G OREGON CITY ENTEUHHSK, FKIJ)AY, AIHUJST ii, 1001 Legal Noticen. notlre lor I'utillcmUii. Timber Unit. Art June .1, IHTH, Pulled Slate Unit Oltlce, Oiegon City Oreeon. Juno 10, Notice in herehy Iftven thl III compliance with tli roviloniMf the Art ot Congress fiMtinr.1. l.KT.i. f ntiiirtt "Ail aci ior me aalenf limber lamls in Ihe State of Call forma.. Oregon, Nevada and Washington Trriiirv."aextemle,t ti II II" 1 ublto IaiuI Sialrs bv let of August 4. HoMKK K. M'HOIS, of Kpringanter, county Of Clackamas, Stale of Oreiton, has this le"v rile, in thi oltlo tils sworn statement No. Sl.'T, lor Hi pur chase of the lot t f Section No. -. in Township No. S 8. Kange No. 4 K, ami Hl offer proof to show I h.-tl the lni sought U more valuable lor tl limner man tor agn. rulturai iitrit'!'. ami to establish his claim to aahl Imul before the Ucgisler d Kecelvrrof this otliceat Ore smi lily. Ore awn, on Monday, Ihe iV-'b ueyof August, l!U. tie name a wlinsse: W. J. Leeetlen, Sam Kainey. John Keed Jotin Slormer. nil ol Springaeter. Oregon Any and all persona claiming adversely theabove-riescnt.! lamt ere miureted to tile their claims In this office on or before aid :Mlh day of A'ikiisi, l'"l. CHAS. U. MOOUES. Hcgisier. In the Circuit Court of he State of Ore iron tor Tbe County ol Clackamas. C. B. IMmlck and 0. W. r.ast ham, partner doing business under the firm name ol Dim kk Kaslhani, plaintiff. V. Helen Robinson (formerly Helen Yarwood defendant. To Helen Robinson, (lorroerly Helen Yar wood) tbe above-named defendant: IS the nam of the Sialt of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and an swer the complaint tiled against you In the abort entitled action on or before the Sb day of July. Ul, that being the Jul day prescribed in the onler of publication of Uiii summon noon you, and if yoii fail to eo appear and aniwenaid complaint with in Mid time the plaintiff In rein will lake judgment againt you for the relief de manded in aia complaint, to-wit : For the urn ol iV." together with interest thereon at the rate of S percent per annum from the 1st day of January, K'T. until paid, and for the further ium ol SjU, together with interest thereon at the rate of 8 percent per annum from the 1st day of January, t7, until paid, and for the oueta and disburse ments of this action, and plaiiilill will apply to ibe court for an order to sell tbe southeast quarter of the southwest quarter and the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter of section 17, t 4 . r S e of the Wil lamette Meridian, now held under attach ment in lata action. This summon is published by onler of Hon. Thoe. K. Rvan, County judge of Clackamas County Oregon, which order was made Mar 31, rublished first time June 14. 1001. D1MICK & EAeTHAM, Attorneys lor the Plaintiti. In the Circuit Court of tbe State of Oregon for Clackamas County. Louisa E. York, plain tilfj ya. V W. H. York. defendanL To W. H. York, defendant. In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required lo appear and answer the complaint filed against you in tbe above entitled suit on or before tbe bth day of September. l'.Jl. that being tbe time pre scribed in tbe order ol publication of sum roons, and if you lail to answer Mid com plaint, tbe plainlilT will apply to tbe court lor we relief herein prayed lorto-wlt: A decree ol divorce from the bonds of matri mony now existing between you and the plaintit!, and thai said bonds be forever tlissolvtd. This summons I published by the order Ol the Hon. 1 hoiuas r. Kjan, Judge of the county court nude and entered the 3ia day of July, 11 il, and the date of Ihe brut publication i Julv J. and the said publication ie to run six consecutive week from tbe Mid date. Charles H. Glos ad J. WeLir Hkll. Attorney for Plaintiff. Dated, Oregon City. Ju y 2u, i:Jl. tmromoD) In the Circuit Conn ol the Slate of Ore gon, for Clackamas County. Wm. H. H. Blaney, pltf.) v. Mary E. Blaney, deft. ) To Mary E. Blaney. defendant. In the name of the State of Oregon, yon are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint hied agaiiiet yon in the above entitled suit within six weeks after tbe first publication of this summons, to wn: on or beloretheub day of bciiU-m ber, J'JOl, hat being the date prescribed in the order for punlication of summons, and