OJtEOON CITY KNTEItl'ItlSE, FRIDAY, AUGUST 1901. f I. Social Happenings. J ,-r.v x"xr Tlm Ifnliwl Artisans nvn an lnlnst , ,iiti.fUliniiwl laal evening In Will ,m,.li.. Th program m In clirt' Ml" l-ottlo Tllloalwi, ti mi. tm,,.l..'d I'lorllllolll.t III Ht. I'slll, a.til by '"'I- IMreahllirnl .ore served. Tm Young IVopleS Hm-lnly ol th jl.pll.l t lmri li pleasantly surprised Hoi, j . ji.avtii Ut Friday evening, the lon "'"a" ,lr,l",y annlveraary. Th rvriiiiiu H,,y,,,y i'""'! ii' g.Hir ml mualo. I If. Heavail was .,M.eenled ' lll(lillli Ullt VlnW of wiiumi-" '" ,,I,,H l.N 'HAI.. VnlniUy iliU l (tladaluiia I, Wii khUI given ty id l'Hi.' guild ol Hi. I'aiil's rliun li on the ln IOtlH III fwaldolire ol Mr. Hatllahury itl Mr. 1 lrttr V. Hatilabnry, whoaa lou' adjoin. Tli grounds f (ireinly lt'rul Willi Japane n Ikiiii. Im cream and calm aa aa-rved. TI.ii evening I'M! I'll music Bud fwitaiii'in '" fMly ).. y-d f im present AMflt -Ai I.UU. Tim marriage ol Mr. James V. ('arti bell, dentily dlalrlct BlUiny ol Clarke iiim 1'uwiiy and rising young attorney ol tin riiy. u MU Anna ('. I'stililng .iliiuiiil al Iiiiiiki ol llm hri'la In Oswego Wednesday evening, llm affair aaa 'ju'pt , only llm relative ml Intimate liiend ' lli brlda being lea rut. Mrs. Callijdxill llm ferlplelil ol mny UikUhi kIIi. Tim newly r ldl pair lH yet-rday morning l;f ( rip Uc h lil limy III shii4 lioii Ituiiaytr.min. I'imji) ilmlr return lo Oirifin CUT I'my Mill Im at Iiotim t tl.rlr liirnli III llm lower flat of llm Harry llsi-hi'i rraldem-o on Main at red (.rlavru Tarlllli and Thirteenth. (im'k'oH 1'urter, ol .i Angnlea, aho is titling lila l.rullief John W. I'orlrr, in il.ia nir, m'lo a trip 1j Tim lllra al arrk, aouiuanliH l.jr lilt nlnca. J!im fan lutlnf. Willi llmr limy rf llir niraia ul Mr. an) Mr. J. It 1 1. W. 'rirlmrl anl family Ml yaor lay I r lila Ihtrif day v atlun, Tlmy f.r.l ki lo llm Wvkli rtilpinnit n k ainaa rouidy la k ol Ofrin I'liy, limn tliry HI join lr. Tlioina nl (ainily an I liav an oulliitf on llm lml a(ra cltl.e CUkaina rlr. Coallli (ia aril. HAIL UiXl hl.MUV. irraU Star aad ttlllamrllra I'U; la TMil lly. WW A Knm I' r htil Kunlay liaa Un ar riip. 4lwirn llm Willainrllra and ivala hlara. (lam all) Im callinl at C J i oM.m a ami Wlllaumtt Ka.Ha flrld ill Im Ilia liatlln gnmnd lA a hard llrug V lur aupminary. Ilia; Ug Orltrt. I inn i r mil ,t ilrlvea ara boar afloat In llm WllUnmtUi. On a'-allnjf lirlavrn and i),(HH),(H) (rrlia maklliK ali(actory I'rourrav to llm tullU, Imv Inn r l.rtl ('orvallia Friday. Tim n (Iiim-miik ol a rail ol lliia an rrnulrpa kill. dilWnl In kind Iml a InlvlllKi'iit, an tlmt KiiiliiMl lo run llm tnttiiiM ol In Ailanilc llnrr. Tim axiiititiirita n( li'll navigation art atltit lt. Iml atroiitl, and ix'ifm'lly tullt'd lo llm urto Tim ainiiilr raiim kivita ic a llli llm tiKivitiaC Iik, and. wlitlntlm ouilH ran tiarixly Ui rallfd a "(l.mtllig ialc, It atiawmt (HTfrn tly tlm iicrtll ol llm liU iiavlKatora and tlio rriinlroiimnl ol Ilia liimliicKa. Tim wliolo rcir'nt aaturdy l) ol labor alili li la at Hut fountain lica I ol tlm ureal IhihImt Induatry, and dihiimimU tlm riMiiii'l