U 0 Curry X Oregon enterprise. VOL. 30. NO. 1'2 OKKOON CITY, OREGON, FJUDAY, AUGUST SO, 1001. ESTABLISHED 18C6 City (JKO. 1. JIUWAIWl VM .'.STATU AND INMUKANCK NOTARY PUBLIC i(rl I'lulit, . Colllt lloliie lllmk ' .....'hi.- ATTORNEY AT LAW OS ! Ofl I'Hf Knwn ri . A .1' li B) f-t o. ATTt'IlN'KYH AND fOU.Nhf.M'UX AT LAW Utl SfSSSf USSUO t'ITT, OHKUdX. furenl" "" n ill, M.nr. rf- Flocaeps;.. , Aro pretty hut you can't mako bread from thorn. Ilio Hour that tiiakcn tho hcHt Lrcal is manti fa;tun.( at Oregon City by tho Portland Flouring Mills, from old wheat by a(crit proccHH. Tako in other Sold by all grocers. O, HEADY FOR HOI'S TliouHii(l of Men, Women and Children Preparing to rick. 1AKUK UKLD 45!) FA IK FMCK1 JKO. C. Iiliun jw.i.i., ATTORNEY AT LAW M ill i isrilr Iti all tliarotirla of lb Slate. (iHiiU' ('nnl4 l'Ui.lli'. f t'.CAMI'UKm li ATToltNK.Y AT LAW, 0liol ci?. " VIII b(rtlr I IH! WittrU ( lb Stale. 01- r. la 4 0. V. Eastltntrt O. U. Pliiiirk. MMICK A KASTIIAM Attornovs-ftt-Lnw. CoiiiniTcUl, Ural Ktat atiJ Pro bate Law, FM'ciatlii-N. AUirsds of Title made, Money !oaned OrrgunCity, OrrKon A- ATTOltSKY AT-UW. 0eofr MrKiUfkk'iKhM Htore. near U Hank ol Oregon Cllf. Onitoa Citv, Owo. J W, MrANUI.TY Junllco of Uio IVac. Will attend looolWllont nd Mil reajealats. nVo Mala tUreot, Oip. Albrll.t MmI Market, UrefoflClty. V. t D'lta 0. loks.Vtl U'KEN t SCHUKUEL Attorneys at U. utr1j'r bvoliaL III practice in ! win, waks collections nd srtdemenla tif I'.e'ete. famUh Halfwit of till, lend yon woney and lend your money an flrsl ruorgas. Offlco In Enterprise Building. Oregon (,'Hy, Ortgon. in E ELECTRIC HOTEL tlaem Hot arid Ulrl bight. Itr.l Meal In mm al ti r.m., OREGON CITY Tho Only- First-Clais IhM in town. -Rates $1 day and upuierds. f ACOlt lAMKI., Proprietor. 1 ' ) 1 XT :.;ii;.': ;!';vi!iiiM--i:; i , r,illT!';:;i.. ( n flPT! (, lb .Bttiw an naiMa "ifi w i We are the agents for Premo Camera, and the price is re duced from 25 to 53 per cent. Tr; our gturanlnd (l"wr, U'f UrtlU, " " Tnlnff.4 fUtt Hl. !' " nilafBata, Va Latest Novelties In the Photo line at reduced prices. CHARM AN & CO. IJOUEUT A. MII.I.KK ATTORN KY AT LAW Ln1Tltlrniit Im! Office W ill tactiit iu all Colli U of lite State Kwtin . Wrlutiant UMil. Ojp. Court lloua, OrrKOB Cilr, Orrgon I Mm We carry the only Complete line of Caikru. Coflina, Robes, Lining, and lave the only Crtt dan and ap-to-Jaie hcarae In the county. Our rice arc Deter esorbitaBt. We guarantee aatlafactlon. , We caa (tvt you better good and better acrtice for tea money than any other umlrrtaVer In tbe county, Callt promptly attended nt(bt or day. Undertakers and Embalmers ft I trm viTaira,vL'- (IW Telepbona 413 and 304. 7th Street, bef. Bridge and Depot T'lr Trannpo tat o i I'umpanlea Tan-dta The-lr L'onofit ( aparHy-O. C. T. Co. til l Kirn r!itra lloata. DuiIiik Hi pat mttk nu-n, womnn and cliildren from I'uitlaml and every point along the lower Willamelta river tiave f"llt'C'-J tenting and tamping out fit a'iJUitl for the Willametia valley difllciiliy are the htar and ttia Undnay and McCutdieon, but they expect to overcome all trouMen there and have the mill running full at an early date, The itirprl'D of the day wan the I'ainter plant, which had alt mill mnning. Not a striker could m found anywhere Dear tba mill. VANCOUVER LOSE MAT MKAN WAK. M. C'nndani Lan t'onatantlnopla Wllhoat a alllmnl. rm, Aag. 27 A wmiofflclal note ha btien inaued, aonounolng that a the Porta had not carried oat its omlerUk ingi'h regard to the dinpa'ed quea lions between the French and Ottoman Government, M. Conitana, the Fmncb Ambaaaador, acting under Inatroctions from the Foreign Minliler of France, left Constantinople Aoguat 26, the date named In his last communication to the Porte on the euhji. Store Stood Seven to Eleren In Farorof Company A. BI) ACUDEXT