OKKOON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY SEPTEMBER .0, 1901, 5 -4 it Oregon City Hntcrprisc ""New To-Day. ..'..itf II AIM IAIN IIAKdAIN. l) nj oil ills- i ... ;"U7.0. W Wllllm, Ahliid, Or --rTriTY Mt'HlO KCllOoL. 1 1.. ...i. ru tura. K. I'. I 'tin . ..nl conductor. Y. M. CJ. yoSKYTO LOAN AT 0 Phil IWI i i In ! U,kaiiia ('uiinl . ...mutiol "" " . 7 V Jm.bI If illrt. .So commission. ,7u pariiruler "' application J.t.i-lr MT Ni'aaau., L or '"' w,w' l i from ''n' li,,h,f. Il.tltlt. hav Hi liult llwiM" wtmiry property ..f nm A OairriTa. . ......... ...'ft.' I V It.. , I. .tlxl i(IMUllU.1.HI-"". . in4trr.r t.frnHi. eeam and aTiS '" Amy Joiituii'i t'tUiHltrAklNU-Xtiii.li JIimoII, ll I ' u.iiuiii. uien liii am THE LOCAL NEWS. ftutLlur Hi .. Th funeral U'lA.J. Hewlell M held !( morning ( 10 JO o cluck at i i ...i.i i VI 111 IMHJJ m rummm."! 'Ujf ';- I" Holman, lo aaait ;rival of daughter of the dec! ,9 Southern . fiiiM Horrn sna 'anemah ha jt Hianr ol derJ tllUrf. m iU of It imputation era In th i:4. Among thow eUoul are Ilia . .. . . iii ft-i . W IC'Cri luartrueru, i. M, yttLeoa M.annun, 8, I. Miller, nxl IaJuwpU rinif, Mr. (og W ut, Mf. l)ouilill tiJ family, Willlaui IkiJuH, William Hr0K, Mr. W)n 0tm Wrmvit Cvm liAT. Wmuol IUIdm. Ui only clilM it. Mil Mr. tWlM S. lUlnM, U cuJcUolv Ut Bumtav I Cuef of rhoUr tnftnlatn. Tt m 111 only a Uw titjt. !iu fuor monib an J II day. rhswil hIJ Mdy froon mt4n Uinf tMoJucltl by 1 t CUir, f of lh M. K. chnrcb, iaj LU lql mnl In Iti 0ttfu Timtio 5) Ixiikji, ,tmnly Jml Im MamM Mutidiy tnornlnf from WiLl'i u lp on Ui auullivrn Orvfoo Is Ui lnurM of lb I. O. 0. V. of twkUU Urnd I'alriarcb. Ivln "t City Auiuai IStb li ill to tN ami by tia- from tlir to XtiWiuQ, lin doo lit coail to fcfka, Uklrikj In Klomnr. Uardlnvr, L(.f, M.r.l.n.U. Gxiulll Cllj, JaJoain.1 MyrU I'olnt, rtlurnlng to utltlt-rlur by way of RuMburg. Joil tiiaiivvry ell miIiHimI llh tha eon o(tU ordor, Kvrjaliira It I Wiiiin ami itxaI kIik liava Un ult la tlia nraniiitint branch. Eu0a.-r. K. Tolk, bo ai "i fmi tlm aitu on a cbarga of f-M t bli kl ln-lha-lot niarblna In L Boa Tun aalotm on Auml 17tb, ii'd (itnilnallon in tba ullc court IT and vaa bound'ovr to apiwar Wjt lb itrnd Jur at tba Noveinlier '"a of the circuit court, lilt bon.l flud at I'iUO, blt'b be waa unable t famuli uba wont to Jail. HixcU fcfccurtbunilimon in a abort lima but Otiutliorltirt doubt If that la poanlbln. folk bu bonn a couuty cbarge aim laal 'itr, when be full through a brldg 'Ml Intoxicated. Wbn atiaj'lclon foil bin bt tried to throw tba guilt on the . I I I a . iio.ii.imi oi Juiiiiii 0 a limp, l0 rroawn aii'I ,y w,ij0l. Mm, (!mMM l)aAi,.-Mr. c. J. Cm, WW- of IW. Urn. Condon, tl,. II known iroloU U,t matiy y.. Kuiaiw, dla.1 Monday at Nan port, aa. m yran, aflar a WM.k'a IIIiim with I.,.. i, ..i. i i ... ' .,rm, ,Mr. mi tame aiuund the norn lo ur..g.,n with ,r Ini.l,.,,,! IKT.J, and win. ,, )0r, , 1I(rl ,n ti(( making of.tbe il.U'a bl.toiy. Tln-y ("irnl at lb aM (or , niimUr of yn.N taught on tl, Warm H.rlng iirvall.m. In Jh;o, ,i (lt tmnMnt f the Htal Unlv.raltr Vr. Condon a4x.,td tl. chair ol gw,l..By, n. ll.ry bar aim rwl.t,.,! Kitgntia. Ilr huihand and fly children urvlv hr. Theltif