lliat la Una to 'i"i'il energy and IntnlllKciue. Oro- Knlaii. APrOlSTMUMH MADE. rrraiih-nl Alhrleht of Hie Mrrrhant'a Aaam'lnllun Nainra Commltter-n. rrealdentCharloa 0. Alhilght, of the Keiail Murchaut'a Aaaoclallon, ol Oregon t'liy bua named tlia following commit- Wboleiala and manufacturing (I. W, iine, j, McKittrlik, L. Adam". M. Micbanli, V. Hunch . Leglalatlnn W. A. Huntley, Geo. A. Harding, K. L, Holnmn, J. Kvoibart. Hliortwlulita ami moaaurea Geo. T. Howard, I). Kly, V. Harrl. Trade A. Rolwrtaon, F. T. Harlow, 0. A, Mctllaaban. Auditing Win. AtulreNen, Win. Wright, K. W. Brown. Information 0. Buliueliol, B. Fro tK,C. A. Mulr. Tho following board ol director was luctodib. Kly, G. W. Graco, W. A. Huntley, Win, Androrion, Geo. Howard d A. Rolwrtaon. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. the Kind You Have Always Bought Boara tho Blgnatare of Voices of the Sea. a mi "What an wild wavra y Iiim r" -.'Hi(. "Tha 1ri ullrrnl hli volt." -IUIiIiIiui. To lilin tint ilwaiU Ualila llm aa, Ilia Imarl In IovIum aymiiailiy Willi alllia mooila, aoiili aii-oeli It lialli,- Now aa.t, now gay, In ov or wiaili- Aa wliol ),( Imrp or oritan Imm, Drawn lorllt liy a manlar'a Imml alona Haaal aai llm air, llm tiiiialilim lirlM, V I. an Ural I Iwlmld Ilia a; And Ilia laii((liliiK. rolllnklhic (uam-wraallird aval Hanu a aalroma. a wxliioum In nm ". Ill i a joy Ha linw a .ay, (llarlully ilalicInK ' Tlm IIvHouk iay , l.ltl lo our liiualol Oll.ii at ainlla, KdliklaMil lo haauly, HlnitliiK llm ttliila O III raala Hailf o'ar ami o'ar, J ml at Ilia a- draak on llm tliora; Hunllxlil and aliadow uimiii It fall, A llm aky lilua or jfrvy Iwnila ovar all." Wlilla I .a Ida bra h In Hit chill of morii, in aa'ii colli, crual avt a vole aeaini born, Wlioaa lotiaa bava a ralatic tad. '). aj at li Ilia Uul a Iraai-liaroua aaa ilaiaaan aarlh and far oil tiarnliyr 'Tla a Irarklraa aula, aa al ami aida, Wlib llm (lib and flow of a varrliiK tila, And Hill lo maka ona lal." O, abal li It fur, Uila marrllraa aaa, lilt wr kln( ilia lioa of bumanlly, CaalliiK lliam ilrad aaliora. Why uinal aa bulTal Ha tall. ! warn, WhU li. Ira'lii(, lliraaian Ui rnakaour Rrarra Willi many Kuimdown Iwlorar' Coiiim a Voir, alaallna; (War Ina, knraling Wtmr Ilia (mart Itrala of ciaan aounil; All Dm air la ralm. With a liaallnf balm, Aa tlmflory of aoaaat fall around "Tim ara la lilt, and Ha mada II Mralarlniia, aolainn, (rand; I la Uiun.lt Ha aa; lla ll.lat ara bald In llm hollow of Hit band III .urHM-a vatl uiifol'llo Thiougli tha tra lonK Koim by, llaaaal Ida iaro( llm lull'. lla Who knoaa lha bow and why." ho. Illigarlim liara (ill lha ml'lnlithl. Moon and tiart looking down from abovr, lliiiiianliy araiiit bnl an atom In Hod a unltaraa of lorn. And llm olr of Ilia jfrat Orator I brar In Ilia aomnliii tea, I'roclalndiig Ha -af and (lory In wumlarlul majaaiy. Mtariu UC llninn irr iron Cny. air af (alarart. Tiira.lay avphlntf a lull altndanr ol Cataract nmuilicra aaa irMMnl at tlm rr(iilar montlily inpriinj ImtJ in tlmlr rlub room on loaar Main trrt. Allilvlu aaa llm ul.Jrt undr ill ru alon and It taaa aurinxl lo am abat could ha dona toward Mtvlrlnf the old- Hum lnl lor Uila kind of work. 