Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, August 23, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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Legal Notices.
."tlrej lr Publicities.
Timber Land. Art JuneS.10.
United Htat l.n.t Oitlce, Otegon Ciljr,
Oregon, Junt 10,
Nolle it herehy irtven ht in compliance
villi th provision of tb Ad of Court
of June S, 1ST8. mlilied "An act for lh
Ml of Umber land in Ibt tiaie o( Cali
fornia, Oregon. Nevada and Washington
Territory," a ei tended to ell the Public
lnd States bv act of August 4. 12,
tf Hpringwater, county of Clackamas, Stale
of Oregon, has this dav filed in ottio
kit sworn statement No. M.7. lor the pur
rbeseof th lot Snf Kection So. H, in
Township No. S 8, Range So. 4 K.end will
mfier prmf to show tht th land sought li
tnor valu.bl for its limber than for agri
calturml purposes, end to establish bl
claim to mM Und More tb llcgister and
Keceiverof tbis offices! Oreeon City, re-
Cm, on Monday, the 2;tb day of August,
lit name at witn-sse:
W. J. Lwlln, Sm Kalney, John Reed,
John Stormer, til of 8pringweter, Oregon.
Any and kit rson claiming adversely
th Bbove-deonteJ land ar reo,uetl to
El their claim In this office on or befor
Mid A.th day ol AKust, I'M.
In lb Circuit Court ol tbt Stat of Oregon
for Clackamas County.
Louisa E. York, plaintiff!
IT. H.York, defendant.!
To W. H. York, defendant.
In lb nam of th Stat of Oregon, yoa
re hereby required to appear and answer
the complaint filed against yon in the above
entitled luit on or befor h iUtt dy of
Beplember. IM, tbit bring tb time pre
scribed in the order ol publication of sum
mons, end if yoa fail to answer taid com
plaint, the plaintiff (Till apply to the court
for the relief herein prayed forlo-wil: A
decree ol divorce from Hi boi.dsof matri
mony now ending between you and lit
plain lift, and that taid bond b forever
Tbit summons u publithed by th order
of the Hon. Thomas K. Ryan, Judge of the
county court made and entered th 3Mb
day of July, UJI. and the date of th Brt
publication i July J's and th said
publication it to run aiz consecutive week
irooj tb said dat.
CutkLts H. Gloisd
Attorneys for PiainUfT.
Dated, Oregon City. Ju'y 20, I'joL
In the Circuit Court ol th 8tt of Ore
gon, for Clackamas County.
Wm. U. H. Blaney, pltf.)
Mary E. Bianer. deft. I
To Mary E. filaner. defendant.
In th nam of t h hut of Oregon, yoa
hereby mjairrd to appear and answer
th complaint tiled ajrainat yoa in th a bore
entitled suit within aix week after
the first publication of tins summons, to
writ: On or belor the Gib day of Septem
ber, 1901, bat being the dal prescribed in
th order for pnblication of summons, and
ir you tail so to appear and answer for want
thereof plaintiff will apply to tb court lor
tb relief demanded in said complaint, to
wit : for a decree ol dirorc forever dissolv
ing tbe bonds of matrimony no existing
between you and tbe plaintiff.
Tbis summons is published by order of th
Hon. Thos. F. Byan. judge of th above
entitled court made ami entered herein on
th 2U(h day of July, 1'JOI. and th dat of
tbe first publication herein is July 2ft, 1"1,
and the last publication is September 6, I'M.
Kmmok A Edmo d
J. W'tsLir Bill.
Attorneys for PiaintiO.
In th Circuit Court of tb Htal of Ore
gon, for th County of Clackamas,
Washington National Building)
lx n and Investment Aworl
ation, a corNiration, ptaliiiitt
Oeorg W. Hirvker, unmar
ried, Ola M. hirvker, iintnar
rird. J. A. Karkrr and it. J.
Barker, his wile, J W. 1II
ier, and--lldlrr, his wit
delendalita. j
To Oeorg W. Sirvker, J. A. Barker,
and M. J. Barker, hi wife. J. V. IHdier
and lhilier. his wile. delenUant:
In th nam of th biate of Orrpm you
and ea h l you ar hereby reiuirel to ap
pear and answer thtcomp'iaini tiled against
you In the abov nlitlrd tause on o' before
th last day presenhed In the order for
publication of thlssiimmon. to wu : On or
heior th tUn day ol September, 1 ml, and
if you fail to so apiear and ausaer a '
ere will be taken aifalnsl you lo' th relief
praveo tor In th cuinplaiiit herein, which
is for a decree ak-Hin said defendant,
Claorir V. rtryker, for th sum of on
Ihoutand dollar with Interest and pre
mium tnereon, each at th rat of 6 per
cent per annum Irom and ever sine th
lirst day of March, It, until paid and Hi
lurtiiersum of on bundnH dollars altor
ney'a fees m this suit, and th ot and
dtsurseitifnl of this suit, and that ail of
lb above-named sunn are a first lien vn
In land hereinafter described, and upon
10 shares of the capital sun k ol plaii.utt,
sticsenbed by th defendant, (ieorre V,
Stryker, on or about lb Tib day ol Lecem
ber, Krj, and by him pledged to piainut! lo
secur tb promissory note hereinafter
mentioned, and tor a foreclosure of a cer
tain mortgage givn by said Ueor W,
biryker lo platnurJ datvd lVrcmbr 7. 1'.',
tosreur the payment of a certain promis
sory note mad by said Ueorge W. Pcryker
to plamtitf for th sura of on thousand
dollars aid interest and premium, and
a reaonat4 attorney 'a fe in raw suitor
action sboald be instituted to collect said
not or any portion thereof, by which
niortKtg mi J George W. Stry ker oonveyetl
to plamtitf all that certain lot, tract, or
parcel ol land, sttuat. lying and being In
th county of Clackamas, Maiof Oreiron,
to-wil: Block numbrred eight (.) In Sseil
wood's A'l.'.il on to Milwauke as shown by
tb recorded plat thereof of record in said
county and state, and foreclosing your, and
each of your, and all person claiming by,
inrongb. or under you, or either ol yoa,
equity of redemption or other Interest la
riiiht to or lien upon said mortgaged, pre
mises and lb who! thereof, saving only
th statutory right lo redeem, and fore
closing th lin of plaintiff, upon taid 10
share ol stock pletlged by said George V.
