c Legal Noticea. hi .nito.XR. In the Circuit Court for th Stat of Or- goa, for Clackamas county . Ma&tte Johnson, plaintiff) Frank Johnson defendant) To Frank Johnson, th abort named defendant l nth name or the Data or Ureson. an furuant lo an order nal and entered hy tiia lion, I no i iiyan. tudce or Ih county ion rt of mJ county on tiia Htb day h ai:iim ru, directing tuai mis suiuitioni tie published once a werk for six consecU' tiv weeks. Ih flmt publication thereolto teon th !th riav of Auitust, l!i, you are tierehy required lo appearand answer lh complaint liird avam.i you in tha ahove entitled .uit on or belor ilia 21st day tVptember, 1:01, that being tlia last dav of the time presrnned In Mid order of publics turn, and if you fail to answer or appear, for ant thereof the plaintiff ill apply to th court for tha relief demanded In tha com idaini lo-il: for a decree dissolving tba Donat 01 matrlmonv now existing oelwe you and tha plaielitl and for coats of tan uiL Oregon Citr, Oregon, August 8, 11. J. F BOOTH E, Attorney for lb plaintiff, Italic fr l'ablicwtlea. Timber Land Act Jnn S. 1978. TJnlted State Land Office, Oregoa City, Oregon. J uly 6. l'.Vl. Notice i hereby given that in complianca with Ibe proviious of the act oi Congress vi uihj,i,-,j, enuueu in act lor mi aula of limber lands in tba State of Call rorn. Orecron, Nevada, and Washington Territory ,f aa extended lo all Ilia Public JLand State by act of Angus! 4, lKrJ, Ot?CA R L. WARDEN. t Portland, county of Multnomah, Ptat ol Oregon, has this day Bled in tbis office bis worn sutement No. MM, for tba purchas of the nr; of Section No. 30 In Township ho. 5 S, Hang No. 4 E. and will otter proof to abow that lha land eougbt is mora valu able for Its Umber or stone than for agri- cuioturai purposes, and to establisn bis taim io hid ann neiore ina negtsier ana Receiver of thi office at Oregon City. Or- con on Saturday, tba 23th day ol beplem- nrr, iii. il names aa witnesses: " Hans I. Larsen, F. W. Jlerritl, A. R. Mendenhatl. J.C. Burke, all of Portland Any and all persons claiminr adversely tha above-described lands are requested to Die ineir ctaima n mis onice on or belora aid SSth day of September, l'OI. CUAS. B. atOORES, Kegister. Land OHee It tire. United States l and Office, Oregoa City, uregon, August so, laui. To w bom it mar concern : Notice ia hereby given that tha Oregon nd California Railroad Company has tiled in this office a list of landa aituated in the townships described below, and baa applied for a patent for aaid landa; that the lists ar open lo the public for inspection and a copy thereof by descriptive subdivisions, baa been postaAl ia a convenient place lu this office, for the inspection of all persona in terested and to the public generally, vu; Oregon and Caluorma Railroad lands, Oregon City l.nd District, Oregon. Supplemental List lis. South, East, Township, -- lUrge, 6, S. TVUFee.9. W8ec.l7. Lota 1.2.3 4 Wiof NEJ, fcXotSWfc an rt. SM ec. is. Supplemental List 131. Soulb. East, Township, Range, 6. 4 All Pec 11. 13, 15. 17. 13. 21. 23. 25, ?7. 29 Lots 2, 3 and 4. Xtf ol SWkJ. S&4 of nriX. r-)$oi vx and J4 ol Bee. 31 All bees. iJ A 35. - Within the next sixty day following tbe dale of this notice, protests or contests gainst the claim of the company to any tract or subdivision wttbin any section or part of section, described in tbe lista, on the ground that tbe same is more valuable for mineral than for agricultural purpose, will tie received and noted lor report lo the lies- era una uniee at Washington, V C Chas B Miuku, Register. . Galloway, Receiver. In tbe Circuit Court for Clackamas County. State of Oregon. Amelia Otto, PJaintifl.l va. Adam Otto, defendant.) To Adam Otto, tbe above named defendant In tbe name of the State of Oregon you re hereby required to apar and answer the complaint filed against you in tbe above entitled