V OREGON CITY ENTKKMISK, Fit I DAY, AUGUST 1001 Oregon City Enterprise. ( it; and loutily Olllclal lMprr. and they not only want it nil but want it now ilhout delay. Published Kvery Frldny. L. L. POKrKK, r.m.T.). UHCHIIvrU)N IUTKS, Oneyrar J 00 Oil month 1 00 Tr:l subscription two month 2.1 A diwHiunl ol .V) mill pn all lubar-nptloni for on rear, vein (or u montlis, if pai.i in advance. Advancing rte give n on application. i Tim great outdoor meeting of the Woodmen of the Worlil at Portland last faiur.lay in nidi over B500 candidate were initiated in that order show tlio great interest Unit Is taken in f ratornitl orders that look toward t caw of the iirk anil ilout of tlice order. If rightly Farms and Fanning. X A. W, Cook, a native nun, engaged In mixed tanning near Diiicus, lint administered they am no doubt of great herd of nine um.li Jercy row, all (rood r'alllll III ( III! kUIIIMH. IVInc Ka-tnr Bnhvrihem will flnA th dat of expira tion stamped on their part following their name. II thin da I ti nut changed within two week after a pavment, kindly notify ui and we mil look after it. N'nolit to the mcmtei. Many a Hkr man and w Mow would have Imhmi w itliotit resource lint for tlmt received from these organiitatioii. tnirr producer. Mr, Cok ia one of tli director of the Cooperative Cream ery Association, lately organised, an. I In ) triUnl euatomer. on Mr. Scott's large dairy farm at Mil w.vikte, an. I fiirnlli a part of I'urtluu l a milk supply . Foilycowa aie kept on Martin' Wand, oppoaile Martill' bluff, above Kalaitt. Tlie island contain K'i acre, all of which, ex.ept A acre, bo I.uum to Mr. Scott, The cream of the milk frmn the Idand lu-i.l l g.iea In Mr. S.'oll tin been Kiitrd at th poaloilio In Oregon City, Or., a second clas matter. 9KTS roR THE IXTKKl'KlaK. Beaver Creek.. Can by Clackamas Milwankie Union Mill... Meadow 11 rook. New Era Wllsonvills . ... Park place. Stafford Mnlino Carna Molalla Mariuaru Bntlevills Aurora , Kade Creek.... lamaru Sandy Currinsvill ili'tuot ...t'r. T. ft. Thomaj K. I. Sias A Mai her Oscar iincer O. J.TriillinRer Chan. Huliiian ....W. S. Newhernr Henrr Milejr K. O. iloliurt J.O (iake Q.I. Howar.1 K. XI. Cttoper Annie Stubbi .....J. Maninani , B. Jenninm ... Henre A. Hnyiler H. WilKern J. C. Klliott V Ci.vtj h t'.eo. J. t'nrrtn Adolph A'hoff It ia auKI that the aluvniakera of Vi enna w ill retort to forra to prevent the openiiK of alio lioii!ea in that city American hoea are KI cheaper titan tliey are inn.lt' in tliat rity. Tim policy of putliini; Anierican u.Hhli into loreitcn markets will c'inj;o many of the aven ue of tra.leam! make commercial war if not actual war. . Till fteel trust baa decided to fiht the striker to a tinisli is the report sent out, That it will tie a har.l ti;lit nooneJoubla anj oue in which the sympathy of th j people will be atcainst the trut do mat er what the merit are, a the American people relieve the a-reation cf capital is not for the bet interest of the country. to Infill active neratioii the conilnit fall at the oKl hatchery on the t'lackama. Mr. CiH.k i run. I iirviHor of roa.l (11. trie! No. ;!, nt'liiilinn Pamaacua pre'inct, anl ha In'en acting In thi capacity for the pt ten year, ami i iloinn excellent roa.lwork. A Ion stretch ol ra. be tween lUmascii an. I the ura.le ewnl of Koi k Creek bruise ia well j;ra.lel, ami Ihmii plankej an.l u'alo.l, ati.l Klore the tuuiuier i pant the Clackamas liot toin roa.l eaot of the station will lie well k-ravele.l. Mr. Cook 'a father. V. W. Cook, was a pionwr of '5;', anJ the lol- lo ni year took donation Ian J claim near tniacu. E. Telhill. a native of West I.ilierty, Ia., i in mixed farming on a liX) acre farm near I'ainavu. His plan to rid land of French sorrel is to plant plow contimiouxly oiir In the mi!k ImiIi;i (linn any oilier lUliyuian The stink nmnl in his dairy biixinc li inoatly !aie ihoithoriis, of hii h he ha for many Vear U'Cll breedilii; for beat milk