OREGON CITY ENTKKPKISB, FRIDAY. AUCiUST i 1001 Legal Notice. notice, lor liibllrnllon. Timber Land. Ad Jim .V 17H. United Sialro l.atnl OHloe, Oiem City, reeon, June 10. l:il. Notice Is hereby Riven that In compliance with Ihe provisions l the Act oi votaress oMnnert. 1ST.S. tiililleil "An act forth ale of timber lamls In the Chim of Cli form. Oregon, Nevada ami Washington Tarrilnrv." as exteiuleil to ll the ruhlic Land Stales bv . t of AikuM 4. l!r- homkii u. pihois. of Kprlns:water, county of Clackamas, htate of Oreiton, has this tiv flM In llii oltti-e hit aaorn statement No. M-7, for th pur- rhaseof the lot ilnl Section N. S-, In Township No. 3 S. KmiK No. 4 K. ami will Iter rMf to aluiw thai the latnl tii,;'it i more valuable lor in timber tlmn for crl rtiltural ltiriMiae. ami to establish hi r li in to sai.l iami before the Kegisier and Kceeivernf ihi office at Oregon City, t tre iron, on Monday, the th day of August, lie nimn a witn W. J. 1eaelieu. i'ain Kalney. John Heed, John Siormer, all ot tpringaier. ureiron. Anv and all i-ersons claiming adversely tha atove-i1escnie.l land are requested to flle their claim in llii utllee on or before aid'Jith day o( August, I'M. CUAS. . MOORES. Register, In lh Circuit Court of lb Plate of Ore gon kir Tb County of Clackamas. C. B. Dindca and O. V. hast ham, partners doing business under the linn name of ihm kk A Kaalham, plaintiffs, vs. Helen Robinson (formerly Helm Yarwood defendant. To Helen Robinson, (formerly Helen Yar wood) tb atxive-nauied defendant: IN the name of tbe State of Oregon : You are hereby required to appear and an swer the complaint tiled against you in the mbove entitled action on or before the 3ith day of July. llK'l. that being the last day prescribed in the order of publication of Uii tumnioni upon you, and if you lail to ao appear and iniirt aaid complaint with in aiJ time tbe plaintilf hi rein will lake judgment against you for the relief de manded In said complaint, to-wlt: Kor tbe auni of 25.3n together with interest thereon at the rale of 8 percent per annum from the 1st day of January, 1"?'7, until paid, and for the further turn ol JAM, together with Interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent per annum from the 1st day of January, l-C'7, until paid, and for the coel and disburse ments of this action, and plaintitt will apply to the court lor an order to aeil tbe southeast quarter of the southwest quarter and the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter of section 17, 1 4 a, r 3 e of tbe Wil lamette Meridian, now held under attach ment in ibis action. Tbis summons is published by order of Hon. itioa. r. Kyan, Lounty Judge o( Clackamas County Oregon, which order wa made May 31, llt'l. Published first lime June 14. 1001. PIM1CK A EASTH Ail, Attorneys for tbe Plaintiff. tiin.no.v.. In tbe Circuit Court ol the Slate of Oregon for Clackamas County. Louisa E. York, plainUtTj "W. H.Y'ork. defendanLi To W. H. York, defendant. In the name ol the Slate of Oregon, you are herebv required to appear and answer Ue complaint filed against you in tbe above entitled suit on or before theuih day of Be pi em ber, pjul, that being the time pre scribed in tbe order of publication of sum mons, and if you tail to answer said com plaint, tbe plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief herein prayed lorto-wit: A decree of divorce from the bonds of matri mony now existing between you and the plaintitt, and that said bonds be forever dissolved. Tfiis summons is published by the order of the Hon. Thomas F. Ryan. Judge of the county court notde and entered tbe 2Kb day of July, l'jui, and the date of the first publication is July ', I'M, and the said publication la to ran six consecutive weeks from the said date. Charles H. Glos ad J. WisLir Bill. Attorneys for PiainutT. Dated. Oregon City, Ju'y l!U, i:Jl. turn in on) In the Circuit Court of tbe State of Ore gon, for Clackamas County. Wm. H. 11. Rlaney, pltf.l vs. f Mary E. Biauer. deft, ) To Mary E. liisnev. defendant. In the name of the State of Oregon, vou re hereby required to appear and answer the complaint Died against you in the above entitled suit within six weeks after tbe first publication of this summons, to wn: (in or before the (it b day of Septem- oer, J jui, uat being ihe dale prescribed in the order for publication of summons, and 4f you tail so to appear and answer for want thereof