suit in the above named Court on or before Friday H Member 2otb, l!wl, tbe same being seven weeka from the first publication of tbis summons; and you will take notice that if you fail to so appear and answer said complaint plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded In aaid complaint to wit: that the bonds of matri mony existing between you and plainiill be dissolved. Tbis summons is published by tbe order of the Hon. Tbomas A. Ryan, Connty Judge of the County of Clackamas and bute of Oregon, in the Oregon City Enterprise, weekly newspaper printed and published nd of general circulation in Clackamas County, Oregon, for seven successive weeks commencing August Oth, and continuing to nd including fnday, Beptember20tb,l!Xl. utU U. UKUWNKLL. Attorney for Plaintiff. Aatlre of Administrator Nale t Real IXulo Notice is hereby given, that In pursuance of an order of sale made and entered by mt vuumij ujun oi ion county oi 1 OIK, state of Oregon, on the 5tli day of August, A. u, i-nii, in toe mauer oi tne administra tion of the estate of Ricbard Enes, deceased, the undersigned administrator of aaid es tate mil sell, as directed in said order of ale, "at private sale," tbe following de ncribed premises, to wit, An undivided one half interest In 100 acres of land described as the South West Quarter of section eight in Township 5 8 of K One East of tbe Will- m.tte Meredian in Clackamas County Btate of Oregon. The sale will be made on or after the 14th day of September, A. 0. VM. and bids will be received at the residence of the under signed administrator, at Perrydale, Polk County, Oregon. The terms of sale cash, when sale Is approved by the County Court of Polk County Oregon, or one half cash nd the balance secured by note and mort gage on the premises sold, and sale ap proved by Court. I). L. Kivt, Administrator of tba estate of Kicbard Knes, deceased. MOTT'S PENNYROYAL of menstruation." They are "LIFE SAVEKS" to ffirla at womanhood, aiding development of organ and body. No known remedy for women equals them. Cannot do harm life becomes a pleasure, $1.00 PER BOX BY MALL. Bold by druffgrists. DR. MOTT'S CHEMICAL CO., Cleveland, Ohio. For sale by Chsrman & Co., Druggist. police of riatnl Net! Itsattnt, Notice li hereby given that th under signed, admiuintrator of th estate ol 1I lVderson, dei!, has BUhI tn th county court of CUckamat rouuty, flat of Oregon, hi final aiwutit aa such ad ministrator ot (aid eetal and that Mon day, Die 14th day of October, A. D. 1001 at the hour of 10 o'clock a. tn. hat been set by the Honorable Judg of aaid court S th tune (or bearing of objection to laid report tod th settlement thereof. VLt. Allh N r.l.MJ., Administrator of th Kstat ol rdoron, deceased. Ole .llre mf Mireet Impravrsnesit Notice Is hereby given that Fifth alreel from t he easterly line of Water street to Ih westerly ln of Main street will be Im proved with crushed rock and by laying curb, corner block and sidewalks, gelherwith neceanary drains and gradinaa. By order of the Cit Council of Oregon CltJP, Oregon. Bacci C. Craay. Recorder September 4, VM. tlce ! I'laal Mettlessseat Notice is hereby given that the under- siitned. the xecutor of th last will an teetameut of Bernhardt Otiant, deceased, has filed In th county court of Clackamaa county Oregon, his nnal account aa such executor, and thai Monday, October 14, 1:01. at th hour ol 10 o'clock a. ni. at li connty court room of Clackamas county Oregon, has been appointed aa tba tiiu and place by aaid court for tha bearing and del rniining any and all objections thereto. KIl llAKD fttUI I, Eeculor of the last will and testament Of Hern hard l Quant, deceased. .Ilre for lMblleatUa. t Departnienl of lb Interior. Land Offlc at Oregon City, Oregon August IJ. VM. Notice is hereby given that th following named settler baa tiled notice ot bis Inten tion to mak final proof in support of bis claim, nd that said proof will be mad be fore ih Register and Receiver at Oregon City, Oregon, ou October 1st liAil, via: W1LHEI.M SAND3TR0M H. E. No. 11673 for tbe NX of KWtf, Sec 8, T 6 a B.IE. H names th following witnasse to prov bis continuous resMenc a poo and cultivation of said land, vit: Harrison Wilson, F. W. McLeran, J. Krouse. Alrin W viand, ail of Wiibnit. Ore, CUAS. B MO'REd, Fegisier. .tlre fer rabUratUst. Department -.