Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, August 16, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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Social Happenings.
Tin infrlK "I WlllUm Kdwanl
j (..iliKnltrt Mla Clara Uortrii'U
innti I"" ttAio ki iu;.hj una inorninn
,1 ti,n li'Mii ut Mr. ! Mr. I.oiila (I.
(lin'iili'', I Weillir alrimt. Tlicirt
,oi.y will""1""' ""ly ly I'lHiio
ii.ltlv '() litlini (rlnmU of
II, ti In t! lx'tlllfully tlmoralml
palina. ml nil flowura, ml
(I,.. linv In rcrninonjr waa
)rI,,nnp'l 'l'""""l ' mriiiii
,lr. aii'l ",
Tim lull I'l'l '!"' ""rvkw win ral ,y
tli lie. (''i-rla W. I'araoiia, IK !.,
(iniii'-'ly Hanaon I'laca M. K. cliiircli,
lrklyu. N- V.
Tim lrl'l" waa gownM In Ionian)
n, rriin'l a mmiiiii1 nl wliiln tir,o'
At '' "I iwrmiioiiy a
,mfitlii uuilt 12.
William K. Illiwll, llm .room,
,!,. Ii'iiii" la In On-k.hi Clly, Oro., Iiaa
r..l .if lh two Vrara In llm
ii,ilu) ol llm Hanky A Hawaii Co.. r.
Ming- anowlmltfa ( making
ni-l.!iifir. In llil tlma In luada
jjii)' rl. Mmds.
Tl.o .fi l, MIm (litrtrtila Nona, la
.,(.u!r mnia" lady clly who Us
uii Ixji ol frivml.
Mr, anJ Mra. I.awliiwall Ml on Ilia
u) iriiu ly way f lloiflo and id
(irtt Ukr, lor lliolr (ulur dome In
)tttn (My.
Ami lt' g'iti from out ol tn
mi M m Ali hloiia, Wattliam, Maa ;
.iria. Cut'r, ol M.-lonorU'ly ; the
Mimt Hunt, ol Ht. Iul, Mo.; Mr. ami
Mrt. hl"t, ol (lotivrrnanr, ami
Mil t:il'tli Hloat.ol Mount Vrnion.
Witfioan Pally Tlmae, Vo!iira.lay.
oawaaUM k canAW,'
Mr. It. tt' (iuwanloca, o( AIiiiiimIi,
Cat, and Mim Haiti Carman, ol lliii
rntiuly, HiariW! In Ilia lnuiilrl.il
i,iT r-atwdajr y City ltwwrlr IWtie-
jomiutt Jim..
UmMiry J. Jul am! Mr. Vlrt
Jol.nin, ol Krlii marritxl MtHcliy
allfO'x.n ly Jul( Ityan In Ilia court
Mi.. Miry IVck anl Mr. Klarl
1'iyn ! mirrll Ul Thurliy altrr
nuin In Ilia court liou by Coiiniy
Jul T. F. Ityan. CumiuiMiorinr J. It
Hxt'D in. I IVU1' N'liren wKokimhI tli
(viriiiuny. Tlia ruupltf rnlU at Ml.
MUM llltl.
Mm Killi lllta ami Mr. Tlimmt
I'gnn, Imtli ol K!". mrrlr yr
trnuy ly Ju.ltt" Ittin Mr. Iunn li II.
r.iv til 'aiil I'unn, lio li a (iiuiiil
rwnl (arnipr ol Ca-aU prwlnrl.
Tt rrn mam,
Mr. Jaiiip II. Turnpraml Mla Caul
n ltrlln Fvina mtm marricl Wriip'
lty irriiii g at Ilia l!'tit Kiniin l.y
Itrv.J. il. lU-avrn. About 10 Irlnuli
ti l rrlallvr rr irrnt. Tit brlilf
U llm liuglilrr ol llm rullrlor ol llir
rlk rnuuraiil, ami r. Turnrr ia a (ar
inrr o( I'ultun, hir tli roupta ill
IHI.T i-Autr.
Mim llttila r'ouii vntoitalml Wmlnva-
ly ctpiuii In honor ol Iter rualn, Mm
Fuiiu, ol llm pallra. Tin veiling a
I'liiMiilly m.. Mild tililit and at lU
rlnw wtr iii Wrro wirvnl to tli gilrill.
Mm My Murk a Ilia winlirr o( Ilia
fii-l .riA.. Thoo ircnt
Mim Kouii. ol tlio Dalle. M'ih Al
i"ii!lil, M m i:il. Alhrlght, Mi.g Clara
Wirm-r, M ltita Voiita, Mi May
M..wir. I.iiotirotiii, lluwcll. Krml
Wirncr, Clurl.'i Warnnr. Sciiram, IUI-
cwk Vrgnllua.
(lOI.DKN WlttilUMO.
