Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, August 16, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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Personal Mention
O. 0. Iluntly spent KumUy In Port
land. I'd Hurt lilt wm In to ii (nun Marquam
Mr. H. M. lUliUIn, of In, waa In
liiwri r'rlday.
Mr, W II ''J in Knight, of Canhy, wa
In toon Irlmy,
Mr. II. T. Wadel! ll spending furt
iilglil t Heaalda.
H, K. Hnrllon and Mr. Hriftnii wero In
Portland holiday,
J miiii. Adklna, tha (.'nby mill owner,
aa In loan Friday,
ivl Htory I making a trip through
Urn Yakima countrv.
Mix Jennie lleattU returned ImI I'll
day Iri'in n Kaatntq trl.
Attorney 0. Hihuehel want to Turner
Wp.liu'wUy " biialne trip.
Mr. id Mr. A. C. ltmoleti were
Portland vlaitor Ul HomUy.
MIm llertha H oil Ml fur Newport
Hiuf'ly fr a fortnight' sojourn.
(ic. A. Harding vUliml I Uiuily al
Wilhuil Hprlng Id flralof llin ek.
Mr. Nelson I-awrema l"(t Monday
morning fur Wlluoll during for a wk'
Mr. A. II. Adam lefl Thuraday
III oil! I li ( fur ahull vlall to Taculli kill)
Hun. I'. H. Moor and family leave
hkturtUy fr Norl fur fo'tnlght's
UiMitge Palieraori, of Portland, I the
tir.l ol Mr. ami Mrt. Italtdi Marshall at
Ml (il l M. F. A. Mil" left VVadlif
tT ful Nattla on l0 Work' Viatl N till
lUhb Marliall and Mr. Marshall
ami lo .Veaootl halurlay ao, ba a bam I
au avrka.
.. C lirrenman Ml Kalurday nmin
lug f..r 10 day a tri( to Ilia Cawad
k ('. (.atooretta and family data re
turned Imui from an outing In Mm
Jo la M. I. Hi, ol Portland, t.x-k a
(Milng lrl rmuday, am,uaDll by at
torney Minn.
Mim Noble la returned from Mlvar
Inn, wlirra aha daa Iwo attending a
summer school.
Charlr II. Cauneld ami family will
return toinotruw from a camping trli
near Mt. Hood.
Mr. iKua Hamilton, who ha hem
sin ling a fortnight al C'latawo Peat h,
ha tntiirncvl home.
Mr. A. J. IU.II ami daughter Ml Hat
ur Ujr for Miaiwuud, alirro they will
i-nl a month with relative.
Mia Amr Majr lelurned to tier home
In Portland Monday after a lew ilay
Vl.it Willi Mia Zida tioldamilh.
Mr. ami Mr. Canon, Mr. ami Mm.
William Canon and (ieorga Canon re
turiinl from a trip to Cla'.aop Pearb
A. It. I'rlca, Ijotbrrof J. M. I'rlre,
tlmclotliler, loft Wnliieailay fT I'ortDr
chard, Watll. to lliKli In t'" Mierran
tilt) liualDraa.
Jii liin William (tallow ay ami MIm 7A
I'ha (iallnway wero am'ni;era to Nuw
I'ort r-aturday. Juduv Ualloay rotuinod
V ilium. lay.
Forl.r 1'ratt and John Iwthwalle,
liohavu Itcrii rnjoyiliK the amiiinrr
hri'ima al Niort for ttm ut two
week, will return Monday.
Jn Churrli reluriied Hatunlay from
an outiiiK at Newport. Ilu atopMd at
Alhany en route, and lh KUi'l ol
hi unjit, Hon. I.. Fllnn, lor a fe liotii.
Mr. and Mr. H. K. TuddiK-k and
dnut(hter have In-en vialtlntt Mr. and
Mr. C. II. I)y lhl week. Mr. 1'ad.hHk
1 a hankrr In rroplietatown, III., and la
tnakiiiK a tour of ihu coant w ith IiIh fitm-
Charlea 0. Albright and family and
Mr. and Mr. K. U. Caullnld, and Mia
Nan Cm h ran loave Monday for an ex.
tended oiitlnn on ths Netarta. They
fXK'i:t to lieahaont thriMi or four woek.
l'rof. V. P. Mathowa retnrneil Wed
luiiduy from Halein, wheru U lin heen
on duty In the iiimmer m:hiol. Il will
leave In a fow duya for Ocean PhiU, to
alay the remainder of the nummer with
Ida parent.