PI.EASl'KE. QinrW-JTitr Nerrrant Raiiell ef tho Artillery Puff-re a Fracture fcftne Left Lfff. A larxe crowd of people wilneiwed a chly conUsteJ nm of baiHihall at Willamette Park Snnday, Tbe contest' ing teams had met on former wxaitious and knew the respective players and .1' 1 if iv - a V- .A r- 1 t ' . t - o zzz JZZZZZZZZZZ CLACKAMAS COUNTY HOP FIELD (Jt A. STl'AKT, M-n. (m. til WlHamrtle Plilf. Orienniy, 0-tn om.el.ouri: 10 a m. to I J w., I to 4 p.m. anil 7 l p. Blclal aiirnlln psld In RheumalJtni aim Ktmala iMareM-t. Call aiuwcrH day or nllit. JjU, FRANCIS FKKKMAN, -DKNTI8T- Oradiute of the North wr-at-rn Univer sity IVntal Hcliool, Chicago. Also American Collegeof lnUl Murgerr. Willamette Woes, Oiegon City. J) It. L. L. PICKENS, DENTIST. Prices Moderate. All Ojxrallons Uuarantoud, Parolay Building Oreiron City, Or. ANK 0P0KKUCN C1TT, Oldest Banklns Hocst is tie Cilr. Paid np Capital, IA0.00O. Burplui, Iju.nAU. rmnT, ceii-s a. crntP. ma miuHT, eao. a. a a am na. ami, . - a. a cauriam, A lannral banklnt bunlnmi tramanted. fonllt ronntvaifaiiblnoi to olmok. l'prood 1,111a ami iKiteidUonuntad. Oouiity and cltr warrama bniieht. Loana mda on available eourUy. KicliaiiKa limiKhtand nolil. UollMilimi mails priimptlr, . , . lmltamlil avallanlaln anr psrt of the world Telugraplilfl atflliansoi aold on I'ortlaud, ban rrauoliioo.ilklijaioaiiit New York. Bluruit i'aU ou if mo dojionltl. rpilK COMMERCIAL BANK Of OKKUON CITY, etpltal 1100,000 TAHH(!T 4 flKWRAMIAHKtH sntnM, Miani mails. Ill 11a dlaoountod. Mitkoi col- Innlinin. HiiTianiUolliexi'hanieon allpoliiti In Hie Oiiliud HtMtoa, Kuriipe and llong Konir. Upnalta riiculvoil iil.)m:l to obotk. Bank open from f a. a. to 4 r. M. 1. 0. LATOURKTTE, Prildnt. F. ;. MKYER Osiklsr. r. r., r. r. r r r. V r. r n r r, r, r. as Aftrr clinthlng the hilt, stop at Moore's Pharmacy On Seventh Street, Where the beat of lea Cream and Soda Is sMved. O O O SUMMER RESORTS. BOSWELL SPRINGS. Southern Tai lfic trains stop at hotel door. Constantly open for reception of rurata. Hath room connected with main building. Poatoflice (I nulls per dsv), I-'xprcsa, and Long Distance Telephone. Superior tn any Spring In America for the cure of Rheumatism, Stomach or Kidney Trouble, or Catarrh. Terms, f to wr week and up. fa per day. Location in Douglas Co., Ort-Ron. 1 r f 1 3 CAPT. BHND. BOSWELL, Proprietor. PRINTING OF EVERY DE5CRIPTI0N Wa ra prepared to execute first-clasi Printing promptly at the lowest prices consistent with skillful and Intelligent execution. ENTERPRISE PRINTERY Your Work Solicited. REDUCTION SALE. During tho month of September in order to make room for Fall Stock wo will greatly reduce prices on all Stoves and Ranges, Granite and Tin Ware. WILSON & COOKE OREGON CITY. Enterprise and W. Oregonian $2. bop Ce (Is. Thousands of acrea In Clack am a, Washington and Marioo counties are planted In hope. Tbe present season promises to produce larger quantities than nsual and with present quotations for hone the growers are enabled to pay good price for picking, which accounts fur the tens of thousands of people going Id the bop fklds. - lVgiunlog Wedneeday every boat np the river and every train waa taxed to Its greatest capacity In order to carry tb throngs of paaaengera anxious for trans portation, Every day numerous wagons loaded with tenting outfits and hippy faces paaa through the city en route for tbe hop fields to enjoy a two or three week's real outing. Tne season lasts scarcely three weeks and affords an op portunity for a healthful outing aa well aa profitable financially. Prices range from 35 to 45 cents per box and tbe aver age picker can easily fill five boxes per day and children average from two to four boxes per day. With these results every picker may return with from. (10 to 150 in caah, constitution built