train. Mr, Sxill ha inall, but tine, II.N'k of Cotild and Iiitt sheei The rnrnMit K'u hi 0'ie C t'Wold and two rrw brevl ear had triplet each, and lt eaon one IVrnet eae had tripioia. inn ihjibi are line, irko sheen, and lery prohllc, uaually priKluc iiiitlaiiia Mr. Scott aya tit IViiwl lamb outgrow all otliera, the beat one . Increaitii a pound a day, lie has a wonderfully Hue Voikhire boar, a year old May Kth, weighing- ."iX hiuu.U. lie j has 17 Yorkahirrs, little ami big Mr, j I S-olt's son, liilbert, ha some Very tin poultry, anions the lot I) pulli-t and curn as KrWU soiuntf crop, ami tow the ,rr cockerel of I'.xon and Chipman cm fallow with winter wheat, and after ,.,,, .d a penol It. I'. Itocks. lawn's the next tram harve.t, as won aa the L,tH.k, ,u0 ,itia yilll, ltlH.k ,j( i,,, ttrouna is in comicion. to plow under the breeds.-lViflc Karu.er stuhtile and pasture well with sheen mm: ia u ANOTHI R HRT.tMiM RKITTEII. A covpakison of the treasury tate ments of money in circulation in the years IS1 C and l'.X)l shows what baa taken place. In gold coin there has been an increase of more than f 164,000.000; in jrold certificates, nearly fC12.500.OH); in silver dollars, nearly $15,000,000; in subsidiary silver, more than fJO.OOO.OV; in silver certificates, nearly $;4.0il,000; in United States notes, 1 102.500,000. In addition to theoe, the act of March, l'.KX), extending national-bank orgnirjtion, Las added a volume of more than fl.7, ti,000 in bank-notes. There was some decrease in treasury notes and in cur rency certificates, but the totals of the statements show a net increase of over t45,000,000 in the circulating money of the country, or an increase of nearly 42 per cent. Relatively to the population, the per capita circulation is now $iS.18, as against (21.43 in 1S90. All of this is equivalent to doubling the volume of currency in about twelve years. The results are also w jrth noting. Prices have materially advanced botb for commodities and for labor, and money ia cheaper. An era of speculation, j such as always accompanies financial Potii the fruit crop and jiniin are bet ter than for some year in Oregon while the present prosper! is that a failure or . .1. .1 . 1 ... .... . i lire i.iri uierv win i a nri crop either Itirnetl under or tlrM crop cut Uirotixti the .Mississippi valley. Una means better prices and a larger harvest for Oregon. Kastern inquiries are now being nude for Oregon dried fruit. Ttl life of the Dowager Fm press Fred erick, mother of Fmieror William and a daughter of (jueen Victoria, ha drawn to a close. 8he has exen-ised consider able influence in her adopted country although her noted son has little sym pathy for anything Enulich. The annual apportionment of the pro ceeds of the ir'educib'e common school fund has been made. Clackamas county receives f.t,2J5 64 and 7,5;2 pupils are registered. Only three other couuties in this state rank these figures. We are getting a practical illustration of the trust in that just farmed by the s tlmon canneries. After the run that has Uka place in the Columbia this year the trust will want this catch also. during the fall and winter, plowing and cultivating well again In the spring, and sow lo oats and clover. And the follow ingspiing the rank clover growth is for ! hay, and the late fall crop turned under and put iu grain either In the (all or fol losing siring, and not ternitting the land to remain in grae longer than one year at a time, that destroying the sorrel, and not permitting it to get a start, Mr. W. says that not many farmer cultivate vetcliet, aa they are liable to prove est more or les, especially w hen mixing In with wheat crop, the diameter of the seed being much the Sixe of the wheat grain It Is dilhcull lo fparate them. He says vetches are all right on a place where one does not care to raise milling w heat. Mrs. W. has some line Plymouth Kocks of 1'lvoti's strain. F. J. Poring and brother started a skimming