Stryter a secunty for th payment of taid
promissory not aa aforesaid, and lor an
order of sal of said mortgatred premise and
said stork to satisfy said decree, and yoa and
each ol you ar hereby no tilled that on th
2Mb day ol July. 1lJ1. th Honorable
Thomas F. Ryan, judge of th county court
of tb tjtataol trron forth Count r of
Clackamas duly mad an order that service
of summons in mis smt be mad uon said
dsfendante. Oeore VV. Stryker, J. A. Bar
ker, and M J. Barker, hi whs, J. W.
Duller, and !nlier, fait wite, and up
on each ol them by publication thereof, and
that the date of the first publication of this
umtuont it July JK, ' l. and that th date
of tb last pnblication tf this summon Is
September li, 1:j1.
Attorney lor jaiiiti3
Inth Circuit Court of Id rifal of Oregon
tor tnt.oniity ol Aiuiinomab.
Portland Trust Company of
u re go ii, piaintitT,
J C Havsiy ami Ann
llavely, defendant.
tTT or (iNStlOM, I
County of Clackaitiaa.)
Bvvlrluof a linlgment order, decree
and an execution, duly Issued out of and
under the seal of th shove entitled court,
In th above entitled cause, lo in duly di.
reeled and dated th :Ui day of June, l'i,
Hon ajudgni"! rendered and nlrre.l In
taid our oil th sih dav pfjur.,
In laeor of Portland Trust Company, ol Ore.
iron, planum and enainst J i; naveiv and
Aura llaveiy, iterendsnta, and . W. Kims,
surety, lor the sum ol J.t..Vni ,1a aim inter
t tleren sl tbe riu 10 ir cent wr an.
num from H -.'lth day of Julv. !:) deflcl.
enry wtilcb judgment asnrlledauddtK'k-
eted in llie rleik t ottlc of said court in said
county on th Mh day of January, l'I'l and
wnrs, nonce ot contrinuHon and repav
men! aas tiled by Luanda R.wa, adminla
tratrtx and Minnie 1. Koetrr and 1-Hr
mi. hy her guartdlan, l.iii-lnda Ross. Nov
i, l'. commanding moul ol lii ,r,)ii
nroperty ol sal t deirndam and II, W
Ross, surety, and If sumrenl could not be
found, lhu out of th real properly be
kinging to said iterendanta and aureiv !
satisiy th sum ol f It.T M now due on saia
Judgment with tnterl thereon al th rat
ol ten per cent per annum from th Spin
"day of lciiiur, l'.u), also cost Opon this
a ru.
Sow, therefor, be virtu of said execu
tion, Judgment order and decree, ami In
Compliance with th commands of said
writ, being nnabl in find any personal
property ol said defendanta or surely' 1
lid on th l.th day of July. I'.sil duly lev
upon tb following described ral prortjr
oi taid d(endanuand surety sllual and
i being In th county of Cat k am a, siat ol
inrgon. h-wlt :
An undivided four ninths Interest in ami
l.nnil Ofltre .'lice,
rn(d rltate I anil Office trgon
described real
Adtnlaiiitrm(r,a ."tlc3.
Notice Is hereby given that the under
igned has been by ite honorable county
coart of the State of Oregon, for Clscka
xnaa county, appoined administrator of
t!ie estate of Jamet . Carrie, deceased.
All persons hating; claims against aaiil
estate are notified to present the same
to me properly verified, at the office of
James U. Campbell, Ksq., Oregon City,
Oregon, within six months from the date
of the first publication of this notice.
First publication July 19, 19)1.
A. 11. CvAwroBD,
Awlice Tor lublieaf Ion.
Department ol the Interior.
Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon,
August I'j, 1301.
Notice It herebv given that the following
named settler has tiled notice of his Inten
tion to make Coal proof in support of hit
claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore the Register and Receiver at Oregon
City, Oregon, on October 1st llil, viz:
H. E. No. 11C73 for tb NU of SWW,
Bee. 8,T 6 8., R.2E.