TlmMih annlyerairy ol I lie wlillnii
"I Mr. ami Mn. l'lilllm S..lllmr w
l"l'l at thoir roimlmivM in rorlUn.l
Wmln,'.lay evening. The Iioiimi aa
crili!. ami Ilia coiiila rwnlvml the
f'lWMuliitltiin of tliulr many frimU
'! rclalivoa.
Aiiiimg dm ritlatlvoa iirownt were Ma
. Itmi Hulling, anl wlln, ion ami
""K'litor; Mono K,-linl. wllo ami aon
lliulMirt: fi. Srlllnir. of Dimih, VAt v !
1. Hulllmr
I'lillll,) Hng; Mm. Hdiu Hulling, ol
' "rvillla auj Holomon (Jarda, of Orttgon
Mr Httlllnif camu to America from
jn-rinmiy wlon he waa 1(1 year old and
''vd'I in thu Houthurn Htutya uiilll 18-11),
"'n he ciiina lo Hun Franciaco, where
' r.-Hldod lor 10 youra. lie returmid to
'hold homo In Oormnny for a vIhU to
" "utlve atiito of Itavarla. and two
I' after Ida return came to Oregon,
11 iHlli! and located in PurtUntl, where
110 "till Uvea. Mr. Helling wna In the
mri:anUlo buaineH for many yenra but
U'tlrmlln 1HH.T. Ilowaa married at San
'rUMf.llJ,..! n 1QR. ... 1 It.... I !..... I.
inu iu viiruiiuu mii'riiucii.
A purty of voumr imnnln iinrtli'liiiitod
I wiiterintilon party Unt evening and
"ru cliupurom,,! by Mra. II. D. Wileon.
rfl-1 L. I'ickoiiH gnve a crawllali
Prty Huturdny afternoon to a number of
'rln'l in honor of Mra. J, T. Shaw, of
"ern Oregon.
llOtltll OK ('OHMMMOUm
Itnuliir Jul; Tirin or lint Co only
J, It, Murlon, John l.awalUn nut T. II
Klllhi, f'uoinilnri,
It ll rinnuiUrei, That a ri'gnlur l.-rni
ol tli Itoaril ol County CouuuiMlomirii
lur Hi Uoiinly ol ()U. kiiim, Hial o
Ori-gnii, U.gun ami Imltl al lb rouri
boiiwt In ai. lounly ami alula on Wmb
linwliy, Him 7lli iliy ol AiigiiHt, !H). tle
Mm Imliig ri-giilar Hum lx. by
law for lb traiiMi tion ol county bun
iiaaa. Tlmi wma irnul, linn, J, k.
Morton, Hon, Join, Ui,n, ami
Hon. T. II. Kllliui.fi.nii.uUiilom.raj H. II.
Cooper, i li rk ; ami J, J. Cooke, ai.erlir.
wlo'ii Hi following prot-euiJIiigi wit
bail, low it;
In llm in u or ol ilullii'iueiil ti ami
tax aale.
T lili mailer ruining on to U beanl
UKin NilltlouoMIlrii t. Amlnr.ori for
Ilia rmlemiition ami (nyiimi.t ol back
laia ii lullowa, lo-wli:
I'lmii llm eait lull of th nortlieiit
'jiurlrrol lemon :). Ti6K, K ; K, ol
Hi Willimrtt MerMlan.
l pur In w hom i..hm1 HuM Ami. Tai
I Hilt
. It. Waile Tof.iiinty 7 Ml
W W ,K I'orUir mil aohj U 7ti
7 17
" To county 7 '.ti
0 ID
" " 0 Hi
I Hon the .iiitliwnt ollirler of aeuiioii
1' T.. k U If ! I' ..I U'iii II...
Ver Tu w hoiu aiiwiueil Hobl Amt.Tal
Ih'iH John (iaibada To Co. 7 Oh
iH'itl H lit
It la ordeial that aald taina ami lax
! ram-llpi Uxm lb record ami
in ctuinu u.i ol tai Im taiicalU'il Uwu
llm tuymeiil of th amount of laid laxei,
rvmlliiiig Ida (Miiiiltlea and noiia.
lo tha matter o a reha! ol overpaid
tae on '.iM) a ra ul land aeiei to the
A lei Mi'darvry aaiat.
