Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, August 23, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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Our correspondents will plea send
In articles before Wednedays of each
week, otherwise it reaches ut too late for
Harvest It In lull blast.
C. O. Vorheis waa visiting relatives at
Canby last week.
Jake Uroehong haa moved on to the
Widow Nicholson' farm.
Mr. Shank, of Canby, wa viattmg
relatives in our butg a few daya ago.
J. L. Cruse and Bert Wade were doing
business at ilvertoo one day lt week
Mr. Gray, of High Hill, wat visiting
r1iivM In thia section one day last
J. W. IXwret, of Marquam, wa up
' livikinff at hta ruoonuin ranch a few
day ago.
N.J. Tbonua ia etudyiog English and
from all arpearaticea will graduate aoon
as Miss English ia a charming beauty
and quite able to capture any student.
X. B. Wade waa having hit hone ahod
at Dunlavy'a shop in Marquam one day
last week. Thaft riitht, Nip, keep on
ibegood side of the old man. 'Tie an
old sajing, that a poor excuse it better
than Done.
Hot, hotter, hottest. Think of it!
Wednesday last the thermometer
reached 101 in the shade at Wilboit.
This is an unusual occurrence tor thia
Dlna and it looks ss if the hot wave of
Kansas is now transferred to WebfooU
Misi Lida tiramball, of Terry, recently
(pent a day with relalivea here.
Mrs.O. V. Hickman, of Portland, re
turned home Sunday last altera to
weeks' visit with relatives here.
L. C. Lowe and G. B. Pulley are driv
ing several thousand cedar fence posts
d urn the Sandy river, enroate for Trout
dale. Mrs. Roberta and family, of Portland,
who have been the guests of the Johan
neeen family for several days, returned
home yesterday.
Mr. Pennock and wife, telegraph op
erators of Portland, who have spent their
month's vacation in this locality, re
turned to their posts of duty yesterday.
There was a little excitement at Bram
ball's mill yesterday. Several fires were
started on trie building and grounds,
but the men proved to be master of tlie
An unoccupied dwelling and store
room belonging to D. M. Baldwin, for
merly of this place, waa burned some
this week, the cause ol the fire being un
known. It is believed that fishermen,
who camped there, left fire too close the
houe. The sports seem to think that
when tbey go it to tie rural districts,
toey can do about as they please, but
eowe time they will get fooled.
That the opportunities for pleasure, in
the Willamette valley are surpassed, is
the verdict of those who know. The
people of Oregon are liberty loving, and
take advantage of every opportunity to
go into the beautiful evergreen forest
wuere streams of pure cold w ater abound.
One of lhoe outing was enjjyed in the
extreme last Sunday by a number of
our people, who met cn the Larson pic
nic grounds, 1C miles east cf Portland,
00 the banks of the Sandy river. Up to
the noon hour the time was spent in
convention and admiring the works of
Nature, when the ladies of the pirty
prepared dinner. A long table waa
spread with the fat of the land, which
was enjoyed by all, after w hicb various
amusements were indulged in. As given
by a member of the party, those pres
ent were: C. B. Boroughs and family,
Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Tabke and Harry
Tabke, of Gresham, Oscar Downing,
member eub board of trade, of Brook
lyn, Mrs. Downing and son Jay, of
Portland, J. C- llerr, of Oklahoma, Ar
thur Wensley, of Portland, 0. V. Hick
man, of Montavilla, and Mr. aud Mrs. J.
A. Hickman, of Aims.
Dappy Hollow.
Mr. Bichtel ia building a new barn.
The grain it mostly all cut here and
the yield fair.
Mr. Heartung is preparing to build a
new fruit drier.
C. F. Zineer, Jr., waa out from Port
land, visiting over Sunday.
Will Ulnch has gone to Damascus to
work for his uncle at that place.
Some of the people here intend to go
hop picking within a few weeks.
Zineer brothers attended the assembly
fej If you knew how SCOTT'S
M EMULSION would build you
up, increase your weight,
If strengthen your weak throat
and lungs and put you in con
dition for next winter, you
would begin to take it now.
Send for free Minnie, and try It.
SCOTT & BOWNE. Chemlata,
I , Ob VVJ e I , ha , I I I I 1
409415 I'earl btreet, New York.
w. nl fi.no; H (inipm.
of United Artisans at Lenta last Friday
j evening.