He Jiaui-s the following witnesses to
prove hit continuous residence upon and
cultivation of taid land, viz:
Harrison Wilson, F. VV. McLran, J. L,
Krouse, Alvin Wvland, all of Wilhoit, Ore.
Notice Tor 1'ubllcatlwa.
Department of tbe Interior.
Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon,
August 17, I'M.
Notice Ij hereby ttiven that the following
named tettler has filed notice of his inten
tion to make final proof in support of bis
claim, and that suid proof will be made be
fore the Register and and Receiver at Ore
gon City, Oregon, Bepletnber 27, 1801.
H. E. No. 11371 for the of NE!4.
oHSE and K E of S W , sec , I 2 B, U
He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon and
cultivation of said land, viz:
Silas D. Hedges, John Belcher, Pankratus
J, Marugg, John Murphy, ail of Salmon,
CHAS. B. M00RE3,
In th Circuit Court of th Stat of Ore
gon, within aud for th County of Clackamas.
Christian Trsitle and J.
Traxile, plainiitTa
Mtrtha Foster. Thomas
Pedivo, Elmer Pedigo
Peiiiico Ped go
and Pedigo, who?
first name are an
known to piaintilfs
and Mary j. bbarrock
Catherine Foster rev
ert, John Foster. Rob
ert Foster, E:i Foster,
Eliza A. Crane. Lu
anda A. Pugb, John
Arthur. anil Ca'.hartne
Foster, defendants.
To Martha Foster, Thomas Pedigo,
Elmer Ped go, Pedijni. Pednro. and
Pedigo, who first name are unknown
to plaintiffs, and Mary J Sbarrock, Cather
ine Foster Severs. John Foster. Robert
For-ter, Eli Fosier. Eliza A. Crane. Lurinda
A. Pugb, John Am, or and Catharine Foe
Ier. th arov named defendants:
In the nam of the Htate ol Oregon, you
ar hereby required to appear ami answer
the cutuplanit tiled against you in the
above eniuitd suit on or before the :Cth day
of September, l:'l. being the last day pre
scribed in the order lor publication ol this
summons, lo it: on or belore th expira
lion of six weeks from the day of the first
publication of this summons, the first pub
lication thereoj brine on Friday, the Pith
'lay of August, 1IM. and it you fail to
answer within said time for want thereof
the plaintiirs will apply to the court for
the rebel demanded in ihe complaint, towit:
That the plaintiffs are the sole, only arid
exclusive ownert in fee simple of In foU
lowing described tract of land, and that the
above named defendants nor any of them
hav any right, title, estate or ownership in
or to said land nor any part thereof, the
same heing a part of tbe John Foster airtl
Nancy Foster Donation Land claim No 41,
Notification No. '7, m sections No. 20. 21,
a and , in T 2 8 . R. S E., W. M. in the
county of Clackamas and State of Oregon,
beginning at a stake at the S. E. corner of a
lrv.l of land conveyed to 8. li. Toon, by
deed recorded In book P at page 2fM of th
records or deeds ol said Clackamas county,
Oregon; thence N lOdeg. 15min. E,7chain
to the Clackamas river; thence up said
river to the N. W. corner of a tract uf land
conveyed by W. W. Myers to Casper Moore
by deed recorded on page 278 in book ' of
the record of ile-ls of said county and state,
thence on said Moore s W. line 8. 11 deg
60 mln. W Ki chains to the N. boundary of
a tract of land conveyed to Jacob Gerber
by deed recorded on page Krt of b'lok F of
the records of deeds of said county and
State, thence N 80 deg W. 11.10 chains to
the place of beginning, containing 8!M3
acres, more or less, and that plaintiff's
tttle be forever quieted to said premises and
land, by appropriate decree of this court,
and for such other and further relief as may
be just and entiitable, arid for their costs
and disbursements in this suit.
Publication of this summons Is made by
order of the Hon. Tim. F. Ryan, judge of
the county court of the Slate of Oregon for
me coumy vi oiacKamas, which order was
to all of th following
property to-wil.
Lot three (1) and four (4) in block (.') In
th town of Canvmah, Clackamas county
Oregon, as shown by tb plats aud surveys
of said town of Canemah now on Al In th
county clerk's offlc of Clackamas county,
Th north on-hlf miof lot No.on(l)
and the nortn one-hail ( -,) of kit number
igtil()in block numbered lweiity-ren (27
aTrdirig lo lb map and plat of th tow n
of Oregon City. Oregon, on Ml In the
county cierks vine of Clackamas County;
laid ku commencing al the norm west
corner of said block lwnly.svn
.T and running thence easterly
Jlu fret; tbenc Southerly SI fret
and J Inches; thenre westerly 210 fret to
M sin street ; tnrnre .VI feet and 3 Inches lo
tb place of beginning.
Th south one bad l'J of th J me
Waldmp Ponatlon lnd fiaini. notification
So 7UJ2. In sections on, twvtv, and tbir
teen, township three .I south, rang (3
east of Willamette Meridian, In Clackamas
coumy. Oregon, containing on hundred
and hllj-liirr l.Vt; acres more or less.
