C OREGON Cm ENTERPRISE. FRIDAY. AtGtT U. 1WI r.:;;:r,"7 thefiiischs()u.iq Lcril Noticen. tag J0. (lit .4l. lirHlimU KOI I.&I4I' I u C-n.4 Cft-i W U U 0 fv. tt Ot..t ! ti Cm-I wa MjV J4vtai t'.C j) ova. arimM, a-i... f j ) I hnt. .,-', r. i. A. I-- M J- ) l? rf. k'-J !, i rr. 1.9. 1 1 .iii i It ft ' ' ocorTMCeyTiiuT'iiTowNT 1 .-.- . . . " t V a lr"H i n J'.i faU C.v ''iiita f Orsa I - M .T- Uim t M. J - it. ' f H. Tw cWt-tt. I t.-. i i p " af f "T. a mn lt ,- CM nvm it. it 1 t fwtt U )vn m&4 u ua tm wf. iy. uii-' u l "-rrl-f it U 6 ,. n" a wv J. w, I", n. i Hi"'7 ..fni. ; -m iik.i 04r4, Vf i, osNr i tit rn .i -. ( l , ' .,, L u i.. B' a-4 af ,'. ta.4 a, t. i : j ? - M tt rW lew ;: V ! ti-i Mini a aVexr. U ... lev. U- kxCi 'rv -. l k f W - y, IM !. .-. u i a.4 w.-..c a I. try 7 m v V -y t ar. af t liw-.T i-'.-ao. F. ;t. Jtjm4 t awwa.tr entr! r 4 en i4 u J x Jx t t. r kV.' Mt to rix as tinc.-.t ar U4 . '- (huh V. Gi III J bYSMJV tilt. l'lr-t 4vr r" a. m. . !. r-r - '. J '- . ( i n Ov'f W m H. U -'-7. 1M7 t -. !jL la t :m f 1 "r. T art rr-, "4 l xt tv U 1! ft-b4 JV LW V " -.ja i k-"-rr t. t-M y..iirlm U l q ar4 ! tru . ut i vh y if j tvi a ;-r lur .."-? t- r.-n : tor .(w f d i ft ixrr . r ii !A-t.n c. at. c atjux( tK5 yv .v! iv t-5'.r. m. T.f. . J-'r tin tvV UM JU (U U s v. 11. b4 l&" ' c S4 tb tut Vt' 1 lA'tc 4, UA, J. tuuf but. AttArory kit rx.l. .1lr fr PtjlIlrtIML lr;rUbT,C tb I ttfrior. Ltvvl X "-rwt Csj, 'wpt, Atf1 ft. Un la lac (-rW it a;pn l tj cU.m. .-v5 ll.ml M'i t-r-W Skt ) ta l'ft li kr 'I fcB'rf at Orrfrta VtJ, Jrrri. ttn Itrt'Aar ltt Vt t. fa: WILHELM KkSliTZJ tt.z . v.m - vm u tK , T ts, K. I K H tutt in WWin trrtKf to trt kt err,i.r. vj r'.v5 t(XM tw ul'.if -iOof J U-4. t.i: Himon W;k. y. W. XtLffio. 1. L, Kivom, A.iua )!f -d. 10 'fi Or. CH Ar. ft H'Jt't.., .Ilc far bliVslUa. lr I rt nf) t ol U Ir.imor ta4 02tt t4 Orryro C.tT. Otjo, Aort IT, 14. JCotlr It b,'7 r'ra thU fvllowu.f tm4 vrtir bat r fwx of tj in'an tuja 14 ir.tkr t':J yt'A la nywrft of fc t riJn. 4 ihti tti'l rrrt m b mV ba ton lrtrr r4 r.4 fleir at Ort WILLI 4 M II. HALL. H. K. 5 IJT7I t,jrthf-r.'ttf 5E'i. 5'- kV."t i4 Ei e4 S 4. tit 11. 1 J S, K 7K W. H. H ti-n th fuKovlrg tltf,iwl to ! m cift;nao.t ruibca Bpoa aixl ctiilittt on cf tt-i ittvJ. nx: hi!M I). !( Jvt.ri l.'htr, PtnkrtUt J, mtn.f4t ioua Uityhj, J of btlnoo, CHAS. E. V'OP.E?. a aaati. In tti C:rr:u!t (o-itt tjt CUcltmu Cooi'j. of irfim. A mt'.lt O'.lo, Plttlrjtiff t AH tru (jito, MiAt'.) To Atm ('.tn. tli iVre r.anH dferiditit: In tl. ram of the H(a'e i.f Orraron yi,U r ljreiiy r',';ir'l to appear am! aotact t cfupltii.t tin ai:..t ytro In tN above rr.ct'r") t ilt in thfarjora aanJ (irt jn or Mutt 1 T.ritf rx-'rnitr 2th, Vtil, th une orifi -ii tt from Ui hrt jubiitiijti ol tb: amtt.of.t; aixl Tou alll Itk iioiicc that it yi,a (:! to to aip-r aixJ ir kJ (oii;(.'u,t (itiiiurt aill apHf to tUt Ourt fvr ii. tfVitl (l-marirle'1 in tH eomfjlair.t to wit: tr.at tfi boridt of ma'ri moti; iituog otn:n you and olaiotiR lit Haoircj . Tint mmmoM it pnblitliH by the order 4 Hi Hun Tbomaa A. Kvao, Conoty J 01 ire f lb Oioiity ofCla k ami and Hut f (Jttft'm, 111 t!i Orrg'ii Cliy fitr(.riw, Tkljr twpa(r and pobiitbad .rid ol K-t.ri cuculalXiii in Ciackaojat )finty, Oregon, or vn tuwtnive weekt eominenciriK Arut )Hh, and coiiliriuin to iid