-( tbe Interior. Land Offlc at Orepin Cily. Oregon August 17, 1UUL Notice Is hereby given thai tba following named settler naa tiled noure oi ms truen tion to make Dual proof lo support of b claim, sod that said proof will be mad be fore the Register and and Receiver at Ore gon City, Oregon, September 27, l'JUL. WILLIAM H. HALL. H. E. No. 11371 for the 8E of NE. ' ofSF.'r and NE.'-.'of SWV, sec 3i, i 2 H, K 7 . W. at . H name tb following witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vu : Silas D. Hedges. John Celcber, rank rat us J, Maroge, John Murphy, ail ol balmon Oregon. CUAS. B. MOO RES, lUgister. Mt.MTIO.Ha. In th Circuit Court of th Stat of Ore gon, within and for lb County of Clacka mas. Christian Traxtle and J. Trajtle, plaintith va. Martha Foeur. Thomu Pedigo, Elmer Pedigo Peditro Pedigo nd Pedigo, whose first names are un known to Plaintiffs and Mary J. Ubarrock Catherine Foster Sev ers, John Foster, Rob ert Foster, Eli Foster, Eliza A. Crane. Lu cinda A. Pugb, Jobn Arthur, and Catharine Foster, defendant. To Martha Foster. Thomas Padleo Elmer Pedigo, Pedigo. Pediiro. and Pedizo, whose Bret name are unknown to plaintiffs, and Mary J. Sbarrock, Cather ine Foster Severs, Jobn Foster. Robert Foster, Eli Foster, Eliza A. Crane, Lncinda A. Pugh, John Arthur and Catharine Fos ter, the above named defendants In tbe name of tbe Stat of Oreiron. roo are hereby required to apear and answer th complaint filed againat you in th above entitltd suit on or before tbe 27th day oi DepieniDer, i n. oeing the last day pre scribed in the order lor publication ol this summons, to wit: on or before the expire Hon of six weeks Irom the day of tbe first publication oi mis summons, the nrst pub lication thereof being on Friday, the 1'Uh day of August, 1U1, and il you fail to ai.swer witnui saia uius lor waul thereof the plaintiffs will apply to tbe court for the relief demanded in tbe complaint, towil: That the plaintiffs are tbe sole, only and exclusive owners in fee simple of th fol lowing described tract of laud, and that th above named defendant nor any of them have any right, title, estate or ownership in or to said land nor any part thereof, the same being a part of tbe John Foster and ivancy roster donation J-and claim No 41, NotilicationNo. IPM7, in sections No. 20. 21. 24 and '), in T. 2 S . tt. 3 E., W. M. In tb county, of Clackamas and State of Oregon, Deginning at a aiaae at in b. e. corner ol a tract of laud conveyed lo 8. R. Toon, bv deed recorded In book P at page ZH of Ibe records ol deeds ol said Clackamas county. Oregon .thence N 10 deg. IS min. E, "Ochalns to the Uackama river: thence no aaid river lo the N. W. corner of a tract of land conveyed by W. W. Myers to Casper Moore by deed recorded on page 278 in book 20 of the record or deeds of said county and state, Hiencc on sain aioore s W. line B. II deir 60 min. W 83 chains to tha N. boundary of inn ui mm conveyed io jacoo uerrjer by deed recorded on page 005 of book P of the records of deeds of said county and State, thence N 80 deg W. 11.10 chains ro tbe place of beginning, containing 80 43 acres, more or less, and that plaintiffs tine De torever quieted to said premises and land, by appropriate decree of tbi court, id lor sucn other and further relief aa may L.I , (,. i 1 r , ue juni anu eqinuMie, ana lor meir costs and disbursements In this salt. Publication of this summons ia made bv order of