plaintilf will apply to the court lor me relief demanded In said complaint, to wn: lor a decree of divorce forever dissolv- ing me ooiiusoi matrimony no existing I between you and the plaintilf. This 8u in mons is published by order of the Hon. Thos. F. Ryan, judge of the above entitled court made ami entered herein on tbe 2"tb day of July. l'JOl, and the date of tbe first publication herein is July 20, V and the last publication is September 6, l:Jl Emmom & Emmoks and J. Wesley Bell. Attorneys for Plaintitt. Aduilulatralor'rt .Hotire. Notice is hereby given that the under- io ..mou; ."u ilia, me uuuer- 8 been by the honoraMe county .e Slate of Oregon. forClacka- ity, ajiiKjined adminiittrator of eigned has been court of II sunn i-uuuiy, hp pwipo. aumin lBtraior u the estate of James E. Currie, deceased". All oeraona limine i-lsiima auainut uui.t All peraoni liatinir claims against oaid estate are notiCetl lo present the same to me tiroperly verified, at the oflice of James U. (Jampbell, Esq.. Oreeon Citv. Oregon, within six months from the date of tiie first publication of this notice. runt publication July 19, 1901. A.M. Ckawfohd, Administrator, Coiiuij- TreuMiirer'at Notice, I now have money to pay county war rants endorsed prior to July 13th, ana also road warrants endorsed prior to Nov. 19th, 1900. Interest will cease on the above included warrants on the date hereof. Oregon City, Ore. Aug. Oth, 1901. A. Li'eluno, Treasurer. Clackamas County, Oregon. lyon's French Periodical Drops Strictly veR-etable, perfectly harmless, sure to accomplish DESIRED RESULTS. Greatest known .female remedy. CAUTIOil .Bewo' counterfeit and Imitation. Tbe genuine I prtt op onlrln paste-board Cay aM a. Y, rn with fae-lrnlle slirnature on aide of the bottle. thui i , lZc!L 11 Ueai tin Circular to WILLIAMS MFU. CO., Bole aVgeuts, Clavalaod, Ohio. jfafmfV9 For sale by Charman & Co., Druggist. Nl .M1I4M. In the Circuit Court of the rotate of Ore gon, for the County of Clackama. Washington National lUnlding 1 loan aim investment Aoct anon, a corporation, plalnlitl vs. George V. Sinker, unmar ried, Ilia M. Mrvker, linniar riett, j. a. uarker and M . J. Uarker, his te, J W. Did ler, and I'ldier. hi wile defendants. 1 To Decree VV. Sinker. J A. Parker, and M. J. Uarker, hi wife, J. W. Pidier and Oidier. his wile, delnilaii : In the name of the Stale of Orrgxm you and each ol you are hereby mimrfM to "ai ear and answer Iheromidainl tiled a'u.rl you In the above entitled cause 011 0, before Hie last day prescrthed In Hie oiMer lor publication of Ihlsinimmon. U) wn : On or hetore Ihe tit ts day ol September, jmn, and II you fall to so eper and answer a l crt-e will be taken against you for (lie rlief ,,r .-.-,- ....i .,.i....i.... lieoige .... W ,t., , .1 . " ' ' , -"" :elet In thei lerk s nine ol said court in said ige W. Mrvker, lor Ihe sum of imru,,, .vi..i,..,f 1. - . ' . thousand dollars with Interest and pre uiiuni Inereon, each at' the rate of ti per cent per annum Irom and ever since Ihe lust day ol March, lt until paid and Ihe further sum of one hundred dollars attor ney's fee in this suit, and the costs and disbursements of this suit, and that all of lb above-named sum are a tirsl hen on the land hereinafter described, and upon Idsharrsof the caplial slock ol idainlill. sucsoribed by the delendani, (ieorge W Stryker, on or about the 7th day of IVoein ber. lSte, and by him pledged 10 plaimitl to sreure the promissory note herelnalter inentioned, and for a foreclosure of a cer tain mortgage given by said tieorce W. Stryker lo plaintitt dated levemter 7. IN'.', to secure the payment of a certain promis sory nole mad by said Cieorge W. Stryker to plaiutiir for the sum of one tnouaanil dollars aid interest and premium, and a reasonable attorney's lee 111 case suitor action should be Instituted to collect said nole or any portion thereof, by which mortgage said Oeorge W. Mrvker conveyed lo plaintttf all that certain lot, tract," or parvel ol land, situate, lying and being in the county of Clackamas, Mate of Oregon, to-a it: Mock numbered right (1) In t-e.. wooil't Addil'on lo Milwaukee as shown bv iu mviuru nat turreoi 01 record in said county and state, and lorecloaing your, and k nl V..I.V KM. I all -- . .. - . ...... . - m v. j itx.iiv vibiiiiiiib; ot 1 through, or under you. or either ol you. equity of redemption or other Interest in right to or lien upon