-m City. Oregon, on file in Ibe
county clerks uttice of Clackamas County;
said lot commencing al the north weal
corner of said block twenty seven
27 and running thence easterly
:lu lei; tbe nee Southerly 31 (ret
andj Inches; thence westerly 210 feel lo
Main street; lhance 34 feel and 3 inches to
the place ol beginning.
The south one hail tj' of the James
W el-Imp Ilonallon lndCalm, notification
No. 72. In sections one. twelve, and tbir
leen, township three 1 1 south, range (:!)
east o( Willamette Meridian, In Clackamas
county. Oregon, containing one buudrrd
and hit J -three 13.1 acres more or tea.
Beginning at slake chains south
and 4.1 chain west irom the northern cor
ner of Ihe John 8. Howland IWailon lntf
claim ; thence south 4 degree. 5 minute
east 40 chains to stone; thence south 43
degrees. minute wett 9 Cham to
stone: thence north 41 degree, 43 mlnuiea
west 40 chsms lo a stake on the north weal
boundary of said claim; thence north 43
degrees east 7 Kt chain lo the place of be
ginning, containing ,T2 acres, mora or lee,
in Cleckamaa coanly, Oregon.
beginning at the northwest corner ol
laaac Gordon' land, or land formerly
owned by him, tbence along the line nf said
Gordon's irect In soathrestaxiy direction
70 rods; thence at right aagle running
westerly to the line of a tract of land
formerly owned by I.D. Harding' thence
northerly along said line of said llardli g's
tract of land 70 rods, mora or lea, to L, 1).
Harding a northwest comer; thence In an
easterly direction to the northwest corner
of a tract of lend formerly owned by 1-nry
A. Burnett; thence southerly to the south
aeit corner of said tract formerly owned by
said Lucy A. Burnett, 110 rods; I he nee
easterly along Ihe line of said Lucy A. Burn
ell tract of land to ihe place of beginning,
con laining loo acres, ibe same being part of
Philip Foeier' 1). L C., In C ackamaa
county. Oregon.
Beginning at point thirty 130 feel east
oi aiiere tlie sotilb llneoi section Uln I'll
township two aomh, range two '.'I east ol
Ihe Willamette Meridian, crosses Ihe Center
ol ihe Oregon and Calilomla railroad, run
ning thence northerly, tracing the eastern
boundary line of said railroad right cf way
lo a point forty 10 rods north of said sec
tion nin 91; ibeiiceeaat parallel wlib said
section line sixty eight '4J rods to Ihe weal
boundary of tbe county road; thence in
southwesterly direction tracing the west
boundary line of said county rot d fifty and
one-half f) rods lo line of said section
nine 9 ; thence west thirty-nine l.Ti rods
tracing said section line to place of Win
ning, containing thirteen and. three eignis
ZXcrr, more or less, In Clackamas
county, Oregon.
Also, lots two, three, four and six, block
thirty six 30 in Oregon City. Oregon.
Ana i win, on
at the hour or 2:00 o'clock, P.M., at the
front door of the County Court lloii-e
in the Cltv of Oregon City, in said
County and Slate, sell at public auction.
subject to redemption, to Ihe highest bid
der, for I'. 8. gold coin cash In liandll ihe
ngnt,-tnle and interest which the within
named defendants or surety or either of
them have in or lo the above described real
proierty or any part thereof, to aatlisy asld
execution, judgment order, decree, Interest,
custa and ail accruing coats.
Sheriff of Clackamas County . Oregon.
Dated, Oregon City, Ore., July 12, l'UI.
Police lor I'nMlrnt Ion.
Timber Und, Act June 3, 1K7S
United State I.and Olllce. Oregon Cliv
Oregon, Aug 3 lUll.
Police I hereby given that In compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress
of June3, i78, entitled, "An act for the
sale of timber land In the States ol Call,
lornia, Oregon, Nevada and Wasli tiglon
Territory," a exiemierl lo all the Public
baud State by act of August 4, WM,
of Portland, county of Multnomah, state nt
Oregon, ha this day filed in Ihls office her
worn slalemei-t No .Wi lor the purchase
ol the sj ol nw)J and w ol s Jol section
No. 2f), in township No. 6 south, range So
3e, of the W. M. and will oiler prool to
show that the land sought is more valuable
fur Its timber or (tone than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish her claim to said
land before the Register and Receiver of
this olllce at OreL'on Cltv. Oregon on Thurs.
day, the 2ltli day of October, 'M
She names a witnenses: J. 0 llurk.
