Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, August 23, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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I News of I ho Week
t ift a.A-A,.A A A A. A. fkaM
Friday, August 10.
Maximum tenierature: i3 degree.
Two Amori.'ni made the ascent of
the Alps Id an automobile.
Three new torpedo loet destroyer!
were launched at Haliimore,
Northwestern baseball: Portland, 1;
Seattle, 0. Spokane, 7; Teeoma, 3.
Cresoeus won the f 12.000 trotting race
from Ttie Abbot, breaking the world's
recorJ lor a mile. Time, 2 ;03 V
J. Pierpont Morgan atarta a labor
profit-saving scheme. Ttie employes of
the etoel trust will have a chance to
purchase stock. The trust employs
Itio.OOO men.
Mobile, Ala., ia isolated Irom the out
aide world by a norm. Hack water in
the Mississippi at New Orleana has
flooded the lower sections of the city and
railroad traffic ia delayed.
The Pennsylvania democratic state
convention adopt a platform. No ref
erence ia made to Bryan. Only state is
nee are commented npon. Jndge
Harmon Yet kea was nominated for su
preme court judge and Kepresentatire
Andrew Taint for itate treasurer.
Cruiwr Philadelphia will start with
the Oregon Naval Keecrva teit. 2, lor a
one week's cruise.
The latest estimate of number of per
sons drowned l'V the wreck of the
Islander is 42. Officers of the slip are
charged with Uing intoxicated, but they
deny thia.
Commissioner Hermann, of the
general land office will recommend that
the U, S. marshal be ordered to remove
the fences erected by the Jesse Carr Co.
around 80,000 sen of the public domain
in Northern California ami Southern
Oregon. The ranttee should be free to
Saturday, August 17.
British party of fifty scouts surrend
ered to a superior force ot Boers.
A message waa sent from the Lucania,
rS7 mile from Sandy Hook, to land, by
wireless telegraphy.
The gulf storm is moving north. The
wind blew 70 miles an hour at Mobile
and much damage was done in the city.
The control of the Pethlvhem Steel
Company and the Bethlehem Iron Com
pany will be assumed by President
Schwab ot the steel Uat.
Twenty-five hundred employes of the
steel trust at Joliet, 111., join the rauks
of the strikers and the Amalgamated
Association ia greatly cheered by the
General Uribe-Uribe, the Colombian
rebel leader, is planning to overthrow
the government and Nicaraznana. Yen
exaelans and Ecuodoreans are joining
Lis standard.
The navy department baa sent the
cruiser Ranger to Panama to protect
American interests and the battleship
Iowa is nnder orders to so. The Phila
delphia will be put in order so that she
may be sent.
Sunday, August IS.
Colombian invaders driven back from
Baseball: Portland, 3; Seattle, 2.
Tacoma, 7; Spokane, 1.
Damage caused by the gulf storm is
not to tad as first reported. There were
lew latalities.
The San Francisco strike ia very seri
ous arid affects all California. Ten years
will not see the end of embarrassments
created by the past month of strife.
Two carloads of powder exploded on
the Southern Pacific six miles north of
Glendale and II cars were blown to
atoms. No one was serioosly Injured
vuufuiuuon aeieata iJolumbia in a
trial race by only 68 seconds. This is
toe eighth race the Constitution bas won
out of a total of 14 with the Columbia.
President Hays has resigned the presi
dency of the Southern Pacific, on account
of some changes in tbe management of
tbe system, to which he was opposed.
Suits for the recovery of sums aggre
gating $13,000, alleged to Lave been
withdrawn from the endowment rank,
Knights of Pythias, were filed in tbe cir
cuit court in Chicago by the Supreme
lodge of the order againt John A. Hin
ey, ex-president of the board of contra!,
and Henry B. Stolte, ex-secretary 0f the
Wednesday, August 21.
Baseball.- Portland, 4; Spokane, 3.
Tacoma, 13; Seattle, 0.
Battleship Iowa sails for Panama.
She will make the trip In 12 days.