if you lail so to apiiear ami answer for w ant thereof plaintitr will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint, to- wit: lor a decree of divorce forever dissolv ing the bonds of matrimony oo existing between you and the plaintitr. This summons is published by orderof the -non. inos. r. r.yan. judge ol the above eiuitieo court made ami entered herein on tbe 2uth day of July, 1001. and the date of tbe hrst publication herein la July 20, l!il, and the last publication is September 6, 1901. r.MMU8 iV KNMOKR A XI) J. Weslxt Bei.l Attorneys for Plaintiff Aiulniistra(or,aj ."ollee. Notice is hereby dven that the under- signed lias heen by the honorable county court of the State of Oregon, for Clacka mas county, appoined administrator of the estate of James L. (Jurrie, deceased. All persons hat in? claims against said eHtate are notified to present the same to me properly verified, at the office of James U. Campbell, fcsq., Oregon City, Oregon, within nix months from the date of the brut publication of tins notice. First publication July 19, 1901. A. M. Crawkobd, Administrator. Oiiiily 'I rfUMiirt-r'n Police, I now have money to pay countv war rants endorsed prior to June 28ib, io:hj, and aiso road warrants endorsed prior to Nov. 10th, 1900. Interest will cease on the above included warrants on the date hereof. Oregon City, Ore. July 2btb, 1901. A. Luklling, Treasurer. Clackamas County, Oreg m. RIOTT'S PENNYROYAL of menstruation.'; They are "LIFE SAViiKS" to trirla at womanhood, aiding development of organs and body. No known remedy for women equals them. Cannot do harm-life becomes a pleasure, ftl.00 PEIt BOX Birr MAIL. Sold by druggist. DE. MOTT'S CHEMICAL CO., Cleveland, Ohia For sale by Charman 4 Co., Druggist. HI JIO.IK. In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon, for the County of Clackamas. Washington National lliiihliug) l.oan and Investment Assort anon, a corHrstion, plalulill v. fieorge W, Sinker, tinmar rliHl, Ola M. Sirvker, unmar ried, J. A. Uarker and M. J. Uarker, bis He. J V. Old Icr, and l'ldier, his wile defendants, j To C.eorge V. Strvker. J. A. lUrker, and M. J. Uarker, hi wife, J. V Puller wii.a .-,,-, n i,w, iiririiimi'ifl In the name of the 8iate of On tini you and each ol you are hereby required to ai m-ar ami anower iiiecomiimiiit lile, airali.sl yon In the above entitled cunie on or hWnre Hie Inst day precrued In the onler lor publication l Ihissummons, to wii - On or belnre the tit tt ilay ol September, l'l'l. and if you Ian 10 so appear and ansr ii rree aill be taken sgainst vou lor the relirf graved lor In the complaint herein, which is lor a decree against said itelemlaiil. tleorge V. Sirykrr. lor the sum of one Ihoiltaml ilollars wild Intere'l and pre miiiiu liiereou, each at the rate ol ti per cent per annum Irom and ever since the nrsi itay ol March, lvo, until ptul and the lurlhersum of one hu ml re-1 ttollars attor ney's fres in this suit, and the otls and di'tiureements ol this suit, and that all ol tbe above named sums arw II ml lieu on the land hereinafter ilrecnlxsl, and upon 10 shires of the capital tK ol plii,lill. suc-ribed bv the drlemlant, (ieorge W. 8lryker, on or about the Tilt dav of lVcem- ber, Kr. and by him pledged to plaintit! to secure the promissory note hereiuaiter mentioned, and lor a foreclosure of a cer tain mortgage given by said lieorx V. Sir) ker lo plainuil dated lVcemtier 7. l.VJ, to secure the payment ot a ceruin promt, soiy noie made by said Ueorge VV. Mryker to plaimirf for the sum ot one thousand dollars aid Interest and premium, and reasonable attornet 'a lee In case suitor action should be Instituted lo collect said note or any portion thereof, by which niortgage mi J George W. Mryker oouvevetl to plaiimtl all that ceriain lot, tract, or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in Ihe county of Clackamas, Male of Oregon, to-ail: tliink numbrred riglil () In .