'rildiil l.lltl apolntrd two com mlMtwa tu alart tlm iiiovriio-nl. Tlm rotnmlltiHMiconall ol W. Litl, lloaard W. Itrownrll, Chaumry Uainaby and Kd He.knri K. A. William, C. Itaiimhy. I liave )il"iity ( money to loan (orlonn and abort tiuma at 9 -r cent Intcr-aU (ioaiMiN K, IUva, I'liderwcar, liom'rv, rililKiim, dreai aklrt and walat at hall prkea at tlm lUrkel Store. Orrion I'll t Xarkel Itrport. (l)rni t5 in Friday.) Wheat No. 1, fi'.'ii buabel. Kloiir I'ortlan.l. 1.1 IW Hr bhl. 85 irr ak. Howard Imat, into mrM'k, l.l.:U)iM-r bbl. (lata In aik, whito, 4 Jenta pur liiialinl. irrav. K Hav old Tluioiby, $12 per ton. New Tlinotiiv. l.H to 111 iwr ton. Clover $7 to H ler ton. Millatnira Bran, lfllX) ht ton aboita, llu.Oii per ton, chop, fltl Hr ton, barley, rolled, :i tHi Kr ion. I'otatiM- new, (kl: to HOc Hr a k. Kgga Oregon, I7l to Wo per doen. HutUir Uaii. h. -.'."i to 35 cent per roll Black berrie. to 3'uc tr l-ox. Currant, 4 to 4lvo Imx. tlniona, choice, lo to 1 per lb. Green ea, 2o Mr lb. Uooaelx-rrie, 10 to 2ic H-r gal. Boaiihtirriee, K to 4 font jwr liox. tnierrlea. dark variety. 3 lo 3SiO per lb ; Uoyal Anne, 3S,u to 4c ner lb. ir..a...l chickun. 10 to 12)ti c per lb I.lveatock and dreaned meats; beel, live, 11.00 to :l 75 per Immlrtul. Hogn, live, 6ctinoga ureaaeu, c, aue'i, 2V to S.U'cj aheep, dreaaod, tic; veal, dreaaod, 7la ;1mus ,lve 3lc' Iambi, dreaaed, fl.li''t EXCELLENT THUS KEKTICE And Chrap Bound Trip Esrumlon Bale Of Hie A AC. R. It. Make a Hit With the Public. , Tho Topular l'ortland-SeHldo Eiprera loaves Union Depot every Saturday at 2:30 p. m. and runs through direct with out transfer arriving at Astoria 5 :60 p. m Gearbart 5:40 p. m., and Heaiiido 6:60 p. m., making direct connection at Warrenton lor Flavel. Leaves Searlde returning on Sunday at 5 :00 p. m., Gear hart 5:10 p. m. and Astoria 0:10 p. m., arriving at Portland 0 :40 p, m., thus giv ing paaaengors Saturday night and all day SunJay at the beach. Begular round trip excursion tickets, good until Bopfc 15th, 14.00. Saturday round trip excursion tickets, good to re turn Sunday evening, 12 50. Connections at Astoria with Steamers "Nahcotta," and "T. J. rotter" for all North Beach points. llHtlTISIIIIANKJtUrTB. miVILECES WHICH ARB ACCORDED DY LAW TO PEEKS. oma l'nallh l.aaal llarlaloa aa l H'liat ( OMalllula Ilia Kavfaaarlaa ol Ufa -1 bar nijrlf llltTaV Froaa link a to Ordinary Mortal. K'-cfiit liiuikriiitcy tnaia In Tmilnn Jiiivo bronulit up vnrloua ! (iil ilcclalona whlih hnvo Immii rrm lii'd In Knxlund on tlm Miitijf't of whnt am nwi-wutrlfa of llfu for nu n of viirloiia atutlon and ilruri'ia who uro not In coiiiiiiaiid of their own liicoiiifN. A diiku, for ltiMtan'. or t-vwi a trinr Miila or mi irirl la riilltlcd by law to oiin IhiIiIii of (Iiiiiiiiiikiio a dny If hi trimti'i hold tin' invii'7 to l"iy for It In llm rnaii of tlx1 former Imko of Mnn t hcatiT llm liiw diTldid Hint m-Vfii lxt tl' of rhnminiii a w-k aro iiff aary to a dnk wlma afTiilr may Im In tlm Imml of Irimtii-a ami Hint If Im hnd not tlu' control of hi own Im-oine Im imiat Iw allowed