Ixui Thompson, O. P. M. Jamison, oi
fortland, ami Albert bugle of Jlolalla
Any ami all persons claiming adversely
the above described lands are requested lo
tile their claim in this olllce on or before
said 21th day ol October, 1001
A never failing cure . for cuis, burns,
scsMh, ulcers, wounds and sores is l'e
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. A moHt
soothing ind healing remedy for all skin
flections. Accept only the genuine.
Geo. Harding.
Nin.itiri 'N nii.i:.
In lh Circuit Oiurt of lha Hal uf Ore
gon, lor the County ol I'luatllia.
Ths First National Bank of Wall
Walla, Corpoialiwn, Plaliillll,
vs. . V
C, II Wale, ee administrator .f
Ihe Eslale ol hdgar Hroiighiou,
ih-eeased, Jan A. Uroiighlou,
Milium II. Ilroiigbloii, Fay
Uroiigbion, Carrie Savage, H. J,
haag, A.M. Pearson and Mary
I'tarson, iefetnliila.
Hvt or Oksiihii, j M
Coumy ol Clackamas.!
By virtu of a judgment order, decree and
execution, duly issued out of and under Ihe
seal ul lb ahoe entitled court. In the above
eiilltled cause, lo m duly dlrnMed and
dalrd the l.'th day ol Sctnher, I'.a't . upon
an ord" or ale.aml enle-ed In said court on
lb .It tla ul August, l'i, In favor of the
First National Hans or Walla Walla, a co'
iMirslloli, aa ptalnlilT, and against C, II.
Waile, as administrator ol Ihe ratal uf Kd
gar llroiighlon, ilecrased, Jane A. llrough
Ion, Millord II Broiighton, Fa Bronghton,
Canle Savage, H. J. SaVsge A H. I'earaon
and Mary Pearson, deleiidanls, for Ihe sum
of t.i to. with Interest thereon al the rale
of H ir cent. pr annum from .the 4th day
of May, I ."., ami the fnrlhrr sum ol Um
as etmriir) 's fees, ami Ihe coals of and ti-on
Ibis wit, coriimamling me la make sal o(
thelollowiug descrlbrtl real proxriy, ailu
ata in the county ol Clackamas, slate of
Oregon, town i
lots niin.lxifed one (1), In block hum
tiered lvrn (II). of hunsel Cily, according
to the plat Ibereof. nn Ml In Ihe ofttce of
the Recorder of Clatkainas county, slat
ol lion.
.No, therefore, by virtue of said eiecu
Hon, Judgment order ami decree, and In
compliance with lha commands uf said writ,
I will, tin
I ths hour of 2 o'clock p. ni., at lb front
door ol the County Court Hons In lbs City
or Oregon Cily, In said County anil State,
eell al public auction, tub)-cl lo redemption,
to the hlgneat bid. ler, lor I'. S. gold coin,
rash In band, all the rtghi, title and interest
which the within named delendente or
either of I h sin pad on Ihe date uf Ihe morl
gag herein or since had In or to Ihe above
dWrthed real prorty or any part Ibereof
lu satisfy said eiecutlon, judgment order
decree, interest, mats and all accruing rmfs.
j.j cot :.
Sheriff of Clackamas county Oregon,
IaPl Oregon City, Or.. Sept. Id, I all.
IVllllwsi ass4 feller.
In the Board ul County Commissioner
Court for Clackamas Cofln'y, Orem,
To lb Hon. Board of County Com
W. Ih undersigned, legal Voter
Harlow precinct, Clackamas county Oregni
Iiervby i-eiition yur binorabl boty
grant a In suae to Charlee Schmidt of Bar
low prsciiHM. Clacksmaa comity, tlregun
lo sell In Barlow preclnl, Clackamas onutiiy
irregon, man iiiiors Mr Ihe Irrm ol m
months irom ma day o( granting sahl
license In quamlile Irs Ihan one gallon,
IDe tKM.se being lo keep a saloon l.ir It
alo( mall liquor In iuanlllle I Ihan
on gauon, in said precinct.
Wm. Barlow
K E Irwin
W BTiill
W Haver
C () full
D O Freeman
E A Wtllcori
I. K Armstrong
C t' Barlow
Oeorga W Newton
J V May
I W ll.abcbafd
W W J.sse
I. I) Hovr
Wm BTu I
C W lies.