the Hon. Thos. F. Ryan, ludaeof me conniy coun or tne Btate oi Uregon for in county oi uiacxamaa, wh en order waa duly made and entered on tb 14tb day of August, IML. ' U'BEH & SCHDEBKL, Attorneys lor Plaintiff, PILLS They overcome Weak ness, irregularity and omissions, increaM vig. or and Vianiah "nln Mir.lt I ITf4 M4I.I In ths Circuit Court of tba Hlals of Oregon for th County of Multnomah. Portland Trust Company of Oregon, plamtitr, vs. J 0 IIavly and Anna llavely, drlendanta. Htats or I'miiox, I County of I'lai-kainaa I Pv virtue nf a liiilitnisnl nrdar. decree and an execution, duly issuetl out of and under th seal of the above entitled court, tn the a bote sntltled cause, lo m duly di rected and dated th '.titli day of Jmie, liKin a Juitgine'H renilrred and nlr.l In said court an Ih ImIi day ofJuaa, l:u In favor of Portland Trim Company, of Ore gon, plainliit and against J C llavtly and Anna llavely, defendants, and li. W. Ross, surely, for Ih sum of eV.VHi .10, with Inter est thereon al Ih rat of 10 ir cent per an num from Id '.'lib day of July, l:m drtlol- encv which Jiidgtuenl waanrolled and dock ted in Ih rleik t ollic ol said court In said county on th6ih day of January, 1:M an whras, nolle ol coiilrlbuiin and repay nitnl waa filel by l.aclnda Ko, aditiinln Iratrii and Minnie I- Foster and Ignore Koea, by hr guandlau, Lutinda lUx. Nov 1 P'tO, commanding nisoulof th jereonal property ot sail defendama and 11. VV Ho, surely, and if aultlceul could not b round, tin out oi tn real property b longing lo said defendanla and surety lo satisfy ih sum of tll.T W now do on said ludgmcnl with Interest thereon at th rat of ten per cent per annum from th VMh day of lecembr, l'.U), also cost upon Ibis writ. Now, therefor, by virtu ol said icu lion, ludgmeiil order and decree, ami l conipiianc wltb th commands of said writ, being nnabl lo find any personal proirty of said defendanla or surety's I did on the l.tb day of July, l'.'l dulv levy uiwn tb following described real properly of said defendant and surety sllucl an being In Ih county of Clackamas, aisle Orecon. lo-wlt: An undivided fnur-nlntbi Interest In and to all of the following described real proixrty to-wit. Lou three (M and four (4) In block (21 1 tb town of Cantmah, Clackamas county Oreiron, as shown by tb plala and anrvevs oi said town ol I anvruah now on 111 In Ih county clerk' ottlce of Clackamas county, Uregon. Tbe north on-bl( (S)of lot No.on(l) nd Ih north one-half IS) of kH nanibervl igbtC)in block nambered lwnly-nvn (27 according lo tb map and plat of the to of Oregon City, Orern, on file In tb county cierka office of Clackamaa County Hl lots eoronienclng at the north west corner of aaid block twnty-avn J7 and running thtoc easterly 21U tt; thvtic southerly J4 feel and 3 Inche; Ihenc westerly 210 feet lo Main street ; thence 34 feet and 3 Inches lo Ibe place of beginning. The south one ball fW of th Jam Vi iMnip Donation Laud C.alni, notification No. 7U3, In sections on, twelv, and Ibir leen, township three (31 soulli, range 3 asl of Willamette Meridian, In Clackamas county, Oregon, containing on hundred and h fly-lb re ILVU acre more or lees. Beginning al a stake 1.5. Wl chain south and 4,1 chain west from th northern cor ner ol the John 8. Howland Donation Land claim ; thence south 4i degree, O minute east 40 chains to a aton; ihtnc south 43 degree. 30 minute ul chaiir to slon: Hi enc north 44 degree, 44 minute west 40 chains to a stas on ti:e north wm boundary of said claim; thence north 41 degree eaal 7.10 chains lo Ibe place of be- -ginning, containing x; acres, mor or leas, in ciactama county, uregon. Beginning at the nor lb west corner of Isaac Gordon's land, or land formerly owned by him, thence along tb line of said Gordon's tract In a southeasterly direction iurous: uence at ngni angle runiun westerly to lb line of a tract of land formerly owoed by L. D. Harding; thence northerly along said tin ol aaid liardtng'i tract of land 7u rods, more or lea, to L It. Harding's northwest corner: thence In an easterly direction to th north wst corner of a tract of land formeil ownail be l.uc A. Burnett; thence southerly lo Ih south- sst comer ol said tract formerly owned bv said Lncy A. Burnett. 