Oregon City Enterprise. ,0L. 30. NO. U OUICOON CITY, OKKGON, FRIDAY, SKPTEMBKK 13, 1901. ESTABLISHED 1866 ,K0TiIl)VAKI) piL I'STATIt ASH INSt'K ANCI? ' JTTOKSKY AT LAW ," r'r,m ',',"M,8 1 H,lm''!,U''rt' KHSKV AM f oifNHKUlUH AT LAW wiiimii p" fin, Moon. uiUtiftt nlT'tlt. M"Btr. f..f. gft((t tad IftaMel Utntral m E LLlb TRTf1 jIIUu luim Hk and kittuit M9h.. Hetl M.tla In .,n . 11U1L I Id OREGON CITY The Only KimKfloM IIolw in town. States t day sn() upwards. JACOH CAHHKL, I'ruprlvlor. SCHOOL OPENS NEXT MONDAY BOSWELL SPRINGS. lr wrrk ami ur. t.. . , V v' irouoie, or uatarrn. Terms, Iio prrwrcasmtup, Ji per day. Location In 1,,iikU. Co., OiKon. CAI'T. IsKN l. UOSWKLL, Proprietor. rroKjPcf Are Urlglit For An IncreiiHcd Attendance. XE1T HOOKS JO It THE LI BRA K If ATTullSKY AT LAW i" " il'vruurlt of lit tltlt. ATTt'ltNEY AT LAW, i cm, ()NI. P,rtl latitat tMf Ik tlal. 01 S rHm 0. J. Pimhk. I'IMK'K A KASTHAM Attornovs-at-Law. Ut Law. H'cl!tlr. " . rfftttl of Title Wlc, Monty Loaned ,-?aCltv, OrrK'U Mil I I 11 11 I BOOKS Wo supply any !,h,, ,,,.,' rh,K,(, of Clock im County iukI al'.,w t), IiKht Price in KXCMAN'tSh an. will nvo you money, To pur. chnar-rs of H-!ioo Rooks w give tablets, pencil Clrnrrnn Pl,i n. J I s .1 M'xhI. 1 1 imi iim only 6c. XrArATATATjrATATjrArAVATjrjrATATArATjrArjrArATATjrJk Omjiltte Clianfe f Tii!I)(xAi-CbIIJ' luifK Have Keen KruoTiied tirade Jlei'tlnj Tomarrow. CHAR fvi A t'i & CO. h (iia niiHi.d nmcHitllnai k ml (mmtlf rrrriin. ATTOKNKYATI.AW. Etif Mi K.urkli't 8U Kluia, titaf lU lUnk ul Oft fun lltjr. Ouiki Cttr, OaaM. W.McAMI.TY Juttice of tho l'tftct. ;hl4 lo cullcclioui and rtatatlai. (' oo Main Hi, il:Vltii'a Ntal Mtrltl, Urrn Clf. plouueps... Aro pretty but you can't mako bread from them. The flour that makes tho best bread is manu factured at Oregon City by tho Portland Flouring Mills, from old wheat by patent process. Take no other Sold by all grocers. Tlia public ichoola of Oregon City ojhjih next Monday, wilb gyd proe;ti for Increaavd attendance. Iaat year 015 pupila war enrolled and for the jmi' three yeari the enrollment liai been ( tionary. Tle ecliool ccntua thowa that there are llXX) clilldren of echooi age in the district, to en Increaae cm retaon khir te expected. It is Dot likely "that the full attendance will develop until the second week of tcliool, at many of satisfied with the new textbooks. He saya the drawing books are excellent snd tlie aritliinetics are a great improvement overfish.' The geographies are some what more elementary and the new grammars are mncb betier Iban the old. lie does not consider the penmanship copybooks all that they should be, and thinks the vertical system Is a fad that will be short lived. The small g's and r's and many of the capitals, are objec tionable, and letters such as m cannot be made rapidly, as there is too much retracing. The superintendent ssys that the textbook commissioners adopted Ave different editions of Longfellow's ''Hia watha," all of which closely correspond, and three editions of ftbakespeare's "Merchant of Venice," there being little difference between them. A large order has been placed for l.brary books, and they are expected to arrive within a lew days. Eeventl prom inent citizens have promised large dona tions of books to the library. The question of heat has been satis factorily settled, for this year, at leaot. Heretofore wood has not been delivered before the rainy season and (treat diffi culty lias been experienced In keeping op good fires, on account of damp fuel. But Ibis year nearly all of the wood is Mlf. MILKY IS ' INDIGNANT Has Not Jlullt Fences In (Jreeu Point Streets. I'LAT DOES SOT COU'IBX I'El ITI0JT Front S'reet it the Only .Street Ruuuiug to the Rhrr Ib it Was Dedicated te the Uty. A petition from Green Point property owners wbicli was presented J to the council laat Wednesday night and re ferred to the street committee, has aroused the ire of Mr. Henry Miler, as Uieptt tioi ila'ms that he fenced in C .-ftain etreeti1, which the city is aaked to open. Mr. Miley says that there aro no fences on any of th eire?ts adjoining his property. An exam, nation of the platoon file in i : y J - . v.' I, V CANEMAU PUBLIC SCHOOL. IS I.s 0. Matitl U'UKN t SCHUK11EI. Attormys at Ar. frutfiijer buoltat. ufrtn in ail ron rt , niaks eullvetlont mi!ft.n,i of t t'tttt. IiMi ttit.t uf iiUt, ind jrou moiity i-4itMi tour iiiniify on Arl nnrxj;. a In Lntorprlito Dulldlng, Ortfon ti, Ortiton. ODEUTA.MII.LKH ATTORN KY AT LAW pftdTltlrHnnd Ln1 Offloe HuMlncttnit Hpcclttlty 2 P'Ktice la all Courts of the State Room 1. Wrlnhar.l Wdif. I? Court Houte, Orrgon City, Qregon r,A.8TUAUT,M'D. Offict In lllamttte nidc. OrntonCUy.Orrgoti 'boon; 10 s m. to li ., 1 lo t p, m. tint 7 to H p, III, Tpal attention tll to Rtieiimstitm ana 'I'M Hlirtu-t. Pall antwartil day or nlghl. P. FRANCIS FUKEMAN, -DKNTI8T klote of the Northwestern Unlter . ,! Dental Hchoul.Clilrago. American Collegeol Dental burgery, f illsmette Work, Oregon City. PRL.L.riCKKN8, DENTIST. ' Pril Mo-lerate. AU Operation! Guaranteed. 