H It lUrchart
J W U.vey
M Barhari
W F Miller
Auk Kotltrberg
Jakob Vlngolpt
W C Kendall
J H King
Wm Evan
1 Cottoaay
S Ktans
B S Wiilcock
M lietMr
Wm Stieppard
P il Mulloy
Ham Jhrrtog
David Knld
j A Andrew
K" C Aadni
A n Ion Zee
K M Brockrtt
R U Dement
Henry lleilge
Jamb ftaeck. Jr
Ivid Ku.k
Carl Kuack
J Rneck, sr
J K Yot
O li Goebel
U A Arndl
A H Welow
Jl UZ'egler
Oe. Zieglr
Notice Is hereby given, That pursuant to
me a oovs petition riiarie Mcbmldt will, on
ibe 1 1 flay of October, Ilk d, apply lo Ihe
Hoard id County Couimlaaloners for Clark
maa county, Oregnn, at the regular October
l'UI session or Ih ald board al lb court
boo and board room ol said eouniy, for a
license to tell malt llipior In quantities
iraa man on gallon. In said Harlow pre-
rlnct. Clackamas county, Oregon, lor ibe
nil 01 IX month rroni s. date.
Dated. August 2U, 1901.
'ouuly Treaaurer'a atl-r.
I now hare fuml lo lav conntv war
rants emiorMvi unor lo November I
i nun. interest win reaaf on the war
ranta in tine rail nn tha date tiercel.
.?. r . ...... '
urrgon city, pi. a). 1901.
A. JLi'Ki.t.iNii, Trearurer.
Clackamas County, Oregon.
Satire to the) Public.
Notice is hereby given that Lie
('handler Kaion, lli minor son i f JoaepU
Katon haa been given hi tr edoin. That
lie is hereby emancipated from all -r
vices due at such nil nor lo Ms parents
or KtiaMun. That Ids parents and
guardian a ill not be responsible (or any
debts or contracts made by liitn on and
Iter tliis date.
K. 8. Citowi.r.Y, Ousrdian.
Joski'ii Eaton, Father.
Aug. 18, l'JOl.
' PIkhoIuiIoo of Co I'Hrtnf rh!r.
The firm of James Adkins and 8, M.
Adkins, doing LimlnioMi ondt-r the name
of Adktns Bios., engaged In the sawmill
bnsIueM at Canby, Oregon, have dis
solved partnerahip. James Adkins will
continue tlie business. All bills due the
firm are payable to him am he will be
reaitonsible for all outstanding bills.
Jamks Auxins,
R. M. AnkiNH,
Oregon City, Oregon,
Rej.t, 5, 1001,
For Sale
; Farming land, cleared and uncleared,
in Tualatin valley within 3 miles ol Ore
gon City. Also largo quantity of second
hand common and fire brick at Onwego.
Apply to
, Tub Orroon Ikok and Utkkl Co.,
339 Shorlock Building,
Norris fiilver, North (Stratford, N. II. : "I
I purchased bottle of One Minute Cough
Cure when sulTuring with a cough doctors
told me was Incurable. One bottlo re
lieved me, the second and third almost
cured. Today I am a well man. Geo.
Social Happenings. I
w it m l r.H m'KM
A unlet winMlug took place In Orguit
Cily r!iimly evriilng, the rinilractlng
pirllr IM-Ing Mis Clare Wlinnler and
Mr. Oiarle K. Horn, Jr., soil of Chief
of Poller. Ilin 11. Only Ibe relative ul
thn bride ami griauti were p'oaent at the
cerr-inonr, abbli look pW" at Mr,
lUirns' hgiim, lie v. I. K, llatniiiund
olllclatliig ,Mr. ami Mr. Hurn will r.
main l llmlr Utbnr's homo during tin
imt Minn sim ii.
The marriage of lnlrl Spa's and Ml
llc-nrlnll I.. Kalbllulach will take place
Sunday al the resl.lrmn of lha bride's
parent, In Cam. The giooiti tain
(rout Kansas lo marry Mia Katbflelm h
and the couple will go to that lal lo
rrcide, Thn bride, who la lha daughter
id a Cam lartnci, ml ram her front
Kan with her family.
The social and entertainment given at
lit Methodial t hurch Wrluely even1
fug wa a very pleasant affair, and
thoroughly ei:j )ed by tbiMw ailrmling.
Arxui d lb t'uurt IUhb.