Finance committee of the Portland
charter commission fixes 7 mills as the
limit ol the city tax levy, exclusive of
Judge McConnell dissolved Injunction
granted two weeks ago In a cane that in
volves millions of dollars. At Duck-
town, Tenn., 14,000,000 have been in
vested in the copper industry and two
mammoth smelting plants built. About
40 farmers claim that their land has
been ruined by the fumes from the
plants destroying all vegetation. They
filed suits for damagvs and were granted
injunctiona, the observance ot which
practically shut down the plants. Three
thousand men are employed in the In
dustry and one feature of the hearing
was the presentation of a monster peti
tion, signed by 3000 citizens, asking the
dissolution of the injunction. The Ten
nessee Copper Company and the Duck-
town Sulphur, Copfer A Iron Company
are the corporation involved. Tbe
former has spent :!,000,0iV) and employs ,
Lost Hair
" My hair came out by the hand
ful, and the gray hairs began to
creep in. i tried Aycr s nsir v
snd it stopped tha hair from i
Int. out and restored the color."
Mrs. M. D. Gray, No. Salem, Mass.
There's i pleasure In
offering such a prepara
tion as Aycr's Hair vigor.
It rives to all who use It
such satisfaction. The
hair becomes thicker.
Ionecr. softer, and more
glossy. And you feel so
secure in uslnc such an
old and reliable prepara
tion, it at a Mile All Owthti.
If toar drarrtsl nutnol mi-Mr vou.
Sni us on liir tnl will sirra
Ton a twill. It uraan.t viva th urn
I JVUf arl trM offl.-, A..tra,
J.l.ll1VI 141WVII, MM.
literary V trs.
Among the notable feature of the Ar
gonaul for August 12, l'.XU. ate: "The
Premiere Panseuae of Dog Rib," by V.
J. Lampton, a story of rivalry to the
death In a mining camp;' "The Courier
Maid." a foreign letter from Covington
Johnson, describing a picturesque and
useful feature of Continental travel;
'What Is Your Kate?" an extended re
view of Marvaret Mayo'a recent aatrolog-
cai wora, wur r aie ana me .iiae,
in which quotations of some of the strik
ing auguries are given ; and "Our Consu-1
lar System," an article recounting some '
of the difficulties and amusing incidents '
notel in the American consulates abroad. '
Tnlted 1lrthrt-tr. tfighlh and Pierre
ilreeln. Jif v. Corking, pastor. Nervlers
.vary flnnilsv al II a. 1 1, ami 7,.t0 p. m. !
Mumtav school ( 10 a. lit.: young pol.-
meeiiiiK al tl .10 p. lit. t prayer masling
rery Weilmlay sveulng.
hkst tiAi'tittr ciirncn.-nv. j.
ii ..i. ....lor I'rMi'lilim Mrli'
vry Hundav at 10 .Wand 7;Wp. in. Hum
lav h'IhmiI at I J noon In I p. m. Jnnlors
... In the aflarnooii ami III Heinor doling
Pninls'a K'cli'iy an. I Ilil'le siiiily cl
n i in Tlnirailav fvvnlna. rra-nlar
prayer tervic al 7 . p.m.
ervnlng, llllil aliiilv elaMal Y. M. C, A
rooms led hv III alor,
'........ ii.i.ii.i .Mrvl, iha llril Hun-
...-at. ...... -
..i ii iiniiiiii .1 u'l'liM'k ii. in., eon-
dn. lixl hy Iter. Albert llraner.
Kvtiirlli-al l.uilivran, .ion l oiigregainin
Cur. Kighih anil Jrlturwiii ri a. Itv
Mr.vrrn, palir. Hundav w lnml at U ..HI a.
m.i aenlcesat un a'a. m. aim f ;.Hp. in
VI V tl..i,il,l.'v T I. Ilavlisa Ka.lur.
