Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, August 16, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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Oregon City Knterprise.i
City and Couutj Otllclal l'sper.
be attempted. Tlit) lip (roui Ohio doun ,1
Published Kvery Friday.
L. I.. rOKIKlt, Psora, ai-oa.
One year IJ 00
6ii nioiuhi 1 on
Trial subscription two months 23
A discount ot .V) rrnti on all subscriptions
(or on year, 24 cents (or six nionilis, il
paid in a.lvance.
Advertising rates given on application.
Bubscritwrs will find the date of expira
tion stamped on their papeis following
their nam. If this dale it not ciiai.geu
within two weeks after a pavment, kindly
notify ui and we will look alter it.
mil li Hut tlit'y have thrown oil the j
Yoke." Augusta (On.) Iletald.
Editorial opinions in Ihe same strain
come from every Mute 111 tho South and!
Kant. Hut one s.'.-tion exptosses con-1
..1. ll.-. I!. ......!-... ... I ll t
.iriii.un n.nt t.ijniiinni ui- .wiit.- mi
free nilver have not gone down together,
and that is Colorado.
Summer Life at Wllliolt Springs.
tloodfidlow, Minn Ethel Green, Mm.
Wallace. Colo mid mm, Mint Hot it. Mi
XnUrwd at the poptofTlo In Oregon City,
Or., ai second das matter.
Bnrrr Creek
Clackamas ,
Mil wan ki
Union Mills
Meadow Brook....
New Era
..l'r.T. H. Thomas
K. I. Sia
A. Mather
...Oscar W iitiKr
....O. J.Trullitiger
(.has. Holmaii
,..V. 8. Newherry
Henry Miley
R. O. Holmes
J.O. tiatw
C. T. Howard
Carua K. M. Cooper
a! alalia Annie Stubbs
Mamuara J. M annum
Butteville B. Jennings
Aurora Henry A. Snyder
Eagle Creek H. Wilhern
Damascus J. C. Klliott
Bsnrtv K. Oti'Uch
CurriniTille Ueo. J. Currin
IJvraot Adolph AschotT
The following from the Argonaut
almas the way democracy is looking at
the action of the Ohio democrat.
Delaware democrat, formerly support
era of Bryan, admit the folly of longer
yielding to his leadership.
Ex-Speaker Miller, of the Rhode In
land legislature, says: ''If the Ohio con
vention means the passing of Bryan I
shall be very much pleased," while
other equally prominent democrats re
gard free silver as dead, the incident as
"the beginning of a wide spread revolt
against Bryan."
Democratic opinion in the West is in
the same line. It is expressed in the
Cleveland Plain Dealer, which says Ohio
Bet a good example. Iowa is adjured by
the Davenport Democrat to "do all that
O lio has done and a little more. "
The St. Taul Globe believes that "a
return to true political concepts bas
been made manifest."
" Wisconsin has long been ready for
the change indicated by the result in
Ohio," says (be Milwaukee Journal.
The Kansas City Times calls tbe Ohio
Ohkoos's coal output for 1W0 was
o$, St4 short tons, a compared to St,SSrt
tons in a decrease of neatly lis per
cent. The Washington product In
creased from 2,02,.l,S$l tons in lSW, to
2.474,0'.3 tons in I'M). The total output
for the I'nited States in I'M) was .Y!,
OOV.'Sl tons, an increase of 15,321 :''.'
tons over the year preceding. This
nukes the United Slates by far the
greatest coal producing country In the
world. Oregon tus coal lo tuirn out its
extensive mines are as yet practically
undeveloped ow ing to lack of transpor
tat ion facilities.
Wilholt is a very popular resort this
summer. Titer lias been an average o
eighty-live people at the hotel during
July and August. About seventy-five
1'lvliu Horn, Mrs George A. Hunting
snd family, Mrs. Nelson Lawrence, Mr.
camps are In the grove, Ix'sides all ofthui Whittlnglou, Mr. Cass Young, Mis. A.
cottages being occupied most of the lime. ' K. Khntles, Mrs. Wllllwui Hatrls and
Over nine hundred eopln visited VI
hoit Sunday. The grounds are admira
bly arraiitted (or picnlu parliea. The
u rove is beautifully situated and fur'
uished with swings, rustic benches, ras
ele dumlos. croquet, elo.