Now t llil llm thl matter coming
on, on mmion ol iMmli k A Kialhaiu,
and ll aierlng ilmt tli aaid Uml
old In the yar iH'.al lur laim amounllng
lo tU (ll, lur th r h5. an,) u fuiii,rr
poeniig lhal in March, IH'Jl. laid land
a rlt-m-l (mill lanl 11 mU hy py
nient li Clai'kaimui County ol f0, and It
lurthar aparliig that Cl kama county
ricim. contrary lo law. ' 3'J aa n
ilv and lneiei on ld Ul, and that
llm allinryi lur laid citata, namely,
I'linli k anil Kalhiiil, bl id penalty
and Intereil uniler protect, it la therelora
now oiilrmd tint the clerk ihih a war
MM lo Piiuii k A K.Mihaui lur 111 3'.), bv
Ing a rehato d Mid mil uulawlully n
acted In Pttlemei.t ot id tl
in lha miller ol thn application ol
I'lnllp titrelb lur Vacation of I welling
On Ibi Ttli day of Augmt, 1'JOl, cama
on lo ba berd the petition ol I'lilhp
M'eih, pricing fur lha vac ation ol dw
elling I'uk. an unlm-orioratel lownilta
in lliii ruuiity, and it appearing to Ilia
court liuin nil ieiitiun duly Verilled
lhal Mid winluner la the )le owner ol
lh Mid pruierty, ti ll aaid Iwelling
1'irk I nut lncrHiriied and ba nut a
curiKiritlun In activ eaulem-e, and that
Mid tilluiiel la diMiiroua of having Ilia
luta, atreeta, aileyi. ami oimmuua ul aaiil
low toil tarate.1, anil It lurtlier pier
Ing lhal nil pe Hi ion wa luly filed In
tbia court on June "4, IlKII, and lhal
nlteli nutliT loat Mid petition Would
mine up in Una c -urt lur bearing al Una
lima poatrtl in thret of lha l!)ul
cuiiiiiicuou place in Mid town of liw.
elling I'ark, runtainliig a dewrlplion of
lha laid piopeity lo h vacaicl, and ll
Pirariiig that aaid titiuu tela forth
lha pailifular cln uintni el ol the cm,
a ilmtinct iIiim ripilun ol the pruriy to
ba Vscnled and the namea ol ad lha per
on to b ll--cl..d thereby au-l no oppo
sition or ohjecliou being ma.la Iheielo
It l Iherrlnre orilered, adj'lilgi-d and ile
crenl thai the laid towhaiie ol l.f welling
l aik, togi-lher with ill tbaatreela.alleya.
luta, blot k and common, he and the
tame la herrby vacated and lurever here
Iter ba held for naught.
In the mailer ol the p-liUon of J. II.
I'omeruy fur the cancellalluu of taae
Now cunea on tu be beard the ieiitlun
of J. II. I'liuieroy for tlie calicellalion,
rrlee, and "icninent to him ol the
Inierenl of Clackatnaa County in certain
ir"leilv Uiprrin. aeieeil lur the year
S',i: o ), l M.iKone under the deierip
I ion "I'l. ol Tomklna, Carnen, and Wall
ing claim", tuwnaliip two range one, "10
acrea, ll'.i.';" and fur the cancellation of
laxeaol Clackamai County fur IStNl on
priierly in aaid county amed lo l. D.
and llenrirlia Maguue, and ilencrihed aa
"I'lol Toiiipkina and Walling 1) I. C
deaenbed in Hk :t, l'M:l. and (Ik 51, I
a7. Hei tlona and 2t, 2 H I K, HOacraa,
t70.M" ami '"rt of aliove in Niiooi ma
iricl, tW.75 acrea, 4ii. ID,' aaid laxa be
ing deliliii t. and it appearing that the
lamia intended to have Imhui covered by
aaid aneMin.Mil (or 1811.1 ami lS'.Hl bad
been aold upon lax aalca to thin! purlieu,
and thai by virluo of certain double
aaaeamenia the county haa already re
ceived parta of aaid laxea, and that It la
right and projier that adjOMlmenl of the
aame be had. Now therefore, In conald
erailon of the receipt of '.I5.W) from aaid
J. II. 1'omeroy J it la ordered lhal the
aaid laxea (or 1 SlMt, ao ilelimillent, be
cancelled of record, and that whatever
interoaia Clackamaa County may have
acoiilred In tlio aahl landu above deaeribed
aa being aaneawd for 1S1KI to aaid D. 1.
Maaone aa purchaser at Ilia aalefortaxea
for thai year, be releaaed and Ihe aame
I...r..h releaaed and aKHiirned to laid
J 11 I'omeroy, and the olllcera of aalil
county are herohy dlrecled to cancel and
remove aaid properly irom tno nai oi
iiriuiertv to he aold Henlember next un-
di r th Act of the Legwlalnre ol ltMil.
In the matter of ihe taiiition oi j. n.
I'otuerov lor the cancellation of taxea.
N..u, ... on to he heard the petition
ol J. II. I'omeroy lor the cancellation ol
an aaaeaament ami aalu of petitioner'
undivided one eigblli inteieal in ceriain
lamia In theD. P. Tomnkina and (ieorgo
. .- .. 1 1 i'l..l... I., (' lu,.la.