Tl Evangelical Sunday achool of tliii
place will give a pie nlc here on Wednes
day, Aug-. ?Sih. Everyone ia Invited to
come and enjoy a pleasant time. Tin
procraui will begin at 10 Music will te
furnished by the Sunnyside bresa band
Mrs. Hall was the guest of Mist Hub
bard last Weduesday.
Mrs. Taftvrty, who has been quite sick
(or some time, is much belter.
F. Countryman and family were visit'
Ing down on Nate Creek last Sunday.
Alva Clark, of Scott's Mills, is the
guest of Glenn Hunter, of Bee KUge,
Misa Hubbard and Mr. Dix visited the
forrusr titter at Spriogwaler Itst Suu
day. Messrs. Cox and Bittner, of Elwood,
attended the literary here last Saturday
Mtss LUxie Oswalt, of Molalla, was
the welcome Kuesl of old friends in Col
ton this week.
B. C. Palmer and Dave Terrellon re
turned home ftom Wsshingtononashort
visit last Wedueeday.
Lou Hubbard has been on the sick list
for the past week, but is on the mend
now after having his throat lanced.
Mrs. F. Arquett, who has beenst Hub
bird the past two weeks under the doc
tor's cre, will return home today.
Grain ia all cut ami ready for the
thresher. Dix Bros, will start up their
machine next week. There Is a great
deal of fire out in this vicinity, but it will
doubtless do much more good than harm
at the vacant land owned by speculators
is last becoming a lorest. Cotton will
welcome the day w hen big land ownera
will leave os forever, as they are a detri-1
ment in many ways and an advantage in
no way to our community
Qarflt d.
Horace Davis la on the sick lit.
Will Irvin is visiting bis parents for a
few daya.
Mrs. Stubby has been quite tick for
the past week.
Jim Hattin was seen on the streets of
Garfield Sundav.
Garfield was visited by a thunder
shower last Saturday.
Mrs. Folsom,of Sprague, is the guest
of Mrs. Kate Irvin, of Garfield.
Harvesting has commenced, and every
body is foing around with smiling faces.
Mrs. Huxley and daughter May were
the guests of Mrs. Martha Davis Sunday.
II. H. Anden has gone to lone to
make his fortune in the harvest fields
F. II. Davis has gone to the mountains
with a surveying party for a six week's
The weather is decidedly cooler, but
the thermometer still registers 90 in the
Mr. and Mrs. Walter SnoTin, of Mt.
Tabor, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Doc
Mrs. Jake Johnson, of LaCamas,
Wash, is visiting her mother, Mrs.
Martha Davis.
Miss Leona Kreghaum took a trip to
Currinsville last Saturday, visiting Mrs,
Kitchen and Mrs. Divine.
Mr. and Mrs. Clark P.ich, of Kelso,
were the gueHts of Mrs. Ada Irvin Fri
day and Saturday of last week.
Mr. Itoss, of Portland, passed through
Garfield last Saturday, on his way to
the North Fork to look at some timber.
Dave DeardorfT and icrand-daughter.
Miss Lydia DeardorfT, of Damascus, were
visiting friends and relatives last week.
J. J. Davis and wife have gone to
Portland on a business and pleasure trip.
Mrs. Davis is quite improved in health.
Mrs. K. Irvin and Mrs. Emma Anders
have returned home after a week's
sojourn in Portland and Oregon City.
Mrs. II. II. Holder, our Sunday school
superintendent, was unable to attend
school last Sunday on account of ill
nets. Miss Agnet Davis had quite an acci
dent lant Saturday. She fell on the
stove and burned herself Beverly, while
getting supper.
Misses Dollie Lemon, Leona Kreg
baum and Mrs. II. H. Anders were the
guests of Misses Florence and Agnes
Davis Sunday.
Garfield will be represented quite
extensively at the hop patch this year.
A large number of the young people are
preparing to go.
A great number of hunters from Port
land and Oregon City passed through
Garfield last week on their way to the
mountains to enjoy a bunting and fish
ing trip.
Eigls Creek.
Miss Grace Douglass is about the same ;
she does not seem to improve much,
The weather here last week waa very
hot, almost too hot for any one to work.
Harvest and threshing are in full blast
in this section now; a few have threshed
The Douglass, Judd and Baker ma
chine will commence threshing today at
the 8. A. Douglass farm.