Friday evening the p-'ple at the hotel,
assisted by a few of the campers, gave a
very enjoyable concert ou the hotel porch.
A varied program, consisting of recita
tions, speeches, cake walks, and instru
mental and vocal music, wss rendered.
The dance glveti in the halt over the
family and Mrs. Kiank Nelireu.
Notwithstanding the snperslilulloii in
regard to the number thirteen, Mi.
Warner, Miss Warner, .Miss Itesrdo War
ner and Miss Motile Hins spent a vcy
pleasant three weeks In the cotUge '(
that niituhcr in tho yard In front of the
Mrs, Fugetie Hedges and children led
Saturday for their home, having spriit
two weeks camping In the grove.
Mr. William Harlow, Mr. and Mrs. ('.
V. Harlow and Mr. Cass Toll returned to
...t r.....u.T e,e.....g. s ,;,,, .v.sltofaev.raldsvsallhe
well allcndod. Old fashioned uuadilllcs1 t i.- in. . i
Tin question of irrigation and forestry
are just beginning to loom up on the
horison. They are so full of meaning for
the future of this country that they
should receive the attention of all think
ing men. The riwiht course now will
mean more than money can in the
tuiureon inese uues. vur toresis are tr, AjSkA.
being destroyed as no other nation would
tolerate and a judicious distribution of
thewatur means the turning of the
desert into a garden. The time to lake
ste has arrived.
were the most popular dances ; the fid
dler, who was the orchestra, called many
punling changes.
Many Oregon City people have visited
W.ll.oit this year. Among tho 'Hj .i o( roMUnJi
here are Mr. and Mrs. lioodfcllow. Miss
Miss Alice Acketman and Mr. I.. A' k
rrinsn, of l'oiltaud, registered at (he
hotel. They w III he joined In a few !
by Miss l.orviieand Mr. Will Aikeriuau,
v m "O" v v v v v v v -av -o v v r "o- v o- v -jv !
ti. Vim lliivo AltvuvN lloiiulit. It ml ttlili-ii i.....
la tiso for otrr ;.0 J.'itrw, ln liurtitt (lio algiiiur.
i iuhI lias Imtii iimiloiiiMli-r !,(
. Jj--r' '"-'il s"T Moil Min n lu Imiih
WuJV?f VUVU Allow io olio t.r.l.M . v ,,I ( J7
All foiiiitrilVlts. Iinllitlloiia iiikI ".lilsl
i:i. iliii nl Unit trlllo with luiilfiiitiuiu.Tth,. i,ril '
Infants tiud C lilltln u - r.tM rlciico ngulu.t i:M'rm(.7
Ciialorltt Is it liuriiili'ot miluHlulo for Castor oil,
tori.-, lroiu iiikI NiM.thlntf M)ni. It Is rirM.,lL
m ... - n..i t,i.....i.i .... ii
ClilllUlllS licit IHT iiiiiiiit .'"i'H"r r niurr JS
. . 1 1. It .I...,. . '"O
Miiulaiiri'. innii'' h ii Sv -icsirnja Wnrnsj
unit alia) IVti rlshiu as. It urra iHarrlm-u nu, Wltaai
i'tillr. It r. lli ti'is Tirllilmr Traiihl urea 'iut,mil()
mill rialulciu). It itaalmllatra tliw Iimm, rrirtiUic,
MoiiiihIi iiikI lo-l, .Itlnir lirallliy itml iialuru tkt,
Tin ( lilMn u' Panac-u-Tlio Mtln r's rrlcinl.
Scan tho SIgnaturo of
; Farms and Farming. Jlj
FioiiTiNO Bob Kvans, Qf the Iowa, has
biHfii called dow n hard by the navy de
partment for criticising ex secretary
ChandW in a book recently issued by
Evan. The rules of the navy depart
ment do not allow of any talk concerning
the working of the department that can
be construed into a criticism. Kvans
has not been keeping up his old reputa
tion and has been charged with not j
- . . . . . . . I
ngnting in the required style at
Crop ICeport.
