Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, August 16, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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I News of Iho Week
Friday, August 0,
Baseball: Portland, 13 j Tsooma, 0.
fpokime, 0; Seattle, .
M. Santo Piiinonl, III aeronaut, hud
narrow escape- (rm itoath in laiis.
llii airship exploi'ed.
San Francisco street are unswrpt, tin'
driver, refusing to l'ul the sweeping
wagons, Tlic port i lied up and only
one steamer li ft tin1 port (xly.
The tot a! import of manufacture of
villi into the Philippines during the year
J0OO amounted to i.:!v),S4, a against
fl.'vl.lX'O for IS-".', n Increase of 111 ptr
William A. New.ll is dead, lie was
governor of Washington territory from
to ls4, ml was a congressman i
from Now Jersey from ISLi to ISM.
Tliron'li hi e '.Torts while in emigres the
life-saving service w as established.
Mayor llmeliire.ill titerxon. . J.. I'a
i!"tu I onleia to the "iiiM of l!iiteni'e"
. r I.:...., i. ,n ... .......
KlUlilMil (limoiiria lliai lir mil iii'i l- I -
mitthe,rform1im-e in the city of the
advertied play depictinc the tmirvler of
King llumhe.t. The mayor aay. I. will
in future lake atop to prevent meeting
of the anarchists fieh a the one held
recently to glorify firon-i.
The anmul report of l!en. Mc.lrthur,
dleIJuly 4 l'.l, the day r9 re!in
quiflied com.i:and, ha lvn rei-eivtvl at
Hi war department. Petween May ft,
1D00, and June, :w, l'.Ml, there were 10:'0
ctntacta hot ween tl.e American troop
and the rifualitie on Kih si..e ' were:
American, killer!, 215; womvksl, 4'i;
capture.1, IIS ; mif.itij:, "JO: Inaurnta,
kill.'.!, 2 S"4 ; wounded, 1,1'XJ; raptured,
6,572; aurretid-'red, 2:!.(l''). lmrind the
aame perio.1 the following material - wi
captnred or aurreti'lered from the in.ur
penta: rillea, 15.tV.i3; rtle ammunition,
roond, 2,.t'i,3Vi ; revolver, SiW; Ih1os,
3 "lii; cannon, 122; cannon ammunition,
rounda. 10,270.
Saturday, Au'ut 10.
All ofTiccra of the Boer army w ho re
fuse to surrender to the British shall he
permanently hanished from South Africa.
This is Kitchener's latest proclamation.
Walter N. Dimick, ex-chief clerk in
the San Francisco mint, bas been ar
retted, chirked with emhezr.!ini 30,000
in gold coin, the loss of which was dis
covered early lait month.
Support of the federation of lahor is
pledget, to the Amalgamated Association.
The five niillion-doliar steel plant at Mc
Keeeport will be dismantled and re-
moved to the Kifksininetaj valley and
tlie old Carnegie plan f r a tul plant at
ConDeaut. O., revived. The Pewee
Wood plant was founded about 40 years
ago and is one of the best-known plants
in Pennsylvania. Its yards and mills
cover between 12 and 14 acres. It baa
employed 1200 men at its busiest times
and its cost is placed at 5,000,000 by offi
cials of the steel corporation.
hben Uoyce, the Tacoma wile mur
derer, is hanged. The Bovce case be-1
' ,, , .
came famous all over the state from the I
fact that when the remittitur was re
turned to the lower court and County
Attorney Campbell asked that
a ileatli
warrant fixing the time and place of
execution be made out, Judge Snell re
used to do so, on account of the tangled
condition of the capital punishment act.
Immediately thereafter Governor Uogers
issued a call for a special session of tlie
Legislature, resulting in the appeal ol the
Han i law and the substituting of another
act covering the capital punishment
question, to take tiled 10 days alter the
adjournment of the special session.
Sunday, August 11.
Northwestern baseball: Tai:oma, 8;
Porllan l, i. Seat'le, 4 ; Spokane, 3.
A dispatch from President ("astro says
the second Columbian invasion was de
feated cumple'ely. Twenty-two thou
sand patriotic soldteis defend the Vena
ezuelan frontier. This repulse will pioh
ably end the insurrection.
