OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE FRIDAY, AUQUST 10, 1001. CORRESPONDENCE Our correspondent will plea send in article More Wednedavs o( each nct'k, ottior loe It reaches us too lute (or publication. 'MC.iTII TIIKil.V.!SI,M.I.. Hail to the luity farmer who Fur S u in tn er tint pre tares! Tlit mm so tnii, the iky to blue, The violet mill iu dainty hue; All Join with potency ainw To till tit shirk our caret. Ami lio from lb dutty town Will baste iiti him to dwelt, Dream of tlit mushrooms fresll ami brown And garden produce Ksiglitina dvn The ruslic table, where each frown Ft Jet 'nettti the r-ylTan spell. So down ti.e Itnt the larnirr flingi The dii.t along hit way. At with hit wagon, void of springs, llome from the grwery he brings, In cant, the mushroom a, peas and tli in pt. Which make our hope to gay. Waabiiigtou Star. Pamaarua. Walter Dunlap it improving slowly. Fletcher Tong went to Salem last week. Mis Janett Newell ia visiting (rienJa In Portland. Mr. Sctiuialley it buildlug the Stono school house. C. K. Hunter hat been on the lick 11 l a few days. George Feather it at home visaing Lit many friends. Arthur Duulap went to Salem lately to urk for some time. .Mra. George rrcti it not able to be about the bouse yet. Quite a number have gone to trie moun taint after blat kberriee. John Elliott and family are enj oying a good time at the coast now. IYapickii.g it over in this neighbor hood, add it a thing of the paU Albert IVrry it hauling lumber for hit new boue, which he will have built toon Miss Alice Banfield, from Portland, It visiting with Mrs. Walter Smith for two weeks. A great many from here are talking of going boppickmg, providing the hop crop is good. A. W.Cook has had the Rock Creek hill graveled lately which make quite an improvement. Miss Roeie Feathers, who hat been attending teacher's school In Portland, Las returned home. Mrs. Ilowk, Mrs. J. Tong and daugh ter Rachel, are enjoying an extended Visit at the soda springs. The fruit crop in this part it not any thing extra; more plums than apples. Apples are ripe earlier tnis year. Miss Lucia Barton, from Portland, has beeu vieiting her friendt for the last week. She returned home Saturday. We have had very warm weather of late. Most of the farmers are cutting their grain ; all have an average crop. Brother Irus Lucus, a Dunkard minis ter lately from the east, has been boldir-g meetings in the Dunkard church near the cemetery for the last week. Miss Janett Newell and Mies Barton, while out bnifgy-riding one day last week, Lad the misfortune to have a run-away. The bngtjy was torn all to pieces, but the girls were lucky to get out without a scratch. This makes two bad runaways lately at Damascus. Mr. Lemon, a German, lately built a new barn, which caught afire from some slashing near by which he had been burning that day. One horse was burnt to death and the other burnt to badly that he had to kill it. The total loss amounted to (000. Dodge. We all got our hay in good epape for the wet weather. B. F. Bullard, of thist'lace, hafl Bone to llinhland to work in Mr. Wallace's (sawmill. He intends to move there in the near future. We had a Sunday school here two weeks. Everybody enjoyed themselves They had Bons and recitations. Every thing paired olf pleasantly. ' Harvest is late here; from appearances it will be two weeks before we begin cut tin? our grain. The crops promise a good yield the beet for years. Mr Henry Myers went to Oregon City a short time ago and brought home a Frau. They are enjoying their honey moon in good slinj by staying at home. Mr. Hash, of the Douglass settlement W A tl. S i Then the baby is most like- ly nervous, and fretful, and J doesn't gain in weight. Scott's Emulsion t 2 is the best food and medicine ? for teething babies. They J S gain from the start. f L5 Bend for a frre sample. 