Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, August 23, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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Oregon City Enterprise.
City and County Odlclal Paper.
Published Kvery Friday.
L. L. rORTEK. rora.Toa.
1 ft)
Ons year :
6 I months 1
Trial subscription two month! -o
A discount ol !W cent on M subscriptions
for on tear, 25 cent for six months, II
paid in advance. ,, ,
Advertising rates given on application.
Subscribers will find the dat of fxpirw.
tlon stsmped on ibeir pspts tollowins;
their i.me. If th! dste it not chanred
within two weeks nr ft pavment, kindly
notify u nd w will look after iu
IntereJ t th pontnfflc ,n Brecon City.
Or., as trcond class matter.
Bnitt Creek..
Clackamas ,
Fnion Mills...
Mes.tw Brook.
New F.r
Wilsonvillt . ...
Escle t'reek....
.lr.T. B. Thomas
E. I. flM
A. Mather
...Oscar Wimncer
...O. J.Trul.inger
... Cha. Holmen
..W. H. Newberry
Henrv Miley
R.O. Holme.
J.O litm
... C. T. Hird
R. M.Cooper
Annie Slubh
... J. C. Maroism
B. Jenninir
".Hsnry A. Pny.fr
. H. Wlhern
" .' ..J. C Kllintl
V. Uitsch
"...".Geo. J. C'irrin l
...Adolph Acboff
Abuut the only Btrck of light athwart
Ibe gloony sne which we have traced
across the Pacific to the Philippine it
the wiling of. the pedagogues. Instead
ol ships going oat laden with men and
inanitions of war, and returning with
do-eased, dead and dying soldiers, wr
are now sending out ships laden with
the emissaries of edocation. The last
government transport which left hre
carried five hundred teachers, male and
female. Whatever mar be thought of
of our Philippine policy, the policy of
eJucation can only meet with cordial
commendation. But there is one phase
of the pedagogic question which the
government evidently baa not considered.
It it the moonlight question. It is the
marriage question. If the government
wishes to keep the teachers devoted to
their pedagogic duties it bad better ship
the tiro eexea in separate tranporta.
The hut one sailed from here about the
full of the moon, and from here to Hono
lulu love't ravages among the male
pedagogues are said to have been fright
ful. In fact, some particularly amorous
pedagogues implored the transport
captain to marry them on the spot or
rather on the high seas. But the phleg
matic tkipper bade them "wait till they
get to Honolulu." It is probable that
Uncls-Sam, who has paid the passage of
the pedagogues to the Philippines, mill
cot only have to pay their passage back,
but the passage of some !dazogaito8 as
well. Argonaut. .
have ever been looked alter. They are
heavy taxpajrrt and see that the county
gMa value received fir money paid out.
The Is of this county ran not I lm
proved on wind and the fact that such a
good showing has Wen ma le on them
without increasing the Indebtedness ol
the county, shows that the county's af
fairs are looked after by competent and
careful men. '
e . . . I
Tin strikes at Fan Francisco and in
the Kant show little evidence of settle
merit. The men think they are not gal
ling ft fair share of the prosperous con
ditions of the country and the capitalist
think they are paying as large wattes as
the busineee will stand. The end la not
In sight and much capital and energy
will be waited before a settlement it
Okxgo.n is neglecting one of its best op
portunities to advertise the fruit Industry
of the state in not providing ample fruit
of all kin U. both freah and dried, at
Buffalo. We little realiie how small the
knowledge of Oregon is by the people of
the East. To grow at a state we must
make our resources known, and the
chances are gooJ at Buffalo.
Tin time when the state will realiie
anything on the defalcation of Ex-school
Clerk Davit by the litigation now in
progrees in the dim future and only after
much expense. The history of his case
is not favorable to the stale ever getting
T. I. C. A. ITl'.I Conduct a Sight Vhool
This MUter.
Oregon's wheat crop will be larger
than that of last year. There U a slight
decrease in the yield of Columbia river
conn tie but a good crop in the Willam
ette valley will Im-rvase the total. The
yield It eeilmeted at l.fcXI.OOO bushels.