TMid Miimlar al t'lilisil Hreihren ctnm h,
Fre MrlluxllM- Hv. J. W. KU1ri.1i:, pas
t.ir. i'rvarhlng lirt and llilfil lr.inai
II a. in., riil r iiirviiua iry i iiur"i7
vvviillia. (Hrlcr livlit In Ilia Cuiigrvga
lliinal ilniril) al Kit vllle.
ii l-i vt-ii r ii i-1- ir 1 1 ii.. iv.!. i, r.,i,.
UrrKtl.inl cliiircli. hunilav Mrlr will b
ailollo: I'rvaclilng ( M..W A M. I r
ltf. J. M'irlalt ItirdaMi, II. O. paior;
bl'tath fho.il al 3 I', M : wrfkly ravrr
iiirvling .lnr.ly at 7. t I1. M.; rlrira
linn ol llis Lord supper, Miond Sunday of
r a I) iiionlti.
-P 3 Ml N
J S JV liJ
in u
Family Modlolnoo.
For Couffbi. Colds. Urlr. nr
. . ' sT
"Ooia"ln ANY PART of body,
Cough Honey.
t rr- Ibr. r
r.l.lirt IftjH V. TH K of IV mrnli
every Wpdnemlay evening lu lted Men'
I. . 1 1 'U.i,.. L'.I..Ii.I,...Ii..Ii...ii....I
nan. iMtiniriiijiiiaiii iiu IV lll'll1!,
J. IVkover, K. of K. and S.
Order of Washington. Nonparlel l'nhn
,t .17. liiMla imv SAlnr.lair avniilnrf
at W illamette ball. Mrs. l.otlio Kolry,
A. l. U. W. meets every Saturday
... I a a a . i. I .a . a aa t
rvriiiiik; rirriH inn 111111 n dv ,, i, l
lt .. . ai
ii leinpie. n. j. iianung, recorlrr.
Kelkaha Wfltametle lttekah hxlg
AO. 2 lliei'lS SrCiinil ami I inrlh hfi rtV nl
eacli inonlh at I. II. O. r . Tenr.lB -
.Margaret w lillama Mftntary.
Clackamas Cliapter No. J. It. A. M.
meeta on lh tblnl MoiidaV nf earb
month in Maomo Hall. M. lUillack,
Blood and Liver
Remedy and fjBrun Tnnin
Orsal Jilood Ctsanslng mdy for lirlnf .
lladcli, t'omlii'auou,' Tllu, parvaua.
Dyspepsia Cure,!!
Ur.l l... rrllar i I.. Dm i !' Utiii
vr. rsnaar s aiousy aa Bar,rtlt c:i
n inn a ar(a I mi, J, ai tt, h,,frs
uaava.crar..iiir p,.. j,,,,.,. -lliriw
. I l.n.fa .MrHi.MaV.
Mylfhaa .lf. M. .-tia lli,,,.;,U
vt m ! i fi.iim.a miiIh.i,i i,. i I
r,.ur iu. I )f r.na.r i filb.L,
Cur ami Hi u f ll aiWi.'.i lru "If1
........ .I...H.. I
tun fur artnal III.. Ill I.. ll T .,
i...k s ..nr. r.na.r iuJJ
Llv.r r..w.dy and Pt.rv Tnu ',u.i M
a in.i'li'i rur.
Golden Relie
..... ... aru, U..Z
Imllar rr ll.al lir ui.H-.T''
anon bat lrii i nr,,i ,. J "7
My lrar I if IVirnrr. Ir.l,.i,l, y. "
f ba u4 br, raa.r s Oold.a k.n.o .
;; i-r in ii-. ..., lUl"
fulljl .Ual I.I all U I l.llll jut II ""'
rtsaldlBf tlif,MV0
' . .. . "sa.
1 1 - vma, pimiii earns oil totm.
v I eeuwt w . av wva a luuuiaa. ia iit.riii.
City and County Official Paper.
Tlie Board of County Commissioners has awarded the county print
ing for the coming year to the Exti-ufkise.
The City Council has awarded the city printing for the coming year
to the Enterprise.
If you don't get the ExTERruisE,you don't get the county new.
The Enterprise has the largest circulation of any neufpaper in
Clackamas County.
Now is the time to subscribe.
