OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE FRIDAY, AUGUST I), 1001. CORRESPONDENCE &k-AAiCxcA Our correspondents will please send in article! before Wednedays of each week, otherwise it reaches ua too late (or publication. Highland Harvest is just commencing. A. Harrington has lost Ave calve witli hlacktongne. People are going to t lie mountains every day for black berries. Quite a number from here attended rsmpmeeting at Viola and report a good time. Crops are good. There will be an abundant yield of oats, and wheat is far over average. Mr. Geo. Stevens and children, cf Beaver Creek, are visitiug Mr. and Mrs, 11. 0. Card. Mrs. Walton, of Oregon City, returned home last Saturday after visiting two weeks with old friends. Mrs. James Ueckart and son Lloyd, of PortLnd, a ho have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Al Harrington tor the past week, returned boiue today. Thomas Hickman, of Missouri, who built a saw mill here thirty years ago. Is back again shaking hands ith old friends. He is a brother of the late Chas. Hickman. WllboU Warm weather still continue. Bert Wade made a business Silverton last week. trip to M. A. Nicholson was visiting her brother at Turner last meek. J. L. Ctouee was dolns; business at the county aeat Wednesday last. A. E. Thomas, of Scotts Mills, was haying In this section last week. The county assesor was seen pawing through this section one day last wee. Charley and Thomas Slaughter lout a valuable bull from an unknown cause last week. Ii. Wade and son have taken the con- trait of cu tint; 50 cords of mood for F. McLaren. Brenton Yedder, of McKee, oar ex school master, was visiting his pupils and many friends in this vicinity lat week. X. J. Thomas is making regular trips on Suuday over near Down's station. There mast be something very aitractive over there. Ainu Items O. V. Hickman and wife, of Monta villa, are visiting relatives here. " Mrs. Roberts and her two children, of Portland, are the guests of Mrs. Johann- esen, this week. J. A. Hickman and son Rex went to Portland Friday of last week, and re turned Saturday. Some of our people spent pleasant day at the head works of the Bull Run pipe line Wednesday. Mrs. L. C. Lowe, while picking berries came in contact with poison oak, and is now suffering from the effects of it. Mr. Britt, who is in the empioy of the O. & C. R Co., recently passed through here. He was looking after the interest of the company. Mrs. Harry Bramhall spent last week with her Darents, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Aschoff, of Marmot, while Harry went to Mount Hood. Mr. Ponock and wife, of Portland, are spending their summer outing in this neck of the woods, where pure air and clear, cold water abounds. Mr. J. W. Mullen made a flying trip to Lewieton, Idaho, and returned, bringing with him, his aged mother, who expects to make her home with him. The Johanneson's were agreeably surprised Thursday evening by a party of young folks who gathered there for a pleasant time in honor of Mrs. Roberts and family. 1 he secular people of Aims seems to be getting in in earnest. They held meeting two weeks ago, which was well attended, and another is appointed for Sunday next. We are sorry to eay that the bottom has fallen out of the railroad tie business, stopping the sawmills and throwing many men out of employment, and affecting life generally. Pleasure seeking Is the order of the ent, day now. Mr. W. D. Thomas and wife, Chas. Bramhall and Miss Emma Jones, and several guests from abroad, spent a day of last week fishing in Bull Run. 0 LOSING FLESH L5 the w In summer can be prevented f) oy taking Scott s Emulsion Its as beneficial In summer aa In winter. If you are weak or run down, It will build you