Hear-Admiral F.vaiia, belter known as
"Fighting Bob" has been reprimanded
by the navy department for criticisms on
Ex-Secretary of the Navy Chandler.
The admiral, in hiss book "A Sailor's
Luc," attacked the then secretary be
cause of orders given to him.
The salmon trust wa completed yea
terday, and over 3,('00,0()0 in cash was
jaid by the representatives of the com
bine to the owners of canneries, in ad
dition to the stock which they received.
Final action will be taken in New York.
The large run of salmon may enable the
combine) to declare a dividend of $1,000,
000 in it. first year of existence,
The great steel strike on the general
order of President Shad'er, of the Amal
gamated Association, became effective j
today, and thousands of workers left
their places to return at some indefinite
time in the future, either victorious over
the ironmasters, or in humble defeat.
Mineworka resolve to support tle atrike,
The American Tin Plate Company an
nounces that its crippled plant will be
John Winters, who was arrested for
the Selhy Smelting Works robbery, bus
confessed the crime, and so far $130,000
worth of bullion lias been recovered from
the bay where he sunk it. Winters
planned and carried out the job alone I
i ni t,p bullion in tide mud. II
will probably not be prosecuted (or ttioiv
is no evidence against lilm. All that
ha been draw n from him secured
hy I lie detective iiinlcr promise that it
would not lie used against him. Under
iiii li circumstance, it woulil be e xtrontely
diuVnlt to secure conviction.
Monday, A otittt 1'.'.
Signor Francesco Crispl, ex premier of
Italy, it dead.
Hen. M. O. Lowell, confederate brin-dier-gonoral
on l.ongstroet' stall", died
at Roanoke, V., aged (it.
Union men in estorti sieel plant re-
luxe to walk out at President SlialTir'j
order hut will help financially. The.
strike leadei, however declare their;
caue in making prog'.'. The Heel '
oilier were in communication withj
their superintendent, and district uAna- i
item, and at 11 o'clo. k made public the1
remit of their report. The hitter!
howed tliat South Chicago, Joliet and
li.tyvicw, at Milwaukee, hail voted to;
stay in; that the Ohio wotks of tlie
National Steel Compaliyat Yoiingstown, I
I M, ,.e Kinn liilN-rl and Warner idaiit
I of the National Slnd Company
. .i. , v.iioiial Sled Uomoanv at IV
... .. .. .
I ., . l.-.l rwnil Mie.1 W.irK W 1 1 llillll
,r,m,,le . Uomente-d, Kd;ar Thompaon.j
j j,, Upper nd lowei Union and;
, Howard Axle Work., of the Came- i
Kie t;roup, employing more than 15.lH.iJ !
men, had reiumcd work witliout trouble; j
tint the ronvertinf mill of tlie National
t. . . , l" . i
Tube lomimny. at IcKeeaprt h'l
started without difiiculty, and that
lVIUire was onlv partially eripi'led.
Thev were also ad vh-ed that the men of
liuston Ikouinn nuns at .mi reopori uau
noti.'ied the National Tulw (.oinpany
that Ihey would a out tomorrow, nnd
t ial, w lii'e tlie National Tule plant at
MtKreKort woulJ te aiarte.1 in the
murnint:. it waa certain that many men
would no out.
. .
Tueaday, August 13.
change in the San Francico strike
Flour and cereals will be placed on
China's free list.
Selhy Smelling Co. has recovered all
but fsO.iXX) of the stolen treasure.
iieneral Gomes lias suggested the
names of Talma and Ma.o for tire
Cuban presidency.
Kx-Chief Clerk Dimmick, of the San
Francisco mint, is held on four I'liaifes
and his bail fixed at 137,000. He is In
John Barrett, ex-minister to Siam, has
been appointed commissioner general of
Alia and Australia for the St. Louis ex
position. Admiral Johnson will succeed Samson
a commandant of the Boston navy yard
and the latter will retire from the service
February next.
F (jo r teen thousand men obey Shaffer's
strike order and 00,000 men are now out.
The leaders of the amalgamated associa
tion are disappointed because there w as
not a fuller response.
The forest fires which annually destroy
kliousands of dollars' worth of property
are now raging on the Itrltihh Columbian
i i
Coast. Keports today from op the coast
state that several small islands have leen
CODplete y denuded of trees, and the
. J , ',
Wood is so dry that fires on the main-
land, om:e started, epreaa with icurlulf,
Wednislay, August 14.