The past week hss len dry, excepting
during Wednesday local showers oc
curred In the southern and eastern sec
tions of the State. Thee showers were
very beneficial lo the ranges am! to root
water. Dwe, one large spoonful inUrd
with a little brsn mah twice a day, ac
cording to the virulence of the disease.
It should he used with caution, however,
as it has a tendency lo dry up the milk
I'erhsps no paiticular breed Is better
crop, but they were not general enough i "mn ""other for the general dairy, as
to wholtv relieve iiiedmuifhlr conditions 'w K'vmg rich milk may U found
The Kind You Have Alwajs Bough
In Uso For Over 30 Years.
' Mill HUH, m.
The ExTKRi'Kise has finally been given
the county printing and at a price as
cheap or cheaper than that paid by any
ountyinthe state. Republicans hesi
tate about letting work to their party
paper. Democrats always give every
thing to their own organ and on the
quiet, laugh at the republicans for not
doing the same thing.
Tm democrats are having a little
politics of their ewn. With a call for re-
product "a great triumph in platform- organization on hand, unanswered,
Tbe Chicago Chronicle announces that
"the great Democratic drunk is over.
It should have ended a year ago."
Individual opinion in the state of
Washington is quoted as believing that
"Ohio acted wisely;" that detmcracy
mast turn its back on ail the vagaries
and sophistries of Bryanism; and even
ex-Congressman Lewis "hopes the Bryan
democrats of Ohio will loyally support
the ticket."
Ex-Governor Pennoyer, of Oregon,
iay "the ignoring of Bryan was legiti
mate and just, and it is eminently proper
be should be set aside."
Tbe most significant utterances of
farmer Bryan adherents, however, come
irotn tiie rouinern press. Here are a
The Ohio convention "has set an ex
cellent example, which it is to be hoped
will be generally followed. "Charleston
The democratic party "will cut loose
from repudiation and win back tbe con
fidence of the country." Mobile Regis
ter. "The best democratic chart for years,
there being but one questionable plank
in it, and that the criticism on expan
sion." Memphis Appeal.
The platform is "a good starter;" "it
looks away from Bryanism and in the
right direction." Macon Telegraph.
"The lesson of the Ohio platform
ought not to be lost. It recognizes that
free silver is not a live question." Ra
leiitb News and Observer.
"We ought to realize how handicapped
we have been by following after phos
phorescent statesmen and wild-cat bam
buggery." Raleigh Post.
"Bryanism must be dropped, and the
tariff issue pressed forward if the na
tional organization is to get in shape for
1904.-' "The democrats of Ohio have
set an example wbicb will be followed in
repudiating the iams and leadership that
that have almost wrecked their party."
Meuipis Scimitar.
Bryan has been repudiated in Ohio,
McLaurin bas been expelled by his
party in South Carolioa led by the pitch
fork statesman, while David B. Hill
seems to have been postponed.
Stbamu things are due to happen in
American politics. In the course of a
year or two it is probable that Col.
Bryan will be an enthusiastic convert to
the theory of reorganizttion.
Editorial Opinion.
American cities are rapidly becoming
a collection of huge fences smeared with
all sorts of pictorial monstrosities, The
way to stop the billboard nuisance is by
perfect legitimate taxation. St. Louis
Globe- Democrat.
Eastern Oregon democrats also have
their candidates. J. 11. Raley, of Pen
dleton wants to go to congress.
A. M. Crawford, of Rosebarg, is
grooming to make the race for attorney
Can it be that those old-time friends,
Geer and Tilinon Ford, are going to
clash at the primaries? The little bird
whispers that the Hon. Til, since his
return from Paris, has been assiduously
grooming for the office in the northwest
corner of the state house now used by
the tall man from Macleay. But as has
been previously remarked, the governor
ship is not for Marion county this time
and it shoula not be, for divers and
sundry reasons of which the following
are some: Marion furnished Lord for
one term. Then she produced Geer for
one term. She has had the governor for
eight years in succession. Other parts
of Oregon are entitled to the honor.
And anyway Marion county has not, fn
the two trials given, furnished a man
equal to the occasion. Salem Sentinal.