The IVpartment of Agriculture has re
ceived a cablegram from Pudaiwat an
nouncing the omYlal eatiiuates of August
10 tor the Hungarian grain rr-mul IWl.
It shows in thousands of Winchester
buVhelt the following ettlmate, com
pared with the fluurts of the crop of 1900 :
I'HU llVH)
Wheat ir.ftttft
Ry o. 4.tM5 2 44 aW O
Brley 4.iC. 0 bl.'M 0
The sale and shipment ot one ot the
largeot individual holding ot wool ever
owned in the upper Willamette valley
has just been completed. The buyers
are Messrs. Koahland A Co , of Boston.
The wool was sold by A. Wilhelin and
tons, of Monroe. The shipment con
sisted of 473 bags, or 111.4'W pound.
The price wat not made public, but is
supposed to be in the neighborhood ot 14
cente per pound.
The hop outlook in the western part ot
the state is good. The total yield in
Linn county will probably be eoniewhst
short, on account ot the recent dry i
weather. The quality however, will be I
A 1. There has been no trouble this
rear from lice. The Jaikn yard, near
r--"l: WWW !
ir.ii Jin ii i.-w n ,i
ft. I'll J mVLEJI I 'fl
Li D i
I Farms and Farming, j
Albany, is in better condition than ever
before, and the yield per acre will t
gon, to Salem and return, and it It to le
hoped thai everyone who can do so will
show hi appreciation by taking advent
age ofthl opportunity to pass a lew
dv plea-antly and profitably at our
it capital.
Reports from the vartoua hop districts
of Jo-ephtne county show that the crop
will be ahjot IS) per cent short, but the
quality will be good. The hot weather
has kept out the lice, to that the yarda
are clean. Th rain of last week, although
not enough to salla'y the growers, will
make th bloom heavy, as it stimulate
the growth just at the right lime. J. A.
lennlng, who has watched the Imp
situation (or a numlwr ot years, estimate
the crop tor Joeephin county at
b!e. Twelve cent per pound ha been
ottered, but little contracting ha l-en
done, as the proSe It oinl to better
prii-e. Picking will begin In about (our
wei ks, and ho-drier are now being put
in condition.
The Census Bureau ba Issued a report
on the agricultural statistics (r A!ka.
It shows that Alaoka't total wealth June
1, l'XW.was 15.Wh1. ol which l-'l'Hl was
investisl In livestot k, I'll in implements
and machinery, and 112.) represented
the value ot building and other Improve
ments. Buildings have l-en ert le-l on
nine of the twelve (arms iu the territory.
Preparing ttie toll (or cultivation has
ln th chief item ot eipense in open
ing fsruis, being in some tnstam-r ll.'O
tittle below the aversg. in thl. part of , . .. . ,.,,. , tilli , .
vj- -" - i
theralVy. Ititexpecte! that picking
will begin In about a week.
The truth should hurt no one, but the
Conrier-Herald evidently believes it will,
and tries to euppress it. The county
printing proportion is an old one but we
wish to ay a faw words more on the sub
ject. Both parties in their last conven
tion said that the proper course was for
the Board to ask for bids and the
Courier-Herald has been howling for the
Board to stand on their platform. In
stead of waiting for bids to be akyd lor
the Courier-Herald man went to the
Board and tried to get the printing with
out bids being asked for, or without any
one else knowing anything about it, but
was told by the Board that bids would
Le asked for. Bids were asked for. The
Courier-Herald man failed to meet fair
and straight competition and did not
pat in a bid. He says that bis bid was
lost. He bad none in to be lost. He is
kicking because the Board would not
give Liu the printing before they asked
for bids on a proposition that allowed of
no competition.
Tub Courier-Herald charges the pres
ent Board with running the county in
debt $40,000 daring the last year. If
that paper will look up the financial con'
dition of the county as shown by the ex
hibits of tbe county clerk, it will find
that the net indebtedness ot tbe county
is bat little more than it was a year ago.
