Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, September 13, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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i, II
Personal Mention
tW-7- . . ..."
i f. Po"f". "I MrtUMi, wss In th
i""1"' , .
n,,tin H. Knur " "P """ ,,n
ruu, r.m. of Manord,
w, p. M. Wedduli, oi romano, waa in
f ,Uim MrahH el''"e l "onl-
Irt'lfcwk n'.
. a, I .
Juh P. C"1". '"' " Aurora,
,ibclty Monday.
t- oil!ft ltMl Ml Wednesday for
f.rf Wfnj!rl, Ahwka.
r Tiylof end family wit Wodne-
Ivittprk'i UUlJng.
J, A. P'on end " w lIJe,
rjiheaklo and family have Mmoed
Wlllo Ml. Ileol.
M. K. "'. U
ail tin KWiflo btl.
Lji tad Mih Ingrain are out lo the
taij to hunting trip.
ft. timf I'UMf eUrtJ on a hunting
r,w,Joealy morning.
G.;Urt billing le reglateiwJ l lb
rwic HuUil lyioe;.
B.C. Van iHitcn, master fih warden,
tw!s Owelty yU'dey.
kj (J, p. Wilcox attended it
'wW malilot la lortlaJ.
tf b KooUn.l, jr., (4 Battl, I
tin kit parent In tM city.
)U? A. U JoLnenrt, of Vancouver,
T,A,eai In lh city this wk.
I XAJU Clerk U ipcui bom
- W.l' tb lel of Ihl wk.
i 5, L, tl l'urtlnd, buiiot
la Oregon Cily ll fcwtoidey.
(MSuiit Thorn, ul rtlmj, Wae
.&- bland In lid city Paiurday.
I kbo 4iiiaun k(t Wednesday (ur
imtiviilitbhr unci h HiWerloo.
Iim Jut, of Harding' drag elo,
i,rjiB III varalloa la Iba valley.
lift rUmim, of IJbwrwl,
Vkuaiawa In Orot City Kturdy.
lUie r'WId. of III, Vb.,U
kiUri;. tliitlnr Mr, 't Mr. FJ.
Ir.nl Mr. C. J. Dot J. of InJnin
Vv, ftliir f4 l F.lecti Ic Ml
Ltomr W. II. Conyr. of CUl.k-
i,m lo ton F(urdy on UnJ oflic
tun Hun. Tonr F'r. Frank Con
Vu-I LooUKfrrlortiHj BomUy froin
'u Prk.
aWHiiwr tu relume) from vlil
'UbvIW, ho U 111 at Ler homo
JiobMilrr. a frotnlnotit farmer o4
if fiKrol Union Mill (.fwclocl, aa
It Nelwjn Ijiwffnra left FrilT
fti- Jur 8u Frucl4t wlwrt ! will
hvlatn lulur.
ffwk Mmoo, of I'orttanJ, I working
B.4ir tiillit, having betin Mut ur
t,U. WL, t(tt. of Hilmr-
r-.ro In town tttla week and Ji-jv
'a'JetU'f.Uy mornlnu.
' V, niiiil,jf U visiting lila parent
I'ftion, ttul lll uka In Halem tJ
yi befyr rt-turnliiit.
" A. N. F.lUworth, of 1'ortlanJ, o
"twicj by her tun, 1 lh goeet of her
Mn..u. 1'iUbury.
HA. M. Wllllum. of 1'oitUnJ, ami
D. W. I)., ana, of The Datlw. IltwI
WClirreUtlvM 8unUy.
W Kelly left Monday for Eugene
lUWl relaUvea there nntll the
'''"foliI.eStata Unlveraltr.
,tf Mnttt.Un, L. Young nJ ll.o
broilic r relnrneil Bumluy Irotn
' fka' trln In Vtrn Dnnnm.
f" E. L. Jolmaun left Monday morn
" Hilvurtun, where lior mother,
M,M.HecreHt, It aerlou1y 111.
f :tX JannU .,,.1 r
V ii awnU'M 'Ukv
fVlOf IWll....... a - L..I.
i publlo avhooU of that city.