to linvft a rnrrlnKn with mm horae, a rldliiK homo a well, oim iiintinervunt find a hoiiwi with a rent of not lea thnii 2V) a year; oth-t-rwlao ho in it n t l nllowed to hnvo tha ii w of 12.') a year, while tho rent inlflit Im allowed to arrmiitilnto for the (Md of tlm ratnto till tho trtiati-fl jx rlod eiplreil. A vliHtiiint or a Imron 1 allowed ly law lo drarrllKi a ne-eaaarli' thins w tilth amnllrr fry in Ik lit aimitclo along without Hut a vlaooimt'a lurouio irovldi'd there I anytiody to jmy It-la fixed at fl..V)0 a year ami a hnron'a at fl.ift. IIo I. uimmiIiik any guard Ian have a few tlioimamla a year to pay out to Mm ao-onllwc V) dlarn-tlon, only rnllib-il In claret a a beverage, for hi yearly wine allowance only run to 00, which would not keep him In ctimnpiu'iie utile Im drank It very acl loin. Tha duku'a wlno hill may run to iy. Tlm Tlacount mut have a carriage, hut It may m attached for debt, and im caunoi rone in guaroiana ui giro , him a borae. Ot courae, If be bn no ! guardian, nor any Income, either, he muat do a other (Miiptu and go with out, but theao thing are colialdcred ' iieo-aaary lo mtl A mnmu-rvant I allowiil to a vlacount or bnrn. but the boiiiu' rnt nwd Dot cicei-d 2uo, nor can It bo b-aa thou 1V). A diK tor 1 U tter off than a vlcount In one way-bl corrlago cannot bo ! aelr.e.1 In moat caai-a. nor can the ex-, penae .r It l rccitoncij in ma memo tax telurn. In aclllng up a tlm-tor for, debt be may n-tain one now. ami io of hi carH ta ore conaldercd a neci-j anrlra to bl bualiuaa-ln the ball and conamuiiB ro.im-r.uii r-i oi u i piece. IIo may nave surgical inairu-; nienis ami niwurai oinini-- lUD valuo of II.usi. and theao cannoi w, -lxed. I An or-litmry man can retain Homing but bl clothea. Hi nairi.ruam-a anu a few stern n-ea.iriea or tnai mna. ro, wiuo i B.IOK.O io .i..u.. atu.I. nt in tue han.ia or iruaiccs. no can Ociiian.l a coupio or a-rvauia auu liouat. n nt or i' r year. The sou of a well to do merchant or iraueaman Hinting iwrai n. - , can diinanii iieitner wine nor Dorw nor rvatit, but the law moy anow. lilm a mil of i.V) and another 150 or f.UO to ki-p himself on. supposing bo la In tho band of guardian, whether under or over age. a io ucoi. uo cnu Im aold up. Imr bl KToiial neccsoarlea and hi clothe, though ho I not gen erally allowed to keep more thaa alz aults of the Utter. If ho hns more a Judge might allow them to be token with the other chat- tela, and he can 1 left without a chair tn alt on or a sixxm to rat w ith. Jewel ry, If ho Im any, can le taken; but If be ha, say. two pairs of valuablo sleeve links he can keep only one of them. In the same way he limy keep a drt-H suit, but If he hns two nil order may be made to sell up one of them. A lawyer can have TiiH) books on legal subjects or In some way iK-rtnlulns to law, and these hnvo to be left alone by tho broker. There are extreme cases In which everything, even necessaries, may Ih takeu. but the lawyer may also .demand exemption even In such cases i for his wig, or nt least two of them, j and two gowns As a student In the hands of gunnllans he can make them pay llm S0 a jeur for