iiy:luJiijK r'ruJay. bntniitr'j)Att. VM. 0K0 C. Bi'.OW.NKLL. A tvifhey fr Plaintiff. ItIIr oftdinlnUlrator a Male f Itral i:Ute. Notice it hereby ifiveri. tbal In pnrttitnce of an ordnr of tale riiade and eiitrel by m 1.OUIIIJ i)uri ui me counij 01 rolk, a of Oreiftt, on the 5th day of AiiKUtt, A, K. ri;!, in the mittt-r of the adrninutra tion of (be etiai of Kicbard Knei, ilcneaiied, Ui UMijertiKiiwl ailiiiiiuttrator of taid ft tale a ill j, a, directed In tald order of ale, -at private tale." Ibe folloainK de. crii)fi prenilwM. to wit, An undivided one half iiii-rni In Vh acren of land detcriljd at Hie Hutb Went Quarter of aectlon eipht in 1 owiniilp n n ui 11 One Knit of the Will rn.tte Merrdiun in Ciackainaa Count Bute of Orejf'in. I be tale will be made on or after the Mth Jy ol rki-lember, A. U. Mil. and bida will be rewired at the retMence of th undcr alK'ifd BlmliuttrBtor, at I'errydale, I'olk County, OreKuti. Tlie terma of aale caah, when tale it approved by the County Court ol J'ulk County Or-"", or one half canh and the balance twenred by note and mort KK' on Ibe premiaet id, and nale ap proved by Court. I). L. Kktt, Adrmiiittrator of the ettate of Kicbard Knet. deceated. MOTT'S 1 ' r PENNYROYAL of mcnBtrnaUon.- Tbcy are 'LIFI3 SAVJIW" to giila at woinauhcKxl, aiding- development of organa and body. No ""'"f or vruiuun equais inem. uannot do harm liio bocotrntt a pleaaure. ffAHi Jj;it JiOX JUfT NAIL. Sold by drufftf&tl. DU. MOTT'S CHEMICAL CO., Cleveland, Ohio For tale by Charmin & Co., Drugint. M Irirr t. Jr. W.c.f,: UiMpt,'('.M.iii.4vl -'.). n. ' : 'UilUfi'll!". frJi tl w. M U mlM tirn!t( n, I,.. IiU4iuiiU4 wW cmrt n -4 w it Jr W . , i ' . . . ,..,....,.! U'T Vmjr , ,.t ' 4 p. v t-.j I. . , j.jjM-i V i i f wif-iM r -' r I " (JjU PJ,BJ4 -Vfrni-. w , , ' 1 .w t-rrr t i I i, i -f k.3 ! ! ;... , i , j Ttl tl rr.t oJ j . . . T1 :' fj" p i. IM.taHf. A ,. I,M W r--Irw ,..,.,. O. , StT l.JMlt .,.1- I,-...' Nrirru,. WW y N-r-4 u IK .. f,M t Mfc--J .... ,rflv 4 M v r' - 1 ' : '- Irrtvrh 44f U nR HV.ji' l aHw. i - - Ot ( ' lt,, ti,It r, rt- (M H I. r.tw. ' m :v i4. vmM. u i.J l;tui "4 , t.iiji.. irv) LWh u r. .niw(itt.'i. j-c ui -t tunaUl U hw ' t ,-"-'-' I ... i., " . .i ... , ' " M U M-M4 n W U . 4 tv 1 tt m 'ivl ru. rrtt'v, (vftinvJi m r- MK.i'')4Uiii!iWMi.ntitbt (r(tt.t,ia If 10 nrf IW t-mcif'jl kfk.t . 1 A. '..! jaJ t U htii( r ti4tl farr k ; i WV. HJ U cc te.J cm-.twT mrt. bttfni f opti ... ec7r. ar tM .lb U t.iA i4'.f ! W t tt Ua fiajT t-jt aar!t.'vrf fOi. t.-l tar a to-w 4 rrr- r7,f ta la.fco 1a4 Itetawi. iavr ;u f orr-.. w taa.atT.! lT - to 1 Id tna 4 av taJ- fMta. a avrwr, . I ttjva t ir.'l t o-t .J to-i W. fyt .ai4 to ta- J J Ua oa.. .X. tan. ttnti af a. wttab. lj:i(i U( iVitvtt'TU C rita. p-a!4 (.kasc. to-t: tt Jslri rc-ll'l ttvt wi liklli W K tr.lrr a lt IT t rmr4f4 f l iirif a rwjrt la tax of a-f U f r, ,. a U tt) t i. -rt us.. . w ib fTt.at cuverj a4 c4. hnrrttJv, 4 j cwacl cf Aw af (." iiim Cwciy. : 'V - U -riija a. 3u U I mt) af yf. i a.. t"f ). U-r"- , J . t r E- : J " tirwr. or it J-J. r -T.rr tvl Tla rta talISHa1 KwlII w, ., lial U ka4 w it a r-j ,jy f rina r ir 1 it ; t:4 it t it 1 1 si K ta ,;. I. ia nairr tr k u.a ar. to 6 ia ,xa tui waj r il i W B.Ta) iniTnit V. ct. .tual -r-.art. 4 to aL....a u IE jr fxj o U-r-". ; c --! I fti ta aa (.a! of U twaa a to mI al aaf h r 'r t P- rva-siorr rv-t to r'. t.'V t-a- af -r-m Vrj. r a tk t tW l-' of tt ,fVa Otraut Or CMKtfu U fs.u.T. sjj ta4 !'i ' oM; tfl altt t Cla s.a CM ; 1 r- :H . IW . af rvUm -a.