sUtion a mile or to east of laiuacua April 4th, but are not receiv ing the patronage that they deaerve or that was promised them, the milk re ceived amounting to only a few hundred pounds daily. For May, with the low l ane county will have more wheat this year than ever before, and no decrease is expected in the number of gun accidents. price of butter, they paid 14', cents for Teacher's Examination. Notice ia hereby given that the county sunerintemlent nf flai-kamaa n.nm milt ernanainn Kaa aut in tttnn.it, m-.tl, l,.a ! . . . . J -r , 1COO . . , ,.,,;..; i ......... , of apprehension than would be felt if it were based on free silver or fiat money. Another claim of Bryaniem has been re futed. It was claimed that the shortage of money facilitated the gathering of capital in a few hands and the ultimate control of money by a syndicate. On the contrary, we find our inflated period more prolific of trusts and concentrated capital than any period of depression conld possibly have been. Commercial and industrial benefits from the change need not be enlarged upon. Politically it has been demonstrated that the gold standard ie not a foe of prosperity and lree silver its only friend. Democrats are dropping the money issue, and even populists intimate that they will re-or ganize a party oi tneir own with no money clause in the platform. The reasons are apparent, when it is considered that if the Bryanites could have opened the mints to free silver In 1890, and operated them day and night, they could not have increased the circu lating medium as it has been swollen in the past five years. Populists might Lave printed as much or more of irre deemable paper in an equal time, but not one of them would have been bold enough to propose such a rapid inflation ot the currency as has actually taken place. Taa scheme of enlarging foreBt reserves bo as to take iu large amounts of railroad and other corporation land and then let the corporations select in place of these lands others of much more value seems to have raised the suspicion that the cor poration interest was the chief matter being looked after. The corporations will oteal enough at best. Tbey need no help but the great forests of the coast must be protected and protected now if the government is to do its duty. Greed is after the lumber as well as the salmon and other natural resources of wealth ppli- cants for state and county papers at the court hom, Oregon City, Oregon, as follows : FOB STATE fAI'SKS. Commencing Wednesday, August 14, at nine o'clock a. m. and continuing until Saturday, August 17, at four o'clock. ednesday Penmanship, history, spelling, algebra, reading, school law. Thursday Written arithmetic, theory of teaching, giammar, bookkeeping, physics, civil government. Priday Physiology, geography, men tai arithmetic, composition, physical geography. Saturday Botany, plane geometry general history, English literature. phychology. POB COL'XTV PATERS. Commencing Wednesday, AngustlJ at nine o clock a. sn. and continuing until Friday, August 10, at four o'clock FIKHT, SECOND A.NIJ TlllhD GRADE. Wednesday Penmanship, history, or thography, reading. Thursday Written arithmetic, theory o( teaching, grammar school law. Friday Geography, mental arith metic, physiology, civil goveynraent. PRIMARY CERTIFICATES. Wednesday Penmanship, orthogra phy, reading. Thursday Art of questioning, theory of teaching, methods. Friday Arithmetic, physiology. J. C. Zinbek, Superintendent of Schools Oregon City, July 2'J, 1001. butter fat, the market price for butter at that time being 17,'i cent. Their father, Joseph Boring, still living near Iarna cus, was a pioneer of '62 from Illinois. J. A. Wilson, a native of Crawford county, III., and 20 years on a quarter section of slightly sloping upland of clay loam east of Damascus, is in mixed farm ing. Early in June he was caught in the act of doing something very much condemned by Some agricultural writers, but