Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, August 23, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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Oregon City Kntcrprise
t. - - - . ...
Now To-Day.
buys ItWacroe I'"' I" Ashland oil dis
trict. Huiilbrn Oregon (Ml Co. Now
iliillli'H Ollmre preperlng lo drill, Ad
drees f, . McWilllame, Aehlend, Or.
tVwTA kknT pTr ii i k7:orn kit
,, mid Jack eon streeta. A l'U k
jtiff row with trap around the horns
ilh a brsty ring, lump 011 Jaw, J.. 1),
uw lell.
sf4u mi violin, til orchestra Inetru
n,le mtl In oiea rulium. K. I'. Dun
ham, teacher and conductor. Y. M. C'.
"mdnly to" loan "aYiTpViiTiknt
on Imp'ovod farina In Clai kamae County
,,r from two In n yare. repayable by
n, iiis, If drelred. Noeommlaaioii,
tot lull perllcutare ml application
luiina apply to Mai-Maeta A IU'shim.,
Vufnt"i lllu k, Portland, Oirnun.
rtipi. " '''ln for H'"' row. Apply
flri 'I I""1' r;'a Restaurant.
HKIMiKH A UliiVplTII, (nltliveln Iha
W.lnhard llinMlna,) Iiee Hie rliol'.
fJiy, ,.ii.ti'i.n and country property fr
eiualMl l"'".
out t to ! l"w. ''
la . l . i . .
jiBMoaa n umrriTH.
1 JUn to lies en'lii.lve charge ml
Un.i iii'K 11I ri.'li. oe erm end
li. ni'l ereein (rout Wise Amy Jobntoii'a
him eitteyt on fcantl.
I" Mr urAMSoHh..ii a itiwii, iii
) Ull.lrf (kl. lIOMI ale)
bridge Telepbtitia hlfllil or day.
Miio or IIomum Orrfun City baa
Un lioiiori4 hy lit ai'iMiiiitmmit of
Mj T-lani ha lUiu a mai-J of huimr to
(Uywn of tha AtlmU rrg(U, alil. h
vinrtirra Thura-Uy. ih, ami
funlioor Ihrna t'aya.
run Waaa l'i aatirti.. Allortiey I..
fiilfp ari'l J0U0 Martin L 11a ami
uQ Wa U, of I'uMlaml, relurtivl Kalur
titf from an altiht tlaya' flliln trip on
II rin IUrf, 15 nillra foui tha l'xr
lltUlirry. They rrt (Ina ajxirt, hav-
in raui;hl ovr 'MM Itaiiilfow (root.
() m hiir-ar. oru VanJor
lr,an Arltona ahi'nan, aa In
!. n Ha'uhlty t Uitlntf Ilia routin, Mayor
I Mini. k. Ila aa raiaol on tha Vandrr-
vilker Jonaiion lain! rlalin lo miloa
ul of lluhtarl ami l-fl (rKon whrn
l. aaa It far nf tf. ThlrtyOvt yaara
txn 1 ol ainra tlnn, ami ha rniiirnt
lo to hi ittrr, ho II va in Iha I'alHi
r.,nnirjf anJ alio ill rriorn ith hint.
Mr, Yamlrra!kir oana A.uUO hap ana
rotitroU tha lrrltin of a country W
billra )ot2 anl 15 mllra Mo,
An tikiiTiiiCaor. Atturny Isrhua-
bl rriuiiiil Hirljf fiuiu Tumor,
tier ha atUrhtJ 2'iO tunhrlt of hral
and .") buhrla of oata tflonninK to
Jtruh lUutrr, aim, Frrl lUnrvr,
fa noia f.r v'i iii l'.i.' tuCliarlra Mo-
nil. Mm n that tima only l(l haa l n
.dnd Ihi) Inlvitxt hrilnj tha total up
t tU'i. Tho nolo will outlaw Crlol-r 4,
l ami unlrM il In UI Iha crop a HI
U ild.