-.l-wood's Addit on lo Milwaukee as snown by toe recoraeo piai uiereot oi.reconi in Mid county and state, and lureclosing your, and each of your, and ail persons Claiming bv, through, or under you, or either of you. equity of redemption or other Interest In right to or lien upoti said mortgaged pre mises and tbe whole thereof, saving only the statutory right to redeem, and fore ciotingtbe lien ol plaintitr. upon Mid in shares ot stock pledged by said George W. Stryker as security for Ihe payment ol said promissory note as aforeMid, and lor an order of Mle of said mongaged premises end Mid stork lo satisfy Mid decree ;and you and each ol you are herehy notified that on the itb day ol July, luul, ti,e Honorable Thomas F. Ryan, Judge of the coumy court of the ttate ol Urrgun for ihe County ol Clackamas duly made an order that service Of summons in tills suit be made 0;on said defendants. George W. tjtryker, J. A. lUr ker. and M J. Barker, his wile, J. W. Didier, and JJidier. his wife, and up on each ol them by publication thereof, and that the date of tbe flrsi publication of this summons is July i, I'.tJl. and that tne dale of tbe last pnbhcaiion ol this euiumona is September 6, l'.il. GL'V O. WILLIS. Attorney lor 1'iaiuiitl In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon, for the County of Clackamas. J. R. X. Sell wood, plaintifl.l va. John F. Broeije, Marie Bro etj, Helen U Stratum. Creed W. titration, Lovd L. Stratton, Milton Kav moiid titration, Carrol R I Stratlon. John B.CIelaud, . A. tielaud. .N bun nionson and Fred Strong. Uelendants ) To Creed W. 8i rat ton and ililton Mond itratton. defendant! Ray In the nam' ol the S.ate of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint tiled against you in the aoove entitled cause on or before the loth day of August, lie U. the last day of the lime prescrioeo in tue order lor puoiication ol this summons, to-wit: on or before the expiration ol six weeks Irom tbe day ol the first publication of this sum mong. tne hri,t publication therenl thereof being on the 2th day of June. M.il anu ii you laii to answer lor want Ihereol the plaintii) will apply to the court for the reliel demanded in said comnlaint. to-wit Fur judgment against the defendants. John F. Broeije and Marie Brotie in Ihe sum ol .!iY0u. with interest thereon at the rate ol H per cent per annum Irom the first dav of May. l!li. less $.ni.00, paid Novemlfer L'l. 1; li) pud June l'l, n.H; )7UlM paid Hepiemter.rth.. 1: 7.VtHj i.ald November , ihk with interest thereon at the rate of eigm ir cent per annum from the date ol aid note, and lor the sum of four hundred dollars attorneys lees and for costs and dis btirsements of Ibis mil and that the de feiidants and all persona claiming under l'l in. be lorever barred and foreclosed ol and Irom any and all rights, title interest or equity or redemption in and to the said mongaged premise and from every nan thereof, and for a decree foreclosing plain tiir mortgage described in the complaint uKii the following described property sit uated in Clackamas County, Oregon, hlt: A pari of tbe aoutb half of tbe Oeorire Cmw donation land claim, situated in sections one, two, eleven and twelve, in Township two south of range one east of the Willamette Meridian and beginning at t tie east end of me line dividing tbe Oeorge Crow donation ihiiq ciaim into north and south halves thence westerly along said dividing line twenty eight cnaina and eighty-live link to a point; tnence south to the north line ol tbe lorty acre tract set apart by decree to Ixiuisa Jane Bunnell, thence easterly along '" uunii one ui me iouisa jane uunnell tract, and along the north line ol the forty acre tract set apart by decree lo J. J. Crow, to the east line of the said Oeoree Onw donation land claim: thence northerly along said east Hue ol said claim to the place of beginning; being the east thirty acres of the forty acre tract set apart by decree lo the heirs ol OeorveC-ow den.aju,,i excepting said Louisa Jane Bunnell and J. J. Crow; and for a sale of said properly to satisly taid Judgment and barring and foreclose you of all right, title or Interest in and to said property an( equity of redemp tion to or upon the said iiiortiHi,.rl i.r.r,,,. pes and everv imrt thereof ami fi.r aii. h other and further relief as the nature of this cause may require and as to this court niay seem just and meet. tins publication Is made hv the order ,.t the Hon. T. A. AlcBride. Indira fif the cir. cuitcaurt of the state of Oregon for Clacka mas countv. which order waa dnlv m.,u and entered, June 18th, 1901. C. M. IDLKM AN, Attorney for Plaintiff. Uated June 21, 1901. Gun