Mr. James Gibson and wife have gone
to California to see their son who is sick,
but we learo he is better, bo they will
return soon, I
Right pound of tore and laughter, of
stnilra tnd unhine or t Many a mother
ran fill up the blank out or hrr eiperienc
of puny, wailing I'MUlien, whoae comiiii
nroiiiiM no latl
nrM to Hit home.
Women whn have
urd lr, Pierre's
I'uvorite Ptemrlp
tion aa pre-natal
prrparntiou know
that it nukes all
the dtflereni-e be
tween happy,
nraitny molntt
IhmxI, mi J a mother
hood of murmur'
in- and niiwrr
And thty know
alo, that blrr
healthy mothers
have happy.hralthy
children. 'Favor
it PteacriplHMi "
trenitneni the
whole boily for the
strain of mother
hood. It practic
ally doe awnjr with
the pain of child,
birth, five to
mother abundant
vitality and en-
able her to nunc and nourtth a healthy
child. t
The Favorite rremctiption contain no
alcohol, neithrr opium, cocaine, chloral nor
any other narcotic.
I ia atothrr of ii cMMrea." wrllra Mr.
C. A. tuicx. f Millwwd. IfcueUt Cu. Otrpna,
ami ala look lhrr or lour Nmlr of ' Fa,
turtle lTTmtiKa bcST cvnSnrmal and
mrvn ur)rml uy lo ink of, k,l no (Itrr
paina ; my () r Utr they all rlchrj
more trwa iM pooo.U n.t I m b4 a Ur
(unit; wThUil in pound. I S n4
otnr ttomacti irouhlc. bul a lew door of 'GoMea
Mnlk-al lmTry ' wouU rt m all rirhl I am
hunlly rvrr vilhuul your molKinr. Thry ai
all Ihe nntirine oar nrr.1. if ukta la Hist, lo
arj one in prtlcvt health.
I feel that I owe my Utile hoy' llfr 14 Or
rw-rre Coltten Me.lt-! tXa.xnrry. a he h4
roaTuluua. and everything he ate would hrlng
them on. I (unmnmtil lo iif hint Ihe 0lUn
Medical IHovervMn leoim'T.d.wrlhrelime
adv. Now he U Jua healthy child a can
be found aad he (tow like a weed.
Dr. Pierce's Plrant Tcllcts are the beat
laxative (or women.
Mrn. M. A. Ditichy, of Park place, and
Mrs. 8. E. Holcomb, of Portland, and
her family, and Charles Danchy were
visiting friends here yesterday.
J. O. Walker went to Salem Tuesday.
Mm. J. King returned from Portland
Mm Henry Hedges went to Portland
W. W. Jease made a business trip to
Oregon City Tuesday.
Elsie Allen, of Ureoham, visited a few
days last week with Barlow friends.
The best tailor made suits at the low
est prices at Freeman's.
Mr. Jchnstoo, of Woodburn if baling
hay for W. W. Irvin this week.
Hattie Irvin returned August II, alter
a week's visit with friends in Portland.
Mrs. Wood Yonng of Portland, is the
guest ol Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Jesse thi
Mrs. Stephens and children, of Port
land, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs It.
E. Irwin this week.
Mr. and Mrs. C. U. Barlow and Mies
Mollis Barlow visited with fi lends in
Oregon City Sunday.
Frank Ray and family, of Lebanon,
arrived in Barlow Tuesday. They ex
pect to remain until after hop picking.
Mr. J. C. Marquam waa in Portland
last Monday on business.
Hot weather? Well yes, atightly to,
only about 10J degrees in the shade.
Crops are very .good this year around
Marquam and the furmers are rej tiring.
Harvesting is getting pretty well along
in Ihis section and the hum of the thre.li
er is heard in our midt.
Mr. P. J. Biding went lo Salem lat
Friday for his two daughters, who have
been in Salem attending the surntiir-r
The Indies' Aid and Epworth league
gave a joint ice-cream social laHt Friday
evening, ihe receipts lor trie evening
were $14.50.
, Ihe fourth quarterly conference of the
M. E Church of Manpiam will be held
Sept. 1 and 2, w hen the biiHines of the
church for the year will be cloned tip.
Thotiflanda Have Kidney Trouble
and Don't Know It.
Bow To Find Out.
Fill a bottle or common glass with your
water and let It stand twenty-four hours; a
sediment or set
tling Indicates an
unhealthy condi
tion of the kid
neys; If It stains
your linen it Is
evidence of kid
ney trouble; too
frequent desire to
pass It or pain in
the back Is
convincing proof that the kldnevs and blad.
der are out of order.