-t4 if'ri IJ Owp W. : aal xt -,. t alia n( b, t iji X. f-rjtmt a umr-j U u. (i.'skI f 1 c4 aavf twst l? - t jj, c, 1 1 u j- r un ; lweiXT t a airaa-i. aJ4 u a j T. t tl l.r aTy j hm I. Um, f. W'. Jlrrrt!!, A. E narraf taabf tuiacu ij 1 tm: lt .tr-:i J4 Url,Ko; in, J f. lijfl. of frta-v-l tb4rlltti.ttuaK4M;il.4!t4 tt:lr rtT Wi i, ImiMi! tmor r ' i m. t airw!j racnof jwia'L,- 7 .i4 irai U ! K . ii , IS. H M M J WWI to ; ! ii,dir.)aj tr r-r'i to 4 4y U ti. Umwim . li tr mi ta-:aM-f , t-v ti lat m. vf bl r-E.;;rof Ui eojf eit It tlaf ef f. JMt ' tal a 47 of 'fraltr. I . of la Ktual iTT-xk at u. Cvtf f al 1 Lotafja La-4 c ai. a-jj?.c'on i ii Ail-It. at kM Cir. 4a.'y aa orif U.al amc j in ar iiriif, ai't Ib:r iUf-atW. w pawi un.i wuif 1 vaiq J'-tla' tK"r W. trf. J. A. IW- kr. o4 H i. t'W, Li J. W.,OB lr. ajwl 13. b J. aai La os rat ! Ltaai Ij yu Mt urmrJ. fyj L&u U. 6a of t HiAaiM of i.it taaot uh J y. 1 L aal teat t! 4a! of ta laat .t.t y-aiMra of lttt raBtator M OCT G. WILLH. luvty tr aii.n1 la t'Cre tOyut of Hato tA 0' Kon, within and for :t Coa&ty of C.acla raaa. Cliriatiaa Traxti a4 J. ) " ? raj lie, axuti Martha Vn-U. Thoma Vvi o, Jiar peli4 j Y:ir Pedjrl ad PrdifO. wbo j firat emit ar an j t no a H tXa.nt..T t a:d Vary J. rbaruck Cti . 10 F'jatcr -4rr- j ert. J-x.n r' -it K,t- j ft t'lMT, K.I FoT, j A. Cran. Xm- i 6M1 a. ruzt. l'jn Ant.or.and C'-ftni. V'jmT. rfef.Jr.tt. Ta Ktnf;a fwr. Tbona Padijro, Elir.er I'd r. Pe-lico. ped,?o. ai-1 Pedifi, t firt i.t'i.r. are o.'iknon to piatM.3t,ard Mary J Shtrr'xk. t atbr n Potr neiert. Ji.tin hotter. fctrt fwW, Kli I'ot'er. Km A. I'rane. IKtf.dt A. fbfb, Jobn Aru.br and . a'.btno f ot ter, lb arxe ran.r-d 4etrfdanii: In tbe ntn.e of tne 8!a: olOrron, yon ar hereby tv inrd to citr ai.d aotet Ui eoiu.'la.Lit filed araintt yoo in the t eocitltd ii' on or U-iure tbe Z7ib day of H Un.ber. X'. beli g the (art' Cay pr-mrri-i in th orW lor pabiimtion ol thi t'lniuiont. to it: on or oelor the eipira 110:1 of m week. Irom tbetltrot th Rrtt fWAirauoa 01 thi jiuri,o' , the Drtl pib Iwatin lbrfi: tx-inr on Friday, th lKh iiay of Ainfiit, I'.PtX, and it you fail to ai.twer winiin tail tun for Want thereof tbe piain'.i&a wui a-ly to tt court lor the ei.ef .Ji!,ri'!- in lot com plan. t, town: Tbac the plaintirTt are the wi'.e, only and exeluiire owner 10 lee tunpleoftn foi ViBinK oetcrni tract Of latnl, and that th atXiV named dertriidaiit i.or any of them bar any right, title, eatate or ownerthip in or to taid land nor any part thereof, Ibe a roc oeiin a part 01 ID John renter and aifrjr foaU-r Uooation Ijind claim .No 41 Notification So. in aectiona No. 