.71... ...... . .
-7 nu irarton Dye leavo the nrt
ir Foruat Urove to attend
vniveraltv. wliluh oimn Sent 18.
" " ' f "
PnlHn, one of the county'
,UK UAmil.ll -Ii..
" ""n-nin, una in mo i-nj
! tjdorgo yuatorday on a btislnofi
'le 0. Albrinht und fuu.lly and
' Cochran ruturrmd Prldav uflor
"""OMliruowouka' outing at No-
ha. I
y Franklin T. nrlfllth Iolt
on Poach and will re
lay acoompauled by Mr
tl. Wt Mrty nd eon Wallace
i, ",rneltolholrbome in Aahland
fijn ' V'8lt b Orogoa Cit; "nd
To 1 ft0T1 B,,th IT8n. of the
jlind i ,,M ftrr,ve Iron Mareh
l,dn,,"P,un8od Into 1.1 multttudl
. ,.,,., ,roln H4,B(n brt(ri
ll loeal mill, ufiu .orlUlll, n
lug Mill Co.
! 0 Ml.. Mrj.,rl Cannuld l.,r two
ek ..t, will retntii to ,..r Hl.m
hoiiia In l. w day.
I.ltn Y.. Jiitiff, who lua M..n n jjorth
Yakima f.r tl. ..t M i,,,,,,!!,,, ,B.
turned Tnerlay, and hi Inlure realdnm-a
i - . . . i i .
ia no. yei ilvlnriiiliii.l.
Mr. Yolk A. Ilarrliul.,i. ..I u....
lMtaellliriiuKli Ida ,;. n,, ,.k
en rout to California, and w Hie gunct
of Mr. and Mi. lUwo C. Curry.
MiM frlla (i.d.l.ii.lil,. it,, fa.l.lon.l.l.
Ililllllier of ll.la rllv. r..iMr.,ul 1..1 l
fft,in Kan FfmW; w ,i re ). ha
wen eeiM'ting her wlnii.ri(Mk.
all Ori'L'fin
CHy liiertl.ant. and now liir m.i....
Mmlih at Heallle, wa In town Monday
looking after I.U biilni liilrrm'a.
Mi Kelly and MIm I'ln Kltv !,..
reiunir-l from fVavirw, Mi Kelly wl!
l-n-h In Finland ll.l wii.i. r and Mia
r.vM.awlll euler the Mat I'lilvcfaily.
Mi. Flinam M. Hnkty and n,
llaroll. from Heatlle. V.I. i,U:i,.,j
hr iimthor. Mi. C. M lii.ke. and aia
tr, Mr. Mail J. Frame, at Willamette
Mia NVIIi Ks!T.;r.I who h.a Un Ibe
Cl of Mir Tear) Cbnnllxr fr th ll
len day, rnlurtied Vi her Iimiii in U(0
f-n City lat Tueailay. Foieal (rruv
William Mora, who bt been enU.
Irgatwu week' vaiatl.m at the coaat
and In Portland rrtoniwl )( Kil'tay
and Id tunny niille rut be oen at
Cbailo Flub, lormrrly lUr of th
Orrg'.n City flr1.l, whlih waaabaorUJ
by tl. Courier, i In lb city Monday.
It ! (I I'fevnt editor of th New at
Mr. and Mr. K l An lrea and two
children bay returned from Seattle,
wher Ihet rvaidel fur tJ Tear rt
They drotr all of Ui way (torn Peattl lo
Oreg.rO CHy..
MlatlinaaU llumtihrey arrived ye-
wrday frum H'Mkln, "!., and k the
gnratof Mr. I'lurre TraglU fur fi'W
tlav. Mia um.hrey will aUenJ Hi.