Baseball scores: Portland, 8; Seattle, I
1. Tacotna, 10; !pokane, 4. j
The remains of the dowager Empress;
Frederick were interred at Potsdam.
Fighting is in progress on the isthmus
on the line of the Panama railroad and j
trallic is in danger.
, ,
Jealousy prompts unknown man to
attempt to poison Edward Newton, of
Baker City, who is eiaed to Anna j
Train held up at Can by Switch in Ok-1
, , .,. . .. . , !
lahauu Territory by five masked men.;
v... . i, ,
Express car was blown open, the safe :
wrecked and mail sacks rilled. All the '
.. i , .. i
passengers were robbed of their money. :
T. ,,. . i . , ..
Ihe olhcial census returns show the ;
po;iiiUtion of France to be .';,(! fl,.'l3. an !
inert ase in the last five years of 421,.4. ;
Ti... i ............I....... :..) i . !
.iu niv.icrt in iiiaiiny 111 uiuitu cerjiern,
T i.i , .1 . I
Taeniy eight d-partmenta show an in-1
urease, and fJ a decrease. The cerism I
ti,'iire include the troops in China ami
the sailors of the navy and merchant
marine aoseni irom 1-ranee .tlarcli 24.
Thursday, August 15.
Salmon season on the Columbia
Baseball: Portland, 4; Se.ittle,
Tacoma, 11 ; Spokane, 0.
Gunboat Machias sails for the isthmus ;
to protect American interests.
(ion. Irving Halo, of Colorado, is
elected president of tlie army of the
I Philippines. The next convention will
be held at Council Bluffs.
Both hides gained in tho steel strike.
The strikers tuicceedcd in closinjf one
mill at McKeesport but truHt reopened
plants at Pittbburg and Cleveland.
Pennsylvania democratic state conven
tion meets at Harrisburg, There is no
contention for state offices and it is ex
pected nominations will quickly be made.
luly exports were $10!),031,158, which
is larger than exports in July of any pre
vious year; and the imports, $72,8ii7,087.
were larger than those of July in any
previous year since 1895.
I Tint' word
I which m iv not te in
the dii'tioii'tiy in tin
, mmih of Hi lite, hut
' whii-Ii it in very common ue in otne
! atvtioiMof the iMtliitiy, "Slie'a uhv.ivs
pieviiiy; thev My ol the woman whi
tuili lo tlie eupiKMM ill lirri;ul.ir hour
and c vl a puve of pie, c.ike, or wune
oilier d.iiniy. Tlit invKiil.tr rattti; I
one of the chief imiim- of dyHli.1
and "wv.ik " Mom.icti,
. liiv.!- of the itto.'ii.ich and other
ory.tu of digestion and nutrition me
coiuplelelv Ciirrrl tie the Ik' of I Victor
I'ierce'a tioldi-n Modioli li'ivery. tt
incriMM-a the a.ipplv ol ricli, jmrr tihxi!,
and give the Ui.lv vitality and vitfor.
" V vr..r j.ci I w.i fc-'mj . Tfv KLnr." writr
i in"k.iMi n v -i i I a r, i i..-iiir mid '
Mi l,ijir A'.i.imi t.l lis Itthiwiii Afitn
I wiim I i
I ..... mi .. .. I...... ......
'Xt 'iZZ!?
!'--' w't i.. k . i iii..tiKin I " I
.7oU' frUXW
i.wwc wrni(l 1 1 li mc r-! My niiH-oie i-
lurilr l ml. I I w l V'!c t-i r.l hf4flttv. I have
lm;mvrl .i lnii.ll iif l.th,tii t,r ' t'.ol-l.'ti
l,-.!i.-nl lliH-lrtv ' I .t.l n.ri t..L ItW I h Mnif
i -ihi Am tt. !.v writ au.I tt..ttn -ihr r.u i
i il l.iWmi: .i Mill. k4 I't I'u-iir'i tuii-l'-u
jjftt.-ai t''"y "
Jr. Tienv' Common Sne Mrdii.d
' Adviser. p-i;vr cover. U ent Jnt oti
j otje-rt-iit aUttiw to wy
i j - y .jcrit. m,!l.tU, N. Y.