4 9 SCOTT ft HOWNE, Cbcmiat, g oy-4i3 Fcarl htrcrt. New York. W Sue. and Ji.oo; all druggist. VMSXSaVBaMQALBXkKBaMB was her laid week looking for a place lo make permanent home. Ite found place that tuited him. I think he will purchase it. Theie are two or three improved or partly Improved places, ;t0 or t) acre, that ran be bought reasonable. Send tit settlers with families. IXin'l want old bachelors. Mr. Mendcll, of or near Oregon City, is here lioking after hit place. He in tends to build a new barn. It looks as though tliit Isolated locality hat struck boom, ltit rome ; we need it. Mr. Frank Butch, of Oiegan City, hat bought the Swtck place and hat jntt completed a house on the place and a family will move in tint week. From what Information I can gather, we will have more families added to our popula tion. fieedj. Hop-picking will be here In about 3 weeks. Mr. Montandon has purchased a new wagon. Mr. J. S, tolert sawmill burned dow n last week. The farmers are very busy cutting gtain and stacking. The weather is very hot; it is about 1S degrees in the shade. The Rock Creek bridge it now finished and ready for traveling. Mist Kumia Hornshuh hat been on a visit to her sitter at Aurora. Miss Katie Spagla came home last Sunday for a visit to her psrents. Caaby. Miss Guttridge visited friends here last week. Dr. Saylor and family are spending a few days here tenting on the camp giound. The Hoard of County Commissioners has awarded the county taint ing for the coming year to the Entkkprisk. The City Council has awarded the city printing for the coming year to the Enterprise. If you don't get the ENTFKpiusK.you don't get the county news. The Enterprise Clackamas County. Now is the time Mrs. J. Shull and children returned from Eastern Oregon last Thursday. Miss M. Swanby Is attending the teachers' examination In Oregon City. Mr. J. Rydman is having a new front put in the store occupied by Wang A Co. The Rev. F. L. Tierce, of Portland, will deliver a sermon at the Christian church next Sunday morning. Rev. Dunlap, w rife and family, left here for the mountains Monday. Ther ex pect to remain away until Sept. 1st. Miss Cordelia Stevens is home from Oregon City. She will spend the re mainder of the summer with her mother. . Mr. A. Kocher has rented the lower part of the new city hall. He expects to move as soon as the building can be oc cupied. The young ladies of the Christian church gave an ice cream social last evening in Knight's hall which was very well attended. Dr. Carll, of Oregon City, was up Sun day evening. He is attending Mrs. J.a Uelle, w ho is very ill at the home of Ihrry Gilmore. Oar eld. Miss Millie Davis and Mrs. II. Anders attended Sunday school at Garfield Sun day. Miss Florence Davis is at home again to receive her friends. Mrs. K. Irvin and her old friend, Mrs. Anders, made a visit to Oregon City the past week. Mrs. J. J. Davis' health is improving. Wilber Wade and Lewis Palmateer have sold their separators and will buy a new one to run with their engine. Wilber Wade overheated one of his large horses, and came near losing It last Monday, as the day was extremely hot. Miss Dollie Lemon and Miss Ethel Jones, were the guests of the Misses Miller, of Millovia Thursday. Mr. Honebone, our road supervisor is doing some good work on our roads, which will be a lusting benefit. He is working where most needed. He is the right man in the right place, and should have the support of all good citizens. Ed. Crawford's team tried harvesting on their own hook and ran away with his binder, smashing thingB up in great shape. Harvest is well along in this vicinity My Hair "I hud a very severe sickness that took off HI my hair. 1 pur chased a hottle of Ayer'a Hair Vlror and it brought all my balr bai tgnin." V. U. Qulnn, Marseilles, 