OIIKOON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY AUGUST 23, 1901, 3 Personal Mention frank Jours baa returned (rum West port. Mi.n Pollle Cruet nt Hufiilay at Wll hull. William Andremm and wife are al Claud Huffman U In the city vUltlng Mi family. I'miI Milrr vltlil friends In 1'ort l.n.l Holiday.' V. M. C7. of Harlow, wte In Hit rlly Haturday. Thomas McCubhliia wst In town from bvn Friday. kliM l.uti J'reper list Heaalda fori Mrs, Ada McClnrt and children hm "luriw.1 fro.,, Albany, whore ll.ey were Hit KUMU uf Mr.. H. A. II. Veal. Mr. J. M. Kull.,r snd dsiiKhtor, Mm. J W. lrea, of l'ortlai.d. vlalM friends In Oregon (jiy Wednesday. Mr.. J, Wi-nnr snd Mr.. Harry r.,T iVW returnM from a vr.it lolhelr lirtrfhrr. Will K. .,.t Victoria, . C. ni.iiain J.dwsrd UatU.lt, ,d A Lamb. lirliiM !..., I ui.. nmi,y irmii watrrtown, N. V., and Hill nuka their home In n,. eily. MIm I'liMim WIN-hart, of Mt. rii..,,i, Ml Haturday fr IortlMrii and will I llio gii.i ,l Mm. Ann KiiKlin for a i't.k. k Local Eyci;. Nest Monday Is labor day. fJnn repairing, Johnson A Lamb. l!l yclo sundries of all kinds, Johnson MIm Zilnlit (iillowMv Nepo'tlna few days. Jfrr health ,. IffMtly hemfliM by her Mux Dancing In the evening si tli Cro inilt, Jted Nsw wheels to John A l.smb. rent. Prices rigid. K. ya filled while you wait. Johnson Lsmlt, Main street. liters I'ro. H. I'tirtitr. of f.oa A.V. Cooke wss In lown Ksltirdsy ,, been vi.itl,.tf his brother. Jhn ti Imm Damascus. Torlrr for als weeks pail, loft yesterday City Uh:",I" Duc C, Curry ami lor home, family are at NeW.rl. MUa lir.m Tlllar.l, ,o haa n vl. n, (Irani liaitm rluriiiil Tulay I""IC Mlm Iwtliwdu for avrl from a viU lylun. ""ka ..t, rnturnml lo bur lioma In Mri.Jan.pallnrkar.l baa g-l.t U hm- '""''" Mon.lay, till lo) 'in bar liulanJ. Mr, aid Mra. Jomli rjtitt, of 'orl- County IbvufUr Tom V. KamUtl '"'. M-'fl "n.lay at tlia Mt. rir.,,i .n...t Hun.lay at H.aal.U. mim W iiwirm umim, wliioa rif li t ...... I. . Ina'taof Mr. i'a'i'iKt, in. lt I ttl arvnr lima ln .n.i. I . Irg a f" a at Halila. Harry anJ Tbomaa TremUth ro urutl from trip lo Hattl, Allrnry J. K. Illua baa rrlnrnej from a tlnra trip ti Tiwoma. Mr. John Taiton, of Iua, In tuantl'la vl'ltlni rlallv, XI Itcrrlitan Ufl Tuialay morning for I tk'a outlnf at Wllboit Hprlng. Mr It. II. Hirllt. of I'ortUnJ, m lolU tliy TurkUy tUiiini IrlomU. Mn. j, j. iua rpiurnr-i Mumlay wm t ' rlaliM at Mvlall. J. II. Vrrnon, of PilvtriiNt, l.aa ao (Jt MiUon In lluntlry'a drug Ur. NdJ Mc Arthur, of Nw Kra, JuJri tmln4 In Oifn City halurUay. Via, i'bailr Wrlgbt aa In Taroma tlila rck atln.lln tl.a Klk'a rarnlval. J. C. Mr Murray, ruti)lnint farmer of Paniaarua, a la tb city Wolnc- Vi. If. Counwll, roal ujrir ol Iha tro Jlalrut, arsa la toa rlur d.y. Mr. J. A. Ilrln baa ln lllin btt diuglitrr, Mr. W. (tonebrakv, at I(um burf. Ma Mm Kally rlurne4 riurday vriiiij fuuin lag ik'a ajara al rVl, Mra. K. K. Willi. ma an I aon Itay, of MUa lloblta ltal.lon Mt Katunlty morning for tinattl Id ixtiiil illlt ninr ltli bar aunt Mra. J. N. (iilnou.' hln III alivml m IiooI tlnra. Mr. and Mra. P. W. Waring and aon and MUa ljftu, of iH-HaH, Kmih ! koU, tra to Iba city tbla nmk, (ha iiPkUi Mra. 1. I). Taylor. Mr. and Mra. A, (ilnv, of fUWi, (Im Kiiral ol Cu and Mm. ItoWtA. Miller, at (ilaiUiona Hundity. Mm. IJIr.y Mra. Millxr'a alaiar. Oxnrral rWrrlary W. (JllUirt JU.all a will I lUnl friiiu Iha city Ks( ur lay and Hunday, In attendamtr on Iba V. M C. A, cohfrrrnra n I'nttland. H. T. Ilul'rt, of MUrrion, aln town W .tutelar. Ha la a tbrmtor of iba lluita Crock Kalr A