chamliers, and they must pay his examination and other fee. A clergymnn or minister of any kind Is womt off of nil ond can keep very llttlo for himself. He can mnko his guurdlnns come down with the fees his profession needs, however, and If ho lives In the country as a curato find has some trustees nnd also a guardian he enn make them supply him with a gnrdencr. - Why Sha Wept. Among tho Mntnotes, descendant of tho Spartnus, thieving la considered a very honorable employment. An Eng lish traveler, being entertained at the house of one of the mountaineers, took aotno sliver articles from a packing caso he hnd with him to cat his dlnuer with. At tho sight of such costliness an old woman began to cry, tho Eng lishman having asked what affected her so much: "Alas, my good sir." she replied, "I weep because my sou Is uot here to rob you of thoso beautiful thlngsl" No Gentlemaa. "Mnme," said the girl In the red shirt waist nnd plaid skirt, "ain't ho just a prince?" "Oh, rats!" replied her lady friend, with dignity. "Any ouo kin see that ho wenrs a ccllylold collar, aud them trousers Is $3 oues." Thllndelphla North American. "What we call "tlmo" Is but a slnglo sun ray thrown across the Infinite void of eternity, and "llfo" Is but a floating flicker or mote that vanishes even as It becomes visible thercou. NiwhI ('iilnrrli (jiilckly yb 11 to lr-nt-nmnt by J ly' Crin Halm, wblcb la hv.ki al.ly an.niiilln. it 1 r'lvad lliroiii li Iho liohlrl!r, (,1. i,m.( and hmila lh wbola aur-fiu-t t.v-r wbkb il dilTnan lalf. J'fiii'!ai e ll lo Um. ai'i 'J rial ala by mini, l'l mill. Tout It and you r or Ui co,;in;ii tho u atiii nt. iiiirmri' t im i.U To a''fn inn !l.i tli'ii" l nr JinrlW to Hi ii't of u i .ui .'"ra in b; I'lyini I " i i'.a lulu ll.o ii' a" I n4Mi,i a for r 'unuol If' 1 Un, 11;- .-rit. 'era r- -.n- I'ftni V,i'.: 'w ll'iul'l fonu, noli a vrill In irwn M t IWii.l ('finn linlni. Iri liol'i'l lK Hi" iirnyii:j(tul ia 7.i.nU. Iinnti;. ! or b mail. I I.e liquid form embixl.i a the linxt lulnal tirox:iti.. of tb aolnl n-parati'4i. Ratrarlas Ilaeklaa. General Iiuheanm waa a dlatlngtilab 1 French veteruii, tlalu by tho 1'rua alana after tho rout of Waterloo. IIo waa full of reaourco and had gn at (kill ami preai'iico of mind. At IVacort, when ho waa In great danger, largo fortre In front and a aavage lnaur rctlon In hi rear, bla own common ai'liao a a veil Mm. "Who commando at I'eecartr bo aaked a aobller. "There ore two." "What la tho grade of tho chief In coin m mid 7" "A brigadier general." "Ill ii a me r "Im rietramaggloro.' "Ilia titlr "A mar'iula." "Meager "Alwut 70." "la he well preaerffdT Doca bo keep bl color r "He la thin and pallid." "Ia bla voice atrong and nianlyr "It la weak and dull" "Ia he lively, gayr "Neither the one nor the other." "What doea bo wear on bla beadr "lie la powdered, and bla balr la done In lix ka." "Ilaa he lioota ond aporiT' "No; he wear allk atocklnga, aboea and great Imcklea." "Great bnckler cried Duheeme. "I'.rlna- nn tlm mins and bceln flrinst j-jj. .,ice mU(.:" ) Fiewaa Tor Por4o. cn tlm tern Imke of Wellington waa prime nilnlater under George IV, be uiauaji-d the old monarch eaally cnougli, but when be attempted the aame tactic with the young Queen Victoria he met hi match. Kbe con- tuntlr niilnllteil lilm. One of hi .,rt ofll,.,n, gc WM t0 hrng be- furo ber . urt ,liartin death aenu-nco wbcJj be etlHrU.