said mortgaged pre- mtses and the whole thereof, saving only Ihe suiutory right to re-leem. and for. Closing the lien of plaintitr. upon said Id shares ol slock pledged by said Cteorgs) V. Mry ker as security for the paymenl ol said promiseorr note aa aforesaid, and tor an orderofsaieof said mortgaged premises and said stock to satisfy said decree;and you and each ol you are hereby nolitied that on the i.in uay 01 juiy, t:ji, the Honorable tbomas F. Ryan, iuds: of the eonnie rtiun of the Slate of Oregon forth County ol Clackamas duly malean order that service ol suuiinons in tuts mt be inula nmn !.! defendants, lieorge W. Stryker, J. A. Ur- jer, ana n j. Barker, his wile, J. W. 1'iuier, ami duller, his wife, and up- on each ot them by titiil,-aiin thereof, and that the dale of the first publication of tins summons is July Ji, I'jnl. and that the dale of tbe last publication of Ibis summons is September b', l'.Ul, CL'V G. WILLIS. Attorney lor 1'iaiulir! NlJinoSK. In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon, for the County of Clackamas. J. R. N. Sellwood, plainlitl, vs. John F. Broeije. Marie Bro etje, Helen L. btra'ton. Creed W. btratton. Land L. Stratton, MilUin Ray mond StraUon. Carrol E. btratton. John B.Clelaud, W A. Cieland. N Sim monson and Fred Strong. . Defendants; To Creed . Stratton and Milton Ra. aiMiiu oiraiion, aeienuaiils: si j ... . . in the name of the Siate of Oregon, vou are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in Ihe ... . v,m ,j, uTiurv me i'.til day ol August, l:Jl, the lasi day of ihe time prescriljed in Ibe order for Duoiiraih.n 01 toin summons, io-wii: on or before Ihe explialiou ol six weeks Irom the dm i the first publication of this sum- mons, the hrt t'Ublicatioii thereof thereof being on the 2ilh day of June. 1U01, and it you lail to answer f.r want Hiereot toe planum win apply 10 ihe court for the relief demanded in said complaint. I,i n i-or jiiagmeni sirainst the deli-iidanls, John F. Broetie and Marie Brotieinthe sum ( K,vjz.ip, wilh Interest thereon at the rate ol ir cent ir annum Irom the first dm of Mar. KM. less lKI.00. nsl.l N'onmhar 24. ltrt; 10ij paid June 1!), lrt; 70U0pap Katilatnlf fiik I tut ..l.i V . ... I , wi,iuv;vu .luieiuurr H, with interest thereon at the rate of eight per cent per annum from the date of said note, and for the sum of four hundred uoiisrs attorneys lees and for costs and ilia bursementa of this suit and that the de fendania and'all persons claiming under inem. oe lorever barred and foreclosed ol and from any and all rights, title interest or equity or redemption in and to the said mortgagfd premisra and from every part mereoi, ami lor a decree lorec osimr n am nn s mortgage described In the complaint upon me following uejcribed property sit- Dated in Clackamas County. Oreiron. to-wlt! A part of the south half of the Oeorce (.'row donation laud claim, situated In sectiunsone, two, eleven and twelve, in Townshio two south of ranKe one east of the WliUmeii. Meridian and begtimine at the east end of me line dividing Ihe Ueorge Crow donation land claim into north and south halves: thence westerly along said dividing line aweinj eigut en sins aim eignty-nve links toa point; thence south to the north line of the lorty acre tract set apart by decree to l.oiiia Jane Bunnell, thence easterly ... .. .d alonir tha norih It,.. .I .!.. ... KrVESp to the east line of the said George Crow donation land claim; thence northerly am injriii hub oi me ixiuisa Jane lsunnell . .i f . . A n Irani on and rani- thanm nnri...i. long said east line oi said claim to the I place of beeinninir: tein the east, tiil.tv I'10 Hf bRinnlng; being the east thirty 5nrM ' U',e f?r,jr "cr? trsct 1 P"rl '' 3tn. . u t .,T ;w ' ". , ' """ -ane uuiineu anu i. acres and iota l and 2,or section 7 contain J.yrow; and for a sale of said property to Ing f .17 acres, more or less, all in T US satisfy said Judgment and barring and H H K of the Willamette Meridian in Clacka! loreciose you oi all right, title or interest in and lo said property and equity of redemp- tion to or upon the said mortuaimd nrand. ses and every part thereof arid for such other and further relief as the natnre of vunc .no, iwuirc anu as hj tuiH court i ...,i . "'" nicei. lliis publication Is madeby the order of the Hon. 1. A. Mcliride. in dee of the cir. cuit cgurt of the state of Oregon for Clacks mag county, which order