Monday, August 19,
Baseball scores : Portland, 4 ; Seattle,
3; Tacoma, 2, Spokane, 0.
Steel trust ia preparing to start idle
mills with non union men.
Samuel Morse Felton, president of the
Chicago Alton railroad company will
be the near president of the Southern
Tension rolls contain 997,735 names, a
net gain of 4,200 over last year. This is
tbe higbwater mark in the history of
the bureau.
Steamer Islander, from Skagway to
Victoria, struck an iceburg off Douglas
island in a thick fog and went down,
carrying CO souls, including passengers
and crew.
The threshing of fall wheat is com
pleted in most parts of Linn county, and
ilonday threshers will begin running
on Bpriiiu nlieat, which, different from
most years, is reported superior to even
the lurge crop of fall wheat this year.
lue average of fall wheat is placed at
approximately 20 bushels, kept down
somewhat by poor farming in some
2000 men ; the latter bas spent $1 ,000,000,
is ready to put in I4.000.0JO more, and
employs 1000 men.
Thursday, August 22.
Baseball: Spokane, 6; Portland, 2;
Seattle, 17; Tacoma 7.
Diplomatic relations between Franre
and Turkey are broken but it is believed
a solution ia possible.
Virginia republicans nominate J.
Hampton Hoge for governor. J.
Blair for lieutenant governor and V. L.
Grower for attorney-general.
Census bulletin shows Portland to be
the second healthiest city in the United
States. St. Joseph, Mo., takes first
place. There were 3,390 deaths in Ore
gon in 1900.
Iowa democrats reaffirm the Kansas
City platform and nominate the follow
ing state ticket: Thomas J. Phillips,
governor; G. E. Ferguson, lient.-govern-or;
John Shortley, supreme ludis: W.
P.Johnson, superintendent of schools;
A. 0. Bryce, railroad commissioner.
Pennsylvania republican state conven
tion nominates Wm. M. Potter for su
preme judge and Frank G. Harris for
treasurer. The platform on which they
were nominated indores tbe national
and state administrations and the official
acts of Pennsylvania's United States
senators, commends the last legislature,
concedes the right of labor and capital
to organize and denounces "yellow
ind fhrap Round Trip Exra'tlua Rate
Of the A. k C. K. K. Make a flit
With the IVille. '
The Popular Portland-Seaside Express
leaves Union Depot every Hatunlav at
2:30 p. m. and runs through dirrct with
out transfer arriving at Astoria 5:.V) p.
m., Gearhart 5:40 p. m., and Seaside
5:60 p. m., making direct connection at
Warrenton for Flavel. Leaves Seaide
returning on Sunday at 5 :00 p. m., Gear
hart 5 :10p.m. and Astoria 6:10 p. m.,
arriving at Portland 9:40 p, m., thus giv
ing pasoeugera Saturday night and all
day SunJay at tbe beach.
Regular round trip evcuraion tickets.
aood until Sept. 15tb. 4.00. Saturday
round trip excursion tickets, good to re
turn Sunday evening, 2 50.
Connections at Astoria with Steamers
Nahcotta, and "T. J. Potter" for all
North Beach point.
Ba ti. jf The Kir.il Yoo Hart Atari Brf
Tuesday, August 20.
Several mills closed by the strike were
tarted up by the steel trust.
Will Godley, a negro, was lynched at
Tierce City, Mo., by a mob of 1000 armed
Unless the authors of the Chinese mas
eacres are punished the British troops
ill not be withdrawn.
Don't give them tea or coffee. Have
you tried the new food drink called
GRAIN-O? It is delicious and nourln!i.
ing and takes the place of coffee. The
more GRAlN-0 you give the children
the more health you distribute through
their systems. Grain-0 is made of pure
grains, and when properly prepared
tastes like the choice grades of coffee but
costs about M as much. All grocers sell
it. 15c. and 25c.
Sunday Services.