't. 21. Ji and , In T 2 8 , K. S K.. W, M. in the county of Clarkamat and Htate ol reron, ueirinir.r at a tiaae at the H. K. r.rner ol a tra-;tof land conveyed to H. II. Toon, by deed reorirded in book P at pae 201 of lb record! or aeena of taid Clarkarnat conntt. Oregon ;thenc lOde. l.'jmin. K,7'chain kj in ciaciamaa river; thence up aid river tot ha V W. currier of a tract of land conveyed by W W. M yer to Catir Moora oj oeei rtfiroeo on p.e z,t m txk of in record ofieeitol tarl county and ttate, Ihenc on taid llooraa W. line H It de 50 niln. W fc3 chaint to th X. boundary of irc n laim conveyed 10 jroti Urrlr by deed recorded on pair Uft of book P of th record cf deed of taid county and Hat, thence ' UUdeg W. 11 10 chain fo tb place of befrinnliiK, eontainlnK K acrea, more or leo, and that plaintill a hub o mrever quieted to taiu premitea and land, by appropriate decre of thi court, and for tucb other and further relief a may bej'ittand equitable, and for their cottt an n 1 mi arte in en ta In tint uit. Publication of thi tarnmont it made by order of tbe Hon. Thot V. P.yan. JodKe of me coiiiiiy courc or tne mate 01 Vregnn for the munty of Clackama. which order duly made and entered on tbe 1 It b day of AuKUtt, WjI. l Jir Sl 8cniri!h, Attorney for Plaintiff OASTOniA. Btanthe j w km mi Haw ajumh bohj Sipatue of ftS-7V JS;SsAj" PILLS They overcome Weak uew. Irregularity and orriiwdonn, increaite or and banish "paina I 4 Iff fin ta . t M.f-IUUll J!. t- .,-4. .-aj-1 tit. U F 4 tM K If l f tt, rtv tw. .1 ll.lrwi4rntlWlWw: ,--j.rl 7 W mi t .? ,i-4 H. tt . , tur to ta w W : U . U C3 ft 4 j n h I , W - t . ra it-a 1 ttaf i ma a. .. :J , x cull u J ) a , j va, trr4w. l-r 4 ta4 li j g . a t -v .4 ta I t ; nrf ta . ;t;. l! i,j a...':ai4nJT. i4 4a. -r 1 M.Vt.t4 km, !.1a a--! : . 1 ttatwwt-t mi C .a.aa. aa of ; A k-v-LnW kr.r m.ui imt im 4 1 , to M W l' kWul rU-a f. (nt t I U ur 1 1 a4 lor Mi it) DWi(;la Uii af ltt. IWiimi mm; ' iTr.ainilTiWtuil aarrn, ' I wrTt(wwi.w.i? i&rw , . t WJ. I a. racf MK of W ;.an -clla Mrri.. ta CttuiM.! a -3 rr ar a In, tfwtifltlt attt t.V 1 rt tir. o-rt'l 1 & ' rt.n j k - .m - - - - - . 1 r; ; U' avc'.b n ni. 4J olnana ', raat Itttcti to a toe; iac toalA 4) ' 4r. aaioblr a ci.ane to a 1 Kr V mtn -. n VS 6rrm, 4V a-lno'e! j t f -' to a on l' aorta MMirjWMti t-nm: tiT4a aurta 41 laf eaat A f tti- to IS tar of ta- r.i.r. eca'a. nt... 1 arrra, avor o (rat, la t art a rxroxly. Orreoa. xVftt.aif at !- awrtt.! biMf af laaac lijfVu. I lavl. or li4 txiaf! or-t a kir. lab aJor.f la lu af atri inliit'i tr It 1 a.a:r.y tUmtou Tirlt; tbec at r.fM a&jra r'i!.mj w-ttrry to 11 hi of a trat of r4 lurmar.y oDd ky L. D. tiard.r.f . U.tx CorUwriy ta-l bn 04 a4 Hartirf t t'arl of land '.') frit, Btorm or lea, to L I', Hardi'.f wn wtr; ltn- is aa eaeny direction lot. bortDet rwrrr of a waet 0 sail lrtn ' j onl by L-'y A. fcaraeu; Iherx mur-rty to It mAU- et fww of tat I tract furariy oaced ty i aid Lory A. BifwU, tl'f rol: tbei.r ! eatny an t'.ehr of id Ix y A. Kara ; rtl iracl Of larvl to lb place of bf'.unirf roo Umii'K l'J acr. lb aame bel' f part of Pbiilp F'er a I). U C, In Cackem fx:Jt.ty, Orefo. j PirinDlnt; at a point thirty fV-J feH t 1 of a her the tot) lb In of arci io hlr ; ; toanthtptao aooib. ran two IJ ttt of th M i,in.tt Meridian, crotaea U ctn'er of th Oregon and Caliloei'ta rail road, run nm therx Dortberljr, tracinr U eUrr. b-M.rtda'y lu. of i. railnl r ht uf wy to a boiui f-rty ' f ij rod north of taid teo lion nine thri a-t iralll a I'D ,.! ectwrfi line rJlty ibt 'A, rolt to lb Oondary ol tbeominty rod; thence in a ajithe'erly dire..-lnn ttvorg the tril boundary Hi of :d fjonty rod Mty and on-blf f -i rode to lir. of aaid arcjti i,li ti.i.'