Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, August 09, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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    "S" a a"- WWpaM .anaa Mm ' i
Orison City lintcrprisc
Now To-Day.
, iiui, r M Apply
lri f ('"") I'111 KuxiMomiil.
ni'imKH .v mum r ii. ifiiii.'M in tt.
vv- i ii rl llullilliig.) h Ui iilioli'Mi
(liy, .iiiiitixii mill cminiry property for
llii price,
M miry in lumi at lnwral raira.
lliiMira (iuirrivn.
ANlm ruNKM'l 'Nr ltV Mr. J,
UI .M'Ici haa nrlnalta rl. mK" ami ha a
Irinl'llnK rry ol caii'li. i i finiii Mini
,.!, ami rriHiiii Iruiu M l Amy Jolniaou'a
(.mi aiy '"i I'mi'l.
i f MU;lirAKtNii-HI..Mk ,V IH....II, II.
I ' itii-l.-rtaknr. Ilnlomil ileu ami
l,ri'U'n 'IVii-liii'"!" '"'I nlM'il ' ')"?
,i M.iM P. Shipper era In gi
tl,i in. .r Ire pe "l Hi railroad,
l inn applle I" " ",,r running "'
I'urtUti'l. Nut only are the free paw
fir, I'Ul egeiila a'e forbidden to olfur
anr uri of rebate or special favor lo
iiidiirin lli routing d I'alllo.
i 10 Ymm . Fred (ierher, ol
laii and Mr. Merleea, ol Mulalla, were
in ii Tty iw-l lo atari
(Ur.l.mil In lewdaye. Mr. MarUa
I ,iiri liawl a ! machine. It
aavi tin K''n rru in and alcinl Molalla
I, Dm tllnlO '
('(,l. I'lIM OVll "A. I.. Jk K
found " " Marq'iam.
Wlillo ! M1" ''" !'""'
formation of I'' containing Ware of
Mr. Jk will obtain eli-efl
,.tiuii "I lil discovery ! w III develop
II, . torn ll lli" rert lnlifl IU
Company A Mn Win Flly it HI'I
Tlm Company A leiim went to Mill-
boro lant Sunday anil defeated a rilno at
that town by score of 12 to 3. Tim
player ami tliitlr position were:
Company A
Ijivinr,,, .
Ili.ili(iii ,,
(J V
i tY
.... 1 II
2 l
3 II
kvn n r iNHiii'iN.
(Niini.atiy A, 0 .'I 0 3 0 n 2 2 2-12
MilUliorn 0 00000 2 1 03
Ciiiir, Kay Cook. Tima of gmne,
Iwu Injur. Alt'inlin , W).
. . ,Jowri
. .HllfM
,, ,,1'urilin
inl MUa Julia Jolumon, ,f 'Jim l'lli;
W. Camy Jiiliiiaon, ol (Jrnuon City J A.
It. Hoot!., of Wl.liiilll
! r .'ll. ol WalU Walla, ami -Ml Calln.r.
Inn Aiiliiirl, of Mooil Ulvwr, iciiiim
Ml. A'lniiiw, rmirlilriK tint miininlt In
viM liiiiira, Itrookn (limrr.inli.il on a
tin .lat In hum anil oiiit lmlf l.oiim,
Aiiku.I iHiil), MiM l.ury May, I'ort
lain! ;tMiiH. I'aiinlv (', ami May lloli
Iiiw.ii, Hilfin j John M. (iarrUon, David
ami Jaiima I'owull ilurlivl to am nml Mt
II'xhI. All ruai'liml llm aiiminll eci-it
Ml" May, Mim Kolilnaon la now Mm.
Mary A. illky, of Dayton, Or.
iMMrMK W. of V, IxituiioN, Ovur
I !) Mini worn In tro-lm ! tu llm iiintr.