110 rod: thsno easterly alone Ih lin of Mid Lacy A. Burn ett tract ot land to Ih plac of l-pinninr con tainlng 100 acres, Ibe same being part of rntnp rostera V. U C. In Clackamas county. Orecon. iieglnnlng at point thirty mi feet east oi wnere me sou in un oi section nine township two sViutb, rsnge two 21 east ol lb Willamette Meridian, crosses th center ol Ibe Uregon and Calllornla railroad, run nlng thence northerly, tracing the eaitern boundary una of said railroad right of way to point tony i-tui roo norm oi said sec tion nine !il; ibence esst parallel with aaid section line sizly eight UHJ rods lo th weal Boundary oi toe county road: thence in a southwesterly direction tracing the west boundary lin of said connty road fifty and one-half 60 U rode lo line of said section nln 3 : thence west thirty-nine Itfi rods tracing said section line to place ol begin ning, containing thirteen and tbree-eiglile acre, more or less. In Clackamaa county, Oregon. Also, lot two, three, lour and six. block thirty six VJ in Oregon City, Oregon. And I will, on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1001 at tb hour of 2:00 o'clock. P.M.. at th front door of th County Court House in the City of Oregon City, in said County and Stabs, sell at public auction, subject to redemption, to the blithest bid der, for U. 8. gold coin cash in band, all the right, title and interest wblcti the within named defendants or surety or either of them hare in or lo th above described real property or any part thereof, to satlisv said execution, Judgment order, decree, Interest, cosi ana an accruing cost. J.J.COOKE, fiber! fT of Clackamas County. Oregon. Dated, Oregon City, Ore.. July 12, l!Ail. Notice lor l'abllratloa. Timber Land, Act June 3, IK7H. United States Land Offlc. Oregon Cli Oregon, Aug. 8 1001. . Notice is hereby given that In compliance witn in provisions oi ins act or L'mmre.. of June 3, 187H. entitled, "An act for tbe sale or timber land in th Htates ot Call. forma, Oregon, Neva-la and YVasliinuUm Territoey, M extended to all the Public l-anu maiee Dy act or August 4, iwi, FANNY N. JAMISON of Portland, county of Multnomah, stale of Oregon, bat tbi day filed in this ollice her sworn statement no wra lor tne nurchaa of the eJ4 of nw and of aw of section no. zu, in uiwnsinp no. o soum, range No 3e. of th W, M, and will offer Drool tn show that the land sought is more valuable for It timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of tbis office at Oregon City, Oregon on Thurs. day, tb 24th day of October, 1001. Bbe names aa witnesses: t. O. Burke, Loots Thompson, O. P. M. Jamison, of Portland, and Albert Engleof Molslla Any and all persons claimlnsr advorael the above-described lands are requested in tile tbeir claims in this ofllce on or before aid 24th day of October, 1001. UilAB. D, MUUKK8, Register. A never (ailing care (or cats, bums, scalds, nlcors, wound and sore is le Witt's Witch Basel Salve. A moet toothing and healing remedy (or all skin affections. Accept only ths graains. Geo. Harding. rllllM stint .toller. In Ih Hoanl ol County Commission! Court for Clackamas Cotiniy, Oregon, To Ih II-li. I1'! of Cotiniy IW nilwlonsni Ws, Ih Oiiderlgnd, legal Voter of Harlow pre.