What to So.
There Is comfort In the knowleHa an
often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp.
ioi, inc greai Kianey remedy luilllls every
wbh In curing rheumatism, pain In the
back, kidneys, liver, bladder and everv nart
of the urinary passage. It corrects Inability
to hold water and scalding pain In passing
It, or bad effects following use of liquor,
wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant
necessity of being compelled to go often
during the day, and to get up many timet
during the night. The mild and the extra
ordinary effect of Swumn.Dfiil i. ....
- . . ., iff tuvij
realized. It stands the highest for Its won-
oenui cures oi tne most distressing cases.
If you need medicine vou should hava lha
best. Sold by druggists In 50c. and$l. sizes.
loumay nave a sample bottle of thlt
wonderful discovery
and a book that tells
more about It, both sentfT jyi:j!2H
absolutely free by mall,
aaorew ur. Mimer TTom of B.p-Rooi
Co., Blnghamton, H. Y. When writing men
tion reading this generous offer In this paper,
i !
Tha nulling face of Miss Murlt Wliiirer
In seen In our midst again after several
weeks absence; she has betii in Salem
attending aWiool ihlt summer but U
home for a few -eeks again.
Clyde J. Mri'ini Is giving his store
an inside dresnlng of white. H Intends
adding inoie shelving and will put In a
stock of boots and shoes; this will make
quite an Improvement In th lHks of the
Bev. F. 0. Butler brought bis wife and
little girl hone from Ihe hospital at Sa
lem, where Ihe little girl had been for
nearly seven weeks under the dm tor'a
treatment for a severe burn. 8h Is liu
proving quite rapidly now.
Mr. and Mrs. J. P, Uagt, returned
from the coast last week.
C. W. Urou and family have reljrned
from a lower river logging camp.
There Is some talk of others taking
spin to Ihe coaal as soou as the gralu la
secured. .
Crickets and smoke, damp morning
and Columbia rlwr fg are with us and
will probably Hay some time.
Cap. Hayes was over from Clackamas
s few days since to see about III portion
of Ihe crops on Ills lanu.
Charlie Woodward, of Portland, an'
old time resident of Ihis placo, was mak ,
ng Calls here Sunday and Monday.
Mr. Graner cut his hand nearly half fir
hilt tplilllng wood. Several alltche
are taken to draw the wound together..
Wednesday the 1 alls aa the hotte.t
dy this month; the theimoiiieter regie-
tered 10J degrees in the shade. Monday
the I'-'lh w.S Ibe cooled, with 70 degree
the limit.
Harveal I well along and the hum of
the thresher ha become a reality. Now
la the lime lo tell how we ran kta on
Ice. The hop reason is rle to hsnd.
Who is going hop-pick Ing?
Their S rrrtl Out.
All Sadieville, Ky., was rnrlou to
lesrn the canoe of Ihe val Improyruiriit
n the health of Mr. S. P. Wt.lt. ker,
who had (or a long tune, endured untold
ufTeriug from a rhronic bronchial trou
ble. "It's all due to Dr. King's New
Diecovery," writes her liuabaud. "ll
completely cured her and alo cured our
ittle grand-daughter of J severe attack
of Whooping Cough." It ollivel)r
cures Cough, Cold, La tirip, Broiv
chiti. all Throat and Long trmihlra.
Guaranteed bottles .Vfe and II 01. Trial
bottles free at Geo. A. Harding's drag
ll lea.
No oulalders, not even tin-in turn of
the press, were allowed to t prvx-nt
at rehearsals of Verdi's opera. "A
production of a work of mine," said
Verdi. "Is an affair bvtwwti that work
and the public. I do not w rite for the
press, but for the pllbltr, who Will tup
port me If my work Is g'xx.1 or w ho w III
execute me If It I not I do tint care
for aught else." M. de Never thus de
acrlbea Verdi's attitude at a dn re
hearsal of "litello" In Paris, when the
press was present against hi wishes:
'The critic were all plnceil In the
corbellle of the amphlthi atiT. some ten
rows or stalls having bm rhsnd protiu woy.
away to make Mora for a table and1 The gentleman npn-sacd hi ac
chair for Verdi. Ilolto and tho dlnt-t ! knowli'dgment and went on hi way,
n vi r u.n,, i..in. n .i... - ! but at tlio cnrdc ii entit lut i1i-i,m-Ii-I b
Obln, the director of Dne nrt. and
two or three illgnltarle and offblnU of.
the Opera sat N-hlnd In the ri'iiiiiluliig:
rows of st nils. Amonir the rrlth a wi - n -
MNf. Reyer, Unities n, Jincl- n. I'.il
lnlgue, IVssard, t'oriienti and Hnney.