Ina ut wiKxIriafl Ut Hatunlay lyt.l and
Hot Una lliuu (J,(M) H.,ln aUmnlml llm
inri'inolili'i, hli h M,.r witliotit faial
ll In llm li!liry of Iitriial tun ret or
KaiilntioiiK, A Urtfn ilii.(tloii nt
Iroin (iioKKii flty i-arly Hatua'iny tuorif
IfllJ .... M.o'lul MI..I k.l...M ..M.i.u
Iroui all pan, of Orrtf.111 ami W..l,ii.- TU W '"" ot '"n L
ton. Intlmmo,,,,..,, a ball ...... .a '"""... with lU Orrvala Ht.r. at
lla,.l .,,.1 at ,, . U,b:.,. w.a )t.I. laul HniLlay. Il aa hot Kue
.rv. I H. ...,n.w,i Mayor lt,w" from ata.t to fl.il.l, ami I...I not I m
-i ., u . i WitUuinUi trnim lHun ljriIiratil by
mi iaj if VSMII"I III) ' I'Mt'IH"! l
(ir ..,MM., Dm BMM.i..l.l.lio. C.iy '' ''' "" "P
Atlortmy I-oiik .,, o fralurn.l aul- . Iifohrn u,uil,, U,. ,rt,ull would
U i. (?.......! liw,. K. Iiiv" pro..bly b.M-0 .l.frmmil. Urn a.:ore
t. - .-.i - .11..1 Wloa:
)iVWIIIIfl w.lll .MT.i.iH... m i u u m u t
ii. ii.. . .i-i i.i..- .i 1!I57
iihiiiuii'i aiu'i hi mini i..aiiiw".i . .
. , ,, ,, W Unirtlra 140 0 002007
lila oik In Imlialf ol llm or.li r. In tli . i .
ynlnH l.m Initial,.,,, Wk ami (,"' hl" "vi"? u V, ,
oilier. errlt,l lor tlm ,-..r, of' I'- on U.I.. C.liir. 1 Micl.ala 1.
, , .. .i i- in I. 'Mil by I'Hilii-r, Mnhal. To laa Itila,
OKi.lu. Iiiu Ilia cri,,tiliina. I. Ulila, I ' ' . ' ... ...
. . .. ........ ........ K Califf. Itov an. 2. Kai.n, ylimmitT,
imra oi iiiaiiiaun r anauaui p. axiiT-. - - . .. ,, i
. . . . . ... f. 'Hi-uan. Three liana lula. N-uan. Home
Uhl tler Ol --luoiuauii rainii. timi
lintimliiii n-ri-iiioiiira laalml until an parly
hour huii.Uy morning.
Furnlnlifd Kri-ry Hk by Ihn Clark.
mu AliKtrm t A Tront Co npiny.
J i;K'ifi to A Htanton W) x:r
In i,ca 21,21 mi'l 2'1, tfii, r 1 w
A Hlanton to J Kagon 100 a, in
im-c 2.!, 2lml W, t Oi, rl w
I. Frt-y t-j C I HtumliuKitrZ.1 c aec
2,t5, r2
M M'Ui'lrlck to N Htrulihan 11 wn
in aw of iwc II, fi,1, aca in Dacon
claiiu ami lota 1,2 ami 3 x:'il 2
rra in im-c 7, 1 5 . r 1
W IS Hanfonl to F A Kly loi 9 ami
10, in blk 2, Went (ilailnlone
J I) Mynra to M Kroll nw of ne & ,
lota 1 ami 2w 2, 1 4 r 2 uml
loU 1 ami 2, in fie l'i, (3 i, r 2
e, lota 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, in blk 1
I'rf-utm'i a'U
150 ! a
2000 ' M
V. M loii(ly to K T lAfiKly 6 or;
In claim 4!l, t 2 a, r2e... 5
M LnUtiriimn W H (uaf 2') fi in
tli Thoniai Hoaa claim, tfl a, r 1
C W Noblitt lo 51 Fortune lot 3,
hk 34, ami of lot 1, twe 33, t
4 , r li
W 1' Ki-a-ly to C K Mory Intr
ral r)i of D ami of
w of lm a5: 24, except 5 at-rea In
1 1 a, r 2 e
I F Mon-y to C E Morry aanin aa
A II Manna toL V McCormark
ne of m of ee 11, t 3 a, r 1 w. . . .
C A Mnn to K l inn, 1 acre in
U'm worth claim t 2 a, r 2 e.
irutiiiaiiiK aa umial, oil arcounl ol dry
nallinr. Tim grain harm! i wull ad-
;itil l'.iBfill'. I'. N. tiriww '(Vanru, bill llirnliili ill lb" WlMi
n.aii. Ili I'l 'iiwi iiirnian, rlbratnl ! awliuiia bu Uol ynl b ouo npimral, al
Int 7i)(li l irtbilay Tuply a4 rlvpl jlliouub at-ll b jiin l of tlm Cac'l
c.Hflii'lion of lil fnrmU. Mr. ' luuiiiiUlii. llm follow iiig llirbliig
.;,-..,, n I bal an.) Imaily an l !. yiM bav Upii r-oortiJ : Wailunuton
n .( Ii ll aiaranr of a man w bo 1 equity, w brat, i".' bu.hela ; oat 23 bub
run, KiKan. Htnn k out, by CalifT, B;
Mirbal, 7. I'tni'lN', V. tirabam. Tium
nl .iiih. niia liniir ainl 'JO luinutt;.