-lncl, ClS' kamas cunly On gon, herrt.y Million ynr honoraMa Nlr i Kratita license lo Charles tk'hmldt of l'a' low precinct, I'larksmai eoutily, Oregon, lo sell In Harlow preclnl, Clackamas couiiiy ireg.in,mll liquors for in lerni ol sis months from Ih day ol granlln aaid IUeialnuuantlli hau on lalloii. lb purpos Iwlng to keep a saloon lor H sale of msll liquor In quatitlllee lew than on Ksilun, In ald pteoiuri- Nanies Name Wm. lUrlow (lere V Nwlon JFMsy I YV llistuliard W V Je I. II lliMiver Wm lTilit V YY Ilea. H II lUrvl.art J W l'..vry M llarhsrt W r Miller Aug IMierborg Jakub Vingul. W C Kendall J B King Wm Ksna J Conoway H Kvan B H Willcock M Itr.Mf Win he'rd P II Miilloy ham Jhers; I'svid Kldd K K Iraln W lITull W tvr C 11 Tiill I O Freeman K A Willcork I. K Arni.lnmg t; l' Barlow J A Andrrws F 0 A minis Anion . K M HrxKkett It M Denisul Henry llixle Jacob Itueik. Jr David Hue. k Carl Uuerk J Ktieek, sr J F Yost 11 II tiob I) A Arndl A B Whloa II UZiegler Ueo. Zlrglsr Noilils hereby gltn, Thai pursuant lo th above petition I harle H,-inilll will, on Hi 2 Ids of October. I'M. apply loin itoard of County t'oiuniUiloiirs for Clar rk- niaa county, urrgou, ai in regular wiuw I'Sll sewionofth said boanl al the court hoii and board room of said county. fr a license to sell mall ll'juor In iuaiilllis leas than on gallon, lu said Barlow pre cinct. Clackamaa county. Oregiin, tor lb term of six months from said date. I'll Alt I. KM SCHMIDT. Dated, August , VM. Retire, im the nbllr. Notic is hereby given tbat lee Chandler Klon, th minor son of Joseph Katoo bat been given his Ir e.loiil. Thai h la hereby etnam IpateJ Irom all ser vice due ai such minor to Ms parents or guardian. Ttiat hi parent and guardian alii not be responsible lor any debt or contracts mad by iiiu on and after this date. E. 8. Caowiar, Guardian. Joerrii Katox, Father. Aug. IS, llWl. Dlsnolullos f C I'arlBf rblp. The firm oljaruee A Jkine snj 8. M AJkioa, doing bueines uuder lb tiau ol Adkina Bio., engaged in lb sawmill bneluea at Canby, Oregon, have dis solved partnership. James Alk In will continue th business. All bills due th firm a' payable to him and h wit! I retponaibl (or all outstanding tills. Jamks Abii, 8. M. A dux. Oregon City, Oregon, Sept. 5, 1501. Farming land, cleared and uncleared in Tualatin valley within 3 mile ol Ore gon City. Also large quantity olaeron band common and fir brick at Oawego. Apply to Tiis Obxuom Iaox xo Sran Co., 339 Sherlock Building, Poitland. Letter Mat. in 'onowing is tiie nst ol lollur re maining in th poatoflVe at Oregon City ure., on Dept. otn, j au: won as' list. . Mataon Olive Miss llayniond Lucy Miss aiorris u b jjibs Mmmons Stevens Nellie Mis sun's list. Beer A J) SioulTer Mr Fish Tbos Tayloi Jine Howell Johnl Tinker Hidnev Rev Johnson Wm Wright Art-hie Mosher Harry D Wilkin (it Itlchardson 8 U White Alfred Park age J II Horner GF.O. F. HOHT0', P. M. fl a 1 1 t .a a . . ine louowing is tne list o ottrt re maining unclaimed In the poatnfnV at Oregon Lity, Oregon, on ciept, 12, 1001 WOMM'a LIST. Bristol Lnnlla Mis Kate Knlley Mrs Hadley T Miss i'nlllms M A Mr Walker, Ed Mrs St!' LIMT. Ames DA OverturfJM Cavanaugh Chas II Kliwkli-y Chas tl..l r'l,... II u. . , tf r .... iiTii v"1" nrtnv ft yj rzt Kellogg, BF Hiriiniotia Ocnr Uvermore II J Woodeide Wm McKinany (iuo WeidnerJaa Miller Frank Whitten Oscar Nelson Job Geo, F. Ilorton, ?, M. LlILKAItY XOrtS. Among the notahlo (natnrs o( the Ar gonaut (or Soptpniber 9, 1001, are: "A Midnight Balloon Ascension," a true tory by George Hull, the Turkidh con suj st Ban Francineo, who doDcribu an adventure with M. Ulratid, the Parinlan aeronaut; "Contly Souvenirs o( Travel. a letter from Guraldin Hornier, noting ber arrival in New York, and the per sletent and aggravating attentions ol the customs officials; Mme. Marches! leactilngs," an extonded rovlew of the recent volume by the jfreat matrtictor. . ... . ' un numtiroti" qnolatluns from the book : and "A Kemarkahle Artlut," a lottor from Venice, in which the ainazinii memory and skill of a Boton genius li described by a San Franclncan, who has seen the painter at his work, and Is pleased to record IiIh succohi. Norrls 8ilvor, North Stratford, N. II. i "I purchaaed a bottle of One Minute Cough Cure when suffering with a cough doctors told me was incurable, One bottle re lieved me, tbe second and third almost cured. Today I am a well man. nn. Ilarding. Tbe Enterprise $1.50 per year. iff ).!