Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, September 13, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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pw "w o vy c w w v
Our correiondent will please send
In r'.ic!oi before Wedneday. of each
week, otherw lee it reaches at loo late (or
A shingle mill is Sandy's latest indus
try to go up,
E. F. ISruns will start (or Wssco imme
diately to attend to tome business there.
Mr. snd Mm. II. Druns and MiasTillie
Irup have pone to hot prwgs In Crook
Cooniy, (or a recreation trip.
Anton Kligel, in Kelso, U bnilding
band joaif , two-story bons. T. G. Jons-
ru J in also building a beautiful cottage,
Grows A Joker bave secured timber
near Paul I'unn's place ami hare cons'd-
erabie o( tbeir machinery on the ground
for a tawmill.
Hup pickers arervturnirgwilhout their
bop money. They all claim it is a hop
dream of making money at hopyards,
The hope are yery light and moat pick
era claim they can't make much at it
this year.
Bill Harding, while on bii way borne
at dusk, was lilting down and taking i
rest. !ome kind of a large, hideous look
ing animal came along the trail and at
tacked bis little dog. Bill happened to
have a muzzle-loading shotgun and he
snapped bit gun at the animal, bat the
cap refused to explode. Again be tried,
but the gnn only snapped. So he pat on
a new cap. All thia time the animal ap
proached Bill, growling furiously and
coming nearer and nearer. It made a
iring at Bill, but a well-directed shot
met the animal half way, bitting it in
the eye and killing it. The animal fell
at Harding's (eet in the straggling agonies
of death. Another shot settled the bat
tle, and Bill came out as victor without
a scratch : Lut Kill was scared oat of a
year's growth In this fracas. Trie animal
proved to be a mountain cougar, the lar
gest ever killed in this locality. It
measured nine feet two Inches from tip
to tip. Its ckin was on exhibition in
town and was sold sor $10 to some profes
sional taxidermist who will mount the
farm, returned to their home la Portland
Mrs. Emma Anders has been quite That's the morning call of Chanticleer.
I III for the paat few days, but Is Improv lt- welcome cry to a well man. Hut
i. j to a man whose sleep
seetna to nave Iwn
Born, Sept. 9, to the wife of J. Bow. only an unrefrvahlng
man. a daughter. Mother and rhll.l stupor: who wakes
Mrs. Ktuma Keith, Mr. Ed. Imncan, a bid taate in the
Miaee Florence and Agnes Pavis bave T10 ix "
tone bonnlcklmr. ?n Mw
" " i misery.
Kmmett Huffman and Mi Louie In such a physical
and Nora HulTm.n wr vl.itlno M taa I Coniliticm health i
Del he Lemon Sunday,
Mr. and Mrs. Mat Patterson, Mrs.
Porter, and Mr. English returned from
the huckleberry patch Thursday.
Mrs. II. II. Anders had the mlsfor.nne
of being stepped on by a horse last Mon
day. Fortunately she was not badly
Miss Lucretia Lenon returned home
lat Thursday, After a few weeks' visit
with friends and relatives In Portland
and Damascus.
most surely and
Swiftly restored by
the ttae of poctur
rierce'sGolden Med
leal Inscovery. It
Cure disease of the
stomach and orvnn
of digestion and nu
trition, and it cuies
through the stomach
diseases of liveir,
lungs, kidneys, etc.,
which have their
origin in a diseased condition of the
stomach and other organ of digestion
and nutrition. It inert- the activitv
. . .
J but lh total bav not yet been tua.'e
up. When this Is dons Hie roll will le
turned over to the e'er and copied.
fll04 I I.XJ Al l H 4s
lai tiblch .ffr. Jamei Hard
Ntaw lleuaarkuble .tglllly.
ei th lllikkl.nul ln ot.nl.
Messrs S. C. Hufftnsn, Bert Sarver organ is benefited hv tho reaultimr in.
I till I t. I M k M . .. I ' 1
amir rant uiii leu last trtaay lor IDS crew oi run, pure nuxxi,
Hot Spring. They expect to be gone
about two weeks.
Emmett Huffman, Mrs. Hainan,!
Mr. II. II. Anders, Misses Louie and
Nora Hoffman, and Pol lie Lemon will
leave Thursday for the huckleberry
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. A. Widows,
Sunday, Sept. 8, a boy.
The best tailor made suits at the low
est prices at Freeman's.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. D. 0. Freeman,
Sunday Sept, 8, a boy.