Ilelan' 1111 Ihl wmlr.
John Jfferon. a nephew of Capt. J.
T, Af'peraon, and wh.iew bom 1 ner
Halem, eam In from rrlnevill Ihl week
till a herd of botar. Ml. JrHvltoU
ha a raneh In Crook County.
Mortimer and Howard Ijitorttlrtkv
In a few day fof Eugene, wher Ihey
will alli-nd U. Unierlty of Oregon,
ll.e fnrniar to reeuin hi aiudlea and lh
latter lo nler th freahinan year.
MleFannU(.nd Kathryn TorUr
ItifiTuevday afiernoon lf Fortland, to
reume thetr jUlon In the jxiWIc
dbouU. They attended lh Multnomah
county Inaliluta, which commenced
T.Jat Puford. whoba been at th
Agoncy for eyerl wk, yeiumed
Wdndar to Oregon City. rromlir.g
to U Ui k agln on "y day." 8o you
111 know when you ee biui gel off th
train her aotn evening Uial lh long-
Jrlorred b py time baa dawned on lb
tilled Agonry-Toledj UMvr.
rrol. W. I". Matthew, formerly prin
clnal ol Ihe Kaaiham aehool, ha leen
ipendlng ti montli ol Augui w m
..r...ta at 0.ran I'atk. on Notlh Heacb.
II- oaa In low II thl week and left Wod-
oeaday lor Wilbur, Eaatorn Waabtngton,
to lake charge of the puhllo achool
there. Wilbur I a thriving: mi'o uwu
of Lincoln counlv.
tk U. W. I). William, D. l., l
on lime In charge of 8U lVil. church In
Ihl City and who ll now Archdeacon in
Arkauaa will attend the general con
vention of the rroteiUtit Fplwoptti
wlinrili. Kan Franclaco. Ocloiwr ,
b which he la a deputy Irom Atknn.
Mr. William and Mia Mry will .re
main in the F.aat until November. Dr.
Vllllmi ha had charge of St. Stephen
cbuicb. New York City, all aummor.
Jfaw wheel to rent. 1'rico right.
Jobneon & Lamb.
Aa my wife", A. A. l.olntedt, hi loft
. . i I T ..-Ml n.l hn ri'HDOIl-
atu tui inii luinru. a i
ihle lor any debt contracted by her.
Molulla, Sept. 4, ' ' '"
A etxdable evening will be epent by
. i- II V 1 fl 1
n.a n...i.i Imra ol Crvatai uouncii
Onlorof Tendo, next Monday evening
Hunt. 10th in Kd Mon'a Hall. All
member ol the order are invneo.
... w m.ifiI.1 met with an accident
Saturday attornoon, that nearly resulted
lerlotialy, and laid him uP ir "
rtvi. I le wbii woi king on a mrKe "
,ntholTTeflkwator between the 0. R. A
.a I at.. rinir mill, and wna
horlnn-holowhonhi brother atepped
. .....infihe .-lank. It not being
ev,y balanced on tliomger.
plunk tlppKl andttec,H.... v..
ground b,0off, a dhitanooo. JJ
fuut. IiOBldc Doing UUU.jr w
T ..i Kn.lv. throe Augers were
dilo,,ated. AllUmtsavedl m romb.
ing.orloHly Injured wa -
of the rotton boarua u. . r"'"
brothor managed to grao... -u
tbe Plank tlpjjeandjvj 'DJured-
filrl Wauled.
Local Eyci;I;?. fT
. J9 . A A. A. A A A A
H. lnx.1 Jt'Mitcra at Charuian St, Co.
dun repairing. Jobrieon A I-ainb.
Ci.ariuan A Co. Kxiharige Hthool
Illrycli) lundrli i of all kind. Johnon
A l.aiub.
K.-y filled while you
A l.aiub. Maluaireet.
wait. Johnaon
I'.uy jour Mi IjikjI Hooka at Charman A
Co., the Cut I'd. DrtiKkUt.