Uin, blch will U tiald at Martnam (X I. 4 ana" 5. Wallaro C'ola an.l family and Mlaa Ui la Walker, of Urrfon City, and Mra. H'a ar Killing g.l at a great roduc tlou at tlio Ktrknt Hiorn. Hiding rnacliliifa and llgbt machinery rfpalrrtd, Jolmaon A Urnb, Wanted, Ui rxi:liariga town pro(rty for a lartn. KiKjnlra al Ibla olflc. HubarrlUra dmlrlng to pay their tulr arrlpiloti In wood liould do ao now. Camra auppllea of all kinda, at Cbar rnan A Co., tha Cut I'rica Druggiat. l'0lol()0toloan on tliaitcl or pr aonat arturlty. Dlmli k A Kattbaio, agti. Saturday la tha day Mag'ina'a park la tha pUca For tha Had Cr picnic. The plara to get It fl. U'batT Your wbixd. Johnaon A I.arnb. Main atreet. Marriage llrunaoa were laaund ytnter- uay to tllisatwlli FreiUrlr ka Uluhrn, of Oregon City, ?A, ai.d J(rwph Jfohle, of I'ortland, ty; alo lo Mra. Klir.aheth Cabm,S7, and J. W. KyJer, ol Clackamaa, 40. The I'ortland (inneral Klnc-trlo Com Pny paid their lain Tueaday amount IngtofKCSll. They are li.e btwvleal laxpayara in the county. Over l;)0,000 baa ln colltn ted arid lea than fl7,0(X) la due. The Hoard of County CornmUnionere held an adjourned lerrn yeaterday, but beyond reading the journal and uaioing few minor ordera, no biitlneaa waa tranaacted. The m-it meeting; of tha Hoard will be held Hept. 4. Mra, Johanna I'llgcr died In Port'and Sunday, aged Ciyeara, 5 months and, 1 lay. The funeral aervlcee wera held Monday from the family realdenre, 381 Union avenue, and the Interment look place In Damaama cemetery. A meeting of the crwlitora of Geo. W. I'roaaer, of Oawego, who Died petition n liankrnpU'y ajine weeka ago, held a meeting In the county court room Satur day to conalder the avlnahillty of having an atlgriee apjiolnted, but It waa deemed onneceeaary. j Social Hap For the Ited Croa picnic lake Yonng'a atagi at tha aaal end of the auapenaion bridge, (lrl waatr4 for npa alra wrk. Ciood area paid App'yat the lore r I. Heilfkf . Born Thurnlay, Augual 15, at Cane- man, io ma a ne ol v. j. totxra a daughter. Iia at cai and I lw coat. Now la the lime to buy and aave money at tha Itatket 8lore. Underwear, boaerr, rihUma, dreaa akirtaand walata at half prli-ea at the Itacket Hlore. (ilve tha children an outing at Ma- May. and daughter, Miaa Carfie, of Tort- gone'a park, Sunday. Don't forget tin land, have returned from Williolt. Mra, Wm. Khlrldne, of Vancouver, tu an Oregon City vltor Saturday and In tha evening went to Salem to vlnl illi her arent, Mr. and Mra. Kreyrnan. Mr. I) W, Kiiinalrd, wife and tou re turned Saturday n ghl from a three monib'i trip In Kaatern Urrgon, where Mr. Klnnaird baa been engagod In aur veylng. lUvid Caufleld haa purchaaed the Hed Croaa picnic. Jaa. It. Smlih, of S.uithvitle, la com ing to attend the Ited Croea picnic on Saturday, Angnat 24. Ioyd d. Weat, Win. K. Stone, and Klecira lticbardaon have received pat- enta at the land office. go to fl--t-a-a,aa'l . I itwiiaau apeui auueauay auernuon nifyUT.H. Uarwnrw on the bill. ei,1' . an I will move there In a abort lima with Mra 1. 1., of Ibla city, wbo bat hit famllv. Mr. Uurence been III fur the pa.i eek, It aloly re I'ortland to reilde. tu,e""- , ' Mra. S. J. Ilarland. of Soringwaler. Miaa Kate Halrd, of rorllanJ, nUItoJ haa niovtI lothlacltv with bla daugbtur. . . .1 berai.irr, Mra. A. . IWr, during who will attend acbool. It la Impoaalble lo give price tbrotigb the papera. Come and bo couvlm el of bat you can aave at the Itacket eWe. K. K. Seal la papering and painting the Interior of the Kirt Itaptlat church lie la doing a neat job. The Improvement will coat t-Vt. the