111. Oncthlnr Is certain, Aycr's Hair Vigor makes the hair prow. This is because it is a hair food. It feeds the hair and the hairgrows, that's all there is to it. It stops falling of the hair, too, and al ways restores color to gray hair. II t t Mitt. All trwatttv W your Umeci.i csnuot eui'ply suu, sul lit on ilUr anil will tipreaa n a bolt). lie tire and It the nam 4 rttf aeareat eipmuoinVw. AdilrwM, J. C. A V IK CO.. Lowtll, Him. and grain is quite a pleasant surprise to all. We had a fine rain last Tuesday, ac companied by tome loud reports of thunder. The rain did some good in cooling the air. fUrlow. Mr. Wolfe, of Portland, visited friends in Barlow Sunday. Frank Child, of Oswego, la visiting hit relativea, Mr. and Mrt. Wm. F.vans and family. Casbus Tull, Wm. Barlow and Mr. and Mrs. C. L". Harlow returned from (heir outing at Soda Springs Friday. Take a chance on the prise rocking City and County Official has tho largest circulation of to subscribe. chair at Freeman's. Henry Zeigler is building a new house. Misa Miller, who has rn fitting with Miss Mollie Harlow for soma time, returned lo her home in I'ortlani Fri- day. .ui hi riavuia union came tip iromii leg-in vuy j uiiuay vt vwu Willi her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Grihhle.of Marks Piairle visited Sunday with Mrs. Gribhlo's par. ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Jesse. ' Stone. We have been having conaiditrahle warm weather o( late. Work is programing nicely on the new schoolhou'e in the Holcomb and the Hatchery districts. The lumber is already on the ground for the new church and work has been begun on the creamery. Some threshing has already been done in this vicinity ; Messrs Mumpower and Hess started their machine Wdiicxday. Mrs. Hess is again in our midst visit ing relatives and friends. Born. to the wife of J. Scott, on the 11th, a 11-pound son. Mark Rowan ami family left Tuesday for the coast, to be gone two weeks. Mrs. A. 15. Richardson ami Miss Alice M. Williams, of Stockton, California, are the guests of Mrs. J. J.Hatton this week. They contemplate returning t jCalilornia about the 20th Inst. E. N. Carter and family are camping near the hatchery. ihxsl View Martin Tanchman is illuminating his barn with a coat of red paint. The Ice cream social and dance given by the M. B. A. lodge, of Wilsonville was a social and also a financial success. Miss Nell Murray is at home from Portland, having finished attending a term of school there. Clyde Raker has returned from East ern Oregon and is glad to get back home to the land where milk and honey flow. The girls in the neighborhood seem to be unusually happy since Clyde returned. Sydney Baker had a severe fall and cut quite a gash In his head. A doctor was summoned who dressed the wound and Sidney Is getting along nicely. Will Larber and Chester Toozo were guests at Mr. Brobst'i place Sunday. Miss Martha Boberg received a check fu,pHH f.om the A. O.V. W. hnige thltweek In payment of the liiaiirane 01 the me t 'mr prouier, i nm n (lie life of nor brother, lliailea, , Collins and l.liiliik- In Clat k Itoberg, who was Insured for thai aiiionut In the order. Will Dodson has gone to McMlnnvllle to woik In Ihe harvest Mold. .Misses Anna and l.ulu Meyers ' visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bake'. Kd lUkor went lo Portland this week and bought a new horse. The IVgree of Honor Inlge of Wlb tonville will give an Ice cream social and dance Augut"l. They will scare no means to'maks it a sti-ces and every body is cordially Invited to attend. KIT jr Setrn Aiillranta For Psprr at the Court IIuumv Fifty-seven teachers frm all over the ' county are taking an examination for, ccrtillcale at the county superinten. f dent's olli e In the court Ihmimi. Siiwr- intendenl J C Zineer is cotiililctlng the' examinations, and Is amtel by Frvf. T J Gary, princlal uf the Wet Oregon City icliool, and prof. A W McLaughlin, j principal of the Milwaukie hIkm.I The , examinations lor county certificates will tltMe tonight and for state pixr tu-1 morrow. The examinations mmmenced I Vl'.l.....l.. ........i.. . Tl . .1., I i it riiii-ua iiiwiiiiii(. nivfg rra'"l (ti are.