repairing. Johnson & Lamb. PILLS They overcome Weak ness, Irregularity and omissions, increase vig--or and banish "paina i.i:m In the Circuit Court ol the Hlate of Orrgun for the County of Multnomah. IVriUml Trust Company of Oregon, plaintiir, vs. J C llaveiy and Anna llarrly, ili'lemlant. tt or Onruon, County ol Clackamas Hv virtu of Imlgmeiil order, decree ! All,! Ml, r Weill Ulll llillv la:m,l mil i,l a. ..I I ... .i... n.. ...i ... i . . .. In Ihe above entitled cause, to me duly d reeled and dated the '.Vth day ol June,' upon a jndgiueni renlered and entered in said court en the 1Mb day of Juhe. I'Ml 1 In lavor of I'linluud Trust Company, ol llie gon, ' I is 1 1, 1 i It and against J t' llateiy and Anna llaveiy, defendants, and II. V. Rosa, surety, lor lite sum of to..Vki M, lth intur. est thereon at ihe raleol In ier cent prr an num Irom Ihe .'llh day ol July, I ,1, lir. enrv which judgment asenml led and dock eted in the rink s ntlue ol said rurt in said tMtiniy on Ihe .Vh day of January, l i and w heieas, notice of contribution and repay ment aas (lied lv I. ncinda K .ss, admlula .... i ii i i . iramxanti .siiuiiie i roeirr and l.e'tora Kos, ty her guaridlan, l.tii'lnda Ron, Nov. !'. iMiuiiiandlng ineoiil ol the .xrvmal I'toperty of sai l drlendama and II. W, K. surely, and If stilhrenl ctiuld not be tound, then out of Ihe real property I longing to said di-femlanla and surety to sali-ty the sum ol H.T M now due on said J'utgiiient with Inlerrst liiereou at Ihe rate of ten r cent tr annum from the tb day of IVcemler, l'"i, also costs uihiii this aril. Now, therefore, by virtue of said eiecti lion. Judgment onler and decree, and In compliance with the iummand of Mid writ, bring unable to find any fs,u,al property ol said defendant or surety's I dnl on ihe l.'th day of July, l'si duly' levy I upon tbe lolloaing descrnissl real properli ' ot sal t oetemiauia ami surety situate and I being In the county of Cla kama. stale ol tlregon. Its-wit All utidividej four-ninths lnlr.( In and lo all of the following tlrat-rtbed real property to-wit. Lois threr'(.l) and four (tl In block C) In the town of Canemah, Clackamas county tregn. as shown by the plat and snrvevs ol raid loan of Canemah now on lie In the county clera's otttcw of Clackamas county, Oregon. The north one-half I S)of lot No. one 1 11 and Ihe norm one-h at 1 1 , ol lot numlerl i eiittiU)in block numberetl weidy-ven '.T according to the map and plat of the loan of Oreg in t'liy, Hremui, on tile In tbe county clerks o.'tlce of CI-kam Countv; end lots rummencing at the t orin west C-irncr of said block twenty srven ;.TJ and running thencw easterly .'lo lot; thence southerly 3 Irri uiulS Inche; theiii-ei weaterly '.'10 Irel lo Main street; thence J4 feet and 3 tncbee to the plai-e ol beginnti g. Tbe stiuth one half IS of the James V.imi lVination land l aim. notiticatiuu No 7''J, In section one. twelve, and tbir teen, township three t! south, ranira ! .11 east of Willamette Meridian, In Clai-kani. coumy, Oregon, containing- one huiidrrtl and hll-tlire lit; acres hmre or le.s. Iteginulng at a Slake li chains south and 4.1 chains weal Irom the northern cor. ner ol the John 8. Howland IKn aikm lnd claim ; thei ce south Hi dekre, ti minutes east 40 chains lo a stone; thence stiuth 11 degree. M minute we-l 8 chain to a sum; tnence north l'l degree. 4.' n.nine weat 40 chain to a tak on me north wt bouiit'ary ol sai I claim; Iheiice north 4-t degree ctt , 10 dial' s to Ihe idace of tie- ginning, containing ;rj. re. more or leaa, In Ciackkma county, Oregon. beginning at the northwest comer of Isaac Oordon'a land, or land formerly owned bv him, theme along the hue ol said 1 ttordon tract In a southeasterly direction To rods; tbrnce at righl ang.ra running westerly to the hue of a tract of laud formerly owned by LI). Harding; II northerly along said line ol aanl Harding' tract of land 7u rods, more or leas, to 1, O. Harding's northwest corner; thence In all easterly direction lo Ihe northwest corner of a tract of land formerly owne-l by Lucy A. Burnett; thence southerly lo the ninth west corner of said tract formerly owned by aid Lucy A. Burnett, llo rods; thence easterly along Ihe fin of said Lucy A. Burn etl tract ol land to the place of beu-iiintn con laming Ii'J