That little has been used in Improving
the roads of the county used by the farm
ers. This bowl is tbe same old cry that
always goes up when a campaign is in
eight, The present Board look after the
interests of the county as well as they
This Yoong Men's Christian Associ
ation hat determent to conduct its own
night school during the coming winter, j
A (acuity of competent and experienced
instructors wili be secured. Tbe aim ot
tbit school is to give the men who work
during the day a thoroagh knowledge ot
any subject taken and thus furnish them
with a practical evocation. This school
will open about Ortolier 1, and will be
known as the Evening College. Classes
will be formed in the following subject.
Bookkeeping, commercial law, commer
cial correspondence, penmanship, ele
nienUrr arithmetic, advanced arith
metic, Englifh grammar, reading and
spelling, civil government, and social
economics. Arrangement have already
been made where'iy niein'oers o( the
Association winding to take a course in
mechanical drawing or electrical engi
neering may join the clashes in the Port
land Association under the same condi
tions by which the Portland members
j in them.
The first step in entering any ot these
clashes is to become a member of the
Association (iniation fee 11.00; dues, 5
a year), then pay the claos fee whicn
will be announced laU-r. There will be
no examination on enti-ring, but during
the year two eliminations will be given;
one jut before the Christmas holidays,
the other at the end of the term, April
1. 1!02.
Tbe classes will meet twice each week ;
some of tteui on Monday and Thursday
evenings, the oiliers on Tuesday and
Friday evening. There are a large
number of men in Oregon City who will
probably take advantage of the oppor
tunities offered in the Evening College.
In American associations from Oct. 1,
18W to April 1, 1900, three hundred and
twenty-evening schools were conducted.
The student in these schools numbered
2-1,975 above sixteen years of age and
1,927 juniors. Oregon City with its
hundreds of young men ought to have a
very strong evening college.
The contract for improving the Y. M.
C. A. building has been awardod to C.F.
Baker, of this city, bin bid being the low
est. He will commence work immedi
ately so that the building can be com
pleted by September 15, which is the
time set for the opening.
Work on the upper portion of the
building will be started firt. The ceil
ing requires repapering, new doors put
in and partitioning of the walls. Ar
rangements are under way to supply the
Association with 60 to 100 first-class
lockers for the accommodation of the
members, and those who take part in
the class work during the winter season
The hop crop ot Yamhill county this
year will be about S5.000 hales, as against
PI.HOO bale last aon. The recent
warm weather has been highly beneficial : cow from vegeuhlc.
to the crop, destroying mold, lice and
other Insect. The quality ot the crone
will be first clasa. Buver are offering 9 1 standpoint of income upoo
product. Five of the farms are only
smsll market gardens of less than three
acre. Tii total value of doiuetl ani
mal and poultry w f?I' I'oUtoe
and turnip furnlihed the prlnripal In-
Next to Vegeta
bles, graa cut lor bay is the mol Impor
tant agricultural product. From Hi
capital In-
AMtfrt.iUt' IV rpnr.tlton tor A
slmlUiilnU 6V fitxl atulltotf tild i
rromorv Digestion CUrrful
ckm nral IVM lVnt.tlni tvltleT
IMtmi Mori'limo nor Muti'ral.
Jit r
JUMb Ml- I
lit W 1
Aporfrcl HVntoJy forfonstyw
Hon. Sour Stonwvh.Di.uitwn
ncMNHlI.tiHHor Sun.
facsimile Sitf nature of
Lvct coer o wac").
Tor Infnnti and Chlldrnn
The Kind You Have
Always B:ghi
Boars tlio
For Over
Thirty Years
to 10 cent per pound in advance for
pit-king purpoeee. Few croweia, bow
ever, are signing contracts, as they bare
or can secure money (or picking without
pledging their crop.
There is great excitement on Eat Pine
Creek in Baker county on accoanl ot the
finding o( 17 head of cattle that had Uen
shot to death, and cattle owners ot this
section swear vengeance.
It it supposed the killing of the cattle flril o( jn
vested, pouliry raiding in wss retat
ivelv the moat profitable branch ot Alas
kan agriculture.