Wiitm u litoNoK Joiisa iJi? Arthur
WiUin, harilmh vIihtoikuI In I'oillaiiil,
ii nukliiK Ini'tirlM at to tta whrralotiia
ol (inorn Joiitiaon, mho llvrd in dn'iton
Clijr alHiut M yir arfo. I In waa lhtn
U-Urm U) ami "i) yrara of aii" and hal
lil hup p)ti. Aa liolhli)( hat Iwrt hr'aiil
from him for aUml 10 yrara hU rlaivra
t KPiiinij rot lout atxiut him. Yii'o-
Cninill V!..n would Imi itpaod to liPtr
of any InloniiKiluii ronrornlntf tha man.
I'a : I'm llox. I'uler Alllaon,
Ulti r known tt Julian, waa in thn city
fluidity. Ho haaliitl rt'turnvil from
litwtoii, ,im ho haa Um'II in htitliiPM
'or 1:1 iiiontiii at(, ami la on lua way lo
hmtirtuta l'tt fruit farm lo park xurt,
lilih ar worth ."i0a ho In lawaon.
Ho rpturii tlii.ro In tha aprlnK ami
Uko luO hoxna with him. Mr. Alllaon
li yean
J Comiho Faihm. TIU U tU jmrM f
m year wimn Mire era held and the dis
ciple of lurlciillnrt am! tlx MMilii o(
Imium II,..!, Mjoi, ,, n,n (,,K,ri unity to
Upley their nim products. Among tU
falra k hadulod tho Htala Fair, at Ha
Uin,Hlit.2;,W; Hpokeiia, Wash,, nti.r.
lata Fair, Hi-.t. 10-21 ; Portland Carnl
al, H4.pt, lA-O.-t. Ill ; LOrande, Oil. 1
-BlTli Mitrlrl Kilr, ().'t. lr,
ill tlm WililnKton Huta Fair at North
Yakima, Kept. no-tM. 5.
K'llilOI, IlxillM Hll'TtMHKR 111. Tin
piihllo wliixtla ol Oriron City on M(,tl.
y, Hfjit, Id ami an liirrfM. alinml
antwIaaiimfiiMl, MIm (Jnrtrmlo NufKnr
ht ln iraimffrrnil from tlm fourth
iraitti q (tin Kantham n IwmiI lo tint flr
ura.ln In Ilia llari lay m hoot,' iiiln va
rant ly tint rKl(iutlori of MIm JUrrU
Hiay, MlM Mrina I.auraiirii uh- from
tha Ihlril to tlin lonrth ur'U In tlia Dmil
ham ai liool ami MIm Kva Mnlilruin, who
aa re'Ktitly aiiolutil, Uka tha I'.ant
ham third raln,
in ltM4t.ii.-Kl.iiir Cook ha
oltorail a rwr! of J for Ilia arrt ami
liloiilillrnilou of tha limn who ruhho'l C.
Wn A iiora at Canliy on Aukh.I
13. Hy lunana of a jm ky Iha llili'l
anlcriHl (ha tiora ami carrltnl away ihwi
ami (Iowa lo (ha valua of ISO IK. A
portion of tha atolpiiMoo.lt wat aold at
reeldml In Oregon Cily about
Hubbard and the aulhorliUa think thpyj" MrT Waller W. Webater,
hevalhe man ai.ttel. iVtrrlpilona of I William J. KiMiney, Ad lie J. MrBrlde,
tha auapecte have have Uan api.t to Jolu W. Tolford, Jacob Wick, II W
ofhrtiie all over tha atata, and the arra.t )
of iha thUvrt will probably follow with
in a few daya.
CiUKNoa WAiataa.J. W, Iodrr
and Hart Natli roiurninl at 1 :.'S0 Sunday
liiorniiig from an eltflil dty'a trip In tha
1 Nahalem Couulry. rrom here (hey went
lo Aatorla and walked to Jcwidl, Ukoig
a boat ami going do n the Nalialem river
to itt mouth. The trip waa an rxclting
one and their boat turned ao'iiertaulUi,
abut raplda and did other thlngt which
will not be united aa tha publio would
not believe tha atory. Mr. IjxUt found
a Uililo of chaiiiptgne on the liver bank
aud chrtttnied bta boat a ith the txitilo.