Pealng iriuchlm and lUlit machinery
repaired. Johnaon A Lamb.
A patent Wa recivl al the land
cilice Tueaday for Cha. Allen.
1WIU, TahleU and Kulere, with
Hchool Ilouk, at Charman A Co,
Wanted, to exchange town property
lor a Unit. F.nijulr al Ihl dike,.
Jam M. ir nlian uaaivlng a four
day auiittu.e in jail for Vagrancy.
HubarrlUira (I. airing to pay their iub
i-ritition In wood bou.) do o now,
I 'JO to IW lo loan on chattid or per
aoiial aecunty. D:uili k A K.aatl.am, agt.
The pU lo got it fixed. WhatT
Your wheel. Johnaon A Lamb. Main
Horn to lb wife of Fore it. iVLanb
mutt, a 12 pound boy; loth wile of W.
Weal, a ton.
Mother' club meeting will be hi Id
1'hura.lay, Sept. Ill, al tbe residence of
Mr. Cieo C. Crowuell.
The fiatorday club of tbe Congrega
tional church will bold a Fair aometlme
Thettoreof I. Kellin will b cloel
Satui Jay, Keptember 14, on account of
that day bel.g a Jewialt holiday.
Th Young People' (Society ol tbe
i'lialyteriau church will give a dramatic
cnwruliiuiriit iu Hhlvely'a 0era bouae
October 18.
v. I. I
ThlB Store in
Headquarters for
al Prices on
oil School Supplies
for School Districts
Dook Covers Free
With All School
School Books
School Supplies
O 8 tho Stato DcioBitory for Text Rookg whero Old Rooks will to taken in Ex-
Mia Abbl Oroahotig went to Oregon
City, Thuraday. khe will be abaout
about a wrk v lulling friend In Ihatciiy
and Portland. Contain lUxelte.,
Iteady-to-wear hat arriving dally at
Mum Uoldiuiib'. Tb latval Hyle and
price reaaonabl. Announcemeot of
grand otnin given next Uaue.
Tbe conteat caa of Tboa. L. Carter va.
flea PUke wa beard In tbe land office
eaturday and went by default to the
plaiuliiT, a the defendant waa not reorw
en led. 1
A permit h been granted Mia Kat
Porter lor a two-tory dwelling on East
Ankeny, Utween Eat Seventeenth and
Kaat KlxhU-enth itroeta, Portland, to
coat fl.OuO.
Ah Camp, No. 3J0, Woodmen of the
World, wa Incorporated Ibla week by
(1. M. lllvely, 0. 11, Wallburg and W.
II Cotinaell. The camp la located in
Fpeclal eervlcea were beld In the
Preebyterlan church lat Sunday even
ing, the aermon being baeed on the at
tcmpled alinnatioo of the pieildent.
The general theme waa "Reepect for
Law, the Saf 'guard of Our Nation. "
Kail luitlmi are coming In and the
man who want an op-to-dat auit In
color, cloth and etyle hould goto J.
Kuowiund, tho leading tailor, located
rvnih atreot, near depot. Sample
cheerfully hown. lVice reasonable.
Mr. and Mrs. lUrley Mall expect to
leave today for Oregon City, where they
will reside Indefinitely. Mr. Hall hat
employment In the pper mllla at that
city and w ill remain through the coming
winter, If not longer. Corvallie Uaxotte.
Mrs. Tltua Chirk, a well-known pio
neer womnn, aged 05, was buried Satur
day, the Indian colony turning out in
lull force at the funeral ceremonies.
Mrs. Clark belonged to the Wasco tribo,
and at a very early day became a resi
dent ol Oregon City.
Chrlidian Science services sre held In
Willamette ball every Sunday morning
at eleven o'clock. Subject for Sunday,
Sept. 15, "Matter." Suuday School
at twelve o'clock. Wednesday evening
meeting at eight o'clock. To these ser
vices all are w elcome.