( Of titUNisswxr.uH. County Hii'(. J. It. Morion, John lwidtnn and T. II. Kllllll, tlonlliy I'ollillilaalwliera, HUle ol Oregon, (V.tinly n( CUcka- "Iwfire tho board" nl cnunly iHiininta loners of lh tiat ol Oregon (or Ih county ol fUikau.a. lWs II rriiiein .eielihia regul ir thrill tK Ilia Urd of county commissioner lor Ih ruiily id rim k 4iii., Uiul Ori'g.m, Unstuti Slid held III Ih louit hoM lr Mid c.uinty add UI on Wednesday, Ih Hli day ol hoplclnlH r, IlKH. th am beilng Ihu tegular lime Used by lw for the transaction ol futility buaintwa. Ther werepreaxiit lln. J. It Morion, John Uwellen and KilUn. routity Mtif iiilaiiloner. rlrrk,!-:. II. Co""r, and sheriff, J- J. Cook. The Mloalng pr.-rHllni were had bll, In th matter ol claim pre- Stllll t ..... II F Mini, road and bridge lit V ami lv VVltaotl, pailer 4 6i 3 91 10 14 1 4 0 V lu is 41 3 t J J lioibrlt, Uier J 0 y.lti'wr, aunt Townaotvl A Alhlrege, rilii A V ("heiiey, omnty priming..,. Telephon af James iMikey, rmd and bridge.. Cheater I'nk-y, rad and bridge. T A McFe.llwti Victor I'ukev W Kaylor l Y Harlea tard l Wall r Coin W A Huntley, stationery lUncroft WliUmy Co V II Wmaliuff, pUr Mas-Hi A erk, road and bridge.. Wilson Cook MJ Vaiik'tiaii. nilicrtlanooit , ., R 00 Kl at Miller, puir n J 1) Ken ner, road and bridge. 53 13 I lark rug..... hpA Cn l!e. r r"n I Tra-ling Co.pailper. J J lH.ke, shertn I Collin j. tiaUlvr. t M 31 -' lo 16 C N tirwtunan, oJ atvl bridge. Matey Carpenter J r district Jso 1 T ti Jon. rod, J 1' IVrrt Jonarild. 3 0 e M hiate v I IT f lloilge T O Jonarud O li Mi loiyto, rd and bridge... I'Nehren J 1' IH.tr let No 4-Slate VI A U nip J W MoAnnlty, J IV....: II 8 Mdy,funaM D A Kn, wilne William Feb a I W II Wll.n Fl hhaw Ferry K folk W tlliwiu l.ambo ,, J V Id.rrii t No 4-Siat v Clar win MaUetle Uuy J W MeAnu'ty, J I .. II H Mianly,rn.tAhl' J l IH.tr). t No4-Sut vi Her man Malry J W McAnulty. J l' II S M.xHly.cunstable, lavld Miller, wlthr Jaeon hlaley Mm J Haley I hlaley , J F Di.irict No 4-Stat vt K Folk 1'erry J W McAnulty, J P II H Moody, dilutable William Fxhol tA Miaw... Jamea Mulligan V II Wilson J I Pistrb t No 4-Slat vs Oeoigo Frlti J W McAntilty .. S .. 3 II S M'dy. constable.. 1. Mantt, e h W It Garrett, aberlfl J J ('onke, slinrifl Kli Wihiama, asscMor.. ..117 .. I .. 14 00 J li I'orlrr J ATuli FJ HarkenriiUr O K Itamaby V K Hyde F W llrrenuian.... ... 72 V 3 41 rAJ Cii 00 i.r. Miiiiain ... M N Bacon, derk O 0 Kilter prise, county printing 30 Ol 40 73 iood Hamarlun hijiilal 'M 00 Ina M Chase, sherifl 60 00 The Board having examined th r pnrts nf the road snpervlaois for their reniieclive dictrirt and Iteine fuliv a. I vised, Il ia ordered that they Im ami ar irrvoy wiiii orixiMi io nraw warrants on tne road and general funds lor the v eral amount and lu favor ol the follow lug named : Koad District No. 1 Labor on Oatfleld a"d Blaley road. V I-iiehalkln, r-id lum! $8 75 C L'lason d 73 Charlea Ulsloy 13 00 il Andrews M 1'5 10 60 Hi 60 U 00 O Nefl.... H (i J'ine J Cotinaell John Marshall Orln Uttin,'gitueral fund 6 23 81 00 fW 23 45 73 21 00 00 00 24 75 43 60 30 00 il mclmr leon II fstnekey Georgn AIwoihI h McLaughlin. r, itollile.. John Harrington nam llernhard W II (Jotiiisnll Frank Hunch 62 00 8 4X 11 65 0 Kerr Koad District No. 2- I' T Duvis, road fund i fgl L I) Jonos 20 25 Zi 23 Fred Wade Frnnk Itobinson 15 00 4 60 8 60 0 75 3 00 Klmer Zeck.,,, WilU U',lo Jutnes Johnson.!.,'.' Welch 0 Davis... 