was duly made and entered, June 18th, 1901. C. M. IOI.EMAN, Attorney lor PlalntilT. Dated June 21, mi. Gun repairing. Johnson 5t Lamb. street. iii:itn 1 'n wi.i;ii i:i. i 1 10 . In the Circuit Court ol lle Stale n( (iregon tor IheCounly ol Mulliiomah, I'lirlUnd Tnisl Company of t)ngon, plan. till'. , vs. J C Haiy and Anna llavely, di'li'iilnts. Srtn orKMKiioM. County of Clai kamaa I Hv virtue of judgment mder. decree and an execution, duly lsued mil of nod under Ihe seal ol Hie athit rlilillrd to. 11 1, in the alniv iitilled cause, to me duv ri-cted and dated the :1th day of June,' !X. iiwn a Judgment rm Irrrd and sntcre.l in aid court an lh ImIi day ofJiiK, l'i In lavor of I'orllnnd 1'rnsl Company.td Oie gon, plainlilt ami against J t' Havelr and Anna llavely, dffeiulsnu, ami H. W, Uoss, surely, lor Ihe sum of .Mti .tl, alih Inter est llierisin at the raleol 10 -rr cent rr an uei ,. -.... . , ".v-""i"""""-siin.iit-uaiiiMim'a J - ! ,1,'iunij, I -' I Mil II ahra, notice of coniriliuHoii and repay ment was lllrd by l.uclnda Rosa, admlnls iratriiand Minnie l r'oalrr ami 1-ior a Ri'ss, by her guarldiaiK l.ucliida Rons, Nov. 1. I'M), (Miiiiuanding me nut of Ihe .wrsonal nroperty ol sail delendauta and II. W. Ross, surely, and if sulllcenl could iml l lound, then out of the real property be longing to said defendants and surety 10 satisly Ihe sum of III.? l now due 011 said Judgment with Interest thereon at the rai of ten r cent per annum Irom the n day of lecvinter, I'.kk), also costs uioii this rit. Now, therefore, by virtue of said execu tion. Judgment order and decree, and m compliance with the commands of sanl writ, bring unable to llnd any perwinal pnierty ol said delendanla or surety's I did on the l.'lh day of July, I'sil dulv levy iipon Ihe folloaing descrilied real property ol said defenilant and surety situate and neing in me county 01 Clackamas, stale of Oregon, to-wlt: An undivided four-ninths Interest In and lo all of the billowing described real property lo-il. Uite three (J) and four (4) In blot k (.') in tbe town of Canemah, Clackamas county Oregon, a shown by ihe plats and surveys ol sanl town of Canemah now 011 rile In the county clerk's otflce of Clackamas county l.t . - 1 virgin. The north one-half (S)of lol No. on (It and the north one-hall ,) of lot numbers-d ighl(t)in block numbered twenty-seven T, ai-cordiiig to tbe map and plal of II toon ofPreir m City, urrmin. on rli. in u,. county clerks ottice of Clackamas C...,i.- said lute commencing at Ihe north wrst corner of said block twentv-aeveu (-71 and runnlnif tnnr ...i.riv leet ; Ibence southerly 31 feel "I3 inches; thence aesterly :'10 frei to Main street ; thence 34 feel and 3 inches lo e place 01 beginning. The south niishiif ILI nf 11.. I...... Waldmp Donation Und Calm, notiflrailon No. 7CJ. in sections on, tweltv. and ihie teen, lownshln three III aim in r.n.n. til sl of Willamette Meridian. In Clackamas couniy. tiregun, ronlaining one hundred '' nil) -three lilj acres more or less. IWmnlng at a stake l. Nl t hai us aiitilh nd 4.1 chains west Irom Ihe northern cor- ' John b. Howland Donation Und claim ; Ihenc south i degrees, ti ininulrs east in cliains Ui a stone; thence soulh 4.1 degrees. 3U minutes wert 8 chains to a stone: thence north tl degrees, 7 minute est 40 chain 10 a slake on me north west boundary ol said claim; thence north 4-1 degrees east 7 10 chains lo the place ol be ginning, containing SI acres, more or less, lit Clackamas county, Oregon. Begluoing at the northwest comer of Isaac Oordon'e land, or laud formerl) owned bv him, tbenre along the line of sal I (lordon'a tract In a southeasterly direction 70 roils; thence at nghl angles running westerly lo the line of a trace of land formerly owned by I. D. Harding; thence northerly along said line ol said Harding's tract of laud To rods, more or I, to L D. Harding's northwest corner; llieuce In an easterly direction lo the northwest corner of a tract of land formerly owned by I.ury A. tiurnelt; thence southerly lo the souih west corner of said tract formerly osnnl he said Lucy A. Burnett, llu rods; ihrnce sterly along Ihe line of said Lucy A. Hum ,r,c' ' 'nd to ihe place of lginning. con t'ning IUJ acres, the same being part of " r w aa, v., 111 vaiaaiiiB "iy. Oregon. Hi-glninng at a point thirty f.Vil feel east toe souin line 01 section nine !il toatiship two south, rarure two fl! east m I lM " '"ametle Meridian, crosses the center i tue uregon and I alilomia railroad, run- "ln H'ence northerly, tracing the eastern baundary line of said railroad right of way " "'"7 l"J roosnortnoi sanl sc. tion nine (:); thence ea-t parallel with said w"' amy eignt rods lo the west boundary ol the county road: thence in a oinnwestriy direction tracing the west oouiioary line ol said county rord lift and one-half )U roils lo line of said sociii,,. lBI; thence west thirty-nine I3!i nnl, Iraclli, hail! &-tlj,(, llr,A ,.. ..I.. ..I ..... , --r- - - . . ...i. hi iiai.a ui iirIU' iiiiik, coruaining inirietu and Ihn-e elgnls acres, more or less. In 1'iart.m.. county, uregou. Also, lots two, three, four and six, block tnirij six in uregon Lity, Oregon. anu i win, on SATURDAY. AUGUST 22.1, .t,. at the hour of 2:0) o'clock, P.M.. at lh ironl door of the County Court lloii-e ti me Cltv of Uregon City, in said t-ouiiiy anu mate, sell at nub! c auctnu. subject ti redemption, to the huhei,t bid. der, for U. 8. gold coin cash In hand, all the iK", ime anu interest which the within named defendants or surety or either of mem nave in or lo the above described real property or any part thereof, to satlisv id cActuiiuii, iiiuk-ment order, decree. Interest ixjsis anu an accruing costs. J.J.COOKE, BherifTof Clackamas f'on.its fi, ...,. Dated, Oregon City, Ore., July 12. l'tji. police ol Hale of Heal IlHlej Notice Is hereby idven. that, pursuant In "n oraer or the county of Oregon, for C.acka, f "d1n"'f,re1 " - , ,'.r1'r,lf,"1 ale an oruer oi me county court of the Stale nas county, made day of July, y.M, u",' !7, ,lfJ"1i 'ol'Jhig described real """ to-wit: on anu alter Aug TRACT I. ineowtf or section fl, containing MO mas county, Oregon, tii apt rr IllAtl 11 I! eg! mil tig at the intersection of the Needy nd Rutte Creek road with the northbound. srv ui section. It In F F H It I 1 ..r ..." '." " too tvinatrietie Meridian rnnrii.,.. thence south 34deg. 40 in In west 1) lochalns" thence east K deer 4M ...I.. i m ! merice norm s,; chains to section line1 thence west on section line, 1 M5 chains ui the place of beginning, containing V,i acres thetir.e ....all. CI !i9 l ... ' more or lens also the riast l of N tv . ,.r section 8, t 6a. rlK. of the WliUr, Meridian coritaliilnKHU arn-ii more nr l,.hu all in Clackamas county, Oiegon, belonging to the estate of J. L. Cochran, deceased. uitia win m received by Ihe undersigned on the land last above described, which Is near visuaiinu uouniy, uregon, until the 17th day of August, 1901. Terms ten per cent on day of sale.balaiice on confirmation by the court. Dated this loth day nl July, A.T. (XJCIIItAN Administrator of tha K. Hlitta nl I Cochran, deceased. The place to got It fixed. What? Your wheel. Johnson Lamb. Main oll e o I'ImmI lleiHeiil N.illi'n la lierehv ulvfll that the under- I slgni'd, a rtecufls of Ihe esiale of John jti. Ilounell. dnvas,l hsi ft her final fe . rt aim the county court of Claiksma iMiiniy, Oregon, and that Ihe Hon, I 'liomss V imi, Judge ol said rouM ha sl Mon dsv. the ;M day of Seplemher, !d. at In o'clix'k a. in as Ihe lime fur Ihe sriilrineiil Ihrtcof and hearing objections Itirn lo, ai'V be made. 1 lied. J tii v :r'i l(UA IIONNEIT. I.te- unit j - . - - - .otlo far ImIII'Mimi. Tlml.i r I. slid Ad lime .1, IsTh. I'nllml Stairs Land tUllce, lregn I t'Hy (ri-n.iii. Julv tl, I''1!. V.tir i herrliv given Hint III compliance anil Ihe prot isioiis of lb ait ol t'.mg'r-s id June .1. IVS, eiitlllrd "An ad l"r Ihe sal of 1111111 lands In Hie Sla'i-a ol t'all l.ifii'a, tirrou, NrVada, and WiilUKton Irrrlinry' asexeinled to all tte I'litilic ad of August I. I vi.', OSCAR U W A RHEN, of I'oitlanil, county of .Mulluoiiiati, S'at ol (n gon, has this day iHnl In this nlllc his saurn slAtriurnl So, M'nl, lor the puicda-e ol Hie nf, ol .S.-ction No. ,lu u ,inll' So. ,i S, lUngf No 4 K and will id'rr pnml In show thai Hi land sought la mure tahi al'l b-r it limber or stone limn fur agri culutural puritwrs, and lo eslnMlnh his claim lo said land hvfure Hi Rrgidrr and R.