The domociatic ft.t'e convention of
VftiMii nominated A.J. Mnnta'ue, the
i 1-re-ent altorney-neral, for ir..ven...r
land Jo-eph K. Willard for lieutenant-
governor. 1 he platiorm w HI embrace an
anti-trust p ank, a plank favorinu ihej T.,miii Tent. K. O. T. M., m.rt It
(ellow-aertaut or emp'tyer's liability, ;,., Men' Mall, etery Ti nm lv eien
and a statement in reurd lo seueral pri- j i";. K K. Taylor, r.-. on! kvr- r.
mariei. for the election of United Static J Me.tde I'.t No. 2, li. A. K, mr.t
iiiekk is a t i.ass or rt:or le n
are irijured by the jseofcotree. Hetvnt
ly there has lieen placed in all the gn
eery store a new preparation called
(iUAIN-O. made of pure grains, that
take the place of culTee. Tlie inont del-
iomach receive it without dis-
irr, and bill few van tell it from cotT.f.
It does not cost over t4' as much. Child-
ren may drink it with great
lScts. and 25 ct. per package.
Ask forlilUlN O.
Try it.
Hh.it A Tale Ii Tells.
If that mirror of yours shows a
w retched, sallow complexion, a jtundiced
look, moth patches and blotches on the
skin, it's liver trouble; hut I'r. King's
New Ufe I'ilis regulate the liver, purify
the blood, give cleat skin, rosy cheek,
rich complexion. Only 25c at (ieo. A.
Harding' drug store.
Don't be tatitfied with tcmnorarv re
lief from indigestion. -Kodol Dyspepsia
,tirr.a irniiimrir v ariil t-iimti hIi. v in.
,. , , , ,, ,
moves this complaint. It relieves per-
,, . . ;. , , .
lljaiiriiiiT iiriai,-; I, miu.B uitr ,ifvl Bli-
, , , ..
niach ierfert rest. Dieting Won t real
., , v. . . ,.
ltl.aioniiiuf.i XutnrM ,.u I'm an,.f.li..M
. ., , i .. . ti .i .
to help the stomach is to use Kodol Dys
pepsia Cure, which digests what you eat
and can't help but do you good. Geo.
Sunday Services.
St. Jotin's, Ciitluilic Iti-y. A. II illehrani,
paitor. n simnlay, mass ai H ami l':.'fi a.
... Tl.lp.l sin... !. I.i f,i ,... II. fl... .......
,',t0,i a'ler to clock manual ail other
rniv Knglili sermon. siuri'lNv-x hool
al J:'to p. in. Vesper., apulogelical siiMecti
ami beiir.Iiciion t 7:.'i p. m.
(;rrrsn Evangelical Lmlieran In, mm
"at t'urnei Kumili ami J. q. A lams si. ;
ilev Krnesi J. V. Mack, imiior. humuy.
selioo at JO a. in. ; weekly serviee every
Thursday at H y. in. Herman ri I every
SaluMai from 'J lo UV l.ver) lly invited,
Meiho list I'liiincopul Chiircli -Hey. It. A.
Atki.. .,,'. M,',r,,(Jr p,,i:,:
Smi'lay Hehnoi t lu mi. el,!., mening alier
mnrrtliiif ervli . r.venliiK x-rvl'e at 7 30.
Kprtii Lesirnt m. i-.u, nmi'iay eveninc '
Sfi; frayer .Mi;etliiii 'I uiim'laj evciilii atTaj
,traiier(.-,r,iuilv Invheii.
pikst HKKSiiYTKKlAN cm Itcil.-Rav. a
i.u 'l'',''n,'T'- l"'- '"'"' m n a
u. ........ j ........,... . i. . . . "
' 'f-.vij in i uriMiHii r.urit-arnr meii
every rimi'lay venlm! at t,m. ilonsiUi
evJi,u r.r.ver ,MVuu2 i 1:m. m-u free.
EVANGELICAL. CH L'l'.ril-Corner of
ghlh and .Miidii-on street, Ih v. M. Copley
pas or Services every hiil l.Btli al Ila. ni
in. .Sunday r-cl.ni.l 10 a. in
1'rater metllng H p. in. All are welcome
Bev. p. K. Hniiimond, To-ctor. Hi-rvices
every Hoinlav at II s. in, and US) p. m.