Ioputy County Surveyor John W.
Muldrum, aveompaiiind hy hia diiihter,
lnlt yeaterday for Government Camp,
where Mra. Jleldnim Id camping The
party w ill return In ahoiil 12 duya ami
Mr. Muldrum will do aomo iiirveyliiu on
Ida way homo.
lov. William Stoever wonrlo Foreat
Grove yvHterdny where he will vIhH Kd
Ki.r Mcreaae for a few duya. On Sunday
he will prearu in the KukIIhIi Iiiiiiikh at
tho Kuat Hide German Lutheran church
and w ill leave early noxt week to tnku
churKO of lila new paHtorute Rt Spraijue,
Waldo Adiitua arrived on hln lileyele
from Kukoiiq T.ieaday evenliiK, maklnu
tho trip In two duya. II" will viail
frlenda hero for a few days anil then re
turn to KiiKone. Mr. Adama lma heen
Htudylnu dentiHtry tliia aiimmer and In a
member of noxt year'a eluag of tho state
Pr. Ilah.y, 0f llolae, Idaho, waa In
town thla week.
IT. W,(), Carll will altnml the F.lk.a
ainlval alTaeoma,
T, A. I'opa ha returned rout 10
day' outliitfat Tloua.
Mia Mattlo ,Nin aiemllriK her Vara
Hon at her home In NVdy,
Arthur (Jamernn and family returned
from the coaal lal Friday evening,
l. I.atoiiretta and luuilly arn enjoy
lua a ween' adjourn al Iuitf I'.rai h.
llek-Uter J.i:, lirldtfea, of Ilia Itoao
tur Land olllre, waa III town Tueaday.
Thomaa and Hurry Trnmhatli went to
VMoria Tueaday on a two week'a vlalt.
Mr H. F. Hi ripture and Mra, A. 0.
Ilxalinu am aperidliiK a lortiilxM at Sea-1
!.. W, S. Grim and family are
ojouriiliig at Orean Park, on Nurtli
Mr. 1 1 mm SironK, of tJallfornla, li
vUltluu her nephew, AtUirney O. V.
Mia lUtitha Gold'iullli will return
thia evening Itom a Vlalt to her parent
III V.gmnv,
Mr. P. M. K. Smith, of Portland,
vlailed her aiator, Mra, V, I.. Cochrane,
over Sunday,
Attorney C. HchueUd and family
JX'hl Tueaday al Clear (,'lerk Oil B
(lulillirf M lied 1 1 on.
Mra. Harry M'xxly and Mr, (itxro
Wauirr am In 'u lona, the t'oeal of their
brothel, Will It. Iu.
Itert Naaltatarted Friday evetilng on
a fUliIng trip lo lha Nehalem. He waa
ac'Ollipalllnl ly J, W, lxlrr.
Irpiity IiialrUi Attorney J. V. CauiH
111 arnl brill relumed Tuday mom
f n ac '"'in a week al Clataop IVa ti.
Mra, ). Stuart, of Portend, a
roiiii aiiird by ,Mi llliolie Iuun, "-nl
Sunday In thla city, with her aou. Dr.
V. K. hluait,
Mia Mll I'avid, who lia l-een
laitirir In Portland and ()(i-(oii City,
fur flv werk pant, relunx-d lo her
hoina in Nrwt-erg
MU hybil I.lppltt will return Hunday
ffoiii an eiteudad aojoiirn a' Nurlh
Itearh, where aha bat IweU the KUeal of
Ml.a Almra Itolln. k.
John Mi Geti hie and family and Mr.
It. Frrytatf arnl llUle Uauabter. wrrelhtf
Kiiett of Mr. and Mr. Iteo. Iiella at
Ml PUaant lat Sunday. '
H.vld Cauflebl and aon Ie. and
nephew. Clu tter, have gunaon a finhlna'
and buiitiiia" expedition, with Mt. Jef
foriu aa their ul tlva ixilnt.
Mr. Newton (iraham, of Poilland,
and Mr. A. F.. King and family, of
llaacu, Wali. are the gueat ol Mra.
K'ng'a luotlier, at ITtial Farm on Mt.
Mr. Maudre p.roderlck la in a critiral
tviiiilitlun al the reaidetlea ol Mra
Fulerg, In lloltoii, and will lease
ahortty for Arlxiia in the iintKMif bene
fitting her health.