Caul, kkfukt. Ilia ihoiiJ Clou of
dov in h. tt UUui.t valley la nol a J Tim ...... arl..ila.1 for
I . a I .. A I It'll I . M .
Ul IS, iM-lwpi'n lomany i aim i hibi
llfl la rxritlnu mticli comment and tbe
boy fmm tbe Jarr mill aie giving
ll.. ir iiln nmr 1 1 riicouraili'iiiHiil. It ia
! irw. llm tin .ore amltnil mark.
II. piaiilbl an nt-rpia builrirte In
tl.ii nly In
A i')'A liu A. J. 1111 broiibl
I..I lurtion Pligilie In f'"l Mu'all lt
nkaiil will commence thrrthlng at
n,-i, running a marbine Ibrongb tbe
M-.win. Mo will etart at Itwllaml and
fr..m ll.pre will work Mlgbtand. li ky
I'ralne and olbrr ila.r. Cr' '
l.x king giMnl in tbal tin and Indira
turn (Hiint lo a run ( .1 day.
el. Yamliill v'OUlily, Wheat, 'ii bnUrU;
oaU 30. I.iixi county, whoat, 12 to 30
buhol; wliiur oat. 20 bu.lu-U; and
one acre ol bar ly thfinbid 75 buabela.
l)iigla county, wlinai, fl to 30 butlirla;
o (a 40. Ji oU county, wbe4l 12
bubel : oi. Ift ; baili-y . 2 Jippbine
rrrUln tbat In Calill tbe Uiaiii ba a
wombuftil iillclifr, connidering bl age
and lniM-rime and tbe (jprvaia Htara
would nrvcr bave won Hunday'a uame II
Caliiraarm bad not givi-n oui. They
nevrr got on tbe acore card until tbe
tilth Inning.
New wlinola to
Jobuaon Lamb,
rent. I'rlcee rlgbl,
1 ley, aj. Wanco county, wheal, 30 lo f)
btialml. Mirrmail county, Volunteer
wheat, 12 10 20 buiheli; fall wbeal, li to
24. I'matilla cotiniy, wheat, ii to 40
buaficl. and uute livid bave threaded
CoHtaT Awaai'Ui The board of j,;, l,uabel; aplilig barley, 40 buobel.
water cuiunilaintier Ilea awardixl the J inj . Urley, Irom 40 to 70 ;o', about
n.nlrai-1 lor iravatihi( for tbe found-. m ai.iuiil wheal, (loin 1H to 20. The
Jamr White. liryantavill; Ind., iaya
counly.whcal, 14 bu.bel ; oata. 23 i Ur-! DeWitl'i Wild. Ilael Kalve healed run
, 1
faleven'w llallillng, Opp. Oregon f'lly llnnk.
MiMH:' airl Boys' Heavy DIack IIoho 0c pair
Mcn'i Iialbriggan Underwear 2oC
CliiMren'i Handkerchk-frt, Colored Kordf.ru 3c
Men's and Boys Working Gloves 2'k
Our "New Niagara" Water 8;ts with long tray C9c set
Hoyt'u Spring Clothes Pinx, 3 dozen in box 14c box
Tanglefoot filieky Fly raier, G olieetn for oc
Largo Brown Cotton Towels 10c
Men' Purses Chamois lined .'. . . 9c
Ladies' White Sailor Hats . . ,
UJCWymertoJ K fibaver ni of
n'4' and ae of nw, aw of ne, sec
8,t7a, r3e
TKU8T CO. are the ownera of tbe copy
right to the Tborne ayatem of abtra.1
indexet, for Clackarnaa county, and Lava
the only complete net ol abtlratta in tbe
County, can fumiidi inlormation aa to
title to land at once, on application.
Loan, InveatinenUi.real eatate, abstract
etc. Olllce over I'.ank of Oregon City.