- rt thirty-nine 'V r! trariiic l eerlton lin to plra of lnn idnr. roiitaii.iiiK thirteen and tbrcee. ii acr, more or !, In Clar.kaina county. Oreon. Aito. lot to. three, four aiid :r, bUx k thirty i in Oregon City, oren. And I wi.l. on BATI P.DAV. cEprEMBKK It, l d. at the hour of 2: o'dock, P.M , at the front door of th Coaniy Court liou in th City of Oregon City, in aid Connty and H'at. aeli at public au t;n, (uhjectto redemption, to th hijrbett bid der, for V. &. -fold coin eb In hand, all th njr .t, title and tctereat abich tb aitMn tiamed defendant or tnrety or either of them have in or to the abov detcrihed real property or any part thereof, Pi tatny ti( extcutior., judnient order, deer, Interest, coitt and ail accruiiii- com. S. J. COOKE, 8beritTof Clack ama County , Oregon. Dated, Oregon City, Ore.. July XI, X")l. .ttfce for laklleailoa. Timber Land, Act June 3. 1X71 United State Land Office, Oregon Cl'y Oreiron, Aotr J X'uX. Notice ia hereby pven that In compliance with the proviaion of the act of Cohere of June 3, 1 171, entitled. "An act for the ale ol timber land In tbe Mate of Cali fornia, OrKon. eva1a and Watblnrtnn Territory," at extended to all the Public iiki mate Dy act or Auirtiet 4, ifTrz, FANNY N JAM180X of Portland. county of Multnomah. tat nl Oregon, hat this da filed in thit ollke her tworn tttlemeiit o :IVi lor the purclmwi of the H of w J and oX of tectinn No. 2H, in townthip No. $ aoutb. ranifB No 3e, of the W. M. and alll oiler proot u tlioar that the land aoiifrtit la more valuable for It timber or atone than lit agricultural purpotea, and to evtabliah her claim Pi iinl land before the lieKitter and Receiver of inn otllc at Urejron City. Oreifin on Tbur. day, the 2Uli day of October, l'H htie namei at wltneHe: ,1. 0 Uurke, liui Thornpton, i) P. M. Jarniton, of Portland, and Allien Knfrle of Moltlla Any and all persona clsimitie ailvertelv the aove dewribed landa are re'jiiette 1 to file their clalint In thi oflVeon or lx-h,r taid Zltb day of October, lti UI1AS. 15, MOOP.F.H, liegitter. Eruption-, cuts, burns, scalds and sores of all kinds quinkly healed by De- Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. Certain cure for piles. Beware of counterfeits. lie sure yoa et the orijjinal-DeWitt .. Geo, Harding. Ih i. w it i ! 1, r . ? : j .- t (:4 1 1 ! .1 Klif 1 W i- f u.. t...r. -i, .' l W U fa t.t f I ' i-u 1 1 4X . - I w tcrct!iJ i-t". , t "t r i i" U l:l b u t la 9 ! , ir" . . ,... . ;f . 1 i .T n . C trt -4 '-r ' J''" ... ? Z?. ' UJf t f 7 7 I ? L . ' ri!l ., fTC T" " f ' L-1 a 4 A if 4. 1'.. L AE:tN. A r:v4. ewe!; af H ik-imS. -' t4 lamxu (.1 i. ik,l 1 nioi. la ti C.m.t Cwrt lot V tat of Or art a eooe'y Mwp Jo&aaoa, pa.aii.1) T r F'' kJ"- dafrnrfaBt T frtek ibbatua, u above aa4 ' J 1 j in ic m it wata o ''c an twtil tn an or.ie ra W r4 eater! ty t He,a Taut F Eyan. of it. w If conrt of J en jti'y 00 it -.a day " Air"! l''t. dnwt ni that Ui iaarv ' (-ul-.had a toraif cvratra ' . Ifc firtt Miirati"n therauf to ( t a day of Aurai. 11. im ar I ky rjiirl to aitarar-4 a.'-tr tt !xpBl 61 artur.al yi tn t. t l twt4 i an or U- 71 at day of i Kptoo.br, lAl. Ul baif.f ll U4 dav of j 't li fevriSed in xt o"lr of pMii Un.ai.4 if yoa fa!) to mint of at ta, br I m iifrrx tt i I'll ai,l titlr U IM nturx for :6 renef tfeafrled .an om ptainl foit: 1'oradecra d.oivii. lb bof.dt of batrtatoay bow rliit-i-( to -ti arvd U. pUirt 1 aod for utof tb Ull. Urrjoa C:ly,0rfoo. A"ft . P 1. j.f xvyrtut. AVornoy ftjr h ,.Uii.lil. ('alyTreaaarer Waller. I now have i and to (y roaotv wtr ranti eodorte.1 prvjr to Kept. 17th. K, and a.eo roa-1 warranta eh.lof-.i ptior to !