up and in many caaes health restored. Next to the pure air societies is the annual migration to the bop fields, and even at nominal prices for picking the common populace might well afford to enjoy the three weeks outing thereby afforded. An arrangement bad been effected An gott 17, and IU terms drafted by the Ot toman Foreigo Minister with tbe ap- eacb team waa fully determined to win the game. Cp to tbe fifth Inning tbe score waa KO BtTTLKMENT YET. T ha Report of Pac Negotiation for the Strike Denied by tbe I'owera. riTTsncaa, Aug. 20. The reported peace negotiations for the settlement of the strike, through the mediation of dis interested parties, officials and members of the National Civic Federation, received a jolt when President Shaffer, of the Amalgamated Association, tonight do dared absolutely that he had do official knowledge of such proceedings, and if such a move had been started it did not have the official sanction of the organisa tion. Nevertheless, the subject will not down, and tonight it is said the concilia tory committee of tbe Civic Federation, already prominent In the matter, la fully prepared to carry on negotiations and will, II necessary, endeavor to seen re the good offices of Archbishop Ireland, Bishop Potter, Daniel Ilanna and Seth Low, co members of their organisation, to give such promiuence to the committee that the proposal will be received by the steel corporaliou. In the meantime, both ides to the controversy make assert ious of a victory. The steel people point to the gdins thoy have made all along the line in the way of securing men and starting plants, while the Amalgamated officials say that instead of losing grouod the association la gaining every day, and while the combine line succeeded in start ing a few plants, they are not turning out mercantile material, and are losing money and breaking valuable machinery and in the end will have to ask their old men to come to the rescue. The steel people ridicule the claims of the association ami point to the failure to Induce the South Chicago and Du imesne men to go on a strike as evidence that the strength of the Amalgamated Association hns departed. The officials say tho only plants at which they expect proval of the Saltan, who bad promised i not allowed to rise above two runs and M. Constaoe that the text should be! banded to him Aoguat 18. M. Constant telegraphed to Pala August 19 that none of tbe promises bad been fulfilled, and al. Delcasae, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Aogott 21, telegraphed M. ConsUa thai, In flew of so flagrant a disregard of the undertaking, the negotiations could no longer be continued, and requested M. Constans to inform the Porte that be bad received orders to leave Constanti nople. August S3, M. Constans commu nicated with tbe Porte, fixing Angust 26 as the date for bis departure, and as the engagements were still nnkept, M. Con stans left Constantinople yesterday, the date named. Wilh the departure of M. Constans, the relations between France rd Turkey may be regarded aa broken off. Munir Bey, the Turkish Ambassador to France, who ia In Switxerland, has been tele graphed not to return to Paris. Tbe current affairs ot the two Embassies can be carried on by the Charges d'affaires, but all negotiations of a political nature will be entirely eusended until the Sul tan yields to the French demand. The French Government holds that the Sultan has broken bis word. He had promised full payment of the long standing indemnities to Frenchmen, amounting to 12,000.000 frances ($2,400, 000,) but at the end ol last meek de clined to pay the full amount, and of fered a reduced turn, which was refused by M. Cons' sns, who waited until yes terday and then departed. The Sultan made a final attempt to induce him to stay. Mr. ContUng