From Nrlitli lii thry walked up the beach
toheaaldo. where they look tha train for
L nrO, unit hut. l.. Toe 1'JOl
catalcTfue ol the I'nlveralty of Ore
gon htt been received and la a Very Colli
preheutive woik, comprltliig lHd priuled
jpagea. LMtkimee county haa aiwaya
aupplied a full quota of etudenia for the
umvertity which li iiicreaaing ill atauding
and Kpularity under the management of
I'retideut Strong. The atudeiita regie
teifl (rum Otrgun City and Claktiiiaa
County are VldoJ. Adiint, Win. C
Adt.11.. Win. 11. IlarUr, Wni. I. Itoek,
Win. Hammond, Miry F. Hurrih, Hoy
Wciitaoilh Kelly, Mortimer liillon I.a
toiirette, Lewie A. Moiitaiidon, Hea Nor-
! rle, Arthur P. I'eddovk, Jullut O. IVter-
on, Win lli-nh y Scott and Ptvld Henry
Wolle. A. Statk it n glntcrvd In the
Kbool of medicine.
I FU Foarv Faai. Howard W. Scott,
ia lineioan einplo)ed by the TortUm!
I (ienertl Klrcinc Coinptiiy, fell from a
I wla on tho Went tide of the river Friday
! morning and wt eeverely Injured. A
J party of liuritit'ii were etrlniilug wlrea
from the ele.tric atiilioti to Morcy'a
' rancli and Scott waa w 01 king at the top
of a polo when ho I"1 ''' I'11"'"'
fell 40 feet, aUlkiliit on I'm right (out and
cruhilig tho boiii a of Ihn f xit ipilte
'baitly. Iluahto eUKtalnol a tianh over
the eye and hn back waa etralnnd.
Soutl wat taken to the K.h'ctrlo hotel,
where hia wound were ilretaed by
County 1'hyi.lclttu Stuart. Ha waa aont
to a honplul In I'oriland Saturdy morn
ing. M" Ion woiked for the (ittiieral
Klectric Company three yeara and hl
hoino la In Portland.
Orn Am Com krt. The ojicii air
concert and picnic given Tueaday even
ing by thi Milwaiikio ta Hand at
Klectrlo Park, Mllwaukio,,waa a decided
Kimball Organs in live and six
octaves from 00 to 125 sold on in
stallments. Washburn Guitars and Man
dolins arc known to bo tlio best
from 15 up.
All other makes from 5 up.
aiiccwa I'x'lally ai wall ai flnanulully,
Tha aiitnrtaliiiiipiit waa glvun for tha
hnnnflt of annnrlng naw anlforma for tha
haml, ami while no adinlimlon waa
cha'gml, good 111 in waa raland by mill
Ing riilriitliinniila at a aiuall mm. It la
rttlmtUwl that fully 500 xjroiii atlrndp I
tha concert, ami not one left hut that
waa highly aatlaflail. Tha hand, while
only oriiinl.P'l four monthi ago, haa
uiadii pxcflllnnt proifritaa, and tha direc
tor, John Conmnr, CPrUluly doanrvea
credit for bilnglng the hand to tha front
in ao (hurt time. The band la com
po of 23 )Iim:p, and within thort
time will tm able lo rank with tha load
ing bamla of Iha title, Tha mernUrt of
tha band with toeipreaa tlieir thanka to
all thoau who voluntiipred ilwlr arlwa
Turaday availing to make the entertain
muni a itKXPtt.
amu I'ATKNTa. I'aUnta were received
at the laud ollb e Unity for tha following
aeltlara: William Urigworthy, William
H. Wing, Oaorga W. Tamlntle, John A.
McKaa, William (J. Keleo, Framrla II.
Iwer, Jamita P. Tatnletle, John A.
Weaver, Chariea 0. 1'arker, Malcolm
McAlpIn, William W. Howell, It. Kfflt
tW, Otto 0. Cllen, William A. Lamb,
FranrU Colllna, Fmd John Wind, l'ercy
A. Young, Katppr Krtn, Frank flpn
grindt, Jtioh Mntmar, Zn'lnrltli T.