Brginning at a stak IS l chain south
and 43 chain west from th northern cor
ner of lb JohnS. Howland Ioi a'ion luind
claim: thence aoutb ft degree, lo minute
east in chains lo a sums; thence south 4J
degree. 30 minute west 8 chains to
ton: thenre north degrees, tl minute
west P) chairs to a stak on th north wt
boundary of taid claim; thence north 4.1
degree east 7.IO chains to th place of be
ginning. Containing 32 acre, more or lex,
in Clackamas county. Oregon.
Beginning at th northwest comer of
Isaac Gordon's laud, or land formerlv
owned bv him, tbence along the line of said
Gordon's tract In a southeasterly direction
70 rods; thenos at right angir running
westerly lo the line f a tract of land
formerly owned by U D. Harding; tbnce
northerly along said lin of aald Hanilng's
tract of land To rods, mor or lea, to L IK
Harding's north weat corner; thetic In aa
easterly direction to th north wet corner
of a tract of laud formerly ownl by Lory
a. curneii; inenc souiiieny to in tootn
wm corner of said tract formerly owned by
said Lacy A. Burnett, 110 roils; thence
easterly along Ihelm of said Lucy A. Burn- j
etl tract of land lo Ihe place of beginning. I
con taming l) acre, the tarn being part of ,
rnilip rosters V. I- C. In Ciackamaa
county, Oregon.
Beginning at a point thirty J)J feet east
of where the south lin of section bin HI
township two south, range two 2 st oi
th Willamette Meridian, crosses ihe center
ol tbe Oregon and California railroad, run
ning them e northerly, tracing the eastern
boundary line ol said railroad right ol way
to a point forty 10 rods north of said sec
tion nine !ij; thence ea-t parallel wih said
section line sixty eight ( rods to th west
boundary ol the county road; thence in a
southwesterly direction tracing the west
boundary line of said county rotd fifty and
one-half 3"! rods to tin of said section
nine 9J; ti.ei.t west thirty. nine I'l rods
tracing said section line lo place of tgln. I
ning. containing thirteen and three. .l-i,i
acres, mor or less, In Ciackamaa
coumy, Uregoti.
Also, lots two, three, four arid six, block
thirty six in Oregon City, Oregon.
And I will, on
at th hour of Z-.t o'clock, P.M., at the
front door of the County Court House
in the City of Oregon Citv, in tan
County and State, sell at pobllc auction
subject to redemption, to the highest bid
der, for L'. 8. gold coin cash In hand, all the
ngm, mi ami interest which the within
named defendanta or surety or either of
them have In or to tbe above described real
property or any part thereof, to satliv aalr
execution, judgment order, decree, Interest,
cost anu an accruing costs.
Sheriff of Clackamas County , Oregon.
Dated, Oregon City, Ore., July 12, PAH.
Oregon, August ;H 'M
low horn II may concern :
Nolle Is hereby given that III Oregon
ami California Railroad Company hat filed
In this sflli a list ol lands sllualrd in the
township described below, snd has si'plled
lor a paient lor ssid lands; lhal th luiar
m en lo th public lor inspection and a copy
thereof by dewilptl' suWlvltious, has
tieen lel In a convenient plec III Hl
nltlc, lor the liiiecll.n ol all persons lu
tereilrd and lo th public generally, VH ;
tregon and Caluoruie Railroad lands,
tiregoti Cuy U"d District,
Siippl'tulal List l-
(vitiin, r.v,
Township, R"ge,
tt U hec (. W rV 17. Utla I, 3, 3 .1
WnfNK'.. F.'sofNrtt and I I
See 1'
rluppleui'ital Llsl l.H
South. Fast.
Township, Rang,
. 4
All Sees II. IV IV 17. I'l 21. rv, i 77. S
Uisl3snd 4. Sl ol NWU. bKU
S. K' ol rii4 and t.'t of See 31
All fers .VI A S.V
Within th tied silly days following th
dat of this notice, prou.it or contests
against lli claim ol lb company to any
tract or subdivision within any section
Part of section, described in th lists, on h
ground that th sam Is mor vhiii lor
mineral than lor agricultural purpose, am
be received and noted for rorl lo the dsn
eral l-snd (.'flic al Wahlugion, l C
I uas li Motiats, Itrgitter.
Wm (iiut, Re,ivr
.Lllce ftr lbeatloit.
Timtr Land Act June S. s7s.
CrUed Stales Und Olflce. Oregon City
Oregon. July . I'S'l.
Nolle It hsrrhv given that In romiillanr
With th provisions of th set ol Congee
olj mis J, ITS, iililld "An a. I for the
sal of limber I amis In th Stair of Call
tom'a. Oregon, Sevada, and Washington
Territory" aaeitended lo all th Public
Land Males by act ol August 4, I -sr.',
of Portland, county of Multnomah, Hrat ol
Oregon, bas I Ms day filed In this offlc his
sorn statamenl o. M.Vk lor th purchase
of lb net, ol Section No. M In foanahip
No. i 9, hang No. 4 k. and will oiler proof
lo show that th land sought Is mor vain
abl for Its timber or Sinn than for agri
cultural purpoar, and to estabiiili his
rlalm lo said land bfur th Register and
Receiver of this offlc at Oregon I P y. Or
gon on aiuro.ty, lb '.'till day of hrptsiu
II namea a wltnest
Dsns I. Urn, F. W. Merrill. A. R.