Warren Kendall was called to Macks-
" Golden Medical InVovery " contains
BO alcohol and is cuiirtly free from
opium, cocaine and other narcotic.
Yaw 'GoiUra Mr-llral IHacnwrv1 ami tr.
Catarrh Krmcly k.rt bn at arm
braWIt to , writes ( W rV.nt a. ollrrr,
af Vbia. Fulloa Cu Aia. Urluiv I imcU lh
abo nniknij rrtnrdir sir itp m
naii4i ti(ntko bl . a emllaual trtllnf of
miry. I bow fcrl Ilk Brw nun. Any on
fnuld do no brllcr Dun V uka Irrmtmvnt oj
it. a. t. rurrc tn nu mnlkiiw an all
ngni w tma cum m a
The Common Sense Molical Adviser,
cloth binding, sent free by the author,
on receipt of one-cent stAiupa, to pay
expense of mailing only. In paper cover
si one-cent stamp. Address Dr. R. V.
Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
Emma L, Thomas has entered sntl for
illness of bis mother
Jim Jesse and family returned home
Monday, after a week's visit with Mr.
Jesso's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W
Mrtf. W. D. Thomas, of Alms, is vUit
ing relatives at Beaver Creek, Mr. and
Mrs. Dr. Thorn as.
This placs is nearly depopulated at
present; some are away visiting, -some
seeking pleasure, and others have gone
to the hopfields.
Tim Portland Water Co. bave a num
ber of men at work riprapping the bank
bur Monday on account of the serious ,iTOrc ,lnt Joho Thomas They
were msrrieo lu lias country AugoU It.
1301 and have three children, their sges
rsnging from 0 to 10 years. The plaintiff
allege in her complaint that she haa
ala-ays conducted herself toward defend
ant as a lovinit and ehedirnt wife, tint
Uoppicking is over around these parts, that defendant ha b.n ,.llt nf rrl
aiuiongn .te yiem is much lighter than ,d Inhuman treatment, rendering her
last year the bops are of a very good ufe burdensome and unbearable. She
I"1''' . also set forth that on or about the 2th
Miss Ellis Roak, who has been tisit- of May, ISO., three days after their first
ing with Miss Bessie Armstrong for the child was born, ahile plaintiff was lying
past couple of weeks, returned to ber sick in bed, defendant came to the door
home at Forest Grove Mondsy. land abused ber, sweating and curalng
ber because ber mother called anon her
tM7, I while she was sick ; that plaintiff has re-
Otto Evaas Is recovering very rapidly turned to ber home aerer.1 time.
from bis recent illness. defendant' mom!- ih. I.. .,tt.i t.t
What might bave lxen a tragedy but
which at the lime bore tlm aspect of a
comedy, occurred In front i( llolman's
uudertakini parlors Wednesday alter
noon when Charles Orller, of Clack ainas
Heights, fired a shot si a liori ruler!
who rivalled "David llri'it" In g4-!
city, a circus cloan in comedy and a
contort lonUt lo agllily. Ths name of (
the Individual displaying tlieae. aivomp-
lishments Is Mr. James Ward. Mr.
Ward had a Ull friend In the aff.lr 1
wbom he will ever chrlli In grateful 1
reuiemhranc. The aforesaid (riend a
an inanimate ohjivl (leik-nted as a lele j
graph pols, snd It is to it that agile
James now boas In graMut acknoal-j
e-lgnent of it kindly protection as he'
. . i
passea lbs scene of the one thrilllnu
moment In his career.
Tbe csuse of the affair originated hn
UiMor aapired to the ownership of s
bora) ownatl by (ivore I.'-lle. Mr.
Cirider also oaned a Imrsn which be
wished lorxchange (or Iji-'trt's animal
and was ilimg lo giro .H "Ij hoot."
U rider engtgwi the ssgnrlons Mr. Ward
to negotiate the deal, but I asrlle con
cluded hs did no deair to part with hi
borse. Urider then agreed thai l( War. I
could secure s.ina other goo. I hore, be
would bssatlKfled. Hers la where Jamr'
sagacity showed itaelf snd he manfully
aros) to His occsMon. lis waa the p.
staMor of a sorrv lokiiiK sxet-linen ol
mine sntiquity, and be rem elvi-d the
Aslhnmlono Hriny lnstnnt Hcllof nnd Porinnrteni r
fn All C.808. tUr
Ther nollili.g Us A.th.i. ,
n vnrs wusii an M 1,(1,
ron TEn
c. r. w.n
"lour trial
Mhl eniiiiiiiiiii
l.il fr tir
sis, rlialnail
W.lls, nf VIM, t,, .