W. A. Jarvl ha rnterod suit against
JacotiJ, Iturbank, JameaT. lUnbank,
Sarah Jane Allpbln, Jarah Jalio Stan
burg ami Sleplini A. MahsWg for Hi
correct leu of a lire. I. Tbe lalntilf
sllegea Ibal 1.11 ai-rvauf lanj tdf of the
nt li end of Ihn east half uf the south
east quarter of Sec. 31, t I a, r 3 wa
conveyed lo Sarah Jane and JamreT.
llurlsank by Stephen A. ami Ss'ah Jan
Slansl.org or li) and that the deed
aa recorded liiioriet tly, Ibe name of
Jacob J, liuikank lielng written In the
place of Jarah J. Iturbank.
J Fvrtliart A Co. ask fur a Jtplgmeiil
against J. I. Wallace for !lVl tving
the lemainder i f tt amount of a bill of
meichandlst), purchased from lh atura
of the plalntiir al Kly.
A niex hanlca' lien Wa tllr! t tt Is morn
Ing by K. C. (iadkn against A. M. Single
ion. Tbe rlaimaiil allrgea that he en
Irre.lltitoa contract wttli Mr. 4. M.
Singleton lo dorrrlain phlinblng DO Ihe
bona Inutrd on lot 3, bh k M, Oregon
City, and In ronnrK lion wi'b a sewer lu
be laid from V e linusn lo lb rl'y main
In Oregon Cliy. Mr, hmg'etuu betame
Indebted lo (iadke In the iun of I'M U,
nd no iert of Ihe claim ha been paid
av 7, nn August o, psj. The claim
ant claim a Hen upon Ibe house fo
tt M.
In the rlrrolt court tb morning In Ih
cef (Mara N. Ibirkmann vs. William
II. Huckmann, a demurrer wa fild by
ths drfendant through his attorney,
(imrgeC. Urow nell, that the Mm dors
not stale facta sufficient to constitute any
Cause uf suit against the defendant
Letter 1.11.
Ihe olio ing la the llat of led if re re
maining in the (iaUilice at Orrgoa Cily
Ore , on Sep, lu ,, ) m
WiMS!l' Lisr.
Rernlrr Siell Mr Fondi F. Mr
(Vainer Minnie Mrs I'ateil C A Mrs
F.arle Alma Mis Uayinond Lucy Miae
Ward r A Mrs
Hill's Liar.
Clement C. Italic fiaiiaon ()eo
tiaaaell Wm Mkrlm J M
Sluinvr Jacob
o n i o ri i a. .
Bsarptu I 1 H.n l'in fogs
5illce to
Tstpajets and
Nollc.e Is hereby given that the Hoard
of Kqualixallon uf the County of Clack.
m, Stale of Oregon, will for tlie week
beginning Monday, OctoUir 11, l'.KJl , he
in attendance at the olllce of tbe county
cferk.lnsaid county and stato, for the
purM)e of publicly examining ihe as
sessment roll of said county for tbe year
1!XK), and correcting of all errors in valu
atlon, di'scrlpllon or qnslltles of land,
lots or other property. It Is the duty of
all persons Intereated lo appear at tbe
time and place herein mentioned, and
call the attention of said hoard to any
errors in assessiiient, or projH rty not as
aeseerl, ao that the same may bo cor
ectod In the manner provide! by law.
Please call early In thn week.
I'm Wii.i.ums,
Assessor of Clackamas County,
A Mght of Ti-rriir.
"Awful anxiety Was full for the widow
of the bravo (Jeneial Burtihain, of Manil
las, Mo., when tbe doctors said she would
die from 1 nuutnoniit before murnlntf."
writes Mrs. H. II. Lincoln, who attended
her that foarful night, "but she begged
for Dr. King's Now Iim:overy, which
had more than once sjived hnr life, and
cured her of Consumption, After taking
she slept all night. Further oho entirely
cured her." This marvelous mediclno
Is guaranteed to cure all Throat, Chest
and Lung DiHoaiios, Only t0o and fl.OO.
Trial hollies frno at Oeo. A, Harding's
drug store.
Rid Darling, 1012 Howard St., Port
Hdron, Mich., writes: "I have trlud
many pills alid laxatives but Do Witt's
Lltlle Early Risers are by far the best
pills I have ever used. They never
gripe, Qeo. Harding
Attriiilniirc Shown Sutnll fQ.
ciTtthp Orrr I.iut Yrur.
roitrr.rivK n ihuik.h h(uUL
MrveuottS ( JrrHwa It Ibe ynlra
hy-ti m ef IViimsnshlp l.f?