ar. Mr. If. A. Mo Corn k. of i:.wn ; Mr. H. K, an, o( HalniiiMra. Nolf, of I'l-ndlMon ; If-m. H. W, Condon, of (f.kland, Cal., and If. T. Condon, of Moacow, Idaho. Naw CnntuM H aTAr. W. (iit. Irt lloatlln, gmirral rralary of tb loong Mnn'i Chrlmlan Aaxjlatlon. hao rMlgnml g ai-i.1 t,', uiH.flninn'.leiM' of the Kort Wrangoi hool, an 1 avr fj Alaaka nnl Tuwxlay veiling. Ill, aalary will m ti pmt uiontb. Mr. lieat tl U a gradual ol tli cl of Hi Unlmalty of Orrg m and tu elcM ocrvlary of lh lotal 'iclalioii about a moniu ago. Tlir woi k he hi .1 ma ilnc ainniflratlim, to be en at the office of than U nH gnnarally known, but th r. tli HwtrUry. aulu alio lb aMoclalion Ut be out of, A fertlflnd chark ruuat accompany the doM fr th Oral tlm In aovrul yrara, I bid, jiiI to 10 r cnt of lb amount llwlllbuont hd by Foth Uavina, of ilia contract, ai h.-ildttd damage, alpr.nlgKnfralncftaryoftiiMrh'lncalhiuccei.fnl bidder fall to en WII.UMKTTK HOJI. Dr-realtd Ibn I'artlaad Uan.blr.ri by a Hroreef 14 to 4. Lat Hunday afternoon at tha baftuhall park the Hamhlor nine of I'orthiiid waa dufnatod by the Willamolte. The vlait on were unable to hit CallfT but the home taiu touched up Ilwd for more hit than they re.j.ilrud. The player and timlr poaitlona wore: Kambleri ..Hlavln , ..ltood . .llackett . ...Mnach McDonald .Ioney ..Walling ....Iidow WlllamHll W fallff..., K Caliir. itapp ... HoilKklna... Wllklnaon .. Purl Koerner Wortlilngton loyln C F Allen Klruckoul, by CallfT, 17; I lead, 9; baa on ball, CallfT, Ilwtd, 1. Time of game one hour and 45 uiluutat. I'm- plie, ehren. .....C..,. ,. i 1 u 2 n.... 31!.... . H 8 ....IV It K Uldt VTaahd far ilulldlng Filter IIae. Th Hoard of Water ComuiUMloner of Oregon City, Oregon, will rucolv ar-eled bid, until one o'clock, p. in. on haturday, 8ptemlrtT 7lh, 1W1, for the labor and niatrlal for conalructlnft a building for the FilU-r I'lant of the City Water Worki: according to plan and r-tflr-vv yy gty -tyiy iy- Gun repairing, Jobnaon & Lamb. Klcycle aundrle of all kind. Jobnaon A Lamb, We are ollln gA at a great reduc tion at the Racket Htore. flowing machloee and light machinery repaired. Jobnaon k Lamb, Wantd, to exchange town property for alarm. Enquire at Ibi office. Underwear, boaerr, ribbon, dreu iklrt and walat at half price at the Kecket Htore. The place Your wheel, trout, to get it fixed. What? Johnson & Lamb. Main Adams Bros. Golden Rule Bazaar have found their present store too small for their increased trado and will move about October 15 to the new double store now building for them next to the Methodist church and in order to re duce their present stock before moving have made a great reduction in all departments. A few of tho bargains to be obtained are quoted below. field aaxii'iatl'in. II graduate! from I'oilland I'iilvtralty In UH and worked with the 1'otllan l a jdatlon. Nino aure of tha contract. ter Into a contract and give a good and ufnrfitnt bond fr the faithful perform- tuontha etfo b want Ut MaranMd noon tbeaolli'ltalion of eeraral bualneaa men, and, wiih a new flelj to work on, built op an aaaoHatlun of about 70 niemlr. la Xraivrlant. WiuatAa. the meatingt-r death haa again entered our ireful enrloaure and removed from our