t OREGON CITY ENTERWIISE. FRIDAY AUGUST 9, 1001, 3 Personal Mention Mutt (Nxkrel! tm lii Albany Hunday, Hlit Hlrlti1, of 1'ortUiiil, In Hi Wlllioll Hi'V. A. J. Mniilioiniiry and family hv fuiurimil frum mi uutiiiK on Mount Hood. Jul. II W. IMlr returned yxaterday fro ii fUlilii( Mini liiihtli.K Irlp in the mountain (IniiiKfl MisUllvery arrlvnd yeaterday irmii I'.vnretl, V bhIi,, to Ink a poalllon fea. 0. j&. .0. 4. A ikAI A'l (,'larkama county owe the lUte i.o;:o.:'n iiiniy tai. JollllSOn VHWWVWWWW VWWwWW ww wwUWw w w w w v a www w WWW wW' vii from Kaloui n from J from , (irll.l Hl.CpC Hiurly, ('haile W. fit.e.ly Monday. 1 Norrl rolur Wlllioll Hptlng MIm Veva Tull, of Harlow, I vlalllng (,,.inl In Aatoil Jmni'i ("hutch l enjoying the summer ,r at Newmrt K-yi filled wlil In roil wait. & J.emli. Main street. We are selling good ftt a great reduc tlun kt the Racket Htore, i. f,MlMl.. I.aa rtiliiruiHl from 1,1 ,lm "'IIUl I . t a j i . a. (Umlt, who, a, naming ami lemny nii yon Ml.. Harriet V"I.. b x.J-.urnimc at w " " "'"' l."l..t.(lllf WUHHU. Ml'""- . v . i. ruiaii, oi Montague, lai , was In (own Wednesday Willi hi brother, H I), hlewarl, of htone, i:il. a ml Mm. lobert A. Miliar re turned Tiii'dy frum a foiloUM' vll with relallvna In Palem and Macleay. MIm I.ola Feeble, of Weaton, I tU um-.t of Col, and Mm. It. A. Millar at wlad.tona u ml will filial ii about 10 day I'atrli k 1'olUit. a prominent (i. A. It. mail, wl.o Waa iii.ii.iltiiti.t In lml rlri'Iiia. , i;. Auaien. 'f Fowell Iley, wa , 1)W .,,ym tm Anml. taMoi- In town Ndnee.ay. ,U Mi. a Mafia W llrjr, of rellwod, vlallnd I MIm I'hii Uk, of I'nrtland. Paaaed ,r parent Monday. through Ori-uoii City Today iiiornliiK, I. i;. I'liai'inaii, of rlillniiialli, aa lit no ruuia U lhauoii to vUll ln r grand llmliiy Wadlllay. Iliolliwr. Cl,.iln. II. I'auflnld and family am Mra. Olio K. Olauri, Mlaa Harriet (Jami, -Ill I I I Mlaa I'.rrU I'..., !!... I Kn.l Mlaa fl.lniai.il CHiii'"a - . 1 1.. mi.,., I.aa rrturnrdfromalUI.il.. r.iuriKd halurJay Irow an outing at anal you nui aav. ai uhummiw t r - l ..... . I l,i,.o.itUna.aiiiaa. . . .... i.-... .... H..I.I....I ..-I Ha. . n. uriin, irua ami cini'i ana J"' ' . l. VI.. 1 It.l.... I-... It. , .u.l..rM trip Kaiurlay. . . . . , . ' V ... 1 . .. .. . ......... i lor a iu uiti migum ai vroan i ara un ;..,iia Tii noiiian ami f.. ii. iiiiu Mr. and Mm. It. II. TaW Irft Hatui day for Cannon lira, h to ty ll.a month olAuKiut. M r. Tabor I.aa a lioiniHitoad i.rar ll.a !( ti. N. A. Flynn. fonnarly iirorUtor Ilia aaainlll at Handy, aMl tliruilyh Orrif ni (My Turaday on lila way to Wll hull to tl.lt mlallVta. Hxwlng macliliifa and lUlit maclilncry rcpalrnd, Jolmaon A I.amh. Wantvd, Ut riclianga town pror: for a larm. KmUlr at (lila ollii e. Il'irn Tlmmday, July 25, at Holland, toll.awifMol W. II. lioimrjr, a nln jiiiid loy. IolU at roat and ladow coat. NoW l tlii) time to buy and av niom-y at Ilia IU( knl hlora. hi-rvlroa will not m liTd in St. I'aul'a Klw oial ihuftli next Hiinday erenli'K. Morning a.rvlrra a u.ual. hl.nriir J. J. Cooka aunouni'fa lo delln qiiflil lux .yrr ll.al Con la will addud to laxva alior loih Auuul. It I. Iiiiialiili lo iiiva iiriru through tlm aM-m. Coma and I tonvim.'rd of Huntley's Book Store. Some Special Prices To Stimulate a Dull Month's Business. pi In I'mlland Sunday. Mr. and Mm. I. Img, of Hildal Veil, iM li.orl to Oirgow City. Ma. Iturmalalrr rolurtird Monday Iruin an .Hillna- at NwjKirt. V W. Marm I.aa ma lo H. Ilrlvna lo du "Ui rariiUr woik. Mia. I. I- I'ortur rrtttriipd Winlnraday rvanln li-i'i lif Hl-rlnga. J,(., rUrduiii, fonw-rly uni of the Mi. I ury Wlilllnglon and aon, C aa UoUln iVilk-Cj., al