St. John's, Catholic Rev. A. HillH.ratid.
paawir. un oiiniiay, man. at 0 and Io::tu a.
m. Third Sunday in each month, German
sermon afters o'clock man.; at alt other
niat.se. Klltrliull inrmnin Nm..l.i..,.l i
at2:.'i0p,ni. Veapera. apologetica! subjects
aim vciicuiUHUIl at ;.W p, Ml.
German Evangelical Lutheran Iminan
rial Cornel Eiifhlh and J. Adam, at.;
Rev. Krneit J. W. Mark ........
school at 10 a. rn. ; weekly service, every
Thursday at (j p. m. German school every
Saturday from 9 to 12. Everybody Invited.
Methodic Episcopal Church Key. K. A.
Atkins, pantor. Morning service at
Buuday Hctaool at 10:00. Clans meeting ait-r
morning- service. fcveiil Ilff lervfpM l.tui
a Leiiriie meetini Mnn.i..
What A Tale It TellH.
If that mirror of yours shows a
wretched, sallow complexion, a Jaundiced
look, rootb patches and blotches on tha
skin, it's liver trouble; but Dr. King's
New Life Pills reirulatn tlm li VAP rmrifw
the blood, give cleA skin, rosy cheeks.
rich complexion. Only 25c st Geo. A.
Harding's drug store.
epwortn Leiiriie meeting- Hundav evening al
H M, braver Mei-tli.a Thur.rf.. ?
strangers cordially invited.
!. MolltafOinerw Vmmlr.w Ua.nu. .. . '
7 JO p. Halbath Hch'ooi at 10 A. M. Youiii
, r.nueavnr meet,
.very Hiindir evening at 0:80. Ihutsdar
evening prayer meeting at 7:80. Beats free.
ghtli arid Madieon street, Key. H. Copley
pastor. Hervices every Hahhutli at 11 a. m
and 7:4H "n ... Hiui.. ui i .-. .
1 rayer meeting 8 p. m. All are welcome
Kev. r. K. Hammond, Kector. Hervices
every Sunday at 11a. m, and 6:Wn. ni.
Bunday achool at 10 o'clock, Other services
as may be announced. All seats free. Btran-
wtuiony invitea.
Corner nr M n inH Vt..,...n. ... ...
v u ii mi u.onn, nirceiB uev,
Tn ' J!o" nKr.LPMtor. Morning service
10:30: Hundav Hr'hnn ! 1....1... r?..
0, i. r. h. U E. prayer meetinir :,'):
evening service 7:30.
Court Kobin Hoj. No. 9, Korrtrs ol
America, meets first and third Friday it
the month In :.1 Mrn'a Hall. W. It
Stafford secreUry; Flits Meyer, chlei
ranver. '
Willamette Falls Camp No U, W. (1
W. meets 1st and 3rd Frldais In the
Willamette Hall. C. C, 80I. rt. Walker
and clerk (i. Olds.
Order of IVn.Ici ftttatai atfaaSt ll.kM.l-a
nlithl at Itedinen s ball. 111 Cniii.lor,
3. B.ricrlplur.; Mr.. May Taylor Mcr.tary
Oreunn f'llv Pamn Vn RjJ'jI i.l
Woodmen of America meeta every aerond
and fourth Tui-.tay In the month, at
.Willamette Hall G. (irosaen bather,
Catholic Knighla of America St. John's
Bianch No. 017, inwls every Tuesday of
the month.
Tualatin Tent, K.O.T.M., meets In
Red Men a H, every Tl urmUy even
ing. K. K. Taylor, record keer.
Meade Post No. 2, G. A. It., meeta
drat Monday evening In each month at
arm wiira naturnay in each month
1 oVIw k p. m. in W'ilamette Hall.
1 . Colbert, Commander.
I.awton Pnml.ian.l Vn 1 .1 r
Union eterans Lnu.n meets second Ht
urday 1 p. rn. In Kedman'a hall and
fourth Saturday at 7 p. m. In T. K. Cow
Pioneer Chapter No. 28. (). E. S. meets
the second and fourth Tuesdays In each
month at Masonic Hall. Mrs U M
Strange, secretary. ,
Oreifon Lodira No m i o n p
every Thursday in Odd Fellows' Hall.-
1. 1. nyari, secretary.