Hunilay school at I'lo'i loi k, ( liher services
as may he Hiiiiiiun'-ed, .ill seat free. Stran
gers cordially luviied. ,
1 1 1 : s r c o n f ; 1 1 ): ; a t i o n a l c l ft ; I : c i f ,
corner of Main a, id Eleventh streets Hev.
E. H. Boiling, r, pantor. Morning service
10:.Vi; Sunday School 12; Junior Endeavor
5; V. V. H.'U, K. prayer meeting 0:.'I0;
evening service 7:i!0.
United Brethren-Cor. Eit'hlli ami Pierre
streets, Kev. Cocking, pastor. Hervlc.es
every Sumlay at II a. 1 1. and 7:110 n, in.:
KuiiilHV school at 10 a. in.; ynung people's
nieeting at H:'V) tt. in.: nraver meetiiur
every Wednesday evening.
FIRST It A I'T 1ST (II ERCff.-Rev. J.
If. Heaven, pastor. i'renetiing services
every Sunday at lO .'Waml 7:.'Wp, ni. Hun
day school at 12 noon to 1 p, m, juniors
meet in the afternoon and therienior Young
People's society and liihle study class at
0:15 p. m. Thursday evening, regular
prayer service at 7 :.' p.m. Wednesday
evening, liihle study clasn at Y. M. C, A.
rooms led by the pastor,
German Baptist Services the lirst Bun
day of each month at 3 o'clock p. m., con
ducted by Rev. Albert Graner.
Kvamrelical Lutheran, Xion Congregation
Cor. Eighth and Jellerson streets. Key.
Meyers, pastor. Sunday-school t 0:30 a,
m.; services at 10:.'JO a. m. and 7:30 p. m.
M. V.. Soulh-Kev. T. I. Ilaviie. pastor
Tldid Sunday at lulled Hrwilireu eiuir. h.
, . .... It I.' I. I . ..I..- I. MM
I' tri MelhiMiim- lt"v. j. . i ' r i
.ir. rrvai'hlliil llr.l ml IMnl lliea.lia
tla in.; prut r mealing every llniixlay
fvvidl.g. Norvlee lielil In Ilia ('mill",;
llnnal eliurilt at F.lvvill.
wi.')(.iUoiiI church, Mlinlsv aenl.e will l
N (ollowii: I'leaehle at l'-H A M. Iv
!. y. J. M.irlum Uiehaolt, 'H. I '''
Hlilalti 'hoil al '.'I. M ! weekly pravrr
III ( 1 1 II if Inv Hi 7 ii I', M.: eelrlira-
! lion ol Ilia l.ont'a aupi er. itml Mimlay ol
rneli iiioiiIIi,
I'ntaiaii I.O.IUH No. Til, K. of I'. ni"el
every Wedm'Uv eveiiinrf In lied Men'
hull. VlMlum Kiiitfhta invited tuatleinl.
i J. I'ei kover, K. ol ii. ami S,
Older of Wimhiuton, Noiipurlel I ' n i n
:;r, Uieeia eveiv SatunlaV rveuliiii,
at Willamette hall. Mi. l."Uui loley
A. t. V. W. ineel every Satnrdar
evening eseept the lilMi In the A. O. I'.
W. Temple. II. J. II irihnu', recotder.
Koliekaha Willamette Uelwkwh l.'alfc'e
No. 2 moeta second and (nrtt, rrl.lny of
each month at I. O. t. K- Temple
M.n tiat Wiiluinis MCielurv.
Court Ki'bill lbii.1 No. t, I .ireteiri i
America, meets lint aiel Uurd Ki"lV II"
the moiilli in lied M' li's Mall. W. I
! Mall-lid ae.rit.iry; liit Meter, rhu-i
runcer. i
I (Mack.tuiaa I'hai ter Nj. 2. U. A M..
: Mieies on Ilie Iblnl M hoIji' of rai ti
! month la Matotoc Mall. M. I'.oiUik.i
laisTelary. J
i Willamette Fal's Ci'i'p N" 1 w- j
W. tueela )t and H"l Kil lnt in the ,
i Wlllauietle 1111. C. C, ol. S. Walker ,
' and clerk li. Oil. :
I Or.lrr of IVii.ln Ii rrl rvrrv Jl'in-Uf ,
! n : r 1 1 n I Ke.titien'a ill , l l oiinlnr.