-ciMter id this oltlc al (Irrifuii t'liy. Ore gon on Saturday, the day of Snntchi- brr, I s'l. lie uamra as witnesses: Hans I. I.arsrii. r W. Merrill, A. It. Mrmlenhall, J. C. Hurk, all of I'ortland. Any and all prrsous claiming adtrrsrly lh almt descrllied lands are re-firstr-l to lile their claims In this nltW on or tirfor aid h day of N-ptrinlirr. I'ail. t HAH. II. Ml toll KM, Rrglstrf. l Mt In Ihe Cin nil Court for Ihe Stale of Ore gon, for Clackamas coun'y Maggie Johnson, plaintiff Frank Johnsau defendant! . To Frank Johnson, the bImiv named drfeliilanl III the nam of Ihe slat of Oregon, in I pursuant lo an ororr road and entered bj the Hon Tho F Ryan. udk' of the county court of said cumy mi thr "'h day ol August I'Ol.dlrvi ling thai this siimmoii's he published unce a Wrrk for sit colisei u lit.-seeks Hi first puhllralliui tlierr. l I.. Iieon lh tb dav of August. Iisd. you are hereby rr.,uired lo appear and siisaer lh complaint tiled airalnst yuu In lb abot entltleil sail on or hetor lh '.'1st lv September. n, tl,al Iwltig the aa day Ihe tune pres. -rtbed In said order ol pulillr tion, and If yon fall to aosaer or appear, I aant tl.ere,.! the plalnilll adl apply lo if conn lor in rliei nsmanded In lh Mm plain! lo-w it: For a decree diisaiiving ibr ootids nl liialrliuonv nu etiating ! you ami Hi piaimilt and for rostsof lh sun. t'regoii Citv, Oregon, August a pd J.F lntsirilK. At'nrr y l.o ihe ( Ian. hit police lor lsMlr.l0ss. Timber Und. Art JunS. s7s. I riftanl State Und Utile, Oreguii ( i Oregon. Aug S I'1. Notice Is lieraby given that In conplUnr, wun me provision ol th art ol Comrresa of June 3, Is7. united, "An act lor the ale ol limber land lit the Mate id Call forme. Oregon, Nevada and Washington lerriloay. a extended lo all tne I'ubllt 1-and Mates by act ol August 4, s;r., FANNY N J AM E iN .an . . ... oi l oruami, county or Multnomah, state ol Oregon, ha this day tiled m ibis olll. l.er sworn statement No MVi lor lb uohar oi tnesoi nwiaiid w . osi. of seciloi .su. in mwnanip ."o. d S.IUIH. range .o 3e, of lh W. M. and alll idi-r brool li show Hi at Ihe land sough! is more vaiuahlt for Its timber or stone man f r aKricnltiira purpose, and to establish her claim 1 1 said land before Ihe Register and Rn-eiver ol Ibis office at Oregon Cry. O.rir n on Ihtir oar, tne .un uay ot tl -tuber, r She names as ailna.ses : J. i! Hnrke tiuis iijouipsnn. t Is. 11. James., n, ol rortland. and Ada-rt K g' of Molalla Any and all person claiming adverse the anove desrriliel Ian-Is are requested lile their claims In this olfl -e on or before aid .'llii day ol October, ri CH AS. B. MttORES, Register, Mmnmun. In the (ircull Court for Clarkamas County, State of tlrrgvn. Amelia Otlo, I'laintill l v Adam Otlo, defendaiil.) To Adsm IHto, Ihe st-ive named defenilant In the name of ihe Slate ol (irefon v.m are hereby required lo appear and answer the complaint lile. I again! you In the aoove entitled suit In Ihe above named Cmirt on or before Friday September 'Joth. I'i. the same being aevru weeks from Ihe Ural publication ol ibis sumiuonsi ami vou alll laae nonce that II you fail lo so appear and answer said cornplsint plalnilll mil apply to the Court for the relief ili-ninniltd in said complaint lo wit: that the bonds of m-iri-inony eiling betwien you and plalnlitl Ik? uisuivei . This summons is published by the order of the Hon Thomas A. Itvan, County J udge ol the County ol Clarkamas and Slate ol Oregon, in the Oregon (,'Hy Kulerprlse wcei7 newspaper printed and published and of general ciruulallon in lh County, Oregon, for seven successive week commencing August 9th. and cnritliinlitui r.i aim iiiciuuing rriusy, nepteuilier )lh, likll OKO C. lllttJWNKI.L Attorney lor i'laititiiT Stock IioMits Meellnif, Annual meeting of stockholders ol Capon Hhoa Co., will he held at the of flee at Willamette Fulls, Ore., Tim-day, August 13,1001, at 2;30 p. in. 1' HANK CAI E.V, Hecrntitry, Oregon City, Oregon, Aug. 7, 191)1. Atiniiul In t tufe. Arrangements are being made to hold the annual Teachers' Institute for Clack amas County during the first week in repteniber. J. C. Zl.NHKIt, Rupt. of Hchools. t'lackaniiiH County Hchool Funds. To answer numerous Inoulries ol school olllcurs, as to the probable amount of school funds available for the current year, I will state that according to a re cent report of the state treasurer the state fund will amount to (1,22 per csp Ita, or $9225.fi4, which is hbout t2fK)0 less than last year. This together with the lower county valuation tor 1900 will re sult In a shrinkage of school money of about $2500. J. C. Zinbkk, Bupt. of Schools, I KKAXCIIISKIIEMEI) CoiiiicII Hffusi'H hnilior I'rhl liKfH to (ho lr. 0. Midi ll(MMS 1lliSA(1:i. K illnnjr C inpiiny Had trtlglil drill nance