Walling IMIlBiHJii i.neti vinii" i"
maa County, Hlnio ol ( Vivon, mmig ine
Inlereat conveved to aaid I'omeroy by P.
p. M attune ami wife by deed recorded at
page :t78 of book 50 of deed of Raid county ,
and It appearing from tho tax roll of aaid
county lor MM, Unit the whole ol aaid
tract waa aaaeeami to i i' aim i'"""
Magone, na appear al lines 5 and 0 ol
........ i7- tax roll, and that an
eighth intercut therein waa ONHeHHed by
the Hherill to aata romerov, n
niiiro D8 of volume 3 of aaid tax roll, hut
' " ,il,u. n ili.ilm.llnn
no norreanonding exception or deduction
waa mad. from the aH-exBuient to P 1) .
IZ one d it lurtlier appearing that
aaid Magone failed to pay his taxes, ana
that tho aa i amis wereaom upon va
for 1804 to oiio J A Ficke, who baa sluce
lioroma unllllii'l to a ileml v aalil roc
arty, Inclmllng tli algbtli intarnat ol
hi petitioner, ami lliat th aalil aioiaiOH
meiii ol an iimllvMnil algdlli Inlnreat in
iMitllloner waa without any (:orron'.
log ileiluiillou from llieannemuneiitoliilil
Matron, ami mail a ilotibl aioMoonni'nl j
ami that the aald county In rwlvil
t i' mum aalil umllvlileil tlghlli Inter
mit ami lben(ora,ai:qiiirel tioh'gal claim
thereto by bacoiuiiig a iuri:baMr at Mill
In mlii. It a therefor orilnreil Ibal
nilil aherlir ai'iiMinmit to n I'omero
m min lled, ami that any ami all luler
't In th aahl lamia ariiulrad by aahl
Clackanma County, aa iurcbaer tbnrnof
at llm aala lor Unei for aahl yar, m ami
lit mine U berchy reaiil ami aaaigned
b aihl J II I'oimiroy,
In tint matter of claim ireaentnl ami
alloweil i
Kll Willi. ma, MM-aior $I2D 00
I 0 I'urter
M illalr...
J A J nit). .
4H 00
00 IX)
4H 00
1)V Ol
m in)
K7 00
n7 00
"2 M
30 IX)
4 K't
107 M
2 40
2 00
A 00
2 00
30 Ml
I 10
M 00
12 00
10 00
4 75
2 IX)
44 4
12 00
a oo
0 2ft
4 M
FJ llarkenrliler
It Hulllvan
C i; Itamaby
V H Hyda ,
F W (ireenman , . .
I. K Willlaina
Ii'ul hamaritau llonpllal pauper
Palrick A Coalatlonery
I'lua-iilx Ina Co court bona
I'aul l'rver, criminal.,.,.
Antln A Weatern Co, r and b. . .
J It MurUm
W KCarll, liman
Itetta Fierce, clerk
Kt Hide Lumber Co r and b. . .
Coil Agency (;o, atationery.,..
t.ouva Kamlall, recorder
Turn I' Kamlall
Oregon City Foundry, r and b. . .
f'acillc htatei Tel A Tel Co C h. . .
W V Iva Wilaon, paiiHr
A W Cheney, couuiy printing ..
W A Huntley, atationery
W P Hill, pauper
J W McA unity, Mala v Clark...
II 8 Moody
Kd Hhaw, wilneia
Kd Iteckner
J W MrAnulty, Htatova Ililleary
II H Moo-ly
A M ljvrlc, wllniwa
Noah Hlmgley
J C lluyer
Minnie Klliult
John Ponaldaon
C Kchumau , .'
J I'ullard, wllnea
J W McAnully, Htate vaUeltman
II H Mixely
J W M-Anulty, Htate va Mill...
('ha K Hum
J W McAnully, Htal vaMra Law
II H Moo-ly
1 70
1 70
H bS
1H 00
.1 50
5 10
3 W
1 00
4 M
4 60
4 30
4 60
3 45
7 M
6 20
9 40
tt 05
14 IV)
0 A Harding 1 70
l.ucy Uulieru 1 70
Julia Mead I 70
John M.-ad 1 70
F. II Cooper 1 70
A M Lovelace 3M
Mb hard Morton 3 60
Mr A M Uvolace 3 60
Kd Field I 70
JCKlliotl 3 60
Ina M Cliaae, aheiilT 00 00
J J Cooke 24 00
K. II (Ktier, atationery 25
K P Olda, road and bridge 60 00
W II Young, intacelLaneoua 14 60
J H Y oiler, load and bridge 4 20
I iIim and rrudhomme, atationery 10 00
John (.ewellen, road and bridga. . 10 00
tieoA Harding, pauper 0 4't
1'uin I' Kamlall, atationery 26
M CMricklaud. pauper 62 00
tilaaa and I'ruilhoiume, atationery 15 60
(lie t'y Knterpriae, Co printing. . 68 50
J C uiier, aupt 30 Go'
W and Iva Wilwun, iler 21 2'i
tiiH II Kate A Co. road ami bridge 3 00
Mj Yaiitfiin. uucellaneoui ' 12 6)
Frank II.iihI 72 02
I'eier Nehren, court boute 14 M)
J J Cooke, Ixiar.ling irioner. . . 27 K5
Sun liiaeranca C, court Iiuum). . 45 00
Clack liluirSambUoa Uiy r A. h. 70 00
A J Ownbi-y, road and hildge... 5 11
M N IUimii. clerk 60 00
In the matter ol the adjualmeni ot
laxea for the year lMH, IMM, iHial, 1807,
1.H.IS, lK'.HI, on the eoiilh ball ol nee lion
21 and the weal half ol the northweM
iiarUr of aection 21, T 5 8 K 3 F. ol
Willamette meridian. Now at thia lime
Una matter coming on, on motion of
Pinnck A F.aatham, and it apiearing lo
Hie commiai-ioiiera thai a large tract of
Uml, in extent about 3400 acrca, bad
been accd during the year above
named to vaiiuna petnoiia aa owner, and
it ftirthi-r apiearing to the aattalaction of
the commianionc ra thai an order waa
made by the comuiiiaionera court which
order U entered on page 6'.), Vol 20, of
the journal ol aaid court, cotupromiaing
(or a conanleraiion of f'.'.'H) the laxea aa.