Oregon City's hoolaoiiitK Munjsy
with a very goo-1 atlendanra, Th m.
rree over last year Is hot great, tiul It
la proUbl Inofw liidenla will irglaUr
lieltweek. The high fclnail hastislq.
dent a In lli Uttm gradna. (( lUllntii
have Iwen scheduled and things ar run
ning iiioollily, Soiu trouble I rip,
rlenrrd In transferring pupil from 0lia
building lo lha other, but tin rsnmrt ba
voided, a ll eighth grade baa .a
clistigo.1 from Ihe I'eslham to II, s lUr
clay hiilldlng, ami the aeyenlli id
from lb Pairlay lo the Kaaibam.
Tearber aiw makuigromplalutss'tist
Ibe vertical (yaletu of iwrneansliip. Sig
years ago the slanl style of willing
Inlrixlurw,!, and three yrsre later id
vsrliral sly I wa adopt! This year
( III another eyslnii ul vertlral wriiin
wa authorised, and leather alll ,q
be able lo ante Kgypllan hlerogpUlrs
with en tirety and precision, Kollnj
I the number attending to the ohlng
day by grades I
Pauley bntt.ling-Mis N'efsger, first
grade, Kyj Mis Cn. liran, aocond gra.,
35; Mis WaUcti, third gra te, 31; Ml
( asi, fourth and fifth grade, to, Mia
Taylor, lnh grade, 4: Ml Cl.,
eighth grade, 31 Ml- Clark ninth stnj
tenth trade, 3'J; I'rvt. Wlltva, elotrutlt
grade, rj,
Kasibam btilldlrg-Misa Myers, first
grade, 30; Mia Caufield, arund gra ls,
'.'I'., Mia Meldium, Iblrd grade). 41, M .
Iureti.e, fourth grade, .V, ; Mr, lilaaa,
Gflh grade, 37; Mis Smith, srrenilt
grade. ?)
A Sberk ng (alam 1
"Ulely beMI a railrua.1 la'nr,'
writes Ir. A. Kellelt, of Wtlliford, Ark.
Ill fjot aa badly crushed but Iliuk
len a Arnha Salve quickly cured bin,
1 1 'a l m ply wondeiful fr Hurna, lUlt,
I'ilrw and all akin eruption. It's the
world's champion healer. Cure guar)
teed. 2?. Sold by Oeo. A. Harding.
A Voting Contest
For the moat popular rhnrch, lodge,
eitty, school or roii of ()reg m City, by
which H'iO Irving piano will m given
away on January 50, J'J02, to Ibe ieiy.
lodge, church, school or eraon aecnrlng
the greatest number of vote. . Contest
now opt n. Cloaca January 20, 1 p. w.
All vote will lie counted once a week,
ami a full account of tha vote aa the con
ical progreaae Will ha) plibllahud every
Friday In Ihe Oregon Cily Knterprl.
The final count al thefto of Ihe contest
will be made by a committee ol three;
Ihe IwconteaUiite In the lead will each
send a representative to decide who gel
the piano,. Tha vote are given one vut
free with every L'&c raaii pun-base by Hie
following uieicbanls. Don't let any tut
your own church, svn-iety, school ol
friend carry oil" the honor, and reinetii
ber that every vote counts. Plnuolson
exhibition at Frank Hunch's furniture
siore. Why not trade where you can get
ballot,, as I hey coat you absolutely
nothing? Everyone ought to at least do
that much (or their society or church.
List of merchants where votes t an be
secured : ,
Frank Hunch, furniture.
Wilson iV Cooke, hard ware.
C. (i. Huntley, drug.
W, A. Huntley, books and stationery.
M. Michael, drygoods, clothing,
Kratisso Bros,, shoes.
Fred C. Uadke, plumbing and tinning.
Adanis Bros., Oolden Utile Baxaar.
Mrs. Rtory's Crystal Candy Kitchen,
7th st met , opMisllu rJuMponslon BriiiKO
R. L. Holmsn, cigars and tobacco.
Helm A Co,, groceries.
Mulr Bros., groceries, 7th and Centor
0. W. Orace, general atore.
Oregon City Knterpriije, Jub printing.
Vaughn's livery stable.
AlUIglitc Ixigtis, meat market.
Brown A Welsh, 7th St. Meat Market,
A. 0. U. W. Building.
Mrs. II. T. Bladen, mllllnory, Mum
Cheney cV Halt, photographers.
J. Knowland, tailor.
Rhank A Bissell, 7th st., botweta
A $450
I To bo given away.
Bildgeand Depot.