rn i.ircil II u I II Has S lulroiluti J The t'otiiii ll liu'l Tut's.ley evnnlng v. lib a full atteiplatii'd. SaliKiu llreiisea ere gratil'l to K oily Noliillt and lldwanl Hyriie. The rei-orirr was Inslrm tcl (hat It I the aioise ul Hit i-oiiiirll that water inalna le put In on all atteta running iioiih and aoulli, ao that any mtoii desiring lo mak rouiiiH'lioii with the: main could do ao, A reiiinusiraiiie agalusl the lurther linproM'iiieiil of (Vnlor street front Fifth to Sevelilll aa granted. , Ti e trrasiiror's report was rrlerred to the llnsiii roiiiinlltee. The chief of ilca wa intrm te. lo notify property owner thai er aaae. nieiitf tiiiisl i palj allliiu two week or their property would t sold In act-ordain- with lh provisions of the charter. Tho rei-vrdi'r'e report was trad ai.d filed. The nl lift committee wa Instructed to pros-red lo collect Hi I oil tat al out. An uidinaiii providing for th light ing o Oregon City and authorising eie- I'titltin of an agreemeiil with th rortland tieneral H Irs trie Company therefor, aa read first time and ordered printed. An ordltiani-ti wa lntro.in rl and read drat lime an.) ordered printed autliorli Ing the sale an I tonvet an.e tal lot on In bliN-k "'i and a srttnu of lot eight In block lor a consideration of (.'! Id the Catholic. The Mine ordinam au tliorlre the sale and conveyance of th pioperly formerly mm pled by lh old cement mill lo th I'ortland General Flet-tiic Company lor f.'II Nl. I lifl I'lulun waa eluilo.1 city seilon of lb cemetery. Th street coinmltle we aulboriavd to piircliaae I'.Ylssj ret of lumUr, ahirli 15,lM)Vel la lo U Uaed on th Apperaonrued and l(),tJ0 feel lof lb Urongliton brldgw between Mth ami IS at reel. The street committee tii empower toeitend lh awwrr otillet. l'rorty owner complain that that llier la an ofTenslve islor emenatltig from th out let. Tbe commit! on street and public property waa Instructed lo com -el John II. Walker In lak up '.DO leet of tiles! drain pipe, end leplac lh a in with prowr material. a . ,i . . . , n inyuon to anow toe inerciiania aao cialioll I ho use ol lh city ball Iff meet ing wa oa(. The street committe waa Instructm to remote oUtiin-tnrne on Jatkaon street bettseen Filth and 8Ulh, and build a bridge acroae Jackoon street, The lomtnitleo on fire and water waa inatrtictvd to retit't th water commis sion to p'ac hydrant al the corner of Eleventh and Jackson streets; also al the corner ol Seventh and Adam street r, . ai - - a no lire ami water commute waa authorized to purchase five hydrant I biff of Toilet) Hums waa Inslriu to. to notify all property owner to connect their respective premises with sea era within four weeks. ihe matter of granting a nw (ran I'hlsw to the rortland Cny and Oregon ICailway loiupany came before the conn til. Attorney Minor was nrtment and a. I lreest'd the council, asking that a new Irclght fraihis U granted. Hie finance otnmitiMi rcportml th payment of $1193.31 by thti company being the bal am e due oil the Main street improve. menl. The company heletofore claimed that there waa only about iQ due th city, but the balance I now paid, they accepting the llgures computed by the municipal authorities. The imynuint of this balance gives the trolley company the privilege of running an express car on Main street lor six years longer, the UJ-ynar franchise being conditioned on the payment In full of the Main-street improvement assessment. Councilman C. O. Huntley Introduced the following resolution which was tin an imously carried : "Kesolved that It Is the sentiment of the council that ordinance No. 201. un ler which the rortland City A Oregon Haiiway Company Is now operating an xproHst nr, is in the Judgment of this council fair and etpiable, and that a new ordinance granting irruiiter nrlvil,,,,... win not tie considered." The following hills were ordered paid : nice C I 25 30 uiiks. r . unrns m on it it ti I'.Kl'wW (10 00 0. Ilartmnn in nn Frsnk IhiHch, nails 7 ;q Portland ionerul Electric Co.... 131 25 (i. A. Harding, lamp 40 L. Dickleman, cleaning Main Ht., 40 65 Oregon City Courier-IIerald 4 f,o Oregon City Enterprise 05 7q Acey Iloylun, hiiiiling 3 50 A. 8. Dresser, prosueutor's fee. . . 2 CO tVilnon 4 Cooke, nails,..,., 7150 Hedges & Grllllth, atty'a foes,.!! 