(, hl.r l0 ,,ctt ,, t ,.,.. of n. A tidier waa to be fr ,i(.,.nioii, and aa Ojo arninl wu ,)lact MoT9 tne i jU(n.u by e (,uke the ralH4 ber f yea. fu, of ,0 bu f.ce saying: ,.IUTe yo(J nHtll,DC t0 MJ , u-balf 0f tj,-, poor moor ..NolhllJ, Mj ti,c duke, atandlng at attention like one of bl own privates; ha drtrrlwl thr, t)mefc' , Qb tlitnk again." ptead- j j0 M f M,1(J worc Mng taT ,he fe 0f her dearcat friend. , myVv D,Bj,ty. bo certainly Is md BoW1r( tut tben wti gometxidy ; w,JO .j.. f(,r tls glHHy character. He may tou.rably good fellow la civil "Oh. thank you." aald tho queen In heartfelt tonea. and before the aston lahed duke could utter a word of pro test she bad written across the paper j wofJ Pardoned." ParamkalatlBat Coat Dalrlra. Thoro arc a couple of EuroK-an dal rlca In Athens wbtme proprietors keep cowa, but they do bualneaa mostly with the forvljrnera aud with those Grceka ..A .n. .irit.n miiotinra Vnur Pennine , Atben,an U.U.V1., ,be goat to be the proiHT uillk. producing auluial, and he retards the cow lu this conm-ctlon about the same as Amerlcaus uo tne ware. The milkman takes bis animals with him. Jangling their bells and sueexlng. "Oala!" he shouts, with a quick, star tling cry. with a Mg" whose guttural quality Is unattainable by adult learn ers aud usunll uipercclvcd by them. When a customer comes to tho door, ho strips the desired quantity Into the proffered receptacle lu-fore her vigilant eyes, select lug ono of the goats and paying no attention to tho others, who understand the business as well as ho does. Patiently they stand about, chew ing the cud or resting on contiguous doorvtcps. When their master moves on, they arlso and follow, more faithful than doga. Scrlbner'a Magnslnc. Hoar Do Yow Proaioaaco 'DoBl" How do you pronouueo "dogr The chances are that If you are an average Massachusetts cltlxen. you pronounce the "0" rather broad, like "o" In aong. Tho Century Dictionary, which Is a very Indulgent dictionary Indeed, al lows you to pronounce It so If you wish, but no other dictionary does. You should really sound the "0" as In not Likewise how do you pronounce "hog?" Even the Century won't let you say "hawg." This reminds me that a friend has written the following beautiful but abstruse poem: MY 1100 iSD MT POO. A lnaun In pronunciation. 1 one owneJ a roving bog And Jtkewiat a little doc, Whom 1 chained unto a log To keep him from a boc Which wat near. That my faithful little dawg, lVaplte tha chain and laws, Would purwe that roving hawg And (rt drowned In tha bag Wat nijr (car. Boston Journal Clever nilklna. "nilkins wife found some poker chips In his pocket" "Yea?" "WelL Bllklns told her they were cough loaenges." "Clever of Pllklns, wasn't Itr "Very she swallowed two and very nearly died." Ohio State Journal. t 0. STRICKLAND, M. D. Iloapltal and 1'rlvat Eirlnee.J Oflcrt bla roflonal aarvlcra to tlm fiao pla