tl.ia jIuI, waa Youua. ars at Wlllioll Hj.ili.g. )n i.jWn r.io..Uy. Me la coiiurclod Mr. Ada MK'lura l.a lori lHing I llh O. U. A N. C Mr. IC A. II. Vral, In Aloany. Mia Ijui I'-.ul I.aa roturnrd from ii. .J Mil ('.. I'. Harlow, and a moi.di'a trip In ! Kat. M viaiifl William I'arlow, arc at Will.olt. M. t, Manilla t,f h.Uin. tlailad Of g in City friri.da during ll.a rrk. Mr and Mr. V. (I. Churrb ara an l iying an outing rear Ml. Ho-l Mr. K. K. Williaiwa, oH'oMland, wat lo loin Monday vUiling frlaoda. (a r. (1. Iluntwtv of Uila city la landing a faw wk at hoaaida Mia Jp in Humidirya liai rrturntHl from an outing at Wlllioll hrlnga tlri.iit Coiintr Aa4air J. U. I'ortar and family aiit Hunday at rWaald I. A. Faln louali and Mlaa llnln) l Falrvloogh ippnl hunday at Wlllioll. Mi. Nlnta Harding I at Clataoj ltrli, iKr gurat of Miaa Aid Itrmlgl.ton MUt lUnha (iohUmlih lft Monday avrnlng for Kugrne to vl.lt lirr parnita. Mra ri.arUa lllpfka. U I'oltland. la vl.iilng lirr ( arcni. Mr. and Mra Frank Itarlo Mn.J.C. iHitaon and Jasigl.trr wrra tfllnata vlaltlllif fnmda In l'.ro n. villa la. I work. Mm. (ioorna C. Urowmdl and fvn, Aiubroat), ol Ihla city, ara aojoiuning at ha.lilr the r.ulfal'i ran-Ampinan KiiMwilion and many of Ida paatrrn ill ira. Mi. Kale and llallia I.aalry, of Kan- aaaCiiy, Mo., who have bwn yditing ti.pir aunt, Ma M. C. Cuir, lor a fort night ai, l"(t Krlday for home. Aitorimy II. K. Cro. Irlt ytrrday .(iernu.ni for Kanle ( fwk 10 loin lit lainlly, who ar ru.tkaiiag there. Mr Cruaa will alo lnjct tlmhar landa. Mr .n.l Mra J. 1). Ilakrr. have ao cored the Iloalman le.idrniw on the cor iter of Fourth and VnUt atrerU, where thry a ill be at home to Iht'ir friend. Mr. and Mm. W. W. 11. Haiuaoo, MU M.C. Cuatrr.ol Oregon t'Hjr, Mr. ob- lni ..I NmhIv. and Mr. Armatroiitf. of lUilow, m ruailrallng In the mountain. Mr. a oil Mm. K. N. Carter, Mm. Henry M-CiarUn. of I'ortland, and ll.a Mle I'ratt l.-lt Wrdiir-aday morning for the Klntio hatihery for a 10 weeka outing. Mra t). I.. Clou and daughter, of Portland, are vlaiting at lha Mount rieaa.nl home of Mm. Cloil-e' brother, (ieoign Uirlle, and will tay aU)Ut ten dya Itov. . 1. Wella, .ator of the Wall airet-l M. K. churth of Jem-monyllie, ii i .t-..f ii.. iIi.Mm InJ ,whobale.n vi.itlin! Key. W. K Herman U,r-rder of tha thriving Utile town of Canby, waa in th city Wedneaday. lo.la Trail and John Uwlbwaite WKt.l loNeKrt Monday morning (or a l.orl vacation Mi riliaiiibmok. Mia Hacry and Mra. M,ilU.. ,.f It.uMl.nrj Orriroil. W ill tlil city Monday. Ml..e Mailorlo and Kthal Caufield n lurnml Monday Irmu a fortnlubt'e vl.it Willi Halein friend. Jamea Mcl.auuhlln and w ile, of 8tru ble, Iowa, arrived Wedneaday and will Irohebly locate hero. lirlm In thlacily, left lor hi homo Hat urday. W. 1. tlmre, of Baker City, who ha Wn vUillim lil brother, i. W. (irace, In Ihla cllv. left Monday lor .New ut lo attend tho Maaoiilc convention, w hich convene S'liletnlicr 18 Dr. Kdward Welch, of Kanaaa, ia via lllmt hi iart.nta in Portland, and wa in or-..,.., rnv tlil. week. Ho wa riael R ... here and w warmly welcome! VJ many old attiiaintancea. Mr. K.lU-n rimon,. who Uvea near Marm.mn I very low and It 1 leared .t.. ... M..t....t liniv.ir ni.iili longer. She lllll I.IIO i.ii'n -.-.-- Mia Claudia ll't, arcoinpanM y i. lha molber of W. W. II. Hamaun, of ..... . I : . . I . . . . i i her alater, Mia flirliie, are aj'nn'imn " ihl city and haa n-acneu an auvanieu few week at Neaaide. tt Dr. J. H. Caato.oruanlx-rof tho Pa- Mr, rarrich. of Oregon City and Mr. Iron of lliwbandrv. wa in town from tM (JuIhov. of Aurora, mother and Portland Wedneaday. dl.ter, renpectlvuly, of our fwllow-cit'ren, I..Kchwhchor,acrelaryandg.merl j. W., arrived yeaterday evening for a i. ........ ..I Ik. Prrian I'all.ir Coniimiiy. vlHlt at the lattor'a homo. Toledo In inwn tl.lai week. I.ettilor Frank Ilarlow ami family will move nv. William Ktoever, who recently i-u'.i ui MtMiinr. formorlv Miinrned from the eaat, ha aocepled a iiiiu iiiq imiri pun - i . . 1...1 1... v v wmi.ma. mil from the Herman Lutheran clinrcn .... . r p..ii. ,.i i,r.i?iin. Waal)., and will lavo In ar..c.e mi tun v...., u. - - o hU V IV W f fl1)ll IV lll""; - I I i .1 i n ( i now iinntoraie luiiu mo w.nioiim vi ....iiiii. J.,1,,-1 u, m. M. . ,.,,, l ..,l.l. I..llc.l Jo- coume In dcntmiry thriving in I.I. .oct.on o. mo no...,,. n owl Mr. Ono.ll0llow, MIm MaWl HooU- FrJ 0 roconlly r0Ceived fo bwand Mr. Linn will roiuru .rom -, - Wllhoit Bprlng tho limt of the week. Wf.rk liaa ftuwt ftiMin..! i.n III. n.MT building of Howell A Siaven and Mr. Ktrallou and they will U ouahed lanidly to completion, Andrew Hart, who I'lircliawx ilia ixt- olllco alora of F. A. Mile alout a month gj, I.aa Iran. erred ihe bu.inra to C. W. lAjVr, of Portland, taking Mr. Lova'a eaUbllal mvnt lo exchange. K. I. 8oulii met with a painful accl- dent Monday evening at ihe P4ier milla. One of the big ahafta fell on hla foot, badly brui.liiK It, and while the Injury ia not aerioiie be will not be able to woik for a week or two. Drpuly Orijaniaer Kdward Lance, of the Knixlil of th MbCtaheea, will meet with Ihe Tualatin Tent next Thurtdav evening. He will work lr the qlocal lodk'o and xie'ta to make a large in crrajwj In their memlerahl. A email Are in the mar of the F.lectric hotel Saturday bl.bt wa .rouitIy tilxlued by Hie department and the damage waa alight. The origin ol the fire la a tnyatery but it la likely that the blaxe w atari from a cigar ilub. Clirl.llan Mence aervlce ara held In Willametu hall every 8unday morning at eleven o'clock. Subject for Punday, Auguat 11, "rioul." Kuaday School at twelve o'clock. Welneday evening minting at eight o'clock. To then aer- vlcea all are welcome. Tli. tw.anl of dim-torn of the Y. M. C. A. held a meeting Tueaday evening ana Inatrucled Secretary IWatie to draw i.latia and apeclflcallona (or bid for the Improvement of the building. The im provement committee ia Otto F. Olaon. C. rvbuebcl, Franklin T. UrillUh, John Ixler and F. J. Meyer. Portland-Oret-on City loat Ptr. Iona leave loot of F.iitlitl) 7 ml 10 and 1 :30 and 4 UIO p. m. Uavea Port land at H:U0 and 11 :M a. m. and 3:00 and 6:15 o. m. Kouod trip '25 cent. Tke ihe Leona if you want a good com fortable ride. The run I made either way In one hour and fifteen minutes. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o () o o o o o o o o o New Books All tlio popular new books reg ular 1 1. f-O edition at "pedal price of f Lift. The CriiU Winnton Churchill lirtler than Richard Carvel. The Octoi'U McTeairue The Helmet of Navarre Kunkle Truth Dexter McCall (Juincy Adam Sawyer Pidquin John Window .. ...Henry Northrup The Pupit Crown McCrath Day I.Ike Theae .... E. W. Townaend Weaterftlt W.N. Harebn Heart and Soul. . .Henrietta Skinner A Pair of Patient Lover . .Lilian Bell l'.lranof Mm. Ward Hal the Impoaeible... Sarah Crand The Lott Continent... Cutcliffe Hyne McLoughlin and Old Oregon, Mm. Dye A Bicycle of Cathay...' Stockton Napoleon: The Lait Pbaae, $1.15 net Tribulation of a Princca,. .f j.50 net Paper Covered Books Over 200 choice titles in parx?r covered hooks 10c Cloth Bound ISmos Jimt the right size for the pocket, neatly and suhKtantially bound in cloth; about 100 carefully elected titles. Genuine bargains for 2r'C r Cameras and Camera Supplies Our LimineM. in thin line has trrown so that we are now carrying n'-arly tlfKXl.OO of this stock. Large buying puts f . . : . 