. S. ri . .S-ripiuir; Mi. Mo)r I I"r rusiy
Oregon City Carnp, No. fmw M"d.Tn
i Wixxliiieii ol America mei t.evef y wuli I
and Imirl Ii Tii.-.ty Hi Ibe n ti . t
, WiUmetie Mall Ii, (in 'nl ac'iei ,
! clerk.
Catholic Kliik'l.t "f Alnerii a S. J.ihn'l
'iiimh No. . 17, loe- t every Tuoday ol
uw umnlli.
' "r1 M"n UT eveniiifi in eaen iiniiun si
..Ul and Ibiril .""jlur lav
Ill eji li mi. hi
al I o'rlm k p. in: in Wilamrtte Mad
I". Colbert, Commander.
l.awion Command No. I, of Oregon'
I'liloll Veteran I'oior, ini t l. a.-i nfi si.,;, j
ur.lar I p. m. lu lieduun' hail and !
four'li Saturday at 7 p. in. in T. F. Cow
ing' olio e.
Pioneer Chapter No. O. K. S. mwls
lh second and fourth I net-Uvs n e. I
mouth at Masonic Hall.- Mr U M
Strange, kecretary.
Oregon Ixnlge No 3. I. O. O. F., meet,
every Thursday In O ld Fellows' Hall.
T. F. liyan, secrtlary.
FaU Encampment N . 4. 1. O f.
uieei first and third Tuenlay In eacL
month. Judson lluwell, rotary,
Pcdmen Wacheno TrIV e No. 13, Imp.
O. li. M , meet lie ) flir t ( 7..'!'.
at Bed Men' Hall .1 li usii.C.
of li. ; Harry Baxter, sachem.
Multnomah Islg No. 1, A. F. A. M..
meets lirst and third Saturday in earl
month at Maonic Hall. T. F. iiyau,
Mead Belief Corp No IS, meet at
Willamette Hall the tlrsl Monday III
every iiiitli at 2 o'clock p. in. ami the
thir l Monday in every month at 7;3i
o'clock p. iti.'
Uniied Artisan meet every Thnrly
evening of each month at the Willaincttti
Hall, ilm H ial meeting of this order
i second Thurwajt of each month. K.
II Cooper, secretary. M. BolUck M. A.
Lout) Pine Idg", N. .'3, A. F. A A.
M., l-otf iri, Dr., meets on tlie ancond
Saturday in each iiion'h from tlie at i,
May lo 1st of Novcmlier at 2 p. in. and
from 1st of NoveuiU-r lo 1st of May al
10 a. m. (ieo. C. Armstrong, Sec.
Ani lenl Order of lie, I iVuss-Orctfuii I'py
I.oilT, No. I. ine.-m -. -, . . t o 1 1' 1 luiirtli Fri
day, in rai.'ll inoutli in Willamette hall.
Mrs. S. II. Allport, Johnstown, Pa.,j
says: "Our little girl almost strangled to j
death with croup. The doctors said she
couldn't liv but she was imdantly re -
lievo.l by One Minute Conli Cure."
Geo. liar ling.
At Piimiinu, ( oliiinhhi, hy ( huiulier
Lilii.sCoilr, ( Indent inn! Iiinr-
rhl 11 Ileilil ii jr.
Dr. 1'Iiiih. H. Utter, a prominent phy
sician of Panama, Columbia, In a recent
letter state.: "East Mar.:!, I had as a pi -
tient a young lady sixteen years of age
who had a very had attack of dysentery, '
Everything I prescrilaiil lor her proved '
ineffectual and she was growing worse'
every hour. Her parents were sure she
ur she 1.
eak she
it to do'H
would die. She had become so we
could riot turn over in bed. Whui
ul I I.Im eril ii-iil ini.iiii.i.l u,,(j u uf,..f .... :
me, but I tlioiightofCliamberl.iin'aColic,
Clrolera and Iiurrbea Bemedy nnd as a
lust resort prescribed it. i'lm most won
derful result was eflecled. Within eight
hours she was feeling much better j in
side of three days she was upon her feet
and at the end of one week was entirely
well." For sale by (J. A. Harding,
1,'ae AII.-n'H I'ool-lluHe,
A powder to be shaken into tho shoes.