- ! State Dltilomas V 8 Mcllar.ue, Portland; Aural) Thompson, Slalfordj Orlie M itl.T. Monmouth ; Sade II Chate, Oregon City ; Sheha Child", Oregon City j Ara W Mt Uughlin. Milwaukie; Mar garet Williams, Oregon City; J It Noble, Oregon City. j First tirade Minerva ThleHn, Mil waukie; Kdaon W iKiwning. Milwanlin; A tiuitridge, Springwater; Kl i Hums, Canbv; Annie J Young. Milwaukie; Paper. any newsjiaiicr in I'earl (iarrett. Nredy ; Ida M Harring ton, Highland ; Maml Adams, Portland ; lira Mayflmd, Highland; II I.iearnan, jHtafrbrd; Wm II Karr, Payn. .Second Grade Maud Kidder, Ore- Ron City; Rheda Newklrk, Parkplaro; I Klaie M. (iihbs. Ely; C. II. Hone, Red- , Anna Bachman, Stone; Sophie Nordansen ; Barlow ; Grace- Miller; Ore gon City; Cora H Moore, Graeme; Helen Murray, Wilsonville; Minnie Trullirwer, Meadow Brook ; Delia Withey ; Butleville; Ethel Galium, Dam ascus; Hazel Pilshury, Oregon City; Helen Glcanon, Oregon City; Daiy McAnulty, Oregon City. Third II A Hochhiiler, Needy; Rosa Feathers, Damascus; 8 T Roman. Ore gon City ; A neita (Jleajn, Oregon City ; Carrie Swanson, Portland; Millie Krone' Oregon City; Vena Maylleld, Highland ; Ivah Olenstead, Logan, Marion Swon by.Canhy; Alice M Shannon, Oregon City; Anna Smith, Oregon City; Lottie Gahlreath, Tualatin ; Em in a M. Lentx, Portland ; Jennie I Clark, Oregon City ; Emma Bluhm, Elv; KatherinoC Mc Millan, Wilhoit; Alice Hitter, Needy, Bertha Her, Sherwood ; Grace Marshall, Portland; Blanch Holden, Oregon City : Nora lisle, Cnrrinsville ; Ineit I, Murray ; Woodstock; Pearl Hodge, Gresham. C. C, Williams Dead. Charles C. Williams died at his resi dence at Mt. Pleasant Wednesday even ing at 11 :.'30 o'clock, aged 71 years, eight months and 14 days. He was born at Enosbnrg. Franklin County, Vermonl, Nov. 30, 1829. Besi.les a wife three children survive him : Ella E., of Oregon TlZi TV TZ 7VT IT) O ' wil1 W you to read 1 1 JTV O this advertisement. PUTNAM FADELESS DYES color .ilk, wool, cotton or mixed goods ut one boiling. UriKht, durable colors, without staining the hands or spotting the kettle (except green and purple). Prices on High Grade Coffees cut iu two. Fresh Bread and Cakes in our Bakery. Family Medicines, Cooling Drinks, Iced Soda ond Lemonade. A. fS HURTT, WILLAMETTE FALLS rrrrrrirrrrrrr. L u carrv the largest stock Catk a, ... a - 1 J 5 k 1 ; aiuaa county, We ate the only tindcitakris In CUckamaa county owning a heaiw Mild will fuiiiiall It for Iria thatl can be had rUewhi re. We aie umlrr amsll rx ino and do not ak laige pmlita K Calla irotiiplly attended night or i h.Hi.t lie a. iX ploujeis... I Arc prt'tty lut yttt can't nmkn lrriul fiDin lliom. Tlu llour that make tlx lcht ItcikI in tmitni-ficttiri-tl nt Orrpn City ly tho I'ot tKin l Mtitirtn Mills, "front oM wlinit ly jutint prtM-fHH. Tuku it tithor Sold ly till groci-rH. OREGON STATE PAIR SALEM Sept. 23-28 1901 Great Agricultural i.t ' Industrial Fair ' I BIG LlYE STOCK SHOW Cood Rocinq in the nit. rttiernogns. Latrat Attraction In Nrw Audi torium IluildlliK Ilvrry I'vriilli, With Cuod Mu.ic. IWautiful Camp CroutiU I'rrc .Special Kalca on Catiita' Tick et. Cunir and hilnj; )our f4in- llira. Reduced Raton On All Railruada. Pur further rttcular aldrr M. D. WISDOM. S.'C. hfilili City ; Thornton I... o( heat tie, and Wallia II., ol North Yakima. Mr. Williams resided In Oregon City many years and waa well arid favoraMy known. IU live I a tixdul hfo an I ha I the reaMct of everyone. Hi