25 00 Jos. Itenner, moving city hall,. . , 114 00 Liverpool & London & Globe Ins. Co., premium 71 25 I'-lull nn In, (.V, irctiitiiit I, . Kut'iiiilrii, Inealsal Jail,.,,',' John Urei'it, alrent wuik,, , ( II. Hlralglil, II. II Nliknli, " " Cliaa, Hliuiiiiuia, ' iif ('. W. Voiplnralia, Aiilmr ilbtl, . (. long, (Ire supplies A t,,,.' S, J. Vanillin, team at Mulr flm., A. I', Long, Iman mpatplnr II. II Nlikpla.lelili llinsolHmsn, Ivl Hoik per, spur', iillrw l.lnn K. Imiesj I.lmlsay AH ! Id l . I" ... ' 7125 12 0 &00 71 Too Ift Oil : 3 60 lift a It) 11(1) 41 to 44 ti) 12 SO t; to :u2 umi. I'eiiinleiy,, , vel for walk,. Jobr O i A.- .iJ Ihr ( osrt IIuhss. Over IIM.isklof (be tat., Uj paid, teat Ing f l.'I.KM still to l.clla,,,,. A llrnll In Wi w ile, Tile,),, lo J. t', Campbell, ,1 If, A(i I'aullng, agn. '.'ll, A demurrer Was filed by ,trf snl In lb rase of II. C Ulevem vs. J I Vote Jobnatiii, 11. A. Iieacb, a linlnlatrstor n( i,a , tat nf ( jiiaaia K, Uearh, llx raae.), ,M tiled bl filial aietitllil III th eounly rasjrt and ha been ills, hargixl and bis lai. men eoneiald MiefllTt'ia.k ba --tp.,ned ll, sal. of properly bid In by ('lai-kaiiia routity on account of dellnipietil lain Heptembrf II Th atlitieaiefl is mad bex atise tt an error in n ol aa!. In th ca of Martin (irlswy vi.J, Vor Jolmaon, el al., lb tlefsadiata have (lie.) a demurrer to the pUlnta", rtimptaltil for lb reaa-n thai lU mc '! not stat facia suftl lont la lute a ran of ami against them. Th ratal of Margaret WiIm,, aV t-eae., has laren settled and ihtttiW) and lb adtiilnlstrairli ttlt hrd ui ber bondsmen ei ineraled. Th kelrs a Mary J. I'lrken, Jemima Kirk , Jta Jan 11 1. lie and FlUsbettl Mort.iQsxl receive f 14 '.-I. Ameba (Mii baa commenced still la to nrcull cunt agalns Adam iHiJ ill von e. They wer married lo lloa,, .NovemUr, Jfr;, and Otto doeerted plaiiititT November 2v, Mi ni lo I allow.! to reeum ber U.idca nam of Ashner. In tUeatat of P. W, llowell, th sal of real smUI by AdmlnlatraUaf I'-ruc C. Curry has been confirm! Th prorty I lol 7 ami H lo biutk 119, Oregon City, and puicbaaej by llatti Aa hlory lor who tuurt fay lh aewer aaaeMitienl agalnal th pruje rty and lake (or 1" 0, A lianacrlpt of Judgment (rum lU jtistlc court has lrrn filed lo th county clerk's ufTUo In lhraof Henry lli.U V. V.. S-hu'ierl, lor th rerovef si I0 20 with 10 per tent lntret fiotn lb Ut of not and 1 10 attorney's (e uA I'J US cost and disbursement. The judgment isentered by default. F. C. Huecker bat been aplntej a4- mlnlatrator of the estate of lloaall Ja- cotwoii. ilmwaeed. At lh time u( br loath the deceased wa reel lent of "ante (, Cal., but left an ttt la Clackama county lo th Valu of IA Tbe heirs of lb estate am Julius Jacob u, Italph Jacobann and IMl JroliB, all resident of Cahfurnl. William llloniit, administrator of tii estate of F.llialieth Itlount. dm-nased, hl Iteen dlacharinl and bit bondsmen tl rrated, tbe estate, having Iteen willed. Tho admlnlairator la a brother l Uit luceaaed and I entitled to one-half ol th real estat and cash, amounting to IMOUand I'.') tor bl service. FreJ, Oscar and F.llitahelti Hloiint, children f Kanlrsn I. Illoiint, deceased, brotliof of Klixabeth lllonnt, ilnreaaoil, recelv the it'inaludor of the real estate ami equal portions of the cash or :H.()3 eacb. Ilurke Fvumi (iollty. Juliu Kurke, of rortland, was trleJ Itdore a Jury In th justice court yester day (or cruelty to animals and was con victed and sentenced lo pay a fine of t& t Friday Hnrke seciired a team Iron. Voting's livery stable and drove to Al bnrt Ingall'a place, eight mllna from Mo- lalla corners, In (our hours. The Jl' tutii-e Is 2S miles, One of the a in mil was completely exhausted and still re mains al Ingall's place, as It cannot be driven home. In the absence o( Deputy Olstrlet Attorney CamplMill, Attorney drowned prosecuted the case nti Hudgct and (Jrifllth am Hruce C. Curry represented the defendant. Their Nt crct Is Out. All Radievlllu, Ky was ctirloiii to earn the cause of the vast Improvement In the health o( Mrs. 8. P. Wliltaker, who had for a long time, endured untold suffering from a chronio bronchisl trou ble. "It's all duo to Dr, King ft Discovery," writes her husband. "H completely cured her ami also cured our little grand-daughtor of a severe stuck of Whtxiplng Cough." It posltlvoly cures Couglis, Colds, La Grippe, Uron- chilis, all Thioat ami Lung troubloii. Guaranteed bottles 50ti and $1.01). Trim) bottles free at Geo. A. Harding's 'r"' store. OABTOniA. u Bosr.th, xlls3KlnrJYoilHirslsnriBo Bignttar of t