The name of Hon. R. P. Inman, the
able and influential state senator from
Multnomah county is being mentioned
in connection with the nomination for
governor on the democratic ticket in
l'J02. It is the Times' candid opinion
that be is by far the strongest candidate
the democracy can present, and hn
prevailing in that section, and mora rain
is still needed in all parts ol the stale for
late crops. The maximum temperature
during the week in western Oregon
ranged between 74 and I degree, and
the minimum temperatures between 50
and til degrees. In eastern Orvgon the
maximum temperatures ranged between
"$ and 102 and the minimum tempera
lures between IS and :'. Tbe week, on
the whole, was slightly cooler than the
previous one, and generally favorable
for the ripening of grain and fruit.
Threshing is now in active progress in
all parts of the Stat and the yield are
generally turning out better than expec
ted. Those reported this week averatted
as follows: Washington county, wheat
23 bushels, oats 37, rye IS. Yamhill
county, wheat 25 bushels, oats 22, rye 20,
Marion county, wheat 2j bushels, oats
i". I'ulk countr, w heat 22 bushels, oat
3o. I.inn county, wheat 15 to 30 bushel.
oats IS lo 45. Lane county, wheat 12 lo
22 bushels, oats 22 to 40. Douglas
connty, wheat 22 bushels, oats 25 to JO,
bsrley 27. Jackson county, wheat 12 to
20 bushels, oats 20 to 30, barley 20 to 25.
Sherman county, wheat 15 to ) bushels.
Umatilla county, wheat 35 lo 40 bushels.
barley 50 to lo
llops are a little backward, but the
crop promise to he an average one in
quantity and above the average in qual
ity. The lice are doing no damage and
the only complaint made is that the soil
is too dry for rapid growth. The potato
crop is le i rig shortened somewhat by
drouth, but no injury has so far occurred
through insect pests, and witb good rains
in the near future the potato crop will be
nearly an average one. Corn shows
slight Improvement, but is still back
ward. Range grass is getting poor and
stock continues to lose in flesh.
Fruit of all kinds is making good ad
vancement, except that in Marion and
Benton counties the Italian prunes are
reported to be dropping more than usual.
Apples are doing nicely.
In Clackamas county the past week
has been very favorable for harvesting
V inter w heat is all cut and a good por
tion of it is stacked; the grain is very
plump and of fine quality. Spring oats
are ready to cut; tbe hot weather has
ripened them very fast. Seed clover is
well filled.
among all breeds as well as among our
native stork and crosses. But by the
proper management a good development
of milking qualities may Id Insured and
perpetuated In a herd. Th necessity of
perfect cUanline In every department
of butter making cannot too often
urged. The w ant of it I the cause of so
large a proortion of inferior butter, and
to such an extent is rarelessnes shown
In this respn-t by many of even the l-t
ierciaol UMiers wive, llial even
when really good butter Is brought l
market it will not command an extra
price, unless the sutler ha an established
reputation for furnishing an artirtn tint
is superior. D. W. Thomas, in Otsego
would have no trouble in disposing of
Gov. Geer. Jacksonville Times. (Dem.) of potassium dissolved in one pint of soft
Dairy 5te.
A neighbor ot mine has seven large
cows that I think are tbe largest and
best seven cows that can be found in
any yard for several miles around, TI.ey
are like the cows of most milkmen,
partly fresh and partly drying. He sells
milk the year round, and has his cows
come in at different times through the
year. He showed me cows that would
give as high ai twenty quarts at their
best, and are now giving Irotn ten to
twelve quarts, and are coming in this
fall. He says it takes him one year or
more after he buys a cow to bring her to
her full capacity. He raises no calves
hut prefers to buy cows as he sells all his
milk. In summer he feeds in addition
to pasture, ensilage corn, bran ami oil
meal. In winter chop feed of corn, oats
and good clover hay. Cowl, he says,
should naturally, not only be milked
with regularity but they should be
milked to the last drop if you would
have good milkers.
For swelling and caking of tho udder,
small lumps in the teats, and similar
troubles, there is a simple and specific
emedy, which has been successful in
many cases. One ounce of bydriodate
HoBsebulil Hint
A damp cloth dipd In common !
will ttrlghten tinware readily.