up. Send for fr sample. BCOTT & DOWNE, Chemists, 409-415 Pearl Street, New York. 50c na flop; an dnjppiiita. IC j Mr, and Mrs. ("has. Brown of this ptaii wra agreeably surprised few i dava HID). A ladv ram lil lliolr Iuiuim ,'and applied fr the position of cook. ' informe! that she was not wanted, and m she turned a ay a team and two men stopped in front of the house. They proved to be father, mother ami brother, of Mr. Brown, trom Kansas, whom they had not aevn for many years. Baady. Annie Nelson hasieturned home from Portland. Jack Malrla has returned to his posi tion in Astoria. Miss Tillie Bruns has Uen very sick, but ia recovering. Idleman, our grocervman, was visited by his brother, the past week. J. II. Weiwer will start at once saw ing lumber. . He will put in a plainer. Mr. IVxIge was considerably bruised in a runaway accident that happened in Portland. hi Strowbridge, of Portland, is in town greeting everybody with the same old smile. Sanity just now is having a hit tune; ltwin.the shade is the warmest ever known here. Urain of all kinds is ripening rapidly Several farmers have started their harvesting machines already. Mr. Davie has been awarded the con tract of building Kelso schoolhouae site of building is 2iix40, 14 foot post. E. T. Bruns has returned to Sandy, having just finished bmdsome resi dence for N. 0. Nylander in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Boehlin are spend ing their summer vacation at their beautiful country home on the Sandy Heights. Berry pickers and pleasure seekers are flocking out here by the dmens. An automobile, with Mr. Weimer, of Tort- land, at the helm, was out Sunday. It aroused considerable interest among hay seeds. Now the horses will have a kick coming. Gritty Camp No. 539 W. of V. will give a harvest picnic in Meinlg's park, August 24, 1901. Ii will be the grandest of the kind ever celebrated on Sandy Aims brass band will furnish music for the occasion. A glee club will render vocal music. Hon. George C. Brownell and deliver an oration. Log sawing, rail driving and various other amusements. Come one, come all and have a good time. .Needy. The weather h. s been very hot for the past week. Julius Spagla has returned from east ern Oregon. Koy Cochran and Fred Mohr are cut ting teasels at Car us. The threshing machines are now rat tling in every direction. The people of Needy spent the Sunday at Soda Springs and liau a good time. Tl.. ...1... 1 . . . i no iciepuone is now nuisiiea ana the sweet voices of the good people are pass ing through the phone to their full capa city. Kolslla. The "hot wave" has struck this part of the countrv; 94 degrees in the shade. Mrs. Dond, of Mt. Tabor, and Mrs. Ira Jones, of Oregon City, have been visiting at Ii. R. Thomas. Bert Perry, who was recently crippled in the spine by being thrown from hi hoise, is still improving. The hot weather ia rushing hsrvest along in great shape, almost too fast to insure the plumpness of the topmost oat grains. Molalla never does anything by halves John Cole and brother will come for ward also with an "Advance" outfit complete. Tl... tl..l f. .1 iue uariets, onaver, Auams crew have their new threshing outfit home and will try it on oats tomorrow. It is M horse Russell engine, and "Advance separator. ot to go to Wilhoit this hot weather and wash the dust out of your throat is to miss something good in season AnioDg the representatives from Oregon City Sunday we noticed Mayor Dimick aiessrs. hastham and J. U. Campbell drinking soda water. Garfield. Mrs. Anders had several of her younir menus to dinner with her Suuday. The Misses Davis are at home at pres Their mother, Mrs. J. J. Davis, is not well. The thermometer registered 120 at 2 clock Sunday, in the sun, and 