The foreign press wns n pre.-titril ,y
M. de I'.lowltx and niyai lf, mid n Ver
di enme In all stood tip, with hats off,
and cheered the wonderful limn. The
orchestra Joined, of course, In tho ova
tion, and It was to the miisti-lntis that
tho master went, and, bowing his ven-
1 I a a . . ...
eruiiiu ncDii very low, no tiirtiiKcil tliem
for the kind detnontrntloii nnd shook!
hands with tho nearest, but never otiee '
did ho turn our way except for one run-1
nii-iii, wiim no iook lis an in with a
side glance nn uly one am then for
the rest of the evening, some five hours,
Ignored our presence completely."
Aa I'aplaaaaat llrlallyr.
"Ilcr rich old uucle Isn't a bit nice to
her. Is her
"Nice! He's horrid I Why, he
tbrcatena her awfully I"
Threatens bcrr
"Yes, threatens to leave all hi money
to a hospital for asthmatic cat."
Cleveland I'lnln Dealer.
When a man Is out of money, he
doesu't show any, but when ho Is out
of temper be shows a lot of It-Chicago
In tho year 1000 the manufacture of
allk began In Enrfnnd.
1 Tk IV 1 M V. Is
PUTNAM FADELESS DYES color .ilk, wool,
cotton or mixed goods at one boiling. Bright, durable colors,
without staining the bauds or spotting the kettle (except
green and purple).
Prices on High Grade Coffees cut in two.
Fresh Bread and Cakes in our Bakery.
Family Medicines, Cooling Drinks, Iced Soda and Lemonade.
AsthiimlenoHrlno Hollof iiml PornmneiH Curo
In All Coses.
YE All S
k Wt carry the largrt slwk Cak
ctt, Collin aud Lining iu I'lstk
ma county.
We ate the only undertaker In
Clackamas county owning a
hear and will fiiruUh It fur lea
than ran I had clarwhrre.
ve are under Small rsprnte and
k do not aik large profits
k Calla promptly attended night or
fa.. ? J 0S.
Tea) Ol tCsallaai llilitnrs.
In Macaulay's day EnglUh stalnmen
were of a hardier and tn-iro rubut
ltH than the prr-nt rac of polb
tlctaii. Thry rv to have had rt
lrxu nerves and apttte an dlgee j
lloti lii match. Thry dltml o? a bug
Ui f.imk and a Utih of (urt. while
thrlr grtiolxins are coutnit with cut hi
and a h-tnou uali. Aud yet tbey tlv
r. to giMid oi l s. W hrsr of Iird ,
Hroughaiit at the age of 7 "drinking
two bottlre of port at dlnnrr, going to
UhI upon half a bottle of ct rvtk :
(wbUky) and turning out at daylight
to shoot trl." and Ixjrd Lyndhurst at
tho age of IK) "supping off hot bulled
olter aud ehainpagnv."
Mr. Klnurar, an old parliamentary
band, tell u that he rvwriutx-r
lug "Mr. DUmi ll drinking, a the pro
lu lo to a big x-cvh, a pint of trt
wine at the bulTrt In the common '
lbby, lrea-J In a green coat, a buff J
waltcat and snuhT colored truuM-ri."
This emus iii'xhul poiatlon under
tlm circumstance, but Mr. K I linear !
adds that DUrnill rame U( k and had'
another pint later on.-I'.lai kwood'e.
A gctith tnsn on a walk from one of
the suburbs of Claagow hnpM-nrl to 1
rati at a fannhouw, where lie was'
nndtly stipplli-d with a gta of milk, j
lie olTi-rrtl tint woman liM-tH-e, but,
sh iliillmd all payment "I couldu'i
ink' money fur 't." the said In hrr own
aiiiiall ly ilsyliig. Kurcly, ho thought, j
"" aoii. iio put bis
I"1"'1 P'xkct to glvu him tha all-
. IH ce. whi n lie lii orj a shrill Voh-e,
"Thnt'a nn ma Inddle. sir." Thi n there
was n pniiM, and the voice afn-rwrird
resounded, this time dlrirti-d toward a
small U.y at the side door, "tiang imiL
Wnllli'. nn niH'iik till il. nt... Ic til I.e. '
lliftn at the gllte:"-Liverpool I 'oat.