The bop crop In I.ane county promlM-s
to be one of the bet ner Itarveatrd.
The weather ha been favorable (or
strung growth ot vine. Tin is the
almost universal expression obtained
from the grower. A low yard Were
damaged by the heavy hail storm about
In these the yield is
wss the work ol st.eepner.iers. me came ,lprClrj ,0 ( totm,,hal short, although
hsving demolished a sh.-ep camp. j OM of lwo owm,r, 0 , j, in ,lltl n
If it prove true that theepmeu are re-, ,e hylMl par, 0 ,h hail storm are
sponsible lor this wanton act, there H , confident they will hateaagooda yitld
be serious trouble, as the lit of feeling M evef
has not existed (or a long time between ThlJ KHft u ,iwt)l MI110 u
cattle and sheep owner in this section T.,r, ,Dj lt (, tim4!tfd the product (r
on account of the encroschmenta on the ,..,..,,, ,,, ,.- ,-.,,
throlghout the mush al world of Ame'tra
with ele. trie elfe. L It la now twlng l!l,
and ttie I m pulse is so great a to be
tiarlling in it character."
(laving prepared our readers for what
w are tiow to state w hereby announce
that the W. W. ktmhall Company I a
ranging to prmluce Ally pianoe a day In
Its enormous lactorirs. This advance
will be reached before the cloae ot the
ItfcU KM ft: TRt!Sli:KV
urlhej Fiery Mek by the ( larka.
mas Abstract A Trnt t eepiej.
The Oregon State Fair at S'alem, dep
end KOJO bale,
the next five or
The weather during
six weeks will have
tember 23rd to 2S:h, I'JOl, lnc!uive, ; much to do with the crop. While every
promises to be the best this year that : thing Is as favorable a:i could be desired,
has vet been held. New features
amusement and inntruction have been
If the action of your bowels is not easy
and regular serious complications must
be the final result. DeWitt's Little Early
Risers will remove tbia danger. Safe,
pleasant and effective. Geo. Harding.
A Core For Cholera Infantum.
"Last May," says Mrs, Curtis Baker,
of Bookwalter, Ohio, "an infant child of
our ueighbor's was suffering from cbol
era infantum. The doctor bad given up
all hopes of recovery. I took a bottle of
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhea Remedy to the house, telling them
I felt sure it would do good if UBed accor
ding to directions. In two days' time
the child had fully recovered, and (tnow
(nearly a year sinco) a vigorous, healthy
girl, I have recommended this Remedy
frequently and have never known it to
fail in any single instance." For sale by
G. A, Harding, Druggist.
(or 1 unfavorable westher might yet ruin half
of the crop. There are no Indications u(
The lice sometimes appear
added, and particular attention will be : hop lice
given to the stock exhibit, owing to the , very suddenly towards the end ol the
great and Constantly increasing interest ' season, or even after pit king has cum
in dairying throughout the state. For nienced, and do considrhlo dsmsgn In
this occasion, the Southern Pacific Co. short time. i rowers expect a lair rice
will make a rate of one (are (or the (or their hop this year. Few hops have
round trip, (rorn all its station in Ore-; been contracted in this section.
Mis Helen Post Sklpi rr San Iran-
cl-co Win a Married Man.
Ther Popularity and I'mmIc With
American IVop'e Mill Inrrrnnlug.
An tlopement, the principal of which
are both well known In Portland, Is one
o( the leading topics o( conversation at
present. Donley New and Miss Helen
Post are star actors. Miss Post is the
only daughter o( Ed Post, one o( the
bent known hotel men on the Pacific
coast, and at present night clerk in
the Belvedere. "New was a member of
the Second Oregon and served In the
Philippines. He has held a number of
excellent positions but (ailed to accom-
plinh much. Of late he worked as clerk
in various cigar stores. New was mar
ried abont a year ago to a young Port
land girl, whom tie deserted to elope
with Miss Post. During the Elk's carni
val last (all Mrs. New was one of tho
leading candidates (or queen.