ol (Irrxon fit T and vicinity. HHal altamion iall lo Catarrh and ('hrorilc (lltraiia. Itatl nf rafar arifa glvru. Olllre In Willamette limlillng. Omrahoiira: lOtoUa. in., to H Ji, III, OHKdOS CITY OKK0ON YOUR I(EOfIgIBIUTlf ENDS AND OURS BEGINS When you buy go-xU at our utore, fjr our guaran tee goes with every pur chase, whether it costs little or much. Complete stock of Gro ceries, fresh Bread, Buns, Cakes, etc., always in 6 took. You leave your order; we do the rest. HEINZ & CO. PORTLAND TO THE DALLES Bjr the fast Regulator ami com modious steamer Leaves Portland daily except Sunday at 7 a. m. This is the Great Scenic Route. All tourist admit that the scenerr on the Middle Columbia is not ex celltxl for beauty and grandeur in the United States. Full inform tion by addressing or calling on J. S. liOOTH, Agent, Tel. 914. Portland, Or. Office and wharf, foot of Oak St. E. I. SIAS DEALER IN Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Sectaclcs. All kinds of repairing neatly done and warranted. lotoUce llltlff. 'aby, Orrgom Kupturo and Tiles Cured without operation or detention from business 1)11. 0. E. WATTS Room 14. McKay Bldg. 3rd & Stark Sts. PORTLAND, OREGON. Hours a to 4 sod 7 to 8 P. M. For Sale Farming land, cleared and uncleared, in Tualstin valley within 3 miles ol Ore gon City. Also Urge quantity ol second band common and fire brick at Oswego. Apply to T11 Okkoox Iaox and Stekl Co., 339 Sherlock Building, PotUand. Lost, Mrajed or Ntoleo, Liver and white Fointer dog from Canemah. Liberal reward paid for any information leading to recovery ol same. Leave word at Heina Grocery. Farm for ale. Nine miles south of Oregon City, IK miles east ol Canby and three miles south of New Era. containing 160 acres, itf clear nlowed land. 80 upland and 60 good timothy laml; none is overuowing, nine aeres in orchard in different variety ollruirs, all tenced and cross tenced, two Bood wells, and good water. Good buildings, J4 mile uoin school nouse Good 'ocation and good roads. Price 140 per acre, tor particulars, address John Schindler, Canny, or in quire on larm, Canby, Oregon. PARK AND WASHINGTON STREETS rOR.TI.AND, OREGON A. P. Armstrong, LL. B., Principal A practical, progressive achool, conaptcuoua for thorough work, with hundred of graduate In poaitiona aa bookkeeper and atenographera. Already proud of a high atanding wherever known, it ateadily grows better and better, Open all the year. Studenta admitted any time, Private or clasa instruction. Learn what and how we teach, and what it coat, Catalogue free, Board of Directors D. P. THOMPSON, PRESIDENT D. SOUS COHEN - - DAVID M. DUNNE DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY TO 8ALEM AND INDEPENDENCE STEAMERS ALTON A AND POMONA I.KAVRS OHKflOM CITY Going up, 8 .00 a. m. Going down 2.30 rm SUNDAY TO OREGON CITY ONLY, ossoo citt osTkaa ft:.?) A.M. 8.00 A.M. 1 :n P, M. 11:00 4:f 2:30 P.M. 7:00 6:30 Str. LEON A. Four round Iripv everyday. Ieava Orioii City at 7 and 10 a m, 1 30 ami 4 30 rn Iavi-a Portland 8 30 and 11 30 a m ; 3 30 and 0 p m 25 cenla round trip. j Tim Cad P. C. A 0. R. R. tlVt LEAVg PORTLAND OREGON CITY (Couch St.) jxo a. at. 7:03 a. u. 7:45 7'5 8:y 8:35 9:15 9.20 10:00 10:05 10:45 10:50 11:30 11:35 11:15 P. at. u:x p. M 1:00 IX)5 MS ISO r.y a:35 315 3: 4X 4:05 45 450 5:30 5:35 6:15 6:20 7 7:5 7-45 . 