acre, ihe same being pari of I'blllp hosier a V. L. C. In C'ackamaa couiiiv. Uregon. twinning at a Point thirty I In! feet eaat of where the south line of section nine (til township two south, range two (.'J east 01 the VYniametie Meridian, crosses tne center ol the Oregon anil Caiiloruia railroad, run ning tiieme northerly, tracing the eastern boundary line of aaiii railroad riuht t.f war to a point forty I0J rods north ol said see lion nine '.IJ; thence east parallel with said section line sixty-eight (j rods to the a est rxiundary ol the county road; thence in a southwesterly direction tracing ihe West boundary line of said county ror.il llhv and one-half rods lo line of said aecOou nine 9; thence west Ihlrly-nlne .1'if rod tracing said section line lo place ol oexin dng, containing thirteen anil 3J acres, more or lew, hi Clackamas county, Oregon. Also, lots two, three, four and six, block thirty six in Oregon City. Oregon. And I will, on BATriUlAY, AUGl'HT ?.M, V.,, at the hour of 2;fJ o'clock. P.M.. at tb front door of the County Courl House 111 the Lity ol Orriron Citv. m said county end Mate, sell at public auction suojeci 10 redemption, to the highest bid der, for U. H. gold coin Cash in hand, all the rigut, line ana interest which the within named defendant or surety or either of mem nave In or to the above described real property or any part thereof, lo smiii.v aid execution, Judgment order, decree. Interest. cunia anu an accruing cost. J. J. COOKE, Sheriff of Clnckama Counts nri,,n Dated, Oregon Ciiy. Ore,. July 12, 1'Ul. Notice ot Male oflteiil IHe S- . . - , 1 . . .-s once is nereny given, that, rmrsiimit in an orderof the coumy court of the Hiate 01 Oregon, mr uiackanas cotiiuy, made ami entered on the 11th day of July, 1:101, I will sell at private sale on and alter Aug. pst 17, IWil, Ihe following described real estate, to-wit: TRACT I. The SWt of section 0. containing IM otic an,i iota 1 ana z,oi section 7 coritaln- ing "i .5 acres, more or less, all in T S H 3 K of the Willamette Meridian in Clacka! mas coumy, uregon. TKACT II Beginnings! the intersection of ih V..,l and Butte Creek road with the north bound ary 01 aeciion, a in i 0 h, HI K of tne wiuameite Meridian running thence south 31 deg. 40 mln west 0 l.'ichains thence east Ki deg 4M mln south 710 chains' thence north 8.33 chains to section line thence west on section line, 1.80 chains to' the place of beginning, containing VA acres more or less: also the East u if vi ..1 section 8. t 8s. rlE. of th Wiiu,;.n Mernlinn coiitalnlniHO all In Cluckamas county, Oregon, belonging to the estate of J. L. (V.hran. deceased Bids will be received by the undemignBd on the land last above described, which is near Needy, Clackamas county. Oregon, until the 17th day of August, l!jl. Terms ten per cent on day of sale.balunce on confirmation bv the court. Dated this Kith day ol July, Ifgii Administrator of the Kstate of J L Cochran, deceased. The place to get it fixed. What? Your wheel. Johnson & Lamb. Main street. ,otltc I'lstnl an ttlciurMl. Nollcei linndiy given tlial Ihe iiinler h;m,l Mliniuislialor ol Die i" laic ol l.nkn Coiner, ilcci'asc.l, has film I in llm coiinlv xuirt of the coiinlv of t in kstnaa, alaiti I . of Oicgoii, lila rinal ai count as audi ad mlnlistrator of aai.l iwUio.an.l that Mii (lav.lboMli tlity Aimusl, A.l. IlK'l l l' hour of 10 .10 a. in h twit lined l.y Die Hon. Tlma. K. Ryan. Jtnlgo anl cmrt, a tlm tun" for biMiliig ol j 'ciloua to !! rcoilaiiil llie scillmi.i'iil o eaid i t'slalo. (. I A I r I r I P, .VIininili:ilor n( tin) ralatt ol l.ilVw Comor, ili'i iaMi. Paicl, June S.'i, I'Hil. Malice ol I'lssiil 4 lletiiriit I Notice Is herrhy given that the under slgiod. as i Vei Ul'U ol the estate nl John ti llonnell. ill-erased has llhd l.rr final 'e. Iirl ail'i the coiinly court of Ua. sanns roiiniy, Prrgiin. and that the lion. 1 hoinai K i;n. Judge ol said rourt has si-t Moii day. the ;'d day ol bpleinler. 'i, at lo o'cIih k a. in as the lime lor Ihe arillemeiit lhcri .il and hraili g ol'Ji-t lloi s II rrvl.i, II anv le ma le. Iaied. July l''l. in'UA iitNNi:i r. r'lr. Hi MI I aseallrtl lor l arraiilt Kolloaing Is a Hal of warrants remaining Ui i'alir.l l.o In Ihe clerk's ultliv of I'larka u a coiinlv lor seven yrare ending June, .'