wk. Mra. (. UI la and lo tnya are rutlra ling on the NehaUm and will return Sell tteek. Fred Mllea and IajuU WeUmandol Clarkamat county baa paid op ber Mra. Ilarland atale and bounty taxet in lull, with all bat purcbaaed a lot on the bill and will accrued Interest, and la now clear on the erect a new houe. State Treaaurer'a bookt. The balance Waldo Ad.ma !.! to XewiKt H ' P" nrtday aa. Bta I . in .1 awheel la.i rl.lay ani win g-i io I u-illUm J Hlllv.r.l. J F. Ch.aA n.l Kugene from ll.ere, to reaumeblaatu Ilea j l. Uke have fllml articlea of Incor- )le a Hying trip lo I'ortland Sunday to In the State t'nlvemlty, fiom which be lor,ton ,,r the Woodmen Hall Aotorla Tiil inen.la. twin grauuate neiijune, ,ion 0i 0rIl(n, Tl.a eit)I.,i Bt0fk I'nited Statea Imirctor of HollcreOco. Jamea Willlamt and Chaa. F. Ponald- 1.:00, divided Into abaret of 13 each. Fulli-r n. I Un aniu l.iil .-l. arm. nf Tillamuuk. Win. Nurrla. of Nvha- I - l,e holiday. ' lr, (-. K. IUownlng, of Blaine, and l Jn" Fort. I'r.n and j.d.n il.a alia Morgena Sommer, of Sand I.ake, rro'.r.ur:r:.'ru" I ll a.ialiatf-. i rnuriied Monda from a furinUbl'a ool- UP ttn ''" 'nu 0"" I'rof. W. r. Mathewa, who wat prlncl pal of the lUalhaiu a hool lat year, haa Ix-en elected principal of the public achoolt of Wilbur, Laatnrn Urrgon. I Micn, In the courte of buman eventa, I'rof. Mathewa will ivmaln at Ocean It becomes noceaaary to buy a new emit Park until early In September. of clothca, patronlie borne Induairv by b'g at Nuaporu t. W. K ramblln, the Macktburg uier- chant, waa in lb city jealcrday with Wrt. Scrainblln. baa Maude Iwaatel baa returned to her hoiun lt Molalla, after a five week't Vlt In California. Aumiant I'oaimaater W. F. Matbewt, Portland, waa In lo'wo Tucaday ou and ultlce bualneaa. David H. Turnev left for bla home In 'inaha Monday after a three weok'a vinlt lth Uiegon relativea. William Ureeiibagnn and Artblo Walk- of thla city, left laat wwk to accept xaiiloii In Lebanon. I'r. K. A. Hoinmer and arlfn rntuniBil WliiMday morning from a Ave daya triP to Vancouver, II. U. Mr. and Mra. ("1. I). l aLonrntla and f. and Mra. Cbarlea 1'ono have birnod from Ix)iig Beach. guarda and guarantee them lor the eea- aon. Price $30, with any kind of a tire Charman A Co., Cut Price Bicycle deal ert. County Judge Ityan, grand patriarch 8"lg to Joe Knowland, who will give i.f tl. l.ft. O. F..lcft Tueedav morning you a perlect Ut. Miop on Seventh on l.la official vialtlo lodge! on the Ore- ttreet, near depot goncoaat. lie will prooamy oe aoaeni The excavation for the foundation of twoweckaaud will vlalt 14 encamp- , uew fiUl,r pjint , COmnlHtHl and on mcnlk In I-ane, Poiiglaa, Cooa and I urry tary ydt wm 0)en(Hi for t)ie con. cou lit let. latruction of a concrete foundation and Am,.ntfthabotidarrivalaat the Klcc- clear water well. Four hundred cubic trio thla week wvre: I.J. Little, Dayton; yardt of concrete will be used on the (tnrvaia: I- T. Harrla. foundation Kugenej Deo. Nelaon, Sllverton; F. G. McWillimni. Aahland. 0. F. Stafford, re- Chriatlan Science aervlcea are hold In rWne;B. Otto, Merid.n; J. II. Vlll.melte ball every Sunday morning Vernon Salem. . T x Miaa Ireiia Laiello, of Mt. Doaaant, I School at twolve o'clock. Wednesday Will Williams, of rarkpince, siiH evmi,g meeting at eight o'clock. To M..rll.. ml Mi Mlillll MlV. Oll.l I .11 ..! j . i ji j i w wo- w.. .-- , , . infix) Durvivi'n ii uro nuiwiuvi "i A. i in mi i i im im nira. ...