ii'aiHd agaiiiNi Ihe raid tract, the aame
ttcing dercriU-d by uietea and bound or
by reference to aecl ion a and Parta
thereof, and It (urt her apneating to the
commiiner that aaid $260 waa In
tended to be aettlement in lull (or the
aid yeara o( the laxea ou Ihe whole of
aaid tract, and It further pcaring to
he commiaaioneii that the description
ol lamia iu the order above referred to
omitted the aouth half ol aectlon 21 and
the weal half of the north-weat quarter
oleoction 21, T 5 8 It 3 E Willamette
meridian. And It further apHaring to
the commiiNionera that Clackamaa
county by aaid compromise baa received
the taxca on Raid tract due (or the aaid
yeara, it la therefore now here ordered,
thai the clerk cancel the taxea aaxcHtcd
agaliiNt the land lat deacribed, (or the
yeara, 1SIM, 181)5, 181K1, 181)7, 181)8, 18M,
in like manner aa waa cancelled the
taxea on the remainder ol aaid tract
formerly owned by 8 W H Jones.
In thu matter of taxea againat property
of John F Kode, estate. Hovr at thia
time Cornea the atate land board and
ahowa lo tho board of commmHionera
that the property deacribed ou page 21
ol the delinquent tax aulea record (or the
year lS'.KS and hhhchmhI to John F Boile
la not correctly deacribed, but the board
lining dcHirutiB of paving its juat portion
of laxea and being willing to pay the
original tax without com a or penalty,
and the county board of conuuixBionera
being fully adviaed in tho premises, and
deeming I' for the heat Inleruaiot all
concerned ; It is ordered that the clerk
cancel the aaid lien aa the property waa
liid in by the county, upon the payment
of the original lax.
In tho matter of the taxes aaaeaaed
upon Minthorii Addition to the city of
Portland for the years 1800 to 1891) in
clunive. At thia time comes Mary V Keene by
bur attorney, Hubert A Miller ami upon
net it urn bIiows Hint Mary V Keene
bought of J M Keene on June 12, 18H5,
the following deacribed property to-wtt:
lota 88 to 48 inclusive in j. k 13 and lots 5
o , u-nmwe a 1
- "
tiou to tbe City ol Portland as shown by
Drying preparation almply dnvaU
opory cainrrbi thay Ury up lha n-tioM,
whicfi 'lh-ra to the ri'-mlrniio and dnrntu.
poia, rmmrig a fur mora aoriou Iruubl than
lha onli-nir furm of culnrtli. Avo.d all dry.
lug Inlial iiiln, I -1 1 r i ., .o'.l:' li:i l aniila
and liifl that which h ;, , iH,:),r and
ln-ala, l'.Iy'a Cream J:.i!in l-t a u'i n r mady
and will ce-a cfa-ili irr :. I i.i Co
earnly and i.biaa;,j, A Ir.-.l Cm wf!i ,n
lliliili d for 10 f.' fin;; ;;; tl
60(!.ii. I'ljf jlroihar. t,H ,or.- I t., N.Y.
'lha K.ibri cir" wltliont Jain, (!.a tint
Irritaliior ( tii aiiiezm!. Ju; n.uU jlw
ovar an irrit iil ui.1 unry auifnn,, r-linv.
Ing liiiiiio'li.uly thajiiiiul JiifljiifiMiiiiiiin.
Willi l.ly'i ( m JJiilin yon r armod
Kuiuai naaui laiasrii ana Jluy J en-.
th recorded ulat thereof. That aaid
diM.il waa rei orded in lh Ieda Itecor 1,
f Clackamaa counlr on June 22. IMI.