-Hid "Cu'H
" ttil IMIiriil sal,ra ll. ' "HI
m for I-, j,.,,,, u,"'Mk,
rurthl. I saw y..nr s.l.ru., , . 7 " I
and llin.itflil y.ni o;,L,.'to"' i
bUl r..l..l ty , 1 J" f'SfWlJ
full sis bold NiMil
W want U Mild to . t. ilt(I,w,
lre.l.nei.lnlA.1 1.,,. ,7''
rur-l Mr Wslls, W, t M,i , ,,,smi
Iff anv tlllarvf mU mH . 1ISK,;:
. i i; . . " "r II ....
postal S.r.r ri.1,,,1, tt,,,.., ."
log. Imwsvsr i.. I xnr rsw. a. h,.i
relieve and r.ireTl.t J.m.lin'
mors l.. ws aie lo ., . hj, H
U..1.1 i.. .11 h "Mil,
C. Clausen is building a small fruit j her better, and control bis temper, and
evaporator oo bis farm. abstain from bis abusive language to-
Hoppickers are retnrnmir with lishi ward ber but it was of no avail. She
hearts and beavy pockets. aak joJa'ment fer a decree of divorce
Miss Anna Roth, of Riverside, went to di,w.lTin the 01 matrimony now
Portland last Sundsy evening. ",,t,D8 btween ,hem -oJ th,t ,h
m iu n, j p n W1 the custody, care and control of
'u , i roniano, ihmlr .iira- B,i, i,ti.ir.
spent a few days at tlie borne "of Mr. and t ,k. , ... n
of ttie Sandy River to prevent tbe water Mrs, O. Knight Isst week. Uo.,,
catting away the approach to the pipe Mr. G. Batty arrived from Iowa last tion of th. ..In.ini.,,., -t.i. .... ' ..i
line bridge. Thursday evening He will soon return .nn.,..l r iv.- i. i... i
i - - i v iiiv vbirio, iv nts urru vr
The Multnomah County road, leading taking his family with him. dered that the administrator be dlr.v-t.vt
from thia place to Portland, is being Knight and Stogsdill finished picking P7 t John P. Howell, out of ih
greatly impioved by grading and plank- hops in their yard last Saturday morn- money in bis bands belonging to the es-
ng. I be roals of that county so far ex- ing and P. Howard commenced th a.m. I Ute. the sum of 1.155 67 In n.vment t .
eel those of Clackamas, that Portland dv. not. nmt.i k. rt ur nii . t i
rui get the trade Irom tbe northeatt Th.ffin.m..r.r ... Howell prior to his desth.
portion ol Uackamas toonty. ,i.,i.n,kM.i...;.i.K.w..:i The sale of real pronertv for ItOO to J
Mr. Wtn. Hardin and bis faithful dog They expect to increase their number by H Jme b DviJ Robeson, guaidisn
were out bunting last week, when bis
dog brought to him a buge cougar. But
the dog came first, with baste, and the
couitar close after him ; and when within
a few feet, Mr. Hardin succeeded in put
ting a ballet in his eye, wbicb ended
the thafe and danger.
the end of the week
Mr. Millard Sarver Is quite aick.
Grandpa Deardoff, of Glenco, was seen
In Garfield last week.
Mrs. Wsgonerison the sick list and
her children have the chickenpox.
The present rain Is a surety for a large
yield of late potatoes in this part of tbe
of the estate of Stephen A. Lane, an In
una person, was confirmed by tl
county court Mondsy.
Clsrs Neal Buchman has brought suit
sgainst William II. Buchman for a di
force on the ground of cruel treatment
The plaintiff sets forth in ber complaint
thai immediately after their marriage
they moved to the defendant's farm, near
Damascus, at which place they had re
Our faithful mail-carrier, Sara Huff
man, had a paralytic Btroke-a tew dsys .id! eontinnn.,.1. nr. t ii i
i. !.- j -r . ..j ,, JJVl
-v, u. UuV,vywt. when the rdaintilT . rnm.x.ll.,1 . .
Mr. N. M.Tracy and family, F. Rhodes did leave her home because of cruel tieat-
ll! j J rii Tfin" 8 snd family and the Mtsses D.via have Lent inflicted upon ter; that after their
Mrs. J. J. Davis last Sunday. I on. . ,k. i.fl..u. - I . . .. . : ...
gone lo trie boptields. " marriage the defendant was Indolent
itieuameia fcunoay school has not Rm. Rioh. n r.i,. u.u neirlectini bis work on (h f.n . .i...
bad a very large attendance of late. i. cunda t. . .... pl,iDtiff was compelled to Intn n.