very much praised by .thers, and that was summer (allowing Lis land, in doing which he was plowing under a spring crop of growiug clover to help fertilize hi land. After plowing, came harrowing with drag and disc harros to put ground in tilth and kill wee! growth, and in September wheat sowing will follow. In the several acres of orchard on the place there are not many apples, except Baldwins and Northern Spy, which show full crop, also good crop of I cherries. (iard'D pot of the M ot Id. The lug farm in ih Willamette valley are rapidly being divided and .ld oil in small t.a. t. a immigration fioiu the Kaitrrt itatea int reaaea, flip result i that the land I being more i arefully cul tivated and i yielding a greater ipiant ty at d varirtv of product i-aeli yar. The looae and crele method of farming that prevailed for year in the valley i , rapidlv tM-oiining a thing if the pt. Large tracts ul land that formerly affor ded a living to but one family are now yielding rn r.jo:ly good living to a !,,!( doieo fatnilie, ami me era nf diveraillt-d and intensified farming ! only in ita be ginning. The Willamette valley 1 with out doubt the ttioat favored h,1 on the lace ol the earth. It h the oil, the climate, in fai l evi-ry advantage that na ture can le-stow to uiaka it a foud-prihluc-ing country, and the day i not far .lift ant wlivn it will be the home of a million -np and the garden siHit of the world Polk County Observer. AMk'rltl'lorfi'j'flr.ilioitr.'rAH-slmll.iiimJilH'KtHl.iiKiKociila-ling Hto Mt'uvutct ami 1 VmvU ttf rromoK'H Ui&'lliMiCUvrfiil nrM nml llt'M iVnt.ilm ivlilrr lltiiiii.Miutuiu nor Mtiu'f.il. Mot Nahcotiu. ono. I ll w oniA AH i HHtutrroat Aprrfcil lli-iut'dy forron,li,wi Hun , So ur S lonttf h. I li.tt rU i j UiriiLi.( oitvMNaiitH.K'svmh 1 nrMfliM I.ntor Sum'. facSueiltf Sitfrutlur of nkw'mihk. For Infunti mid Chlldrrn The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars tho Sigiiaturo l II ! A fa yi.a.,M an . II 1 II a II w III r-LA.. i nit i li r i ii 5 IW USB fJr For Over Thirty Years ., - ji GASTOBId . aaaf. mt m ana. ( ret It ut ( 11 nil l. W.J. Mg.Kn, who ha the I.gk'n b-rry. wants it ondert.K that ha ha not claimed and doe not claim develop ment of Ihe berry, ay the Oregonian. lie ha been experimenting with it, he says, for the past ten year, on hi place, on Gravel Hill, and has alwav recog uiaed that it Is a very valuable fruit. Mr. M agoon say that the origin of ihn berry is somew hat in doubt. Friend ay that Judge fjgan, of Calilornla, devel 0d it. ami Oilier ay the credit belong to Mr. Fairbanks. Mr Magoon will write Judge Ivgan and endeavor to trace the originator. IU ha found that a seedling of (he berry does not succeed, ami that Instead of going forward, it will run backward and depreciate. for GENERAL PRESENTS for EVERY DAY USE The JLamp of Steady Habits I " wop .... un i nni up t attw-aa, of r..a im "S. i Km un.p Iil ...aa r-.. aLa) .: via V'-ai) The New Rocbcotcr. fMln-f Um Kvav m iftr-t yt aa " twt aa ) " If, anai l. a ,. ,.,,, ,.,( f r tmi g-m.U 4. H. wit ,a )a , ;,Crr. 1 Itaa air anii j-n u t,na K 4 Xa I 'mt v u i a.f r uii baa U. iiu arw-iina ) OM J.MItipat Mmlo Now. "ran nU tnmty a at. I .s.in.aOrr u.tix.r yxni Waul a brm Umii na (,,.. an .41 a Iriailkl nl. kl-l. a a avutl .4 .ivrf iiwaka ui Un.p liu.l'4. W.( - a nf-w Kocrteatvr a. l "a .- i ai ii s m ina iraanaaaai af aiaaaaaa V . 