had left Thereapla on board the Yautour for Starebont, where he was to take the Orient express, A court chamberlain arrived at Stara boul in pot baste from tbe Sultan, beg ging M. Constans to return toThereapia, and promising that everything would be satisfactorily settled. M. Constans de clined to return, declaring the time for prom'ses was post, and that it was for the Sultan to fulfill his under!? Vings. The French Government will tike do further steps in the matter, but will wait for the Sultan to move. It ia thought the Sultan will not allow the present situation to last very long. Oregon Mate Fair. Tbe Oregon State Fair at Salem, Sep tember 2Srd to 28th, 1001, inclusive, promises to be the best this year that has yet been held. New features for amusement and Instruction have been added, and particular attention will be given to tbe stock exhibit, owing to the great and constantly increasing interest iu dairying throughout the etste. For this occasion, the Southern Pacific. Co. will make a rate of ono fure for the round trip, from all its stations in Ore gon, to Salem and return, and it is to be hoped that everyone who can do so will show his appreciation by taking advan age of this opportunity to pass a few days pleasantly and profitably at our state capital. Boars tbs hB Kind Ycu Haw Always Bought the crowd was thereby afforded an exhib ition of good work on both sides. At tbe fifth inning in a close play tbe Quarter Master Sergeant of the Artillery received a fracture of bis leg near the aakU, eawaed by a rnnner of Company "A" partially colliding with and una voidably stepping upon tbe ankle of tbe baseman. The occurrence waa a source of regret to all concerned and somewhat marred what had been a most exciting and closely contested game, Tbe position of prayers and score was as follows: Company A. Vancouver. Lee RF Jones Hedges 2B Day Warren LF Smith Reckner .3B Brown Clark C..' Fenney Kelley SS Burkhart McFarland IB Russell Belt P Forsyth Jacobs CF Rockhaua 123456789 Company A 00141140 011 Vancouver 00020102 27 Summary: Struck out Beit 8, Forsyth 2; Double play Va icouver 1; Base ou balls, Belt 1, Forryth 3; Two base hits, Vancouver 2, Co. A 3 ; Umpire, Fleming. Company A and the Willamettes have arranged a game at Willamette Park for next Sunday which will probably be tbe last game of the season lor these teauid. In the Justice Court. In the matter of Mrs. Sherman Staley vs. her husband ou charge of stealing her watch and chain and some jewelry and money the case was np tor trial and speedily dismissed Wednesday for want of prosecution. On the 22nd of August, Mrs. Staley swore out a warrant for the arrest of her husband on the above charge but betore the warrant could be served and the defendant apprehended he had taken bis departure for Aberdeen, Washington, which fact was ascertained by tbe direction upon bis trunk which he had left at the express office. Constable H. S. Moody with requisi tion papers from the governor of Oregon, proceeded at once to Aberdeen, in the meantime informing the officers in Aber deen to be on the look out for Staley when he called at the express office for his trunk. Constable Moody had no difficulty finding his man on arrival at Aberdeen, and soon returned bim into court. In the mean time Mrs. Maley concluded her husband was not the bad man she had at first thought and on the arrival of hor husband absolutely refused to prosecute him. There was only one thing left for the judge to do and accord ingly Staley was released from custody and the costs ot the proceedings taxed up against Mrs. Staley who instituted them. Mrs. S. H. All port, Johnstown, Pa., says: "Our little girl almost strangled to death with croup. The doctors said she couldn't live but she was instantly re lieved by One Minute Cough Cure." Geo. Harding.