'Building . . Oreaon City, Or. WorouKOCN CITT, Kiw mm noise u me ciu. , 'W up Capital, IftMOO. r"! fv,oiiM in'.?: ce.ai.as a. ceisti. Iim. U"BT' eso. a. aaaiimu. MB...,. . . " - " wait. .""'"I b"1nen transacted. tm h?i ib)tilto etioek. iitiT,i . miles dlsoonnted. rSh,'""'' n anv part of the world "Wmo lit OI'ko sold on Portland, Ban MrtjitBtl . and New York. p'P'Uontfms depoilts. fCOM jT"' -0MMEU(!lAL bank I. OF 0KK0ON CITY. jn ' . . . . 1100,000 !'nn0',i.A "aAtaniiaansiiiBs. ' lom Mlll dltoountoit. Makaaool ultI?"H?n1 ,0lI xs on all points uaiTTK, Prtild.nt. :;Nit rSSL?i" K"rp "d Hong Vmif. "iron i . "i"jui lo onooa. j OiLir:"-10'-"- We carry the only complete line of kcU. Coffins, Robes, Liiilngs, and ive the only first class and up-to- date hrarte iu the county. Our prices are never exorbitant. We guarantee satisfaction. We can give you better goods and tii. . Utter service for leas money than any ot'aer undertaker in the county. Calls promptly attended night or day. SHVraTIt 5& BISSEIjIi Undertakers and Embalmers "'t;lAV hsve Telephone 413 and 304. 7th Street, bet. Bridge and Depot r. r. r, r r. r r. P r. r. r. r. r. r. r rt r. r. r. r. Moore's Pharmacy On Sovonth Stroot, School Books, Tablets, School Supplies of all Kinds. REDUCTION SALE. During tho montli of September in order to malce room for Fall Stock wo will greatly reduco prices on all Stoves and Ranges, Granite and Tin Ware. WILSON & COOKE OHKGON CITY. Enterprise and W. Oregonian $2. PRINTING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION We are prepared to execute first-class Printing promptly at the lowest prices con Your Work Solicited. slstcnt with skillful and Intelligent execution. ENTERPRISE PRINTERY the pupils are picking hope and will not ! return to the city in time for the com mencement of school. The first term will be of five months' duration and the second term four months. Repaira are being rapidly pushed and the walks and outbuildings will le in condition for Im mediate use in a few days. The appara tus Is being looked over and the Board of PI rectors la considering the advisabil ity of Installing a physical labratory for Work In physics. It is probable that a Certain amount of apparatus will be put in every year, until the High School bas a complete equipment. Teachers have been assigned to grsdes by City Baperin tendent Wilcox, as follows: Barclay school First grade, Miss Ger trude Nefzger ; second grade, Miss Har riet Cochran ; third grade, Miss Nettle Walden; fourth and fifth grades, Miss Harriet Case; sixth grade, Miss Myrtle Taylor; eighth grade, Miss Sad a Chase; ninth and tenth grades; Miss Addie Clark; eleventh grade, Prof. H. D. Wil cox. ' East ham School First grade, Miss Frances Myers; second grade, Mii Mar jnrie Caufield; third grade, Miss Eva Meldrum ; fourth grade Miss Erma Laur ence; fifth grade, Mrs. Nellie F. Glass; seventh grade, Miss Rebecca T. Smith, principal. s New pupils, who have never attonded school, will not be received after Oct. 8, and parents are requested to observe this rule. Fupils coming iu at all times of the year necessitates forming new classes and primary teacher cannot do this. II it Is found, after entering, that a fourth, third, or even a second grude pupil, is unable to koep up with the work of the grade In which the pupil has been placed, ho may be placed In the next lower grade, but this cannot be done with a first uradb pupil, so it is necessary to start them promptly with the rest of the class. Parents have never understood the division of the district between build ings and have had an idea that there is a dividing lino between tlie EaHtham and Barclay buildings. This is not the case but thete must be a dividing line for dit forent grados and the division must be adapted to suit the requirements of each particular grado. A great percentage of the primary pupils come from the vicin ity of the EaHtham building, but of course parents can readily understand that all cannot attend the Eastham school. For this year's work there is a com plete chanxe in textbooks, except in grades where books will be completed during the year. An example is shown In history, of