Mrndenhall, J. C. Burke, allot Portland
Any and all persons rlalmlig advsrsrlv
th atuv drsi rtord lands ar mpiestwl to
rile their claim li this nftlc nn or bfur
said 2mo day of tVrteriibrr. 'ti.
CHAS. B. jlooKKri.
In th Circuit Court for Hi Slate of Ore
gon, for Clackamas coumy
Maggi Johnson, plalntlrti .
vs V
Frank Johnson defendant)
To Frsnk Jobnsoii. th abut named
In th nam of th Hat of Oregon, and
pursuant to an order made ami entered t.t
th linn Tb F Ryan, lodge ci( th
county couri of said coumy on lit sib day
of August LUl, directing thai this summons
be published one a work form cohsm u-
tv weeks. Ih first publlrallon thsreol u
bon th 9th day of Augutl. I''l. you ar
hereby mjulr.! lo aiirand answer th
oomplaint filed agaliiil you In th ahov
entitled soil on or be tor th 2lsi dav ol
September, l:l. that being Ih last dav of
tb Uni prmrrthml In said onlerof puhllc
nun, sua li you tali lo arisaer or apiear, f
want tliereof the plalnurt will apply lo Ih
onuri lor in rviirr demanded in in com
plaint to-wvt: t or a decree dissolving Ih
bondi of niatrlnionv now eiistlng bi
you and ih plalniifl and for eosUof Ihis
Oregon City, Oregon. A tigtisr g, n.
Attorney for th plaliillfl,
Aruiil Iip Court Huns.
In tin matter of ihe eatata t'f Ulrein
A. Siralght, drvcaseil, the a.linliileiralor
on filing of repcM shows that h !
hand '1:I7J IK), Teto l'l 'r"'"
this sum amount to l(k. TI.er lis aln
Un pir-ii I cd lo It I st a rlalm on uoU In
F. Kefliuer for lft, wlilt lnloil
rale of 10 Krfeiil per annum. A rlalm
of Jane lliiigliam for 1'.', will) Inloreal
al 10 per tent, from August 7, 11. It
has U-cn unified (hat llie ailmlnlalrator
par said claim f'om the money on hand.
The legatee liamrJ III the Will atw Mary
K. l.ucas, Jan llingman, Julia Final,
Hiram Straight, l H. Straight ami John
us naw runs,,
t blaa tllaaraal The. T.i,,,.
rr mm Kr fcm,(U( ku4
' " ' wi a n(
in itie iaat ivvr yirirs a
Inrgn iiuinhcr of t'hliicao
hav made their 1 arance In p l)W
tllalrli-ta In Now' York. Th. t,,(1
outwaril ilccorBthdis of red sin i,i
lights and hug gut chin, i ltini
rw III rvrry i ao the antuc, Th .
. i . i.i .. i ......... ...,t .1..,. i.
...raign,, ..... r. .. -.r r. - - . ff rlllf .7
.he,.ro.d.olll,e,K.,.,..l proper ul , U dlir(
ll.e estale. which aiiioillit lo It). It . . ' '"'
lias ordcri..! lhal th adinlnlalrator pay
.tollce for l'altllratlon.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1X7.
United States Land Olllce, Oregon City
Oregon, Aug 3 1UU1. '
Notice is hereby given that In compliance
wnn irie provisions ot tns act or Congress
of June 3, 1H7H, entitled, "An act 'or the
saie or limner lana in the States of Call
forma, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
ferriwy," a extended to all the Putilic
i.anu etaies oy act oi August 4, H'.I2,
County TreaMiirer') Notice,
I now have funds to pay cotintv war
rants endorsed prior to Sept. 17th,
mm, ana also road warrants endorsed
ptior to Dec. 14th, 1900. Interest will
ceaoe on the above included warrants on
the date hereof. Oregon City, Ore.,
JIUg. ZjlU,
A. Lueluno, Treasurer.
Clackamas County, Oregon.
of Portland, county of Multnomah, state ol
Oregon, has thit day filed in this ollice her
sworn statement o &!. lor the purchase
oi uie nyi oi nwi arm wjj oi tyt of section
No. 2f), In township No. 6 south. ramH Vn
duly made arid entered on the Mln day of 3 e' of tne w n,i HI oiler prool to
iiiiiLi liM.l ' I lime lhal flia land ftiit.lil I-
V'hr.n & Sciiuebkl,
Attorneys lor Plaintiff.
Lost, Strayed or Stolen,
Liver and white Pointer dog from
Canemah. Liberal reward paid for any
information leading to recovery of same.
Leave word at Heinz.Grocery.
lyon's French Periodical Drops
Strictly vegetable, perfectly harmless, sure to accomplish
DESIRED RESULTS. Greatest known female remedy.