Mrs. English and family, who have the Irvan achool house last Sandav. field and work that the crops mliiht 1
wen spending the summer on their n ha been r.inin .i.i. i. plnted and bsrvojted, although d. fen
had a long dry spell. Few were resdv dtDt " Irfec,Iy b'e to do the neces
with their grain, for most of the irraln la ,arjr work' 8he claimi ,,'t defendant
stiil in the shock. isiseiy accused ber of criminal intimacy
nr. t p.i.... ..a tt-11L. I who Klchard boring, and cursed ber.
... mj. a.iuamr BUU MllOCr Hl ll,..l L.. . i . . i . .
are doing well with their new thresher. "7nt :7, "
Also Mr. Tr,m V .n-i ' ,e"n of iaM of the defendant he
. . uu .vU.B,S II I III II .! J l ..... , .
irorvt ti.f.rtmn iih thol. - -"-"v,. .Mucuv.no was com
Od-llVC-rOlI. r, .... .J'T.. 7L , y ' Dolled to borrow money and place a mort
tor, as It takes but eight bands to run
the whole thing with the Yocum thresher.
gage opon bis borne to pay for the ndces-
aary expenses of the family, and that he
Oil for th
Give them oil
It's curious to see the result
Give it to the peevish, fret- "f:" '.v
I Ul Child, and he laughs. Give Several partie. went T the b ck'- ' M
it to the pale, amemic child. 17 week, aome a, late TI"
iuey will know what a
en r t ... rw . v - - tm'u
has .stopped growing, give him
the oil, and he will grow big
but tbev rattl r.,t tl. .it F wnn u, commonesi kind
c ... i .... i wwwwh luoiu iur iiih nMiumn nn ni
- i i r i . as naiuruav. iiiev win vnna .
ana nis iace Decomes rosy and wet plaoe the mounuin. are in . ,ai m,,den "me-c ar Nesl I)erry i ,f" '
Of health. Take aflat- "torm: Some report few berries; other. S3LTk?, 1 7''"
ed child nrnrhilrl that there are plenty. child ; nd for a one-half indefe.Hihle i.
ea cniia, Oracnild that I tercet in the real property and for costs
and disbursements.
In tbe case of S. W. R. Jones vs. 0
Ironnd the Court IlonHe.
Jno. F. Toll has filed a suit for tsrw ok """" " v-
dnm.a.aain.i Tni. v... ...... "rgresves. '.j. uorDfett and frank R.
mmiiar uemurrer
Harrison Jones
and strong like the rest.
This IS not a new Scheme. Canby, known as the Cliff farm, on . J. A
uu mu
s-f , . i umiuiiu uiHiiuB ioai deiendanta
Of COUrse you must Use the failed to comply with the fem Tnt Z
in me divorce suit of Florence M
Miller, vs. William M. Miller, the de
fendant's attorney asks for a change of
venue to Multnomah County as both
parties to the suit reside In that county,
A ftiMiflna ri1 IhA l)n..J ... -i
Suit has been instituted by W. F. nZnOZZ"J l 7.""' niy
Hubbard against 8. R. Green and H. II. rZZ ZZ Z" 7 1 ,r'
Johnson for and .interest at 10 per " adh nto 1 be
i!"7V?,,'ndlt- 1900 property, It has been ordered tS
torney'g fee. The defendants gave Hub- th Hlinn.,0nf r.i.ia ... '
..nnA... t .- fiu iD.iy ui igyn
right Oil. Scott's Emulsion lea8e Bnd BHk8 Ior judgment Sheriff
is the one Cooke went 10 CaDbv turday and at-
c , tached the personal property of the de
jwus Jimuision neimer fendants.
looks nor tastes like oil because
we are so careful in making it
pleasant to take.
Send for free sample.