Poor white paint can be washed with
warm water and borax without Injury
to the paint.
Lamp wicks as a general thing, gUn a
much better lik'ht when cut squarely
across. NVver should they be lacked
Ai a dressing f r the bath, two quart
of water with two ounces of glcrrlnn
scented with rose will impart a tinal
freshness and delicacy to the skin.
Tea h ave are good to scatter over the
carpet Uior sweeping, not only to
freshen the colors, but also in prevent
the dust arising.
If doughnut are cut out an hour Is-
fore they are fried to allow a little time
for rising, they will be n.ueh lighter
Better yet, is lo cut at night and fry in
the morning.
Mlverware to keep bright should
never be washed In soap suds; ch-nr
water is best. To prevent articles Ur
nishing, warm them and apply with
soft brush a thin solution of collodium In
alcohol. Tho ware can l hrighfnm.
by rubbing with a flannel or chamois
akin dipped in whiting or chalk, then
with a newspaer.
The Lamp of Steady Habits'
I T U.xp II. .1 .Ma I nx up of MM'la ft
"l ti ( . II UM. fu Wi4-
aJT' . U.1- "'t . Il 'I , tlw
Y Af ' fj (HUt Ums) f f Im l rfr- )l M 4 "
' IKrf (j.t tin, M - 0 (M(i, 11 t . fail.
OM Iititi Miil Nw
to'ra ft-1 mt Lv i (.! -tHIUf lW4X-r fn
ant ! -! i ..f-cf Utftkat asf Ui ff tW..;taa. 'l ir
Vn.-V. .a,.l-l.UIs.
THE ROCHESTER tik'? T.3., r.-i rw. u ii., m ,.iJ
chttrr J-i . Im Q s- j
I la IKI. .( m4 4utQ)
CmsmIIsIIW I HI I.. 4 i
When two Inter er ts so.1 from lb
sow eai li yr It Is n,-esry to wean lb
pigs at frolu six lo eitfhl Week ol I.
lli-nc the two lltlef inHl.o.1 Is mr
successfully maintained on dairy farm
or eatshlisiiiiisiit where waste and
highly palatabta prilu.i. re toiitin
lully at band. Farm Journal.
Pig eating is caused by a lack of nitro
genous food.
Fed on corn and like foods of a beat
ing characters the sow becomes feverish
and irritable. Give her a cooling, nltro-
genious ration, such as clover pasture.
bran, middlings and oats, and there will
be no trouhlu.
I'the sow shows sn Inclination to
destroy her pigs, give her a chunk of
lean salt pork and this will satisfy her
craving for nitrogenous food.
When feeding the lattenlrig plus, corn
meal and skim milk with the clover
pasture will cause them to make rapid
growth. If fed In this way they will be
reauy lor tiie early market In the fall.
The advantage of giving if rain on mm-
ture is that all (hn grain given will go to
make iienu and urowth, none Injlnir re-
quired for maintenance.
Care should bo taken when irralnlmr
animals on pasture that their appetite is
not wnoiiy appeased by the urain. Feed
the grain in the late afternoon no that
they will rustle through the imstum
during the day to satisfy lh,,r hunger.
The young pig will not make as much
use of grass as the older ones, but h
should be encouraged to do so as possible
by giving him access to fresh, ten.h.r!
When pigs are weaned at six to etirht
weeks old thuy should have mVii'tv of
skim milk.
Why nt Bm the vi(i.,n at
Ysquui !sy, aliiiri can Imi had ex
relleiit fare, ar I fishing, g...) I,t!rig.
safe bathing, alluring ride an I rsinbles.
Th course an 1 exrreiw. it tho su1"
iner . ImsiI, of I'siJ, at N
sir.rd great Variety of Ir.striiiilor,,
diversion and entertainment . N i other
resort i,ir..r e.jtul Bttraetiotis and a h
Only One ta) 1o lo .
lietfrum Portland lo I'hiisgj In 7;
hours-just threi, .4y. Tim 'I'hl.-ag.,.