That thereafter to-wit during the yeara
IhltfJ, lHl7. 1H!H. and Inland I'JOO thia
proiierly beretofor dea:ribed waa errors
aoualy eaael to J M Keen and J W
Keen. That V Keen, the true owner of
aaid ih-acrUieil property ever atooo raadr
lo pay the lawful aaaeaament on her aaid
proiierty and each year Offered to do o.
Thai aha la now ready and willing to pay
th original lax on aaid property laa the
iwnaltiea ami cowl ali0 thereto and
now landers th am. It appearing to
thl board of rommiaaloner upon th
ho Ing herein made by aaid petitioner
that ll i lor Ihe beat inlereat of the
county to arreit said auma ol money
ami In conaiileration theref, to releaae
th aaid tractaao aaaeiae'l ami belonging
to aahl party, aforeaaul, and from all
lien of aaid tx-s and Irom all claims
and Intereat of Clackamaa county therein
acquired by aaid connly by virna of any
aala of aaid tracts above named for said
taiea for aaid year.
It ia therefor ordered, bv the bord
that lh aaid um of V!4.M being la lull
lor lb original tax on aaid landa lor the
year above named ba accepted by the
county In lull aatiaf action and payment
ol aaid laxea and intereat ol th county
In aahl tract of land ami that the clerk
upon payment thereof iaaua lo said party
above named proper certificate ol re
demption nd Mtiafactioo ol said taxes
lur the aaid yeara. a
In the matter of the county printing.
Thia matter coming on at this time and
ll appearing lo lha lioard ol Commiaiioo
era thai the bid el IM L. i'orier, Is th
only one filed and that the same is
rraaonable and ll ia hereby ordered that
the Oregon City Entrpri be and the
earn ia declareVl to ba the olticial paper
ol Clackamaa county and the sheriff,
county clerk and other county olliceri
ar hereby directed to print all legal
notice ul the county or any of the
olTlcvrs hereof in said Oregon City Enter
prie and aaiJ bid for Uie furnuhlng of
printing and aupplies is hereby accepted
and said ollicera are diiected to procure
aid printing and supplies from said L
L I'orier In accordance wilb aai'l bid
A N Wright having made application
to Ihe board fur the rebate ol coat ou
aaecMunent of block 63 of I'runelaud for
tli year lS'.aj and it appearing to Uie
board that aaid block 53 was erroneous!
eaed aa the proia-rty of Fannie M
Uregory, when lo truth and in (ad it
wa the property ol Willamette Land
Company, lha grantor of aaid Wright ;
That lha taxea Ihereou amounted, to
W.1') and that al the tax a!e lor the
year IK'.iU the aaid block waa bought in
by Clackamaa county. Wherefore it is
ordered that the said A N WrUbt be
permitted to redeem aaid block 53 from
ld aale upon payment lo the cletk ol
lha sum ol f-MO.
In the matter ol the application of
Wm X Pavies et al lor county road.
On Una day came on the application and
petition of Jacob K ami I'reacott J Kalo
tleiacb, lo require the petitioners herein
to py all prior coats heretofore paid by
the county in the several attempts to
locale the road prayed (or, cmounting in
the aggregate to a sum approximating
f 138 00. and it appearing to the court
that in juat ire to the taxpayers of the
county, aai-l coata ought to be paid lie
lore further proccelit.ga are bad herein,
it ia ordered ami adjudged that the pe i-
lion herein be diaiuiaaed until all die- 1
huraemenis heretofore paid by the
couuiy on account of the previous
lempa to locale said road be paid.
Continued next week.
Teacher's Examination.
Notice is hereby given that tbe county
superintendent ol Clackamas county will
bold the regular examination ot appli
cant! lor state and county papers at the
court bouse, Oregon City, Oregon, as
follows :
Commencing Wednesday, August 14,
at nine o'clock w. m. and continuing
until Saturday, August 17, at four
Wednesday Penmanship, history,
spelling, a1gbra, reading, school law.
Thursday Written arithmetic, theory
of teaching, giainiiiar, bookkeeping,
phyaica, civil government.
Friday Physiology, geography, men
tal arithmetic, composition, physical
geography. .
Saturday Botany, plane geometry,
general history, English literature,
Commencing Wednesday, August 14,
at nine o'clock a. in. and continuing
until Friday, August 10, at foui o'clock.
Wednesday Penmanship, hiatoiy, or
thography, reading.
Thursday Written arithmetic, theory
of teaching, grammar school law.
Friday Geography, mental arith
metic, physiology, civil goveynment.
Wednesday Penmanship, orthogra
phy, leading.
Thursday Art of questioning, theory
of teaching, methods.
Friday Arithmetic, physiology.
J. C. Zinskr,
Superintendent of Schools.
Oregon City, July 21), 1901.
The Cataract Hose Company, Foun
tain Hose Company, Hook and Ladder
No. 3, the Ely villa team and one other
team are arranging for a tournament to
be held in October.