SCOTT 4 liOWNE. Chemists. Prl St, N. V. bard note tor $200 on January 15, 1895, nd 1890 be advertised
v . at arugg-u. . i ,nd have made only one payment of $20. 1 The del.nauent tax
notion of palming off on ti'idr th
spavined rslic of a vas-ue and mUty ps.t
l.rider, however, ierda lutle lsv
Harum sagacity himself and redmed
be palmed" and demanded ths return
of his $-H. James declined logive uptl.
money and (irlder wsd wroth,
intoreated audieneo bad congregated
tins Juncture snd Mr. Ward, who ha
been doing graceful siunls on a bicvct
sud lenly becam aware that Ihlng were
coming bis way. This llilellig. Iinj illl
parted a pleasant look to his and I
smiled sweetly. Among ths things th.
came bis way, however, aas a Ira I
mumiieirom Mr. (.rider's g in, sad tl
smile faded. The bul.Vt snuk tl
wheel and shied off. as did also M
Ward behind his frend, the lelegrai-
pole. A gam of merry-go-'rou ml the
ensued between Mr. tirlder and M
ward. Tbe letter was much worried
over the frowning mnmieof (Jrider
gun and he desperately exclaime.1
won 1 some gentleman dUaim th
man?" After a few mure turns aroun
the pole during which a Main tirw
barber becamssaare that hs aas in line
with tbe next bombardment, and dia
coTere-i itial argent buaiuess tl.rahere
required bis immwliate at'entlon. Con
A-a-IW a .
lame jioouy nove lo sight and toA
away the belligerent tiri.lcr. Afu
1 11 1 .......
win lingering DelilU'l the pile, onti
tbe smoke of battle cleared awav tl
..-1. . . .
ague james stepped fr,jm I,,!,,,,.! hi
breastworks snd with slither s.t.i,I,L
smile on his lace departed to swear out
a warrant for the arret of his ax.HiUni
Orider waived examination at the i.re-
II t ..a . . '
uminary nearing and was held in J5o
bonds to appear before the circuit court
The Let U Found.
.1 1 1
We carry the largr.t stmk Cask
ets, Collins and Linings In Clatk
amaa county.
We art the only utidrilakirs In
Clackamas county owning a
hrarw and will furulth it lor less
than can be bad tlrvthrr.
We are under small caprnae and
do not ak large profila.
Calls promptly attended night or
l fit a.J SOS.
(Tborsday's Oreg'mian.)
a. . -. ...
jonn .Williams is missing from
bis rooms In the Leader rooming homw
corner 01 rara and Yamhill sirwis. Ilia
wife says be left as usual ImhI Mond.e
morning, and did not return. The couple
were married In hi. L011U IhnI winter
ana came 10 1'ortlan.l sborlly afterward
ha waa iMn K AM .t .
v 7 . , .(uunnunre on
siorrtson street sxm afUsr leaving home
It h.il hon ,I..LI..
....... u.ui.ing some, ri(i was
no.Tuun. niiiismsisabout4l Years of
w - - .
age, and wore when last seen, a blue
coal and vest, with gray trousers and
gray Fedora hat. There is no known
reason ior tils continued absence.
nwiaras came to tho court bouse
Wednesday in an Inloxicat.jd condition
and requested Sheriff Cooko to lock l.lni
op. The sheriff obligingly complied wlih
his reqnest and kept him In a cool place
overnight. Yesterday bis wifa came up
rrom rortland and look her waywaid
husband homo. Williams Is an Insur
ance man and has the inuiUtion 0f be-
ng a crack-a Jick In his line. He i,
said to be worth M a week to Lis company.
and sold
The delinquent tax foil is completed
Southern Pacific Will Carry Exhibit, to
the CarulTsl Free.
Mr, R. B. Millor. uoneral frnluht .,..ni
of the Southern I'aclflo Comoanv. I. ....
deavorlng to make a large and creditable
oiapiay 01 wrui and orchard products
from territory tributary to Its lines in
Oregon at the Portland Carnival 8nd
Exposition, which opens Sept. 18 and
continues one month. The object 0f this
projnet is to more thsronglily advcrtlfe
the resources of Western Oregon, with a
view of Inducing Immigration, and to
display to the thousands of people vho
will visit the exposition the Wnnilnrfi.t
and varlod products of tho Willamottn I
TfJ Cicn ifC:c,lE:a.
. J
Valley. Farmer are rrquralad to Srltd
In their nearrst railroad agent any sam
ple ol grain, (in th sheaf), groat,
vegrlablrs, etc., that lhy tusy have col
let'led, shotting I he prolik'tiVonea of the
CMinlf. K.iup'r of green and dried
fiuiis groan in this sevliim will also be
rwrlved. All eihlhll should h laUled
Hit th name and kind of rruJuct, as
ell a ths name of (hi producer, -
to aliract (.annular allrtill.in to the lo
cality in which ll waa raised.