number of valued and worthy Urother C. C. William and Wiuav.a ttrotber William bat long been a pioinlueiti member of Ibla grangw baring II1 ilia oliir of maaier two termaand alway len an actlv and Judlrloo member and don much finan cially and othrrwla to build op (Ms gtan, Therefore III It rolvd, that ibla grange deeply deplore thla aad bereavement and order the charter draped In mourning for ,10 day. iuaoi vio, that a copy of Iblt preamble and rewdulloii be forwarded to lh be reared family and alao to th county lr and tha N. VY. 1'acido Farmer. J. 8. Caalo. Ceo. Latoll. M. A. Waldron. Hall Warner Grange No. 117, !'. of II. New Kia, Aug.iat St. 1U01. Ilew'a TkU? W offer One Hundred follara Ke ward for any caae of raUrrh tbiil cannot be cure.1 by Hall' Catarrh Cure. F.J.Ciuxir A Co;, Froo., Toledo, 0. We, the undenlgnrd, have known F. J. Cboney for the lt 15 year, and be lieve him perfectly honorable In all hue !nee iranaartion and financially able to carry out any obligation made by their firm. WmATai'A, Wboleaale Droggiita, Tolrnlo, O. Waudiko, Ki!a! A Mabvik, Wbole aale DrtigglaU, Toletto, 0. IlaH'CUrrh Cur Ii taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mu coua urfora of the yalc-m. Frlce 75o per bottle. Sold by all druggist. Testi monial free. Family I'llla 'e the btt. The building mual lie completed within thirty daya time, from the time the foun dation I ready to receive the atructure, under a penalty of )10 per day for each day thereafter. The lizard reeervea the right to reject any or all bida. f Addrei, T. L. Ciuuxax, Secretary, Board of Water Comtnlaaioner, Mark Charman Uro. Itlot k, Hid for Dullding. Oregon City, Oregon. Aug. 2l)tb, 1901. 5Uce. Member of Pioneer Chapter, 0. K. 8 Regular meeting Tueday evening Sept. 10th. A full attendance la repeated. Hy order of tba Worthy Matron. It la impoMlble to giv price through the paper. Coma and be convinced of what you can aava at the Racket store' The (tore of I. Selling will be closed Saturday, September 14, on account of that day being a Jewiah holiday. A my wife, A. A. Lofstedt, haa left my bed and board, I will not be respon sible for any debt contracted by her. Molalla, Sept. 4, 1901. A. W. Lofatedt. - Monday wa Labor Day and waa not generally obaerved in this city. The court boue was closed and the banks ! were open until noon. A lamp explosion in Danl Millet's residence last Friday night caused an alarm lo be turned in but the fire wa extinguished by the inmatea with a few bucket of water. Kates forTaltloa. Notice la hereby given by order of the Board of Director that tuition in lb Oregon City echool for the ensuing year will be per mouth aa follow: High chool, 12.50, grammar grade, f2.00, primary ll.oO. C. 0. T. Wii.uaw, Clerk. Oregon City, Sepl. 5, 1901. . . bieod Death Off. K. I). Munday.'of Henrietta, Texas, once fooled a grave-digger. He says: "My brother was very low'with malarial fever and Jaundice. I persuaded him to try F.leclrlc Hitteis, and he was oon much bettor, but continued their ose un til be was wholly cured. I am sure Elec tric Hitler saved bl life." Tins remedy expuls malaria, kills disease germs and puriflea the blood; aids di gent ion, regu lates liver, kidneys and bowels, cure