-n,.i nr Mnn "BlllOtI UP a ..I ...... I . .. .. ,...!. T ... i .n.u,.wv tuiuDu Lawrence AiauiB, 01 niapie i.nuo, uu . ,u 'ft'lbt at Wllboit. ,.,, i.llll,bB McCord. of Mt. Pleasant, Attorney and Mra. 0. W. Kaatham anont Sunday at Wilholt. ainl u.u i . . , I M M o r..Vu , nwg,,H,n. ,ow W. A. Huntley and W.lllam Wrlghf, u..iuKa una weva. flrtt ununt. f the W aon . i nuv v - V-ima. U. A brlirbt an.l Umllv and Miaa tl a ll..ll.kBj aiAiiiKtiiulIfill rail ll m ml t , riLlLl l lull 111 T vuiiiiriuaii.ivrM n Cochran, loft yeatorday for two Saturday night from a wock't flahlng trip ' outiinr IUU IM" 1 1 VITI a i n sw. wn- vu Mn mhi v at New nor t. The partv Wedntiadny evening Irom a wocka' visit caught four fish, which devaHtatod the tliuir daillf!,l.,r In H.(Ha rlvnr. J. Mevur lnft vnatnriluv tnr a flablns I l n.n R,.tl.n:r nnd ami and (liillffb. At - j ill I n. jv.. lrP. Ho will go up the valloy and ex- tor, Lawrence and Rao" Mrs. S. WoHt lts to be absent about a week. hnlmor. Mrs. J. Oppenhelmer and Mint Lucilo Aldorman. of Portland, diimrhtor. Miss Mny ; Mrs. K. Sichel and mle a flying trip to this city during the two children; Dr. 0. Binswangor, W. oek to visit relatives and frlonds. Ackoiman and Miss L. Ackerman passed JVIU silver returned yesterday from trough Oregon City -Friday morning Montana.. He , formerly an employe enro," to Will,0,t toT S fW 01 " WllUmotta Tulp A Paper Co. oxMn' M. BoyloS. of Sllverton. waa In the Pnmnnnv A., o. N. O.. is holdina tnr- ly this week. He rocently disposed of not oractice every Sunday. The hlghost Talra tltA T.Anna if vnn Vant tvnrul inm. ni blackamlth l.n.l nun In that clfo n.l I an rap haa Knnn mmln 1)V l'rlvftto I . . i i -j. rrn . i. .1.1 i.i .. u ... v.j - i " - , lorrunie ri(i. i no run ia innue euner 'ooklng for a location, soao rorclfull, 1 way in one hour and fifteen minutes. ; Reports from Damascus show t good yield of grain. Wheat Is averaging 25 bushels and oats 40 bushels to the acre. Wheat is overweight and spring outs are nearly as heavy again as last year. The lute potato crop needs rain. Fruit is practically a failure, though there is a a fnlr slr.ed crop of pears, which are hauled to Portland for canning. At Ilolmaii's cigar store a camera is up tor radio, the chances running from one cent to $1. The camera is owned by A. S. Hunt, ol Willamette, and is a fine machine of the Blair manufacture, measuring 5x8. It has three plate hold ers and stands on a tripod. The original cost of the camera was $ lit. Tortland-Oregon City boat Str. Leona leaves foot of Eighth St. at 7 and 10 a. ni. and 1 :!!0 and 4 :.10 p. m. Leaves Port land at 8 :30 and 11 :30 a. m. and 3:00 and 0:15 p. m. Round trip 5 cents. The tVyear old aon of Thomas West (ell from porch Tuesday evening and tua talned a compound fracture of bis right forearm. The liule fellow waa tdavinir on I tie porch when the accident oc curred. A physician was called and the Injured limb waa set. While spliitimr wood Fridsy, A. (iraner, who lives at Stafford, let bis sx slip, striking the blade into the bock of bis left hand, completely severing the bone of the drat finger, and a I moat lot ting the band off. The wound was drraeed by a phyalclan. Filers piano boon, the general West ern Agency for the Kimball plaoos have jiut received three moie carloads of thee world-famous rlanoa, and under preaent cooditiont are aeliing tbeio to the people at much leas than factory price. Call at 3-11 Washington Street, (the retail warerooma in the new music building) Portland, Oregon. pcnings. j McKrrraicc Ma am. The marriage of Mr. E, J. McKltfrlck and Miat Lute Martin was solemnized Monday evening at the homo of the bride's mother, Iter Father Ifillebrsnd, of St, John's