Gambling occupied a large part of
New'a attention and be frequented
tough dances. When he skipped out be
had practically no money. Finances (or
the trip were raised by Miss Post, who
borrowed money (rora acquaintances.
The young couple fled to San Franciscr .
No attempt has been made to follow
them and Mrs. New will petition for a
Astounded the Editor.
Editor &, A. Brown, of Bennettsville,
8, C, was once immensely surprised,
"Through long suffering from Dyspep
sia," he writes, "my wife was greatly
run down. She had no strength or vigor
and suffered great distress from her stom
ach, but she tried Electric Bitters which
helped ber at once, and, after using (our
bottles, she is entirely well, can eat any
thing. It's a grand tonic, and its gentle
laxative qualities are splendid for torpid
liver." For Indigestion, Loss of Appe
tite, Stomach and Liver troubles it's a
positive, guaranteed cure. Only 50c at
Geo. A, Harding's.
"There is no limit to the capacity of
the W. W. Kimball Company, as a piano
manufacturer," says the New York
Musical Courier. "Every onu will ad
mit that. The capacity ruw in iury
direction. There is no limit to (m-tory
capacity ; no limit to the capacity to air
sorb every excellent idea in piano struc
ture; no limit to the capital necessary to
gel the greatest experts and specialists,
and no limit to secure the very linost
material and put it together in the very
best style. That all mutt bo admitted."
"It the piano people desire to sue w hat
is constituted under the term "original,"
we advise them to look at the several
new designs and style of Kimball up-
rignm. juun a-, loom, jney are en
tirely outside o( the ordinary character
of piano case-work. The finish is lim
ply exquisite. "
"Then look it the Interior. The ordi
nary plate styles and furnishings are
supplanted by new features simply
"Then try the pianos; test them
severely. Go through the questions ol
dip, o( repeat and o( sympathy of touch.
All these will be found delightful for
pianists, and the tone is rich, resonant
and refined. The Kimball piano of the
present day must be viewed as one of
the greatest successes In recent piano
"Of course, with this piano and the
millions behind it, and the brains and
the energy and the knowledge ot the
business, and the condition of the piano
trade to aid it, there Is no difficulty In
predicting tbe future grandeur of the
Kimball house. With old houses retir
ing or going to pieces, new alignments
ensuing, a re-arrangement of the condi
tions ol the past proceeding visibly be
fore us, the Kimball house assumes an
importance that must necessarily be felt
State 1-aod lkr I Jo E. Wilcox,
ne of ne, see It, 5 s, r 4e..
K Wilcox to E J Cowlishaw,
ne o( ne, see Irt, ft s, r 4 e,. . lis 0O
C Johnson to A Prather, ne of
s l see IM, t 5 , r I e 4n) 00
j;i Winston to P It Wlnsum
1-5 interest in 27 arree in J
H Fts'ier rl In 1 1 A 2 , r 3 e, l OU
M I'ederaon to I, Thumpnon,
10 acres in cl to I 3 s, r 1 e. . . 40 00
OCIt HColoH II DeH.sser,
tw of nw ol s.o 17, t 3 s. r & a Zii Oil
K turliliam to (' A I-ooney,
nw ol so of sec 2'1, t 3 s, r 4 e UM 00
ECllo(etoJA Andrews, ft H
acres In hloi k 14, 1'-srlows.. . . ?) (X)
C C Williams to E E Williams,
3-ViiO acres In Holmes rl and
e'g of lot 3, and ell lot 5 block
4, lin en Point
(i II Wisl.art to J P Howell, 1,11c
2, Darlings Add
W I. Beck iter to i A While,
41. Is acres In Wslerhiiry il
and part lot It), s. c 1, t 3 s, r
I) W Hoeill by Admr lo II A
Story, lots 7 A H b'.k 111) Urn-
g-iiiCity i
THL'ST CO. are the owners ol the copy,
rlhl to the Thome system ol abstract
indexes, (or Clackamas county, and have
the only complete set o abstracts in tht
J'..... rat.
v,o.iniy, can iuniimi iniuiiuatioii a to
title to laud at once, on annlirstion
is - -
Loans, ltivestmHUts,ral estate, abstract!
etc, Olllce over Bank o( Oregon City.