.I I'S'I. and II not called lor In tMays liiey a ill Ih C'Sncrllvd : o. Il I.IsS, I 4i II I .".' lev; in.-: lino u;'i ii'i it - IM'l Ida! i.;tt Aslt I'l.Ulip Tatm itallace .ibrighl Mis. A M. Mil. all Mora .VIcMdlan C r. Vseir W. i, Thompaotl fl M J iJ i : t : .1 Id t :a J isi I i : i ; 4 .t 4 I :u F l..hnrg ( Mit'onnell II I. Ilarniim A la L Howard J. M. Mrn alsr .s II Itsmaii J. W. Ha-ker John liranscro Total ko,t l 10 a sir. I.' M -''T .i I I I M 3 ." I "i Ts. lai VTi r '.'.1 f I A t.l iiai Mcll o, J Ml T'.l I V JI l"U III! I.irt lull l'U I'M I l'.t lie-'rw andmkn II Wbeimore M Knrts F War l,oiili II atu II Irani IVikal Frank Itowmau Ua HaUa John Mate Charira t'uehran It Ki'irr Pari Uase Total.. . Stdi or Omoosj t'oi'SH or Claiktsua.s I, K. II C.ir. roiinl clerk of the ali I named phihii and stale, ai.il rink ( ih 1 cmnly court of the cm Mr id I l.rlii.,n i ami Male nl Orrkon. do heiahv reriilv inal the loregulng coi v of aarranla nrrf sesen )ear prior lo June '.si. si. ami uncalled me compared for has in by lib the original, and that It la a correct transcript thrrelrom and t ol the whole ol such original aa the same appear in re.tmi ri my oltl.-e and In my rare and ctialo-ty. In testimony where.il hat hereunto set my i.ami and altltad Ihe seal ol said court this :"Hh day ol June, psil F.. II CiHifKU, ' Coutiiy Clerk.' Satire fwr Ihra t loai. Tinitier Land Act June .1, It;. l'plle.1 Males Land 1 irflce. Oregoj Cy, Oregon. July . JU. .Notice I hern,) given that in compliance wtlh tne provlsliiua of the a- id Congre of June 3. KS, entitled "An acl lor lb a I of timber land In Ih Hta'ea of tail lorn'a. Oregon. Nevada, and Washington Territory" (amended to all the public Land Hiale by acl of August 4. I1".', O.M.A11 U WAKDKN. of Portland, county of Multnomah, Hiale ol Oregon, ha this day filed In ihia oltlr bis worn statement No. M.VI, lur tne purchase of Ihe tie; ol .terimn No. 30 hi lownaMp No. 5 8, Kange No. 4 K. and will oiler pr.N.I to bow that Hi lanat oughi ) mora valu able for tu ilmiieror atone than lor ag'i cululural purpose, and to esiahli.h his claim lo said land before the Itcgister and Receiver of this ullne at Oregon t'iiy Ore gon on Saturday, the '.'Htn day of nepu-ui-ber, Url. He name a witnesses: Man I. hersen. Y. W. Merrltt. A. It Mendenball. J.t;. Burke, all ol Portland Any ami all prisons claiming adversely the amive descrll.ed lands are requested lo lile their claims In this nllli e a f lielore aui sum uay ol rtentember, CHAM. B. jtOoKKM. Ite)(atr. Mnlooai l.lrvnae. Notice I hereby given that I will apply to the city council at It regular meeting for a license to sell liquor at my present place of buslnes on Heventh itreel. License to dale from August 'Jf, 1!). Oregon City, July 22, I'M. K. Brukk. ' Wood Wanted. Bid will he received hy Ihe Hoard of County Commissioners for J10 cords of well seasoned yellow fir wood four (net long- cut from live timber, bids U be op ened at the regular August term at o'clock p. in. A Delist 8, m. Woo J to be delivered on or before October 1st, 1001. Ihe Hoard reserves the rlfht to reject any ami all hids. Dated July 17, 1901. E. II. Cooi-kb, County Clerk. Nolltte, Notice Is hereby given that Ihe board of county commissioners of Clackamas county, Oregon, will receive sealed bids up and until Angust Uth, 1901, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. in for the county printing and the furnishing of county supplies tonne ensuing year, I . - The printing to consist of tax lists. execution notices, proceedings of tho board of county commissionera, legal blanks and all advertising and printing which tbe county or any of Its officers is required to do. Also, lo furnish all stationery, blank books, registration blanks, election tickets and duplicates. record books and all supplies ol what ever kind and nature uied by the county oincers. The board reserves the right to reject any and all bids, E. II. Coopkb, County Clerk, Dated July 10, 1901. 