Falls Kncanitiment No. a T r n v
meets first ami tl.ir.i t. 1.... i .' .'
. . "i,t""t in even
moiiiii. juiiHon Howell, Secretary.
Iledmen WaclipnoTrlha V n t
O. - . ...w ..w. ..J, llll.l,
. It. M.. meeta Tn..u a . n .....
atlted .Men's Hall.- . . hMnwCu.
of It.; Hairy Baxter, sachom,
Multnomah Loilim Vn 1 a v a i
. r , ,n . - - o. HI .,
meets (IrKt und ll.inl Ktnr,i,.. 1
month at .Masonic Hall. T. V. Hv..
secretary, ' '
Mea.l Relief Corps No 18, meets at
Willamette Hal tlm flrat .. i
every month at 'i o'clwk p. in. and the
third Monday In every month at 7.-;ui
0 clock p. rn.
United Artisans meet im..r t.m.u.i...
?,e,Vin,!.,?, ea:h ,"0"t,, at l,IM Willaitmtte
Ha l. 1 he anciul mitnlinif 11. 1. 1
1 1 n 1 wrimr
is socond IhurHeay of each month. K,
11. uooper, secretary, w. liollack M. A.
Lone Pine LodiA. Nn mi v ' 1. 1
M.. I-oifan. Or., mei.ta nn il.o .i.,-.i
Saturday in each month from the 1st ol
May to 1st of November at 2 p. m. and
from 1st of November to lot of May at
10 a. rn. Geo. C. Armstrong, Sec.
Ancient Order of Red Cross-Oregon City
Lodge, No. 1, mei'ls second and fourth Frf.
days In each month In Willamette ball, 1
01 lfsi.aMi nMst,
Oli VHUb aJdllUB iuzz;r
aakytxirdrttgiui ny Alwanas for isol containing da.criptiona of th. KaiMiia.L
CrlllUaUe of Uta itutal i.maikable car, sv.r acbl.v.4 ty nitdklm
For Sale by C. G. HUNTLEY, Druoplat, Or cpon City, Or.
Niuitl Ciittsrrli ii. !y yl- Ma t trt.
nienl ly I'ly'a C'-mii lulm. al.i. t la afcr.
aUy aMumtio. it it i.tvc. ll.c
h.tri!, e!nana4 and lit.!. Ilia li..a i:r
1 . t . :.. h !1 il.T.i. I! -:f. 1 ni -Uli
a. !1 ll.o .V 'lr:! ly lnil. 1'
mill, 'I .- I .1 an t )" i I" cvtiUUUi
iito trw!u.. tit.
, liliiiilturliiflit.
Tu a--.i t. In. j ali i ar l adlal
In Ilia UMvi.t n l III k't !, 'I g li'l'll U
ll I 1 tl.o i' i.d ) a'.rtfcra f- r 'i rf.it (.
Uit, III.. 1 1 j r .. t .ta J r-- i t iram ..'ni In
ti jtli I f. r.11. !,l ti willla kl-...u aa I lr'.
Ij-IU. I I'l.aiu J -i':u, l fn !!!!! ti tl..
1 K lul Is 71 ". It-iift'1 r If
tnaiL Tlia S'li. form r'nlx.l ea tha lnX
Iclual 4ipcru. i f '.ha a. l.d r-tatiutt.
In'l te atif.. a It It iKtniHtrarv
ISvf ffulll Indtgratloll. Ko-lu ly.l4p.ia
ctirra rmanntly and cuitdiely
inovea this n.inplalnl. It irlievra prr-
manrtitly bsx-auaa it altoas the lirvd alo.
math i(ri- rwl. lining won't rl
it.a s'omach. Nature rtxrlv.a auppllae
from the food eat. The iwn.itil. way
to help the atotiia. h la to u Kolot I')a-
pepai Cure, wl.lrb !LiMta vihat tou .at
and can't help but do yuu gowl. Uvo.