IVk, John McClun, F.li-n Aiupt, Frank
II. Ilowtll, Adah Morrii, Hmiry It. fila-
vmiK, ('urni-lioi J, Ktgnrly, John C. I
,UrM hlr, Matthew I. Hayea, bdwin
H. Oele. Matthew K, Hayea, William
C. Jonea, llridget Flynn, Clayton T.
Illackman, Waller 11. iluell, Ma M. Bu-
ell, William K. Buth, Moaea Mcl). Bul
lock, Albeit II. Nunn, Ifertiert Nunn,
Henry H. Iiwrence, Heniyet Slavent,
William A. Calklua, Andrew J. Nicholla,
Orlu Y.. Brooke.
PimrxTiMo Oi-inoxa. Uegltter C. B.
MiMirea and Itecelver (ialloway, of tha
Uniie-I Slttea I .and Ollice, have filed
conflictliig opinion! In two content caea.
The Aral cae la Viva Viaacher va. Mia
aourl A. T. Van Ilutklrk, involving caah
entry No. 0718, for the 8 i of Iha N K
1 4 and loll 1 and 2 in un lion 4, lownihlp
8 eoutb, It 3 eatu Tha Hegiater recoui
nieiidt tha cancellation of the entry,
while the Receiver recotnmenda that the
con te t be dinmltMud, and tha proof of
the entrymtn ba approved. In the car
of F rami i Do Witta va. David C. Hatch,
the fade are practically tha aaroa aa in
the flrat cate, and Regltter Moom rec
ouimenda that the contett be ditmiaaed
but that the proof of tha enlrynian be
rvjeclcd and that tha conteto be called
upon to make new proof. Tha Receiver
decided in favor of the entry man. The
claim of Hatch ia alonipnde that of Van
Butkirk. Both caaea will probably be
Plealed to Iha General Land Olfice.
Robert A. Miller and J. R. ShJddard are
the allurneya fur the coiitcttne and T. F.
Cowing for the contestant! In each cae.
Catarrh ( annol be Cared
with LOCAL APPUCATlDNS, as they
cannot reach the a-al of tho diaeaae.
Catarrh I a blood or conatitutional dia
eaM, and in order to cure It you moat
take internal remedioa. Hall'a Catarrh
Cure ia taken Internally and acta directly
on the blood ami mucoui etir facet.
Ilall'i ('otarrli Cure la nut a quick medi
cine. It waa prcuci itad by one of the
bel phyaiciam In tbia country for yeam,
and ia a regular prrm-rlption. It la com
IhiimnI of the beat tonica known, com
hined with the heat tiloml purifier!, act
ing directly on the mucoui aurfacea.
The perfect combination of he two in
grelienlH la what produces inch wonder
ful leaulti in curing Catarrh. Svnd for
tontimonmli free.
F. J. CHKS KY A CO.. rt-pi., Toledo. 0.
Sold by drncgiBia, price 75c.
Iliill'i Family Pilla are the beat.
Chamlierlaiu'a Colie. Cholera and Diar
rhea Remedy ha a world wide reputa
tion fur Ita cure. Il never fnilfl and ii
ploawtnt and aufo to take, fur tale by
G. A. Harding, Druggiat.
Burmeister 9 Ipdresei?, Stye Orop Qityjeuelrs
A Ski'lrli or ft Well Known and
31 u cli Kf Ncc(4I Citizen.
Hat Marrlrd In Sew Yerk to Cbcutlna
('. linker, lad Three Children
Surrlre film.