Call and Inventigate. Addreaa box 37.
Chamber tain'a Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhea Remedy haa a world wide reputa
tion for il cure. It never fail and i
pleaaant and safe to take, tot (ale by
J. A. Harding, Druggie.
Alouude.l the Editor.
Editor 8. A, l'.rown. of Benntttaville,
ning aor.-. on both b g. lie autTnred ix f. C, waa once Immenaely aurpriatsl.
yem. DurtorafailrJtolielp bim. (iel " Through long .uiienng irom i-y.oep-
IwWIi -A..,.! ha Imitation. Geo. I U, he wrli. my ue waa grea.ij
Johnson Bros.' EngliHh Semi-Porcelain, Cups and Saucers 59c set (j
" " " 7 inch PlaU..,.20c " A
u u a . 8 u " ....39c "
" 9 ' 40c "
a u u ,0 '....oOc "
Great reduction in Men's and Boys' Summer Hats.
. a t . f
Leaders n Advance ttyies ana low rnces uj
Letter l.Ut.
tiu ol tlm imw filter Iioumi to r..
N.h. Ill bid waa 24 cent for earth
and .13 rente for lo fw-k. Tne exca
vating will 1 completed In almtit 10
'a. II. II. WUbart I anperlntendllig
tlm work for tbe cuiiiniiion.
Nk CatiMUC IlnuiM a. liev.
Faiber A. Illllebrand, wawttr of Ht.
r,..,n... whl, b wlllW.-tuatod Mween : "V"'' 7" " ' "
Ihechuich and the ..ater.' bou.". Arch-. '-"'-b t . I I'"
b, .,p fbil.,1" ha au.borued the ." .-ompUmt. o bl-j .1.
... ,.. I Pa.turaifn a iretiiug HKir, and there u a
c. ti.iiu.iii.n, wbl.b will comm-nre 1 1 ,h , L ., 1. re.
.1 1 . 1 ....in.it,..,a .ra'al gbl ahrlnkago In the mil upply re
a.K,n a. the plan, and ., e. Iflratlona are It
.Ir.wunp. The new rcldence will ,,.-' ....;...., ...-...!
Colonial in tyle and conlaln len rnoma,
wheal croo In I' Uiatlll county la turn-
Ing oit tliucli better than expected and
the grading will be gd. bome lice are
rrported in the bop ) rda, bul they are
nol cauaing any flamage ol cuimeiuenc
and Hi weather la unfavorable for Ihe
epread of llil x t, and the hop outlook
couiinura favorabl". Corn I making
goitd nogreia and early ttoultea are 111
an I tlm coat will U aUit 2.000.
MvaMVnic. tintty Camp, No.
Mn, Woodmen ol the World, will give a
grand liarvot picnic at handy, on Aug"
ut 21. l'JOl, in F. A. Meliilg'a I'ark.
The Aima band will furniali mnlc and
tlieia will be aongaand recitation by
local talent liicludlng vocal mimic by a
gli-e dub from Aim. Senator Uro. C.
Ilrowunll, id tbla city, will deliver an
oration and thmr will l" dancing duiing
the day and In the evening.
Kiiht AacKNT or Mt. Adams. Atlor-iii-v
W. Carey Jolu.aon, of thi Ity. h
tlm diatlnctlon of being a iiiemlier of the
flrnt party to make the aacent of Mt.
Adiitna. Ilwaa Augnat 0, 1W17, when
f-aimuil L. llrooka, Malcolm A. Moody
The weather ha been lavorable lor Irnil,
which la making g-od advancement.
Tamo blackberrte are plenlilul, and
plum. eatlie and early apple are In
the market. Ueckemee county weatlier
hita been very, dry and warm. (Jrain ia
ripening faul and early wheat will be
liarveated liexl wwk; the wheat crop i
good and oat prontne an abundant
yield. The gtain aphis baa again ap
Mared and on Ihe grain ; the hop Kunw
ia here, and upraj Ing will commence, lm
medlaU'ly. The vegetable crop la gooil.
I'otatoea will vleld an linmeniie crop.
The fruit crop la very poor; apple and
prune will be only half a crop.
BM Ihe lUd you Han k:m BJ15I
The lollowimr la lb ltt of lettera re-
I maining in Ibe pmtoin.- at Oregon City,
j Ore , on Augoat S'h.rwi:
woMtiK'a i.inr.