CllTrfawnrrr' .tn-llr.
Notic I hereby glv.,i that I have
lulfii lent fundi In the General Fond of
Oregon City, Oregon, lo pay all out
landing warrant endorae.1 prior to
Heptember 7, HW, excepting warrant
No. V.i2. Alio all road warrants an
dorae.l prior to April II, 1!KI.
Inlernat wlllcnina on aUiviJ deacrlbail
warrant excaitinj( No. 092, Irorn th
date ol thl notice.
Lift E. Joxaa,
City Treaaurer.
Paled Aogual 16, I'M.
And I liiap Hound Trip Exmralon Rate
Of the A.AC. K. K. Make a Hit
Wlih the I'uMlc.
The I'opular i'orlland-Seaaide Express
leave Union )itl every Saturday at
2.M p. m. and run th rough direct with
out tranafer arriving at Aatoria 6:60 p.
m (Jearbart 6:40 p. in., and Heaiide
5 :60 p. in., making direct connection at
WarrenbD for Flavel. leaves Keaide
returning on Sunday at 5:00 p. in., Gear
hart 6:10 p. in. and AiIt-IC:10 p. m.,
arriving at Portland ft :40 p, m., tbua giv
ing paaeugers Haturdiy eight and all
day HunJay at the beach.
Regular round trip e'earaion tickets,
good until Kept. 15lb, $4.00. Haturday
round trip excuraion tickets, good to re
turn Sunday evening, 2 60.
Connections at Astoria with Steamers
'Nabcotu," and "T. J. Potter" lor all
Nortb Beach piiiita.
Kldi H antra.
The board ol Water Commiasioners, ol
Oregon City, Oregon, ak for sealed bids
for the con at ruction ol tbe concrete foun
dation and clear water well lor tbe Filter
Plant ol tbe City Water Woiks. Approx
imate quantity about 400 cubic yards.
Tbe work to begin upon tbe completion
ol the present excavation and be com
pleted in two weeks time.
Bids will be received until one o'clxk
r. at. on (Saturday. August 24tb. 1901.
Tbe Board reserves the right' to reject
any or all bid. A certified check muat
accompany the bid, equal to 10 per cent
ol tbe amount ol tbe contract- as liquid
ated damages in case tbe successful bid
der tails to enter Into t contraband give
agood bond lor tbe faithful performance
of tbe contract.
Plans and specifications can be seen at
tbe office ol the Kecreury.
T. L. Cbarman, Secretary,
Board ol Water Cotumiaaioners,
Cbarman Bros. Block,
Msrk, Oregon City, Oregon.
Anguat 15ih. 1001,
F. rm fur hale.
Nine miles south ot Oregon CitV, 1
mile ea I ol Canby and three mi lea
aouth ol New Era, containing 100 acrea
05 clear plow ed land, 80 upland and 80
good timothy land; none ia overflowing,
nine acre in orchard in different variety
ol fruit, all fenced and eroas fenced,
two good well, and good water. Good
buildings. 1 mile fjom school bouae.
Good 'oca' ion and good roads.
Price $40 per acre, ror particulars,
address John Scbindler, Canby, or In
quire on farm, Canby, Oregon.
Farming land, cleared and uncleared,
in Tualatin valley within 3 miles of Ore-
Un City. Also large quantity of second
hand common and fire brick at Oswego.
Apply to
Tin Obkc.os Irox and Steel Co.,
339 Sherlock Building.
Pot Hand.
Oregon I'itr Jlarket Report.
(Corrected to Friday.)
Wheat No. 1,82c bushel.
Flour Portland, :i. 30 per bbl. 85 c
per ak. Howard's Bst, 00c per sack,
(3.80 per bbl.
Oats in sacks, white, 45 :ents per
bushel , grav, 43.
Hay old'Tlmothy, $12 per ton. New
Timothy, S to f'J per ton. Clover $7 to
f8 per ton.
Millstutls Bran, 113.00 per ton.
shorts, $21.00 per ton, chop, (10 per ton,
barley, rolled, $20 00 per ton,
Potatoes new, 70o to !0c per sack.
Eggs Oregon. 17' to 20c per dozen.
Butter Ranch, 25 to 35 cents per roll
Apples, Uravonateina, 00 C to 00 0 per
box. Other varities, 60 c to 75 c per
Pera, Birtlett. 75 c to $1 per box.
Blackberries, 3 to S.'c per lox.
Onions, choice, lo to l.c per lb.
Oreen peas, 2c per lh.
Dressed chickens, 10 to 12. c per lb.
Livestock and dressed meats; beef,
live, $3.00 to $3 50 per hundred. Hogs,
live, 5 eta; hogs dressed, 7c; sheep,
2V lo Sl4c; sheep, dressed, Co;
veal, dresae'l, 7l ; lambs, live, 3l4c;
lambs, dressed, C.lBc.