LIUTiLJH Beware of conntrfelis and Imitations.
un w in roK.iiniiin i, ,,. .i n . n i. . .. . i t l. - ' i
fciwciratoWFlLs Jf! tieo. Harding.
For sale by Cbarman A Co., Druggist.
The genuine Is pot op only In paste board Car-
show that the land sought Is more valuable
tor us Dinner or stone than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish her claim to said
(and before the Register and Receiver of
mis omce at Uregon Ulty, Oreiron on Thnra.
aay, tne zhii day of octotjer, lfgil
bbe tiariies at witneises: J. Q. i!urke,
loois Ihompson, O. P. M. Jamison, of
rortiauu, ana A inert tngie of Molalla.
Any and all persons claiming alvr.lv
! the above-described lands are requested to
nie tneir claims in this olllce on or before
! said 2Ub day of October, I'M
LII At). 15, MOOKES,
Eruptions, cuts, burns, scalds and
sores of all kinds quickly healed by De-
Witt's Witch Hazel Halve. Certain cure
for piles. Beware of counterfeits. Be
sure yoa j?et the original DeVVitt's.
In Hi Circuit Court for Clackamas
County, Hist or Oregon.
Amelia Otto, Plalniifl
t V
Adam Otto, defendant.)
To Adam Otto, the ahovs named defendant
In the nam of Ihe State of Oregon vou
are hereby required to apar and answer
tli complaint filed against you in th
ahov milled toll In the aDov named Court
011 or Defnr rrnlsy Heptemtwr Sub. I'si
lhsam heing ven week from Ih nr.!
publication ol this summons; and vuu will
lake notice that If you fall to so appear and
answer salil complaint plaintiff will apply
ui ine court 10 r in relief ueiuainltil In said
complaint to wit: that th bond of insiri
niony existing between you and plalniifl b
Thit ttimmcns It puhlUhed by the order
ol the lion Tlfoinat A. Kyan, County
J ulge of the County ul Clai karnas and blat
01 uregon, in th Uregon City Knterprise,
a weekly newspaper printed and published
and ot general circulation In Clackamas
County, Oregon, fur sevsu successive weeks
commencing August Uth, and continuing lo
anu wciuuing rriuay, Meptemrwr Jtrth, P.sjl
Attorney lor Plaintiff.
police of Administrator fe Male) or
Ileal I'alate
Notice It hereby given, that In nursnanca
01 an oruer oi taie made and entered bv
II..P,..Hl.l'....l ..I al - . . .. . '
uiv vuiiiiii vuunu in couniv m h
state of Oregon, on the Sth day of August,
A. V. V'n, In the matter of the sdmlnlyir..
lion of the estate of Klchard Knes, deceased,
me untienigiieo aumiiilstrator of said es
late win ten, at illrected in taid order ol
sale, -at private sale," Ih following de
scribed premises, to wit, An undivided one
ball Interest In W) acres of land tW-rli..!
as the South West Quarter of section eight
in Township 5 8 of it One Emit ol the Will.
am tie Meredian In Clackamas County
State of Oregon.
The sale will be made on or after th nth
day of September, A. 1). Um. and bids will
be received at the residence or th under
signed administrator, at Perrydale, Polk
County, Oregon. Th terms or sale cash.
when asle It approved by the Couniv Conn
ol Polk County Oregon, or one half cash
and the bnlance secured by note and mort
gage on the premises told, and tale an
proved by Court. I). L. Ktvt.
Administrator of tlis estate of Indian!
Enes, deceased.
Bullion License.
Notice is hereby given that I will ap
ply to the city council at its regular
meeting for a license to sell liquor at my
present place of business on Main street,
near Sixth street. License to date from
August 28, 11)01.
Oregon City, Oregon, Aug. 22, 1001.
Tbe Enterprise $1.50 per year.
to Jane Ulngitian, Mary K. Lucas ami
Julia Krot I each ; Id 0. II. Straight,
100, less W ilu on m not; lo John
Slialght I), Irs (.MO ami f'.'HO due on
notes, both drawing iiilereal, Th ad
ministrator I to retain I), that might
hav rwvii distributed lo lliratn Straight,
hi assigns or legal frpreehltlr. St
belonging o Ih ettal uf Hiram A,
Straight, deceased. Tlicr are two nolo
belonging to th etst given by lUrhara
and John lUiland for lit) ami .W 70 re-
pevlively, and !o an oil hop inschln.
Theso have been ordered t..ld at rlr
lo Ihe matter of guardianship of .
slate of l.uJwika Trliiunrr, as Insane
person, It has ten ordered that the
present value of the Inrboata right o
dower of l.udwika Trimmer la l0s);
that llertnan Trimmer, g'larilisn of Ihe
estate, la authorised, emptiwervd and di
rected In bl rapacity lo join with him
self Individually lit eircuting a dneU on
the conveying to any purhaer of tid
premise the title lliere.4 (rr- from all
right or claim of I.ttdwika Trimmer to
lower In or lo the said ieiuls or any
part Iheretif, Uin the payment lo him
a guardian for the brnrlll of Mid ward
of Ihe sum of 0Ui. The land Lea hewn
appraised al 000
In the Circuit court Wtxlneadsy. W-
Htui Mortenaon 0!il a iiitvheoic'a lln
Id recover the mill of I "J H, which h
Un I duo him. Morttioo, by
iMue of a contract with Marion .