Litubiii will sent Id lb petition by
the Southern l'acillo Company fr of
charg and ill b ralurned U) the
hllilr In rl condition, if desired.
hew Ih carnival U over. Many grow
ers hava i.reKd lltssir Intrnthi to
co-ope rate with the company and It Is
aived that Clarkama cmnty wll
furnlsii sn sxi-eCent eihltnt.
I'eraMkalatl.a OmI Dalrl.a,
There ar couple of Kurt-an dah
rles lo Athens whev pmprletor keep
cows, out iuey do bualueM nxwlly wlib
the foreigner Slid with thus tlrwU
w ho a p foreign maunera. Your genuine
Athenian Mlove the goat to b th
projier milk prodoclug animal, and he
regards the cow In this connection
about tbe asms as Americans do the
The milkman take bis animal with
him, J.-ingliug their bells and snreilng.
Oalr be shout, with a quick, star
tling cry. with "g- who guttural
quality Is unattainable by adult learn
er ami ostinll cii-n-clrrd by them.
rtlien a CUslomer rotnea lo Ilia il.w.e
be strli the desired quantity Into th
proffered recepiacU More ber vlgllnnt
eye, as-lertlug one of the g(t aud
paying no sliiutlon to the other, who
understand the business as well as ha
doca. I'atl. ntly Ihey stand about, chew
ing tno cud or resting on contlifuous
When their master moves on. thev
arise and follow, more faithful than
oog.-Kcrlbui'r's Magaxlue.
OHAMPrnw TiTWnrul
' -w .
ir tf jj v.
W guarantee that the rrcrntrWtMw J
whel on thia nia.hin wilt girt a J
aolme rtla of 6)' per rnt.f mw 1
time oftklnr anddi
Th l,rm l.t U..... I "... ,
... ... uk n
grain man any other.
Tiirr i Irs shattering.
Th relief rake keej Inner foi of .'j
for w clear.
I: very on of thoa a.iag Champios ti
rr mts It ha no jul.
(tend for catalogue.
Mitchell, Lewis & Slaver Ci
I'lrst and Taylor St., I'otlland, Orrr
15. I. SI AS
DK.V I.i:il l
Watclicn, Clock, Jcwel 1:
All kinds of repairing neat! dxf
and warranted.
rsMUflJr) llt.lar aat)ytOrr
How tlo Yoa Prosss.rs "Do f
now an you prnnolilice "doar Tha
ensnces are mat, If you are su average
Massachusetts rlttunn, you pronounce
the V rather brnd. Ilko "on in ...n
The Century Dlrtmnnry, which la a
very Indulgent dictionary Indeetl, ai
lows you to pronounce It so If yot
Wish, but 1)0 other dlrllunnr A.m
You should renlly sound the "o" aa In
not Llkew-lso how do you pronounce
"hogr Kven the Century won't k-t
you sny "hawg." This ri'mlnds ma
that a friend has written the following
beautiful but abstruse poem:
wt 110a and t nod.
IA nmm In pnmurM-'i lluo.J
1 one ownH r.vln hri
And liktwls. IUU. a,.e,
WIkibi I ct.iinnj unlu a lug
Te awp him (rim s lxf
Whir nsr.
Thsl nj faithful lllil. d,wg,
lsplls (lie tUla snd
WuitlJ piirxi. u,( mtn( MWg
AnJ k. t drowned In th Ug
1u si Irer.
-Iloston Journal.
0p. Huntlfljr'a Drug Eton,
Ureat Iiritaln and America.
Dr. J. Arch Stewart
Eyo, Ear, Noso and Throit
317 Ieknm Rullding
Bsarstk yalMlitdt-iHisjltiflt,'
I !
Many physicians are now prescrMfj
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure regularly,
found that it la the best nreecrlpH.
they can write because ll Is ths out P? pi
aratlon which contain the slemrtUW, u
sssary 1 1 digest not only some kin H,
food but all kinds and It therefor W
Indluestlon and dvaitenala DO D"1,:i
what Ita cause. Geo. Harding.
s a mt m ws r A
Bsarsth. lhtllldYMMt"
It will pay you to resd a
this aavsriissi"
PUTNAM FADELESS DYES color .ilk. ooi,
cot on or mixed goods at one boiling. Ilrijltt, durable colors,
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Trices on High Grade Coffees cut in two.
Fresh Bread and Cake, in our Bakery.
Family Medicines, Cooling Drinks, Iced Soda and Lemonsde.
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