Your feet feel swolen, nervous and hot,
and get tired easily. If you have smart
ing feet or tight shoes, try Allen's Foot
Ease. It cools the feet and makes walk
ing easy. Cures swollen, sweating foot,
ingrowing nails, blisters and cullous
spots. Belieyes corns and bunions of
all pain and fives rest and comfort.
Try it today, Hold by all druggists and
shoe stores for 25c. Trial packago froo.
Address, Allen 8. Olmsted, Le Hoy, N, Y
la) C R rn r1
Cough Honey
Kidney - Backache
Blood and Liver
rj and Nerve Tonic
Ortsl tlleo.t rlnliif
li.mUi liea. Coinlipalh
Kanisity for (itn
nti.'Tliail. fitiryuin
Dyspepsia Cure
Si, Vitus' Dance
Onlrinn Dnlinf
A.a ur Ciniti!ll l'r A Iiuaiiwo lir lul ronUlnlng aint
Lcit:tk.Ala v( U itiotl ruiarkati tutu tvsr a
f '"; " " M. -'' T" 'JU-1-".. I
' "'" J ' j
1 1 win Jellies
HI .M.,
a I ,i i . ...'.u. j i,( i '... I
' f 4
9 .
, a, , s. i. -s- s .
.i I f
i-i'U ri.AM'. ovm.i'S.
llnattllK( ami ly krhuol fur lll.la.
Ila a .rfiat K In.lrrart.a TraliOna1 1st j
m(ti,irnl, S.I1UI1 will lia.c a ajNii.lf ...1
ilrn.v l.if k I ml a f'r a rla.M I ii. I'all I I
I It. 4 III III a I s-.- l liinl fi, I.l, . a . lirr, 1 anil I
well attantf..! ti.m ..r y..i,n l,..ir 'u
i att"Kt ,r furilirr lnr.,reiali..n apt'Ir li,
Miss I I.KSi.M TlllU'irr. I'll... ll.
Now it the time to buy your wall paper
and MUKKOW, tlie paper hanger, will,
aril it to you cheaper than yon ran buy I
it in Portland Drop a card In the ii.l. 1
olhce and have a sample hook brought
tu your liouac, or Irlcphone Hly llro.
J. MUnnOW. Oregon City, j
Do You
1 1
ty KflOW thO NCWS
i v;
Vou can have it nil for
It HI the Evening Telegram, of Port, rl
U land. Oregon. Il is tho Ingest 1
'. H U J.H; ZZZ
k. I .'( I I It it Sl.. .a- a. . ... It! t 1 1
' i ol the Mute and .f ihe Nation.
Trv it
mr a month. A sitmiihi
v wil
he mulled to you free.
The Telegram,
Portland, Or.
Digests what you cat.
UhW lireparatlon contaliH all of tho!
oikcsunis uiid dlpnts nil kinds of
food. It gives nnt nut rdlef and never
fallH to cure. It allows yon toentitil
tho food you want. Tim iiii.sUoiihIUvo
Htotiiiichs can tuko It, By lu uso rniitiy
tlioiisandH of dyspeptics huvo been
eurcd aftrrevcrytlilriKclsr! failed. It
41 unequalled for ullhloinach troubles.
It can't help
but do you flood
Pr'psr'"! oii'yhy E. C Ir.WirrC(, .'iilcngo
Ilie 1. bolllucoutalusX'i times thuLOc, ului.
' . ,
Dyspepsia Cure
r3 r i -
!ai u is uvi ui is ua
Family IVIodlolnoo.
Kor Cough., Cold, Grip, 0f"
MOold" In ANY PART of body.
I Ol (, Mil l , ,,,
,j e lue n p. t (ii I en ii,
J M u. "
l.oll 4. I Hi lout l o .
1 lir.s' ii.r j,i Inula
I i 1,11.. . nurl I. .-l lM.liN.ii. I.,ul, J" ' 'I
..-'I.....I ...,l I 1 . i " . . '"On
,l, ,.... H. ... , '1 I f I, H
I..r lul 1 1 1 lis w I l ... 1. 1 ,. ... ,"'
.-k I- ol lir. r.i.ii.r. fciL"''
!.iv.r Hin..ty and Hory Tunin
M I i 'II I'll l. ' MM'. Imt, Ii,,,,
lll.l. til.. Mil. , , , .
lylfnlin iilt.n.l .,4 iii,,i,' n
I I.I. .I all i.l 11. e 1m I, On I . Ml"!"l
I i ll I 1 1 . 1 1. ... am '' 1 -l
i' i ... 1 1 if ! i Pr. finer t bnL. )
fur and ."( II rtt.. I..I ... 'T;
i Hi. , aim III., I'M ll'l lion, ., M.j, "'
. ri l.'ii Imte n . hi.. ty
I" l"1" ' I ..