Charlea C. Wllllaifia, one of the repu
table representative cltiteni of Clacka
inaa county, Oregon, raaiding near Oregon
City, la a native of Knoaburg, Franklin
county, Vermont, born November 30,
1H.-J0. He leof old Kngllah PuriUo ao
cuttry ; the family of hie name which
landed on Plymouth Rock that bleak
winter of 1020 were ancestor! of our lub
jact. From there the William! family
cat t red in time all over New England,
and became influential and prominentia
very itaie. The grandfather wai David
Wllliami, and became a aoldier in the
Revulutionary war, and our aubject now
bat in hia ioft"iun the powder-horn of
the old patriot, which, with hie flint-lock
niuaket, went with him all through that
long itrugirle for independence. David
Willlana died In Knoaburg, Franklin
county, Vermont, in bit ninety-ninth
year. 1
The eon of the Revulutionary hero waa
Iaaiah Wllliama; he waa born in Icaaich,
New Hampshire. He married Miea Mar
tha Tenny, a native of Boeton, and re
moved to Vermont, and later to Maeea
chunetta, w here be died when the aubject
of tbia iketch waa only lix yeara of aite,
and the mother died that lame year,
both in their forty-eighth year. Tbey
had a family of ten children ; one of theae
waa killed by an accident, at the age of
ten yeari ; two of the daughtera married
minister! ; one of the brother! ia now a
leading miniater In the Congregational
denomination in Chicago, and another it
a prominent lawyer in New York City.
Another of tbia family bravely atarted
out for blmaelf when he waa but a lad,
I and recently died in Buffalo, a rich man,
I being eaiimaUd to have been worth 1 10,
000,000. I Our tubject waa the youngeet child ln
I the family, and waa reared near New
1 or a Iroiu tut eleventh rear, tie waa
educated in an academy at Aurora, and
at Buffalo, F.rio county, and baa aince
that lime principally devoted bimoelf to
farming. The marriage of our tubject
took place In 1855, to MIm Cheatina C
Barker, a native of Kvani. Erie county,
Now York, born in 1S3C. After their
marrl.ge they retided in New York for
fourteen years, and there were born to
them the following children, namely:
Klla K., Thornton L., Wallia W. and
Charlei T. The laat died in liil fourth
In 1S75 the family came to Oregon,
and remained in Portland for one year,
and then came to Clackamaa county,
purchasing a farm one mile aouth of, Ore
iron City, and on this property tbey have
ever aiuca resided; improving aud pros
pering. In 1S78 our luhject erected a
good residence in a very dceirable local
ity, aa from it there is a fine view of the
country and the surrounding mountains,
eupvcially of grand old Mount Hood.
Mr. Wllliami lias dealt tome In real
eatato, and the property which be flrst
bought baa to iucrvaeed in value that he
haa found it a most profitable investment.
Oreuoii City la faat growing out in that
direction. Mr. Williami became a voter
when the great question of the extension
of slavery into the new Territory waa
under diaciiHsion, and his firttt vote wai
cast for Abraham Lincoln aud ever aince
that time be has been a strong adherent
of the principles held br the republican
party. He is a member of the Masonic
fratornity, and wi.s a charter member of
Violins, Banjos, Zithers, Au
toharps and Accordeons, all
grades and all prices.
Harmonicas and Jewsharps
5 cents up.
Clover Harmonophones 50 cts.
Strings and Extras for all instruments.
Adams Bros. Golden Rule Bazaar
have found their present store too small for their
inereaned trado and will move about October 15
to the new double store now building for them
next to the Methodist church and in order to re
duco their present stock before moving have mado
a great reduction in all departments,
A few of tho bargains to be obtained are quoted
Cuticnra Hoap 10c
Kngllth Violet Soap 3c
Wllliami Sliiving Hoap 5c
Snowberry Toilet Soap 4c
Sopolla Cc
J Paper Novell 4c
y Meu'l Workirii. Shirt! P
uwm uuiiiik rianriet c
Hop Plcklni 0loei 10c
Bird Cagei 43c
Toweling 8u
Alarm Clock! 73c
Giant Tumbleri 4c
Ink Tauleta 3c
Hooka and Eyte lc a dot.
Men'i Heavy Sweater! .
Ladlea' Underwear ....
Men'i Oolf BblrU
Bow Tie
Two Foot Rule!
Boys' Knifci
.. 8c
NtevetCe Ilatldlsta;, Opp. Oregon CI If Hawk.
the Grange, being now Past Master of
that order, and haa given thtm all the
aid in bit power.