dysncpsia, nervous diseases, kidney tioublea, female complaint; gives per. feet health. Only 60c at Geo. A. Hard ing's drug store. The poatotrice tor of C. W. Love hat been renovated and the interior pre sents sn inviting appearance. The wlla have been kalsmlned and the shelving and doors repainted. Charles Cearhart has purchased the barber shop of Thomas Sbockley. The State Hoard of examiners refused to grant Hhockley a licence, claiming that he bad not worked the necessary time. Christian Science eervice are held In Willamette ball every Sunday morning at eleven o'clock. Subject for Sunday, Sept. 8, "SobaUnce." Sunday School at twelve o'clock. Wednesday evening meeting at eight o'clock. To tbeaa ser vice all are welcome. What Mull Wa Jlare Far Dessert! Thla question arise In the family ev ery day. Let na answer it to-day. Try Jell 0, a delicious and healthful dessert. Prepared In two minute. No boiling! no baking 1 simply add boiling water and aet to cool. Flavors: Lemon, Orange' Raspberry and Strawberry. Get a pack age at your grocers to-day. 10 eta. . Don't wait until you become chronic ally constipated bnt take DeWitf a Little Early Risers now and then. They will keep your liver and bowels in good order. Easy to take. Safe pills. Geo. Harding. OAfll'OniA. Btantka elhlHind Hot Hra tMrmtafl Bigaalv of IhUind Hot H Wwjrt Hall's Family I'llla 'e tbe oesi. j Norrls Silver, North Strstford, N. II.: "I j jj I purcbaa.nl a bottle ol Ouo Minute Cough j r Cure when Buffering with e cough doctors Q told me was Incoratiio. une oou.o re lieved me, the second and third almost cured. Today I am a well man. Goo. Harding. nTjf mum' Initlaa l-ll. iuoivrM:vi'iii our Hlln. Mii-vdln. anO Itehlaa I'll. It Kiorl lh tuuim. W Urilb ItrhliifttonK. iuh a poului. . ImUnl nillKf. Ir. " llftnift' IN OINTMENT U P- riinlxi. or K" t.Opr bI. For sale by Charman A Co., Drugg lets rr4 enlr tor Pllea and llchiua or ih prlrmu pr WiiajaMH Hill CO. l'rvpa,CLltViaXM)iU A rientsnt Way te Travel. ' Tha moat delightful route of travel to tbe Eat la by way of Salt Lake City tha city of tha Saint and. the Rio Grande Western Railway, in conjunction with either tbe Denver A Rio Grande or Colorado Midland Railroads. This roate not only carries tba passenger through the heart of the Rocky mountaina. and in view oi tha most magnificent scenery on the continent, but it also provides for stop-over on railroad and Pullman tick eta at quaint and picturesque Salt Lake City, Glenwood Springs, Manitou, Den ver, etc. Through Pullman Palace and Ordinary Sleepera, Free Reclining Chairs Care and a Perfect Dining Car Service via this route to Denver, Omaha, Kansa City, St. Louis and Chicago. Personally conducted weekly tourist excursions. For printed matter, rates, etc., inquire of J. D. Mansfield, General Agent, 122 A. Third St., Portland,' or Geo. W. HeUtz, General Passenger Agent, Salt Lake City. ,1 Jar Ct with robbert . . Ki.glitu Violet Soap..,. Williams Btisvlng Soap. Snowberry Toilet Soap , So polls Paper Novel Mtn'i Working Sl.lrl . . Good Outing Flannel ... Hop Picking Olovea Bird Cage Towallng Alarm Clocks Glaa Tumbler Ink Tablet Hooks and Eye Man' Heavy 8atera . LI1V Ljiderwear , Men's Oolf BhlrU Bow Tie Two Foot