-:. U'.U. l'jnrj. Inteieat ce-a on the above inrlij-le-i warrant 00 the data hereof. Oregon tlty. Or., Ao. z;th. r.oi. A I.l tLU'., Traorer. Clackarnt foor.ty, -tJreg in. Kalrea I Irene Vice is hereby riven that I will ap- j.iy ro in city coonr.j at tie regular fiirtif.g for a licenae to !! liiitjor at my present p ace of hU'inet on Main tr-t net r ti ; ith sl reel. I.icene 10 date from Acquit 2M, 1001. Faasa NkMkt Orifon City, frgon. Auk Ti, I'm. Petltloa aad .allre. In the Board of County Comniltilontr't Court for Clackaniat County, Orej-m, To tbe Hon. Board of County Com ftuionr: We, the ondertiirnad, leytl volar of Harlow precinct, Clat kamaa county Orexoti, hereby petition your honorahl body to (rant a licenae to Cbarle Mchmldt of Par low prectnet, Clackamaa county, urarnn. Witell in Itarlow precint, Clarktrn county Oregon, oiall li;iior for th term of ail montbi front tb day of granting aaid Itceute in onanfltia lea than one rallon, lb parpoaa being to keep taloon for th tale of malt ll'jnort In (juantltie let than on ranon, in aaiu precinct panics Wnt. Parlow KK Irwin W BTull W Ilayer C O Tull X) O Freeman K A Willcx-k I. K Armttrong C V iiarluw J A Andrews KCAiidriis Anton Zee K M iirockett It M Dement Henry Hedges Jacob Pueck, Jr David Kue:k Name Oeorge W N'twton J PMay I W lilancbsrd W W Je.M L D Hoover Wm BTull C W Me.. B II liarcbsrt J W OiVey M Harhan W F Miller Aug P.otterberg Jakob Vingoipt W C Kendall J II King Wrn Kvar.a J Conoway HKvsns I) H Willcock M iletnar Win Hheppard P II Mulloy Ham Jtr.og David Kidd Carl Kueek J Hiieek, tr J F Yot O II Ooebel OA Arndt A it Widows II 0 Ziejrler Geo. Zieifler Notice it hereby (riven, That purtnant to the above iietllion Cbarle Hchmidt will. 01 the 21 day of October, 1)1, apply to the no-.ro or uouniy iommitmonert tor t:larka ma anty, Oregon, at th regular October PjOI ae-moii of the said board at the court house and board room of tald county, for a license to sell malt lio,uor in quantities lex than one gallon, in aaid Harlow n re el net, Clackamas county, Oregon, for the term of six months from g.id date. CIIAKLE8 SCHMIDT. Dated, August 2IJ, l'JOl. . ' " t - ic n. t 1. ForSalo. Jjara, ' t tia!-! a4 -KlrJ, ia T'' a )y w iKt 3 a! ol Or. r aC'v. A' Uej aiaatity tA -od I kat-1 r.k-a-ia al If fvk at O.wrgo. Any Tas ati'( taa . "rati C., ZJJ MevkKk p3i.J.rj, l.'afrl. T"af r (VI 4 Fro-a fr, t.st li?rlre?iM Vra !Ca- e (.a'j ,-,tf la (.rtp.v. ... srlj Bka's AroW-a fait to ft! aoraa ta 1 . t i ,.iu . ..I ...... 1.. ., w rr t-l-l all bef t. It wneit jauavirrsla Pi mtt, k:0 I'rup- ttoaa, Cu'a, frea, fUt aa-l I.'. T. tor f-iaratt ty (iao. A. limt!.tf. li :. Utlef Ut. Tb Vo 4 l- Viler ra te a r in l! .- at teT-4-m City, th , c. AarM 7 b, lA ; titn'l UaV. fv!a V Mr MV-eac V llt'M Da Mr M vf.ri M.M M! llaarlton M.ra Mr Paiker Kat Mr Ka'Ua " M l.A Mary Mr la t-4 lU Jr.. I aa's WT. Bailey f $ ljm lla'a t:i f B lot r'Bev ;r Ka!)laJa Mdeat, Cm, W hti t fin t.i::.