church, officiating. Tha ceremony was quiet v.ne, only the rela tives and intimate friends of the conple being present. The bride was becom ingly attired in Landaome gown of copper brown broadcloth, trimmed with panne velvet and Persian embroidery, and carried boquet of white carnations, After the ceremony a aumptuoos wed ding aupper was served to the guests, and Tuesday morning Mr. and Mrs. McKitt- rick left for Newport to spend their hon eymoon The groom Is a well known merchant of this city, and the couple will make their borne hers after their re turn. They were recipients of many handsome gifts. HAL'JO.X ROBBED. One of the most pleasant social gather ings of the seaaon took place at "Poverty Row" st Nye Crees, and was participated in by a number of young people of that vicinity. The hoatesses of the evening were Miss Holds Holdeo and Miss m . a m n . . monger, wun c-i uregon uty, ably as sisted by Mrs. H. A. Kelson and Mrs Percy Young. The rooms were hand somely decorated with flowers and ferna and Illuminated wilh Chinese lanterns. The evening was spent io playing pro greaalve whist sod other games, followed by wallet and Virginia reels, the music being furnished by Mr. D. Haines and Mrs. Young, on mandolin and guitar. At the proper hour delicious refresh ments were served. Those preaent were Miafies M. Wiley, E. Batmsn, Ida and May Stimpson, C. Sternberg, C. Ho land, L. Smith, M. Withycombe, M. Fisher, E. Irvine, II. Versteeg, Kefzger, Holmes and Holden; M crura. A. Mc Brsen, M. 8. Friendly, C. Sternberg, E. W. Ktlmpaon, D. Haines, M. Cockrell, F. B. Pratt and Meedame. li. A. Nelaon i and P. A. Young -Newport Nswa. Two hundred and flf'y million Chi nook salmon egga bave been hatched from the Upper Clackamas hatchery, the number la increasing at tha rate of 1 20.000 per day. This promises to be the blgeat season's work since the1 hatchery waa eaUblUhed. many eggs sre being taken at Glove branch, and the tnsnsgment Is beginning to lake eggs at tbt new hatch-' ery recently established at the north 1 Blfiatai fork. I sf What Shall We Here Far Desertl This question sriaes in the family ev ery day. Let os answer it to-day. Try Jell 0, a delicious and healthful dessert Prepared In two minntea. No boiling I no baking! simply add boiling water and set to cool. Flavors: Lemon, Orange A irreat I RPSTy d Strawberry. Get a pack- the Oak ' ge yoor t-dav. 1 0 cts. oAsa'onxA. Baart tks l Ut T3I Kilt inn brX Wrong San Arrested and DMchargcd From Cnttsdy. The Bon Ton, a Main street fluid dlspen siary owned by W. Rambo, was entered snd robbed last Saturday morning. The thief came through a window that opens on an alley breaking the catch and prying open the window with a chisel. The money drswer wss not molested but a nickel-in-the-slot ma china was rifled of abont $15. Mr. Ham bo cloaed the saloon abont mid night and the burglary was not discov ered until morning. James Gwinnp was si rested for the crime bat npon examin ation was discharged. P. E. Polk, who was the complaining witness against Gwinnp, Is now in jail charged with tha robbery, bnt as Mr. Rambo does not wish to prosecote the man may be sent east where bis people reaide. Heven Dayt at Carniral. All tha transportation linea in tha Northwest are arranging to give specially low rstes to and from the Portland Car nival, which runs from Sept. 18 to Oct. 19, and the excursion tickets will be good for 7 dsys. This is the lor gent limit ever given on such tickets, and will give peo ple ample time to tee all the sights con nected with tbe great exposition. With two full military