1 lap. Cantullallua I kl I:. -av a-J THE ROCHESTER LIMP HO., as r..t ri.r. a u i , i.,.. r iV.y,' j wrvrTT- t J .MnsaKlH A Core For Cholera Infantum. "Last May," says Mrs. Curtis Baker, of Bookwalter, Ohio, "an infant child of our neighbor's was suffering from chol era infantum. The doctor had given up all hopes of recovery. I took a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhea Remedy to the house, telling them I felt sure it would do good if used accor ding to directions. In two days' time the child had fully recovered, and is now (nearly a year since) a vigorous, healthy girl. I have recommended this Eemedy frequently and have never known it to fail in any single instance." For sale by U. A. Harding, Druggist. Tiie Year's Straw berrln. II. F. Davidson, of the Davidson Fruit Company, and (i. J. Gesnling, secretary ot the Hood Iiiver Fruitgrowers' Union have ftirninhed the following tacts rela tive to the l'jOl strawberry crop: "These two shipping concerns this year shipped 3'.X)0 crates of the 40,000 crates of strawberries shipped from Hood Kiver, or four-fifths of the entire crop, They shipped 33 straight carloads undur refrigeration, and between 15 and 20 cars by express, or about 50 cars all told. The cash returns to the growers for their 40,- OW crates amounted to about Iftf.OOO A deduction of $2.0.000 for cost of picking ana crates leaves the groweri about tfiO, 000 above all expenses. The entire acre age in strawberries in Hood Kiver Val ley ana White Salmon is about 330. which would make the average net to the groweri above all expenses some thing over $150 pr acre. The output of Hood River strawber ries should be gradually Increased until we have three or four times as many as we have now. The markets are taking more each year than they did the pre vious season, and there will be no trouble about the markets Increasing with the production. There was no market this year that got all it asked for. Both the Fruitgrowers' Union and the Davidson Fruit Company made several sales of strawberries for shipment to the Klon dike country, and the berriei were re ported as arriving there in good condi- tion, and selling at 5 per pound box." Mr. Scott's Big Farm. Richard Scott, the veteran dairyman of Milwaukie, and 27 years In the busi ness, has 100 head of very choice milch cows, mostly Shorthorns and grades, and has one of the best dairy herds In the country. Sixty head of cows are kent - Strange Things In a Funny Vrln. A Salem girl named Jeie wa ent to a famous eantern school ami alter a year'a time wrote to her dad. Signing "Jessica." In reply the old man wrote : "Dear Jessica: Your welcome h-tter re ceived. Mammica and papaica are well. Aunt Maryica and (ieorgeh-a started for California yesterday. I have bought a new horseica. It is a beautna. It name ia Monica. Your brother Tomii a is doing finely, and the hired giriica is a peacuica." In raara of rniigb or croup give the In tie one One M inula Cough Cum., Then real raay and have no frar. The rhiM will U-all right lii litiU) while. It never faita. I'leaa.nt to take, ly fe, sure and almost Itiatantaneou In fifed, (inn, Harding. A Fen i'ointera. The recent itatialics of the niimUr of death show that a large majority die with coniinpi.,ii. T,, diwaau may Commence with an apparently harm!.-. cough which can I cured distantly by Kemp's Balaam for the Throat and Lung, which I guarantied to rum and I I a a relieve an can.-. Trice 2'.o and For rale by all druggiata. fx-. The father of a 17 year old young lady, in town this week, told the following story on a young man who sloptied at bis home one night lutulv. Tho young nmn called on his daughter lo spend the even ing, and when he got ready to leave he realized that a heavy rain storm was raging. Ue had no umbrella or rubber coat and when the girl's father asked him to remain at the house ho readily consented. He is a very bashful young man, and next morning when he was In vited to a seat at the table very reluct antly accepted. He was very nervous and agitated. He sat opposite a mirror and discovered that he had forgotten to comb his Lair; then he dropped his fork on the floor and as he stooped to pick it up, he upset his coffee. Mutters went from bad to worse until finally In despair the young man quit eating and put his hands under the table. The loose of the table cloth was lying in his lap, and when he touched it he turned pale. He thought it was his shirt, and in his ner vous excitemknt had forgotten to put the garment inside his