H Iv.r I'r IViimr I f...l.n,i, y
I """i or rinn.r aUoMrg
l.mi.y ir.ns f.r llui iIImsm -tl,i , f
... -i.l, i. ii 1 ...ii "'. -
i. i i I., :i ....i . i-i... i... ,. '. I
- ... . f'-foVt
J "nr.
numr i m. nruiix. rurtu O'a
rll'islli. Ci'l'l.
. Cirlu. Rot. Tkrci u .
ITmubL., It i, mi;."--".
I t .O II I H.I 1
I, , a I !. 4
(Ion pt ti. t..m.4.,tiU
For Salts by C. G. HUNTLEY, Druinlst, Orctjon City, Or.
6i, ..wvrfex
..... Ml..
I'll j.iiiiir in mm. i ,u )(.
or , aii I it'rf itian ,itn, !ir
Ihe ilram of WimoI .l.sk It uar.l
af'.r Isttn On.riuk-hy araa..tu4. T
wai;,,!! I c. In. nr. . ai l) I,inu4.
piiMirtiinird, and tun Ihe hil.!i
an, Ii a Orally )rars time () it
Mltihrll ia,'oil wa, l.cull, and !-.r, Vis
Is-rll l.inll (..iilooliiilily r,rr .lie , I.i'!,
tit, Iii IU, Uhrn you buy a Sht.w;
y.m if.-i Ihe Uurt.t o( tint i n
jwi I. ne,
Mitchell. Lewis & Stiver Cl
I llt au I Taylor Si., Poltlau-l. Orj t
2.)nii!n c.riof!f,L
I ItliCO telrjiliolie wir S
trepiij, as!ii(;tor,ri.
foriilA Alol Idaho riot a
nitration .j the I'k'-i
Matinlt Telcliholis t'cC
pniiy, covering
Uuick, mciirle, eh:
All llie lialisfartinn C
twrsnnaJ c iinintiriiv-ali
)itancr im elMt to
clcitr ttinl'Tstaiiilii j;.
kane nml San Kranr.-'
as rnsiljf n arJ Turt
Oreiriitj (!itr oflit 1
Hanlin's Drugstore.
I.i very, Yvti nnl Sale Stab!
Ui. ATKli HKrwrr-..' Tils HKlt'u
D.ml.lonii.I HitiKlfl ItiK". J
.lie linrs.s nlwaVH cm liftinl ' H
lowest j.rici-s. A corral) r.mnrrW
with the Imrn fur loose stock.
Infiiriiiull.in revardlliK any c'
sto. k promptly attended to by pen
letter. homos noutf ht nnd Sold.
Horse Boarded and Fed on n-
able terms.
llalltMlahcd M3.
C. H. Ef
rpanfef and lt4
Knight find jmrc'lrt delivered
to nil purls of the city.
ThU Is the n.iiui for slilrt w"1"'"1
rvery woninn ohkIiI knov
What r;
the luteal at vie lool gunii" n .,,,i(.
Iieees.nry nrllele. We will seiul I'J "nltrt,
liny woniiiii who will arnil n Mrt i
roiil iiddre.a mid n Uc l iitj. I t '' I'" J ,,,
" -' 7 ... ,1,1a IS"
ur n .iiiiiiur ciiiiv ' "
MHIil'.," the II in'
rn.ldon mi's"' lV,
,r Inindre-I" 1 ,
the wurlil, which Kivm hum rf . (wi
rut iIchIlmsi. until v culdicd Iliit (
ilinrd ihit,
lufonniulon nlmiit dn s. ....rrti"
Hliiale coplea ilfiC caell orl.'l.il,l""
lit nil lie w.ili'iili r.
Ml I(H K-H llOCOIITOtf '"Vorn
:i p uai. iiik Rireni.