Call and Investigate. Address box 37.
ri r
ami iir.u in
Ely's Crs3m Gain
t't h4 SJcakl la
S 4 ..(' a( fo
.tV (.
i u ..s. k , tl.
o . U.r ml ' .
111.. titj (VUM
A tin
of T. S
tI i.-.-..(. hf ki.il T
ait Viai liana.!
ttnr- 9,
M.M.I.OM. Uin t
'1, ,rit(-i,Hm
is mMlin.1,
rr elaffMrelwreaaelrilsseKr
la It txl ltm I ! sk
ul mill Uwil. ikl si lltM Bi !. S i4
Sul tiais eo4 dim lbi l-t HwS I
bVa Uk'- e AH AHl-1 s4 0 I
k suwlllr lnJ. eslll IMS U St I
tw waa l ir m."
aviu II. Uikrar. Kwt 0,
rwaot swwsa
Ouui. (.iMiiruk n km i ton . a.a
MA Wtk III . A..I4 M Sll 4f-
lis) (K) iU'lU-CAU ..wsiuitaiaiwM
1 00
i.yfK) tw
At Panama, folumliln, by (Iminhrr
l.iln.s folic, Cholera nml Diar
rhea ftcmr-dy.
Dr. Chas. H. Utter, a prominent phy
sician ot Panama, Columbia, In a recent
letter states: "Last March I bad at a pa
tlent a young lady sixteen years o( age,
who bail a very bad attack ol dysentory,
Everything I proscribed lor her proved
ineffectual ind she was growing worse
every hour. Her parents were aura the
would die. rJho had become so weak she
could not turn over In bed. What to do
at this critical moment was a study (or
me, but I thought of Chamherlaln'i Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhea ltumudy and as a
last resort prescribed It. The most won
dorful result wis effected. Within eight
hours she was fooling much better; In
side ol three days sho wus upon her foot
and at the end of one week was entirely
well." For sale by G. A. Harding,
James White, RryantBvillo, Ind., says
DeWitt's Witch Har-ol Sulve hualud run
nlng sores on both logs. He suffered six
years. Doctors failed to help bira. Oet
DeWit 'a, Accopt no Imitations. Geo.
Why ril spend the vacation t
Vsquiii Uy, where rani had
cellent lrn, good fishing, gxxl Ixiatlng.
safe bsthlng, alluring ride and ramhl'.
The i-ouraes and exercle at the sii'w
llier iu hool, of pKlI, at Newrt,
sfforil great vsrloly c.( lnstrurll"ri,
diversion ami etilnrlalniiK iit . Nn-tl1"
retort olTcr eijiial altrai tlniis and &
Only tine Way 1o Do It
del (rout Portland to Chlcsgo In Ti
hours-just three dsys. The "Chli0"
Portland rVuial." having I'orlima
dally at V a. in. via . O. It. A N.. '"
at Chicago at ::K)lha third day. M
York and Hoston are reached the fourth
day. This train, acknowledged to b
the fastest between the Norlliwett a"-''
the East, it solidly vostlhuled and I"
tqulpnieiit I unsurjinssoil. Pullii0
draw Ing room sleeping curs, up-to-date
tourist sleeping carl, librtrymiiuklng
can, (roe reclining chair carl, "d un
excelled dining cart, the meals on which
are equal to those served at the very
best hotels. Kemembor thlt train runi
tolld Portland to Chicago; there Is
change ol can, and the good o( it li "
costs no mors to ride on It thau on otlief
We have other train- 'Taciflo Ex
press" loaves Portland dally t 9 p.
via Huntington, and the "Hpokana
Flyer" leaves at 6 p. m. daily via Br
kane (or Ht. Paul and the East.
For rates, sleeping car reservation
call or write to
A. L. CaAio,
General Passenger Ag,
O. R. A N. Co., Portland, Oregon.
r. Williams'
,. f mils
l.,.ti.s iwn y,
i... arf"
For sale by Charman & Co., Druggie