death la uniAeraally regretted. The funeral will take place from the family residence In Mt Pleasant thla Friday morning at 10 o'clock. Key. A. J. Montgomery will if induct the service. The interment 1 die j4n..nlc cemetery and Hie aolemn burial service ol the Maaoii mill he given In accord ance Willi their rjtuul. ontr.U In l.ani Olllce. Three Interesting content ceawcre heard In the lurid olllcii this week. Win. M. Dodwin settled on a tract of land 1 fa.uion nver In Lincoln county, I ''"""I tt' ent half of the southweHt quarter and the west hall ol the southeast quarter In section 'JO, township (1, south of range II west. All.ia C, Brown tiled on the sotitheant ipiarter of the same section and Archibald J. Delano filed on the southwest ((tinrter of tho southeast quarter of section 'D, Jno. W. Boyer filed on laud and his filing conflicts with Brown's. Dodson and his family have leen living on hi claim for over two years. Tim laud, accord ing to the contention of the settler. Dodson, is not yet surveyed. The other parties made homestead entries In May last and claim the lend. Thn attorneys are Roliert A. Miller for Dodson, Gilbert L. Hodges for Brown, and J. W. Diaper for Delano. Tho slierill tins collected 1118,000 of the 1001 tax leaving a balance due ol $:'u,ooo. .n j 'j j 'A J A U A LI LI li A A A A A A A A A A U A A A A Vtthi ofiice H mi Public Telephone Station A A A A .1 I I Mm mmmm R. L HOLMAN Twj Dcsri S3BI1 tf Coorl lloc:t. GROCERIES. (J.! Corn .1 cans Vc Tnttiat'MS ;i M o'ifl 'OjratcM 3 2Vi J l.tuiii.lry K.aj 10 l.ara 2'o ! Il.iaat ColFc . . .from 1V r lb. up Corn Mrnl 10 1U. fr20rj Hulk K tract jr ot Jc I Trixlui' taken in eirlinnja for tmn liainliae. Jed Front Traiing Co. j Court Mouto Block OREGON CITY. OKECON r Dr. J. Arch Stewart H Eyo. Ear, Noto and Throat 317 IVkinn Ituil-linat l-ouTUND. oni:iox CHAMPION BINDER. Wr guarantee that the rcentrlr i;iWt wheel on thla inai hluc will gtc aii ab solute vain of j-rr rrnt. of punerat tune (.(tiring and ills baring tun.!!. The tunc (red tletatur will Watt In grain than any other. There a lets shattering. The relief take kerj inner end of plat form clear. I'.reryone of those using Champion Bind ers mts it ha no roiat. Semi for catalogue. Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co First and Taylor St., Portland, Orrgoa Ihrlr Vrrrll Out. All Sadievilln, Ky., wa curious to learn the cause of the vast liuproveuirnt In the health of Mra. M. P. Wuitakcr, who had for a long tune, endured unloU sulterlng from a chrome bronchial trou ble. "It's all dun to Dr. King's N' Discovery," mile her husband. "It completely cured her and also cured wit I little grand-daughter ol sever alls' of Whooping Cough." It (osltively mre Coiigba, ('olda, La Grlpw, Brore chitla, all Throat and Lung troulilr. Guaranteed Unl.. Uh: and 11 Ol. Trial bottles free at Geo. A. Harding' dmf storo. T ie ller ( lilli). From frightful disfigurement Mr. Nn tile Galleger,o( La Grange, Ga., sppllrJ Bucklen's Arnica halve to great sore oB her head and lace, ami writes Its i',if k cure exceeded all hnr honci. It workl wonders in Hores. Brulaes, Hkln Emp tlons, (Mils, Burns, Hcalds and Pile. & Cure guaranteed by Goo. A. IlurJing. druggist. .Knllrn lit I lie liillle. Notice is hereby given that L" Chandler Eaton, the minor son of Joeb Eaton has been given his freedom. That ho is hereby emancipated from H ,l'r' vices dun as such minor to hi pren or guardian. That his parent ud guardian will not bo responsible forsnf debts or contract made by him on nl after this iluto. E. H. Ciiowlky, Guardian. Josunt Eaton, Fatlior. Aug. 15, lnoi. OABI'OnlA., u Doantlia 1lM Kind You HaM lrai BousH Mima mu nam sisHni Blgnatur of JOHN YOUNGER, J3E3 "WT 13 X Xt Opp. IIunlly'n PrtiK Store, FORTY TEARSEXPERIENCE IN Uroat Britain and America. teste Mil . 4-f ' -