100 In shade. Our hottest dav so far. Mr. W. II. SnufTin and wife arespend- ng a few days with Mrs. Snuffin's par- euta. ihey reside at Mt. Tabor. Grain is ripening fast this hot weather, J. E. Tracey and Doc. Palmateer are first to cut their fall wheat, which the can't be beat. Fruit is in fine condition so far and promises an abundant crop. Potatoes are bo large that one makes all a small family can eat. A number of people have gone in the woods for wild blackberries, but some came home very tired with hut few ber ries as there are none to get. day. Coughing " I was given up to o"le with quick consumption. I then began to use Aycr'a Cherry Pectoral. I Improved at once, and am now In perfect health." Chas. E. Han man, Cibbstown, N. Y. It's too risky, playing with your cough. The first thing you know it will be down deep in your lungs and the play will be over. Be gin early with Aycr's Cherry Pectoral and stop the cough. TkrM SUM I lie, ISt., II, Alleranta. Couall tmt SMtor. If k take II. Ihwt 4a u h mm. If k lain jfm not a Uks II. ! aual Uk II. II klMIV. L? U WHb Ml. ir llllnj J. a Aim co.. lii. tuu, Nhvrtnooil. The farmers are all jubilant over the Ann crops. icsieruay was a ousy uay wild our merchants. If. II. Fyman, our undertaker, hat purchased a hearse. 1'r. a. l. Savior started for the coast this morning for a much needed rest. The temperature was not so high here yesterday by five degrees aa it was Sat' unlay and Sunday. Sunday was the warmest day we have had this season the thermometer registered 101 In the shade. Rev. J. M. Barber preached to a well filled bouse Sunday, hit (area el I sermon. it is a itn much regret that we have to report that he also temtwred hi resigna tion as psstor of the fonicrrtraiional church of this plsce. P. T. Meekt and L. S. Mi Connell have returned home from a two weeks' stay at the Wilhoit springs. They say they did not drink all the soda water. They both speak very highly of the management and aay the water is a wonderful restora tive. Carai. e are having very warm weather; yesterday it was l5 degrees. Teasel picking began last Thursday with nearly forty nine pickers. Mrs. J. R. Tresnon, of Portland. It up visiting ber parents for a wek or two. Harvest is in full blast. Urain is turn ing out better than forteveral years past. Wallace Graham, one of Cams' highly esteemed young gentlemen, is going to fortland in a few day a to work. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Worsham, of Mat- heur, are visiting trie former's Mrs. B. Faust, and the latter'a Mrs. J. K. Graham. sister, sister, Messrs. Arthur Dills and Virgil Griffin, of Illinois, are visiting the former's mother, Mrs. Ben Faust, whom he has not seen for fourteen years. Boringi Hot, Hotter, Hottest. Mr. W. H. Boring made a trip to Ore gon City today Mr. Sloop'a new house is being rapidly pushed to a finish Mr. C. Y. Lake had the misfortune to lose a fine horse recently. Road boss 8. 8. Waybill has a crew of ...... nanda at arnrlr iin llm rr...l I . ,v J. D. Lea, superintendent of the pens tentiary, was in Borings last week. J. Usborn and James Richey returned irom hattern Oregon last Wednesday. Mr. O. W. Boring spent Sunday, July 28th, In Portland, visaing old friends. A number of theyoung people attended the dance at Pleasant Home Saturday B,CU"'B- A number of the people of Borings attended the G. A. R. reunion at Pit as- KIIL IlfirriH IIHI WM'lr I ..v.-wrnu.. , The hot weather is ripening the grain quite fast. The busy click of the binder is hiard on all sides. Mr. I. P. Welch and II. Utiger have tl been building an addition to J. Jarl'a to store at Kelso the past week. Tll.l ! ... ...aucmeo .re very scarce u..e ye.r. a. jjeouaxer is visuing hit sons In rirwoou. Mrs. Cooper started for Portland last Thursday. Grain harvest is here; wheat and oats are very heavy. ' . Miss Mary Kitzmiller is home visiting her parents at present, Mrs. Rsglan has been visiting her mother for a few weeks. James and Joseph DeShazer made quick trip to Portland this week. Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Kitzmiller attended quarterly meeting at Viola last week. Mrs. N. Nelson is preparing to go to Uresbam, where the can be nearer a physician. Mrs. Huntsinger, from Kansas, was visiting her sister, Mrs. Jos. DeShazer, last week. Barlow. W, B. Tull droye to Oregon City Fri Mis. (trailer Is u u i t o III. A. T. Melvin visited friends at Wood bum Sunday. Miss Viva In 1 1 is visaing friends at Astoria this week. The best Masmi jura si the lowest prices at FiKvmau's. K. lv Irwin wsa doing business In Oanby Wednesday. Miss llallie Irwin It visiting friends in Portland this week. . O. Ftecman was doing bitsiiirss at Atiroia Wednesday. It. Ii. Brattun in. Ik a tumbles trip to Aurora Wednesday. Mr. .iiuineiiiiaii, of Aiiroia, was a pHrlow visitor Monday. William I vie moved his household goU to Silvetton, Monday. Miss lU'asie Sheppard made a business trip to Portland laat Friday. U.I I... ..I I I I.. . I. vfuwioi, o. mo ..-. VI .lltl. tl'lllt. IV. till nl II... .1.. U II. . .UL Mr. and Mr. C. V. Barlow have re turned from their California trip. W, Hurst and F, Will, of Aurora, were business visltoi at Barlow Monday, I. O. Freeman sells the famous Wash ington shoes, every pair guaranteed. Mooes tj'iliit, of Oregon Clly, visited friend In Barlow the first of the wrek. Git your Carbolineuiu al Freeman's. Only one dollar and fifteen rents a gal lon. Mrs. Frank Hilton and Mrs. Frank May visited friends in Orrgu Cl'y Wed nesday. Mr. Williams, representing I.ng A Co., of Portland, was buaiiipes visitor at Harlow .Monday. Wm. Barlow, C. Toll and Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Ilarlow left Wednesday for a few dsya outing at Soda Springs. Clyde Kvans, representing the Roa- entleld Smith tobacco Co , of Portland, was a busineaa visitor at Harlow Monday. Bpnnf water. Springwater Is bousiing. Nine additiona to the chun h. Born, to the wife of W. M. Yonce, August i, a Uy. Kveryone haa their hay In and ate commencing harvesting. i. nara ms. have lust returned from f t... i i ..... ........ umaiiti mm a new billler. Shibley and son had luO tons of hay. 1 hey took a load ol new Httota to port land Monday which brought N'mj r . sack. 1 Mrs. Barrett, of Port Townsend, an evaugKhst, cIomhI last Sunday a very In teresting and spiritual series of uimlinic at Viola. taabjr. ' Mr K. Shull has returned to his work in Oakland, Oregon. Mrs. Camther. of Kastern Oit-gon, la visiting Mrs. A. Kocher. I Jl r Xulan. 0f l)a(ur. I. .(u,,llri . i ! - - ' 1 - dayt with relatives hcie I Mr. Snli ' .1 .1.. .1 the Woodmen celebration. 1 ... 1 jih. u. 1'iiiiic are taking a vacation in the mountains. ; Mr. and Mrt. F. Roiteiikrant left here 1 last week on a camniiiK trio. The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. An- nam, uiei in spasms Saturday alturnouii. I Mr. C. Armstrong expect to start with hit threshing outfit somi-time m at wek. Miss Kiiim Clayson, of Concord. stayed over Sunday with heraister, Mrs M If:.