bands, a mili tary tournament, a borse show, athletic sports, exhibits of mining, sericulture, horticulture and manufacturing, a full midway, fireworks and an array of amuse ment attractions, tbe Carnival will be one of the greatest events of the seaaon, and tbe admission fee is going to bo only 25 cents, 10 cents for children. Oregon lltr Market Report. (Corrected to Friday.) Wheat No. 1, 52c bnshel. Flour Portland, $3.30 per bbl. 8 c per sk. Howard s tsl, We per suck. (3.30 per bbl. Ua'.a in sacks, white, :ents per buahel, gray, 43. Hay old Timothy. 112 per ton. evr Timothy, H to 9jer ton. Clover $7 to $ per ton. Millstuffs Bran. 118 00 per ton. shorts, (21.00 per ton, chop, (lrj per ton. barley, rolled, (20.00 per ton. fotatoea new, (0c lo Uflc per sack. Eifg Oregon, 174 to 20c per dozen. Butter Ranch, 25 to 35 cents per roll Apple, Uravonateitis, 60 c to 90 e per box. Other varities, 50 c to 75 e per box. Peers, Btrtlett. 75 c to (1 per box. Blackberries, 3 to 3c per I -ox. Onions, choice, lc to l'c per lb. Green peas, 2: per lb. Dressed chickens, 10 lo 12V e per lb . Livestock and dressed meals ; beef, live, (3.00 to (3 50 per hundred. Hogs, live, 5cts;bogs dresaed, 7c; sbeep, 2.V to S.'c; sheep, dresaed, 6V; veal, dressed, 7,;lamba, live, 3l4c; lambs, dressed, 6,'s'c. CE The Housefurnisher. There is a Figure beyond which competition and cutting dare 1 C not go and we have reached that figure in fixing the sale prices t on all the goods in the store. ' J Yon'll Stare in astonishment at the values you'll see if you J come early this week. The Machine for You. Don't work and worry with your old machine, which makes you so tired to run and fills your ears with noise, but let us show you our Climax Machine which is the perfection of machine tusking and is a joy to the user. It costs only f 15.00 snd our terms are easy. Eor Bachelor Dens Or family establishments, the couch has come to be indispens able. Here are some couch bargains that arc exceptions in all waya. Fine aervicable couch, . $ 3.50 Best valour, .... 6.50 Leather covered, . . . 15.00 A Musical Center. Your home becomes a musical center when you have a first quality piano there. You will appreciate the musical qualities of the EISCS1 and GLUTS PIAX9. A rich tone, abundant volume and easy touch. All for this low price 1315.00, on easy payments. Porch Furniture. Are You Fixed for Sprinkling? If not we csn fix you for it in a little while for a little money. Life is hardly worth living unless you can sprinkle your lawn. 50 feet )4 Inch Rubber Hose $3-50. " Substantial Delicacy pit Such are our beautiful filmy Lace Curtains, ' a They are msde of the strong est thread and woven with tke greatest care every thread in to a line of beauty. Newly embarked Housekeep ers will do well to invest here. 1 flsSs Here is a particularly excellent collection of the easy "inform al" furniture that helps away the summer. Rockers, Settees, Steamer Chairs, Arm Chairs. We'll be glad to have you see what we have to suit you. Get Them Ready. You ought to have your screens , ready now. The flies and mus quitos are not abundant as yet, but will be soon. We have screens that will fit. They are of substantial but airy wire and have durable frames. They are right. We want you to see how good they are. . Trice 20 cents each. A Bear Movement in China. Prices on Clina are affected by a regular bear movement they are down lower than they have been for a long time. This is true of our stock just now. Fine decorated ware 65c for 6 Dinner Plates 50c " ' Semi Porcelain 50c " 6 Cups and Saucers. liWuaii 1