Rule Boyt' Knife , .......Zfcdot 3c 6e ie 6c 4c Zte 7c , 10c 4c 8c 73c 4c 3c .. ..lcado tic 10c , Mc , 6c No. 8 Hair Ribbon 3eyd OST Thread, 6 Spools 25c Children's Ribbed Ho Do Toilet Paper, 6 Rolls Za 10 qU Grand Backet 3w lOqt. Tin Bucket llo Udie' Shirt Waitls 35e Embroidery Hoop 5c Box Writing Paper 6e Large Glat Pitcher 2So Hammocks 73o l-arg Lamp Tio Cotton Batting 6o Tooth Bruibt 5c Jelly Glaaaet Sic do Men' Good Socks -4o VI Men' Underwr 23o j Good Hair Bruib 12o Galvanizad Bucket.... 0c Tb "Rapid Air" Gun 6c, Knife and Fork Me ....40c set -m- GOLDEN RULE BAZAAR K(Ten' natlldlaia;, Opp. Ore cow, CIl Haaik. BOSWELL SPEINGS. Southern Pacific trains stop st hotel door. Constantly open for recent ion of Kucsi. Dtia room connected wild, main ouuaing. rostomce (a mails per day), Expreaa, and Long.DisUnce Telephone. Superior In any Spring; in America for the cure of Rheumatism, Stomach or Kidney Trouble, or Catarrh. Terms, fio a in Douglas Co., Oregon. CAPT. BEN D. BOSWELL, Proprietor. per week and up. fa per day. Location in Douglas Co., Oregon. M Ilffl Staara Hat and Htti bight Beat Hull la towa at tS uiU. OREGON CITY The Onlr First-Claas Hotel in town. -tata SI a day and upuiarda. JACOB CA8SKI., FroprteUr. Enterprise and V. Oregonian $2. b , On Jellies preaervea and pickle, aprwad ' a Xhla eottUnf of PURE RFK1ED PARAFFIUE WUl kep tbna araolutrlf moMnt an clil pruuT. 1'uraUrBiwtl farafflu la uo uxrful In a doini otttrt mya about tba aoiiaa. AuU il.ractiooa Id aaui aai MoM tTi7hr. STANDARD OIL CO. 1 .JI', Geo. W, Lane, Pewamo. Mich writes : "Your Kodol Dyrpepsia Cure la tbe beat remedy for indigestion and stomach trouble that I ever need. For year I tuffored with dyepepala, at timet compel ling me to stay in bed and canting me nntold agony, I am completely cored by Kodol Dytpepaia Cure. In recom mending it to friends who tuffer from indigestion I always offer to pay for it if it faila. Thus far I have never . paid." Geo. Harding. W. W. CBRIMIB, D. O. C D. LOVB, D. O. DfS. CHRISTIE & LiOVH Oateopajtle Phyalalana Graduate or American School ofOateopathy Successfully treat all chronic disease br mechanical manipulation. Nodrugs given, Disease of women a specially. Examination and consultation free. Office boon: 8 to 12 a. m. and 1 to 4 d. m. Except 8undars. Office, Buonu 8 and 4. Stevens Bldf-opp. Bank, afHi.mii I'ltw. OtroosCiTV, - - Oaiooa. C. STRICKLAND, M. D. Hospital and Private Experience. Offer hi professional aervicea to th peo ple ot Oregon Ci:y and vicinity. Special attention paid to Catarrh and Chronic diseases. Best of refer ences given. Otiic in Willamette Building. OtHoe hours: 10,1012a. ra.. 4 lo 6 p. m. OREGON CITY OREGOX R. PRIER PHOTOGRAPHER Lessons Given to Beginners. Plates Developed. Views for Sale. Apply at the Caufield Building. Up Stairt. 4 Kimball Organs in live and six .octaves from $G0 to $125 sold on in stallments. Washburn Guitars and Man dolins are known to bo the Lest from 15 up. All other makes from $5 up. Violins, Banjos, Zithers, Au- toharps and Accordeons, all grades and all prices. Harmonicas and Jewsharps 5 cents up. ' Clover Harmonophones 50 cts. Strings and Extras for all instruments. Burmeister 9 tydresei?, Se Orop Qityjeuelrs