trousers. That ac counted for the smiles and his embarass- ment. There was no time to lose. He hurriedly stuffed the supposed shirt In side his trousers. Two minutes later. when the family arose there was a crash. The dishes lay in a broken mass on the floor; the young man pulled two feet of table cloth out of hia trousers and fled through (he door. He is yet in the woods back of his home near Damascus. The young lady lie called on ii open for engagement to a less nervous young man. Why nt apetid the vacation at Yaqmna Bay, where can U had ex cellent fare, g.K,d llablng, g.n. boating, sale bathing, alluring rtd and ramble. The coure and exereUe at the sum. titer school, of 1'toi, at NVwiM.rt, will lfor. great variety of Inatriiciion. diversion and entertainment . St other resort offer e(iil attraction, and ad vantage. Only (In., Way To lie . (iet from Portland to Chicago in 72 bnurs-j.iHt three day. The "Chicago Portland H,,ecil." ,.,vii,g Portland daily at Ha. rn. vin O. . . N., arrlv,- at Chicago at 0::i0 the third day. Ni,w l ork and Boston are reached the fourth day. This train, acknowledged t0 bo the fastest between the Northwest arid theKast, is solidly vestlhuled and ita equipment is unsurpassed. Pullman drawing room sleeping cars, up-to-date ifiurisi Sleeping cars, library-amoklmf cars, freo reclining chair cars, and tin. excelled dining cars, the meals on which are equal to those served at the very best hotels. UeuiHinhnr this train rn.,. I soiiu rortland to Chicago: there i. nn change of cars, and the good of It Is, It costs no more to ride on It than on other routes. We have other trains "Paclfln Ft. press leaves Portland daily at 0 p. m. via Huntington, and tho H..l,an Flyer" leaves at 0 p. m. daily via Spo. L I 1.1 ll a ' aano lor rn. t aui and the East. For rates, sleeping car reservations, call or write to A. L.Ciiaio, n . Umonl ''""""nger Agent, O. R. A N. Co., Portland, Oregon. P.T.Thomas, Humteryille, Ala., "I was suffering from dyspepsia wl.un I 1IIK ri l l WNri 4"i united (I UK full CATARRH Ely's CtraBata fcaaf a. 4 .iaaaati In t..:.u4 kt In-l-.iwxia 'U. Ii I. r-i . i il-nM, Ua..r fat ..-a. I It '! a.,. I I Itai.aaa"" CATARRH 1 VVM3 COLD ,fi HEAD Ilia 1-aa.aiTa. A 1 ira i.fU.tta.v.a. H nl I'roirria th Maiul-faM. la(.ia 04 "( T.ia a... S i. Ur -a auiaoltat pi..,-i-'i.w i,r e...t; -nl ,, !,, i.f a-, ' tLV illlllll.lu, M W aiaa SUa.1, t -. SthaUe mtm r Sthoea, Allrn'a Foot-F.aae, a powder. Itrurea painful, (tiiartiiig, nervotia feel and In growing nail, and iliatanllv take till atitig out of corn and bunion. It' lb grealeat rotnforl discovery of the ag. Allen's Foot I'.aJMi makea tight or new shoe f.-nl eay. It la a certain curs for swi-alltig, callou and hot, tlre.1, a. hlng leet. Try it .j.y. Hold by all drug glxta and li.xi ior. By mail fr '."c ill taiiia. Trial package free. Address Allen H. Olmsted, It Boy, N. Y. r. Vltltaiaia taHtaa I'llaOl VI Ml Vl'alli suia Itlmat. Ilipaaiaa. a.l llaalaa I'llaa. II ftlparl lt tu.h.ir. 1 an llw lt..tilMai"n"i antaaa a H.ulllra. tiai la.... 'It III H fit III NTM S.M T U !' pH ontf for Ptlaaarwl tirtili.ai.r ihi.rtil'" f-arf ia. ia ttarranla.1. S-.i.t l.r rtr..ili. ur f W.T" "" 'wll't t Of lo, AO an.l I i'.l WlIXiAMS MTU CO., hut. a. CLKVKLi.SO, For sale by Channan A Co., DruggUls. The Kntnrprlse $1,60 sr year. as d commencea taking Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. I took several bottles and can di gest anything." Kodol Dyapepaia Cure is the only preparation containing all ti... natural digestive fluids. It irivea ., stomachs entire rest, restoring their nat ural condition. Ouo. Harding. Do You Know the News 2 You can have It all for Per Month 50c Per Month In tho Evening Telegram, of Port land. Oregon. It is the largest evening newspaiier published iu Oregon; It contain! all the news of the State and of the Nation. Try it for a month. A sample cony will be mailed to you free. Address 3 The Telegram, Portland, Or.