( c.j.j l abia la C) (Xraart W I ia"uw W U f(iar Frar.k tfea'er Wro t l-tu Ui J it '(art A htroc t, J, If av !y It rvt-fa Jol.a Will.. m M J ur.o. r. nkTf?f, i. m. Tn Lafe. Tsra. A riU.Vorj dotHTr tails thi ft yarn: 1 always carry a Uvtl of Kemp's Ca'aam In my grip. 1 tak 4 1 ft!y an-J a d r of tb PJ- m alwtys trtke m a wl! raaa. F-veryaher I go I t;ak I ol tutj lor K era p. 1 tak bSl of my rrie'oot. era I uk oil men anj ynnj men, and tell tl.eta runft Icntially what t A- ben I take evil. At dru-zi!s. Tr sal Vie. Orei-a I Iff Xarkrl Kepart. (Crrita! to Friday. j Wheat No. I, &.V Mi.t,l. Iloor I'ortUtkl, Ul ar tW. K t per ak. Howards !, c r aark. i.i..su per i.tit. iH' In aack, ahiU. 4. ,erit pmt bo fuel, fTay. 44 llav old Tin.othy. $12 tr ton. Nw Tintotby, )4 to J pr loo. Clutrr 7 to I". tr tn. Mill.tuff- Bran, lis 00 per Ion. Iiorts, l.'l.tti (r ton. t!.op. 1 pr loo, br!-y, ro:leJ, .M U) per (n. Potato. n'o, To,- to !v rr ai k. F frra-w. ;j to ifc. ,r d0l,n. Butter Uam li. y, tt Z-'j .-rut r roll Applet, liravr-n.trii., 1,0 c to !J c per box. Other tarit're, V) C to 75 e r hot. Per, U.rUrtt. 7i c to 1 p-rtoi. B.Si kberiie. 3 to 3V r l-ox. tniiona, ebon-, le to t c r lb, (ireen Iaa, 2o per h. Irerel rfm kena, J() to W- t t lb Liveatm k and lrer inrat; la-ef, live. to .l M per hundred. Hn. live. 5 eta; hogs dred, "t; heep, 2'' to 3'4'c; aheep, drrd, .:; veal, dreawl, 7S;lsmla. live, J'.'c; lamia, dreel, o'e. iloand-J the r.ditrr. Editor 8. A. P.r-iwn, of P--nriettylla, 8. C, was once I-nmenaely surpruv-d "Throogb. lonj( sulTrring fro :ytp sia," lie wriUs, "my wife was greatly ran down, film bad no strengib or vigor and suffered great diatre fr-un ber stum acb, bnt the trie J EVlric Bittrr which helpH ber at once, and, aftrr tuing fmir bottloa, she Is entirely well, ran eat any thing. It's a grand tonic, and lU gentle laxative qualities ar tpli-ndid for torpid liver." For IndigMiion, Loss of Appe tite, Stomach and Liver troubles it's a positive, Kuaranu-ewlcure. Only Wc at Geo. A. Harding's. U H.KSITZ. iii Jooe, blM Bout q,, OooTiTJ.1. ,7LUhJr' t'"n- T" Oorvrl. wuoo, aterar Bi Weak an. or Gin,. iw, Jra,..C!iReI CONSTIPATION. Krlt. aar Cm.w.,. CHlMa, Umtn, aM e Tft. lit Bat a at. . . . . 1 POEM l o OVred the lorlnreanflha j.muJ si? taWkSS year. I ran airnu an... ..u..ni 'ir.10 in tiia CATHARTIC jk VVvsaoi tuaa aioarttrto . - ' - - - ' - l ltwi a. It . f Ir!r.tjeC Jt 4 t. 1.114-1., hV U ttkt a Tar A!k!n. l, tu-U Ub U JV-Iua II r. l ,t m, j,, W i all t kit tW f.-r s , r " Th Itiog wf irb d'.trt.;!,). tJitnf tn t Frmrb army tsilnf la Amcfaaa rIVt., Ir4 fcJi rr:!!a I ifat H U u(Iratn lixt onVr 1 If lb ruvim nUa4 ira. .Aa ofVr at: tjy t. a r,,,. , of arrgeaat, "Vtro bat b.la V as duo a.1 .i." hs-jinja trlttal ,ffrne. tn..r f' tn rj u a-to a(Uri vf tb of,ru j.m b ha o-Or-rf, It ocl J A, fc! j j- v t rr toaa.1 !n a Wilrf " Tt eClrwt tara 00 UrJ wau aar. abil tb anfuri... ... df U tdarr.1 ta a UaakrL wuk a.'- j t.-cra. Iar , laytrttt sj t. ! I r. ... .. IK tnrd ont'l th kaarr ar t!rl to r.jrt'nta. This ta gri tj f the tt sn rotcrs ira. r;-U!it y tbry are talf drik. wLvt tUy tr L'krty to ta. Tala Jivrri. tt. ntSa fo eot ef fao Jtut t,w. bn-taa oeversl l!lrtl a bo Lv t 3 taa-l t-a 1 tb Lai laat t d: s.'Trr tb di. Ptto. la eoro tt the rr-O' h Mtvii fsvortt tor(bi.l fanLhtt-rei la b tang tb offrtMllif a-4!r tip by k tee l and the t S;-ank t':a w'tk snord tayonet la Alj'cra. wUrvtb Bm-sj tr far ruotl to ti ufljj Ctrrtaiirts frota th Cretrtl ant-y Sbl at lt taerry f tbrlr V rttwtor they ara SVit.Jrrtrd to rr,atiy f a. af tattng at tb suggewibm of tb .,: m, At Olto lCo th "t'h," WS tttdrk BJ fatoy sftioeg tb hatrra la tb A!r.r army of t-ritkm. It rx-.'