43 00 24 00 24 00 21 00 18 00 I W Johnson, Boss I'urker. W II Hill... . War ! Jonos. Max Webster. U 00 0 00 0 00 n ui'MituiiU.. a . . . , , . II C Wade .... Uoad DiMttrli't No. 8 -i Lftllor nn Olton llrnlr 1,111 Baker Bros, and Fagalde Mill road; also Mil WHiikle road. Warren (Irnnnwntl. rnml fnnl an na Joe Dnardorff i un M V Donley 8 00 'n tirinin o mi W-Oook-e 2 00 0 Klllolt A 0o, gon fi'ind'','.''.'.'.' l 83 Uoad District No. 4 Walter Strunk. nmil f,m,l o. " Hnrver.... . .. 2 h v Gibson :;; L, I Foeter ?X Harvey Gibson " J ?X Chns VanUurfln i J ,ltod IHslrlct N.i. 5-, Frank l(..UrrVia4 I u. k""' Adolph Hera Ho i j h (tir.i-e.it n HM Waybill , m li .. " Il J Itoad District No. rt J A Maffaiiann, foreman J II ltevettim, ixirvlaor ItoUrt Jonallld.getl luiid li J II Wewer H 1 II Itevenuw llmA DlairlciNo. 7- James rrglra, road fund Itoad District No. 10- 0 iJ'ilrkUuiii, LUr (Hjuiekbatnn ' W Oatlleld Charh Duncan ,,' Chaile Duiuall.. J Burgher J lloiietxiii J lloiielHine i lto. District No. ' J V. Mulili, road Inn J.... 1 llackell W llowlrti H Forrlh. J I'encret,., W Mann J lirinder Tllmder h ...ii, -. iJ ::: i) .... j J li IH ... U tvi ii Ifl tti 10 60 tJ 6" 00 la) 00 to Kl 00 T M ... I ... ... !t i ...IH F llimlrr K fersuiH i i (I llluilor J llolmmb. .,, W Faubian,.., . Kiter M Itlver A , nit ji it i ti n i im iiiiimi L lltntler IU.. DlstiUl No. li Macadsnilsing and i-lrtuf tt M 11 II lalvf 7 A Howland ' iJ ti i. ti it . u i tinier road lund 00 Il II laior 00 Oi) A Howland U D Miller VI It..! Ihatrlrt No. 17- J ti ItrijfK. rd lund c William Frail I rank Brlii .., j J F Brig- f Kd Dl.lrUt No 19 76 (A 04 J M Mallatl, rtMd lund ( 60 60 &- 3i E y j i SJ Dusalngtou J J J Mallatl U A Urtlna H Jam. Mallatl I h r.owtn J M Mallatl ...... U I i; Trullingr Uro, gnral fnod , (ud iHstricl No. SO J A huongrea, iul lund J U Cuuiln. Iuiutr, jo.uuo It, . tt Comln ADrl.laaiUr,l0,O00ft, ki Kod Di.tfift No. ;- WalirlorbH, rusvllund I li F K H"iey l: W M Vit V H Iil li It 11 1' F M Countryman f.d tiutttnirg Fwoty (ottljvrg,gneral fund Uwia Hulburt , KO Di John Carlaon..... ti W K lUioney, lorenian IM 70 Dis Bm. lumWr i , !tid Dl.trlcl No. !4 Mmon Yulr, road fund....... I ! , 1' A Mobr M John OabUr, Jr J J Taylor Juliu tral Jo. Meyer 4 4 II Kummer M Fin 1 1 Mmiunden n4 HtruUrk.... Lel lloatotler, Jr A K Nriand It F rlinitl William rVtonrw II F Mmllh '. 60 "0 M Wm ll.skln 00 Tboma hberwood 00 00 .) 00 ai UU 00 Han fpalea tlmi.wm ll.wWl,art Wlll'am Kubnk. V. A MoriUnden. Otd MlUer, road lund ii : U O Moblann. gnn lund Bagby A illn Hoad Dislrlct No. 26 Amoa Johnaon, gen lund 10 ii I? K Judd Dock Wllhetm (ieorge Fverharl K A Kbavrr 10! . Jl If t C II H Thomas Util Willi T A Mi redden Keg'e tleorge Danghertj. II-' net W l En!, Uvl Kobbiii, hardwar Kim.I Di.trli t No.Z7- J F, Marrnam, genera! (und. Omar Monuam "I J H Voder, lumber Itoad District No. 32- . .1 Ulmi on ltntt.vill.i ami HherwoM k. r Hnely, road lund....... I. Bruneval It v 5 K H Calkins II Vos C F'pler.... w u Heater 1'elar Bros, snneral fund 11 Koad District No. 33- , Ulnir on Hprlngwater plank r1.' A Held, smmrvleor '. a A Lacy, lumUr Itoad District No. 34 . J VA Bntdorl. road fund ',t i. ..i. i. n ' : imipii jiapp. . ....... ; ij, Wilson & Cooke, general luud.... Tob eonllnnen. A Nlgbt of Terror. "Awful anxiety was fell for 'j of the bravo Genoral Hurnhain, ol las, Mo., when tho doctors aaldili flo (rom J'neumonla before worw I rites Mrs. 8. II. Lincoln, j! her that fearful night, "but ! for Dr. King's New Plcovory' J had more than once saved her cured her q( Consumption, Aftw ' ..i i . ,, . , . ..-!.. naa su"" duo siepi an nigiit. r s"w Jld curod her," This marvelous -! I Is guaranteed to cure all Throat j and Lung DIseasos. Only 60c " i Trial bottle free at Geo. A. ? drug store, port trie1 8ld Darling, 1012 Howard St., liaron, Mien., writes: n'itt' aa. . , . nivn many puis and ioxanvos uu. , ... .. - !... .Ittlo Early Risers are by w "u in . 'i or ins i nave ever une. K Burnett ....!!.';;.'.V. 6 00 gripe. Geo. Harding.