J. V. Thiuiia arrived ll week fr"m
Alhany with Ida family aad will ((Mate
In Hilarity. He ha been employed In
the Albany woolen mill and waa for
nine yea with the Oregon City Manu
larturing Co.
Mr Henry Templelon waa deaantly
urpriaed Saturday by a nomler of
frieii.ta, who, uiK.n the Invitation of hit
alaler, Mia Unra Templelon. aKnt the
evening at their home on the bib.
Mini Minnie Meyer entertained Sun
day at Tualatin Grove In honor of her
gueat. The day w aa pleaaantly paaaed
In ratohliig eraw'lnh ami other aniline
menir'. Frank Ford, administrator of the ea
tuto of Sophia It. Fori, baa been dia
charged and hia tx.mlr-men exonerated.
Hi final report ahowa the proi eeila from
the aale ol peraotial proterty and other
w iae to be f.".:W M and il 84 expended
leaving a balance of 1(U 71 to be paid
lothohelra, a follow a: $HW.04 to each
ol the children of the decedent and one
(mirth of one-ninth to faeh ol the lour
grand children of decedent they being
the children of Huttie Swdy Whitmoro,
Jollio A. Miuinga baa brought anil
iiualnat A. 1. Massingo for diaaolution of
mairlago boiida. They were married In
Marlon county, Oregon, Juno 22, 1808
and have no children Mra. Maaingo
allege that her buaband never pro
vided for Imr auppoit and did not give
her any money for pxpenaea, except
once, when be gave her 10 centa. He
deaerled her In leaa than one month
after they were married. Dimick and
Kaatham are the plalntilTg attorncya.
Underwear, hoaorr, ribbons, drea
ekirta and waiata at half prlcea at the
llacket Store.
Sowing nmchlnea and light tnachlnory
repaired. Johnson A Lamb,
' What Shall We Huvc For Dcssertl
This question ariaoa In tho family ev
ery day. Let us nnawer It to-day. Try
Jell-O, a dolicloua and healthful dessert.
Propared in two minutoa. No boiling!
no baking I aimtily add boiling water and
ant to cool. Flavors: Lemon, Orange'
Kaapberry Hiid Strawberry. Got a pack
age at your groeera to-dav. 10 eta.
o ATis t o niA.
Bean tha ?1he YU ,laffl lmVS Witl
Local Eyci;.
Ml rt.
Gun repairing,
Jobnaon k Lamb.
Wa arn tolling good a at a great reduo
tlon at the Kacket Store.
Key fitted while you wait. Jobnaon
A Lamb. Main at reel.
Wantad, to rxchanga town property
for a larm, Kri-pilre at thla office.
J, W. Ilaaer ha leaned Henry Mil
ler's hopyard at Wllaonvllle, for the
Horn, in Oregon City, Augnat 12, l'JOl,
to Mr. and Mr. Y V.. Kellogg, a 10
pound girl,
Ixill at t-oal arid Mow coat. Now la
tha lime to buy and aave money at the
itarkul Store.
Water P-ailiir Fred Wltkman, of the
Slate Fiah C,miniaaion, died In Astoria
Wedneaday of heart dinenne
Haker'a bridgn la uridergoing repairs
and tha work I being don In exception
ally flnehapbyU-ervl'ir John Smith.
It I inoaltirf to giv price through
thn pa'a-ra. Come and m convini el of
what you can aava at the Hacket store.
Sheriff Cook la hoen over the main
portion of the county within tha past
three week and lay the rr.'pa promise
better reaulta than they have for 10 yeara.
Wedneaday waa the Warmest day Ore
gon ha experienced for aeveral year.
Al Oregon City the temperature waa 11
degree or two degree more than in
Huntley's Book Store.
Some Special Prices To Stimulate a Dull Month's Business.
The Iiaptlat Junior Society will give
1 an social at the borne of Mr, Ganlen-
be u, on Main street, Friday evening,
August lit. Adiuiaalon Cve cnU. Ice
rieam and rake 10 rente.
The construction of the framework fur
H. M. Trmpleton'a new rcaidenre on the
corner of Fifth arid Adaint street has
romuienced. The structure will cost
over 12,000 when completed.
The tin and wuodware alote of G. Lo
wit w a closed Taealay morning by an
attachment out of the juatice court oa a
ttaiin of 111 IK) in favor of F.U. Dollmon
and Co., ol Portland, ljwit ha been in
Imainra here alioul three months.