- ... .. ... Jiina reira kiiumi an.i i.nr. II. '0J l Porllaud on their wheels last ''day Mr. Frank Wolgamot, of Portland. made a short visit to his mother Mon d"v Mr. L. Wang and hie tister-in law. u M,r'" Swanby, went to Portland M"urMay nenry Knight was kicked bv a bona PIon,,av evening. The Injury, though - ' Pln'ul, is not serious. f-a..ll..l.. CM. ..II 1. . Ming vai'ituia noun arriVHii rim WaM,i'nKton'"MteveninK; hile here she wl" ,Uv wl,n Mr- Shull The city council met In Kan' !' Monday evening. License run (,oua " K'anted to II. Vor pah). ine grounds about the residence of Mr. (i. Wniilit l.u.lu.l i.jm.. . -J'JIlD luiiiinui Tuesday evenimr. the oncaa.oi. lH,intf lawn party. ... n uioiij uiur ui OOVB leu linra Hun day morning for a days outing at Wilhoit Springs. Those going were (J. Hampton, FHRMERS"' PUTNAM FADELESS DYES color .nu, wool, cotton w mixed goods at one boiling. Bright, durable colors, without staining the hands or spotting the kettle (except green and purple). Prices on High Grade Coffeet cut in two. Fresh Bread and Cakes In our Bakery. Family Medicines, Cooling Drinks, Iced Soda and Lemonade. WILLAMETTE FALLS. Our Sixth Semi-Annual Big GLEARI.K Kegins on Moml.iy, July 8. 1 !)()!. ALL GOODS MARKED DOWN SOME AWAY BELOW COST. . .. i i i I at! ri'Ycrui uo.rii imivo uim .mipm'b pihh'n at ci m a timr I Must Make Room for Pall Goods. Salo Lasts 30 Days. MUCK, Ni'Xt door to Orison City Hank, OltlXJON CITY, Ollt All Nice Clean (Jowls. r. s. k We carry the largest slmk Cssk i; ets. Co tli in and Linings in Clack- .1 k am county. We are the only uudrrtakrra In Clackamas county owning a hrarsr aud will furuUli it fur lru than can be had elM-whrre, We are under small rapriiae and do not aik large profit Call promptly attended night or day I'kasM 474 ! 3oS. J K jrArArArArjrjrAYATjrjrjrjrjarjrATATATjrjrjTATjrjr. OREGON STATE FAIR SALEM Sept. 23-28 1901 Great Agricultural Industrial Fair BIG LIVE STOCK SHOW Good Racing In the Afternoons. Latest Attractions in New Audi torium building livery Keening, With Good Music Beautiful Camp (Wounds Prec Special Kate on Campers' Tick rta. Come snd bring your fam ilies. Reduced Rnten On All ksilroads. Por further particulars address M. D. WISDOM, Sec, PorllaEl B White, C. Plsl.er, O. Kvans, J. Buty ami brother, i....i. i .. I'unmp ani air. narmore re turned from the mountains last Friday evening, bringing with them a deer and plenty of trout. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Kvans and child, of Portland, camo up on Saturday even ing and stayed with the Utters parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oeo. Knight until Tuesday. airs. j. Wchmllt received a telegram Sunday afternoon from Portland Inform Ing her of the death of her brother. Mrs. Sclunltt left on the evening train. La in Day vou to raad thlt advertisement. Tost Office anil Public Telephone Mutton I PIT be . .. 1 A w i - ('Iiililrt'ii'n Hhk-h nt M comIm a air. t R. L HOLMAN Tf ) C;:ri t.i'i sf C:trt H::. X I GROCERIES. ! iixl Com 3 cam ' T'!nat s 3 " 2ic OvsUr 3 " l' l.aiiu.lry Smj 10 hat ' I Koftst Coir.-o . . .from J(V t lb. op C-rri Meal JO lbs. for 2Qo Hulk Kxtracts j r ot. Ia l'rmlurv taken in rxrlianga for imrt liatuJise. I(ed Front trading Co. Court Houno Dlock ORECON CITY, OREC0N Dr. J. Arch Stowart Eyo, Ear, Noso and Throat. .117 Kkmn Building PORTLAND. OKF.t.OS CHAMPION BINDER. Wegtiarantre that the eccentric sprocket wheel on this machine will give an ab solute gain of l6Ji per cent, of power at time ol tiring and din harming bundle. The force feed elevator will waste Ie grain than any other. There is Iras shattering. The relief rake keeps inner cud of phu form clear. Kveryone of those using Champion Bind ers anya It haa no equal. Rend for catalogue.' Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co. Pirst and Taylor Sts., Portland, Oregon 1 JOHN YOUNGER, Ojp. Iluntloy'a Drufl Store, FORTY YEARS EXPERIENCE IN (Jroat Uritain and A m or lea. WALL PATJ3R Now It the time to buy your wall p!' and MURROW, the paper hanger, will sell it to you cheaper than you can buy it In Portland, Drop a card in thepot office and have a sample hook brought to your house, or telephone Wy Bros.' store. J. MURROW, Oregon City.