Baa tha 1 1,1 Kn(l Von Haw Hlwars Baujlt
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and
All kinds of repairing neatly done
and warranted.
KONtoOIre HMlt. Oiuby, Oregon
Rupture and Piles
Cured without operation or detention
from business
DR. 0. 11 WATTS
Room 14, McKay Bldg. 3rd & Stark Sts.
Hours a to 4 and 7 to 8 P. M.
Hoapltal and f'rivat Eiprtno.J
Offara hi profrmloml aervlrai to th pa
pi ol Oregon City and vicinity. Hpanlal
attention ia. to fJatarrh ami
Chronic dlieaaei. Bant tit refer
nre given. Ottlca In Wniftt
iiiillding, Oftlce Imuni 10 lo 12a. in.,
4 lo 6 p. ni,
When you buy goods at
our Btore, for our guaran
tee goes with every pur
chase, whether it costs
little or much.
Complete stock of Gro
ceries, fresh Bread, Buns,
Cakes, etc., always in
You leave your order;
we do the rest.
B7 the fast
and com
modious Regulator
Leaves Portland daily except
Sunday at 7 a. m.
This is tbe Great Scenic Route.
All tourist admit that the scenery
on the Middle Columbia is not ex
celled for beauty and grandeur in
the United States. Full informa
tion by addressing or calling on
J. S. BOOTH, Agent,
Tel. 914. Portland, Or,
Office and wharf, foot of Oak St.
Astoria & Columbia
River Railroad Co.
July 6, I'M
r u
P.M. I
6 5o
8 05
8 20
8 t
9 44
8 20
8 tO
7 34
7 i
7 as
7 28
7 17
7 02
6 42
6 32
6 20
6 10
2 So
3 .V.
8 rt L
9 US ...
9 la,...
9 .15, . .
9 4tli...
Portland .Ar
11 10
. MayRr ....
. Quincy ....
laiskaiii . .
Marsbland ..
. Wetort . ..
. Clifton
. Knappa....
. 8venen
.Join Day
. . A.ioria. . Lv
10 w
9 3;
3 47
4 I.Y
9 X
9 M
8 44
8 .V)!
8 5S
9 OK
9 111
9 SC..
10 00j...
10 10;...
10 2lj...
10 aa...
it 02!...
11 10...
It 22 ...
II : Ar
9 20
9 12
9 02
4 '
4 K
4 4- i
4 57
8 52
8 87
8 17
8 07
9 37
10 mi
111 (W
10 M
10 :
5 17
3 -li
5 50
7 35
7 4.-
11 SO a. in... 1
11 ;; t ASTORIA
8 15a.m...J
6 15 a. m...l
9 45a. m...J
.. 7 40 a. m
...4 00p.ni
..10 35a. m
. . 5 30 p. ta
..12 30 p. m
.. 7 20 p. ta
. . 1 30 p. ni
.. 9 30 a. m
All trains make close conneotiona at Coble
with all northern I'acitic trains to or from
the East or tiou ml I'uinU.
At Portland with all trains leaving Union
At Astoria with I. R .t N. Co.'a boats and
rail line, and Steamer T. J. Potter, to and.
Irom 1 1 w co and North Iteacb Points.
Ticket otUce, 2.'5 Morrison St.. and Union
depot. J. C. MAYO.Gen. Pass. Agt.
Astoria, ura
Shasta Eoute.
Trains leave Oretron City for Portland and
wav stations at 7 :UU A.M., 9:22 A.M. and
6::tb P. M.
I. Portland
Lv Oregon City
Ar Ashland
' Sacramento
" ban t'rancisco
8:30 a M
9:22 a M
12: "5 A M
6:10 p M
7:45 p M
8:00 p M
9:14 PK
12:35 P
5:00 A M
8:15 a M
" Ouilen
" Denver
" Kansas City
' Chicago
4:55 a M
9:30 A M
7:25 a M
7:42 a M
7:00 a M
9:15 PK
7:25 A SC
8:30 PM
" I.oa Angeles 2:00 p m 8:ft5 a M
" El Paso 6:(X) p m 6:00 p M
" Fort Worth 6:30 a m 6::i0 a m
" City of Mexico 11:30 a m 11:30 am
'Houston 7:00 am 7:00am
" New Orleans 6:30 p M 6:30 p M
" Washington 6:42 am 6:42 am
"NewYorK 12:10 pm. 12:10 pm
Pullman and Tourist cars on both trains.
Chair cara Sacramento to Ogden and El
Paso, and tourist cars to Chicago, St. Louis,
New Orleans and Washington.
Connection at San Krancisco with several
steamship IIi.?h tor Honolulu, Japan, China,
Philippines, Central and South America.
Replator m.
See agent at Oregon City station or ad
dress 0. II. MARKHAM, 0. P. A.,
Portland, Oregon.