While, fiirnlslie lumtier In theconirnr-
tion of a house. The contract and price
of material and labor performed amount-
I to 1110 .'.. of which Kki U 1 no
doe. He will bold the lio npon Ih
premise for Ihe a moo id of hi demand.
A I. Coili!g A Company, a bank lug
firm of Silverton, have nter mt m
ie circuit court again! O. If. f, (bam
nes to rei-over fVC.od nn promissory
no'e and V3 attorneys f". An attach
ment ha len fljp-l and will be levied
Chamnea 1 a renter on 1 1 Inkle's (arm
near Klliott'l Prairie, In Ihe aouthrn
part of the county, and hit crop wl,
probably be alt lil.
In the case of Martin (ilrey v. J, lm
vor Johnwin and W. (. Johnson, ber
husband, and Chart llelns, Hedge Jk
(iriftith. attorney f..r I harlr llolnt,
have flleil a demurrer elating that the
complaint dor not s'ste fact sufficient
lo constitute a riusn of suit. In the ta
of li, C. Steven. Jr., vs. Johnaun, t al
similar demurrer ws filed regarding
Shrrilf Cooke announce that rwla
III positively U added lo taie after
August SH.
'lly Trraanrer' ,wllre.
otice I hereby given that I have
soilhimit funds In the Ceneral Fund of
Oregon City, Oregon, lo pay all out
lanuitig warrant endorsed prior to
September 7, 1HW, excepting warrant
No. lrX Also all road warrants en
Jorsed prior to April II, 1'Jtll,
Interest willreaeaon aiwivi I ilraciltted
warrant excepting No. W2. from th
date of this notice.
Link R. Jon,
City Treasurer,
Dated August 18, IWl,
.tollcei to the nblle.
notice Is hereby given that Lee
Chandler Katon, the minor son of Joeenh
r.aton lias leen given his fr. edotn. That
io is hereby ematu ipatod from all ser
vices due as such minor to hi narenta
guardian. That hi parents and
guardian will not be responsible for any
lent or contracts made by him on and
after this date.
K. H. Cmowuy, Onardlan.
Jobki'ii Katon, Father.
Aug. 15, 1901.
For Sale.
Farming land, cleared and uncloarod.
in Ttulatln valley within 3 miles of Ore.
gon City. Also large quantity of second
band common and fire brick at Oswego.
Tug OitKrio Iron anu HTgiu Co.,
330 Sherlock Building,
To rSye Her Child.
From frightful disfigurement Mrs. Nan.
...e uani'gor.oi j.a (iraiige, Ha,, gppllod
uiicaicn s Arnica salvo to great sores on
her head and lace, and writes Its quick
cure exceeded all bor hopes. It works
wonders In Sores. Bruits, Skin F.rup.
tions, Cull, Bums, Bcahls and I'l log. 25c.
Cure guaranteed by Goo. A. Harding,
pirn i iiiurra (in ami iiisrtrL,,,-
e-irlia of latlilscspe, ,.,f
lib- rtivrred with eitilt llttt
grtieral tlllaptdatloii of , rstabim,.
tlielil, .Nothing alMUit Ihrtn arrmt (.
Iractly. ami yt ihrae ,Mrrt ,tir1
and their titltnbrr lucrras. with isloa.
Uhlnr rapldlljr. The fcaa.ui n, f '
i.. - L I .. I .11 . ...
" i "i wu lamuinr Wllo
racta. inrrw are several cUrsrtrrta,
Ilea of Ihe Chinese restaurant
rsvommeiid It highly lo rrrlabi rlas,,
and ewiu lo Indicate thai Ha popularity
law Bs.al ItsawsSM e?.t
In Ih flrat plat) It should be wide,
stood that moat of Ihrev jJacr m,
really what thry are upprd U I,
eallng hotiaea carried on tmd. r CLltte,
managemmt. The runs arw Intsrit.
bty true (Vlraflala. and In only g (rw
raae are Ih proprietor AmerVim
The forxl I prrparwl, therefore, armrd.
lug lo Ihe too I ai prore. nitlaj f
Ihe Middle Klligihmi. with (h rn!
that In rheapnra at4 aaviiftne ?j
you Ilk ItJ II ran easily outrUs ntui.
lar place run by American ruck. Ti ,
Chlurae la a master of the art ef tun.
lug palalahl dlstir uiit of belt t,
mdhltig or rather little of etcrytM-f
N'o even the Frrnch r..k ran rl'tl
hi in. The Insipidity (f rhran rb.