1 kka'ITIK i:li:i:tki. ( Iiommi (.t nriiil Sci n'liiry ofllip V. M. V. X, ni'iiM. t (isiMi iti:k .unuvrM). I'fj.l.al II it lor to Ho iItIiI Si I Icihb. r i iul 4r'lr tiuilt ( ommi m e, The l-oar.l of iltfi lure ( lli Yung Milt's ( litl-tliin Asm Ulloit lielil a liirctlng and vIimIi'.I V, tiill.itt Itralli general eocrriaiy nl lli aaifiaiuui, Mr, Uratllo Ii 'eigne mi,ii In tlm I'ug' he lilk'li n ln. I to snrpl I lir rail and will take ai live tneaaure witlmlil delay lo make lie bn al s-h lalloii all It alioutd le. lie graduated wlili ligh Imiioi lat June front Ihe Ciilverll of Oregon and I an energetic capal.ln young man. I'. It Jactiba.nl ll.o Oregon City Man iiIji tiirit g t oinpaiiy, M Koaeiihauui, l the Crow n l apt-r Company, ami N. It, Lang, l 11.0 Willamette I'ulp and I'apt r I'ompntiy, were appointed a rtuiiiiilllie 10 audit the iiIxk f pitioti. wdlt li total l.'.oiki. Of tin uuio.int i.'.ism U 11 I to pay nil 0UItli.llng lndebtilliil nd the balance) In Iniprovitig liiw liulnb lug A physical tlirrvtor will m nuiployed neat tiionih and rlaaare will te fornmd. Mioilld it tint ! .aiblo to obtain lew Ident duet-tor, tin litsard wl'l arrange to as-ciire he aetViira ol the ilirtH'tor ol the Portland Y. M. l A. for at leal lo daya of the week .Many mature relating lo the K'mmI i4 the aaatariatlon Wnrw kuliaidrrrd at lt ii glil' nit-ctltig and the) hoard arrangrt) uBlalls and plan of renovating lha build lug and adjusting the indiditetliieaai. Salmon ( miliars It Onl'roy, of ra'rhavnn, Wash , pro lliuter tsf the aa! limn combine, recently incorporated with a capital of f .'-",(. ha returned to the rsiaat after aotue tune nl In New York City, enllling capi tal fur the rnlerprlaai. The ttxiipalilna a ho have voted loctma.ili.lata are ; I'arlflc American Heleriral'uuip ny One cannery at Friday Harbor, Man Juan Islam), Waahltiglon, and three canneries at Kalrliavrn, Wash. Fetrhavru ('lining C'uinpanv One cannery at Falrhayeo, Wa.h. Ainawortli A Ounn One t annery at Blaine, Wah , and oti at hcwlilo. raciilc Mnarn Whaling I'oitipany Seven canneriee in Alaaka, Alaska Fishermen's 1'arkltig l'omsny of Aetorla, Or. One cannery at Bristol Bay, Alaska. floaton KUMng k Trading Company, of I'orilabd One ratinery at Yea Bay, Al.-ka. Chlliotil I'acklng Company, ol I'ort land One cannery on Clulkat Illvef, Alaska. Taku I'at king Coinpariy, of Oregon One cannery at Taku I'oint, Alaska. . Taku Fishing Company One cannery at Siii llUliam, Alaska. Chalhain htralt I'acklng Company One cannery on Chatham Htralt, Alaska. (Quadra Packing Company -On can nery on (Quadra Bay, Alaaka. Icy Snait Tacking Company One cannery 011 Jlartlitl Il sy, Alaaka, and one at I'rterehiirg. Western laherlea (ominy, of I"ort land One cannery on Ihimlaa Bay, Alaska. Thlinket racking Companr, of I'ort land Ofiscatiriery at fiirard I'oint and one at Hanta Anna. Alaeka. It Is understood that acveral other plant will aMin paa In t the hands of the truat upon term already accepted. Hid will bei received by the Hoard ol Count Commissioners for (17,o00 feetol lumlmr for the Ahernethy road and J,H00 feet of litmUr lr the Aiieroii road, plank to he Ki feet x 3 In. x 8 to 12 In. Kald lumber to Imi delivered on roads ready for laying down by Beptem lier, 20, 1001. Hids will be opened August 9. lOOI.al 2 o'clock p. in. The Hosril reserves the right lo rrloct any and all bids. K. If. COOI'RR, County Clerk. Hids will be received hy the Board of C. ..... r. 1. f . wuiiiy onimisHioner ior a county pnysician lor the ensuing year, said physician to furnish medicine, medical attendance, appliances and iierform all surgical operati ms for the county poor ajiti inmates for the county jail. lMds to be opened at the reiitilar August term at 3 o'clock, August 8. 1901 J he Hoard reserves the right to 1 elect any ana all bpls. la.... K. II. Cooi-Kit, County Clerk, CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars tho Signature of s KIIANCIIISI! IS VOIli l'. ('. A; 0. 11, ( oiiiiiitiy Wniit Nnv Ariuiiv'fiiM'iit JHilc, kxi'mt mi. ruriuirr iummh,. In Couitt ll UOpp si'diut.uti,,, i rsKtt( l riisinrlrtiMn 1'ilHipge mi wals Mrrrt. When the old l a.t M,n lUIUay, m the I'orlUml City , Oregon ItalUav Cu pauy aa hmll, the company r,B a M) year fraiichlae hotil Oregon t'iyt riincaisou Main sired ami eUut UM, year ago were gr4iile. a lratii hlf,. 