There are other creditors.
Chrialiao Silence services are held In
Willamette ball every Sunday morning
at eleven o'clock. Subject for Sunday,
Auguall8, "Mind." Sunday Sdioolat
twelve o'clock. Wednesday evening
meeting al eUht o'clock. To these ar
vivrs all are welcome.
Portland-Oretton City lioal Su. I -eon a
leaves foot of F.ightb Si. al 7 and 10 a. m
and 1 :.U) and 4 :'M p. tu. Uaves Port'
land at 8:110 and 11:30 a. Ul. and 3 :00
andO:l'ip. m. Kound trip 2? cents.
Take the I -con a if you w ant a good rou,
fortatils ride. The run la made either
way in one hour and fifteen minutva.
The follow ing patenta of Oregon lands
to the O. A C. R. K Co.. have been ap
proved : one trad of 41. lt'2 acrea in the
Oregon City land district; one tract of
iiMU acres In the Koseburg and Oregon
City land districts; one tract of M.'O
in the Ukevlew, Oregon City and Kose
burg land districia, and a fourth tract of
4Sf!2 acre In the Oregon City land dis
trict. Thoiuh much baa len aaid concern
ing the respective merit of the Willam
eite and of Company A nine, the qui s
lion will reu ain undecided until next
Sunday aliernoon, when the two teams
meet at Willamette Park, There la no
doutit that the Wiliamettes are a strong
team, but it is doubtful if they will be
able to overcome the older nine. The
game will be well worth witnessing and
the attendance promisee to be good,
Mra. Amelia Fisher died yesterday
morning at Corvallis, of cancer ot the
stomach. Her aae waa C4 yeara. She
waa tho daughter ol Mrs. M. Piller and
sister to Mrs. M. M. Cbarman and Mrs.
Thomas Charman, all ol this city. Her
mother and Mra, M. M. Charman went
to Corvallis laat week upon receipt of the
news of her illneaa and were at her bed
aldo when the end came. The funeral
w ill tako place at four o'clock thia after
Pining the present month thousands
of iruiiona of water have been used on
lawns and streets. Consumers should
not forgot that the low duty pump Is out
of service and It w ill take at leaHt a week
to put it In order. The high duty pump
is doing double service, and if that
should break down, the hill residents
would sudor. At this season every
homtoholdor should endoavor to waste as
little as possible, so that those who live
In elevated sections where the pressure
is not strong need not be loft with
short. Biipply. The thoughtlessness in
this respect is, however, bo general that
reminder or remonstrance has but little
elloet, and some day it will be necessary
to put a meter In every service pipe, so
that those who waste will have to pay
for so doing. This will cost a large sum,
which will have to be paid out of tho re
ceipts for water.
If the action of your bowels is not easy
and regular serious complications must
bo the final result. PeWitt's Llttlo Early
j Kisors will remove this damtor. Safe,
pleasant and effective. Geo. Harding.
New Books
All tho jH-jiiiliir new hooka reg
ular f IO editions at sj-tcial
price tit 11,15.
The Crisis Winston Churchill
littler than Richard Carvtl,
The Octopus y McTesgue
The Helmet of Navarre Kunkle
Truth JJexter McCall
(juincy Adams Sawyer Pidquin
John Wintlow Henry Norlbrup
The Puppet Crown McGratb
Pays Like These. ...P.. W. Townscnd
Wcsterfclt W.N. Ilarebn
Heart and Soul. , ..Henrietta Skinner
A Pair of Patient Lovers . .Lilian Itell
P.lranor Mr. Ward
Hubs the IrnpoaalMe.,, Sarah Grand
The Loat Continent... Cutclifle Hyne
McLoughlin and Old Oregon, Mrs. Dye
A bicycle of Cathay Stockton
Napoleon : The Ut Phase, f 1.25 net
Tribulations of a Princess,. .J J. 50 net
Paper Covered Books
Over 2.7) choice titles in paper
covered hooka 10c
Cloth Bound l6mos
Just tho right sire for the pocket,
neatly and substantially hound
in cloth; about 100 carefully
selected titles.
Genuine llargains for 2'c
Cameras and Camera Supplies
Our burliness in this line has grown so that we are now
carrying nearly $1000.00 of this stock. Large buying puts
us in position to make prices lower than is possible with
smaller buyers. We sell as cheap as any Camera supply
house on the Pacific Coast.