8:30 only to 8: jo only to Milwaukle Milwaakl 9IS 9:5 10:30 10:30 ilof only to iMol only to Milwaukee Milwaukle 12:50 Sat only Except Saturdays, then only to Mil- waukie. t Except Saturday, then to Oregon City. JEqcept Saturdays. 4T0 Milwaukle only. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. DAIL.Y TRAINS. . U 17 Hat. Efl-tive July , I'M D'ly Dly i.M T U. 11 10 9 40 10 lf 8 U 9 M 8 20 9 .V) 8 U) 9 30 7 54 9 2o 7 44 9 12 7 34 9 02 7 2 8 ft2 7 17 8 37 7 02 8 17 6 42 8 07 6 XI . 7 .V 20 r 7 4.'. e 10 5 r.M Ml. A.M 2 3 e v s on lt Oft 9 06 ... 8 20 in ... H'M 9 35 . . 8 44 9 4oi... R .'JI A fdl Portlar.d Ar S X i 47 ...Ooble... Rainier ., . Ft ranitd . . Mavgrr ., . Quiiicy . "laitkaoie M trail land . Wmtport . Clllton . . Knapt.a . . Hvcnren 4 01 4 07 4 IV 4 8 M 10 O.1)... 4 XI 9 OH 10 IO) . . 4 4 I1 9 l!l 10 21j... 4 s: 9 r 10 a... 5 17 10 i) It 02'... 5 21 ID tu U 10. .. 5 10 20 II 22 John Day 5 SO 10 3.1: 1 1 Ar.. Ationa. Lv EASIUIS UITISIOX 11 30 a. m ..) 8 15 a. m.. J ... 7 40 a.m. ... 4 "Op. in ...10 35 a. ro ... 5Mp.ni ...12 30 p. m .. 7 20 p.m . .. 1 30 p. tu ... 9 30s.ra, 6 15 a. ra.. 2 30 p.rn . 5 00 p. ru 9 45 a. ru SEASIDE CONNECTION'S. All trsins make clow connections at Gobi with all Itorthern Pacilic trains lo or front the East or bound Points. At Portland with all trains leaving Union Depot. At Astoria wiin 1. K ox ?. Co. boats ana rail line, and Steamer T. J. Potter, to and I mm Ilwaco and North Beach Points. Ticket office, 2'5 Morrison at, and Union depot. J. C. MAYO.Gen. Pass. Agt. Astoria, irrw FOR CLATSKANIE Steamer 6. W. Shaver, LEAVES Portland foot of Washington street Tues- daya and Thursdays at 5 p. tu., for Clata- kanie and way landings. SunJays to- Oak point. Returning, leaves Clatskanie Wednes day and Thursdays at 4 p. m., tide per mitting. This ia the nearest and most direct route to the great Kehalem valley. Shaver Transportation Co EAST AND SOUTH -VIA- SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY. Shasta Route. Trains leave Oreiron City for Portland and wav stations at 7:00 A.M., ua.ai. ana 6:30 P. M. Lv Portland Lv Oregon City Ar Ashland Sacramento " San tfrsncisco 8:30 a M 9:22 AM 12:65 A at 6:10 F at 7:45 pm 8:00 rat 9:14 r at 12:35 nr. 5:00 A at 8:15 Ar " Ogden ' Denver Kansas City " Chicago 4 :55 A M 9:30 A M 7:25 AM 7:42 am 7:00 am 9:l5r M pm " Ixs Angeles 2 :00 r M 8 :05 a m "EIPsso 6:00pm 6:00pm- "Fort Worth 6:30 am 6:30 am " City ol Mexico 11:30 a m 11 :30 a at 'Houston 7:00 am 7:00 A at "New Orleans 6:30 pm 6:30 pm "Washington 6:42 am 6:42 am "New York 12:10 pm 12:10 pm Pullman snd Tourist cars on both trains. Chair cars 8scramento to Ogden and El Paso, and tourist car to Chicago, St. Louis, New Orleans and Washington. Connection at Ban Francisco with several steamship lir.es lor Honolulu, Japan, China, Philippines, Central and booth America. See agent at Oregon City station or ad dress O. H. MARKHAM. Q. P. A., Portland, Oregon.