1,...., . t.nn j.. .,.uu;v.1a wiiV. US in jmuoii w maau jiricee iorr mini in jnoni..o nm. amaller buvers. We sell as cheat) as any Camera supbly house on the I'acific Coaet. . Camera Specials for August Foldine Pocket Kodak, 2nd hand, rcg. price $10.00. . 4.00 ChaHe Magazine, 4x5, Phopworn, " " 20 00.. 12 (X) Willsie Camera, " 2nd liana " " iw.i-i.. o. KurekaJr, Zx3i New " " 3.00.. 1.60 La Cross Jr., 2Jx2J i.n Vive Camera, 4x5 Shopworn " " 10.W.. 5 00 ' 3ix4i " " " 8.00.. 4.00 Only one of a kind in stock first come first served. Hammocks At Cost All ntir rpmainintr stock of Hammocks about 30 are . Q - to go at cot. Thia means a reduction of 2o per cent, from ruunl Inn. nriiu.a Prpflpnt rripfi mark will be left on and you can figure the reduction yourself. You can get a good strong li&uiinocic ior nx. Butterick Patterns For Augut,The Delineator and French Fashion Books are all in. We cordially invite all ldie8 to inspect them at our pattern counter. August Fashion Sheets free for the asking. Passe Partout Materials. Mat Board. Bind ing Paper, Glass, everything for this most interesting art We have new shades in board at I-'hj. Dennison's Pebbled Bind iuz 10c roll. Huntley's Book Store, Oregon City. C0OOC0O00C00COC000OO0CO0C0CC00CCCOC0C0GO o o o o o o o o o o 0 0 o o o o 0 o C) o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Camera auiip'ie of all klnda, at Char- man A Co., the Cot Price Druftgiet. When, In the couree of human events, it become neceaaary to boy a new auil of clothe, patronize home Industry by going to Joa Knowland, who will give you a perfect fit. fchop on Seventh treet, near depot. Bicycle lundriea of all kind. Johnson & Lamb. Emotion, cuta. burn, cald and ore of all kinda quickly healed by De- Witt' WiUh Harel Salve. Certain cure for pilea. Beware of counterfeit. Be ure you get the original DeWitt'. Geo. Harding. $20 lo $100 to loan on chattel or per aonal aecuritv. Dimick k Eaatham, agt. We pay the tx on "Oxford" Blcrelea and give TAGS FREE, alo Bella, Panta guards and guarantee them lor the sea son. Price $30, with any kind of a tire. Charman & Co., Cot Price Bicycle dealers. ii n CUaa1..a. .. -a,f rt Ml.lltlt TflttOf. tO I'niuiiltjr Hill wwi w - participate In the Woodmon ceremonies. Frank Brown returned Tuesday from Idubo, whoro ho 1ms been for the past month in tho Intorost of fish propagation i letter from his dnughtor, Mr. Netlio M,.r,ir.l ii'lin la in Manila, where her (lllhnrt Noe, of Needy, was In town h(wlmnJ 1h in tll8 employ of the quarter- masler'a departmont. w. A. Huntley. R. D. Wilson and William Wright loft yesterday morning for Hock Crock on the coaBt range in f In.ill II fl.tll.tt V. Thov expoct to bo ab- ant inn duvs and to catch enough IIhIi to Mrs. L. A. Young and two children are gUrt a littlo combine of their own. visiting Mr. and Mrs. Winslow in wo- , . lulla. i tho action of your bowem is no. easy 1 . 1 -1.1 r.aa P.nrol. rn1rtr Hnrioua complicRtlons imiHt dine Foli of Portland, v.siled the he the final lt. PeWItt . Mule Early Misses Gloason, of this city, during tho RlBon will remove tl.l- .lnor. Safe, week( pleasant and etloctivo. Goo. Harding. The iue ol July 19 contained a local about J. C. Elliott, who live at Pam- ...la l'1t! cu. The Item Btaiea tnai nr. r.uion, bile under the Influence of liquor, pro voked a quarrel with J. W. Hilleary. Upon investigation we find that Mr. Klliott 1 a total abstainer and it Is re gretted that the publication occurred. Early Monday morning a Joint in the main broke and the water waa shat off for several