.i.d pott'.ng maa ta a oWp W.k ,td tb at (a of a rrvrracl faatl du t tbe A rata la tb grouod aa a j ! ft th mtunt of run. Tb Htf,tiau! ttaa was left tbrr ernwt!m- f r dji, attb tartTly anythtBg to rat or rlrtik and eip-ar-1 all tb Vto to t b bntt af tb ana. w ttla at alftt th fla' u nAt Maay t:4 from honfi-r. r-r rotd. at:l many oibera ttn b aane. Tb unitary aothofttUa a bra tby tavaaa a ar tt f iw- torture luurj aa oedrr pmhltdting tucb jur.lV Btrtit, hot It U Still pTB'-tWd H Ia4t-rd (arts of Algter abrr h raa f of which tb orn.-ra are afrabt. rVveral jesra agn Prtnr ;strt1 dArtg .n. a youog ttauttb h-i !. ns away frrjen bis bum and rrt to Ar r'ra to )tla th forrtgn b-gioo, lh rvfug for titro "with a L" Ills frtrnd snnitincrO to th Frntrb tclU Ury sotlH.Htlc that th prim tnJ gon to )la th Irgton, t ut C'- autborl. lira wrr able to get no wurd of lit srrivsL At Utt a boldhr u;;.Vr4 that prrbsja a trahS. r bo waailrrrd Into camp and bad nnU1 rat lt- J'.'V mlty In iaklng lmrh tht.hf I Its prim-. The srrgrant to alu-tn th prlrv lad sjkrn was drunk st the tlm ami hrrsoi annyr4 at th f-i"-lard'e hn,krn French, o b ordrtn! thst th ttrangrr ba place.! In the "rllo" altlwiut more ado. H-f Ua rnlarraMi. juuni man rvuialmM for days wltlxjut ratlna: or ilrlnkltK. snj thi n a g-nxl nstuml -ttry tm-ke th ml.- and sav hint foo-l. At he ass n-a-ur fmtu the "tllu" ll young matt atsrtnt for Hpnin. I.svlri ttuat thoroughly rrrohaldcrrd Lis l ti-rmlustUin to rtitt-r the cl hrat'd fon-lgn b-gloii. Atiotlicr form of punUhtnent hlrli 0aM to be popular u Ala'hrs ass tl "carran." A pUe of aool tuuslly tli trunk of a trrr, was u"-"!. Tb man was laid cm If, usually bound thst the middle of Ms bark would b rrallug- on the woixt. with his In-ad and fit-t hanging flown to the gwond. H feet were tld to an Iron bar a:id his hands to another, and. Uft lyluit ft'- upward, he was eoiM-d fur hours t th trnible heat of the sun. Home nirO have survived 12 hours of this torture. A form of punishment still iiiilf among the French culotilnl troops-thl U, popular wri those who Inflht It and not with those who suffer lt-l tti "rrapadlne." It cottalsta of thrwtn the man face downward and tylntf W arista and ankh-a U-hlnd his hnrk that his wrists and ankles aro hruuk-lit togfther.-New York I'resa. Am eMttarraaatatT lsh. Purttiir a funnv turn on thu singe tt fho Wnlrtrrt 8trii-t theater. Clmltni ono tileht a man In tho bnlcony over the railing convulsed with laSn' ter. During an extraordinary hurst of hllnrlty his false teeth flew from ! mouth aud fell In tho lap of a I"'1' ' who was sitting In the parquet Th near looked up and aaw tho tuothh's tnnn waving frantlcnlly to tho Indy t plck up his teetli. llilfl caused a P'n' ernl laugh at his expense. Tho t'"'IH were returned by an usht-r.-ExchuntfO- Where th Onllt Lay. "You sny the ploy was entirely w'1"" outn vlllnlnr "Ycs-thnt Is. If you chooso to omit tho author. "-Iiidlnnnpolla I'ass. CurlouHly, tho inen who aro easiest to get along with are tho very men who have no fiiciiity for getting alonff.-P" trolt Journal.