10 yrara to run an rat-re. i, tla, original (tai'thiso aii nixlilng al.i (relg'il t are ami tho mieyrlomim tJ lt dmlare that Ii.hi car fi.i,i limali pawngrr rare, urit.it- ff,),, rar or apft vit, or nuno uiUr of rar am .itillii,, Last io.eiiilirr Ihe cdinpany sppllij lof a i:l )er franchlw, Kivlng n.nq m rUl.l to lay a d-i'iU.i track mi Ui si rr-t ami lo run a paaapnger, frel(i, and etnrraa hu.lne. The fiamhiie aa grained but In January a nr con, cil tame Into tanr and dmlarail U, ordinance void a Il paaM-,j ,( M a. Ijniifiifd liiTilng. contrary ,n,t vlaion of Ih ihsrler. Tao m.mihti-, one of the rmtipany's freight rar uv ftire arreete-l fr vliWating an or,J. nance a huh forbid runtiing Im.-tdf Oil the atresia, II plea led lliailj, f ram h:e ordinance a hie iisirt,'jg4 but Itecorder Currf rule-1 Dial I tM n 1 Juatirti-atloit, a the ordinantw M Void. Wheleuett the Coin-any fcr4 writ ol feyiew to Ilia rn ui riairl k4 It a ill piea.iiiial ly corn tip I r U4 In the NoveliilK-r Irriii, Mfarial.il ii company have rn.de overture l (1 rlty for rt'iiipruni or llnanre, hat dns lai. 111 or Sa'rremetil haa y t rraihe-l. The Itlcrr of I Imi rtupar talk a though, they Would rsneti lo IU Bluiluienl ol the preannl ord.liaitce Ut hea Vie I grnte. thnti.htii lUcoatail d'a not mui diascHl lo (rant tsf (might prlvilrgne on Main lrds ali vidual opinion, among the ruutvil, s) opiHaml .j giving ar frknrl.ls U.U may he l4 large value In the fuhtre, id II I bIm oppoaavl toperniUlingtheriiy't principal hrtuglilre lo hra 1 paeaatfe fur (rrlghl trains. In f t -itue of the councilman srM In favor of rare running on Main stnet at all, ami say that ncli a rik-bia hoilld never have Uevlt given 10 Ua company, but they would have n e- Jectlon to freight train runnlrif Water street, where tbe tratk tnJ have laren ptacw.1. The only oba'atl la the way la the Oregon Ciiy TrattsparU tluri Corn p. 111 'a aharf, which roe J eaaily he overcome by a treat!. Another int ntra Into the quettios ami that la the payment for street lac provnnent The ordinance pa4 tow year ago granting the company ll) year frm biae io run an esprva car oe Main etrettt, provide fur tho pymot leiti againat the company and speclflr that llHtkl hl be paid each year ontil IM'sl It i pant a it tt right per rent la-trr-.t from May 31, JhiM. A failurs of the company lo mm ply with the provis ion work a for fell mo of the oruinaeo and the council claim thai the company have me I no payments ainre last Feb ruary. There I alio a difference ef opinion lo the amount dun from It company ami at present a been of f-3 a year la U'lng paid. This license aolhorlitml ( tho ,.n was paid in full prior to June I, IlktJ, but after that lift) tU coon. II may determine the amooot to Ixi charged. Wirt Minor, of tbe Portland la Arm of Cotton, Teal and Minor, attorneys for Ihn I'orl!aiid City and Oregon Kall'sr Comiiaiiy, was In town Tuesday In coo sulfation with the mayor and the etty attorney in relation to Ihe granting of new freight franchise to the enmpsny. but no definite arrangement has ba made). The Oregon City A Southern IUII7 Company, which Is an extension of ll I'. 0. A 0. Railway, Is contemplatl"! the construction of a blir warehou 1 Canemah, preparatory to enlarglnK the'f freight traffic. While the crossing! b not lieen constructed over the Hotithero raclflo Coiimativ's traca-s. ismdinK t'lf acceptance of the reiwrt of the eotiimi alon anoolnind lo renort on sdvlssliiHlf of a grade or other crossing, tho 0. C 8. Company evidently assume that n' report favoring a grade crossing will I acceptable and the Interlocking- wlte,,e are already ordered. It Is expei'M U the tip-river Iwata will transfer llelr frelnht at Canemah, near the end of l trolley lino where the warehouse litoJ coustrticted, ami save lockage charge! of 50 cents per ton. For Vnnnir M.a anil Tnuila rVomOll There Is nothing that will '"" Ire of a vonnir man or woman 0 Q,IICI M to bavo interior laundry work put oil tl,,.,., 1-1. n,u .tr.iua aver SO W"i tiiiiiii, .lltJT oils mwnn v.-- . hut it thoir shirt trout or shirt watJ inussy their neat appoaranoe la spoil The Troy laundry makes a specia'iJ w ladloa' and umitlomen's fine w'0"' There can be no bottor work than 1 done at the Trov. Ieave your order Johnson'! barber shop, II,. make til I1I1 0110 1 no." 1 kliin, t'tlorit s 1 Krcw 1 tiling 1 "Do rule?" ".No," Idly; , Then llei "No," fru U "omniii "Hut Hon." "Pcrli "'at so !"nly wtl "'i-y .1, Ntar. Be Enn.1,1 I'Clnir 111 1 0 tlio n J'fint nil Clerk- ft tl, uougi, t ! I fol yy. 1, lon a m, llr'i his l T'lO Sfe, (UlIIRlt,