Our aubject and family are very highly
esteemed, and hit honorable lite bat
brought ita own reward. Ha enjoy the
reepect of all wherever he ia known.
Hine'a History of Oregon.
Letter List
The following ia tha list of lettora re
maining in the poatofSce at Oregon City,
Ore., on August 2-'th, 1901 :
womck'i list.
Bryan W W Mrs Sprane Gracie
French Geo Mra Tillotaon L L Miaa
GraM Nancy Mra Thomas Anuie Mri
Hubbard L Miia Wilkina Lacy Mr
. byms Chnitiana Miaa '
Brown F F Thompson A Johnson
Ford Chai Voi-ht O G
LewiiJohnJ W right Archie
Ll Vim Wyman A J
Peaaley Joseph Witts Elit
Koaenburg D L
Package Mra Chaa Barney.)
P. T. Thomas, Sumteryille, Ala., "I
waa suffering from dyspepsia when I
commenced taking Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure. I took several bottlea and can di
gest anything." Kodol Dysrp8' Cure
ia the only preparation containing all the
natural digestive fluids. It givea weak
stomachs entire ret, restoring their nat
ural condition. Geo. Harding.
Cneqnallf d Service Yi Great Salt Lake
Thtffavorite route to the East is via
Salt Lake Cily and Denver over ths Rio
Grande Western Railway in connection
w Ith either the Denver A Rio Grande or
Colorado Midland Railroads. Yon will
find it a pleasant way to travel, coup
ling as it does the most remarkable scen
ic tide in America with an unsurpassed
train service. Three fast through trans
continental trains daily, carrying all
classes of equipment, including Pullman
Palace and Ordinary or Tourist Sleepers
to Chicago and St. Louis without change
Free Reclining chair cars, observation
cars and a perfect dining car service.
Send for folder and other information to
J. D. Mansfield, general agent, 122 A.
Third street, Portland; or Geo.' V.
HeinU, general Passenger agent, Salt
Lake city. 2
No. 5 flair Ribbon 3c yd
O N T Thread, 6 Spoola 2-'
Children'! Kibbar Hoee 9c
Toilet Paper, 6 Roll! 25o
10 qt. Granite Bucket...
10 qt. Tin Bucket
Latlei' Shirt Waliti....
Embroidery Hoop!
Box Writing Paper
Large Glaaa Pltchen ..
Large Lamps
Cotton Batting
Tootb Bruihee
Jelly Olaaaei
Men'! Good Bocka
Men'i Underwear
Good Hair Brushes
Galvanized Buckets
... .2oC
, Co
.2 do
, 1!
..40c act
Oej The "Rapid Air" Gun .
5c i Knifei and Forks ......
Vaiaamtsnat Ja-
na OU. Il n-
ma iha daap, w
andcml. TW iXA, "
- k,,, VN .V
lociail'ke 1' V y.
arttica . Pi , iJA a''V'.
aaloaatrrtba Lirf ' ' AXf. : '
MolEopFka A C i vfl
UxUby IA 0V77 V 1
SlandardOa li WJ
Company j (r "
A Minister's Mistake.
A citr minister was recently banded a
notice to be read from his pulpit. Accom
panying it wai a clipping from a newspa
per bearing upon the matter, lne
clergyman started to read the extract
and found that it began "Take Kemp's
Balsam, the best Coujh Cure."
This was hardly what he had expejted
and, after a moment's hesitation, he tur
ned it over, and found on (be other side)
the matter intended for the reading. -
Mra. S. H. Atlport, Johnstown, Fa,,
lays: "Our little girl almost strangled to
death with croup. The doctors said she
couldn't live but the was instantly re
lieved by One Minute Cough Cure."
Geo. Harding.
In caaes of cough or croup give the lit
tle one One Minute Cough Cure. Then
rest easy and have no fear. The child
will be all right in a little while. It
never fails. Pleasant to take, aiwaya
safe, sure and almost instantaneous ia
effect. Geo. Harding.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of