O. O. Huck, lUlrne, Ark., says: I was
IroutilK.) aith rmtii-stl.pn until I
txitla-lit I Wl'l's Little Karly-ldaara
Suite then have ! ei.tlrrly cured tf
my old complaint. I recommend them.
Uno. Hsrdlng.
(MMtiiir in mm.!. ,Vati(it
or tan I lttr lliaii a MlUhril. I
.1. . . . 1 . 1 .
I..V iit.iii in iiw ailM a I II IT. I
aflrr long lh..r.i.ivlily -w.ij j,
wav'.ili I r: In.tird. r 11 tmiuuA .1
.rtxriunrd, and nuts the l-!iiit
any 11 ta nrariv ?o rar. tln.r iL (i
I Mitihrll wagun was Ullt. and tlirt b..t
, l--n t.uiil (oiitlnd.Mi.lv rvn situ if iW.
iMllihrlla. When you l.uv a UlttK.'.
VM grt 111. lirDrfit ul till 7 ')f.!l,v
Mitchell. Lewis & StavcrCi
First and Taylor Sis., Portland. Ortf-e
Now Is the time to buy your wall paper
and MUKROW, the jr hanger, will
sell it to you cheater than you can buy
it in Portland . Drop a card in the ot-
office and .have a sample book brought
to your house, or telephone Kly Bros.
J. MURROW. Oregon City.
Do You fh
Know the News f
You can have It all for
.."0Illi!r f orrd
tatire tIrihoiie win is
Oregon, Washington, Ci!i
fornU and Idaho not in
ojx-ration by the I'k;5
Matiun Tclrjifione loo
I'unjr, covering 2,J5
Quick, accurate, cheap
All the) satisfaction of I
txrsonal cututiiuniratiua.
I'istatice no eflrcl to l
clear understanding. Pto
katto and Han KrannKO
easily heard n Port-
Oregon Cltjr office at
Hardings Druic Store.
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land. Oregon. It Is the largest
evening newspniNr published In
Oregon j It contains all the news
01 ma mate aim of the Nation.
try it or a month. A sample
cory will be mailed to you free.
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Portland, Or.
LUerj, Kee and SaleHubli
located atrwri tub aaitxii n
Double and Hingle Rigs, and (a)
dlhomea always on hand at tfcf
lowest priceti. a corral) connene
with the barn for loose atock.
Information regarding any kind
stock promptly attended to by persoss)
Horses Douarht and Sold
Horses Boarded and Fed on rsa
able terms.
Utabllatied tmti.
Dyspepsia Cure
Uifjcsts what you cat.
This preparation contulnn all of thn
dlgfiHtants and dlgcHts all kinds of
foml. It gives InHtunt relief and ncvor
fallB to euro. It allows you to cut all
the food von wnnt. 'nm...,,u ..i.i
Btomachs can take lb. Hy luuso many
thousands of dyHrw-ptlcH have been
cured after cvnrythlnK elmi failed. H
id uucquitllcd for all stomach troubles.
It can't help
but do you aood
lVr.an-d only 1,y F.. a. IrVirr AC !n dhleaKO
lho It. bottlBcoutulnsZ times tbuboc. slxe,
I. llmm
rrangfep and ipttt
Freight and parcels delivered
to all parts of the city.
Tills Is tli. season for shirt wl,,l "
c.crr w.ininn iiUHiii i.i .." --- ,
tlir hitcst atylr. ami Kls for tl !
nncs.ary Mrtlclr, Wc will seiiil l ,
h... woiiini. win. 11. t....
nun aoiirrna
Hu. m .. . . 1
MOIHt," the finest fnalilon mK' JJrr.
thr worlil, whlih xlvra hunilrrils ol '
... . .1..1....'. ..I..II-I. Bl'u,u
.... iiimimh, (finny nip."." .
Ilifnrnliitlon lllmut ilrraa. .Mr,
Hlnule copira .'Iftc each orl.l.flop"'1
at all iicwsiiculcrs.
MOIlK-llltnJOHTO?l "Viir
a ' . 1 niii .ira.i. "