Camera Specials for August
Folding Pocket Kodak, 2nd hand, rcg. price 110.00. .$ 4.00
Chase Magazine. 4i5. Fhooworn. " " 20 00. . 12 00
Willaie Camera, " 2nd hand
Eureka Jr., 3Jx31 New
La Cross Jr., 2Jx2J
Vive Camera, 4x5 Shopworn
10.00. . 3.(J0
3.00. . 1.50
2.50.. 1.25
10.00.. 5 00
8.U0. . 4.00
Only one of a kind in stock first come first served.
Hammocks At Cost
All our remaining stock of Hammocks about 30 are
to go at cont. This means a reduction of 25 per cent, from
present low prices. Present price marks will lie left on and
you can figure the reduction yourself. You can get a good
strong hammock for 75c.
Butterick Patterns
For Auguit,Tbe Delineator
and French Fashion Books
are all in. We cordially
invite all ladies to inspect
thern at our pattern counter.'
August Fai-hion Sheets free
for the asking.
Passe Partout
Materials, Mat Board, Bind
ing Paper, Glass, everything
for this most interesting art.
We have new shades in
board at l"c.
Denni son's Pebbled Bind
ing 10c roll.
Huntley's Book Store, Oregon City.
Camera aupp'iea of all kinda, at Char- Bicycle sundries of all kinda. Johnson $20 lo $100 to loan on chattel or per
man A Co., the Cut Price Drucu'at. & Lamb. aonal security. Dimick & Eastham, ajjts.
When, In the coursa of human events, Eruptions, cuts, burns, scalds and We pay the tax on "Oxford" Bicycles
it becomes necessary to boy new suit sores of all kinds quickly healed by Do- and ive TAGS FREE, alo Bells, Panta
of clothes, patronise home Industry by Witt's Witch Harel Salve. Certain cure guard and truarantee them lor the sea
going to Joe Knowland, who will give for piles. Beware of -counterfeits. Be son. Price $30, with any kind of a tir.
you a perfect fiU Shop on Seventh aure you tret the original DeWitt'a. Charman A Co., Cut Price Bicycle deal
street, near depot. Geo. Harding. era. ,
- The Housefurnisher.
There is a Figure beyond which competition an J cutting dare
not go and wo have reacneu tnat ngure in nxing tne saie prices
nn nil tliA cnnil-5 in th Ktnrfi.
J You'll Stare in astonishment at the values you'll see if you
come early this week.
The Machine for You.
Don't work and worry with
your old machine, which makes
you so tired to run and fills
your ears with noise, but let us
ahow you our
Climax Machine
which is the perfection of
machine making and is a joy
to the user.
It costs only (25.00 and our
terms are easy.
Eor Bachelor Dens
Or family establishments, the
couch has come to be indispens
able. Here are some couch
bargains that are exceptious in
all ways.
Fine scrvicable couch, . $ 3.50
Best valour 6.50
Leather covered, . . . 15.00
Are You Fixed for Sprinkling?
If not we can fix you for it
in a little while for a little
Life is hardly worth living
unless you can sprinkle your
v .. r-- Ml . , n fept K inch Rubber Hose
Substantial Delicacy
Such are our beautiful
filmy Lace Curtains.
They are made of the strong
est thread and woven with the
greatest care every thread in
to a line of beauty.
Newly embarked Housekeep
ers will do well to invest here.
A Musical Center.
Your home becomes a musical
center when you have a first
quality piano there. You will
appreciate the musical qualities
of the
Bl'SCH and 6ERTS PU!0.
A rich tone, abundant volume
and easy touch. All for this
low price (315.00, ou easy payments.
Porch Furniture.
Here is a particularly excellent
collection of the easy "inform
al" furniture that helps away
the summer.
Rockers, Settees,
Steamer Chairs,
Arm Chairs.
We'll be glad to have you see
what we have to suit you.
Get Them Ready.
You ought to have your screens
ready now. The flit s and mus
quitos are not abuiidaut as yet,
but will be soon. - We have
screens that will fit. They are
of substantial but airy wire and
have durable frames. They
are right. We want you to see
how good they are.
Trice 30 cents each.
A Bear Movement in China.
Prices on Clina are affected by
a regular bear movement they
are down lower than they have
been for a long time.
This is true of our stock just
now. Fine decorated ware
65c for 6 Dinner Tlates
50c " " Semi Porcelain
50c " 6 Cups and Saucers.
1 nil 1,1 ,,1 'll