h Coalda'l Ka the (..p.,
He had liming with him In tl, res
taurant of the mod i-legnnt and fnh-
onnb!e hotel In town his bhm old
"inlih-n aunt from the rural districts,
They had a sumptuous fi-nNt, which as
It progressed wo n series of delight fill
anrprlHi s for Ihe old holy. When they
were drinking coffee, the host looked
out of tho window and noticed It was
raining. Turning to lha waiter, he
said, "I wish you would order mo a
coupe." Whereupon tho maiden aunt
raised lioth her hand In protest, ri
claiming: "Don't Charles, please don't!
I couldn't eat another thing. Ton my
word, I'm up to my neck now," Ex
change. The Rlernal Ma a.
"So you're going to marry tho pollco
man, Hrldgctr
"Yes, mum."
"I suppose you'll hnvo tho some
troulilo wla him I'vo bad with
"fihtiro, what' that mumT
"Oh, ho won't give up hit club."
Yonkert Statesman.
CD d " wI" pay yu 10 red
IV O thlt advertisement.
Tost Office and
Tuhllo Telephone Station
HIT i'UOLUULT l ltC 01 l;ct!fT D.
There I liiilhlng Ilk Aithiiialent. i..,.,
Inmaiil rHl, i In Hi wnrt r
ll cure alien all l fail
lor lii yr. I iiartj,lf ,,r u. 1
I, I your a.ly.riiMMi,.'..'! (, 1 f"Jj
ma f
HI iiiiiirraiiiu aim iiiriiipiuitig Haw,ai,,lll
ami llitMiatltl yuU had or..in yiiirlM'
.ul rell I" ! H a trial. To M.y a.t.ml.K
....... II. l.l.l ...11 Ikk. a .
.... 4. - ....I . I . ..... . ..
Hi i
fllll l frUII
Int;. lio bl tour raw, Attini(i.t,( al.
rvil.y ami eure. Tl" aorae your e u,
ni.ira gl. ai lo ih i, Jlj ll(
Wrlle al ntiea, al'llns Pit. TAtT IllttiS'
MKlUl'iy K t u.. iv r .. I nun m., X, y, tu
(kild by all Pruggui.
Til C::n J:: i if Cert E::::. I
Sept. 23-28 1901
Great Agricultural
Industrial Fair
Good Racing In tht
Latrt Attfaillon in New Audi
torium Hull. ling Kvrry Ilyriiip,
With Good Mu.ic.
Ileautifut Camp C.roumU Fir
Sprclat Kale on Cmjr' Tick
et. Come and bring your fra-
KcdllCCd UfltCH
On All Kailruad.
I' or furthrr (articular s.l lro
M. D. W13D3H. S::, Porllii!
1 , .-v-S
We guarantee that the eccentric prockrt
wheel on thi machine will give a
solute vain of 6Jj per cent, of power si
lime of tlelng and illschsrging bond.
The force feed elevator will v. ante "
grain than any other.
There is lest shattering. , .
The relief rake keep inner end of f
form clcsr. ,
It veryone of those using Champion Dinn
ers says it has' no eipiul.
Rend for cstalogue,
Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co.
I'lrst and Taylor file., Portland, 0rc!
Dr. J. Arch Stewart
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
317 Dukum Building
Watclics, ClockH, Jowclryand
All kinds of repairing noutly don
and warranted.
rUfiice itiiT. cMiyt v0
Hev. C. r. Well, of Villa II hi, in g.
Your inal bolti of Aithm.l.n, rf,J
mimi.1 rmniliiloii. I raniiiil tell mi , '
fill I leel fur Hi S'xxl iltrlvr, fruni i I ...
.1... ...I ,,n i.i ..... .. .. . ' t
vt wam in semi mi f y tnn.r.f (
IrvalMienl ol A iliinleii, (liiillar In II, . 01l "
r.' l Mr WH. We'll -. It hy n; h,H!'
PA IP. AllHil.i'TK.,Y CHKK or IIIaiiuK
Itiany nitrr alio alll erllafur i, . jj
Hxlal Nrf ihIikI, Itiimsli yni at Ut,.i,.iJ
"r- LTV I i
W JE3 JLm 13 1
Opp. Huntley' Drug Store,
UreatBritalo and America.