The Hoard of Water Commissioners
have let the carpenter work on the new
Qllor plant to E. D. .Olds for $1950.
Work will be commenced Immediately,
so that the structure can be complotod
in about 30 days. Tbe excavations and
concrete work were lot soparatcly.
rortlund-Orenon City boat Str. Leona
leaves foot of Eighth St. at 7 and 11 a. m
n.l 3:00 d. tu. Leaves Portland
at 0:00 a. m. and 1:00 and 5:00 p. ra.
Take the Leona if you want a good com
fortable ride. The run Is made either
way in one hour and fifteen minutes.
Round trip 25 cents.
A IShocklnir Calnmlty
"Lately belell a railroad laborer,
writes Dr. A. Kellott, of Williford, Ark.
His foot was badly crushud but Buck
Ion's Arnica Salve quickly cured him.
It's simply wonderful for Burns,- Boils,
rile and all skin eruptions. It's the
world's champion healer. Cure guaran
teed, 25o. Sold by Geo. A. Harding.
change for New, and New Books ,old at Special Introductory Prices. .
School Books
Price aro about 10 per cent, less
then lant year and exchange
prices (when old book ia turn
ed in) are about one half re-g
ular price.
Rules for Exchange.
Bring your old books with you. No
allowance for old books except when
Old book taken for books of aame
grade only; that is sn old small gee
graphy caa be traded for a new small
one not for a large one.
Any school book regularly need in
the county during the paat 6 years is
exchangable If in uaable condition.
Schools Commence
Oregon City,
Weat Side
Willamette -Canemab
Mt. Pleasant
Cams - -Linn's
Barlow -
September l6
" y
October 7
We euppl three-fourths of all the school supplies used
in Clackamas County, and buying in such large quantities,
we are able do deal direct with the manufacturer. This
tneana a saving of about 25 per cent, for our customers.
More than that it enables us to guarantee the quality. We
cheerfully refund your money on any unsatisfactory purchase.
School Bags...... JC Pens 5c dor
Book Strap 5c Pencil, good toe dot
Writing Paper 15c qr. Slates, covered 8c
School Companion 5c
Drawing Sets n.$oc
Pencil and Ink Eraser ... 5c
Composition Book 5c
Pencil Compass 5c
Sponge, big 5c
Ink, guaranteed 5c
Slate Pencils 5c doz
Pen Holders 10c doz
Big Value TableU 5c
Notice the size and quality of paper In our 5c and 10c tablets, com
position and note book.
Huntley's Book Store, Oregon City.
Board of Ceiaty Commlsxlanrrs Make
Reduction la Clerical Force ef
Three Offices
Lent Saturday, joat prior to adjourn
ment the Board of County Commissioners
paaed tbe following order :
"It is hereby ordered by tbe Board
that after the 1st day of October, 1001,
that these be allowed: the county asses
sor, two deputies only, tbe coonty sheriff
one deputy, tbe connty clerk one dep
This order has excited conalderable
comment in court boose circles and came
as a surprise to tbe sheriff's and clerk's
office ; but tbe cut in the force of the as
sessor was not entirely unexpected, as
rumor of a reduction have been current
for some time past. Connty Clerk Cooper
said Wednesday that he baa never been
allowed more than one depnty and that
all additional help necessary wis per
formed by clerks. Tbe Board of Com
missioners construe tbe or'er to uiean
one aasistant to the clerk and one to the
sheriff, claasioR all clerks in county offices
as deputies. It is possible that-at the
next month's session of the Board the
matter of hiring additional clerks will
be fully and mutually understood.
Wall Paper
5 Cents per Double Roll
' As long as stock lasts.
In ordor to make room for new stock we will
sell last seasons patterns at reduced prices.
FRANK BUSCHjheHousefurnisher
-J r- I. ; J I J p- :l r--'-'" "r-
Book Slore.