hour until the damage was repaired, llouaewive who rose with the sun on Monday morning to get the family wanhlng an the line belore the heat became too great were Uisappoinieu, but these accidents do not occur very 'len" Fred G. Plummor, of the United States Geological survey, accompanied by three asuititanta. Is here making preparations lo survey all that part of the Cascade for t'Bt reserve north of OkIo Creek Moun tain. Tho starting point will le near tho boundary line between Clackamas ..n.l Marion countie and it la expected l.ul ll will take six weeks to complete the work. In the office of Dimick A Eastham there are some tine samples ot oats and hay which came from the farm of the mayor's father, J. B. L-lmlck, ol Hub bard. The bottom land is vory prouuo livo aa irrigation Is an. easy problem there and 120 bushels of oats to the acre have been raised there. The sample is of the white Russian variety and stands eight feet high. Mr. Dimick has 100 acres of bottom land in Timothy and ine yield has been as high as three and one half tons to the acre. What Shall We Have For Dessortl This question arises in the family ev ery d;iy. Lot us answer it to-day. Try Jell-O, a dollcious and healthful dessert. Tropared in two minutes. No boiling I no baking I simply add boiling water and sot to cool. Flavors: Lemon, Orange' Raspberry and Strawberry. Get a pack age at your grocers to-day. 10 cts. FRANK IBTDOM The Housefurnisher. There is a Figure beyond which competition and cutting dare not go and wo have reached that figure in fixing the sale prices on all the goods in the store. Yon'll Stare in astonishment at the values you'll see if you come early this week. The Machine for You. ilBI Don't work and worry with your old machine, which make you so tired to run and fill your ears with noise, but let u how you our Climax Machine which is the perfection of machine making and is a joy to the user. It costs only $J5- and our term are easy. Eor Bachelor Dens Or family establishments, the couch has come to be indispens able. Here are some couch . bargains that are exceptions in all ways. Fine servicable couch, . $ 3.50 Best valour 6.50 Leather covered, . . . 15.00 A Musical Center. Your home becomes a musical center when you have a first qiiality piano there. You will appreciate the musical qualities of the BISCH and GEETS PIANO. A rich tone, abundant volume and easy touch. All for this low price 1315 00, on easy payments. Porch Furniture. Are You Fixed for Sprinkling? If not we can fix you for it in a little while for a little money. Life is hardly worth living unless you can spriukle your lawn. 50 feet i inch Rubber Hose $3-50' Substantial Delicacy Such are our beautiful filmy Lace Curtains. They are made of the strong est thread and woven with the greatest care every thread in to a line of beauty. Newly embarked Housekeep ers will do well to invest here. Here is a particularly excellent collection of the easy "inform al" furniture that helps away the summer. Rockers, Settees. Steamer Chairs, Arm Chairs. We'll be glad to have you see what we have to suit you. Get Them Ready. You ought to have your screens ready now. The flies and mus quitos are not abundant as yet, but will be soon. We have screens that will fit. They are of substantial but airy wire and have durable frames. They are right. We want you to see how good they are. Frice Jo cents each. A Bear Movement in China. Frices on Clina are affected by a regular bear movement they are down lower than they have been for a long time. This is true of our stock just now. Fine decorated ware S 65c for. 6 Dinner Plates 50c " " Semi Porcelain 50c " 6 Cups and Saucers. 7