Itouse and Ihe tammrs of Ihe di.-y
lun. h countrr are thu rrad bj
frr.)uctitra of Ihrae restaurant. Me,
over. In spit of p(r a ratters tb fd
1 prrpirrl In an etirvtnrly rleB
tnannrr. No on la ih Urrr. fn.a ra
Irrlng h kinhru. and U1 ihaW
aetid one !ck with renewed B(tirt!(
to Ihe untidy rating r'iu. do &t&;
who while s.-iw.t t,f suisll tUr
of Ihl world's t still affn-t "
Inrts" frrjuri Ihe rvttauraul f, hi
rhrapnra and grow to rtijoy th tlji,;
Uatorrtl tlUlira,
Tlwre la also a free and easy (&.
phrre tUut lit Chlnre eating ba
whl h attract many would h TJ..
hilan" as well a a goodly shsreefl
rlasa below the lowest grade of li
city's many graded Ituhemla. Vu.i
Udl aUul and talk and laugh
When the waltrr I watitcl. flti efi
emit it shrill jrll which brings as v
swerlng wtuwp from th kitchen, fj
lowetj sootirr or lairr by littl Ol
bee a I Jog tmL Any on who ft!
Ilk It may stroll into the kltrbcs asj
try Uttle plgcn Itngllsli on Iberwt
lb pruprlrtor will iracb anybody le
Use the rhoptlckt and Mar w lib laarl
trr over the failure of the notice.
erybody does a be or ah plraar wits
In certain very rlasilc bounds. TW
limit Is n S' lird a-xuirr In oin rUrt
than In others, for while m of t
bouat are U-for midnight at Irsrt
l-erfcrtly well conducted tithrra r of
uiore than questional. lu r-iixxiiitil!!!;.
It la curious and Intrrrsting in t--(
that under Amerli an niiias ti;rtit tie
tone of (brae placra I lower t Imrj wtVS
the Chinese are In sole contri'l.
Three new up tow n places are iM
S'khI. either In a mural or culinary
way, a those down In Chinatown. It
Is usual to speak a If Molt and PrU
street were ihe city's sink of Inlinity.
and bo they arw In aome rmprct. Iittt
there are no Chlnrae restaurants In U
belghborboiHl aa d'an-pufahl as oneef
two up town. The illi-ntele of t!
dow n town place I shove susplcl"8 M
a rulo. Chlnrae dnp In for tlu lr meal,
and tlwrlh rs from up town come elthef
from curiosity or because tiny br
h nrtied to like good Chinese cooslt
I'p town ihe bills of fare re more Un;
ItetL "Yockaman." "chop sui-y" w
"cbowman" are the pieces tie rMl,,
ance. They answer the ptinx'"
tnlnly. for 2i ceiiu' worth of son
kinds of chop suey serred wltb rW
will mske a toolhoitm dish fur t
tNiipln. Tea Is servetl free of ilifr
ud the uuantltr Is not llinltM. '
no one should Judgo the tYh'Stlnla' cu
linary skill by these up town lun
Many of the guests In these rei-
rants como regularly. Freniioiilijf
ami women come with pnlls to buy tM
fKMl and fake It homo. Negroes sr
dlsproportloiiati'ly largo iiuiuhcrs. Tbrf
ai.i.m n UL.. fl r'liln Slid ImlrCU
- . , .,HW . W Will"'' ' , .
tho iiolso In tho kitchen rcinlml on
tho altnllnr condinoit of southern W
ens under negro innimgcuu'tit- u
ever solemn tho Chinese may ccw t
bo In public, ho Is a cheerful creature
111 Ida men III. I Taiu ami Inuulitcr.
even music during "oft" hours, flout out
to tho dining room. All tho servmtj
seem remly to bn'ttk Into smlh'" tot ll
smallest provocation. They
ready to cxphnngo Jest with tneiri
trons, but fmiitlliirlty never boco""'
Impertinence. Tho Chluoso l'rf"'
enro w hnt ImpiM-ns so long ho l
iiiitn. .l..ul.l if. III,., nviirethlug W "
m......,.m:V4, IU II.V. ,.
Ilpsliod and merry. New York T"
J K C,
Msrk I
N I. K
V I' K
m (i
J H'lsr
II n.hi
Jsktt 1
ie. ('
V j,
J C I.
b Kii
C Jnliim
'red M,
Jjrsnk I
.'' Kl
M liable
Tho Enterprise $1,50 per year.
Why "Wedrtlwai VT"tk,'tf",,,t
'In nil ... ..Hi,cn of Welll'",,
a uu n J a. sr. nwo-v
break fflHtii" un Id a irueKt at a wo
'f It si ujw tigs was .tiiltryrn'wl WtlT
III! I V HVtVI lss,. '"'" .
fenst wns culled a bn-nkfnst nnd W
iltt.Aii. tvf..... v i.r. n l..nrnmls "
from tho custom In the Church of '
lurid, whore tho brldo nnd l'rl,('t-'r"L
nlwnys receive the holy coihiuu"'011 M
auu iciimiii iiihiiug uutit " - ,u
it. n. vtitrh Is serve0
really a brcnkfusf-New York Tu
'"n ( v,
J'0. II
? K Hurf,
JM My,,,
i1 Myr
0 b 111..,
(i C rw
A V'rnrtJ
J I)lv."rl
1 L Hhnrtll.l
r ll,rrd
V ? '!ro,.
A V Vi