Tor -CoXCtf,
iTinrM tiimiitH'M
AnJt ii b s i s1 I
an.U si H H bf m l ; MStf ! 4
lit DllulllZUa,MMfa St., l-rt I
A ( are t'r t h -Irr Isfaalsn.
"Ut May," say Mrs. ( iirtl It
of lloi.k waller, Ohio, "an infant th
ur neighbor's was sulTpring from
er Infai.tniti. Tbe d-s M lu l l' J
all hoiK-a of recovery, I t'Sik I bull I
Portland Speei,." having pori:nd ' ("''smlwrlaln' Colic, Clmlera aril II
oaily at 0 a. m. via O ll. ! ' Reme.ly lo the home, trllin t
at Chicago at U:.'li) the third day. .p- ! I fe'l sure ll would do gsl II urj I
t ork and Boston am r-a. he I the fourth 'Un'1 'I I 'eel Ion. In l' dsji
day. This train, arknow !i..j,I i u ' lb" child had fully recovered, rJ
the flint Ih.....m il... v.. .ii . i ' fnrirlv a year slinni a vliformH. rsi
"iiiwrni iiii - - -
the Fast, i solidly Vustlhulec , , ' I bavw reroillllieli.led llill B' J
equipment is uuirp,mi.i . Pullman "equently and bav never kno ij
'Irswlng f.iiu sleeping rn, up t,,.,4i In any single lnstrn." Fornj
tourist sl.-i.ping cars, lll.rary-auiokliig j A- H""llng. t r si(C " t .
cars, free rwlining, hair cars, an tin- I "
xcelled dining ,-. lll,,llU 0 w ,( 1
are equal to those M-rvil .1 n... ...... Allen' Fonl-I'.aae. a isiw.lef. H
best hotels, Ri.uiembr this train rims 1 l-aliiful, unarllng, nervous feet snl.
solid Portland to Chicago; there Is 1,0 1 H'ow ing nails, and Inslsntly !''?
. ll1
charign ol cars, and the good of It a i
costs no more to ride on It than on other
We have other trains- "Pacific Ft.
press" leaves Portland dally at !l
via Huntington, and the "Spokane
Flyer" leaves at fl p.m. dailvvl u,
L I... - . . . '
on lor pi. 1 am ami the Fast.
rot rates, sleeping car reierv.il..,.
call or write to '
A. L CltAKl,
General I
O. II. A .V. Co., Portland, Oregon. '
I'. T. Thomas, Humteryill. Ala "I
cuirerlng from dysp,.p, -i,,.,. 1
couim.n.cd Uklng Kodol Iy((p,.ma
Cure. I took several bottles and can di
Kt anything" Kal Dysp-paU Cure
Is the only preparation contiilnlriir all th..
natural illg.ouive fluids. It uivea ...b
stonmdm entire rest, restoring tl,lr nat
ural condition. (Jeo. Hardlmr
of tl
light of I
ouralliin, llr.iiu,.
mi ithii,a fn... t;
fl.si.ru thi. imi,,,,,. ,1!
Isrsths ll. hli,.t(l.
'! HiiiliT.,i,B;
inlsul r.-Mr ir. vi.
ia.i Til Tty iiM. im, 4 i'tt.K
ior sulu by Charman A Co., Druggints.
sting out of corn and bunions
greatest comfort discovert
Allen's Fool-EaMi nuke ti
sh(H feel easy, ll is a certsln W",
sweating, callous and hot, bf,','
feet. Try It tixlsy. Kohl by
gists and shoe store. By mall
In stamps. Trial package free. AJ
Allen H. Olmsted, U Uoy.N. Y. j
fir i
1'OKTt.ANI), OKKliOS j
A, l: Armstrong. IX. B.. Prlsd
A prartlral, prngrrsslv -ho"l. """'f
for tlmruiinh wi.rk, wllh hiimlrnla of I"
In IMMllluin WkkeeH-r
Alrm.ly ,,ril ( hlsh l'l"
known, It slrs.llly gruwi l-t"-f "J 1
OiH-.i u the yrsr. HlmlniU s.li"lrl1
1... 1 t.rsiu "M
llow w trib, sii.1 hullUl. CU'"".
. Ilnaril ol Dlrsttors -
- DAVID "uf