I'.aldwln Cora Mi Tracy Mr
lUgrey M Mia Thoiiipon L Mr
I'aiker Kate Mra Tluui.paon A S Mr
r-urlace Wyoiia Mix Wilkeraon A Mim
ukm'i LIOT.
Cox I. H Heater Oacar
! ailow (ieo Old Frank
Flu b Y. L liicharda J N
Frita tieo Taylor Everett
Froat Oliver Wi'lliama F
Foater Wm C Wilmiii Win A
Young Cah
Catarrh Cannot be Cored
cannot reach Ibe aeal of the diwaae.
Catarrh I a blood or constitutional dis
rart, and In order to cure it you niunt
take internal remediea. Mall'a Catarrh
Cure ia taken Internally and acta directly
on the blood and niacoua surface.
Mati'a Catarrh Cure is not a quick nuli
cine. It waa pieaciilHfd by one of the
beat ibyiciaiia In thi country for years,
and i a regular prescription. It la com
poaeJ of the beat tonics known, com
bined with the beat blood ptiriflere, act
ing directly on the mucous surface.
The perfect combination of the two In
gredient la w hat produce ucb wonder
Ml result In curing- Catarrh. Semi for
tetimonial free.
F. J. CM F.N EY k CO.. Props., Toledo. 0.
Sold by druggists, price 75c
Mall'a Family Pills are the best.
run down. Hie had no strength or vigor
and auffered great distreas from her stom
ach, but Mm tried Electric Bitters which
heliied ber at once, and, after uing four
bottle, aim ia entirely well, can eat any
thing. It's grand tonic, and it gentle
laxative qualiiieare tplendid for torpid
liver." For Indigestion, Loe of Appe
ite, Stomach and Liver troublea It's a
poeiiive, guaranteed cure. Only 50c at
tieo. A. MaidingV
TourMand ramlly Exrnmlona to tbe
On lU day of every week the Rio
Grande Western Railway, In connection
with the Denver k Rio Grande or Colo
rado Midland, oerates a personally con
ducted excurion to Denver, Omaha,
Chicago, St. Loui and Boston. The
route includes a sHmpe of quaint and
picturesiiue Salt Lake City the city of
the Saints Glenwood Springs, Leadville,
Colorado Springs and Denver and carries
the passenger through the most magniti-
cent scenery In tne Uocky Mountains.
Cool and Interwting ride. Each excur
sion is In chargo of a competent, uni
formed guide w hose business is to look
alter the comfort of his guests. No more
pleasant and inexpensive means of cross
ing the continent can be found than la
provided by these excursions. For addi
tional details, bookings, etc., Inquire of
J. D. Mansfield, General Agent, 12J A.
Third St , Portland, or Geo. V. Meintx,
General rassenger Agent, Salt Lake City.
If not why don't you atop paying rent and apply
the money towards the purchase of a home? A
first class opportunity Is now open to you In
the proposition that the WILLAMETTE FALLS COM
PANY Is making to sell small tracts of its land
near the town of Willamette Falls on such reason
able terms that a person with a very small in
come may become a home builder. These tracts'
vary in size from two and one-half acres up, all
good level land and first class soil suitable
for cultivation. On one of these tracts you
can have a small orchard and also raise all the
vegetables and small fruits that a family can
use, and with the addition of a cow and chickens,
a large part of your living can be made on the
place. There is a good school in Willamette
Falls and your children will have excellent
educational facilities. Easy access is had with
with cheap fare and cars are run to accomodate
the mill hands.
Why not get out of town and give your
children breathing and play room and thus in
sure their good health? Dont you think that you
would feel more independent and contented if you
owned your home than you do when living in a
rented place? If you are interested in this
matter apply to C. A. Miller at WILLAMETTE FALLS
RAILWAY STATION, West side for full particulars.
. - -- - - ' !
T&g. -t 'fr
i , (KOBAK8 M- 1 I !
! I I I , ...
iff; -w- u
It isn't a
if it isn't
Arc superior to other instruments because they are light and
compact, can be loaded in daylight, have a perfect shutter and
view finder, and are universal in focus. & x & &
Kodaks arc made in all sizes. Prizes from $1.00 to $35.00, less
20 per cent. j
We have a complete stock of them together with all kinds of
Kodak supplies.
BURMEISTER & ANDRESEN, The Oregon City Jewelers.
the only
4 ,
'I i