which there are two classes. The beginners will use the new textbook and the class that studied his tory last year will finish, with the same book. In the High School astronomy will be dropped and aoology placed In the curriculum. A specialty will be made of Oregon history and geography. Superintendent Wilcox Is not entirely nnder covered there will be no trouble in keeping the.raoms warm and comfort- j ablu. Another improvement ia taking J place, lne janitors are putting Justine on the floor. This ia a preparation which prevents dust rising when the floor is swept. At the Barclay school Saturday after noon at 2 o'clock, the teachers will hold a grade meeting for the purpose of dis cussing school management and outlin ing school work. CL'T I TWO III THE CARS R.J. Hurt, a H. P. Rraltekaan, Mttt. lVllh a Horrible IsrathK B. 3. Hart, a brakeman, employed on the Southern Pacific, was run over by a freight train, about 10:30 o'clock Tues day night, on the Milwaukle Hill, and was instantly killed. ' Hart had been an apprentice brake man on the line for the past month, and last night waa his first run as a regular. On reaching the Milwaukie Hill, after leaving Portland, the train was tun up the Incline in two sections. Just how Hart was. killed was not known nntil the Inquest Wednesday night when Brakeman Johnson testified that Hart tell from the top of a box car in front of a moving section of the train and the wheels crushed the life from his body instantly. He gave one horrible scream and Johnson gave the engineer a violent signal for brakes and when the body was takeu from under the wheels life was extinct. The coroners jury ren dered a verdict that deceased came to his death by accidently falling and being caught under the wheels of a car of the S. P. Co., while tlie car was in operation. Hart was 24 years of age and his people reside at Crabtree, Linn County. He was an extra brakeman on the road and had been out only a few times since pass ing the student stage. S. O. Hart, a brother ot the deceased, accompanied the body to Crabtree, where the inter ment will take place. What Shall We Have For Dessert! This question arises in the family ev ery day. Let us answer it to-day. Try Jell-O, a delicious and healthful dessert. Prepared in two minutes. No boiling 1 no baking 1 Bimply add boiling water and set to cool. Flavors: Lemon, Orange' Raspberry and Strawberry. Get a pack age at your grocers to-day. 10 eta, the county clerk's office shows that the indignation of Mr. Mile? is justified. There is bo qnestion bnt thst some of tbe owners whose signatures are at tached to the petition were ignorant of the facts. According to tbe official plat Green Point wa platted and dedicated to the city March 20, 1889, by Richard and Ellen Glawpool and Charles and Kate CalifT and Front street is the only street in the dedicatiun that runs to the river. Mr. Miley.l eld a mortgage on a portion of the tilatxipool property and a, forecroKUre deed to him was recorded February 2, 1901. Tbe plat fails to show that - Jacob Rinearson dedicated any streets whatever to the city. Abeinotby street extends add is open only to lots one in blocks six and seven and the Miley properly fronting these blocks ia not a part of Green Point as platted. The petition follows: We, tbe undersigned residents and taxpayers of Green Point, Oregon City, hereby petition the IIonurn.l C.tv Council of Oregon City, to cause to be opened the following streets in Green Point, Oregon City: Front street from Moss street to Willamette river; Abox nethy street from Moss street to Willam ette river, and the river front road iu front of blocks 6 and 7, the rigtit of .way for the river front road having been pur chased and dedicated by Jacob Rinearson tor a road from the mouth of Clackamas river to the month of Abernethy creek. The above mentioned streets were dedi cated by R. Glasspool and wife when plat of Green Point was recorded in the county court house records and after wards mortgaged by said Glasspool to Henry Miley, who acquiied possession, as he claims, by foreclosure of mortgage, and who recently fenced said public highways to prevent people from going; through. Signed by A. W. Cheney, W, R. Redick, O. A. Baxter, E. C. Maddcak, Geo. Doll. Chas. Bernier, J. R. Hanny, C. A. Willey, J. E. Edmonds, If. Stev ens, C. W. Kelly, Chas. E. Burns, Jas. A. Hosey, R. Freytag, H. Williams, W. S. Jonns. CASTOR I A For Infants and. Children. The Kind Yea Hava Always Bought Bears the Signature 1 7 Makes the food more delicious and wholesome HOY At BAKTtM ffwnfrt kf.( ftW VH. t. J. MbYEa Caikler.